Maghery Coastal Adventure

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Community Hubs Programme Evaluation November 2016


ogramme? What is the Community Hubs Pr

Dormant funds/unclaimed life assurance policies, which have not been reclaimed by the original account/ policy holder or their beneficiaries, are transferred each year by the financial institution to the Dormant Accounts Fund which is managed by the National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA). The legislation provides for a scheme for the disbursement of these funds. Legislation states that funds can only be distributed for the purposes of programmes or projects to assist:

Section 1:

Introduction and Ba ckground

The personal and social development of persons who are economically or socially disadvantaged; The educational development of persons who are educationally disadvantaged or

Persons with a disability (within the meaning of the Equal Status Act 2000)

The Community Sport and Physical Activity Hub programme therefore is an initiative of Sport Ireland using Dormant Account funds, €662,000 which includes capital funding of €469,000 was allocated to 9 Local Sports Partnerships to establish Community Sport and Physical Activity Hubs across the Country, money coming from Dormant Accounts.

This document sets out an independent evaluation of “Maghery Coastal Adventures” Community Sports and Physical Activity Hub project. The project is one of 9 initiatives funded by Sport Ireland through its Local Sports Partnerships and is supported under the Dormant Accounts Funding for Sport Programme. The project was delivered by the Donegal Sports Partnership in collaboration with Ionad An Mhachaire and associated sports clubs and community groups during the period October 2015 – November 2016. Section 1 provides and introduction and overview of the project.


Sport Ireland defines Community Hubs as: a collective of progressive sports clubs and other local organisations that want to work together to improve the sport offered in their local community. Each hub is unique, however work to certain principles, namely growing participation, engaging the local community, promoting community leadership and offer a range of sporting opportunities bringing all key partners/groups/people together. The key aims and objectives of the Community Hubs include:

t and Physical The aim of the Community Spor ople together and Activity Hubs is to bring local pe ts organisations. or sp d an bs clu l ca lo r fo me ho provide a twork of Local Sports Supported by Sport Ireland’s ne ovide information, Partnerships, these hubs will pr range of sports and de wi a on e vic ad d an t or pp su easier for people to get physical activities and make it d healthier lifestyle an e tiv ac re mo a in ge ga en d involved an


rs Introduction to Project Partne

Donegal Sports Partnership (DSP) was established in 2001 and over the past 15 years has coordinated and supported the development of sport and physical activity in County Donegal. It also supports the development of initiatives which seek to increase participation in sport and physical activity especially among the many low participation target groups in line with national objectives. DSP is an inter-agency and multi-sectoral organisation established as a limited company with representatives from all the main statutory agencies and the community and voluntary sectors serving on a dedicated Board of Directors. The organisations strategic plan 2015-2018 identifies the following as key objectives:


An Active Donegal


To ensure the sustainability of the Donegal Sports Partnership itself into the future, in order that it can continue to build capacity within sports clubs, schools and communities and t support them to work towards an Active Donegal

Strategic To increase participation in sport and physical activity for identified target groups Objectives To provide quality education and training opportunities in areas such as coach and volunteer education, leadership and capacity building within clubs, communities and sporting organisations

The Community Hubs Project was to be targeted at areas of high socio economic disadvantage, at projects that would engage adolescents and in areas where organisations could maximise their local assets. Following a review of existing services, previous investment and key socio economic statistical data as well as considering the direction of travel in the 2015-2018 strategic plan, the decision was taken by Donegal Sports Partnership to engage and collaborate with Ionad An Mhachaire and other partners in the Rosses region of West Donegal and to focus on an outdoor community sports hub that would maximise the natural resources in that area. The An Mhachaire le Chelie community is based in West Donegal close to the town of Dungloe resting on the Atlantic Ocean, the organisation is a company limited by guarantee with one full time and three part time workers, this area has been disadvantaged and marginalised as a result of poor infrastructure, high levels of emigration, limited employment opportunities and limited sports and social activities for adults and young people.


