Bvi company

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Benefits of incorporating BVI company

There are man y offshore coun tries in the world each having t heir own set of laws and regulations. For their interna tional business incorporation, people choose an offshore jurisdiction tha t proves to be m ost suitable and beneficial for their business. One of t he best leading offshore coun try is British Virgin Island or simply BVI. It is well one of the m ost prestigious offshore na tion t ha t perks investors wi th its secure legal structure and luring business benefits. BVI has beco me m ost popular jurisdiction for offshore business incorpora tion. Ground reason behind this populari ty is zero-ta xa tion for foreign businesses irrespective of nature of business. Local businesses in t his renowned na tion have to pay regular taxes to govern men t bu t offshore co mpanies need no t to pay any taxes to the state govern men t. All taxes on capital gains,dividends ,in terest, royalties and other a moun ts are not applicable to registered co mpanies in British Virgin Islands. The only restriction is tha t offshore co mpany owner can not engage any business activi ty in BVI co mpany and can not own any real estate property in The coun try. Company registra tion procedure and needs are also mini mal. For registra tion, you can hire a service provider t ha t handles for ma tion process for you. Provides sends an online registra tion for m. Just fill the for m and provide required docu men ta tion to the provider. Also provide accurate infor ma tion abou t yourself as this infor ma tion is crucial for your offshore business incorporation. Most of the ti mes, offshore co mpany in BVI is for med wi thin 3 working days. Only one shareholder and one director are required for offshore company. Same person can role play as both shareholder and director of co mpany. Nationality of co mpany's people like directors, shareholders and officers does not m a t ter. Comple te infor ma tion abou t shareholders and directors are kept under strict confiden tiality. For a start up, standard capital a moun t is $50,000. in fact, t here are no mini mal or ma xi mu m capital require men ts. Company can issue bearer, registered, preference, redee mable and even share wi th no per value. BVI co mpany allows no t only USD bu t it allows shares in m ul ti currency for m. Company need no t to go through annual reporting or audi ting process by in ternal or external auditors. These reports can be prepared anywhere in the world. Owner need no t to produce any financial sta te men ts before govern men t to show their profits or re turns. BVI also allows m ee ting to be held for shareholders, directors and other co mpany officials. These m ee tings can be held anywhere interna tionally through phone calls or by electronic m eans. For m ore infor ma tion abou t incorporating interna tional business in world's leading BVI jurisdiction, visit our online website m . We handle every thing for our clien ts to register BVI co mapny for t he m wi th guarran teed services .

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