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Takeof fwi t h Yourvacat i onshoul dbegi natt akeof f . 1.Amer i canAi r l i nesi sr epl aci ngpopul arbus st opsar oundbi gci t i eswi t hourr el axi ng, spaci ousai r pl aneseat s.Thebusst opboot hs wi l lbef i t t edwi t hourcushi oned,r ecl i ni ng seat s,car pet edf l oor s,over headl i ght s, ai r condi t i oni ngvent s,f ol ddownt r aysanda scr eent hati sont heseat backi nf r ontoft he passenger . 2.Passenger sar et ol dbyt hescr een( mot i on act i vat edwhent heysi tdown)t ousei tt ot ake asel f i ei nt heseat sandat t achi tt ot hei rt wi t t er f eed.Thesel f i ewi l lbeaut omat i cal l yupl oaded t ot hemi cr osi t e‘ ”Takeof fwi t hAmer i can”, wher eonel uckybusst oppassengerwi l lbe sel ect edatr andom t or ecei ve10, 000f r equent f l yermi l est ot akeof font hevacat i onoft hei r dr eams.

#t akeof f wi t hAmer i can

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