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SweetFr ogFr oYoShops Pos tofphot oofy ourF AVEf r oy ol a v ec ombi na t i onus i ng#Fr og Fa v e Fl a v ea ndy ourS WEET t r e a tc oul dbeourne x tFr og g yFl a v eoft heMont ha ndg e t31da y soff r e ey og ur t !Got oourwe bs i t et os e ea l l t hec r a z yc ombos , v ot ea ndg e ti ns pi r e df ory ourne x tt r i pt oS we e tFr oghe a v e n!

#Fr ogFaveFl ave Vi si tht t p: / / sweet f r ogyogur t . com t os eeal i stof cur r entf l avor s,vei wt hecont estgal l er yand v ot eony ourf ave. SWEETFROGYOGURT . COM

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