

Making sense of the teams in your business

Making sense of the teams in your business
As a small business owner, you know that teamwork is essentialforbusinessgrowthandsuccess.Buthowdoyou build a high-performance team that can deliver the desiredresults?
Diversity in the Workplace: Why It Matters and How to PromoteIt
Conflict Resolution in the Workplace: Turning Conflict intoanOpportunityforGrowth
Itisafactthatorganisationsofallsizesexperiencegreater tangible results and reach higher levels of productivity whentheirpeopleworktogether
Why? Because working together as a team and delivering quality outcomes that impact the bottom line gives everyoneasenseofpride.
Strong teams become committed to the company culture and they realise their role is an integral part of reaching corporateobjectives.
Theyaremoreefficientandeffectiveinaccomplishingwork andachievingresults.
They become empowered through their commitment to participate, more co-operative, more involved, more communicative and informed which in turn raises their levelofcontributionoverall.
Inshort,theyrecognisethattogether,teamsdeliver better.
Oneofthekeystobuildingasuccessfulbusinesswithhigh performingteamsiscreatingapositivecompanyculture A positive company culture is one where employees feel valued, supported, and motivated to do their best work. It's about fostering a sense of community, shared values, and a clear vision for the future. In this section, we'll discuss sometipsforcreatingapositivecompanyculture.
Defining Your Company Culture. The first step in creating a positive company culture is defining it. What areyourvalues?Whatisyourmissionstatement?What isthevisionforthefutureofyourbusiness?Theseareall questions that you need to answer to create a strong foundation for your company culture. Once you ' ve defined your company culture, communicate it clearly to your employees, and ensure that it's reflected in everythingthatyoudo.
Lead by Example . As the business owner, you set the tone for your company culture. Your actions and behaviorswillbecloselywatchedbyyouremployees,so it's important to lead by example. Be consistent in your approach to work and ensure that your actions reflect your company culture. For example, if your company values teamwork, ensure that you ' re collaborating with your team members and encouraging them to work together.
EncourageEmployeeFeedback.Encouraging employee feedback is essential to creating a positive company culture Employees want to feel like they have a voice and that their opinions are valued. Provide opportunities for feedback through regular employee surveys, suggestion boxes, or one-on-one meetings withmanagers.Thiswillhelpyouidentifyareaswhereyourcompanyculturecan beimproved.
Celebrate Successes. Celebrating successes is an important part of creating a positive company culture Recognise employees for their hard work, and celebrate milestones and achievements. This will help to build morale, boost motivation,andreinforceyourcompanyculture.
Creating a positive company culture takes time and effort, but the benefits are well worthitandyourwillbusinessthrive
Corporatecultureistheonlysustainablecompetitiveadvantage thatiscompletelywithinthecontroloftheentrepreneur.
—DavidCummings,founderof10companies,includingPardot, SalesLoft,andTerminus.
In today's competitive job market, attracting and retaining top talent can be a challenge, but it's also essential to the success of your business. These days, employees are discerning about who they work for and it’s vital you stand out as an employer of choice, offering more than just a salary
While your company culture, values, and mission play a crucialroleinbuildingastrongemployerbrand,youshould also be clear about your expectations and offer competitive compensation packages and benefits if you wishtoattracttoptalent.
Streamlining your hiring process and using technology to make it straightforward for candidates to apply and stay engagedthroughouttheprocesscanmakeiteasierfortop candidates to engage with you. Be sure to communicate regularly throughout the hiring process and provide feedbackontheirapplication,regardlessoftheoutcome.
Onceyou'veattractedthebestcandidates,itisessentialto retain them. Offer opportunities for growth and development, provide regular feedback and recognition, and be transparent about your business goals and objectives Ensureemployeesfeelvaluedandsupported
Finally,it'simportanttoaddressanyissuesthatmaycause employees to leave. Be sure to hold exit interviews to understand why employees are leaving and then take steps to fix any major concerns before you lose any more talentedteammembers.
