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La Xarxaire

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Cooperative housing is the exploration of mixed building systems to respectfully adapt to the existing urban landscape, the typological characteristics of the project and, in general, to commit to the environmental sustainability of the planet.


Given the severe global housing crisis, we’re fighting to develop an alternative culture of habitation. We need architecture that responds to the new modes of living together, while learning to implement collective generosity above individualism. Architecture by the community and for the community.

AAVV. Curso de cooperativas de viviendas. Madrid: Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid, Comisión de Vivienda, 1991.

AAVV. Europa: Gemeinsam wohnen = Europe: co-operative housing. Berlin: Jovis, cop. 2015.

AAVV. «Futurs possibles: cooperatives, de la propietat a l’ús». Quaderns d’arquitectura i urbanisme, no. 265 (2013).

AAVV. Impuls de les cooperatives d’usuàries d’habitatges: per a una política pública cooperativa d’accés a l’habitatge a Catalunya. Barcelona: La Dinamo Fundació; Lacol SCCL, 2020.

AAVV. Lavorare in architettura: la cooperazione di abitazione. Venice: La Biennale di Venezia; Milan: Electa, c1982.

AAVV. New housing in Zurich: typologies for a changing society. Zurich: Park Books, 2017.

AAVV. More than housing: cooperative planning, a case study in Zürich. Basel: Birkhäuser; Zurich: Edition Wohnen, cop. 2016.

Bobé i Mallat, Eduard. Manual per a les cooperatives d’habitatges. Barcelona: Federació de Cooperatives d’Habitatges de Catalunya, 1987. Comes, Vicente. «En común, más barato: cooperativas de vivienda en la CEE». MOPU: Revista del Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Urbanismo, no. 371 (december 1989), pp. 88-93, 1989.

Centro cooperativista Uruguayo. Dinámica cooperativa , no. 126, november 2016. Delz, Sascha; Rainer Hehl, Patricia Ventura (edts). Housing the Co-op: A Micro-political Manifesto. Berlin: Ruby Press, 2020.

Falagán, David H. Flexibility and gender equality in housing. Barcelona: Institut Municipal de l’Habitatge i Rehabilitació de Barcelona, 2019.

Jones, Peter B., Petrescu, Doina & Till, Jeremy. Architecture and Participation London: Taylor & Francis, 2009.

Lacol Arquitectura Cooperativa. Construir en col·lectiu: participació en arquitectura i urbanism e. Barcelona: Pol·len Edicions, SCCL, setember 2018. Lacol, La Ciutat Invisible. Habitar en comunidad: la vivienda cooperativa en cesión de uso. Madrid: Los Libros de la Catarata; Barcelona: Fundación Arquia, 2018. LaFond, Michael. Cohousing inclusive: selbstorganisiertes, gemeinschaftliches Wohnen für alle = self-organized, community-led housing for all. Berlin: Jovis, 2017. https://cohousing-inclusive.net/the-book/ Magriñà, Josep. La Cooperativa de viviendas. Barcelona: CEAC, 1981. Mogollón García, Irati. Arquitecturas del cuidado: hacia un envejecimiento activista. Barcelona: Icaria, 2019.

Moreno, Anna. «Habitatge cooperatiu: cooperativa d’habitatges La Borda a l’antiga fàbrica de Can Batlló al barri de Sants de Barcelona». Informatiu del Col·legi d’Aparelladors i Arquitectes Tècnics de Barcelona , no. 365 (setember 2020).

Moore, Tom; and David Mullins. «Scaling up or going viral? Comparing self-help housing and community land trust facilitation», Voluntary Sector Review, 4-3, 2013, pp. 333-353.

McCamant, Kathryn. Cohousing: a contemporary approach to housing ourselves 2nd ed. / with Ellen Hertzman. Berkeley, California: Ten Speed, cop. 1994.

Ñudi Tornero, Antonio. Un espacio para el coliving. Madrid: Fundación Arquia, 2021. Sepúlveda Navarro, Leonardo. Coliving: desarrollo y adaptación de la vivienda compartida en Barcelona. Barcelona: ETSAB, 2020.

Tegnestuen Vandkunsten. Housing. Stockholm: Arvinius + Orfeus, 2018.

Till, Jeremy. Architecture and Contingency. Sheffield: The School of Architecture, University of Sheffield, 2008.

