How to make greeting cards for your friends Even though you can meet your friends every day, you play games together, have class together, go working together and even have lunch together, all of these are so common. Have you ever wanted to make a surprise for your friends? Such as make greeting cards. Referring to this topic, I want to talk about the details of how to make greeting cards.
Why I would like to start with the topic about how to make greeting cards? I do want to tell you a new way to do something unusual and move your friends. Therefore, your friendship will be deeper. Especially for those friends who are in different cities, please remember to make greeting cards for each other. Following, let’s go into the point-how to make greeting cards.
Materials needed in greeting cards:
Colorful papers
Buttons and scissors
Double-sided tape
Thread and needle
How to make greeting cards? Step 1: make petals Use the scissors to cut off 4 petals in different sizes. Fold the side of petal toward inside slightly.
Step 2: stick the petals together Stick the petals one by one with double-sided tape in a descending order (the smallest one is on the top, the biggest one is on the bottom).
Step 3: add button Sew a button at the center of the petal. Then it is a completed flower.
Step 4: the ending work Make such flower at least 3. Add leaves for them. At last, stick the flowers on the cover of the card. Add some small flowers will be much better. That’s my way about how to make greeting card. Do you think it is so beautiful? If you want to make a surprise for your friends, please try to make greeting card.
Get buttons while making the cards please click: