A former downtrodden housewife with anger issues, a mercenary with psychotic tendencies, a cocky British punk, an egomaniac, and a guy who runs a takeout.
This bunch of super-powered misfits may not sound like the ideal ingredients for a team, but The White House's Joe Cyborg wants them!
Following their critically-acclaimed comedic debut The Almighties #1, get to know The Almighties - Ms. F, Mason, Nite Fang, Maxi-Tron and Stefanos - in the 7-page FREE Almighties Origins. Written by Sam Johnson (Geek-Girl, Cabra Cini: Voodoo Junkie Hitwoman) and Mike Gagnon (Monkeys & Midgets) and illustrated by Eleonora Kortsarz, Pablo Zambrano and Ron Gravelle, the comic previews The Almighties #0 and sets up their adventures to come!