Advertising Uncovered
Mind the gap By Kingston
“The best advertisement is not an ad.� --Euro RSCG
Content • Brief introduction of Kingston • Plot of “Mind the gap” • Analysis of the creation • Euro RSCG Taiwan and “Mind the gap”
Brief introduction of Kingston Kingston is an American
technology company producing memory devices. And one of the most worldwide known products of Kingston is USB Flash Disk.
For a long ?me, Kingston is the
definite leader in the market of memory devices. However, in recent years, more and more opponents appear in this market and compete with Kingston. Besides, U disk from different company cannot offer very special value for consumers nowadays.
Therefore, Kingston should try to create a new image for consumers in order to become different.
Plot of “Mind the gap”
1. The subway guard finds that an old lady sits near the plaGorm every day and every ?me she sits there, she just stays there but not gets into the train.
2. One day the old lady stays at the subway sta?on as usual but she seems that she find something wrong. So the lady goes to talk to the guard for the answer.
3. The lady says that why she comes to the sta?on every day is because she wants to listen to his deceased husband’s voice. Her husband helped the sta?on record the warning tone “mind the gap” for the broadcast but today his voice is replaced by another one.
4. The guard tells her the whole system is changed and her husband’s voice cannot recover probably. The lady asks him if she could get a copy of her husband’s voice, the guard says that he can’t do anything for her since he is not the manager of the system. So the lady leaves the sta?on with disappointment and the guard feels so sorry for the lady.
5. AQer that, the lady recalls the ?me that she spent with her husband. Her husband was a singer; “A MEMORY TO REMEMBER” was a very nice song from him. The lady remembers almost all the details about the life with her husband, especially their first meet. When they met at the first ?me, it’s her husband that told her “mind the gap”.
6. A few days later, the old lady comes back to the subway sta?on and wants to get into the train to leave this city. Surprisingly, her husband’s voice “mind the gap” spreads from the broadcast again in the sta?on. The guard comes to her and gives her a Kingston U disk. He says that this is the copy of her husband’s voice and this subway sta?on will retain her husband’s broadcast forever.
7. The old lady is very happy and thankful for the guard. She gets into the train with her memory of her husband forever. “Travelers we are in this journey of the memory. Abroad together we might, and get off at different ?mes. S?ll, memory lingers.”
Analysis of the creation
·“Mind the gap” is based on a true story, which makes it not looks like an ad. This story is based on the news from BBC and the old lady is the story is called Margaret McCollum in the reality. A true story is easier to touch the audience and create resonance between Kingston and the consumers. It makes the audience believe that this is not an adver?sement but a beau?ful microfilm and a touched story.
• “Mind the gap” creates emo?onal value of Kingston for consumers. The theme of “Mind the gap” is helpful for Kinston to create a new image of its U disk for consumers. That is “Memory”. “Memory” can represent the spirit of Kingston’s brand. What’s more, what behinds memory is our life together with our families, friends and lovers and our love for them. “Memory” can become our emo?onal preference towards Kingston.
• It’s “Mind the gap” that make Kingston differ from other brands of U disk in the market. Before “Mind the gap”, there isn’t any U disk company make such a touched microfilm for their brand development. Kingston is the first brand of U disk that create emo?onal value for its target audience. From now on, everyone that has seen this adver?sement can connect “memory” with Kingston. “Memory” makes Kingston very different from other opponents.
Euro RSCG Taiwan and “Mind the gap”
“The best adver?sement is not an ad.” Just as the chief director
of “Mind the gap” from Euro RSCG Taiwan said, “It’s not an ad for the audience, it’s a beau?ful microfilm, a touched story and our mutual emo?on.” Kingston let Euro RSCG Taiwan to make this adver?sement for them and the team of “Mind the gap” shot at a deserted place in Taiwan. Here is some interes?ng data of the team and their work “Mind the gap”.
2/455 The whole length of the video is 455 seconds long. However, the appearance of the U disk of Kingston just lasts for only 2 seconds.
Euro RSCG Taiwan spent almost 180 days in shoo?ng this video. 104, 2000 and 9190
104, 2000 and 9190 For sebng up the shoo?ng loca?on, the team used up 104 buckets of oil paint, 2000 bacens and 9190 ceramic ?les for construc?ng the wall of the subway sta?on.
Advertising Uncovered