Maine Health & Wellness Guide

Page 6


healthier you PHOTO COURTESY Jamie

Brown on Unsplash

in 2021

By Garrick Hoffman

Healthy habits to help you ride out the pandemic


he COVID-19 pandemic has proved to be paradoxical

Porter. In addition, he said, “Some

for our health: it’s engendered unhealthy habits by

research has found an association

incentivizing some people to eat and drink more, exercise less, and consume more screen time in a sedentary state. Conversely, it also fomented a new culture of self-improvement, inspiring

between exposure to blue light at night . . . and chronic conditions like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.” To consciously seek out ways to buffer your screen time, consider

people to learn how to eat healthier, and pushing them to use

picking up a book. THE MAINE BOOK CLUB/

their free time to exercise more and get in shape.

DISCUSSION group on Facebook is a great resource to get an idea of what to read, with nearly 2,000 members in the

Here’s how you can be part of the latter

ways, according to Dr. Jordan Porter, a

group offering recommendations and

category if you wish to stay happy and

lecturer with UMaine Orono School of

forming small, online book clubs.

healthy as we continue to ride out the



“Prolonged exposure to blue light

Another way to combat the adverse health effects of the pandemic

emitted from computer screens and

is to head outdoors, where again, we

mental and physical health is by

hand-held devices can suppress

can divorce from our screens and

reducing screen time. Excessive

natural melatonin production, which

delight in all the vitamin D the sun

screen time can languish our mental

upends our circadian rhythm and

offers, which studies show improves

and physical health in a myriad of

often results in sleep difficulties,” said

both physical and mental health.

One way to pursue improved

4 Spring 2021

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