Hodder Arnold 2012 Catalogue

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Health Sciences Undergraduate Medicine Postgraduate, Professional & Reference Medicine Nursing & Allied Health

Welcome to Hodder Arnold’s Health Sciences Catalogue 2012. This year, we have a number of new resources added to our publishing programme. You will discover the new undergraduate medical revision series Medicine on the Move which enables students to access the books in print or as an app, allowing them to really experience the opportunity to learn medicine on the move. There are a number of new editions of our postgraduate and reference texts including the tenth edition of Mercer’s Textbook of Orthopaedics and Trauma, Stell & Maran’s Textbook of Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology, fifth edition and Pocket Prescriber 2012, to name but a few. Recent and forthcoming titles can also be found under the nursing & allied health section including A Textbook of Community Nursing, Handbook of Mental Health Nursing and the third edition of Barasi’s Human Nutrition. Whether you are looking for essential resources to prepare for undergraduate or postgraduate exams, or interested in the latest clinical reference material across a range of specialties, we are confident you will find practical and valuable resources in this catalogue. We are pleased to share with you our full collection of digital resources where you will find more information on our ebooks, mobile editions, print and ebook bundles and Exam Doctor. We are always interested to hear your comments and your ideas for future projects. Please contact us at healthsci.marketing@hodder.co.uk The Hodder Arnold Health Sciences team

CONTENTS MEDICINE: UNDERGRADUATE 04 Basic Medical Sciences 06 Medicine & Surgery 07 Specialties 09 Revision Guides

09 10 12 14 14

Core Clinical Cases 100 Cases Medicine on the Move Get ahead! One Stop Shop

17 Undergraduate Resources 18 Making Sense MEDICINE: POSTGRADUATE, PROFESSIONAL & REFERENCE 22 Anaesthesia, Intensive Care & Pain Management 23 Angiology & Vascular Medicine 25 Cardiology 25 Clinical Genetics 25 Dermatology 26 Emergency Medicine 26 Endocrinology 26 Forensic Medicine

27 Gastroenterology 27 General Medicine including MRCP 29 General Practice 31 Haematology 31 Medical Humanities 31 Microbiology & Infectious Diseases 32 Neurology 32 Obstetrics & Gynaecology 34 Occupational & Environmental Medicine 34 Ophthalmology 34 Orthopaedics 35 Otorhinolaryngology 36 Paediatrics 37 Palliative Medicine & Oncology 38 Pathology 39 Psychiatry 44 Radiology 45 Respiratory Medicine & Pulmonology 46 Surgery 49 Telemedicine 50 Get Through

56 Mental Health Nursing 56 Drug Prescribing / Pharmacology 57 Nursing Research, Education & Practice 58 Midwifery 58 Health & Social Care 58 Nutrition & Food Science 59 Radiography 59 Psychology 60 Counselling 60 Childhood Studies DIGITAL RESOURCES 01 Ebooks 02 Mobile editions (Skyscape) 19 Exam Doctor 20 Print and ebook bundles (VitalSource) 61 Title Index 65 Agents, Stockist & Representatives

NURSING & ALLIED HEALTH 54 Pre-Registration 55 Caring for People with Specific Needs 55 Resources for Nurses & Nursing Students 55 Community Nursing

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edition available

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MEDICAL UNDERGRADUATE 04 Basic Medical Sciences 06 Medicine & Surgery 07 Specialties 09 Revision Guides

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Price We aim to ensure the prices shown in this catalogue will be maintained until the end of December 2012. However, we do reserve the right to alter prices and/or specifications without notice. To get the most up-to-date pricing information for a particular title visit www.hodderarnold.com.

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Further Information A full listing of our agents, stockists and representatives is on the inside back cover. If you have a question that is not answered anywhere in the catalogue, please contact healthsci.marketing@hodder.co.uk

09 Core Clinical Cases

10 100 Cases

12 Medicine on the Move

14 Get ahead!

14 One Stop Shop

17 Undergraduate Resources 18 Making Sense

Medical Undergraduate

Basic medical scienceS ANATOMY

Illustrated Clinical Anatomy Second edition

Peter H Abrahams, Professor of Clinical Anatomy, Warwick Medical School, UK John L Craven, Formerly Consultant Surgeon, York, District Hospital; past Chairman of the Primary Examiners of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, UK John S P Lumley, Emeritus Professor of Vascular Surgery, University of London; Past Council Member and Chairman of Primary Fellowship Examiners, Royal College of Surgeons of England, UK

‘A wonderful book, very appropriate, written with extremely good didactic and smart illustrations! Clinical anatomy at its best!’ Dr Ludmilla Stane, Institute for Anatomy, Dusseldorf • F ully in line with the recently published core syllabus of the Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland in addition to that of the American Association of Clinical Anatomists • Greater emphasis on covering common diseases • New coverage and illustrations for many topics including aneurysms, diabetic neuropathy, stroke, uterine fibroids and prolapse, scoliosis and whiplash injuries Illustrated Clinical Anatomy builds on the well-received approach of its previous edition, bringing the content entirely up to date with increased emphasis on the conditions most commonly encountered by medical students and junior clinicians in training. Structured by body region, each chapter includes plentiful clinical photographs and images supplementing the high-quality anatomical diagrams, using the best modality to demonstrate anatomical relevance. CONTENTS: PART I The thorax 1. Thoracic wall and diaphragm 2. Thoracic cavity 3. Mediastinal structures 4. The pleura and lungs PART II The abdomen 5. The abdominal wall and peritoneum 6. The abdominal alimentary tract 7. The liver, spleen and pancreas 8. The kidneys and posterior abdominal wall 9. The pelvis 10. The perineum PART III The back 11. The vertebral column PART IV The upper limb 12. The shoulder region 13. The elbow and forearm 14. The wrist and hand PART V The lower limb 15. The hip and thigh 16. The knee, leg and dorsum of the foot 17. The foot PART VI The head and neck 18. The skull, scalp and face 19. The orbit, nose and mouth 20. The temporomandibular joint, pharynx and larynx 21. The ear, intracranial region and cranial nerves 22. The neck 23. The vessels, nerves and lymph drainage 24. The meninges and blood supply READERSHIP: Undergraduate medical students.



Joint winner - Richard Asher Prize for the best new medical textbook at the 2005 RSM/Society of Authors Book Awards; highly commended at the 2005 BMA Medical Book Competition (for the first edition) 9781444109252 I 2011 I 400 pp 276 x 213mm I 800 illustrations





This well-respected text provides comprehensive and measured guidance to this complex area, reflecting the ongoing changes in understanding clinical biochemistry while preserving the acknowledged strengths of previous editions: readability, a firm basis in the underlying science and a clear focus on clinical applicability.

Core Anatomy Illustrated

Ian Parkin MB ChB, Professor of Applied Clinical Anatomy, University of Dundee and Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh Bari M Logan, MA FMA (Hon) MBIE MAMMA, formerly University Prosector, University of Cambridge; Prosector, Department of Anatomy, The Royal College of Surgeons of England, London, and Anatomical Preparator, Department of Human Morphology, University of Nottingham Medical School, UK Mark J McCarthy, MB ChB PhD FRCS (Eng) FRCS (Edin), Consultant Vascular Surgeon and Honorary Senior Lecturer, Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Leicester Royal Infirmary, UK Presenting beautifully photographed prosections of extraordinary clarity, this succinct volume comprises 71 easy-to-read double-page spreads. The combination of concise text on the left with labelled illustration and key on the right, offers a quick, accurate reference guide to human anatomy. READERSHIP: Undergraduate medical students, trainee nurses and other allied health professionals. 9780340809181 I 2007 I 200pp I PB I £22.99 276 x 213mm I 192 colour halftones; 30 b/w line drawings


Clinical Biochemistry and Metabolic Medicine


www.hodderplus.com/clinicalbiochemistry 9781444144147 I March 2012 I 440pp I PB I £34.99 276 x 213mm I 120 colour line drawings and 30 colour halftones

Martin Andrew Crook, Consultant in Chemical Pathology and Metabolic Medicine, Guy’s, St Thomas’ and University Hospital Lewisham and Visiting Professor, School of Science, University of Greenwich, London, UK

9781444144161 (Bookpower)

• F ully integrated approach - clinical practice logically explained in the context of underlying basic science


linically oriented - case histories and algorithms • C direct clinical application of laboratory findings • C omprehensive - includes common and less common diseases and syndromes ighly illustrated - with clear and reproducible • H full colour line diagrams and, new to this edition, clinical photographs • C ompanion website - including self assessment questions and image library

