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What’s new with our partners?

Our partner, Hyfforddiant Ceredigion Training (HCT) has been busy delivering a number of exciting initiatives to learners recently. As well as building the skillsets of learners, the activities have largely focussed on improving their wellbeing.

New leaf with woodland course

Some of HCT’s Engagement learners took part on a Tir Coed woodlands skills course, where they learned to make their own tools and use them in the woodlands.

Based in Ceredigion, Tir Coed is a Welsh charity, which engages people with outdoor and woodlands activities such as volunteering, training and other bespoke initiatives. The activities strive to increase wellbeing, develop skills and improve woodlands for the benefit of everyone.

The learners thoroughly enjoyed picking up new skills through working in the woods and learning more about different trees. It inspired one learner so much they are considering a career in forestry.

Boosting Confidence

Engagement learners at HCT took part in the Meee FUEL course, which looks at individual behaviour, to help boost motivation and confidence. It focuses on engaging young people, to understand and believe in themselves and their abilities, as well as building resilience and playing positive roles within their communities. Learners fed back how the course helped them to open up about their feelings and to have more self-belief in themselves. The experience was so positive that one learner commented that they wished all schools would include sessions like this.

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