ACT Annual Report 2009-2010

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A Message from the Board of Directors This past year saw the establishment of some key foundational pieces upon which ACT will build our agency in the coming years. We marked one year since welcoming Hazelle Palmer as the new Executive Director. The Board of Directors is very pleased with all of the positive feedback we have received from staff and the community at large about her integration into and leadership of the agency. Hazelle came on board at a very difficult time at the agency. The global economic situation combined with the agency’s shift in its fundraising focus resulted in significant challenges for its financial position. Since then, we have carefully scrutinized our operations and have made great strides to ensure that spending for programs, services and administration will be efficient and accountable. ACT has begun the process of rationalizing all of its programs and services to ensure that they are relevant and effective. In line with this objective, library services were phased out and materials archived with partner agencies. We continue the process of revising the agency’s financial reporting and policies to meet cost-recovery standards for external funders. This past year, the Board and ACT staff undertook the enormous task of developing the agency’s new Strategic Plan. The new five-year plan, titled Resilience, captures the vision, innovation and forward thinking that ACT is known for. The planning process engaged a broad range of stakeholders – the most extensive consultation process of its kind in the agency’s history. Resilience re-affirms ACT’s role as a leader in HIV/AIDS prevention and support and underscores the need to maintain ACT’s advocacy role on public policy issues affecting people living with and at risk for HIV/AIDS. I would like to acknowledge the contributions of our many stakeholders, who provided us with such valuable input throughout this process. The response we received from the community was overwhelming, and has given us confidence that our new Strategic Plan will respond effectively to the needs of people living with, affected by, and at risk for HIV/AIDS in Toronto.



The new plan comes at an important time for us as we place additional emphasis on developing and diversifying our fundraising efforts. We ended this year in a deficit position, highlighting the need to reach out to new funding sources and community partners to continue delivering our vital programs and services. We are grateful for the support of our community, which has ensured that we will begin the next year in a strong position despite these financial challenges. As I complete my final term as Chair of the Board, I would like to thank the service users, volunteers, staff and fellow board members who have made my seven years on the Board of Directors truly rewarding. On behalf of the Board of Directors of ACT, thank you all for your support and your commitment to ending HIV/AIDS in our city.

Karim Karsan Chair, Board of Directors

A Message from the Executive Director I am pleased to report on another successful year at the AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT). Through our many support programs and services, ACT has met the needs of 1,148 registered clients living with HIV/AIDS. Those clients accessed 9,700 units of service. With current data still indicating that the majority of people living with HIV/AIDS (PHAs) in Ontario live in Toronto, our services are more vital and important than ever. In addition, ACT reached thousands of Torontonians with our outreach, education, and health promotion information and education programs and services. Once again, ACT has shown leadership in promoting the health and wellness of gay and bisexual men who remain the community most affected by HIV/AIDS in Toronto. In addition to our important HIV prevention education and outreach work, we enhanced our programming to meet the sexual health promotion needs of gay men through new group-based programs that address the underlying factors that influence safer behaviours. We also rolled out our real-time, online outreach on the social and sexual networking sites where many gay men now go to access each other. We continued to provide a range of emotional, practical, and social support programming, as well as return-to-work services for men, women and youth living with HIV/AIDS. Recognizing that stigma and discrimination associated with HIV/AIDS can lead to social isolation among PHAs, ACT provided a variety of social support opportunities — including retreat weekends and local outings — as well as women-specific events such as the monthly Coffee Night and Community Kitchen. The unfortunate decline in HIV knowledge among young people, and the uproar over proposed, comprehensive sexual health education in schools points to the need for youthspecific support and education programs. Through ACT’s Positive Youth Outreach (PYO) program, we offered weekly drop-in programming for young people living with HIV/AIDS, and we provided peer-based outreach and education about HIV issues to both youth and youth-serving organizations. Ensuring our programs and services continue to meet the needs of the communities we serve was one of the goals underlying our strategic planning process initiated this past year. Through surveys, focus groups and key informant interviews we undertook the most comprehensive strategic planning process ever and the result is a plan that will reveal a “new” ACT. Our programming will be more focused and growth will be based on core areas of our expertise: Health Promotion (including outreach and HIV prevention); Training and Community Capacity Building (such as Core Skills - our volunteer training program, our community education forums, and Employment Action program); Support Services (like our counseling, case management and client services); and Research and Knowledge Exchange. We will contribute to building the AIDS Service Organization (ASO) sector by being the “voice” of those we serve on the local, national, and international levels on areas that impact policy on HIV/AIDS. And, we will collaborate and partner with others to continue to raise awareness about current and emerging issues on HIV/AIDS.

And finally, we will improve and strengthen our infrastructure from upgrades to our current office facility to providing training and professional development opportunities to our staff and volunteers that contribute to a healthy work environment and a culture of life-long learning. We are excited to move our new Strategic Plan forward and to report to you in the years ahead on its progress. Despite our excitement over our accomplishments in this past year there were also challenges. We ended our fiscal year with a budget deficit caused, we believe, by the economic downturn which resulted in a marked reduction in donations. Moving forward our program development will have to be tied to our ability to raise funds to support the work we do. ACT, and the broader ASO sector have to continue to work together to make the public aware that HIV/AIDS is still an important health issue. While HIV/AIDS issues have evolved over the past 25 years, there is still no cure, no vaccine. People living with HIV now face new challenges related to aging, criminalization, mental health, co-infection with other health concerns, poverty, housing and stigma and discrimination. Agencies, like ACT, are able to draw on our proven expertise to address these issues directly or in partnership with others. Support for the work we do is essential to our ability to meet and respond to these growing needs. Though facing these financial shortfalls, ACT still has had an accomplished year and those successes are detailed in this annual report. These successes are a testament to the unwavering dedication and expertise of our staff and volunteers. Last year our volunteers contributed over 23,000 hours of service to ACT. Our staff goes above and beyond to ensure that all of our programs and services meet agency objectives and that our collective efforts contribute to making a difference to people’s lives. This level of dedication is what makes ACT a responsive, creative and innovative organization. It is on this foundation that we build our future, ever mindful of our vision, mission and our resilience!

Hazelle Palmer Executive Director Photo by Nicola Be






Gay Men’s Community Health Programming Here in Toronto, 612 people were diagnosed as HIV-positive in 2008 (the latest year for which such statistics are available). It’s estimated that about 765 people were actually infected with HIV that year. Gay men, one of the communities first impacted by HIV/AIDS over 25 years ago, continue to make up the majority of all new HIV infections in Toronto, and make up almost three-quarters of all people living with HIV/AIDS in the city. Every day, another gay man is infected in this city. It might be tempting to point fingers and say that gay men are ‘complacent’, they are no longer concerned about HIV/AIDS, to say they should ‘know better’, or that there is something wrong with gay men who have unprotected sex. But what we know – from conversations with gay men in the community and from research conducted both here and elsewhere – is that the reasons behind continued HIV infections among gay men are much more complex. That’s why, in addition to providing gay men with accurate information and the tools to protect themselves and others, new interventions are needed. Gay men are concerned about HIV transmission and their health. Gay men generally take steps to reduce their risk for getting or passing on HIV. In fact, gay men have the highest rates of consistent condom use! But circumstances in life (including the impact of homophobia, childhood bullying, family origin and place of birth, recent dramatic events such as the loss of a job or a breakup) may result in situations where riskier behaviours take place. Despite all that society stacks up against gay men, we continue to see the ways in which gay men show they are resilient. ACT’s HIV prevention programs for gay men have evolved over the years, and continue to do so, to better respond to the sexual health promotion needs of gay men – because we believe that all gay men have the right to a fulfilling and enjoyable life, whether they are HIV-positive, HIV-negative or they don’t know their HIV status.

This past year we have introduced more group-based discussion sessions for gay men; groups where men can come together with community members and talk about things like dating and relationships, family, satisfying sex, fitting in (or not), and other issues that can impact their feelings of self-worth. By getting together with others, these groups (such as our “One Night Stand” monthly discussion groups) help to build a sense of community, self-worth and foster resilience. These groups, and other services, have begun to take a more holistic approach to the health and well-being of gay men. The “Phoenix” workshop series provides a place where gay men can talk – and learn – about ways to enhance their pleasure, get what they want and reduce their risks. Our GPS project for HIV-positive gay men seeks to improve the sexual health of poz gay men. Through the innovative “Towel Talk” program, we’ve provided a professional counsellor in bathhouses where men can have conversations about a wide range of topics that affect them and their sexual health. We’ve developed information about sexually transmitted infections (like our popular ‘Attack of the Cursed Syphilis’ campaign) and substance use, and we’ve broadened online access to this information. Recognizing increased use of social networking sites on the internet, we have augmented real-time outreach to the education programs we offer where gay men go to meet other men for friendship or for sex. The response to our online presence has been extremely positive and this work is an important way, not only to share information, but to link men to programs and services that might benefit them in the community. Gay men have been, and will continue to be, a priority here at ACT – whether they are gay men living with HIV/AIDS, concerned about HIV/AIDS or affected by HIV/AIDS. You can find out more about our services to gay men by visiting



Health Promotion Statistics 2009-2010 24,525 people came into ACT’s offices seeking services, information, resources or referrals.

2,632 lunches were served to 167 people living with HIV/AIDS through our lunch programs.

1,791 food boxes were given to 132 people with HIV/AIDS through the Good Food Box program.

1,668 counselling sessions and 2,436 case management sessions were offered.

1,169 registered clients accessed services at ACT.

661 people attended our Community Health Forums for people with HIV/AIDS.


people with HIV/AIDS were helped through our Income Tax and Insurance Benefits Clinics.

140 people with HIV/AIDS were enrolled in the Employment Action program. 38 were placed in paid employment.



More and more people in Toronto are living with HIV/AIDS. Since late 1985 (when testing for HIV first began in Ontario), over 19,000 people in our city have tested positive for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Living with HIV/AIDS has changed over the years. As a result of access to anti-HIV medications, more people are living longer with HIV. However, living longer does not always mean living well: because of the stigma and discrimination associated with HIV/AIDS, some people with HIV experience challenges to mental as well as physical health. Stigma and discrimination associated with HIV is based in part on the fact that HIV is primarily spread through sexual activities and injection drug use (activities that our society still has difficulty talking about), and also with the fact that HIV has historically (and even today) disproportionately affected communities that mainstream society sees as the ‘other’– gay men, drug users, and new Canadians from racialized backgrounds. Because of this reality, ACT continues its work breaking down ignorance and fear that can lead to stigma and discrimination. ACT also provides a wide range of health promotion programs that seek to improve the overall health and well-being of men, women and young people living with HIV/AIDS. In addition to our counselling and case management programs, we offer support groups, community forums, youth-specific drop-in programming and social support opportunities that help to build both confidence and skills, and reduce the social isolation that can be experienced by those living with HIV/AIDS.

Promoting the Health of Women living with HIV/AIDS Recognizing that an HIV-positive diagnosis can pose unique challenges for women, ACT offers a number of women-specific health promotion programs. Our monthly Women’s Coffee Night provides a place where HIV-positive women can gather, share something to eat, meet their peers, talk about their issues and learn about ways to better manage their health. Here in Toronto, African, Caribbean and Black women represent the largest group of women living with HIV/AIDS in Toronto. One way in which ACT is working to improve the health and well-being of HIV-positive women of African or Caribbean descent is through the Women’s Community Kitchen. This program, offered in partnership with the Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention (Black-CAP) and Africans in Partnership against AIDS (APAA), provides opportunities for HIV-positive African and Caribbean women to get together to share food and stories. Both of these programs give women living with HIV/AIDS a chance to meet their peers in a social

setting. Annually, ACT offers a Women’s Retreat, where women with HIV/AIDS are able to escape the city for a weekend to attend workshops and discussions with other HIV-positive women. This past year ACT, in partnership with Black-CAP, Women’s Health in Women’s Hands and APAA, received funding from the M·A·C AIDS Fund for a new initiative called Positive Work for Positive Women. In addition to helping HIV-positive women enter or re-enter the workforce, the project will address issues of self-esteem, independence and quality of life – all of which can be barriers for women living with HIV trying to enter the workforce. This innovative program will provide hands-on skills training to 40 women living with HIV that will help them find and retain employment. Some of these women will be recruited to participate in a training project to start their own micro-business, receiving one-on-one support from a Business Developer and a start-up grant.



Community Education Statistics 2009-2010 367,615 condoms were distributed at ACT and in the community through our outreach programs.

292,375 water-based lube Packages were distributed at ACT and in the community through our outreach programs.

ACT’s website received visitors, representing website “hits’

283,395 1,386,884

46,811 pieces of printed information were distributed in community venues.


gay and bisexual men were bathhouse reached through outreach events.


6,429 people attended 248 HIV/AIDS and sexual health workshops, presentations. and training sessions.

7% more contacts were made with media since last year.



Empowering Youth through Peer Support and Education HIV/AIDS has been present for almost 30 years here in Canada, and a whole generation of young people have grown up in the age of HIV/AIDS. It might come as a surprise then, to find out that knowledge of HIV/AIDS among Canadian youth has actually declined. But that’s the unfortunate reality. According to a 2003 study by the Council of Ministers of Education, knowledge about HIV/AIDS has declined among Canadian youth. Two-thirds of Grade 7 students and half of Grade 9 students thought there was a cure for AIDS. This represented a decline in knowledge since a previous study in 1989. Here in Toronto, there are a number of reasons why knowledge levels have dropped, including the fact that previous work in the schools conducted by Toronto Public Health has been discontinued as a result of reduced provincial funding for public health. If youth receive HIV/AIDS education at all, it is often extremely limited and basic, and rarely takes into account broader discussions of sexual health, sexual identity and sexual orientation. Youth is a time for exploration — including sexual exploration — but the lack of comprehensive, age-appropriate sexual health education means that many young people are ill-equipped to deal with the realities of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV. Youth who have self-confidence, positive coping skills, and a supportive social structure make healthier sexual decisions. Studies have shown that young people with strong support networks — such as families, friends, and peer support programs — are more likely to practise safer sex. This kind of support is particularly important for young women, who may face the additional burden of being expected

by their peers to assume unequal gender roles, and for young gay and bisexual men, who may experience homophobia from their peers and from society. Here at ACT, we have contributed toward building self-confidence and skills among both youth at risk of HIV, as well as young people living with HIV/AIDS. Our Harm Reduction Outreach Program conducts outreach and education on HIV/AIDS, STIs and the effects of substance use in places where young gay and bi men meet. This program recruits and trains youth volunteers who are able to go out into the community and talk to their peers, and in the process, strengthens social support networks for young gay and bi men. Through ACT’s Positive Youth Outreach (PYO) program, HIV-positive youth can find a safe place to talk about what it means to be young and have HIV, build their skills and resilience, while meeting their peers. The weekly drop-in for HIV-positive youth is a place to discuss topics ranging from relationships with friends and family, to school, isolation, discrimination and sex. Group members come from different backgrounds, yet together, they problem-solve, strategize and become empowered. ACT was disappointed earlier this year when the provincial government reconsidered its proposed new physical health education curriculum that would have taught students earlier about sexual health, including HIV prevention. With declining levels of knowledge about HIV/AIDS, ACT is committed to creating opportunities to engage youth in education, outreach, peer support and other programs that build resilience among our young people.







Volunteer Profile Patricia Hernandez “It’s hard to believe, but it’s been almost 10 years since I’ve been an ACT volunteer!” says Patricia Hernandez. She’s a familiar face for those who help with ACT fundraising efforts, from major events like the Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life to SNAP! But it all started almost a decade ago during her undergraduate studies at the University of Toronto. “I first got involved thanks to my sociology professor,” Patricia explains. “Professor Behrens was on the ACT board of directors at the time. I found his Sociology of AIDS class extremely interesting, and instantly felt a passionate connection to the cause – I couldn’t believe the obstacles and stigma that people living with HIV/AIDS had to face.” Once she finished her degree, Patricia began volunteering for the Fund Development team at ACT, first with administrative tasks and eventually with special events. A veteran of finance operations at all major ACT fundraisers, this year she will don a new hat as the Registration Chair of this year’s Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life Toronto. “I really enjoy being part of all the ‘behind the scenes’ planning. There is nothing like the sense of accomplishment at the end of the night, knowing that I’ve helped bring in the revenue that supports ACT’s programs and services for our clients.” If you want to join the Fund Development team as a volunteer, get in touch with Bobby Hrehoruk at 416-340-8484 ext. 255 or



Supporter Profile M•A•C AIDS Fund

As ACT continues to strengthen its services to priority populations — gay men, women, and youth — we have sought the support of partners who share our vision to reach these communities with targeted programming. This year ACT announced a new partnership with the M·A·C AIDS Fund (MAF) to create the “Positive Work for Positive Women” project, addressing the employment barriers facing African and Caribbean women living with HIV/AIDS. Developed in collaboration with the Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention, Africans in Partnership Against AIDS, and Women’s Health in Women’s Hands, this groundbreaking project provides hands-on job skills training to HIV-positive women, and offers participants the opportunity to start their own business. “As more people with HIV are living longer, many of our service users are trying to enter or re-enter the workforce,” said Hazelle Palmer, Executive Director of ACT. “Our Employment Action program was the first of its kind in Canada to help HIV-positive people get back into the workforce. The Positive Work for Positive Women project will build on the success of Employment Action by responding to the unique challenges facing African and Caribbean women living with HIV/AIDS.”

MAF was established in 1994 by M·A·C Cosmetics to support men, women and children affected by HIV/AIDS globally. This year, MAF announced $2.5 million in grants to support women living with HIV/AIDS around the world, including the Positive Work for Positive Women project. “With almost half of women diagnosed HIV-positive in Toronto coming from countries where HIV is endemic, we recognize the need to develop programming tailored to these specific communities,” said Nancy Mahon, Global Executive Director of MAF. “We are excited to support this partnership project that will have long-lasting and tangible benefits for HIV-positive African and Caribbean women in Toronto.”


Our Financial Standing 2009/10 Total Agency Revenue $3,635,430

Total Agency Expenditures $4,119,408 Employment & Volunteer Services 13% Communications & Policy Development 13%

Research & Program Development 13%

Government and other grants 74%

Fund Development 20%

Other 6%



Health Promotion 10% Support Services 19% Community Development 17%

Operations 15%

Our Supporters With the generosity and patronage of thousands of supporters in the community, ACT is able to provide compassionate, proactive services to people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS. We gratefully acknowledge our government funders, regional partners, and the many individuals, corporations, foundations, and groups that have supported ACT with philanthropic commitments, grants, or sponsorships during our 2009-10 fiscal year. Government funders Government of Canada: Canadian Institutes of Health Research Public Health Agency of Canada Government of Ontario: Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care – AIDS Bureau Ministry of Community and Social Services City of Toronto Regional partners $50,000 and above Ontario HIV Treatment Network Ryerson University $10,000 to $49,999 Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Mid-Toronto Community Services Ontario AIDS Network Ontario HIV Treatment Network Corporations $10,000 and above Abbott Laboratories Ltd. Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada Inc. Gilead Sciences Canada, Inc. GlaxoSmithKline / Shire Canada Janssen-Ortho Inc. / Tibotec M·A·C AIDS Fund Merck Frosst Canada Inc.

$1,000 to $9,999 Art For Everyday Inc. Chartis Insurance Company of Canada CIBC Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company Donnelly Management Advisor Services Limited Industrial Alliance J+J Shared Services Levi Strauss & Co. Canada Inc. Pfizer Canada Inc. Picasso Painters Rainbow Cinemas Woodbine Scotiabank Sentinel Maintenance Inc. TD Canada Trust Willis Canada Inc. Worn Fashion Journal [ yellow tail ] Foundations Up to $25,000 Bermuda Foundation D. and T. Davis Charitable Foundation GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto Les and Kae Martin Charitable Foundation Schachter Family Fund Philip Smith Foundation

Employee and community groups $5,000 and above BMO Employee Charitable Foundation Mr. Leatherman Toronto Up to $5,000 AMD Foundation Employee Giving Program Bell Canada Employee Giving Program Bitch Salad GAP Foundation Gift Match Program Hydro One Employee’s and Pensioner’s Trust Fund IBM Employees’ Charitable Fund Mayhem North (Goodhandy’s) OPG Employees’ and Pensioners’ Charity Trust Pegasus on Church Rotary Club of Toronto - Forest Hill Saints Charity Committee Telus Employee Charitable Giving Program TSC #1698 Ultra Supper Club Individuals Thousands of individual supporters sustain our work, whether through one-time gifts or on a monthly basis through our Partners in ACTion monthly giving plan. We particularly thank our Leaders in ACTion, individuals who give $1,200 or more annually, who lead the way in our fight against HIV/AIDS.

ACT ACT ANNUAL ANNUAL REPORT REPORT 2009–2010 2009–2010 15 15

Leaders in ACTion Gold Supporters ($5,000 to $9,999) Brad Berg and Brian Rolfes Alexander Rowe, in memory of Robert V. Rowe Charles G. Rowe, in memory of Robert V. Rowe John A. Rowe, in memory of Robert V. Rowe Anonymous Silver Supporters ($2,500 to $4,999) Clive Desmond Jonas Giesen Paul Hains Robert D. Howe Richard Hynes and James A. Roks Brian King Don Pfiel Bronze Supporters ($1,200 to $2,499) Sheridan Antoniuk Dan Caputo Wayne Clark Dr. Evan Collins Susan Crocker Peter Erlendson Dr. John Goodhew Marcel Grimard Larry B. Grove C. R. Hunter Winston Husbands Dr. John S. Jordan and Dennis Keefe A. Karim Karsan Brian King Harry Koster Dr. John N. Lavis Stephanie Lennox Lori Lucier Carl McGee Andrea E. Morrison Walter Stewart Anthony Sweeney and Mike Parrish 16


Dalton Truthwaite Sandra Whitbread Chuck Wong Henry Wu Anonymous (4) Sustainers ($500 to $1,199) Sunderji Aminmohamed Marie Arnett Todd V. Austin Lisa Balfour Bowen Angela Barbosa Robert Bartlett Steven Baum Dr. Thomas H. Beechy Derek Blake Brent Blizzard Robert Boardman C. George Boisvenue Andrew C. Bome Bill Booth David Brethauer Joanne Brown Brenda Bugg Glenn Campbell Derek Carlson Tony G. Castrillo Penny Charter Alfred Cho Terry Christiansen Dr. David L. Clark Connie Clerici Dr. Brian M. Cornelson Robert Crichton Elvira D’Ambrosio Bill DesLauriers David E. DesLauriers Bob Dorrance and Gail Drummond Jim Elliott Mark Faircloth David Feld John-David Fentie

Morris and Una Findlay Rick Fishell Heather Fitzgerald Jay Fleming Roland Fortier Laura Fric George Ganetakos Hernando Gerard Michael Goldberg Keith Goranson Fiona M. Green Christopher Grimston Paul Haddad David Haines T. Robert Hambley Ronald G. Hay Raymond Helkio Jarrett Hunter Martine Irman Maria Jankovic Jim Jeffrey Barry Joslin Dr. Steven Kates Linda Knight Dr. Mark Lachmann Philip B. Lanouette Brian Lawson Santo Ligotti Kevin Lindquist Deidre S. Lynch John MacDonald Manoochehr Mahmoodi Kermit Malcolm Moe Marion Scott McConnell Kevin McMurray Rick Mercer Howard Meyer Joe Migliaccio James P. Muldoon Calvin Mullin Nathalie Nadon Shawn Newman

Michael and Nancy Nobrega Ian V. B. Nordheimer David O’Brien Mark Oudesluys William J. Pallett George Papatheodorou Paula Percy Stacey Petersen Jeff Petursson Maria Racz Dr. Simon Raphael Edward J. Richardson Tom Ricketts Gary Robinson Stuart C. Rogers Samuel Rossi Alan Rowe Dorothy Salusbury Rod Sanford and Dr. Mark E. Vale Barry Shecter Robert Sheng Gulshan Singh Todd Soulliere Ann Southam John Strachan G. S. Taylor Timothy Thompson Mary Treloar Greg Trieloff Anthony S. Tsoumbris Brian Wale John Wallace Ken Walters Bronwen Weiderick Jessica Whitbread Sid Whitbread Kyle Winters Karen Wirsig Dr. David L. Clark and Tracy L. Wynne Maritza Yumbla Anonymous (6)

Legacy of ACTion A planned gift, such as a bequest in a will or gift of life insurance, is the ultimate expression of support in our fight against HIV/AIDS. ACT’s legacy fund was created in 1999 and is housed with the Toronto Community Foundation. Upon completion of fiscal year 2009-10, the fund stood at $763,160. We thank the many individuals who have made a planned commitment to ACT, and gratefully acknowledge the legacies left by the following individuals in the last fiscal year: Estate of Norman Charles Joseph Conrath Estate of Ewart Austin Stanley Conway

SIGNATURE EVENTS AIDS Walk for Life Toronto 2009 National Presenting Sponsor Scotiabank National Platinum Sponsor Santa Margherita – Pinot Grigio Wines National Silver Sponsor Bristol Myers Squibb National Bronze Sponsor Pfizer National Promotional Partners Canpar Cineplex Odeon Maclean’s Magazine Marketwire Outlooks Magazine Local Sponsors 104.5 CHUM FM Rainbow Cinemas The Samuel Group The Cooperators

Estate of Gordon Murray Lloyd Hunter Estate of David Joel Perley

Silverback Media Xtra! 103.9 PROUD FM Air Canada Sheraton Centre Toronto Keds VISA Pizza Pizza Titan Worldwide Mint Lifestyle Events Eco Media Inc. Nestle Water Nella Bella Discount Car and Truck Rentals Grassroots Advertising Inc. StarWalkers Don Ackerman Jersey Anderson Rick Ayles Jennifer Baines Angela Barbosa Ronald Barry Robert Bartlett Jim Billing Matt Blair Robyn Bolivar Ricky Boudreau

Brenda Bugg Chris Burke Daniel Burns Lisa Cameron Martin Campbell Joey Case Tony G. Castrillo Jessica Cattaneo Rahim Chunara Mark Clory Paul Cloutier Mhairi Cumming Thomas Daly Stephanie Darrach Heather Davidson Shannon Davidson J. J. Dayot Bonnie De Kuyper Eric Decou David E. DesLauriers Poonam Dhir Kiran Dogra Amy Donkers Sara Falconer Farah Farah Justin Fitzpatrick Jay Fleming Adrienne Giroux

Bruce Glawson Suzanne Godbehere Kevin Goodchild Joan-Ann Gravesande Tony Hamill Dean Hill Denise Hinds Nelson Ho Bobby Hrehoruk Brian Hui Pieter C. Huisman Tom Hutchinson Peter Ioannidis Kishwar Iqbal Jean-Bernard Joly Shannon Kampf A. Karim Karsan Jan Kieljan Anthony King Andre Kuhne Don Lawson Andrea Low Peter Lowes Manoochehr Mahmoodi Kermit Malcolm Litsa Maltezas Sergio Martinez John Joseph Mastandrea

John Maxwell Murani Mbarari Evan McCraney Charles McKee Cathy McKim Bill Merryweather James Miller Paul Mineo Michael Mitchell Stefan Naccarato Jonathan Naymark Camille Orridge Matthew Pavelich Paulo Pereira Don Phaneuf Rui Pires Tina Primak Elizabeth Racz Maria Racz Raffaele Ragonese Dwane Read Gary Robinson Sam Rossi Susan Sauve Rick Schiralli Barry Shecter Richard Snook Sophia Sperdakos ACT ANNUAL REPORT 2009–2010


Brock Stackhouse Kaeli Stein Jason Stewart Charles Tabone Rahim Thawer Richard Thibeault Jan Tillcock Kenneth Tong Kevin Tuckerman Sandy Tzogas Brian Wale Marcel Watrer Bronwem Weiderick Peter Weiss Jessica Whitbread Sandra Whitbread Sid Whitbread Richard Willett Scott Williams Joseph Wong Glenn Wood Gary Wu Stefan Wypchol Simon Yee

SNAP! 2010 Presenting Sponsor TD Canada Trust Gold Sponsor Blakes Prize Sponsors Air Canada Starwood Hotels and Resorts VISA Photo Competition Sponsor Elevator Digital Live Auction Sponsors Akasha Art Projects Bonhams Auctioneers and Valuers Dimensions Custom Framing and Gallery Edward Day Gallery Food and Beverage Sponsors À La Carte Kitchen Inc. Stiegl [ yellow tail ] Media Sponsors Gay Guide Toronto Shaun Proulx Media Xtra! Print Materials Sponsor Moveable Event Supporters Flare Grassroots Advertising No Problem Movers Spider Silk Design



IN-KIND SUPPORTERS Many members of the community provide invaluable in-kind support, thereby allowing us to reduce administrative costs and allocate more funds to our services and programs. The following have made receiptable in-kind gifts to ACT in the last fiscal year: Sara Angelucci Krista Bailie Kate Bernauer Julie Biddle Jesse Boles Robert Bourdeau Jean-Rock Boutin Brick Street Bakery Russell Brohier Alexander Brown Steven J. Brown Canada Farmshare Simon Clements Ana Cop Nigel Dickson Derek Dix Daniel Dubowitz James Robert Durant Odette England Colin Faulkner Kathleen Finlay Peter Franck Nelson French Sean Galbraith Martie Giefert Greg Girard Simon Glass Chandra Guthro Dylan Hewlett Richard Hynes and James A. Roks Michal Iwanowski

Joshua Jensen-Nagle Sarah Anne Johnson Scott Johnston Ana Kapodistria Kevin Kelly Alex Kisilevich Michael Krauss Yuriko Kubota Adam Kuehl Ferit Kuyas Brent Lewin Patrick Lightheart Eleanor Lindsay-Fynn Virginia Mak Robyn McCallum Susan Moldenhauer Scott Mullin Steven Nederveen Nevada Learning Series Mark Nowaczynski Beverly Owens Athena Papadopoulos Geoffrey Pugen Adam Rankin Bryan Rubarth Sonja Scharf Chris Shepherd Toby Smith Jesper Sorensen Michael St. Jonas Amy Stevens Tall Poppy Diana Thorneycroft Brandon Titaro Jon Vidar Christopher Wahl Garett Walker Margeaux Walter Walter Willems Balint Zsako

We apologize for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies. Please contact us at 416-340-8484 ext. 279 for any corrections, additions, or inquiries.

Vision Working together to achieve a world without AIDS. Mission The AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT) develops and delivers innovative programs and services that promote the dignity, health and well being of individuals and communities living with, affected by and at risk for HIV/AIDS.

ACT ACT ANNUAL ANNUAL REPORT REPORT 2009–2010 2009–2010 19 19

399 Church Street, 4th floor Toronto, Ontario M5B 2J6 T 416-340-2437 F 416-340-8224 Charitable Registration Number: 11877 9024 RR0001

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