The total population of the surrounding areas is 4090 (Pobal 2011), with approximately 500 young people aged 13-18. These areas suffer from high levels of deprivation ranging from Maghery at - 7.13 to Doocharry at -25.54, all fall below the average for County Donegal. The unemployment rate in each of the small areas ranged from 15.63% in Crovehy to 36.36% in Doocharry, well above the national average of circa 10%. Areas such as Doocharry (50%), Annagary (26.44%) and Crovehy (26.67%) have significantly higher proportion of lone parent families than the national average. These are all rural areas have high populations of adolescents and suffer from significant deprivation, ensuring a strategic alignment to the dormant accounts fund. Despite the many barriers facing this community, through community investment and local fundraising, they managed to develop a resource centre which includes an indoor general purpose area, cafÊ facility, meeting rooms, small cinema room, children’s playground, dressing rooms and sports field. Locally the community also has access to a beach front and mountain trails suitable for walking, jogging and cycling as well as a slip way and pier suitable for water sports. The location of the centre in the Donegal Gaeltacht also opens up possibilities for links with the small islands off the coast (Inish Fraoigh, Ruthland, Inish Caorach) for adventure sports and environmental programmes which were considered to be attractive in engaging young people and adolescents to practical programmes in education and learning through sport and physical activity. The centre is also a local hub for day care services for aged and provides social activities and meals on a weekly basis. Having consulted with local organisations and representatives about the possibility of a collaborative bid to Sport Ireland, it was agreed that Ionad An Mhachaire would partner with Donegal Sports Partnership to try and secure investment for the area. On the 1st August 2015, Donegal Sports Partnership received a letter of offer from Sport Ireland to deliver the Community Hubs project in An Mhachaire le Chelie.


Deliver? What was the Project Funded to

The letter of offer from Sport Ireland identified a number of key targets and outcomes to be achieved by the community hub in Maghery, these included:

Target The development of a local steering group representative of local community and sports groups including young people and adolescents in order to coordinate the programme.


Goal The focus of the steering groups will be to ensure the engagement of those most in need, delivery of education and training, supporting the independent review and evaluation measures, examining potential areas for future sustainability of the project and general coordination and support for the programme in partnership with Donegal Sports Partnership. It is envisaged that the steering group will also engender a sense of pride and ownership among local people ensuring commitment and active participation from all members of the local community

The provision of a public information sessions and official launch of the programme. Up to 100 individuals engaged in consultation, development of action plan.

Promote and advertise the programme goals to the general region

Plan and deliver a schedule of education and training modules to support the programme targeting participation of young people and adolescents, this programme would include Water Safety training (IWS), Walking Leaders / Mountain Leader Skills, Basic Kayaking, Sailing S kills, Wave Ski training, Mountain Biking Leadership (Gartan Outdoor Education Centre) as well as ISC/DSP programmes such as Safeguarding 1 & 2, Establishing Sporting Communities, Safety in Sport (event management).

Improve skills base among volunteers and coaches, capacity building for clubs, increase opportunities for participation, increase volunteering

Purchase of capital equipment to include kayaks, body boards, surf boards, off road cycles, outdoor fitness equipment, water safety equipment (buoyancy aids, helmets etc.).

Support the development of the outdoor community hub

Delivery of a programme of activities targeting the most marginalised and disadvantaged in the region, inclusion and equality will be a key theme of the programme therefore targeting minority groups. The project would also focus on the provision of fun festival type event which would encourage a `come and try’ method of engagement

Increase participation among marginalised / disadvantaged groups including (religious), disability groups, LGBT groups, ethnic minority and traveller groups will be a priority.

Delivery of a programme of activities in order to provide opportunities to participate in new recreational sports with an outdoor theme

Delivery of a minimum of 4 participation events/ activities targeting at least 250 people. 1 adventure/water sport festival delivered with 200 people engaged

Provide opportunities for the most marginalised in their area for participation in the above activities.

Provide opportunities for the most marginalised in their area to participate in a programme of activities such as kayaking, sailing, body boarding, surfing, cycling and walking through the An Mhachaire community sports programme


Target Establishment of a Hillwalking club to promote and utilise previous work already completed by members of the community

Goal To identify and promote walking programmes in the area and to examine ways to market them to young people and adolescents

Section 2: Ev

To make better use of the national recourses of the area including the beach front, bay area with boat slip and pier, walking and cycling trails and the local small islands.

olution of Maghery Coastal Ad ventures

To engage with the local community around the ownership and to provide the necessary training and education to build capacity and team building in order to create a legacy project, this outcome will also be supported by a local steering group with mentoring and support provided by Donegal Sports Partnership.

Engage with key community groups and sports organisations in the area, some of which are already using the centre.

Promote community led development

Consultation, community engagement, development of action plan and project launch event.

Promote community led development

This section of the report presents the process adopted by both Donegal Sports Partnership and Ionad An Mhachaire in developing and building the Community Hubs Programme. The timeline opposite provides a chronological overview of the process to establish the initiative



ity Consultation un m m Co d an up ro G g rin ee St Step 1 –

August 2015

September 2015

Letter of Offer from Sport Ireland to DSP

October - Novembe r 2015

Establishment of local Project Steering Group

January 2016

Comprehensive Community Consultation Process

February March 2016

12 individuals from the local community, representative of a wide range of clubs and groups as well as residents who had an interest in sport and physical activity were nominated to sit on the steering group. The group agreed that a community consultation process would be critical in securing buy in, ownership and identifying the direction of the project. The consultation process engaged more than 125 people and comprised:

A web based survey with 91 responses

2 focus groups with young people aged 12-17 (20 attending)

1-1 interviews with local stakeholders such as school principle, youth group and local sports clubs

Some of the key findings are included below: Identification of 5 key areas of work for the hub

March 2016

Local coordinator employed April 2016 - ongoing

Purchase of â‚Ź42,987.74 of capital items


The approach adopted by Donegal Sports Partnership was rooted in community development and community ownership, the first step in the overall process was therefore to establish a locally based steering committee to take the project forward and become the decision making body in the allocation and distribution of funds and content of programmes and activities.

Development of Hub branding and marketing material

Young people make up the majority of consultees at 35.56% which is consistent with the aims and objectives of the Community Hubs programme. Feedback was received from every age group including working age adults and older people, ensuring a good spread and representation from the wider community. The consultation process secured an exact 50/50 split between male and female contribution. The findings include individuals from 26 local settlements or hamlets within a 3040-mile radius of the community hub.



at the th l e fe t o n id d State that they the area in le b a il a v a s activitie or interests s d e e n ir e th d matche



rently r u c e r e w d e lt u of those cons ities such as v ti c a in g n ti a ip partic k climbing, hill walking, roc ing surfing or kayak

There appeared to be a high level of interest in outdoor sports to be provided by the community hub, over 70% of those engaged identified that they would be interested in participating in activities whilst, 16 people identified an interest in education & training to become ‘leaders’ or ‘coaches’ and a further 10 individuals have expressed an interest in volunteering.

To establish some baseline data for the programme, the Donegal Sports Partnership asked a series of questions in terms of current opportunities and perceptions of how the local community currently maximise its natural resources. The following responses were provided:

A critical element of the consultation process was to identify the types of activities and sports that local people would be most willing to engage in, the feedback provided the following information:

Kayaking Sailing Paddleboarding Surfing Hiking Hillwalking Cycling Snorkeling Canoeing



Hub Step 2 – Designing the Outdoor

15 Bicycles 14 Kayaks 70 Wetsuits 6 Paddle Boards 24 Snorkels 8 Surf Boards

The programme design was directly informed by the widespread community consultation process and represented a bottom up approach. The challenge for the committee at this stage was to establish a brand for all of the activities and begin the process of purchasing capital equipment that would enable the activities to take place: The Steering Group also recognised at this time that to drive the project, it required a local resource that could dedicate the time and effort to recruiting and training tutors, promoting and marketing activities and engaging locally to generate enthusiasm and energy around the new equipment and new opportunities that would emerge. Working closely with the appointed coordinator in the Donegal Sports Partnership, the steering group therefore recruited a local project coordinator. This individual quickly worked to establish The Maghery Coastal Adventures brand and social media sites to enable the project to begin to engage with its target groups and potential programme participants. A long list of capital equipment was then developed and purchased. This included:


In addition, the project enabled the steering group to purchase 3 large containers within which they would store and manage all equipment. The local coordinator with assistance from a number of local volunteers worked to install shelving and organise the equipment for community use. Two of the containers are located next to the Ionad an Mhachaire Resource Centre with the 3rd located in close proximity to Maghery Pier with access to the water.


465 items of sporting equipment purchased at a value of â‚Ź42,987.74

t has The projec rent 9 diffe delivered 1 the events in past year

Section 3: What has

Maghery Coastal Adverntures delivere d

The Community Hubs Project in An Mhachaire le Chelie has enjoyed many successes, and these have been collated through ongoing monitoring reports and data gathering from the local project coordinator. The following pages present the key headline statistics for the project as well as a timeline of activities and events. Further detail on a number of the key activities has also been provided.


260 people have taken part in act ivities organised by Ma ghery Coastal Adventure s Over 125 people involved in shaping and designing project through consultation

2 accredited qualifications secured by tutors, the project now ha s 5 active tutors

47% of all participants (123) taking part in activities are young people

12 local people have managed the project from day 1 as volunteers

lking miles 307 hillwa rticipants 39 pa covered by 8 years old m ranging fro + to 65


17th June – 4th August 1 young person completes Level 1 Stand Up Paddle Boarding Instructor Course (40 hours supervised work required to complete)

22nd July 2016 Kayaking Taster session for 4 young people and 5 adults

24th July 2016 Hillwalking event in Maghery with 19 adults and 4 young people (4 aged 65+)

22nd August 2016, 4 young people try out stand up paddle boarding taster session in Maghery 24th August 2016, 5 young people and 2 adults complete stand up paddle boarding taster session in Maghery

24th September Official Launch of the Maghery Coastal Adventures Project 50+ people attending

8th July 2016 Kayaking Taster session for 6 young people aged 11-18

11th and 12th July 2016 Stand up Paddle Board Taster Event 35 young people and 30 adults taking part

29th July 2 x Kayaking Taster sessions, 8 young people in the first and 8 adults in the second

8th August, 12km Hillwalking trek with 15 adults and 1 young person, 5 participants aged 65+

25th August 2016, cycling taster session for 7 young people and 3 adults in Maghery

6th August 2016, snorkelling taster session for 9 young people and 3 adults

8th August, 6km kayak island hopping session, 2 young people and 6 adults progressed from taster session. Ended up at Dungloe Pier 26th August 2016, another 3 young people try out stand up paddle boarding taster session in Maghery

24th August – 4th September 2016, 3 young people and 2 adults complete the Kayak Skills Level 2 course over 3 sessions

25th October Safeguarding Children Course 7 people attending


19th June Bikeweek 2016 Sprocket Rocket, Family 5k and Barbecue 35 children and young people + 35 adults

Bikeweek Event June 2016 One of the first events to take place, delivered by the Maghery Coastal Adventures project was the cycling taster session for children and young people as well as adults. Sprocket Rocket is Cycling Ireland’s fun skills programme where children aged 5 to 12 are taught four FUNdamental cycling skills by qualified Sprocket Rocket Instructors (can be delivered to older groups also). The sessions focus on on 4 main skills; Cornering, Pedaling, Braking and Balance. Participants were able to access new purchased equipment (bikes and helmets) which meant those without their own bike could also participate. The programme sourced qualified facilitators who engaged with young people while adults were encouraged to participate in the 5km cycle alongside children. The event attracted 35 children and young people and 35 adults and included a family barbecue and novelty fun events. The aim was to stimulate an interest and enthusiasm for cycling in the hope that families might continue to participate together. The event was a huge success with positive feedback received from participants and positive comments left on the Maghery Coastal Adventures social media sites

Had a really great evening... Thanks to the Maghery Coastal looking forward to the next outing Fantastic evening, lots of smiling faces young and old 21

Splash and Dash Kayaking Sessions July 2016 In the initial consultation process, Kayaking was identified by a large number of consultees as something they would be interested in trying but didn’t have the means or opportunity to do so. The programme facilitated a large number of Kayaking taster sessions of the course of the summer 2016

d Really enjoyed it, saw grey an and common seals, beautiful views 10 euro! such amazing value all that for end - thanks! sp er ev ill w u yo ro eu 10 st be the Interest levels in kayaking were sustained across the summer, enabling the project to host an event in August 2016 to allow people who had previously completed one of our kayaking sessions to achieve their Sit-on-Top Kayak and Flat Water Skills Award which is administered by the Canoe Union of Ireland. In addition, in August 2016 a group of 6 young people and 2 adults followed up previous kayak taster sessions by undertaking a 6km paddle, visiting a number of islands including Inishal and Inishean. The paddle ended up at Dungloe Pier where the project had organised transport back to the resource centre in Maghery. This was the first time the island hopping idea had been piloted (it had been suggested during the consultation process, again there was very positive feedback and it generated considerable interest in the local community.


Hillwalking July - August 2016 One of the key aspirations of the programme was to maximise the use of natural resources including mountains, hills and water based activity. In the initial consultation process, those engaged identified hillwalking as a key potential activity for Maghery Coastal Adventures. The project coordinator engaged with one of the local residents to produce a series of walking trails that would incorporate some of the key historical and heritage sites of the area. A number of potential routes were developed including a 5km trek and a 12km trek. The first taster session took place in July 2016, this was a guided walk in conjunction with the Mary from Dungloe Festival exploring some of the historical sites in the Maghery / Termon area. 19 participants took part in the 5km trek with all completing despite difficult weather conditions. Subsequently on the 8th of August, the project organised and coordinated the Maghery festival hillwalk over the Maghery - Falcorrib landscape. This included spectacular views of hills and sea cliffs and followed by lunch at the Ionad. The events received positive feedback from participants and the project has now produced a walking trail guide and historic site resource that individuals can use to complete their own walks, alternatively they can access a trained and qualified walking guide to accompany them through the Maghery Coastal Adventures Project


es Delivering Targets and Objectiv

The previous pages have provided an overview of some of the key activities delivered by the project during its pilot phase. The table below presents an analysis of the extent to which Maghery Coastal Adventures has delivered against its key targets and objectives (where objectives overlap or are seen as duplicate, they have been included together):

Target The development of a local steering group representative of local community and sports groups including young people and adolescents in order to coordinate the programme.

Analysis Local steering group was established in September 2015 with representation from 10 members of the local community, sports clubs, young people – target achieved In addition, the programme appointed a local coordinator to oversee the development and management of the programme – target exceeded

The provision of a public information sessions and official launch of the programme. Up to 100 individuals engaged in consultation, development of action plan.

3 public information sessions, 2 focus groups and a community survey engaged over 125 individuals in consultation and development of a project action plan – target exceeded

Engage with key community groups and sports organisations in the area, some of which are already using the centre. Plan and deliver a schedule of education and training modules to Improve skills base among volunteers and coaches, capacity building for clubs, increase opportunities for participation, increase volunteering Delivery of a comprehensive programme of training and education to build local capacity.


Purchase of capital equipment to include kayaks, body boards, surf boards, off road cycles, outdoor fitness equipment, water safety equipment (buoyancy aids, helmets etc.).

€XX was spent on XX capital items including, bicycles, helmets, paddle boards, surf boards, kayaks, wetsuits etc. The project also purchased and installed storage containers and a trailer to help manage and maintain equipment – target achieved

Delivery of a programme of activities targeting the most marginalised and disadvantaged in the region, inclusion and equality will be a key theme of the programme therefore targeting minority groups. The project would also focus on the provision of fun festival type event which would encourage a `come and try’ method of engagement

This section has demonstrated that the project has delivered 19 different activities and events to 260 people including children, young people, adults and older people. Come and Try & Taster sessions were used to encourage participation and engagement – target achieved

Increase participation among marginalised / disadvantaged groups including (religious), disability groups, LGBT groups, ethnic minority and traveller groups will be a priority. Delivery of a minimum of 4 participation events / activities targeting at least 250 people. 1 adventure/water sport festival delivered with 200 people engaged Delivery of a programme of activities in order to provide opportunities to participate in new recreational sports with an outdoor theme

To date, training has been delivered in: Stand Up Paddle Boarding Instructor, Basic Kayaking, Sit on Top Kayaking, Flat Water Skills Award, Safeguarding Children and Walking Leaders Whilst some of the intended courses have not been delivered (Water Safety training (IWS), Sailing Skills, Wave Ski training, Mountain Biking Leadership (Gartan Outdoor Education Centre), the project has built the capacity of local volunteers, creating participation opportunities – target achieved

Marketing and Communication

The project has established a website and social media accounts on Facebook and twitter. In addition, the project was advertised in the Take Off Magazine for flights arriving to the Donegal Airport – target achieved



To promote walking

35 individuals participated in Hill Walking Taster sessions as part of the programme, ranging from children through to 65+ – target achieved

To make better use of the national resources of the area including the beach front, bay area with boat slip and pier, walking and cycling trails and the local small islands.

A post programme questionnaire shows an increase of 17% in the % of people who feel the area maximises its local resources – target achieved

To engage with the local community around the ownership and to provide the necessary training and education to build capacity and team building in order to create a legacy project, this outcome will also be supported by a local steering group with mentoring and support provided by Donegal Sports Partnership.

Donegal Sports Partnership has planned to deliver a social economy planning process in early 2017 to look at the long term sustainability of the initiative that the community can take ownership and control of – target to be delivered

Consultation, community engagement, development of action plan and project launch event.

Project Launch Event took place on Thursday 8th September 2016 and as noted, 125 individuals were involved in the initial consultation process – target achieved

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Section 4: What

impact has the programme had

The core outputs in terms of establishment of steering group, community consultation, purchase of equipment and delivery of programme of events have achieved and exceeded the quantitative targets assigned to the programme. This section explores the impact of this activity and the extent to which the project has contributed to the overall objectives of the Sport Ireland Community Hubs Programme.



Impact on Participants



To identify the potential impact on participants and the difference the programme is making in terms of increased participation in sport and physical activity, the partners conducted a follow up survey to the initial consultation process in October/November 2015, this was designed to measure anypotential change in attitude, participation and perceived access to opportunity. 64 participants have contributed to the follow up survey, 39% of these respondents also participated in the initial consultation process and 61/64 were aware of Maghery Coastal Adventures. The key findings are presented below:


Post In relation to the opportunity that exists to participate in water sports, 13% of participants pre programme ranked the opportunity as 8-10 whilst 66% of participants ranked the opportunity as 0-4. In the post programme survey, the % of participants ranking the opportunity as 8-10 increased from 13% to 39% whilst the % of participants ranking the opportunity 0-4 decreased from 66% to 19%.



In the initial consultation process, participants were asked to rate the opportunity to participate in outdoor/ adventure sports in their community currently, 17% of participants ranked the opportunity as 8, 9 or 10 whilst 28% ranked the opportunity as 0-4. The follow up consultation asked the same question, however 44% of participants ranked the opportunity 8-10 with only 11% ranking the opportunity 0-4, a considerable improvement.



The consultation process asked participants to rank the extent to which the local area/townland is maximising its natural resources to create participation in sport and physical activity. The % of participants ranking the extent as 8-10 increased from 9% in the pre-questionnaire to 31% in the post questionnaire. The % of participants who ranked use of natural resources as 0-4 out of 10 decreased from 52% in the pre-questionnaire to 23% in the post questionnaire. The responses indicate considerable impact on the perceived level of opportunity created by Magh-

ery Coastal Adventures in the space of 1 year, the opportunity relates to outdoor/adventure sports such as cycling, hill walking and mountain biking as well as water based sports. In addition, a considerable % of people consulted felt that the local area now makes better use of its natural resources than it did do 1 year ago, a significant positive impact of the programme. The post questionnaire also asked participants a series of questions relating to their participation in sport and physical activity over the past year, as well as the potential contribution of Maghery Coastal adventures, the following represents the key findings:

I took a paddle board workshop this past summer. Loved it! It was Very well organized. I look forward to l exploring more. It is wonderfu to have Maghery Coastal Adventures in this beautiful area. Thank you

I wou ld M C A love to s e a big advertise e g area. er catchm in I Very profess e ional well set u have seen nt p run organisa it goi and I can the tion! ng se up th places ke e e goo e d wo p rk Needs to be more visible in the community. More activities for older members of the community

We need more for older active people who may feel embarrassed in groups of younger people The graph above identifies that the project has had a positive impact on activity levels, 31% of people agree or strongly agree that they are more active now than they were 1 year ago. 47% of those consulted agree or strongly agree that they have tried a new outdoor sport or physical activity in the past year with 47% agreeing or strongly agreeing that they have tried a water based sport in the past year. In relation to the potential for individuals to sustain participation in sport and physical activity, 41% agree or strongly agree that they are more likely to stay involved. Crucially for the programme 44% of those consulted states that Maghery Coastal Adventures has played a role in helping them become more active and involved. The statistics represent positive outcomes and impacts for the programme, those engaged were also offered the opportunity to leave comments to reflect their


Keep up the good work, great to have in the area and very well run

I think Maghery Coastal Adventures is brilliant and the locals are very lucky to have this service available to them

It takes a little encouragement to try something new, especially if you are an adult who has never done it before, but I would highly recommend it, Was great fun

We have a house about 15 miles away from Maghery but would definitely make it our first choice for water sports. The location is excellent and for younger kids, quite safe 33

The qualitative statements and follow up survey findings align closely to the original aims and objectives of the Community Hubs programme in terms of:

Increasing participation in sport and physical activity, particularly amongst adolescents and marginalised groups

Increasing opportunities in relation to outdoor activity, adventure and water sports

Assisting organisations and areas to maximise their natural resources to provide opportunities in sport and physical activity

Providing fun, structured and positive experiences to encourage long term participation in sport and physical activity

Section 5: Effectivene

ss and Contributors to Success

To support the qualitative findings in this report, the Maghery Coastal Adventures Project has developed a promotional video highlighting the opportunity created as well as providing some anecdotal feedback from participants on their experience. The QR code opposite is a direct link to the video: Having established that the Maghery Coastal Adventures Project has achieved and exceeded targets and explored the impact of the programme on its participants, this section provides an analysis of the key contributors to the success of the programme. The analysis has been informed through discussion and dialogue with Donegal Sports Partnership, the Project Co-coordinator and feedback from steering group members and attendees at the project launch event



