1 minute read

Supplement Use for Elite Croquet Players

Many athletes use supplements to improve performance. However, nothing beats a good balanced diet. Supplements come in multiple forms including pills, liquids, and powders They may include vitamins, minerals, herbs, meal supplements, sports nutrition products, natural food supplements

Note. If you are considering taking supplements, I’d recommend getting professional advice first.


• No supplement is completely safe

• Natural doesn’t mean safe

• If it works, it is probably banned

Beware : Many supplements contain substances that are banned in sport

• This may be from contamination at production

• Labels often don’t list all the substances that are present

• Hidden Supplements can occur in food such as protein balls from a café. You don’t know the source of the extra protein. It may contain a banned substance.

If you choose to take a supplement

• Use a supplement that has been batch tested ie screened by an independent company such as HASTA HASTA or

• Informed Sport

Informed Sport

• They can’t guarantee these completely, but are significantly less risky than non-screened supplements

• Look for their logos

Google Play Apple Store

• Sports Integrity Australia has a mobile app to check your supplements.

• I suggest you download it and use it

• GlobalDRO provides a list of many supplements ingredients that can be checked individually. However often all ingredients are not listed. To complicate matters some ingredients are listed by alternative names.

Dr Karen Bisley


For more extensive information click on the button below.

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Beware of Cannabis

All cannabinoids are prohibited In-Competition except for Cannabidiol. However there is a high risk that Cannabidiol is not pure, even if it is marketed as pure. There is a high risk of contamination. Visit the Sport Integrity Australia app to assess risk. This is free to download from Google Play or Apple stores.

Sport Integrity Australia


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