Message from the ACA Board Chair Jim Nicholls Bye bye Covid. Full steam ahead, with RAT in hand!
and Max Kewish on his re-election. Thank you Mary
It has been a brisk start to 2022 and it is with
Marsland, Bernie Pfitzner and Alison Sharpe for
great joy that state play has resumed at the National
your valuable service as ACA Board directors.
Level. In 5 weeks, Cairnlea hosted the Golf Croquet
Greg Bury commenced full time employment
8s, NSW hosted the Eire Cup and Queensland
in March and part of his role is to deliver the 6
hosted the Australian Gateball Championships.
National Programs over the next 2–3 years.
Whilst we may at times have been “swinging like a
The ACA Board approved six National programs
rusty gate”, the only thing better than being back on
and has appointed a Director for Board liaison to
the lawns was catching up with our fellow players
each program
whom we haven’t seen in over 2 years.
Recruitment and Retention – Jim Nicholls
Pathways and Development – Barbara Northcott
weeks has been the torrential rain. Whilst this
Grants and Sponsorship – Pat Habner
impacted the National events, the more severe
Publicity and Marketing – Max Kewish
impact has been to a number of clubs which
Communications and Database – Kerri-Ann Organ
were inundated with flood waters. It is inspiring
Youth Training Program – TBA – The Board
to hear how the croquet family have supported
We do have a couple of vacancies on the board and
these clubs and members, both practically and
are seeking Expressions of Interest from individuals
financially. If you or your club wish to support
who want to contribute to our sport and be part
these flood affected clubs details are on the
of what will be an exciting time for malletsports in
ACA website
Australia in the months and years ahead.
The most significant challenge in the past few
Enjoy reading the latest edition of the ACA
Our AGM was held in March; and I would like to
Online Newsletter.
congratulate and welcome Pat Habner to the board
Board Members and Officers
Jim Nicholls
Barbara Northcott
Pat Habner
Kerri‑Ann Organ
Jim Clement
Kah Yang Loke
Rob Murray
Greg Bury
Board Appointment Secretary
Executive Officer
General Manager The Australian Croquet Academy
Max Kewish
Official Positions of the ACA Events Committee
Assistant National Coaching Coordinator
Peter Freer (chair)
Peter Tracey
Pete Landrebe
Gary Phipps
Tournament committee Trevor Bassett (chair)
Barb Piggott
Ricochet National Coordinator Lynda Davis
Gateball National Coordinator
AC selection committee
John Park
Martin Clarke (chair) Greg Fletcher (Australian Team Captain) Peter Landrebe (High Performance Manager) Simon Hockey
GC Selection Committee
GC High Performance Manager Martin Clarke
GC Refereeing Coordinator Jim Clements
John Arney
National Handicapper
Martin Clarke (High Performance Manager)
Gareth Denyer
Peter Landrebe (Current Australian Captain)
Under 21 Committee Chair
Martin Clarke
Jacky McDonald
Australian Representation
plus six state co-ordinators
WCF AC Laws Committee
National Marketing Committee
Elizabeth Fleming
Tony Walker
WCF GC Rules Committee
Janine Sisson
Max Kewish
John Van der Touw
AC High Performance Manager
Public Officer
Peter Landrebe
Nick Chapman
AC National Refereeing Coordinator
Complaints Officer
Mike Cohn
Rob Murray
National Coaching Coordinator
Integrity Manager
Greg Bury
Jim Clement
Peter Freer
Trevor Bassett
John Park
Barb Piggot
Events Committee
Gateball National
Assistant National
Committee Chair)
Coaching Coordinator
Click on the link below to view the latest ACA Annual Report 3
Congratulations and Welcome Pat Habner to the ACA Board Pat Habner has been a croquet player for 20 years
Sunshine Coast Region, Pat is
as a member of the Nambour Croquet Club.
currently Golf croquet Coordinator for the Region.
Pat has been actively involved at all times in
She has represented her
management of her club and Sunshine Coast
Region as a CAQ delegate and
this year became President of the
After 7 years as Treasurer, two years as
CAQ Management Committee.
Secretary, and three years as President of the
Do you have skills in marketing, advertising or design?
Expression of Interest
The National Marketing Committee currently has two vacancies. could2 vacancies help this Committee the ¬ ThereYou are currently on the National Publicitychange Group. perception of croquet totoincrease ¬ If you are interested in applyingand or wish find out someparticipation more Information theby please Email support and strategies providing marketing resources, Max Kewish to ¬clubs throughout Australia. ¬ Help us invest in the future of Croquet and Gateball Email Max Kewish
Make your Tax Deductible Donation today or before June 30
DONATE The Australian Croquet Academy appreciates your support
Announcement The board is pleased to announce the Australian Team to contest the MacRobertson Shield, due to be held at the Victorian Croquet Centre in November 2022, against teams from England,New Zealand and the United States. The team is in alphabetical order: •
Ian Dumergue (Captain)
Malcom Fletcher
Robert Fletcher
Stephen Forster
Dwayne McCormick
Edward Wilson
Alison Sharpe (first reserve)
Jim Nicholls and Callum Hyland named as alternate reserves
ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITY With a potential of over 10,000 readers why not advertise your event, product or service today? Simply click on the link below and complete the details.
CLICK HERE for further information or queries, contact Greg Bury.
Hyde Park Croquet Club SA Men’s Championship winner, Dwayne McCormick with Peter Martyniuk
NIGHT CROQUET Members at the Norwood Croquet Club take advantage of the cooler temperatures in the evening during the summer months.
The Hyde Park Gateball Team are having a well earnt rest during the recent Australian Gateball Championships Special thanks to Jim Nicholls for filling in at short notice.
VICTOR HARBOUR GETTING SOME GOOD MEDIA COVERAGE Barry Jennings became the latest Victor Harbour celebrity when he recently played in their annual tournament.
A huge thanks to Bordertown Croquet Club for enabling this fantastic tournament to happen. The Doubles was very close with Ann Hesse and Joan Thompson finishing on the same wins, losses and net points as Martin Kennett and Terry Trudgen. Congratulations to all the winners and we look forward to seeing you all again soon. Click on the link below to view all scores
This competition
planning with the development of a new Strategic
was played over
Plan. The current Strategic Plan expired in 2021.
two days (Saturday
The Board sees this an essential piece of work,
26th and Sunday
to ensure we have a contemporary perspective
27th March), and
as we consider our player and club needs.
was hosted by Hyde
Good governance dictates that it is important to
Park croquet club
have regard for the wider community who are
due to other events
The Board has decided to formalise our long-term
Lyn Parnell President
consumers of recreational and sporting activities.
being held at SACA
The Board unanimously agreed it was essential
Hutt Road. Initially the competition had a full field
that an independent person be engaged to lead
of twelve players. Unfortunately, in the preceding
this process who had experience in developing
weeks, COVID, colds and other events reduced the
strategic plans with other state based sporting
final field to eight players. The final format of the
organisations. The Board approached Sport SA and
competition was a single round robin on each day
Wallace Long from C2M Consulting was identified
of the competition (7 one-hour games on each
as the preferred partner to lead our strategic
day). After the first day there was a clear leader,
planning process. C2M Consulting has a wide
but the final outcome could not be guaranteed.
range of experience developing strategic plans
With the temperature due to rise on the Sunday,
with local and state based sporting organisations.
the players in association with the event manager
A key aspect of C2M’s approach is a focus on
and referees agreed to start play an hour earlier
ensuring the voices of all members are heard
than advertised to avoid the afternoon heat.
during development of the plan. In the first
Interestingly you would expect to finish an hour
stage, there are two areas where members can
earlier but that was not the case with the final
contribute to the strategic planning process; 1. by
game finishing at roughly the same time as the
completing the Member Survey when you receive
previous day. The 2022 SA GC Men’s Champion
it. 2. consider registering your interest in being part
was Dwayne McCormick (Norwood), winning 13
of the Strategic Planning Working Group. We are
of his 14 games. Stephen Condous (Hyde Park)
looking for up to seven members to be involved,
was the runner up, winning 11 of his 14 games.
with representation from across our croquet
Thanks go to Kim Millhouse, Bernie Pfitzner, Karen
community. You can read more about this Working
Magee and Julianne Jago the four GC referees who
Group, and register your interest here: https://
officiated at this event and to the members of the
Hyde Park club who helped setup and manage the
The closing date for the Strategic Planning Working
Group - Registration of Interest is Monday 11th April.
Check out the latest Croquet SA edition of Hoop Points by clicking the link below
Congratulations to Addison Matthews and Frances Wright for winning the Ipswich Cup
This year’s Interstate Cup “Player of the Series” winner for Queensland is Kathie Grant. Kathie won 5 out of her 6 singles games she played and contributed greatly as the Manager of the Team.
VALE Archibald “Barry” Nichol 9/10/1934 to 24/01/2022 Also Congratulations to Lyndell Goodier and Sid Goodier in being Runner’s Up.
