Advance Information The Pharaoh Life at Court and on Campaign
Garry J. Shaw The pharaoh of Egypt is the iconic ruler from the ancient world, immortalized in stone and gold and celebrated today in countless films and books. But how did these monarchs – mortals who lived and died like anyone else – spend their days? How did they become pharaoh? How did they govern and how were they entertained? In this vividly written and authoritative account, Garry Shaw conveys the full experience of what it was like to be pharaoh, from birth to death, in private and in public, at court and on campaign. He charts the development of a uniquely Egyptian vision of kingship, exemplified by the men and women who ascended the throne – from mythical beginnings and the first ruler of a unified country, through renowned and supreme monarchs such as Khufu, Seti I and Ramesses II, to the decadence of the all-too human Ptolemies and pharaonic kingship’s last gasp under Roman rule.
Key Sales Information
• The first book to convey the full experience of what it was actually like to be pharaoh – one of the most powerful rulers of the ancient world.
Provisional Publication September 2012
Extent 224pp Size 25.4 x19.2cm Illustrations 233 illustrations, 172 in colour
• Eight themed chapters cover all aspects of the realities of pharaoh’s life, from mornings waking in the palace to evenings spent banqueting, with all his duties and activities in between.
Binding Hardback
• Provides new and vivid insights into key official ceremonies, including the accession and coronation, and the pomp and protocol of an audience before the king.
ISBN 978 0 500 051740
Price £24.95
• Supplemented by numerous box features, from the internal decoration of pyramids and the women who became pharaoh, to pharaonic pets, as well as quotations from contemporary sources. • Includes a complete king list with brief biographies of the major pharaohs. • Beautifully illustrated with a wide range of images, most in colour, including temples and tombs, reliefs and wall paintings, jewelry and statues, line drawings and reconstructions, maps and plans. Contents Introduction: Pharaonic Lives; 1. Pharaonic Kingship: Evolution and Ideology; 2. The Story of the Two Lands; 3. Becoming Pharaoh; 4. Being Pharaoh; 5. Pharaohs on Campaign; 6. Royal Cities; 7. The Pharaoh in Death; 8. The Last Pharaohs. Endmatter.
Garry Shaw is Honorary fellow at the University of Liverpool. Among his previous books is Royal Authority in Egypt’s Eighteenth Dynasty. 8 March 2012
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Head Office Thames & Hudson Ltd 181A High Holborn London WC1V 7QX T +44 (0)20 7845 5000 F +44 (0)20 7845 5050 E W
Advance Information Histories of Nations How Their Identities Were Forged
Edited by Peter Furtado National history is a vital part of national self-definition. Most books on the history of the world try to impose a uniform narrative, written usually from a single writer’s point of view. Histories of Nations is different: it presents 28 essays written by a leading historian as a ‘self-portrait’ of his or her native country, defining the characteristics that embody its sense of nationhood. The countries have been selected to represent every continent and every type of state, large and small, and together they make up two-thirds of the world’s population. They range from mature democracies to religious autocracies and one-party states, from countries with a venerable history to those who only came into being in the 20th century. In order to get to grips with the national and cultural differences that both enliven and endanger our world, we need above all to understand different national viewpoints – to read the always engaging and often passionate accounts given in this remarkable and unusual book. Original and thought-provoking, this is a crucial primer for the modern age.
Provisional Publication September 2012
Extent 320pp Size 24.6 x 18.6cm
Key Sales Information
Illustrations 202 illustrations, 157 in colour
• The key to understanding centuries of cultural and political conflict between nations, providing a unique perspective on the nation state – the most potent force in modern world history.
Binding Hardback
• Represents all types of nation, from the large to the small; from liberal democracies to religious autocracies; from countries with a long history to those with the shortest.