Cohousing in Barcelona

Architecture from / for the community

Published by Actar Publishers, New York, Barcelona and Barcelona City Council

Editorial and Publishing Council of the City of Barcelona

Jordi Martí Grau, Marc Andreu Acebal, Águeda Bañón Pérez, Xavier Boneta

Lorente, Marta Clari Padrós, Núria Costa

Galobart, Sonia Frias Rollon, Pau Gonzàlez Val, Laura Pérez Castaño, Jordi Rabassa Massons, Joan Ramon

Riera Alemany, Pilar Roca Viola, Edgar Rovira Sebastià and Anna Giralt Brunet.

Communication Director

Águeda Bañón

Editorial Services Director

Núria Costa Galobart

Direcció de Serveis Editorials

Passeig de la Zona Franca, 66

08038 Barcelona

Tel. +34 93 402 31 31 w ww.barcelona.cat/barcelonallibres


Edited by

Marta Bugés, Ricardo Devesa, David Lorente, Tomoko Sakamoto

Graphic Design spread. Tomoko SakamotoDavid Lorente


Office of the Councillor for Housing and Renovation and Office of the Housing Manager at Barcelona City Council

Carles Alcoba (Sostre Cívic)

Cristina Grau

La Dinamo Fundació

Paco Herrero (Llar Jove SCCL)

Societat Orgànica

Conversations with Carles Baiges

Joan Barba

Diego Carrillo

Lali Daví

Jaume Elias

Lis Figueras and Toni Vidal

Sònia Hernández

Marta Peris and José Toral

Eulàlia Tubau

Pau Vidal


Angela Kay Bunning, 6-11, 36, 56, 82, 95, 96-101, 104, 122-125, 132, 150-157, 164, 182-185, 194-195, 206-209, 210-214

Colleen McCarroll, 12-31, 34, 38-53, 54, 58-78, 84-91, 102, 106-121, 126-129, 130, 134-148, 158-161, 162, 166-179, 186-191, 192, 196-204

Printing and binding

Arlequin & Pierrot, Barcelona


To all the architects and photographers, members of cooperative associations, and housing cooperatives with their communities of residents who participated so generously and/or contributed their time and knowledge as well as the documentation and graphic material necessary for the realisation of this book.

All rights reserved

© of the edition: Actar Publishers and Barcelona City Council, 2023 © of the texts, their authors © of the graphic documentation, their authors © of the photographs, their authors

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Actar D, Inc. New York, Barcelona. www.actar.com

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ISBN: 978-1-63840-090-5 (Actar)

ISBN: 978-84-9156-510-9 (Barcelona City Council)

DL: B 11003-2023

Library of Congress Control Number: 2023931712

Printed in Europe

Publication date: June 2023

Photographic credits

© Manel Armengol, 35

© Joan Barba, 44 (right), 45, 46, 49 (top)

© Antonio Cansino, 146 (left)

© Chopo, 75 (left)

© DEL RIO BANI , 165, 169, 177, 180-181

© Andrés Flajszer, 109, 114, 115, 119 (top right), 119 (bottom right)

© Joan Guillamat, 133, 135, 137, 141, 150-151

© José Hevia, 103, 105, 111, 113, 119 (top left), 119 (bottom left)

© IMHAB, 12, 17, 55, 68, (bottom)

© La Borda SCCL, 60

© La Chalmeta, 6, 121

© La Dinamo Fundació, 94

© La Mar d’arquitectes, 163, 166, 167, 168, 170, 172, 174, 175, 176, 178, 179

© La Morada SCCL, 156

© Lacol SCCL, 20-21, 32, 57, 61, 63 (bottom), 68 (top), 70, 79, 185

© Gabriel López, 63 (top)

© Joan Massagué, 144-145, 146 (right), 149

© Lluc Miralles, 66, 75 (right)

© Guifré de Peray, 147

© Sostre Cívic SCCL, 37, 39, 40, 44 (left), 196

© Andreu Trias, 41, 47, 49 (bottom)

© Álvaro Valdecantos, 69, 71, 72

© Milena Villalba, 81, 83, 84, 86, 88, 90, 92-93

Front cover: © La Morada

Back cover: La Borda, © Lacol

The content, data and graphic presentation of the chapter ‘Cooperative housing. Community living at right-to-use cooperative housing ’ (pp. 20-31) originally come from the traveling exhibition ‘Cooperative cohousing’, presented in Barcelona in 2022, produced by the Barcelona City Council and the Municipal Institute of Housing and Rehabilitation of Barcelona, and managed by Barcelona Regional.




Pau Faus

Production design and installation

Central de Projectes

Exhibition design lacreativa.com

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