Congratulations to the 2022 Ladies GC singles Winner Mary McMahon and Runner up Jenee Molyneux
ISSN 2208-4924 Croquet Newsletter Issue 2 Volume 22 March/April 2022 For the latest edition
ACA QLD GOLF BRONZE MEDAL On the final day we had an exciting finish with the Medal decided on the 13th hoop of the last match. The Caloundra Croquet Club did a magnificent job hosting and provided all players with excellent conditions on and off the court. Special Thanks to our Venue Manager Kerry Helmrich.
The Windsor Doubles
Special Thanks to the Referees Cloreen Van Der
Winners were Mary McMahon and Lorraine Stott
Sluis, Deirdre Giles, Sue Green, Judy Caughley and
Runners Up Casey De-Vene and Mark Heinrich
Bill Habner.
Third Max Kilmister and Mike Mabbutt
Special Thanks to all the hoop setters Murray
Only one hoop separated the first and second
Tinker and all the volunteers behind the scenes.
Click below to enjoy the ACA QLD Bronze Medal video
Thanks Peter for all the work you did on croquet scores. Prizes were awarded to the first 3 positions.
VALE Roy Ronald Donley
Congratulations Robert Roose
09/04/1933 to 13/01/2022
on your new appointment as the Queensland State Gateball Co-ordinator
CONGRATULATIONS DAVID HANBIDGE The Winner of the NSW Men’s Open Golf Croquet Singles Championship David Hanbidge (Nowra). Malcolm Powys also performed extremely well to come Runner Up. Click the link below to check the results.
Above Bob Williamson, Fiona Phillips, Gareth Ward, Wendy Wade, Margaret Sawers and Karen James. Check out the latest and greatest Croquet NSW Newsletter below.
groups/204121004882119/ permalink/404436084850609/
NOWRA CROQUET CLUB’S NEW OUTSTANDING FACILITY The Nowra Croquet Club is part of a 18 million dollar project. The AFL and Cricket Clubs will share their facilities whilst we will be fully separated from the grounds. The new croquet complex is costed at around 3 million. A public walkway surrounds the whole complex with a small carpark at the western end of the club house. 10
Congratulations to Canberra for winning the 2021
The Marrickville Croquet Club successfully held a
NSW DIV 3 GC Pennants.
come and try on the 31st of March.
Pictured are Peter Dale, Ian McRae, Ginny
Members welcomed a delightful group, many
Graylin, Ian Donald and Catherine Perry.
of who are keen to come back for lessons and
Other Team members included Marilyn Smith
become involved with the Club.
and Helen Druett.
READ ALL ABOUT IT Check out the latest and greatest Croquet NSW Newsletter below. CNSW2204.pdf
The grounds people at the Royal Sydney Golf Club were hard at work with the super soppers at the recent Eire Cup.
Thanks to Norwood CC we can Click on the link below and watch a super sopper in action. 11
The Australian Golf Croquet Bronze Medal for Victoria has been won by Stephen Forster. All the best Stephen when you travel to Ade-
On Thursday the 24th of March the Boort croquet
laide and compete in the Gold.
Club hosted the latest session. Topics covered
Click on the link below to view the results.
Cut shots
Double taps
Hoop and distance
Extra turns and when to use them
Congratulations to Jean Henderson, Daryl Henderson and Alan Puttick for your recent accreditation as Golf Croquet Referees. Well Done John van der Touw and Jean Deacon for running the session.
CROQUET VICTORIA MALLETSPORTS Check out the latest edition of the Croquet Victoria Malletsports edition. Just click the link below. 12
A great day was had by all at the Howlong Croquet Social day. We had a lot of green and even a leprechaun. Equal first were Anne Dodd and Keven Duker. Thanks to all who helped to make the day a success.
The National Golf Croquet Presidents Eights were held this year at the Victorian Croquet Centre. This is one of the most prestige’s Golf Croquet Events on the Events Calendar. Unfortunately due to COVID not all States could be represented. Special thanks to Victoria for hosting. The final results were: •
First Eights Winner Kevin Beard (Yarrawong) R/U Peter Freer (Canberra)
Second Eights Winner Shane Downie (Traralgon) R/U Richard Parks (Monash)
Third Eights Winner Kevin McGlynn (Canberra) R/U Mark Scuton (Canberra)
To view all scores click the link below.
Watch the Australian Golf Championships from the comfort of your lounge room MySportLive will livestream three days of the action, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm – Friday 13 May to Sunday 15 May 2022.
The Australian 2022 Golf Croquet President’s
Eights was also livestreamed from the Victorian
A reminder that previous livestreamed content is
Croquet Centre.
available from these sites:
Special thanks to the Voice of croquet Gareth
Denyer and his team of commentators.
Also to Kate Patrick and Sarina Cevaal-Hewitt
for all the work they do behind the scenes.
Click on the link below to watch all the action.
events/10148448 13
Top seed Gary Phipps defends the Moorabinda Open GC Singles title with 6 perfect 10’s
Sorrento GC Interclub HC Doubles 2022
Competitors from Belmont, Narrogin, Sorrento, Gosnells, Cambridge and Como all came together to participate in this great event.
Played in nearly perfect conditions Gary Phipps
The overall winners were
successfully defended his title once again going
Di McGivern and Lorraine
undefeated for the day. He was pushed all the way
Bates (Sorrento) and in
by Bob James who only lost 1 game.
second place Eric Mc Curdy
Well Done Gary and Bob and congratulations to
(Gosnells) and Ian Tarling (Cambridge).
all players on what was a tremendous day.
Click on the link below to view all the results.
Click on the link below to view all the results.
Cambridge Cup
Thank you Alan Wood
Left: Kathy Hamilton and Glynnis Ranger ready to contest the Final. Right: Glynnis Ranger with Captain Matthew after Winning the final of the
Alan did a great job designing and creating
Cambridge Cup
these trophies 14
XVIII Australian Masters Games It is nearly time for the XVIII Australian Masters
long festival of sport that brings together weekend
Games in Perth.
warriors from around Australia, and the world, to
Croquet is one of many sports to be played
enjoy an extensive sport and social program in an
and the team in Western Australia are now busy
exciting holiday destination.
getting ready.
The 18th Edition of the Australian Masters
If living in Perth why not check out all the action
Games which were due to be held from 9–16
and support this year’s competitors.
October 2021 will now be held in Perth on the
About the Games
23rd–30 April.
Created by the Confederation of Australian Sport in 1987, the Australian Masters Games is a week-
AC Mt Lawley Div3 Singles Ten players
Brett and Janine McHardy are the new WA State Open Doubles Champions
battled it out for
This prestigious event was entered by
the honours at
all the top names in WA Golf Croquet. Brett and Janine must of played
Bayswater in the
extremely well to go through
AC Div3 singles.
Congratulations Megan Fardon and
Final placings
Runner Up Perry
Winners Brett and Janine McHardy
Runners Up Robyn Dart and Gary Phipps
Third place Alan Sands and Jennifer Brand
Click on the link to view all the results. https://
Congratulations to all the competitors and special thanks to Forrest Park and all their volunteers for hosting the event. 15
From the President Thank goodness for ZOOM! This year our
The past President of Croquet
executive has successfully held ZOOM meetings
Tasmania (Leigh Herington)
every month. Our executive is made up of
agreed at the 2021 AGM to remain in the chair
members from southern and northern Tasmania
until the Australian Croquet Championships in
(200-300kms apart) so being able to meet
September. With the cancellation of these events,
electronically has been a great asset. And now with
the President of Croquet Tasmania changed hands
the price of petrol, the plan is to continue.
and in October I took over as President. Thanks
There have been a few firsts in the last twelve
to Leigh for his leadership for the last three years.
months. Croquet Tasmania reached 500 affiliated
Leigh continues to be an active member of the
players for the first time and we conducted a
Executive Committee.
schools competition and awarded the winner,
Pennants at both ends of the state have been
Taroona High School, with a very elegant trophy.
successfully run and won. In the north, North Esk
Tasmanian members were introduced to ACA
Croquet Club took out the A Grade Golf Pennants,
academy and the number of coaches increased
and in the South, Eastern Shore Croquet Club
to over 35 members covering all games. John
came home winners in both AC and GC Pennants.
Hutchison, Eastern Shore member, introduced
Many members contribute to the success of events
us to some fantastic animations on YouTube
whether organising, refereeing or playing and
explaining many facets of croquet. (Check it out:
things are looking rosy for the future of croquet
“John Hutchison Croquet YouTube”). Kingston
in Tasmania.
held a very successful World Croquet Day and East Launceston met with the Federal Minister for
Sylvia Wing
Sport, Richard Colbeck. Tony Walker from East
Launceston Croquet Club joined the publicity team
Tas Croquet
of “The Australian Croquet On-line Magazine”.
Congratulations Peter Ross for
Runner up Ruth McKean
Patsy Paine (Latrobe) plays
winning the AC Classic and Ian
congratulates Rob McAdam, winner
Russell Reid (East Launceston) in a
Bassett for coming Runner Up
of the 2022 Tasmanian GC Singles
Pennants match at the Northern
Tasmania Croquet Centre.