Price £24.95 ISBN 978 0 500 251812
• The 28 contributors are all eminent writers and scholars, including the world-famous historian Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie. • Includes timelines listing key events and a wide range of illustrations. • Ideal both for a popular readership and as an introductory text for courses in history and politics. Contents
Sweden • Mexico • Egypt • Germany • Britain • India • Ireland • Canada • Ghana • Netherlands • Iran • Russia • Hungary • France • Italy • Greece • Argentina • China • Australia • Finland • Brazil • Japan • United States • Poland • Czech Republic • Turkey • Israel • Spain Author
Peter Furtado was the editor of History Today from 1998 to 2008. He now runs his own independent history consultancy firm, and is the author of 1001 Days that Shaped the World. 22 March 2012
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Head Office Thames & Hudson Ltd 181A High Holborn London WC1V 7QX T +44 (0)20 7845 5000 F +44 (0)20 7845 5050 E W
Advance Information The Complete Roman Legions Nigel Pollard and Joanne Berry The legions of Rome were among the greatest fighting forces in history. For almost half a millennium they secured the known world under the power of the Caesars. This pioneering account gathers together the stories of each and every imperial legion, telling the tales of their triumphs and defeats as they policed the empire and enlarged its borders. Focusing on the legions as the core of the Roman army, and chronicling their individual histories in detail, this volume builds on the thematic account of the Roman military force given by its companion The Complete Roman Army, and is vital reading for anyone who has enjoyed that book.
Provisional Publication September 2012
Key Sales Information
• The first book for a general audience to cover all 45 imperial legions in compelling and accurate detail – set to become the standard work and a sure-fire bestseller like its companion, The Complete Roman Army.
Extent 240pp
• ‘Beautifully designed and comprehensively illustrated, the book’s authoritative and informative text dramatically brings to life the ancient world’s most successful military machine’ Professor Lawrence Keppie, author of The Making of the Roman Army: From Republic to Empire
Illustrations 212 illustrations, 204 in colour
• Describes the legions in their various postings and major campaigns, as well as their activities as builders and peacekeepers on the empire’s frontiers. • Recounts the rise of the legions in the Republican period and their decline in the late empire.
Size 25.4 x 19.2cm
Binding Hardback Price £24.95 ISBN 978 0 500 251836
• Data files on each legion list their titles, standards, main bases and major campaigns; box features throughout range from accounts of major uprisings to surveys of the main bases and fortresses. • Over 200 illustrations portray weapons, armour, inscriptions, fortresses and the regions where the legions served. • The latest release in the enormously successful ‘Complete’ series, which has sold over 1.2 million copies internationally. Contents
Part I: The Legions in the Republican Period • Part II: The Legions in the Imperial Age • Part III: The Legions in Late Antiquity Author
Nigel Pollard and Joanne Berry are both lecturers in Ancient History in the School of Arts and Humanities at Swansea University. 22 March 2012
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Head Office Thames & Hudson Ltd 181A High Holborn London WC1V 7QX T +44 (0)20 7845 5000 F +44 (0)20 7845 5050 E W
Advance Information The Scientists An Epic of Discovery
Andrew Robinson The experiments, discoveries, theories and inventions of great scientists have revolutionized our understanding of the world around us as well as the way we live. Think of gravity, evolution by natural selection, relativity, radioactivity, the genetic code and the Big Bang; electric motors, nuclear power, synthetic drugs, brain scanning, computers and the internet. Behind these breakthroughs lie the personal stories of exceptional men and women with vision and determination. Scientific progress has always been driven by strong personalities. This book tells the remarkable lives of the pioneers – from Galileo and Newton, Faraday and Darwin, Pasteur and Marie Curie, to Einstein, Freud, Turing, and Crick and Watson. Written by an international team of distinguished scientists, historians of science and science writers, The Scientists will intrigue budding scientists, those fascinated by the lives of great individuals, and anyone curious to know how over the centuries we came to understand the physical world around us and inside us.
Key Sales Information
• A series of seventy articles provides an unrivalled account of the lives and personalities behind the greatest scientific breakthroughs of all time. • Organized thematically, starting at the ‘Universe’, and moving smaller through the ‘Earth’ and ‘Molecules and Matter’ to ‘Inside the Atom’. The final two sections look at ‘Life’ and ‘Body and Mind’. • Covers all the major scientific disciplines, including astronomy, biology, biochemistry, chemistry, computing, ecology, geology, medicine, neurology, physics and psychology, as well as mathematics.
