The airline industry has become an extrememly competitive industry. In today’s market, airlines must make a bold statment in their advertiing campaigns in order to differentiate themselves from others. With this in mind, I aimed to create an engagement ad that reached a different target market than usual for American Airlines: the young, college-aged students-the ambitious ones, the consciencous ones, the bold and adventurous ones, the ones willing to save and spend money if it means gaining an experience from their purchase. At a Dave Matthews concert in Denver, boxes will be air dropped from the sky, each containing vacation essentials: a beach towel, a koozie, a hat, sunglasses. sunscreen, and a beach bag, all embroidered with the American Airlines logo. This engagement ad will be in Colorado because smoking is legal in the state. It will take place in the summer, when students and young people want to be at a beach and have a vacation experience that they cannot have in Colorado. When people are on vacation, they can post pictures to their social media and hashtag their adventures #gethigher. By using #gethigher, people can receive rewards and promotions for their next adventurous getaway. The primary aim of this engagement ad is not to encourage people to go and get high on vacation, but to grab the attention of the target audience using a language thatthey can identify with.