Action Martial Arts Magazine #78

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Publisher : Master Alan Goldberg Editor : Dr. Michael Willett Editor To The Chinese Martial Arts : Sifu Abdulmuhsiy Abdurrahman Touring Editor : R. J. Bishop , Video Historian : Grm Jim Brassard Asst. Editor : Ron Bongardino , MMA Editor : Master John Burdyck Public Relations : Louis Velazquez Web Design & Advertising : Sensei Ross Greenberg Running Contributing Columnist Martial Arts Talk : Jung Shee James Lacy , Nancy Robinson, Grmaster Buddy Van Boven , Susan Friedman Diaz , Kimberly K. White Contributing Goodwill Ambassadors & Advisors

Shihan Joe Saladino / Prof Jonathan Stewart, / Grm Blackhawk San Carlos / Soke Papasan S. Canty / Sensei Baashkim Perelli / Kathi Tasetano / Grm Joe Williams / Mike Bertucci / Shihan Abdul Aziz / Mark Huard / Grm Jeff Everetts / Master Libby Woodward / Master Steve Berkowitz / Soke Pete Mills

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Table Of Contents

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Page 6-7 Page 8-11 Page 12 Page 14 Page 18 - 19 Page 22 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28-31 Page 38 -40

Shihan Richard Bowe

E Mail : ActionM A4 @G

Grm Peter Urban MMA Spotlight Martial Arts Talk

A l l M a t e r i a l S e nt t o A c t i o n M u s t b e s e n t b y E m a i l

The Chinese Connection Venerable Warrior Illegal Grappling

Tips from the Top Action Showcase Tournament Scene

ACTION MARTIAL ARTS MAGAZINE is published by GS PUBLISHERS. Circulation & Public relations offices are located at 1222 Flatbush Ave. Brooklyn N.Y. 11226 Tel # (718) 856-8070 9 AM - 4 PM We reserve the right to edit all material mailed or phoned into the publication. The Publisher & Editors assume no responsibility for unsolicited materials. Reproduction without Permission is strictly prohibited. Feel free to contact us by phone, email or in writing.

Shihan Richard A. Bowe was born and raised in Hudson County, New Jersey just across the Hudson River from New York City. He began his martial arts training at age 9 and was certified as a Ju-jitsu instructor by the Sigward Academy in New York City at the age of 19. He enlisted in the U.S. Army and was a member of both the 101st Airborne (“Screaming Eagles”) Division and the Army Security Agency. After training in and becoming fluent in the Russian language, he was stationed at a U.S. Army base in the village of Chitose (near Sapporo on the island of Hokkaido), Japan. It was while stationed on Hokkaido that Shihan Bowe sought traditional, practical Japanese martial arts instruction. He visited many of the dojos on the island and sampled a number of martial arts systems. Due to his previous training in Ju-jitsu he felt that, although he respected those arts, they did not offer what he sought in a martial art. He continued his search until he found what he was seeking in the person of Master Shodo Morita, the founder of the art of Nihon Goshin Aikido. Master Morita was renowned on the island of Hokkaido for his skills in the martial arts. He created the art of Nihon Goshin Aikido by selecting what he felt were the best selfdefense techniques of each of the arts he had mastered and combining them into one complete self-defense system. He combined training in those techniques with intensive training in mental discipline and philosophy. Nihon Goshin Aikido can be translated as the Japanese Self-Defense Way of Life in Harmony with Nature. Shihan Bowe was impressed with the ease with which Master Morita's students were able to manipulate him. He joined Master Morita’s dojo and trained daily with him and his stepson, Tominosuke Nara, for the entire two and a half years of his military assignment on Hokkaido. In 1962, Shihan Bowe became the first American to be awarded the rank of Black Belt in Nihon Goshin Aikido. At the promotion ceremony, Master Morita presented his own obi to Shihan Bowe as a sign of his respect for him and the skill level he had achieved during his time in Chitose.

This black belt later came to be used in many Nihon Goshin Aikido black belt promotion ceremonies in the United States. Many American students attaining the rank of Black Belt in Nihon Goshin Aikido have had the privilege of wearing Master Morita’s black belt during their promotion ceremonies. Shortly after being promoted to Black Belt, Shihan Bowe was honorably discharged from military service and returned to his home in Hudson County, New Jersey. By his own admission, he thought that he would have little opportunity to practice the art that he had been training in for the past few years. After all, the oriental martial arts in those times in the United States were still considered quite exotic. Martial arts schools, especially in the eastern United States, were a rarity. Fortunately, shortly after returning to the United States, Shihan Bowe was taking a walk along the streets of his old hometown and chanced to see a storefront sign for a Karate school. His first thought was that perhaps he could do some training there to keep his skills from getting stale. He went in and spoke to the head instructor, inquiring about the possibility of training at the school. The instructor was curious about Shihan Bowe’s interest and inquired as to any previous martial arts experience Shihan Bowe may have had. When Shihan Bowe informed him that he had spent the past several years in the military and had trained and earned a black belt in Nihon Goshin Aikido in Japan, the instructor excitedly asked if Shihan Bowe would teach him Nihon Goshin Aikido. That is how Shihan Bowe became the first instructor of Nihon Goshin Aikido in the continental United States, teaching at this karate school, with the head instructor and his three assistant instructors as his first students. About a year later, on September 12, 1963, Shihan Bowe established the first dojo in the United States dedicated exclusively to teaching the art of Nihon Goshin

Aikido. The dojo was located in Guttenberg, New Jersey. Earlier, in August of 1962, Shihan Bowe received the sad and shocking news that Master Shodo Morita had suddenly and unexpectedly passed away. The Chitose dojo and the leadership of the art of Nihon Goshin Aikido passed to Master Nara. Although Shihan Bowe never returned to Japan, he corresponded with Master Nara through the years, detailing the progress of his dojo and learning the latest news from the headquarters in Japan. Every few years, Shihan Bowe would receive a letter from Master Nara with a promotion to the next black belt rank level. In 1976, Mr. Bowe received the last communication from Master Nara that he would ever read. This letter contained a promotion to Go-Dan (Fifth Degree Black Belt) conferring upon him the title of Shihan (Master or “Teacher of Teachers”). Despite being given Shihan status, however, Shihan. Bowe prefers not to be called Master. He says, “Watch my techniques and then you decide what title I should have.” The letter also informed Shihan Bowe of Master Nara’s intention to retire from the public teaching of Nihon Goshin Aikido and the closing of the dojo in Chitose. Master Nara designated Shihan Bowe as the U.S. Director (and also worldwide director) of the Nihon Goshin Aikido Association. Out of respect for his teachers and unlike many of his colleagues in the martial arts, Shihan Bowe has never promoted himself beyond the Fifth Degree Black Belt that he received from Master Nara. To this day, Fifth Degree Black Belt is the highest rank attainable in the Nihon Goshin Aikido Association. It is believed that Nihon Goshin Aikido is no longer taught in Japan as a distinct system. However, in the nearly 50 years since starting his original dojo, Shihan Bowe has trained and promoted numerous black belts who themselves have gone on to open their own dojos in the Nihon Goshin Aikido Association nationwide. Shihan Bowe regularly teaches an advanced class that is open only to active Nihon Goshin Aikido Association Black Belts at the current association headquarters dojo in Nutley, New Jersey. A listing of the dojos that are authorized to teach Nihon Goshin Aikido can be found on theAssociation’s official website, Only students who train in one

of these dojos are eligible to receive promotion certificates directly from the national headquarters. Shihan Bowe has long been one of the most demanding martial arts instructors in this country, one from whom it has been consistently difficult to obtain rank. The Nihon Goshin Aikido Association is one of the few martial arts organizations in the nation that doesn't regard rank as important. Always a perfectionist for detail and excellence, Shihan Bowe’s wry comment “An obi is only for holding one’s gi closed.” highlights his lack of concern for rank or title and his focus only on the skill level one brings to the mat. Rank is only a stripe on a belt. A stripe will not confer any skills that are not developed and maintained through consistent training. Loyalty, respect and dedication to training and to the Nihon Goshin Aikido Association are the only accepted paths to attaining rank. This is why it takes an average of five years to attain the rank of ShoDan, and five or more years between each subsequent promotion to Ni-dan and above. Because of the “cap” on rank at the Fifth Degree Black Belt level and the time between promotions, each level of black belt in the Nihon Goshin Aikido Association is roughly equivalent to two levels in most other organizations. A Fifth Degree Black Belt is considered the equivalent of a Tenth Degree Black Belt in systems that utilize the ten dan ranking system. Only students who have been in the organization for many years have attained the rank of 4th or 5th degree black belt. One of the few people who has achieved this level is Sensei Robert B. MacEwen, Jr., who was promoted to the rank of 4th degree black belt in June of 2002, having trained for many years under Shihan Bowe's direct supervision. Sensei MacEwen assists Shihan Bowe in managing the affairs of the Nihon Goshin Aikido Association. In his professional life outside the martial arts, Shihan Bowe has practiced for many years as an attorney in New Jersey. He also served as mayor of Byram, New Jersey for 16 years and is currently serving in Byram as a Judge in the municipal court. In addition, he served a term as Commander of former Post 10559 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and is a life member of the 101st Airborne Division Association.

By: Master John Burdyck “ Who Always tells it like it is”

Recently a sheik from Dubai invested a $100 million in the UFC in return he got 10% of the company. The Frateta

brothers who own the UFC were forced to do this not because the UFC isn’t making money because they are, the paper view ratings are at an all time high. Also, they are beginning to realize that they to market their athletes to become a house hold name like basketball did with Michael Jordan, Lebron James and Kobe Bryant and Baseball did with Babe Ruth, Derek Jeter, and Cal Ripken Jr. and finally football who hhavebuilt up names like Jim Brown, Payton Manning and Tom Brady. All major sports know that in order for their sport to reach epic proportions they must have name recognition and identification. The Frateta brothers were forced to do this because there casinos and hotels in Las Vegas are on the brink of bankruptcy. So just about all the $100 million went back into trying to save these corporations. As most of you know who follow the economy Las Vegas has one of the highest unemployment rates and the tourist rate is down 70%, so everyone in Vegas is hurting and not much hope lies in the future. I applaud the UFC for building names up like Frank Mir and Brock Lesner. I came down very hard one time on Brock Lesner for his total disrespectful attitude that he displayed when he won the world championship for the first time. Shortly after that he contacted a virus and became very sick and almost died from it, he was out of the UFC for about a year. Thank god he did get better and prior to him defending his title he held a news conference and was very remorseful for his actions because of this I believe in his words and pray that he continues to become a better person.

GREAT GRAPPLING TURNOUT FOR THE “BATTLE OF BALTIMORE” Over 160 competitors from all over the country came out to win the gorgeous amateur MMA world title belts. As I have strongly suggested too many of you promoters to incorporate grappling into your tournament here is just another reason to do so. The grappling event alone with competitors and spectators brought me in over $10,000. From a competitors stand point I really encourage all students who one day want to be in the UFC or any other pro MMA league to start participating in all tournaments that offer GI and NO GI divisions. This along with participating in amateur MMA events in your state if it’s legal or other states

where it is legal will help you launch your career. A special shout out to TEAM GROUND CONTROL and owner JOHN RALLO for allowing one of his head instructors Mark Finley to put together a team of officials and score keepers headed

by Dave Smith to run the entire event. I have to say they did a wonderful job because I didn’t even have to go over there other than to watch the great competition. If you have news or notes about “MMA” in the future please contact me: Phone: 443-299-2047, E-mail: Or on the World Wide Web OUSH!

By Grandmaster James Patrick Lacy

Greeting my fellow Action Martial Art Magazine Readers. I hope everyone had a great summer and are feeling the holiday spirit as we settle into fall. It is so important to keep our faith and courage in tact; day by miraculous day. Is there any other way? If so I have not found it. Martial arts are truly everyone‟s ego, but it takes a lot of meditation to get to this reality as personal experience. There is so much going on in the world that we see the effects of our actions more. This is because the world is still populating. Remember the qualities of a great leader: the presence of uprightness, magnanimousness, harmoniousness and calmness. These the Emperor decreed were the hallmarks of a great leader. Mid term elections are now over and we are still reeling from the changes. Martial artists need to be involved in democracy; it is a participatory thing. It is much like how many schools are now starting to teach the legal implications for the first time. Afterall, can anyone really feel secure as a chimpanzee with a bazooka? We live in the real world of international law, federal, state and local law. Separation of church and state as well as state rights are as certain as death and taxes in America. Agreeing on those two principles allows for forward motion in our democracy. What continues to amaze me is the resiliency of the martial arts as a profession. Through good times and lean times, folks always seem to benefit from lessons. Perhaps it helps boost their ego in good ways that afford them to shine more radiantly, use more kindness, function better in society and at home due to the many benefits that keep giving if one continues to practice. The martial arts of today have so many niche instructors, that virtually there is something for everyone, every budget and distance learning is doable. As important, is the fact that if we think globally but act locally, we find the best students for home training are right in our own area waiting for the instructor to appear. Many folks prefer one on one training with the instructor. If the time is valued by both parties this can work nice in communities, as it affords the option of word of mouth and heart to heart. This type of connection leads to richer relationships with the students and allows for creativity, trade, barter as well as cash, checks or electronic payments. A small group of dedicated students should always know how to do business in the martial arts. This is being taught as well, but not necessarily outside the box. A good teacher can encourage a student to want to learn book keeping, federal and state tax preparations and the many write offs associated with starting an entrepreneur business. The whole point of this is flexibility, independence and ethics to do things legally and professionally, whether a one man band, mom and pop school or chain of schools. I got the rare whooping cough this summer and studied it. I found that my Chinese herbalist had a product in pill form

that came in a bottle labeled Crocodile Trade Mark Pill. It cost me about $5.00, and came 24 capsules in the bottle. It is manufactured by: Foshan United Pharmaceutical Factory in Foshan, China. Its actions and indications are: antasthmatic, clearing sputum, stopping cough, asthmatic bronchitis, emphysema and cough. The dosage is 2 capsules each time, 2-3 times a day, with water. I spelled everything as it is on the bottle I have. I see more and more typos of products so I left it unedited. It is important to note that no herbal substance or related product can enter or leave America without a Latin name; that is the law. Latin is the universal language of medicine period. The ingredients in this over the counter remedy I picked up at my local herb shop of over 25 years are as follows: Crocodile gall, Snake Gall, Tendrilleaf fritillary bulb, Balloon flower root, Bitter apricot seed, Tatarian aster root and rhizome, Loquat leaf, Heartleaf houttuynia herb, Thinleaf milkwort root and Uralo licorice root. During a worst night of deep chest cough, I came home with these and tried two pills with a hot cup of flu tea herbs. I was shocked at the power of this combination to so thoroughly relieve me of congestion and deep cough. I could take a deep chest breath and there was no restriction or spasm. I breathed easy and strong for over three hours. That might not seem like much, but it gives one‟s body a chance to get a break, relax and kick in the immune system. When one stumbles on a good over the counter remedy, it is exciting and leads to further study. I am not recommending you try or need this, just bringing in some personal experience. Do consult your doctor and obey all laws. Consult your western and eastern doctor for contraindications or side effects. The name of the herbal list for this is “Crocodile Gall Bladder Expectorant Pill.” The inner sheet of paper has Chinese and English. The English says: “The medicine has been carefully prepared extracting the gall bladders of the crocodile and the three noted snakes together with the active principles of certain valuable herbs grown in China. Through the up-to-day scientific processes, into condensed from, commonly tested and used in big hospitals in China by noted physicians. Clinical finding reveals its high effectiveness in clearing the sputum, stopping coughing, because of its antiinflammatory power, very good in result.” That quoted stuff drove spell check crazy…lol. These times we are in are exciting, we will look back and see the progress in our meditations. Keep your skills well honed and guard your health. Have faith in love and an orderly universe. Relish uncertainty and trump it with faith and courage. Finally, keep the humor and child like „faith‟ of life. Life is good – be good to each other and the earth. Happy trails!

Light and Life Grandmaster James Patrick Lacy 7th generation 18 Daoist Palms

On The Business End of Martial Arts What you see is what you get! Websites, Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Youtube are just a few of different social networking and internet based presences you can have on the web these days. The age old saying “perception is reality” and “you only have one time to make a first impression,” is still in play everyday, when dealing with your image on the internet. What most business owners do not realize is people still associate a terrible ad, website, message on facebook with lack of quality in one’s business. If you are out there on the web, you will be putting yourself and your business in jeopardy by putting out material that doesn’t fit your image or portray you and your business in the a positive light. I can’t count the number of websites, Facebook posts or You Tube video’s I see that are going to turn off potential clients. For example: Recently I saw a video that was rather fun of two children grappling, one grabbed the other and they wrestled a bit until one threw the other onto the floor. I didn’t take it as a negative; I just didn’t see the point. It didn’t show me a school owner anything that made me say “hey that is a great video,” in my opinion it didn’t show the prospect or parent of a potential student what they would be learning. The video was simply pointless and seemed to me like nothing more then a waste of a post. As posting live video to the web becomes more and more popular and easier, it doesn’t take any effort to put a video up on line. But remember that would be equivalent to a major soda or hamburger joint, showing video of people just sitting at a table and devouring their product. A great deal of time goes into advertising. Million dollar companies have shot themselves in the foot by putting out an advertising campaign that simply just didn’t work. Most of the companies test market and spend millions of dollars making sure the marketing they are releasing is conducive to what they are trying to accomplish. With the ease of internet based marketing and social media, it is very easy to put something out there that may turn your clients off rather then turn them on. Here are 5 tips to advertising on the internet: 1) Always make sure you have the end in mind. 2) Set a plan in action ahead of time – do not advertise on emotion or put things on the internet that is not necessarily positive to your business. 3) Do not allow your short sighted or whimsical thoughts surface on the internet without a plan of action. 4) Be very careful of what you place on your site, the web or social circles. 5) Test market when ever possible. Allow me to describe each category a bit further. 1)

Always make sure you have the end in mind – with any marketing campaign the plan is most important. Knowing ahead of time what you are trying to accomplish is always going to be best. If you release a video on youtube, but realize later that the video was nothing more then a waste of time because people did not come to your school, your 2 website or become a client, then why bother. There are a

few types of marketing, what I am talking about here is either 1) Trickle marketing – putting our information that may create an interest in your product or 2) A direct response marketing campaign in which you advertise your product and have a call to action at the end of the ad. 2) Set a plan of action ahead of time – when designing a facebook campaign for example: you must plan out the campaign step by step, what is the demographics of your intended client. Are they adult, female, child etc? What is your consistency of advertising. What is your call to action – Will you give them a free offer at the end of the day? Do you want to get them into your business to try your product? Taking time to plan out your campaign will be the difference to a good end result or not. 3) Do not allow your short sighted or whimsical thoughts surface on the net. For example: do not post on your facebook page that you went out drinking at a party and go a little tipsy if your image is that of a person of responsibility, or tell others that you hate a particular political party – because this may get the person who doesn’t agree with you to not do business with you. Always remember people are watching and everyone has a different opinion. 4) Be very careful of what you place on your site, the web or social circles. People are far too free with posting personal pictures. For example: One of my students who is a police officer, posts many racial comments or comments about how stupid he thinks certain people are. These posts could easily come back to hurt him in court or for a harassment case. Laws are changing and companies are researching peoples’ behaviors on the internet to see if they are a good fit for their company. Companies have fired others for racy pictures on the internet. I know I am less likely to deal with people based on what I see on their facebook pages. I once had to fire an employee due to him showing up on the internet smoking a cigar and having a gun in his hand, followed by a host of pictures of him smoking illegal substances. Not quite the image I wanted to see on my employee’s profile pages. 5) Test market when every possible – always get a few opinions. Whenever I shoot a video or send something out over the web, I get others opinions. I want to make sure that the message I intend to release is resonating properly. If I think it is supposed to give one thought, but due to wording, or timing it doesn’t I want to be careful not to release that particular video or article. Be very careful. There is only one time to make a first impression, but doing damage control after the fact is much harder then not. So remember think your campaign through and make sure you are putting out the information in the right format so the client ends up seeing your intended vision or advertising goal. For more information on this you can easily email me and I will share with you more tips on become a social media marketing genius.