Attracting and retaining top talent is a key to success for any small business - make sure yours is the business they choosetoinvestin.
Acquiringtherighttalentisthemostimportantkeytogrowth. Hiringwas–andstillis–themostimportantthingwedo.
MarcBenioff,Founder,Chairmanandco-CEOofSalesforceSelectingtherightpeopleforyourteamisonlythestart.It’s justoneoftheingredientsthatcontributetothemakingof a dream team but there are other factors at play too. Factors that you can control and manage to ensure they complementyourteam
1.StrongLeadership - As a business owner, you need to provide strong leadership to guide and back up your team It’s about demonstrating quality leadership that facilitates your team members as they deliver on businessobjectives
2.HavingaCommonGoal-Yourteamneedsacommon goalthateveryonesharesandfocuseson.
3. Clear Rules of Engagement - It is essential to set the rules of the game so that everyone knows what’s expectedandhowto‘playnicelytogether.’
4. Action Plan - Create an action plan that everyone is awareofandfollowing.
5. Support for Risk-Taking - Encourage calculated risktaking,withoutcompromisingbusinessobjectives.
6. Involvement and Inclusion - 100% involvement and inclusion are essential for effective teamwork. That means communicating with your team on a want-toknow basis or an ought-to-know basis, not just a needto-knowbasis
Of the six keys to building a high-performance team, the firstkeyisleadership.Foraverygoodreason.
Your leadership style plays a critical role in shaping your team's behavior and performance and therefore understandingyourleadershipstyleisessential
To understand your leadership style, look at your task behaviour – how you get involved with team members, how you tell them what to do, when and where. And then lookatyourrelationshipbehaviour–thisismoretodowith how you explain to your team, listen, encourage and facilitateteammembersastheygoabouttheirtasks
Some managers will concentrate more on task related behaviour while others will lean more towards relationship behaviour.Somewillbeamoreevenblendofthetwo.
It’simportanttonotethereisplaceinbusinessforallstyles.Forexample,ifyouhave an employee who is reliable, experienced and self-sufficient, you won’t need to overseeandencouragetoomuchatall.Soyouwouldapplyaleadershipstylewitha lowfocusontaskANDrelationshipsupport.
Butwithanewteammemberyoumayneedtoprovideahighleveloftaskfocused support while they grow their confidence in the role. Then once they are more competent in the tasks and start to require more emotional support and encouragementtoflourishfurther,youcouldaddinmoreoftherelationshipfocused leadershipbehaviourstomeetthisneed
Remember, there is no one preferred leadership style What is important though is how you adapt your style to suit certain situations and evolve it as things change withinyourbusiness.
–MichaelJordan,formerprofessionalbasketballplayerand businessman“Earnyourleadershipeveryday.”
Asaleader,oneofthemostimportantaspectsofyourrole is to build trust with your team and encourage open communication. By doing so, you can create an environment that fosters collaboration, honesty, and mutual respect, ultimately leading to improved performanceandamorepositiveworkplaceculture
Here are a few tips on how to build trust and encourage communicationintheworkplace:
BeTransparent. Transparencyiscrucialwhenitcomes tobuildingtrustwithyourteam.Beopenandhonestwith your employees about your expectations, goals, and decision-makingprocesses.Shareinformationaboutthe company ' s performance, successes, and challenges. Thisleveloftransparencycanhelpemployeesfeelmore involvedandinvestedinthecompany'ssuccess.
Listen Actively. Encourage open communication by listeningactivelytoyourteammembers Whensomeone speaks, give them your full attention, and ask questions toensureyouunderstandtheirperspective.Thiswillhelp your team members feel valued and heard, and it will alsohelpyougainabetterunderstandingoftheirneeds andconcerns
ProvideRegularFeedback.Regularfeedbackisessential for building trust and improving communication with your team. Make sure to provide constructive feedback that is specific, timely, and actionable. This can help employees improve their performance and feel more confidentintheirroles
Toeffectivelycommunicate,wemustrealisethatwe arealldifferentinthewayweperceivetheworldand usethisunderstandingasaguidetoour communicationwithothers.
