Influencers – In-Service Training Programme Handbook

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background from the partners of these countries. So it might be needed to adjust parts of the training material to the regional or national frame conditions, especially when legal information has been provided. A third aspect to be considered relates to the currency of the material: Online Social Entrepreneurship is a phenomenon which has recently evolved as an online trend and which is developing and changing with the quick constant development of online and social media. Online platforms are quickly developing, online trends are short-lived and the trends in Online Social Entrepreneurship are following these quick changes. This means that also the information provided in the modules or the links to reference information or AV resources in the modules can be subject to change. So even though the training materials have been developed with care, some aspects of the provided training material might need to be updated to reflect the latest state of the development or might need to be extended (e.g. new online platforms or services). It is therefore advisable to check if the information provided in a module needs to be adapted or updated or if all links provided in the self-directed resources or tutor manuals are still accessible for the learners.

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