2 minute read
Learner survey results
from Insight Issue 15
by ACT
Our Learner Survey results
We are proud as punch to report that once again we have scored some fantastic ratings and feedback from our recent Learner Survey.
This year over 3171 learners completed our 2020 Learner Voice Survey (across the ACT Network) which is an increase of 797 learners from 2019. An amazing level of engagement considering the uncertain and unusual times we find ourselves living through.
Here are just a few of the standout comments learners have shared with us.
“I am thoroughly enjoying the programme and have almost finished it. I have received outstanding support from both Jane Vaughan and Lisa Beecham who are both exceptional tutors and from whom I have learnt so much. Both are extremely proactive in responding to any queries or providing additional help and for that I am truly grateful.” Level 4 Business Administration Learner
“I have really enjoyed my experience with ACT. Sam Holland was a great tutor and always made sure I was pushing myself to submit the best assignments I could. He also helped link the qualification back to my job role which really helped give the qualification context in my everyday life. He always made sure I was aware of the support available to me, and took the time to check in on my wellbeing, as well as my academic progress. I really appreciated this!” IT, Social Media and Digital Marketing Learner “In a short amount of time I have made extremely good progress - I thank both of my tutors for this. Due to their positive attitudes I have thrived in my course on Construction.” Traineeship Learner
“ACT has been brilliant. They are very supportive and the learning environment is great.”
Apprenticeship Learner
“A collaboration with an an ACT Tutor, Angelina Hummel, helped me discover my potential. She made my learning journey achievable, enjoyable and possible. During the course I have noticed a big change in my wellbeing. I will always remember Angelina as both my tutor and a friend. She has shown me I can achieve more than I think, if I just gain confidence.”
Digital Learning Design Learner
These fantastic results and glowing feedback comments are testament to the incredible staff we have and their determination and commitment to deliver the very best services to our learners. An enormous thank you to each and every one of you for working so hard to continue to offer our learners the best support possible. These brilliant results are entirely down to you.