Making accessory bag for gifts packing This time what I will show you is one kind of accessory bag. And its function is as fabric gift bags. May be it is in urgent need when you send gifts.
Basically most of gifts are wrapped in a paper box. Are you curious about how it will be like if gifts are in fabric gift bags? Let me tell how to make this accessory bag.
What do you need to prepare?
Cotton fabric
Cotton lining
Small bell
Sewing threads
How to make fabric gift bags? Step 1: prepare the fabric Cut the surface fabric lining to different sizes. Fold the up and down sides of surface fabric five centimeters both. Seam the folded fabric and the other piece of surface fabric with two sides.
Step 2: make the handle of the bag Fold a piece of fabric to a small piece. Wind it to arch shape; insert it to the junction of two pieces fabric and sew. Make the other handle as the same. Fold the bag to the inner side outside.
Step 3: the ending work Stitch the sides of the bag, and make angles to form the bottom. Turn over the bag. Fold both the inner and outer opening sides five centimeters. Insert the inner fabric inside and seam them.
This accessory bag will make your gift more precious. Your friend will be happier to see your own work. And the fabric gift bags can show your friendship in the form of things.
If you need other materials, you can find them at: