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nd co
urst a b r a t S t a E
r wrap u o y l l a t llec
Go bejond th wrapper C e juice and create s tarbust hains. and a t s n I , r e Twitt n o t s foot u b y r r a e t v S e t w n Follo cume o d uice d J n e a h k T o d o Faceb Beyon # h t i w ain of the ch After J an with th uary1-7 the o e n to a de longest chai e n will w st in of ther ination that i s the d a trip e chain is . 3mile s to an tance inch. The Starburst company will challenge its followers to bring
back Starburst wrapper chains, which will increase sales. They must follow Starburst on all media networs and document every foot of the chain created to ensure that they are new chains. Also, have them put #BeyondThe Juice with every documentation. After a week long period the follower with the longest chain will have every inch of their chain count as 3 miles and give a free vacation to a destinaion of that distance or less .