TonyRobbins,authorandspeakerCreateanOpen-DoorPolicy.Finally,considerimplementinganopen-doorpolicy. This means letting your team know that they can approach you with questions, concerns, or ideas at any time This can help create a sense of trust and encourage communication. When employees feel comfortable coming to you, you can address issues proactively, which can ultimately lead to better performanceandamorepositiveworkplaceculture.
Understandteamdynamics.Ashumans,weallhavedistinctpersonalities,which can impact team dynamics. Leaders can gain insight into how team members mightworkbesttogetherandaccentuatestrengthswhilesupportingweaknesses by using individual behavioural assessments like the DISC personality profile to predict general behaviours in specific circumstances. Understanding the dynamicsoftheteaminthiswaycanhelpleadersfosteramoreproductiveand cohesiveworkenvironment.
Diversity and inclusivity in the workplace are crucial to the successofanybusiness Havingadiverseteamallowsfora wider range of perspectives and ideas, leading to better decision-making and increased creativity Promoting a culture of inclusion sends a message that everyone is welcomeandvalued,leadingtomorecohesiveteamsand ultimatelybetterresults.
Start with your hiring practices. Be intentional about seeking out diverse candidates and creating a hiring processthatisfairandunbiased.
Create a culture of inclusion. Make sure your policies and practices are designed to be welcoming and accommodatingtoallemployees.
Foster open communication. Encourage employees to share their experiences and perspectives, and be open tofeedbackandsuggestionsforimprovement.
Creating a diverse and inclusive workplace isn't just a box to check though, it's an ongoing process that requires commitmentandeffort.Butbytakingafewsteps,youcan create a culture that values differences and supports the successofallemployees.
Thepathtodiversitybeginswithsupporting, mentoring,andsponsoringdiversewomenandmento becomeleadersandentrepreneurs.”
–DeniseMorrison,formerchiefexecutiveofficerof CampbellSoupCompany.
Conflict is inevitable in any workplace, but it's how you handleitthatcanmakeallthedifference
Managing conflict in a small business team can be challenging, but with the right strategies, it can also be an opportunity for growth and learning. By encouraging open communication, understanding the root cause of the conflict, finding common ground, and collaborating on a resolution, you can help your team move forward in a productiveandpositiveway.
Whileyoumaynotlikeconflict,manyofusdon’tafterall,it's important to recognise that conflict isn't always a bad thing.Infact,itcanbeasignofhealthydisagreementand diverse perspectives. However, if that conflict is left unresolved,itcanescalateandbecomedetrimentaltothe teamandthebusinessasawhole.
Promoteopencommunication.Createanenvironment whereteammembersfeelcomfortableexpressingtheir concerns and ideas Encourage active listening and avoidinterruptingordismissingothers'perspectives.
Identifytherootcauseoftheconflict. Take the time to understand the underlying issues and motivations behind the conflict. Ask questions and seek to understandeachperson'spointofview.
Findcommonground.Lookforareasofagreementorsharedgoalsthatcanhelp bring the team together. Identify potential compromises or solutions that can satisfyeveryone'sneeds.
Collaborate on a resolution. Work together as a team to find a solution that everyonecansupport.Bewillingtomakeconcessionsandfindcreativesolutions tomovepasttheconflict.
As a small business owner, you have the power to create a positive and productive workplace culture. By investing in your employees and their well-being, setting common goals, and allowing room for creativity and growth, you can foster a winningteamthatdrivesrealgrowthinyourbusiness.
"Forgoodideasandtrueinnovation,youneedhumaninteraction, conflict,argument,debate."
-MargaretHeffernan,entrepreneur,CEO,writerandkeynote speaker.