Thematic Analysis

Thematic Heading 1 s o th E d n a ip h rs e n w O y it n Commu

The S3 Solutions team applied a thematic analysis has been applied to the evaluation information. The key findings are therefore presented under the following headings: Community Ownership and Ethos Community Development Approach – Donegal Sports Partnership Quality of opportunity Sustainability

A critical success factor for this project is the level of engagement with the local community and the community ownership ethos of the project. Ionad An Mhachaire were consulted and engaged in advance of the submission by Donegal Sports Partnership to Sport Ireland. DSP applied a robust set of criteria to identify and select a target area for the community hubs project, Ionad An Mhachaire then had a role in shaping the initial application form. This created a sense of “with” and not “for” the community from the outset. Upon receipt of the letter of offer from Sport Ireland and commencing the project, the first step undertaken by DSP and Ionad An Mhachaire was to establish a local steering group comprising local people and local organisations, empowering the local community to make decisions and shape the direction of the project from the outset. Additionally, the steering group decided to undertake a comprehensive consultation process (facilitated by the evaluators and DSP) to source the views of local people about what this investment should deliver for them. The consultation process was genuine, the findings directly informed the list of activities that the project would focus on and subsequently the list of capital equipment that would be purchased by the


project. This provided confidence locally that the steering group were prepared to listen and accept the views of those who would benefit from and participate in activities. This concept of community ownership and the volunteer ethos was highlighted in the management and organisation of new capital equipment. A number of local volunteers took the time to build shelving and amend the storage units purchased through the programme to ensure that the equipment was easily managed would be well kept. The steering group recognised at an early stage that the project would be a considerable undertaking. Whilst Donegal Sports Partnership were providing a coordination function, the distance from DSP headquarters and the scale of the project led the committee to take a decision to re-profile some of the budget allocation to enable the project to employ a local coordinator. The coordinator provided a new focus, energy and enthusiasm that took the project to the next level in terms of the marketing, promotion, organisation of activities and management of equipment. Their local knowledge and relationships also helped to stimulate participation from the community.


ity n u m m o C 2 g in d a e H c ti a m e h T – h c a ro p p A t n e m p lo e v e D ip h rs e n rt a P s rt o Sp l a g e n o D From the outset, Donegal Sports Partnership assumed the role of “facilitating” and “enabling” the delivery of the community hubs programme in An Mhachaire le Chelie. The organisation had no aspiration to control or “own” the process and the approach undertaken was rooted in sport and community development practice. This approach has contributed positively to the success of the programme whereby Maghery Coastal Adventures is very much regarded as a local project, developed by local people.

Community development is about building confidence within communities and creating strong, resilient and shared communities. It is about equipping people with the knowledge, skills and confidence to affect positive change within their own communities Donegal Sports Partnership is a strong advocate of the community sport and physical activity hub model. Following a successful pilot programme in 2011-2012, DSP delivered the ‘Innovative programme for Sport’ (February 2012 – June 2013) engaging 12 community/sports club partnerships from across Donegal. The board of directors at Donegal Sports Partnership had reflected on this programme in shaping the organisations strategic plan (20152018). The board has identified that the community sports hub approach is a successful model that can deliver significant participation and capacity impacts for local communities. The organisation has continued the successful implementation of this model in An Mhachaire le Chelie.

Thematic Heading 3 Quality of Opportunity The project had access to a large capital budget with which it was able to purchase a large quantity of sporting equipment. On review, the project managed to strike an appropriate balance between the quality of equipment and the need to purchase large quantities to create access.

boarding, cycling, snorkeling and hillwalking, each of the activities have been facilitated by qualified and experienced tutors and coaches, this has contributed to the positive experience of participants as highlighted in the anecdotal and qualitative feedback. Consultation and survey findings indicate that experiences at taster sessions and ‘come and try events’ have been sufficient Additional capital monies could have easily been spent to encourage repeat and sustained participation – the but the project managed to purchase a sufficient ultimate goal of the programme. quantity of items to enable appropriate levels of access through taster sessions and come and try The quality of equipment and the experience is events. It is important to note however that access to matched by the Maghery Coastal Adventures branding quality equipment alone is not enough to create and and theme. The projects website and social media sustain participation in sport and physical activity, accounts are active and regularly updated, the logo the quality of experience needs to match that of the and core messages are simple and to the point. The equipment. Facebook page already has 485 ‘friends’ or ‘followers’ and is a strong resource to enable contact prospective Maghery Coastal Adventures has provided participants. opportunities to try surfing, kayaking, stand up paddle

Despite embedding community ownership as an underpinning theme, DSP offered a range of expertise, knowledge and experience in relation to managing steering committees, policies and procedures, pricing models, organising and managing events, administering and distributing funding as well as providing access to crucial training & coach education opportunities. DSP also facilitated a collaboration with Gartan Outdoor Education Centre who were able to advise and guide on the use of water sports equipment and delivery of water sports activity in particular. The role of DSP has therefore been critical to the overall success of the project.