THE MAYORAL CHALLENGE The support of local Councils is important to all croquet clubs and the Northern Tasmania Croquet Centre’s Publicity Committee hit upon a unique way to keep northern Tasmanian councils engaged and informed about croquet. For 10 years they have run the annual Mayoral Challenge, inviting mayors from the surrounding seven municipalities to a special competition followed by a barbeque. Mayors bring a partner and each team is assigned a mentor to guide their technique and strategy. This year all seven Councils were represented with
Winners of the TCA Association Doubles Lizzie
Northern Midlands taking out the prize.
and Ian Bassett
Runners Up of the Association Doubles Leigh Herington and John Colquhoun
The School for seniors term has started with 5
Thursday 9th June - Monday 13th June,2022
Croquet sessions offered to 30+ students at the
(Queen’s Birthday Weekend)
Northern Tasmania Croquet Centre and East Launceston clubs.
Hosted by Kingston Croquet Club, Kingston, Tasmania A great Golf Croquet Competition for all players with outstanding prizes. First Place $1500.00 Second Place $1000.00 Third Place $500.00
Entry Fee - $100.00 Entries close on Friday 1 3 th May Come along and enjoy a great weekend with like-minded players at the beautiful Kingston Croquet Club, deemed by many who have played on these courts as the best in Australia. For more information contact: Peter Tracey PH Email:
0419 672 655
The Croquet Australia Disaster Relief Program
As a result of this event a number of our Clubs
is designed to provide all our clubs and members
and our members have either received major
an avenue for additional support when it is needed
damage or lost a number of valuable assets.
To support simply nominate the relevant flood-
Clubs impacted by any natural disasters or
affected club below you wish to help.
unfortunate events can nominate to join if not
Then simply use the Clubs banking details to
automatically included.
make a payment.
Businesses, our partners, our clubs their
Your support is greatly appreciated!
members and their friends will then have an
The nominated Clubs include:
opportunity to nominate the club they wish to support which goes directly to your club of choice for disasters including:
To include any additional clubs needing assistance
please contact the General Manager of the
Australian Croquet Academy, Greg Bury.
Relief Grants and Assistance Available to Clubs (check expiry dates)
Sportscover Grants: One-off $500 available from
Croquet Australia, The Australian Croquet Academy
a pool of $25 000. Click here for more details and
and all State Associations would like to send their
to apply.
best wishes to all clubs affected by the recent rains
Brisbane City Council: $5000 one-off cash
and flooding experienced in QLD and NSW.
payment. Under the Community Facility Disaster
Relief Payment Program, not-for-profit clubs will
need to complete a simple survey and provide
Account Name – Casino Croquet Club
photographic evidence of the damage to get
Account Number – 10025414
approval. Click here to find out more and apply.
BSB – 062519
RACQ Foundation
Account Name – Murwillumbah Croquet Club
If you are a Queensland sporting club/
Account Number – 650045
organisation, community group, charity or
BSB – 032 584
an organisation with a charitable purpose, and
Account Name – McIlwraith Croquet Club
have been impacted by the 2022 South East
Account Number – 166 806
Queensland severe weather events, you can
BSB – 034 072
apply now for a Community Grant with RACQ
Bank of Queensland
Foundation. Click here to find out more and apply.
259 Queen Street Brisbane QLD 4000
To Donate to a Club use details below
Account Number – 10238914
Account Name – Lismore Croquet Club
Account Name – Merthyr Croquet Club Inc
Account Number – 205532
Account Number – 207976529
Account Name – Windsor Croquet Inc
BSB – 032 539
BSB – 124 001
BSB – 124 001
Please share this link on social media or on your website so more clubs and individuals can donate For further information please contact your State Association. Extraordinary Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants
CROQUET CORNER FLAGS Would you like corner flags for your Club that last a lifetime? Specifications
Height above ground - 30 cms
Posts - aluminium (painted)
Ground Pins - galvanised steel
Flags - Marine Vinyl (no fading) and heat welded
References The following clubs have already acquired sets: Burleigh Heads/Palm Beach; Caloundra; Noosa; Sunny Side (Bundaberg); Graceville; Cambridge (WA); Bribie Island; Bundaberg; SouthPort; Auckland (NZ); Lithgow (NSW); The Range Maleny; Read Park (SA)
AU$65.00 for a set of four flags and posts - PLUS Postage
Please email with your order or Phone +61 (0) 418 608 663
Message from the General Manager of the Australian Croquet Academy The ACA Board and the Australian Croquet Academy are working together to provide all associations and clubs a higher level of service and support so we can help drive new membership and participation. Currently the Australian Croquet Academy is working on 6 National Projects. My 2 main priorities are to launch a National Database that caters for all levels of croquet and to deliver a website that is not only user friendly but also filled with quality information and resources. At the beginning of this journey an Australian Croquet Academy Development Plan was created and signed off by the ACA board. Now with the majority of these tasks completed we are looking forward to using a new National Project Plan that the ACA Board can monitor/control all tasks, costings and timeframes. Recently an exercise was done to
During this period, I would like to ask for your
estimate the number of hours needed to complete
patience and support. As a lot of information
all tasks required by the Academy. As a result, my
and resources need to be signed off and made
position was reviewed, and I became full time to
help get through this workload.
