A Slice of Orange - January 2017 - Addressing asthma

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Refreshing Your Health

ADDRESSING ASTHMA • Causes and triggers • Asthma symptoms • Diagnosing asthma • Asthma treatment • Managing your asthma • Seek medical help

Addressing asthma LEARN HOW TO MANAGE THIS ‘BREATHTAKING’ CONDITION Asthma is a chronic (long-term), non-infectious lung disease that inflames and narrows your airways. This condition affects people of all ages, but it often starts during childhood.

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Your airways carry air in and out of your lungs. When the airways get inflamed, like as a reaction to allergens, they swell up and the passageways become narrower. This causes less air to flow into your lungs, which, as you can imagine, could be a serious problem.



Inflamed airways

Causes and triggers

• Air irritants such as smoke, chemical

No one knows exactly what causes

fumes and strong odors

asthma to develop, that is, why some

• Weather conditions, such as cold

people have it and some people don’t.

air or extremely dry, wet or windy

It’s likely a combination of genes (for in-


stance, if your parents have asthma) and

• Certain drugs and food additives

environmental exposure to allergens (see

• Exercise (but people with asthma

list below), cigarette smoke, chemical irri-

should not avoid exercise completely)

tants and air pollution – all of which may

• Stress and extreme emotions

make your airways more reactive, especially if you are prone to allergies.

Asthma symptoms Treating symptoms when you first no-


• Your symptoms occur more often, are worse, or bother you at night

vent the symptoms from worsening and

and cause you to lose sleep

causing a severe asthma attack. Severe

• You need to skip or lessen

asthma attacks may require emergency

your daily activities or you need

to miss work because of your

care, and they can be fatal. The main symptoms are: • Wheezing (a whistling sound when breathing) • Breathlessness

trigger asthma is extensive. It includes:


tice them is important. This will help pre-

The list of things and activities that can

Seek medical help

• Chest tightness • Coughing

asthma • Your asthma medicines don’t

seem to work well anymore

• You have to use your short-

acting/quick-relief inhaler more

often (>2 days a week)

• You have to go to the

• Outdoor allergens, such as pollen

Symptoms usually come and go, but

emergency room or doctor

from grass, trees and weeds

some people experience them more fre-

because of an asthma attack

• Indoor allergens, such as pet dander, quently than others. When asthma symp-

Your doctor may need to change

dust mites and mold

toms get worse, it’s called an asthma at-

your medicines or add other

• Colds, the flu or other illnesses

tack, flare-up or exacerbation.

measures to control your asthma.



Asthma treatment

Some asthma patients will also need

There is currently no cure for asthma

tablets to reduce inflammation in the air-

but there are drugs that can control the

ways if inhalers are not enough to control

symptoms well. Your doctor will prescribe


at least one inhaled medicine. Some inhalers are for quick relief – these are

When your asthma is well controlled,

called short-acting inhalers. You will also

you can:

likely need a long-acting inhaler, which

• Prevent disturbing symptoms, such as

is used every day to prevent attacks. Ask

coughing and shortness of breath

your doctor how to use your inhaler cor-

• Reduce your need for short-acting

rectly to make sure you are getting the


right dose of medicine.

• Engage in more activities • Sleep well through the night • Prevent asthma attacks that could lead to an emergency

Diagnosing asthma Sometimes, asthma can be diag-

Managing your asthma

nosed from just your family history and

• The first and most important thing

symptoms. Lung function tests, like spiro-

to do when diagnosed is to avoid

metry, can also help confirm your asth-

asthma triggers as much as possible.

ma. Spirometry measures how much air

• Take your meds regularly and

you can breathe in and out, and how fast


you can blow air out. Your doctor might

• Stop smoking.

also need to conduct allergy testing to

• Exercise regularly, eat healthily and

identify your triggers.

get enough sleep.

Benefits Made Better

ActiveLink is an employee benefits management firm focused on corporate healthcare benefits. We believe in building the nation through a healthy and empowered work force. Healthy people do more, give more, live more. Email us at inquiries@activelinkbenefits.com or call us at 8174606, and let us know when we can share our strategy. Let us help you make your benefits better!

Looking to enhance your corporate healthcare benefits? E-mail us at benefits@activelinkbenefits.com. The information in this newsletter is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Consult a doctor for all matters relating to your health, particularly for symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. © 2017 ActiveLink

Benefits Made Better

ActiveLink 7/F Electra House Building 115-117 Esteban St., Legaspi Village, Makati City www.activelinkbenefits.com

A Slice of Orange

is a newsletter designed to help clarify basic health information and offer juicy tips on uplifting your health.

Editorial team Alvin Delfin Christine Llenes-Delfin Anna de Guzman, MD

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