2 minute read
Welsh corner
from Insight - Issue 18
by ACT
cornel cymraeg welsh corner
Ap y mis / App of the month
Daily workouts free
Since we can’t get to the gym right now, how about installing a bilingual fitness app? Daily Workouts lets you choose which areas of the body to target for 5 or 8 minutes at a time and if you follow the tip below, you can enjoy the App in Welsh!
How to use your iPhone in Welsh:
• Select the Settings app on your home screen • Then tap General > Language & Region. • Tap Add Language…, select ‘Cymraeg’ • Then tap Done Any apps that have been previously translated into Welsh will now open in Welsh!
Daily workouts free
Gan nad ydyn ni’n gallu mynd i’r gampfa ar hyn o bryd, beth am ap ffitrwydd dwyieithog? Mae Daily Workouts yn gadael i chi ddewis ardal o’r corff i dargedu am 5 neu 8 munud ar y tro ac os wnewch chi ddilyn y tip isod, gallwch chi fwynhau’r Ap yng Nghymraeg!
Sut i ddefnyddio eich iPhone yn Gymraeg:
• Dewiswch yr ap Settings ar eich sgrin gartref • Yna tapiwch General > Language & Region. • Tapiwch Select Language... , dewiswch 'Cymraeg' • Yna tapiwch Done Bydd unrhyw apiau sydd wedi'u cyfieithu i'r Gymraeg nawr yn agor yn Gymraeg!
Is-deitlau Cymraeg Powerpoint Powerpoint Welsh subtitles
Mae’r tîm cwricwlwm yma yn ACT wrth eu bodd yn chwilio am driciau i wneud ein bywyd yn haws. Mae’r tip PowerPoint yma wrth Kameron yn wych i gynnal sesiynnau dwyieithog, hyd yn oed lle nad yw’r tiwtor yn siarad Cymraeg! The Curriculum Team are always looking for tips and tricks to make our life easier. This Powerpoint tip from our Welsh specialist Kameron is great for helping make sessions bilingual - even where the tutor doesn’t speak Welsh!
https://sway.office.com/ O32LeJPNe9MfyDEM?ref=Link https://sway.office.com/ O32LeJPNe9MfyDEM?ref=Link
Cyrsiau Sgiliath Sgiliaith courses
Mae gan Sgiliaith amserlen lawn o gyrsiau ar gyfer aseswyr a thiwtoriaid o bob gallu ieithyddol sydd wedi anelu at godi hyder i ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg: https://drive.google.com/file/ d/1F7QUve4jBS2bG590EYzGDhmv8ck_XSc2/ view?usp=sharing Sgiliaith have a full timetable of courses available for tutors of all Welsh abilities aimed at increasing confidence to use more Welsh in delivery: https://drive.google.com/file/ d/1F7QUve4jBS2bG590EYzGDhmv8ck_XSc2/ view?usp=sharing
Caru Cymru Proud to be Welsh
Mae’r gystadleuaeth Caru Cymru wedi symud ar-lein eleni. Mae’r categorïau wedi eu dosbarthu i’r Pencampwyr Cymraeg ac rydym yn gobeithio cael llawer iawn o geisiadau eleni gan ein bod ni gyd yn aros adre! The Proud to be Welsh competition has moved online this year. All the Welsh Champions have had the draft categories and we are looking forward to receiving lots of entries this year since we are all staying in!