Change is never easy, and I encourage all
One of the Academy’s key objectives is to
Associations and Clubs to contact me at any time.
have the national and state bodies working more
I am here to help!
together so we are all saving costs and improving productivity. This can only be achieved with a clear
Kind Regards,
vision and good communication.
Over the next 3 months I need to work on the
General Manager
priorities and complete as many quick wins as
The Australian Croquet Academy
possible. I will be talking to all major stakeholders
and build a solid platform for our future.
A new croquet scoreboard Gareth Denyer started the process by using a prototype scoreboard to try and give an overview of the state of play in progress at the Eire Cup. After that Gareth made it available to others to develop and improve. I picked it up and developed a Scoreboard sheet fed by a number of Court sheets and showed Gareth. To make it
scores and the Scoreboard shows the current state
more accessible we moved it from Excel to Google
of play on all courts.
Sheets so anyone wishing to view progress didn’t
It is hoped that keen viewers will appreciate
need any software other than an Internet Browser.
being able to see the current state of
The Scoreboard was generalised so that
play, not just results.
extra Courts can be added by copy and pasting.
The link to the newly created Court is updated and the Scoreboard can handle any number of
To view a complete summary on how
added courts. Each Court can show AC or GC
it works click on the link below
games. Observers on each Court update hoop
DON’T MISS OUT! Cooks River Croquet Club are selling two specially designed hoop and equipment trolleys They will not last at $280 each To find out more email
Marketing Croquet in the future The ACA now have a National Marketing
click the link below and complete an expression
of interest. mailto:dorval21%40bigpond.
The role of this committee is to: •
identify and recommend to the Board opportunities for marketing all mallet sports
At the recent National Marketing Meeting the
and mallet sport activities,
following initiatives were discussed for ACA Board
develop plans, programs strategies and budgets
for such opportunities as have been approved
To produce a National Marketing Plan.
by the Board, and
A working Marketing calendar.
implement such marketing plans, strategies
Promotional materials and press releases for
and programs that have been approved by the
World Croquet Day.
Board, within the allocated budget.
Provide resources to support the ACA Incentive
If you wish to join the team and help promote
Program to increase membership and
and improve the branding of croquet and
increase membership and participation then
Reviewing information for the website.
Current Members of the Australian Marketing committee Tony Walker
her expertise in Communication Design to help
Tony Walker has
codesign our future. Janine has a Master of Design,
an extensive
expertise in Graphic Design and experience in
background in
marketing, public
Max Kewish
relations and
ACA Board Director/
journalism in Sydney,
President Croquetwest
Melbourne and
Max is committed to
Tasmania, most
enhancing the overall
recently as Marketing
image of croquet
Manager for TAFE Tasmania in Launceston. He is a member of the East Launceston Croquet Club.
in Australia and to
Janine Sisson
membership through
affiliated clubs.
increase Australia’s
Western Australia recently ran a successful
Mornington Croquet Club Victoria
marketing campaign resulting in a 30% increase in
Janine is a fairly
their membership over twelve months and a 20%
new member to
increase in new croquet clubs. Max is committed to establishing a social media
our croquet family (Mornington) who
and digital presence which will attract a younger
loves the sport
demographic and increase player diversity through
and is eager to use
the ACA Marketing Committee. 22
Pat Habner
To achieve these goals Australia Croquet Association will need to broaden the volunteer base
You can read Pat’s bio on
and increase the number of sponsors and grants.
page 4.
There is much work to be done and as ACA management committees, Australia wide, are volunteer based the capacity to instigate many of the ACA marketing strategies is therefore reliant
Greg Bury
on the interaction with, and enthusiasm of the
Current General Manager of the Australian
croquet clubs across Australia.
Croquet Academy
Well done West Toowoomba on your recent advertising for the school holidays
Social Media Support
World Croquet Day First weekend in May This is our day to celebrate
Play all mallet sports on the same day (Saturday or
All Clubs are encouraged to schedule an activity
during the World Croquet Weekend to celebrate
Have fun games.
community and croquet.
