1 minute read


Bardon de Tena [C]

ARCH 6011 -Culture- is the first half of a two-studio sequence for the new graduate students enrolled in the summer courses. The main goal of the course is to help new students build the foundational skills of design and graphic processes and to learn the nature of studio work. This becomes the first step of the largest goal during their three-and-a-half year program: to become “visual thinkers” who transform their ideas into spatial organizations.


Through the analysis and transformation of a case study, the students explore the relationship between concepts, spatial schemes, and programs. This process helps them understand the importance of clarity on the architectural scheme, by working with the “front of the house” and “back of the house” in different typologies: one public museum or gallery and one private housing project.

By starting with a case study, each student goes through a process of extracting, abstracting, exploring, relocating, and re-programming, to arrive at their proposal integrated into the New Orleans urban grid. The use of diagrams, catalogs, 2D representation plans/sections/elevations, axonometric projections, and perspectives help them as they learn main representation strategies.


public to private. From private to public.

From various contexts to the New Orleans urban grid.

The methodology encourages the class to develop proposals by using both general thinking — to work with clear ideasand, specific thinking — to contextualize them on real context and needs.

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