Allie Alberigo is a multi-school owner and the founder and owner of and for more information you can email him at

Sifu Abdulmuhsiy Abdurrahman

WONG FAMILY CHINESE MARTIAL ARTS TOURNAMENT The nation's Capital once again served as the venue for the annual Wong family all Chinese martial arts tournament. Trunity University, just as the previous year, served as the facility for this well attended crowd pleasing event. Nearly 450 excited spectators from a wide array of multi-ethnical backgrounds, assembled here to witness Chinese Martial Artists from numerous disciplines in doing their very best in order to walk away with top honors in more than 150 divisions. Arriving from Md. and surrounding counties, Pa., N.J., Va., N.C., S.C., N.Y., and several other locations, approximately 300 competitors in numerous age and gender groups had much fun and delight, in displaying their abilities in front of some the best referees and judges that could be gathered. The playing of the national anthem, followed by the lion dance was performed in order to "ward off evil spirits" to the delight of so many whom had gathered. Tai chi, xyingi, bagua, wushu, northern style, southern style, jow ga, are only a few of the disciplines in the multi-facet tournament and friendly gathering. The main focus of the Wong's people tournaments is not necessarily to bring attention the individual competitor, but to hightlight the participation of the many schools themselves. This was effectively done as each and every school, now matter how big or small, was announced and came to center stage and saluting the vast audience as a whole in the Chinese martial artist way and manner. We here at "ACTION" encourage Sifu Raymond Wong and the "Wong People" to continue this legacy and tradition, with much success for many years to come. 2010 U.S. INTERNATIONAL KUO SHU CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT HUNT VALLEY, Md. As history continues to repeat itself, Grm. Chien Liang Huang in conjunction with his so many loyal students, friends, and associates, staged another highly and well attended Kuo Shu (Kung Fu) tournament there at the "state of the art" and beautiful Marriot Hotel

and Suites for all of those whom had attended. This three day event saw nearly 800 spectators ad 550 competitors and Chinese martial arts enthusiast, engage in well run seminars, workshops, and just friendly informative gatherings, on this beautiful and pleasant summer weekend. This well planned and long running event has been the highlight for so many Chinese Martial Artists because EVERYTHING is done with the most professional and dedicated care that one could give. Although the competition was highly attended and hotly contested, NO ONE walked away angry or disappointed, because Grm. Huang makes every competitor feel extra special with his multi customized medals given out, in conjunction with the emphasis being put on friendship. Chinese Martial Artists from all over the U.S. and the whole world (23 Countries) make sure that they attend this event, because year after year the hosting organization literally go out of their way in order to make ALL feel extra special as a way of showing their heart felt thanks and This columnist can say this without hesitation because, for the last 2 decades I have participated as a competitor and judge, and has loved every moment being a part of it!!!

CHINA OPEN (28th US CAPITOL CLASSICS) The beautiful Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center on this fabulous summer day was dazzling as Chinese Martial Artists came from far and near in order to be a part of this monumental event. Mfundi/Master Dennis Brown and his loving supportive wife, for the last 28 consecutive years, Andrena, along with an army of students, friends and loyal supportors, hosted once again another well run and exciting ALL CHINESE MARTIAL ARTS tournament in conjunction with their widely none NASKA (North American Sport Karate Association) sanctioned tournament. Nearly 450 competitors from various Chinese Martial Arts disciplines, were on hand to display proficiency in a large array of divisions in front of approximately 600 lively spectators and some of the best Refereers, Judges and other Officials in America. Empty hand forms, Weapons, Light and continuous sparring, group musical and non musical forms, are just a few of the many divisions competitors in numerous age groups displayed their skills for top honors. Mfundi Brown makes competing very tempting by offering a prize of $500 to any GRANDCHAMPION WINNER, regardless of the number of competitors in any of the Sparring, Weapons, or Empty Hand Forms divisions. Let us here at "ACTION" use this time to recognize them on their long string of many successful years in their promoting the Martial Arts, as a whole, without politics or prejudice of any kind. If you would like to have a superb fun filled weekend at a relaxing and beautiful site, then we encourage you to "ink in" on your calendars the last weekend of July or the first week in August of next year to attend this spectacular event!!!!


, improvisation and change - not just in the martial arts but just as the others in everyday life.

Plano, Texas This year was extra special as Grm. Jimmy Wong, along with his loyal students and general supportors, celebrated their annual tournament this year by hightlighting 100 years of Chin Woo, by the legendary founder and hero, Hus Yuan Jia. In 75 divisions, about 500 competitors gave it their best so they could go home with one, or more, of the beautiful custom medals that were on hand to be given away. More than 2,000 spectators filed into the Plano Convention Centre of Dallas Texas on this mid-year summer day to witness Chinese Martial Arts at its best. Coming from Brazil, Mexico, Canada, Israel, France, and from all points of the U.S., competitors came out in "DROVE" in order to take part of this auspicious and historic event. In order to help in celebrating this momentous gathering, many noteworthy special guests came out to lend a helping a hand. Grandmasters such as Madame Lily Lau, Henry Poo Yee, Chungking Tu, along with reknowned Sifus David Chin, Johnny Lee, Ray Luk, Mr. Hong-I Liu from China, are just some of the many dignitaries who were in attendance. Needless to say, the long awaited Grandchampions brought loud cheers and loud applause from the spectators and other competitors alike.

BA QUA ZHANG: 8 DIAGRAM PALM by Shifu John R. Green Ba Qua Zhang (also spelled Pa Kua Chang) is the 3rd and youngest of the three Chinese Internal arts along with Tai Chi Chuan and Xing Yi Quan. Ba Qua Zhang relates directly to the 8 diagrams in the book of change (I-Ching). This book is one of the primay Taoist philosophy texts whose primary concept is change. The word "Zhang" means palm. Together, Ba Qua Zhang is 8 diagram (directional) palm. This martial art derives its primary training methods around the concept of change and flexibility in the while striking, piercing, and locking with the hand. The hand is primarily open for palm strikes, chops, pokes, and grabs, keeping in mind that closed fist methods, such as the straight punch, back fist, hammer fist, etc. are also employed in the art as well. Ba Qua Zhang training develops the stance and footwork, integrated upper/lower body movements, and superior rooting and stability. It is often taught a finishing product to help supplement the techniques of any style of the martial arts. The primay training method is "Circle walking". Although some styles also have straight line methods, the thread on all Ba Qua Zhang is walking the circle. Circle walking has been practiced for years as both a method of physical health and meditation. From a self defense perspective, circle walking coordinates upper body with footwork while simultaneously strengthening root and loosening the joints. The hands and feet often work in opposite directions, creating torque and the appropriate body structure for close range strikes, sweeps and throws. While Tai Chi Chuang is known for neutralizing force and Xing Yi Quan is known for the deliver of force, Ba Qua Zhang is known for skillfully evading and redirecting the on coming force. It conditions the student for flexibility

MARTIAL ARTS, ONE FAMILY by Shifu John R. Green As I travel the country participating in various martial arts events, I've noticed a very disturbing trend, there seems to be a loss of quality martial arts tournaments throughout the country. Admittedly, there are many groups and individuals working continuously and tirelessly to promote the martial arts in a constructive way. However, when i was much younger student in the martial arts, there plenty of places in which to compete locally, but also in larger regional, national, as well as international events. Today that just doesn't seem to be the case. Certaintly, the U.S. economy has put a strain on the ability to host a tournament comparable to those of the past. However, I also see a more noticeable destructive, competitive nature between schools and groups, that prevents them from joining forces to create quality top notch events. I hear to stories of backbiting, poor judging, theft, and a lack of accountability at various competitions. In my past decade of work with the U.S. Kuoshu Federation's tournament held here in Baltimore, I've come to realize that competition can be an invaluable training aid for many students. Shouldn't this be our focus? It is our job as teachers and promoters to help usher in the next generation fo gongfu practitioners by giving them a venue to display their skills in a harmonious and unified atmosphere. We must seize the opportunity to pool our resources, improve judging, expand the events (both internally and geographcally), through the entire country, and starting YESTERDAY!!!!!! We here at "Action" would like to take this opportunity to thank and commend Shifu Green for him taking the time to share the thought provoking articles that he has submitted in the last precious issues. Also, many of his articles were more extensive, but because of our limited spacing we had to limit its contents and trying to capture the main points in a more restrictive condition, needless to say we would like to express our deepest apology to Shifu Green and YOU, our supportive readers.


Consistency, this is one of the best words to associate with Great Lakes Kung Fu Championships given by Sifu John Ervin and his students for nearly two decades without fail. This year the Case Western Reserve University here, served as the hosting facility where 223 competitors and 630 spectators had an exciting and enjoyable day of Kung Fu on this relaxing and calm spring day. What added to the flavor of this tournament was the 200 divisions that were available for all competitors to chose from. Coming from Mass., California, North and South Carolinas, Tx., Md., Wash., D.C., Pa., and Va., the hosting organization made it worth the while to come the distance and have the opportunity participate in fair and impartial judging, and walk home with one of the beautiful custom Chinese Martial Arts medals given out to everyone's delight and pleasure.

Oscar Diaz-Cobo By G.M. Buddy Van Boven BVB: Oscar, I know you have numerous high ranking black belts including Grand Master’s rank.Why do you not publish your titles?

ODC: I’m more in line with men like Charley Nelson, Rex Applegate, Bruce Lee… Although they may have trained in classical Martial Arts, they and I developed our own Interpretation. I present my approach as “Cobo’s Way”. BVB: What inspired you to produce “ILLEGAL GRAPPLING:? ODC: The grappling arts including BJJ have received great attention in the past decade or so. I believe That to be a well rounded fighter, you must be adept in the grappling arts, however, it is my position that they are not superior. They may reign in the sporting arena because the maneuvers designed to counter are prohibited, and rightly so, as they can cause severe and permanent injuries. Additionally, most martial artists do not know how to apply the maneuvers effectively. The average martial artist is content with simply stating “ I’ll gouge his eyes or attack the groin”. The grappler will simply check your groin grab attempt or disengage from your eye gouge attempt. The DVD instructs in the effective approach to the groin crush and eye rakes. The interception maneuvers will effectively hospitalize your enemy causing severe and permanent damage. They are not for use in any sporting arena and are designed for life threatening situations. BVB: You state that most kicks, even a groin kick, is not effective against the grappler. You then go on to Demonstrate a kick readily effective against the grappler.

ODC: Any experienced grappler will check most kicks, even a groin kick, and proceed with his take down. The proffered kick is effective against the grappler, especially if the majority of his weight is forward as is usually the case. It is designed to fracture the shin. BVB: You differentiate between a choke and strangle holds then go on to demonstrate the correct Applications. ODC: A choke is designed to kill by crushing cartilages and closing off the airway. A stranglehold is Designed to render your opponent unconscious by restricting oxygen to the brain. The Rear naked choke of MMA fame is actually a stranglehold. I demonstrate the proper application of the Rear naked choke, full choke, stranglehold and full stranglehold. BVB: You demonstrate conventional choke escapes and why they will not work against an experienced Grappler. You then demonstrate effective escapes. The escapes, especially the one for the rear Naked full strangle hold, which as you stated is commonly referred to as the rear naked choke, is Exceptionally effective but goes against traditional instruction. ODC: Yes. I ask you to do the exact opposite of what is traditionally taught. If you recondition yourself and execute the maneuver reflexively, you can escape from the “rear naked choke”. BVB: What impact do you foresee in the sport of MMA as a result of this escape? ODC: If a fighter studies, internalizes and adapts this maneuver, it would give him an advantage. BVB: Do you have any future DVD’s in the works? ODC: If I’m asked, I’ll produce Illegal Ground Fighting.

By Dr. Michael Willett A wonderful thing happened as I was passing through this life’s journey. As I passed through the trials and tribulations on this complex trip called life, I touched on a bright spot; in a moment of time I met an individual who had a profound effect on me. That individual was Master Fred Miller, one of the greatest martial artists to cross our paths in modern history. To those of you who haven’t been informed, Master Fred Miller has passed on to a higher existence but his legacy burns deep in our hearts. On October 23, 2010 Grand Master Sam McGee, Sensei Franklin Puello and the Harlem Goju family hosted a beautiful and soul stirring tribute to Master Fred Miller. The tribute was hosted at Bronx Community College Gould Memorial Library Rotunda. As reported to me the memorial service for Master Fred Miler was an event to be remembered. Grandmasters, Masters, Sensei’s family and friends all came to say farewell to one of the greatest champions of all time. Master Miller’s mother, brother and sister was present to witness the outpouring of love and respect that has never been witnessed before. Master Kelly Rice, intricate pillar of the Harlem Goju Association and Luz Puello, wife of Sensei Franklin Puello did a masterful job in setting up the logistics to the historic event. Master Miller’s family was presented with a plaque from Grand Master Sam McGee and Sensei Franklin Puello; A New York State Senate Proclamation from State Senator Ruth Hassell-Thompson of the 83rd Senatorial District; and Congressional Record from Congressman Eliot Engal of the 13th Congressional District of New York City. Kata demonstrations were performed by Master Luis Morales, Sensei Malcolm Livingston and Sensei Franklin Puello. The open mic portion of the program which allowed friends, sensei’s and masters to reflect on the life and times of Fred Miller. One of the highlights came from Fred Miller’s brother Chester. As you could imagine it was an emotional recall of his brother’s life. Even Fred’s mother had the strength to muster a few words to the patiently listening attendees. The Great Grandmaster Aaron Banks reflected on the beginning years of Fred Miller’s life. He recalled when Fred’s father brought Fred to him and said”Take my son, I can’t do anything with him”. Fred Miller trained with many other masters as well, like as Grand Master Rico Guy. Some of those in attendance were: Karriem Abdullah, Master Gene Adams, Master Abdul Musa-wwir, Shihan Abdul Aziz, Grand Master Aaron Bank, Shihan Errol Bennett, Professor Mahaliel Bethea, Shihan Orlando Cabrera, Says Carman, Larry Cheatum, Sijo George Crayton, Master T. Dalton, Sensei Luis Diaz, Hanshi Ray Diaz, Professor Lou Ferrer, Kevin and Kerry Garris, Grand

Master Gerald Gaylord, Grand Master Rico Guy, Tonya Hill, Shihan Alfred Hinds, Master Kenny Hines, Sifu Cecil Howser, Dr. Ernest Hyman, Soke Haison Kaleak, Malcolm Livingston, Master Lookup, Sifu Ralph Macchio, Master Reginald McGee, Luis Morales, Grand Master Reno Moralez, Shihan Robert Ornes, Master Greg Perry, Grand Master Billy Rivers, Master Robert Rivers, Jr., Bernardo Rodriques, Sifu Ralph Rodriquez, Shihan Wilfredo Roldan, Grand Master Archie Rullan, Sensei Sekwii Sha, Professor Shabazz, Master Reggie Simanca, Henry Skinner, Master Dave Thomas, Master Kenya Smith, Master Kevin Thopmson, Kushinda Lamarr Thrornton, Sammy Tossas, Master Felix Vasquez, Eddie Williams, Shihan Derrick Williams, Arthur Wilson and Master James Zeno

to name a few, as it was reported to me. I was asked by Grand Master Sam McGee to be the master of ceremony for this extraordinary event. Unfortunately I had a contract for a speaking engagement on the same date. I do however have a need to share my one encounter with Fred Miller on the tournament floor. Let me make it abundantly clear, I watched Fred Miller dismantle Chuck Norris, Mitch Borrow, Joe Lewis, Earl Victoria, Luis Delgado, Hawk Frazier, Joe Hayes, William Swiffty, and many more, at Sunnyside Gardens. Fred was so methodical in his fighting style, I took notes. I had no idea my time to compete against him was imminent. I believe it was 1971 or 1972, Major Leon Wallace gave a tournament at IS 201 in Harlem, New York. The scene was set, one more win and I would enter the finals. I won’t mention the fighters name because I don’t want to embarrass him. I will tell you this; there was a picture of Bruce Lee drawn on the back of his gi top. I felt it was disrespectful and I fought as such. I did win that match, maybe before hand, if I knew this fighter had a great reputation on the circuit, the outcome could have been very different. I had now reached the finals, with Fred Miller, Jeffery Nobel, Dennis Davis and myself. In my mind, I’m fighting the fellow who beat the best of the best; I didn’t have a clue as how to fight him. The onslaught began, Fred attacked, I retreated, result no score. Fred attacked, I fell down, no score. The attendees thought this was probably the most humorist match of the year. I say that because they would not stop laughing. Fred attacked, I slid under a table, a loud roar from the attendees went up, result no score. This unlikely scenario repeated itself several times with no score. Finally after 3 overtimes, Fred finally hit me in the chest with a left leg instep roundhouse kick. I can’t tell you how relieved I was that it was over. Jeffery Noble went on to beat Fred for the Grand Championship. I wound up taking third place but I assure you that was the first and last time I fought the reputation of a man and not the man. I am so proud to have known Fred Miller, not because he was a great martial artist, not because he excelled in many other sports or even the fact that he became a successful model. I am most proud of Fred Miller because he became a Minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ before he moved on. To his many titles do add Reverend, Pastor Fred Miller, a minister of the gospel.

1. Platinum Pioneer / 50 Year in the Arts 2 .Golden Pioneer / 45 Year in the Arts 3. Silver Pioneer / 40 Year in the Arts 4. Diamond Life time Achievements / 50 yr 5. Platinum Life time Achievements / 45 yr 6. Golden Life time Achievements / 40 yr 7. Life time Achievements / 35 Yr 8 School of The Year * . 9. Family of The Year 10. Legend Award * 11. Humanitarian Award* 12. Lifetime Dedication to the Martial Arts 13. Grand Master of the Year * 14 Outstanding Contribution to The Martial Arts As A Grand Master 15 Grand Master of The Year (Style) * 16. Man or Women of The Year *

17. Special Award ( BC) 18 . Inheritor Award 19 Diamond Contribution to the M.A. 50 years 20 Platinum Contribution to The M A 45 years 21 Golden Contributions to The M.A. 40 years 22 Silver Contribution to The M.A. 35 years 23 Bronz Contribution to The M.A 30 years 24 Contribution to the Martial Arts for 25 years 25 Contribution to the Martial Arts for 20 years

26 Outstanding Contributions In The M.A. 27. Outstanding Achievements In The M.A. 28. Outstanding Dedication to the Martial Arts 29. Special Selection Award 30 Excellence In Teaching M.A. 31 Excellence In Promoting Tournaments 32 Master of The Year. * 33 Contribution In Publishing (Online or Off Line)

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By: Joe Lewis

Maintain proper hydration of the body, paying attention to the balance of your sodium and potassium levels.

Digest some bicarbonate fluids prior to hard exercise like fighting.

Learn how to use your “core” muscle groups instead of your multi-joint muscles for certain skills. Example: When doing a rear naked choke, try to completely relax your arms from the shoulders to your wrists. Instead of squeezing with arm strength, only use your core and back muscles for pulling---the lats, the posterior deltoids, the lower trapeziums, and hunching your pelvic diaphragm upwards. Flip flop muscle usage----when arm wrestling, learn to switch between using only the forearm muscles for a brief segment while relaxing the upper arm, and then switch that part of the arm you are using with the other. Breath control is critical here as part of this technique. I’ve seen guys who could be extremely hard externally and completely relaxed internally---and then switch in a split second. As you approach your pain threshold, practice maintaining full effort to bust through it occasionally, or learn to find your rhythm as to when to back off and for how long before you reengage. Learning to control your rhythm builds inner confidence. A runner may drag behind to trail another runner in order to regroup. A fighter or arm wrestler may relax for a round or for a minute or two and just play defense allowing his opponent to offensively burn out.

Preventing Lactic Acid Build-up A recent question; Mr. Lewis, fighters intuitively/instinctively shake their arms/legs during a fight to release lactic acid. What are some ADDITIONAL things one could do besides shaking arms/legs to release lactic acid? This is a great question all trainers need to be able to answer. Since I do not have a degree in exercise physiology, let’s not get into an unnecessary discussion of any lactic acid hypothesis on a molecular level. To keep what is important in focus, initially there are three factors all anaerobic or aerobic athletes (particularly fighters) who compete need to understand. You must know how to relax and also how to pace yourself. The third asset is being able to maintain the right mind-set; that is how to remain determined----never yielding the perseverance of effort to remain engaged.

“I never even think about quitting; next to dying, it's the last thing I'd ever do.” A number of fighters believe that lactic acid gets released during hard sparring or strained, unaccustomed exercise drills and that this diminishes one’s performance while also causing soreness and residual stiffness. First of all, lactic acid does not exist as an acid in the body; it exists in another form called “lactate.” Lactic acid will be gone from your muscles within an hour of exercise and the stiffness sets in one to three days later. Most of the stiffness in muscles is due to muscle damage from the exercise and other factors. For a more technical understanding of the “Lactic Acid” phenomena check out the following link. Lactic Acid and the Energy Shuttle Your muscle cells convert glucose or glycogen to lactic acid. These cells have “energy assimilators,” called mitochondria that use the lactic acid for fuel. Real intense training, like a body-builder doing a lifting exercise to failure, can make double the mitochondrial mass. The theory here has evolved by coaches and trainers realizing that by increasing the muscle mitochondria, allowing for greater efficiency in burning of lactic acid, that athletic performance improved. “Shaking of the arms/legs” may seem like a way to release lactic acid buildup; however, logic would tell one that the effort to do such movements may only produce more lactic acid. Such a circumstance---wondering what to do once the lactic acid buildup reaches this point---is like asking what does a combat unit do on the battlefield once they run out of ammunition. Some tips from field experience:  Just before a race or bout, train very hard with a

few brief sprints or sparring combinations.

Lastly, again, let us not forget the overall importance of the balanced conditioning of one’s attitude and body---that both can be affected by many factors. Lactic acid is a by-product of hard exercise; however, well-conditioned athletes are better able to recycle it back through the liver for energy. This is why their performance is not as limited by a buildup of lactic acid.

Joe Lewis : Former World Karate / Kickbox Champion United States Marine Corps (Member of 1st U.S. combat unit in Viet Nam8th Marine Brigade) If you want to see Master Lewis In Action remember Check out these dates on his website : June 11 & Oct 1 & 2 , 2011

Good Day to Be Inside Seminar with Master Fumio Demura By Nathan Morris As the sun rose over the trees giving light to a beautiful summer day in upstate New York, there

were birds singing, people were mowing their yards and tending gardens. People were getting ready to enjoy what was to be a glorious day with nature outside in all its glory. At the same time, over 70 participants of a seminar that took place at Harts Hill Inn Banquet Hall could feel the excitement of being indoors on such a beautiful day. The banquet hall was very large and inviting. The martial artists that attended were fortunate to be taught by a living legend Master Fumio Demura. This seminar was on his unique empty hand self-defense. Master Demura’s long time student Charles Hobbib from Oneonta, N.Y., assisted. The host of the day was Master Demura’s longtime friend, Grandmaster Clifford C. Crandall Jr., founder of The American Martial Arts Institute. Through the direction and insight of its founder, this school is home to three different independent styles each with a rich history. The American Eagle Style an empty hand martial art, along with the American Cane System, and Takenouchi-Hangan-Ryu-Matsuno-Crandall school of Iaido, which is an over 300-year-old style passed on from Master Matsuno of Kobe, Japan. Students with the thirst for knowledge attended from all three styles from beginner to advanced. Looking on, it was truly impressive and humbling to see such a diverse group of students learning together from this great world renowned Master. In attendance were some local well known martial artists such as: Master Cheryl Freleigh, Dr. Nicholas Chuff, as well as, Mr. Eric Stalloch, proprietor of the American Martial Arts Institute’s main location. Fall-in was at 10am, and it was special to see the anticipation in the faces of both young and old. Grandmaster Crandall introduced Master Demura with words of admiration, respect, and honor. As Master Demura’s student in The Preservation Society

of Toyama Ryu Batto Do, he felt the knowledge shared that day would be practical and critical to people’s daily lives. After his introduction, Master Demura spent time talking about traditions of the martial arts. He explained about having a good firm handshake that exudes confidence to others, and the concept of training yourself to be a positive force and role model in your community through being respectful, as well as courteous to others. With the conclusion including some traditional philosophy, it was impressive to watch someone with the gift to capture the hearts of students willing to share time to expand their minds. After a short stretching, he began with an exercise that would help focus the mind and body together. These techniques started with two partners facing each other. One partner will threw punches toward the other person with control. Another segment was a kicking exercise with one person on their knees and forearms on the floor as the other person did center kicks over the top of them. One of the interesting things to learn was being aware of your partner’s height as not to kick them. This made you bring the knee up as high as possible, which helped make the kick technically executed. The participants from all disciplines became more well-rounded martial artists from this seminar. Many students expressed that this was the best way to spend a warm sunny day. I highly recommend anyone that has the chance to learn from Master Fumio Demura to seize the opportunity.

Camaraderie and Friendship th

On July 7 Sensei Mark Caravaglio, student and teacher of Seikei Ryu Jiu Jitsu. received a phone call from the Manalapan Township Fire Department at 5 o'clock in the morning and they told me my building where I had my dojo and gym was on fire. I was at the dojo 5 minutes later but the building was totally destroyed. Everyone who has a dojo knows the blood sweat & tears that occur at a dojo, but this was a shock!! Later that afternoon, standing with my Grandmaster Carl Pluchino, my students & parents of my younger students, along with family and friends looking at my destroyed dojo, I had no idea how I was going to recover from this disaster. The next day I received a call from Sensei Mike Scott, Sensei Joe Barblianardo from Freehold NJ and Shihan Zuck from Flanders NJ, all who have visited & trained at my dojo. Sensei Mike Scott offered me his dojo on the evenings when he didn't have classes so that I could continue to train my students until I could find a new location to establish my dojo. 3 months after the fire our new dojo was opened. The camaraderie and friendship that was shown to Seikei Ryu Jiu Jitsu from these Isshinryu instructors & students went beyond expectations and should be recognized. On behalf of Seikei Ryu Jiu Jitsu, Grandmaster Carl Pluchino, my students, parents of students and my family I would like to recognize Sensei Mike Scott, Sensei Joe Babrlianardo from Freehold Isshinryu and Shihan Ken Zuck from Flanders, NJ. and present them with new mats for Sensei Mike Scott's Isshinryu Dojo. I would also like to acknowledge Kyoshi Don Nash who should be proud of his students. I will never forget what they have done for us.

A loss to all that knew him Grandmaster Marty Manuel On September of 2010 , Modern Bujutsu family lost Grandmaster Marty Manuel. It is a tribute to his Christian faith, indomitable spirit, and the dedication of his students that he lived as long as he did. His legacy lives on through his yudansha, the black belt masters and sensei whom he trained, as well as through all who's lives he touched. Modern Bujutsu will continue to grow and thrive, as will Marty Manuel's spirit that lives inside all of his students and those who were privileged to call him their friend. Martin "Marty" Manuel was born in Pocomoke, Maryland, on March 24th, 1956. He moved to New Jersey in the early 1970's and began his martial arts studies under Master Joseph Artesi at the age of 12. He was a graduate of Vineland High School (class of 72') and attended Cumberland County College and Glassboro State College.

A 10th degree black belt (Hanshi) and Founder (Soke) of the Modern Bujutsu Martial Arts System, Marty Manuel began his martial arts training as a young boy. He earned his black belt, was the Garden State Grand Champion, and was the #1 full-contact kickboxing contender in 1978, fighting in the Super Lightweight Division. Unfortunately, he was diagnosed with a devastating spinal disease that began to paralyze his arms. Even as the disease ravaged his body, he continued to train and fight. When he could no longer use his hands to block and counter, he used his feet instead, spinning and knocking out opponents with his spinning backfist. Ultimately, he lost the use of his legs as well. Always the true martial artist and devout Christian, Grandmaster Manuel turned to teaching his beloved martial arts, becoming the consumate career sensei. Though never married, he was always accompanied by his devoted life companion, Kyoshi Linda Reim, who was always by his side teaching, training, and enabling Marty to live a meaningful life. Even after being confined to a wheelchair, he continued his martial arts studies and research, developing an encyclopedic knowledge of martial arts wisdom and insight. In the dojo, he was a radiant force calling commands to his students and explaining the subtleties of a technique. At home, he was inevitably reading books, surfing the internet, or watching martial arts videos. When in his presence, it was always time to train, even if that was an airport terminal or a hotel lobby. He was awarded the doctorate degree in Martial Arts Philosophy by the EUSIMAA for his expertise in the study of the Martial Sciences. He dedicated his life to teaching children the value of good morals and strong spirit. Grandmaster Manuel received dozens of awards for his accomplishments and teaching in the martial arts world. He was recognized by the Cumberland County Bar Association and Division of Youth/Family Services for his years of dedicated service on behalf of children in the community. He received the Silver Lifetime Achievement Award and International Instructor of the Year Award in USA Goju and Modern Arnis from both the World Head of Family Sokeship Council and the EUSAIMAA. He was a proud member of several martial arts organizations, including the United Martial Arts Referee's Association, The World Head of Family Sokeship Council, the Eastern USA International Martial Arts Association, World Christian Martial Arts Hall of Fame, Action Martial Arts Hall of Fame, Okinawan Karate Association Hall of Fame, and USA Goju Fight Schools Network. He served the EUSAIMAA as a member of their Executive Advisory Committee. One of his greatest joys was receiving the Elvis Presley Memorial Award presented to him by Sidney Poitier. Grandmaster Manuel trained with many great masters, and many people turned to him to expand their knowledge and expertise. Sadly, he will be missed by all that knew him.

World Warrior Camp By: Renshi Ross Greenberg The idea of having a Martial Arts Camp, where the emphasis was strictly on the student education during the course of 3 days was the goal at an event that occurred at a 4H Camp in Riverhead, New York. Each instructor was tasked with the goal of bringing between 5 to 10 techniques, and teach them in a way where the students would best be able to remember them.

World Warrior Camp this year hosted instructors from all over the globe. Lead instructors Soke Thomas Gettling, Sijo James Robinson and Shihan Frank Bonanno hosted the event. This years featured instructors were Grandmaster Malik Shabazz, Shihan Michael Leclair, Kyoshi John Turnbull, Hanshi Stephen Gamma, Shihan Larry W. Houck, Kyoshi Jacquie Gettling, Sifu Casey Cheung, Guru Aaron Berrios, Sifu Roger Martinez, Renshi Ross Greenberg, Sensei Rich Silver and Sije Andrea Bernstein. In attendance to this year’s camp, were 140 students, who also came from places across the globe. The training sessions ran from as early as Sunrise, beginning with morning Tai Chi. Each day was filled with classes both in physical combat and weapons training alike. Always something for everyone of every rank to be do. Each class had attentive students looking to learn something new, and functional, which could be used in their training in the future. After 36 hours of martial arts training, the final day was brought to a close, with a ceremony to allow any of the instructors to do a formal promotion of students who were deserving of Rank and Title. Proudly, each instructor presented there awards to their students in front of the witnesses who where the instructors and students of the Warrior Camp. At the conclusion of World Warrior Camp, all members were presented with Certificates of Completion, which they had earned through their training and participation at the event. And signed by the instructors of the camp. With respect and honor, so many new friendships and bonds were created, by meeting in one place to share knowledge. Isn’t that was Martial Arts is suppose to be for. It is truly the goal of World Warrior Camp to bring Respect and Honor back to the martial arts. For More information about World Warrior Camp and their events, see

Grm Jhoon Rhee’s 80th Birthday By Keith D. Yates Washington D.C.

Over 250 VIPs gathered together to celebrate and honor the “Father of Taekwondo in America,” grandmaster Jhoon G. Rhee for his 45 years of teaching the martial arts in the halls of the United States Congress. The evening was also th a grand celebration of Mr. Rhee’s 80 birthday. The Caucus Room of the U.S. Capital Cannon Office Building was packed on September 30, with a veritable who’s who in the worlds of martial arts and politics from former representative Bob Livingston (R–LA) to grandmasters Y.K. Kim and Jong Soo Park. Guests also included Walter Anderson, publisher of Parade magazine, William Cecil, president of the Biltmore Estate, and His Excellency DukSoo Han, the Korean Ambassador to the United States.

For four and a half decades, unless he was on a out-oftown speaking engagement, Mr. Rhee has driven to the U.S. Capital before sunrise up to three-days-a-week to instruct members of congress in the House Gymnasium in the basement of the Rayburn Building on Independence Avenue. Over the years he has taught over 350 lawmakers and administration officials, promoting many of them to black belt, including Bob Livingston, Jesse Jackson Jr. (D–IL), Mike Espy (D–MS, former Secretary of Agriculture), Pete Hoekstra (R–MI), Carolyn Maloney (D–NY), Gene Taylor (D–MS), Nick Smith (R–MI), Bob Schaffer (R–CO), Howard Pollock (R–AK), Toby Roth (R–WI), Bob Borski (D–PA), James Jeffords (R–VT) and Gerry Sikorski (D–MN).

Of course Rhee has trained and promoted some of the biggest names in the martial arts as well. Allen Steen was his first black belt in America and became the International Grand Champion at Ed Parker’s tournament in Long Beach in 1966. Pat Burleson is called the “grandfather of American sport karate,” because he won the very first national championship (a 1964 tournament put on, in fact, by Jhoon Rhee). Jeff Smith, John and Pat Worley, Ishmael Robles, Keith Yates, John Chung, Dennis Brown, Joe Lewis, Joe Corley and dozens of other pioneering martial artists were there to credit Mr. Rhee with inspiring them to develop the arts in America. Besides well-known champions Rhee has taught celebrities as diverse as Muhammad Ali (who credits the grandmaster with helping him develop his punches) and motivational guru Tony Robbins (who earned his black belt and acknowledged Rhee as someone who helped shaped his philosophy). Bruce Lee said that grandmaster Rhee refined his kicking abilities. Happy Birthday Grm Rhee

Camp 2010 ! More Beatings - More Fun! Grm George Alexander’s camp was better than ever. It was simply extraordinary! Had some new folks attend including Kyoshi Jose Guzman and Sensei and Chris Tortu from New York as well as Sensei Rob Serrano from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Sensei th Mutch Usera, 8 dan from South Dakota taught an outstanding jujitsu class and Sensei Randy Randolph taught a great kickboxing class and karate class on the techniques of the Bubishi. Sensei Josh Usera taught a great “ground and pound” MMA class. Wojo sensei from Chicago taught a truly exemplary iaido class. Others who attended included

Sensei Lynn Kureth from Jacksonville, Fl, Sensei Dave Zimmer from Atlanta, Georgia. We also had classes in karate, Kendo, white crane and kobudo featuring the Sai Sho kata and applications, etc. The Banzai Sake Party was a hit as it is every year. But this year we added the karaoke portion to the party and the debut of the Bushido Band. Needless to say it was a great party and not for the feint of heart. Only serious party animals need attend! Suffice it to say, “What happens at Summer Camp…” I’ll say no more and admit to nothing! The next day we all got up and headed for “white water” and our rafting trip. The mountains were beautiful and seemed almost magical as we glided down the Ocoee River and headed for class five rapids. After the exhilaration of fifty-degree water splashing over us we soon forgot about our sore muscles and sake hangovers. The trip concluded at 2:00 p.m. Later at the barbeque we said our goodbyes and all headed home. Everyone enjoyed a great weekend of intense martial arts, great food and fun. We’re all looking forward to doing it again next year (after we recover!) A special thanks to our staff

and Event Coordinators, Jonnie & Morgan Walker, Susan Alexander and Dave Zimmer. Keep in mind we are limited to only forty (40) people in order to keep this great event in the mountains and at the Honbu dojo where your cabin and hot tub are right next to the dojo So in order to guarantee your spot next year signup now and reserve for next year. It’s only $50.00 to reserve your spot. Call 1-888299-YAMA (9262). We’ve already signed up some folks for next year.

5th Annual Martial Artist Professionals Seminar Woodbridge, Virginia One of the best martial arts seminars on the East Coast the Martial Artist Professionals Seminar on August 7, 2010

was a great success. This 2010 event had over 260 years of martial arts and self defense experience on the mat. This was a great event for all who attended. Each person and all of the martial artist had a outstanding time and information filled day. This event was a great mixture of martial arts and martial artist come together to share various styles, hands on knowledge and outstanding techniques at this event. This event was also a 2010 Hot pick by Action Martial Arts Magazine. This event has a great martial arts spirit and classic feel. There is a great level of respect and fellowship. The host of this event is Zurriane Bennett, Shihan he is the chief instructor of the San Yama Bushi & Combination GoJu School of Self Defense (SYBCG). This MAPS event had martial artist in attendance from New York, Washington DC, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia and Florida etc. The special guest instructors of this year’s event were Grand Master Reno Morales and Master John Graden the Executive Director of the Martial Arts Teacher Association (MATA). This event is also a fundraiser for St. Jude Research Children’s Hospital. All of those that attended this year’s event received instruction in a number of areas Japanese Sword, Jujutsu, Karate, Judo, Kung Fu, Competition Sparring skills, Martial arts business, and Martial arts school development. Several of the 2010 MAPS attendees said that they learned several valuable things at this event. Visit our website for information on our upcoming events and MAPS 2011 at: or call 703-926-7579.

Rothrock Becomes West Coast Representative For I.T.M.A. This Past April, 2010 Martial Arts Movie Legend Cynthia Rothrock Accepted The Appointment Of West Coast Representative For The International Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan Association™. Most People Recognize Rothrock As A Chinese Martial Arts Stylist But Many Do Not Know Of Her Extensive Tang Soo Do Background. Rothrocks’s Tang Soo Do Training Dates Back To Age 13 With Her Start In Martial Arts At The Scranton Karate School Under Senior International Grandmaster Frank Trojanowicz. There Cynthia Met Long Time Friend, Master Robert Kovaleski Who Was An Instructor Under The Direction Of Grandmaster ST Trojanowicz., Rothrock Soon Earned Her Cho Dan (1 Degree Black Belt) As Well As A Black Belt In Four TH Other Styles. Rothrock Was Promoted To A 6 Dan International Master Instructor Back In 2005 By Grandmaster Robert Kovaleski, Who Founded The I.T.M.A. ™ In September Of 1994. Rothrock States” I Have Always Been Proud Of My Tang Soo Do Roots, And Look Forward To Passing On The Art!” For Information On Hosting A Seminar With Master Cynthia Rothrock Visit Us At

The Loss of yet another Great One Grm Joe Onopa Husband, Father, Grandfather, teacher of life, coach of world champions. Dedicated to his family, students, friends and even strangers in need. Bodyguard to General Choi Hong-Hi. Head Coach of Korean stylists at the AUS World Cup in ’96; Grandmaster of his schools in the USA , Australia and Italy . Featured in the official International TaekwonDo Federation textbook dated 1975; recipient of uncountable awards, halls of fame, news articles and magazine features. The White Tiger. Founder and Grandmaster of Onopa’s Institute of Taekwon-Do Kwon Bop Do. Selfless. Caring, concerned, generous. A man of sheer integrity and morals never had a bad word about anyone, also never uttered a bad word. “His spirit is perpetual while his body is not”. His legacy lives on through his students guided by his loving wife Winnie. By : Mark Ewasuk SIMBA'S 45th ANNIVERSARY BANQUET Contrary to popular belief, the word Simba just didn't come into existence when the movie "THE LION KING" made its appearence almost 20 years ago. In

fact, it is this columnist understanding that the word "Simba" refers to a male lion, and the word is of African origin. This word may have been a determining factor that brought together some African American martial artists approximately 45 years ago, to bring into being in the Nation's Capital, a reknowned Taekwon do club known today as Simba dojang. Grand-masters Furman Marshall and Reginald Jackson, along with a large host of others, put aside their differences and brought about a strong and highly accomplished martial arts club from Korean origin. Nearly 300 excited guests, along with approximately 75 well deserving honorees, the lavish ballroom of the "Hollywood Ballroom" just on the outskirts of the Washington D.C. corridor, served as the venue for their 45th anniversary banquet, and reunion. Grandmasters Marshall and Jackson, along with a host of "Simba" friends and supportors, staged and marvelous and well run event to the delight to all those whom had gathered. The "Wong 's People" Kung fu school started things off with a crowd pleasing lion dance, with much pinpoint accuracy and precision to the amazement of the unsuspecting audience!!! Enclosing please allow this columnist to say that the beautiful and unusual plaques and trophies were of the highest caliber and were very warmly received!!!!

Governor Recognizes Local Martial Arts Tournament to Benefit Children’s Healthcare! Governor LePage has declared March 26, Maine Martial Arts Day in celebration of healthy lifestyle activities for Maine’s youth. Observing this honor, Huard’s Martial Arts School will host the 31st Annual “Battle of Maine” Martial Arts Championship with proceeds to benefit Healthcare Charities’ Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals of EMHS. John Dalton, President and CEO of Inland Hospital, adds "The support shown by Mark Huard and his students represents the best in community partnership. A portion of the money they raise for the Children's Miracle Network comes right back to our community, helping the Birthing Center at Inland Hospital purchase new equipment. We thank the Huards for their commitment to healthcare and their commitment to our community.” Scheduled for Saturday, March 26, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, at Sukee Arena in Winslow, this day-long event will feature Karate, Chanbara, Weapons and fighting competitions for juniors and adults, including physically challenged classes. The public is encouraged to attend this exciting familyoriented event. One dollar from the sale of every ticket will benefit Healthcare Charities’ Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Martial arts competitors from throughout the state will compete in 130 youth and adult divisions. Demo Team competitions will provide spectacular entertainment in the center ring beginning promptly at 9:00 am. All requests should be sent to Huard’s Ju-Jitsu and Karate School 234 Clinton Ave, Winslow, ME 04901. 2010 Annual Quebec Martial Arts Clinic and Tournament

amaze me, yet it has very practical applications when taught correctly. The third class was a Judo class taught by Master Jérôme Beauthier (Canada). Since there were no mats on the floor all the work in this class was ground work in the form of arm-bars. Master Beauthier showed such expertise and grace as hetransitioned from one move to the next. He showed the participants all the little details that he could (in the time allowed) concerning what makes an armbar really work, and why it can fail. The final class for the day was Self-Defense taught by Soke Tom Gettling (USA). Soke Gettling taught his usual no nonsense approach to self-defense. He raised the bar on expectations and transitioning, and all the participants were motivated and happy to keep up. The participants in the seminars and tournament that followed all showed something of themselves very telling and specific to good martial arts students. In the seminars they made their mistakes, shrugged it off, and kept working to make the moves right. In the tournament not everyone placed. Of those who placed not all were awarded trophies. In all occasions they smiled, bowed to each other, shook hands, and maybe left the tournament floor a little wiser about what they needed to work on as individuals. This is the beauty of true martial arts; learning from our mistakes and failures. As individuals it is important to be strong, smart, courageous, and wise. We all fall short from time to time. The reason to be all those things I mentioned above is to help others along their path. Through our personal examples of error and triumph we act as guides, and in helping others we help ourselves and become greater as a whole. The cycle flows and martial arts evolve. Whether through our families, our schools, or the very societies in which we reside, our strength, and every good quality we possess only really serve one purpose; to move every human being forward in this journey we call life. Just a thought.


By : Guru Aaron Berrios

By Dr. Michael Willett

The journey for the 2010 Annual Quebec Martial Arts Clinic and Tournament took us upstate to Northern New York towards Canada. For those of you living in New York City that have never had the chance, or taken the opportunity to travel up North in New York State, you are missing the beauty of colors, sights, and majesty that make any life truly worth living. As we passed Lake George in the Adirondacks on this clear crisp spring day we saw the mountains and their mirror image in the Lake. The seminars at the event were all very informative and contained a great deal of substance. The first class was a Shotokan class taught by Kyoshi Gille Lavigne (Canada). The emphasis was on projecting power and energy through your techniques. Kyoshi Lavigne took great care to explain why it is necessary to punch and kick through all your targets. He also took the time to explain the frame of mind you must place yourself in to accomplish this effort. The second class was a Tai Chi class taught by Sifu Sonia Rivera (Puerto Rico). She demonstrated and taught the beginning set of her Tai Chi form. The beauty and grace of this art never ceases to

If you have read any of my articles you know, “I only go where I’m celebrated and not tolerated” That was just the

case at the Roberto Clemente Coliseum, in sunny San Juan, Puerto Rico. The occasion was the first International Karate Tournament on the place they call Isla Verde, Puerto Rico.

Shihan Luis Cruz (Puerto Rican National Champion) and the Fast Guy Team put on a spectacular display of down-home hospitality for all of the guest, American or otherwise. The elite of elite competitors from the United States were there. Ross Levine was there in all his Hakama splendor. Ross was kind enough to give a well received Bo seminar. It was wonderful to see so many young students (under students 14 years old) cling to every word Ross spoke. Mark Canaziando brought his unique brand of extremism to the island. He too gave a well received seminar and the attendees love him. Shihan Jonas Nunez was on hand the following day for some high spirited competition. All the Shihans from Puerto Rico seemed to be there. It really was a historic event of epic proportions. The American contingent on hand did not disappoint. Mark was his usual high flying self and won several divisions. Ross was as a blaze of fire with his Bo and his fighting was nothing short of spectacular. He too won several divisions. Jonas was so low to the floor with his form, the entire audience just broke out in applause. All in all it was a great event, not because it was a international event of epic proportions, not because it was history in the making, it was epic because everyone came together and gave what assistance they could. Mike Conroy from Connecticut was the best example. I don’t think Mike can speak any Spanish. Mike did however lend his vast knowledge to Shihan Cruz and the event will never forget Mike Conroy. You might have missed this year but I’m sure you won’t miss next year. The sun, fun and competition awaits you.

2010 North East Open The 2010 North East Open, held in Albany NY celebrated th its 4 year with much th success on July 10 2010. In addition to the continued growth seen in number of competitors, participants and spectators; 2010 saw the introduction of the new award category; “The Warrior’s Cup”. The Warrior’s Cup was a new competition and award to recognize the Best All-Around Martial Artist. Competitors competed in any desired events, and their final standings in each earned them points towards the Warrior’s Cup Award. The Competitor in their Age Division who earned the most points across the board taking into

account Forms, Weapons, Sparring, Breaking and SelfDefense earned the Warrior’s Cup! This year’s most notable Warrior was the winner in the 13-17 year old category; Skylar Pagliuca (14). Skylar, an advanced ranked student from Colonie New York competed in twelve different divisions, the most of any other competitor at this year’s event. Skylar merited this award not just through registering for the most events, but by showing she is truly st a Martial Arts Warrior earning nine 1 place trophies (Traditional Forms, Creative Forms, Traditional Weapons, Creative Weapons, Self-Defense, Open Breaking, Creative Wood Breaking,Power Wood Elbow, High Jump Kick, Power Wood Foot) and a second and third place trophy (Power wood hand and sparring). Skylar focuses her training in Tae Kwon Do, but also supplements those classes with additional ones in Tai Chi, Kung Fu and Creative/Extreme Martial Arts. Skylar has been training in martial arts for four and half years, and has been competing for about three years in which time she has continued to grow and excel in competition and martial arts overall. Skylar is a North East Open veteran, having competed each and every year since the inaugural event in 2007. Skylar looks forward to defending her title in 2011 as well as being eligible for many of the exciting new awards th being presented at the 2011 North East Open, 5 Anniversary Awards Banquet taking place on Friday July th th 8 and Saturday July 9 2011.

Mercer County Nationals Lawrenceville, NJ th

The 2010 15 annual Mercer County National Karate Championship in memory of the late HOWARD JACKSON was organized & hosted by tournament director Master IVAN MENDEZ of the Red Dragon Karate Studio in Trenton NJ. Competitors traveled from Conn., N.Y., N.J., P.A., Ohio, Delaware, Maryland, Florida, Canada, as well as competitors from Nepal. This event showcased 140 divisions in the following categories: weapon kata, emptyhand kata, self-defense, point-sparring and continuous sparring. When Master MENDEZ is not helping to fight crime on the streets of Trenton, he is helping to teach kids to fight through the ancient practice of martial arts. But unlike the violence that too often erupts on the streets, Master MENDEZ also the unit commander of local police department's Crime Scene Investigation Bureau, says the skills he teaches instill a deep discipline and help keep kids stay out of trouble. They are the skills that Master MENDEZ helped kids show off at the 15th annual Mercer County Nationals, an event he helped organized since its inception in 1995.

We teach the kids how to be crime fighters through high moral," he said. "It's not about kicking and punching, it's about discipline and respect. There's an etiquette involved in it that crosses over into their everyday life." And with nearly 550 registered participants, ages 4 and up, and over 700 thrilling spectators cheering on the performances, it was clear that this event was an activity that has touched many lives. Every year, Master MENDEZ has organized this event in an effort to promote health & fitness, exposing children’s talents on a national level, and contributing to a humanitarian cause that enhances the martial arts. In the past ten years, Master MENDEZ has donated over $25,000 to organizations such as, the YWCA, CYO, Home Front, PAL, Special Olympics, Sunshine Foundation, St. Jude’s Cancer Research Hospital & many more to include the HOWARD JACKSON foundation. Mr. JACKSON was a martial arts pioneer, legend, and the most devastating offensive fighter of all times. He was Chuck Norris’ personal trainer and bodyguard, and a close personal friend to Master Ivan MENDEZ. In early March of 2006, Mr. Jackson lost his battle with Leukemia. Mr. Jackson’s memory will be carried on at this event. He will never be forgotten. th Plans are in the works for the “16 Annual” event scheduled for Saturday, March 26th, 2011. For more information, contact or go to

it and will be back in full force next year. “ Spectators were also thrilled to watch this division. The Moms Who Kick Inc., a charitable organization was on board at KToC selling their MWK calendar to help raise funds for breast cancer research. KToC continues to grow every year and has doubled the space at Queens College for KToC 2011. Don’t miss KToC 2011 which will be held on November 20, 2011. For more information please go to

USA KARATE CHAMPIONSHIPS 2010 A HUGE SUCCESS Grand Master Robert Kovaleski Founder And Master Eric Kovaleski Director Of The International Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan Association And Owner Of Master th Kovaleski’s Karate USA Hosted The 12 Annual USA Championship At The Clarks Summit Elementary Center In Clarks Summit, PA Among The Many Different Schools And

KToC Hits New Highs Congratulation to Seiko Hanshi Rick Diaz as the Karate Tournament of Champions (KToC) continues to grow. KToC has grown to be one of New York City’s largest Martial Arts tournaments. Queens College was the place to be on November 21, 2010 as Hanshi Diaz hosted KToC 2010. Over 1500 spectators watched as KToC competitors showcased the skills of over 650 martial artists from all over the world including participants from the Tri State area and as far away as China and India. The beauty of KToC is its diverse crowd and vast array of styles including Karate, Kung Fu, Tae Kwon Do and Sport Jiu Jitsu. “Many of the people that come to KToC only see each other once a year, which is at the event. So it is always great to see them return and greet each other with such respect. People have made some great friends at KToC”, said Hanshi Diaz. Allen Tjiong, the President of the Wushu/Kung Fu Fitness Center was most impressed by the large number of Kung Fu competitors especially, Chun Tong Lin from China who got a standing ovation for his spectacular whip chain form. Sensei Derrick Williams took Kata Grand Champion with his outstanding traditional Kata, Unsu. Lawrence “Kodak” Wray took Men’s fighting Grand Champion and Aly “Foxtail” Franco took Female Grand Champion. This year’s event featured a Sport Jiu Jitsu division run by the United States Sport Jiu Jitsu Association Regional Director Larry Laureano and World Champion, John Delvecchio. Competitors were rocking and rolling as the crowd watched the skill of participants in this new and exciting division. “It is great that KToC has added Sport Jiu Jitsu to its repertoire of divisions” said Sensei Linda Ramzey, of FujiRyu Jitsu. “My students loved

Styles Present There Were A Total Of 238 Competitors And Almost 1100 People Present For This Awesome Event. Martial Arts Students Competed For Beautiful Trophies And Medals For Runner-Ups In Traditional And Open Forms, Sparring, Weapons, Breaking Along With Jump Front And Jump Side Kick Competitions. Among The Many Great Grand Masters, Masters, Blackbelts And There Students In Attendance, Martial Arts Great “Lady Dragon” Cynthia Rothrock Was Also Present To Take Pictures And Sign Autographs For Fans. Ms. Rothrock Also Judged Much Of The Competition. Cynthia Rothrock Also Accepted A Few Awards As Well 1) An Award Of Honor-For Her Dedication And Many Contributions To The Martial Arts 2) And An Award Naming Rothrock The West Coast Representing For The International Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan Association, Which She Has Been Active For Over Ten Years. Grand Master Chong Su Kim, Of York, PA, Was Also Present To Conduct An Interview On The Tournament, Cynthia Rothrock And The Kovaleskis. Grand Master Kim Also Received An Award Of Appreciation For His Many Years Of The Martial Arts. 13 Competitors, Some Local And Some From A Far, Competed In Our “Special Needs” Division. These Students Have Disabilities Such As Down Syndrome, Autism And Cerebral Palsy. “These Students Were The Highlight Of Our Event,” States Master Kovaleski. Cynthia Rothrock Also Held A 3 ½ Hour Seminar Titled “Get The Competitive Edge” At The End Of The Seminar Cynthia Was Awarded A Studio Certification And Her SA Bom Certification From Her Instructor Grand Master Robert Kovaleski, Eric Kovaleski And The I.T.M.A. Over 35 Students Participated, The I.T.M.A And Cynthia Rothrock Are Planning A Trip To Korea Next Summer To Train And Tour The Land Of The Mourning Calm!


The Economy of a Nation is to have more Positive Martial Energy in Reserve ! We are the Warriors of Consciousness! We will not let ourselves be broken by the Pressure of this current Global Economic Crisis! The main thing is to take part in the Evolutionary process of Advancement, Concretely and Consciously, with the Martial Spirit, and not to give up. Our Human Family is Fighting to Survive. All that was brought by philosophies, methods and rites of all sorts to Guide Humanity, with advice on the means of living and going on existing in the best possible way, all that is exhausted. The Knowledge we have at our disposal is no longer adequate to make us Advance. How to take part to Feed our Martial Art Family? Here I will say that it is absolutely necessary to create an Atmosphere, by giving all our Attention and all our Care to maintaining sufficient Simplicity to Observe with Passion and the greatest Exactitude, through the capacity of our Observing Consciousness, how in our life, even the simple life of the functions of our Body which are helped by a mechanical system, how then we go on living every day with masses of Dangerous and Continual Imperfections, which create Disharmony and Destroy what we have Built to live: it is something like a bulldozer advancing without a Conscious Driver. There is also the opposite function to this system, which Constructs without Destroying and with complete Freedom. We, the Warriors, have to Activate this function so that we can continue to live in the best conditions: this is the objective of the Conscious Martial Art Education, starting with the individual being of the Warrior who simultaneously leads his everyday personal life, and his collective life that we call Humanity or One Martial Art Family, to live in One World. At this auspicious moment of our world situation we need Energetic Warriors with Deep Emotions and a Perfect Mental, who are Physically Vigorous and Full of Constructive Force to be able to Absorb the Shocks of Density and Recycle them into Luminous Creativity for Peaceful Living. The Warrior is something like a Living Conversion Instrument. Lower degree Perceptions can be Converted into Higher ones; Destructive Sensations, Feelings, Thoughts and Acts can be Converted too, and become Useful elements for a Constructive purpose. The Masters and Grandmasters who transmit the Noble Martial Art Teaching have the Responsibility to offer this Education to the World Citizens of today and the Duty to introduce the Martial Spirit into the Young and those who are Sleepy, busy looking for their Personal Comfort. Gati Chi, the fruit of my Research on Conscious Acceleration, offers a complete programme for Inner and Outer Development: . The Development of the Psychic Consciousness of Warriors . The Development of the Vital Consciousness of

Warriors . The Development of the Mental Consciousness of Warriors . The Development of the Physical Consciousness of Warriors Here it is necessary to state that this Development is the result of a Fight, of a constant Combat of the Individual with the Unconscious and Obscure parts of his own being. The aim of Gati Chi Martial Art is the Simultaneous Conscious Development of the whole functioning of the Warrior’s Consciousness. This development is the Base of the Inner and Outer Health of Individuals, who build Nations and ultimately the whole World. Conscious Warriors only are able to find Positive Solutions to our World Economic situation by learning not to waste the Energy Within, which is the Foundation of True Economy. Learn not to Waste your Martial Energy In True Martial Art Education, Warriors have to be Conscious of the Play of the Force behind all Actions and they learn not only how not to Waste their Initial Energy, but also how to make it more Dynamic. This is the base of all Economy and starts in each Warrior’s Subliminal Self. A National Economy can be Achieved if each Member of the Community is Conscious that his Body cannot run for long if he does not stop Wasting his Martial Force, which means the Forces of all the levels of his Consciousness: his Emotional Force, his Mental Force, his Vital Force and obviously his Physical Force. Dynamism has to be introduced in all these Forces which are a Base, a Support. All of them have to be combined and applied Consciously with Intense Acceleration in the Material Sphere of our Society, where the major problem is to Provide the Solution to our Economic Crisis. The Noble Martial Art Education sets itself the objective of building Conscious Warriors of Economy who will solve the problems of the International Economic Crisis, which simultaneously leads to and is the result of Dominating by Separation, Extorting Natural Resources and Exploiting with Destruction. This condition of Humanity has reached a state of Saturation and at the moment there is no practical solution for a happy and healthy international Peaceful living system: there is no real Security, no real Freedom and no Joyous-Powerful Unity. Martial Art Education is a reply to this Vital Need for our Humanity. It teaches to respect the multi-coloured Diversity of Cultures, bringing Martial Artists together in one central point of Unity to Adore the Peaceful Martial Force within each member of our World Martial Art Family. The problems of Political Economy lead to Terrorism and War but the true Economy of a Nation is to have more Luminous Energy in Reserve in each Warrior’s Bank of Consciousness. . GM Prof. SRI DINESH


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