Turn it into a family and friends day.
An ACA Press release will be sent to all major
Invite the local radio station/newspaper.
media outlets (see attached).
Use social media.
Social media banners and promotional videos
Have a free Sausage sizzle / Breakfast BBQ.
are also available to support the promotion of your
Invite guests to a Morning / Afternoon Tea.
club event.
Cut a “World Croquet Day” celebration cake.
The links below are a “Come and Try” promotional
Dress up.
video and a longer version that can also be used on
Some States have already done some early
social media or club websites.
planning and have solid plans in place. Some ideas on what to do on the day include: ANYTHING THAT IS FUN. Having a “Come and Try” Inviting other clubs to join you. Inviting other organisations to come. Have an extra Club day.
We encourage any club getting behind this event to
A great initiative from the Victorian Publicity Group
use as much social media as
is to use a World Croquet Week poster/handout.
This includes the vital details of Where/When/
By promoting our sport
What/Who and contact details.
as fun it may create some
This ensures Clubs are prepared and ready on
additional interest and encourage
the day.
others to try croquet at a later time. Some recent participants may also return if they are reminded of their great croquet experience. It would also be beneficial to share our activities and stories after the event so clubs have some ideas for next time. These can be included in the national and state online newsletters and social media accounts (check for photo permission). Below are some examples of banners your club may wish to use. If you wish to use a different image please let me know and The Australian Croquet Academy will create your own custom made banner. Also, well done to South Australia and getting the message out there on Facebook. For any further support for World Croquet Day please contact Greg Bury at
World Croquet Federation News
To be held 30th July to 7th August 2022 at the Sussex County Croquet Club, Sussex, England 2022 GC WC Ranking Places and Wild Cards announced For all the details on the WC Ranking Places, wild cards and general information click on the links below:
THE 2022 AC WORLD TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP “THE MACROBERTSON SHIELD” IS COMING Australia are the current Mac Robertson Shield Holders This event will be held at the Victorian Croquet Centre (VCC), Cairnlea, Melbourne, Australia between 12th to 29th November 2022 The four eligible nations of Australia, England, New Zealand and the United States will compete for The MacRobertson Shield. For all the detail on what is happening click on the link below
WCF 6TH EDITION GOLF CROQUET RULES NOW PUBLISHED The WCF Management Committee are pleased to report that the 6th Edition of the WCF Golf Croquet Rules was approved by the required two-thirds majority, with 50 votes in favour and no votes against. The new Rules will come into immediate effect for WCF Events. They can be found here: WCF GC Rules 6th Edition - Final 7.3.22
Committee. The new edition GC 6th edition becomes
They can also be found on this website on page:
effective in Australia on the 1st of July 2022.
The rules of golf croquet
For further details listen to Stephen Mulliner’s
The WCF Management Committee wish to
excellent summary below:
express their thanks to the members of the GC Rules 26
Latest Teams World Ranking AC COUNTRY RANKINGS AS AT 31ST MARCH 2022
The latest AC Team Rankings (as at 31 March 2022)
The latest GC Team Rankings (as at 31 March 2022)
Click the link below
Click the link below
Thank you Peter
ACA Chair Jim Nicholls thanks Peter Landrebe for his 8 years’ service and contribution on the WCF Management Committee.
The National Association Championships Croquet New South Wales were the host and their organising committee did a magnificent job ensuring all participants were well informed and made to feel extremely welcome. A special thanks to all the members at Tempe, (Cooks River) Royal Sydney, Cammeray, Chatswood and Warrawee who gave up their play days and provided players with their first class facilities. Tournament Manager “extraordinaire” David Stanton and his team of venue managers, referees, excellent hosts and ensured everyone had an
hoop setters and caterers all did a magnificent job.
enjoyable evening.
Players, Officials and invited guests were also
Well Done also to John Stokes as the official
invited to attend a reception at Government House. Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret
photographer and providing everyone with
Beazley AC QC and Mr Dennis Wilson were
moments that will last forever.
Left to right: Pete Landrebe, Gareth Denyer, Di Scott ,Kate McLoughlin, Alison Sharp, Jean Puck, Tim Murphy, Kerri-Ann Organ, Jim Nicholls, Stephen Richards (Insert Rosie Landrebe)
Well Done Croquet New South Wales for providing anyone unable to get to the venues some live pictures and commentary of the 2022 Australian Association Championships. A huge thanks to the voice of Croquet Gareth Denyer, Alix Verge, Peter Freer and Kate McLough-
Left to right: Lewis Mercer , Kevin Beard , Stephen
lin for volunteering their time and commentating.
