#frameAmerica Where are you taking us?
It’s a frame! Check it out. Read our directions.
take me with you front #frameAmerica
back Where are you taking us?
Visit @frameAmerica to see where our passengers have taken us.
take me with you
Visit @frameAmerica and see where your fellow passengers have brought us. Maybe you’ll see you.
take me with you
take me with you
Take us with you and post a picture framing your destination.
Take this frame and Instagram a picture framing your destination. Tag @frameAmerica and include our hashtag.
take me with you
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What is this red tab sticking out of my seatback pocket?
AUDIENCE: -Young professionals wanting to take American adventures -Recreational flyers -Instagram users
This #frameAmerica engagement idea was created to target a young professional crowd, not the typical older business audience. I want American Airlines to also be the recreational choice, and this idea makes AA personal by asking the passenger “where are YOU taking US?” This idea allows for the consumers to advertise where AA can take their passengers. This crowd will already be Instagramming their destinations, so why not frame them?