2 minute read
Deux mains dans la terre. Vers une transition agroécologique. Jacques Caplat and Laëtitia Rouxel
17 × 23 cm 128 pages in color softback october 2021 estimated retail price: 22 €
Jacques Caplat is an agronomist and anthropologist. The son of an organic farmer, he worked as a field technician in Africa and then at the Chamber of Agriculture and at gab, the Parisian region organic farmers’ association. He was then a coordinator at the national organic federation fnab, where he was in charge of agricultural, environmental and seed policy. He has written several books on organic farming published by Actes Sud and gives lectures and offers training and consultancy services www.changeonsdagriculture.fr Laëtitia Rouxel is the author of comic books. Her works include Un quart né (Jarjille, 2014), Des graines sous la neige (Locus Solus, 2017), Esther Volauvent (L’Œuf, 2017), Douze balles montées en breloque (Goater, 2018), Brigande ! (Locus Solus, 2019) and Carrefour des mondes, nos lettres persanes (Locus Solus, 2019).
Vers une transition agroécologique TWO HANDS IN THE EARTH
Towards an agroecological transition
Jacques Caplat and Laëtitia Rouxel Follow up of the file written by Jacques Caplat
Afarmer, with the valuable input of his wife and daughter, reevaluates his profession and decides to transition to organic farming in a bid to regain his independence. In the course of his journey, his perspective on agriculture evolves as he realises that a farmer can be a genuine “climate saviour” and a driver of regional renewal. Fred is a cereal farmer who is looking to expand, whereas his wife Mel has started to question his mode of production. But their disagreements are personal not professional, and indeed they feel closer than ever as they await the birth of their first child. Eight years pass and the farm has grown and been modernised, but Fred feels completely reliant on his cooperative. His wife’s criticisms over the years have finally seeped in and forced him to take stock. He announces to his wife that he is going to start over from scratch, which brings them closer together and wins him Mel’s active support. At the outset, Fred has no fixed idea in mind, but he informs himself through podcasts, conferences and discussions with others. He is constantly guided by his daughter Thémis, who encourages him, surprises him, and even on occasion reproaches him. In the second phase, he explores alternative practices, visiting another farm, talking things over with a neighbouring farmer, and meeting a farmer who selects his own seeds. Having laid the groundwork, Fred then proceeds to transform his farm and his farming practices.
The technical details are given in a dossier at the end of the book, the main text focusing on the human dimension to this personal odyssey.
The book has been supported by the Biocoop Grand-Ouest network and the Agir pour l’environnement association.