Forster, Tricia Devlin, Greg Hill, Mignon Johnston,
To see all the action simply click on the links
Chris Grant, Chris Eiffert, Elaine Coverdale.
below. 29
Dwayne dedicated his win to his good mate Alan Honey Well done to Peter Landrebe , Rosie Landrebe ,
Alison Shape and Dwayne McCormick for making
the finals of the Australian Ladies and Men’s
Or see all the action on https://vimeo.
Singles Championship.
Congratulations and Well Done to Alison and
Dwayne who were just too good on the day.
View all results on
Back row: Greg Bury, Wade Hart, Lindsay David, Dave
Barry Jennings , Shirley Howlett, Mark Senior,
Luxmore, Don Close. Front Row: Jacky Lynch, Kathie
Sally Harper, Tracey Sincock, Virgina Arney, Greg
Grant, Heather Knight, Yuni Rowell.
Rowberry, David Short, Robyn Short. (need to confirm the order of names) 30
View all results on
This year only 4 State Teams were able to compete
due to COVID restrictions (South Australia, Victoria,
New South Wales and Queensland)
The last day was an exciting finish with
Check out all the action on the links below
Victoria and New South Wales undefeated and
Queensland, South Australia battling it out for the
third position.
New South Wales got off to a great start winning
all their doubles and finished the job winning the
match 13 games to 7
South Australia had a great start winning 3
doubles however Queensland came home strong
also winning the match 13 games to 7
Everyone is looking forward to seeing all 6
teams competing next year in Melbourne.
THE TOP 5 RATED PLAYERS FOR THE AUSTRALIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS Simply click on their name to see their results Overall
Dwayne McCormick
Alison Sharpe
Alison Sharpe
Rosemary Landrebe
Jim Nicholls
Elaine Coverdale
Stephen Forster
Kerri-Ann Organ
Peter Landrebe
Robyn Short
2022 Australian Gateball Championships
Friday 1st, Saturday 2nd & Sunday 3rd April, 2022 Gold Coast Performance Centre, 1 Sports Drive, Runaway Bay QLD 4216 Tournament Manager John Park National Coordinator of Gateball Tournament Referee Margaret Barnard Venue Manager Barbara Northcott Master of Ceremonies: Jim Northcott A.M.
Image by Petra Bensted
The 2022 Australian Gateball Championships were held at the Gold Coast Performance Centre in Runaway Bay Queensland. Tournament Manager John Park, Venue Manager Barbara Northcott and Tournament Referee Margaret Barnard all did a magnificent job pulling it all together and ensuring everything ran smoothly.
The complex was superb with eight courts converted from a football field. It was great to see representatives from all over the country including Victoria, South Australia, Canberra, Toronto, Rockhampton, Toowoomba, Bribie Island, Morton Bay, Eildon and Southport. Some players found the conditions tough however the cream did rise to the top and provided all spectators a feast of entertainment. This was also the first time a National Gateball Doubles event was held. Congratulations to the inaugural winners Ruth Mulvarey and David Hughes and Glen and Kristina Whitehead for making the final.
THE AUST GATEBALL TEAMS FINAL RESULTS Semi Finals Southport Red 12 defeated Canberra Mavericks 8 Kew team 10 defeated the Macs 8 The Final Kew 11 defeating Southport Red 9 As you can see this was a very close contest with The Captain of Kew Phillip Brown making his
Kew from Victoria winning the title .
acceptance speak.
The Southport Red team also played extremely well and deserved to be in the final. A press release was also sent to all media outlets with some great results
Click on the link below to view the channel nine news interview
The Southport Red team Lee Wentworth , Gaye Pitman, Ethan Chilton, Peter
Click on the link below to listen to the ABC Radio
Sweet, Kathie Grant and Barrie Barnard.
interview drive/drive/13811778 Click on the link below to view the video on the croquet Victoria Website videos/505807451077978
The next Australian Gateball Championships will be held at the Twin City Croquet Club in Albury New South Wales. So be sure to make yourself available between the 7th and 10th of September 2023. All results can be viewed on Gateball Scores.
Players who recently competed in the Association National Championships who also played in the National Gateball Championships. Kathie Grant, Barry Jennings, Elaine Coverdale, Greg Bury and Jim Nicholls (absent from photo Peter Freer)
“CAN YOU NAME THAT CLUB?” How did you go? All answers are below
For all your Gateball equipment needs Keith Chur-Hansen is the Australian agent for Sun Shine Ace products. Email Keith at
Find Us on Facebook: Facebook@gateballsolutions
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