Thematic Heading 4 Sustainability The steering group for the project (encouraged and facilitated by Donegal Sports Partnership) began discussing the sustainability of the project from its first meeting. Those involved adopted the view that the grant funding through dormant accounts should be regarded as an investment in an opportunity and that it was the role of the steering group and others to maximise and capitalise on that opportunity. There was an early recognition that grant funding had a start and end date and that the project would ultimately have to become self-sustaining. The project therefore charged participants for activities (for example â‚Ź5 for safeguarding courses, â‚Ź10 for kayaking classes). This is considered to be good practice and has stimulated discussion around the potential of Maghery Coastal Adventures as a social economy opportunity for the local community.


A challenge for the project now is to explore the enterprise potential of each activity, striking the balance between generating income to create employment, maintain and upgrade equipment etc whilst still ensuring accessibility for members of the community that might regard income/cost as a barrier. The steering group and DSP should be credited for adopting this strategic approach to the fund, where longevity and sustainability have been at the forefront of discussions from the outset. This mindset has helped shape and inform how activities have been developed, marketed and branded and has been another key contributor to the overall success of the project.

Conclusion The investment in a Community Sport and Physical Activity Hub in Donegal has been a positive intervention by Sport Ireland. The hub has delivered a range of activities and services aligned to the needs and demands of the local community as well as aligned to the aims and objectives of both the Community Hub programme and the DSP strategic plan. The project has delivered positive impacts and outcomes for participants and has created an opportunity to develop as a viable and self-sufficient social economy project in a disadvantaged and underinvested part of Donegal.


Section 5:

Key Learning and Re commendations

Considering the key findings in this report including: review of actual delivery, outcomes and impact on participants, analysis of the key contributors to success, this section provides concluding thoughts on the key learning points and recommendations for the project. A series of 5 key learning points/recommendations are provided



Learning Point Recommendation 1 The community empowerment and community ownership approach adopted by Donegal Sports Partnership could be considered as a model of best practice. The approach including: local steering group, widespread consultation, facilitation of action plan, engaging a local coordinator and training local people is a model that could be adopted and delivered in other parts of the County/Country.

Learning Point Recommendation 2 The development of a strong, locally owned and independent brand for the project appears to have contributed greatly to the success of the project. The brand is recognizable and is attractive to both local people as well as visitors to the area, providing comfort and an indication that the services offered are professional, well managed and safe, encouraging participation, custom and trade.

Learning Point Recommendation 3 The ability to invest a large sum of capital money has been crucial to this project. It is unlikely that DSP or the local community would have been able to raise this type of resource through fundraising. In addition, it is difficult for nonprofit/community based organisations to seek commercial loans to start a project of this nature. The grant afforded by Sport Ireland has correctly been treated as an investment by the project stakeholders and has been the catalyst for the emergence of a viable social economy business in a local community


Learning Point Recommendation 4 Building on point 2, the project now needs to consider how it becomes self-sufficient once funding from Sport Ireland ceases. It is recommended that the project engages in a social economy business planning process to identify appropriate pricing structures, management arrangements, other funding opportunities, customers and target markets and financial forecasts. As with any new business, cash flow will prove to be the major challenge, Sport Ireland should consider investing additional revenue funds to provide a cash flow boost for the project

Learning Point Recommendation 5 One of the core requirements of the Community Hubs Funding Scheme was the engagement and participation of adolescents. Whilst Maghery Coastal Adventures has achieved this, it is unlikely that such a narrow focus will be sufficient to sustain the overall project. Anecdotal feedback from surveys and consultation suggests proactive approaches should be taken to engage older people. As the project emerges from the restrictions/ targets of a funding stream, it should now consider how it appropriately engages a much wider audience to increase participation but also to generate income to sustain activities.

Learning Point Recommendation 3 Access to qualified, professional coaches and facilitators is vital for the project in providing positive, safe services. The project should continue to train local people and create a wide pool of individuals who can facilitate activities and earn sessional employment in the process


Community Coaching Programm Are you currently Unemployed

Aged 18-35 years

With a keen interest in Sport?

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Duration: 14

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Venue: Inis

For Further Information Contact: Donegal Sports Partnership or Inishowen 074 9116078/16079 OR

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