Provisional Publication September 2012
Extent 304pp Size 24.6 x 18.6cm Illustrations 200 illustrations, 150 in colour Binding Hardback Price £24.95 ISBN 978 0 500 251911
• Every essay is written by an expert in the field, whether a professional science writer, a historian of science or a working scientist. Contents Universe: Nicolaus Copernicus • Johannes Kepler • Galileo Galilei • Isaac Newton • Michael Faraday • James Clerk Maxwell • Albert Einstein • Edwin Powell Hubble • Earth: James Hutton • Charles Lyell • Alexander von Humboldt • Alfred Wegener • Molecules and Matter: Robert Boyle • Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier • John Dalton • Dmitri Mendeleev • August Kekulé • Dorothy Crowfoot • Hodgkin Chandrasekhara • Venkata Raman • Inside the Atom: Marie Curie and Pierre Curie • Ernest Rutherford • Niels Bohr • Linus Carl Pauling • Enrico Fermi • Hideki Yukawa • Life: Carl Linnaeus • Jan IngenHousz • Charles Darwin • Gregor Mendel • Jan Purkinje • Santiago Ramón y Cajal • Francis Crick and James Watson • Body and Mind: Andreas Vesalius • William Harvey • Louis Pasteur • Francis Galton • Sigmund Freud • Alan Turing • John von Neumann • Louis Leakey and Mary Leakey
Andrew Robinson is the author of some twenty-five books on science, the history of science and the arts, and has written biographies of Albert Einstein, Thomas Young, Michael Ventris and Jean-François Champollion. 22 March 2012
All information is provisional and subject to change
Head Office Thames & Hudson Ltd 181A High Holborn London WC1V 7QX T +44 (0)20 7845 5000 F +44 (0)20 7845 5050 E W
Advance Information Mythology
ChrisTopher dell
ChrisTopher dell
The Complete Guide to Our Imagined Worlds
- a complete theme-by-theme guide to extraordinary,
mind-stretching stories and images from around the world
Myths in every culture of the world explain our origins, the world’s creation, gods and monsters, demons, the afterlife and the underworld. This fresh and compelling account gathers together themes and stories from every culture, showing how myths share many common patterns, and how the human imagination is expressed in all its diversity. It asks the question: what do myths tell us about the human condition? Compiled by the bestselling author of books on monsters and on masterpieces of world art, Mythology is packed with authoritative text and an inspired selection of images, chosen from unusual and hidden sources while also including some of the best-known representations of myths from around the world.
Christopher Dell
The CompleTe Guide To our imaGined Worlds
The CompleTe Guide To our imaGined Worlds £00.00
Key Sales Information
• A complete theme-by-theme guide to extraordinary, mind-stretching stories and images from around the world. • A wealth of creative imagination is evoked by a huge treasury of images drawn from across the world to explain what is important about these myths, to explain symbols and to tell stories visually in the way that myths have been passed on for millennia. • A directory at the end of the book details a variety of common types of myth from around the world (Nordic Myths, Aboriginal Myths, Native American Myths etc), and includes useful family trees showing exactly how various supernatural beings are related.
Provisional Publication September 2012
Extent 352pp Size 23.5 x 22.0cm Illustrations 500 illustrations in colour and black and white Binding PLC Price £24.95 ISBN 978 0 500 516157
The Supernatural Realm: Gods and Goddesses, Sun, Moon, Underworld • The Earth: Creation, Mountains, Floods, Trees, Springs • Humankind: Twins, Sexuality, Dreams, the Eye, Death • Gifts from the Gods: Kingship, Laws, Fire, Beauty • The Animal Kingdom: Cows, Lions, Eagles, Peacocks, Turtles • Symbolic Substances: Gold, Blood, Apples, Salt, Honey • Heroes and Heroines: Heracles, Thor, Theseus, Arthur, Gilgamesh • Quests, Journeys and Epics: Jason, Odysseus, Holy Grail, the Ramayana Author
Christopher Dell holds a degree in the History of Art from the Courtauld Institute, London. He has written and edited many bestselling titles on art and visual culture, including Freemasonry, Monsters and What Makes a Masterpiece?, all published by Thames & Hudson. 22 March 2012
All information is provisional and subject to change
Head Office Thames & Hudson Ltd 181A High Holborn London WC1V 7QX T +44 (0)20 7845 5000 F +44 (0)20 7845 5050 E W