Button crafts to make button flowers Flowers are always loved by numerous crowds. Not only the appearance of the flowers is beautiful but also its smell is delicious. But do you know how the button flower looks? How about button crafts? Is it a feast for your eyes either?
What I will show is button crafts. And a bouquet of button flower will be displayed after my tutorial. Let’s see whether it is worthwhile to embellish your house.
What are necessary
for button crafts?
Plastic buttons
Iron wire
How to make button flower? Step 1: string the buttons and cut the felt
Step 2: sew the felt
String three or four buttons in different sizes
Unfold the hearts to a flower shape with
to an iron wire; the top one is a flower
the sewing thread in the middle to fix
button; string three iron wires with buttons.
Cut several pieces of heart shape felt.
Step 3: the ending work Sew two buttons with the flower; pass the iron wire through the holes of the buttons.
Overlap five hearts and sew at the bottom.
Arrange the button flower together, and a bouquet of flower will be done. What do you think of this kind of button crafts?
If you love crafts making, you can learn more at: http://www.lovehobbycraft.com/learning-center.html