Fax: +44 (0)1235 400 401

Basic Pathology Fourth edition with Pathology in Clinical Practice Pack Lakhani, Dilly, Finlayson, Newell and Gandhi www.hodderplus.com/basicpathology Winner of the Pathology category in the 2010 BMA Medical Book Competition

Whether students are following a problem-based, an integrated or a more traditional medical course, clinical biochemistry is often viewed as one of the


CONTENTS: Preface List of abbreviations 1 Requesting laboratory tests and interpreting the results 2 Water and sodium 3 The kidneys 4 Acid-base disturbances 5 Potassium 6 Calcium, phosphate and magnesium 7 The hypothalamus and pituitary gland 8 The adrenal cortex 9 The reproductive system 10 Pregnancy and infertility 11 Thyroid function 12 Carbohydrate metabolism 13 Plasma lipids and lipoproteins 14 Nutrition 15 Vitamins, trace elements and metals 16 The gastrointestinal tract 17 Liver disorders and gallstones 18 Plasma enzymes in diagnosis (clinical enzymology) 19 Proteins in plasma and urine 20 Purine and urate metabolism 21 Disorders of haem metabolism: iron and the porphyrias 22 Cardiovascular disease 23 Cerebrospinal and pleural fluid 24 Metabolic effects of tumours 25 Therapeutic drug monitoring and poisoning 26 Clinical biochemistry at the extremes of age 27 Inborn errors of metabolism 28 Genetics and DNA-based technology in clinical biochemistry 29 Patient sample collection and use of the laboratory 30 Point of care testing Appendix 1 Units in clinical chemistry READERSHIP: Undergraduate medical students.

Eighth edition

To order: Phone: +44 (0)1235 827 827

more challenging subjects to grasp. What they need is a single resource that not only explains the biochemical underpinnings of metabolic medicine, but also integrates laboratory findings with clinical practice. All this and more can be found in the eighth edition of Clinical Biochemistry and Metabolic Medicine.









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Basic medical scienceS www.muirspathology.com

An Introduction to the Mechanisms of Disease Fourth edition

Highly commended 2009 BMA Competition Pathology Category

Sunil R Lakhani, Professor of Breast Cancer Pathology,The University of Queensland, Mayne Medical School,Australia Susan A Dilly, Professor and Institute Director,Institute of Health Sciences Education, Barts and The London, Queen Mary’s School of Medicine and Dentistry, UK Caroline J Finlayson, Senior Lecturer and Consultant in Histopathology, St George’s Hospital Medical School, London, UK Written in an entertaining and enjoyable style, this straightforward introduction to pathology and the mechanisms of disease has now been updated, placing a stronger emphasis on radiology. The authors successfully place pathology into its historical, scientific and clinical context for all medical, dental and nursing students and other health professionals. READERSHIP: Medical students who need to know the basics about pathology. www.hodderplus.com/basicpathology Winner of the Pathology category in the 2010 BMA Medical Book Competition 9780340950036 246 x 189mm













A Textbook of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Fifth edition

James Ritter, Professor of Clinical Pharmacology at King’s College London School of Medicine, Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals, London, UK Lionel Lewis, Professor of Medicine, Pharmacology and Toxicology at Dartmouth Medical School, Lebanon, New Hampshire, USA Tim Mant, Senior Medical Advisor at Quintiles, Guy’s Drug Research Unit, and Visiting Professor at King’s College London School of Medicine, Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals, London, UK

“If you only buy one clinical pharmacology textbook for medical school make it this one.” Oxford Medical School Gazette

Newell, Dilly, Finlayson, Gandhi, Lakhani


9780340810248 (Bookpower) 9780340810231 (ISE)

Albert Ferro, Reader in Clinical Pharmacology at King’s College London School of Medicine, Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals, London, UK

Pathology in Clinical Practice 50 Case Studies 9780340959046 £24.99

9780340740620 I 2008 I 584pp I PB I £46.99 276 x 213mm I 612 colour halftones, 61 colour line drawings; 25 b/w halftones, 83 b/w line drawings


A Textbook of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics provides current information on all areas of drug prescribing with updated discussion and guidance on such topics as adverse drug reactions, ‘personalised medicine’, gene and cell-based therapy, advances in cancer therapy, and mechanisms of drug action and treatment guidelines in HIV and mycrobacterial infections therapy.


Muir’s Textbook of Pathology


14th edition

9780340900468 I 2008 I 480pp I PB I £41.99 276 x 213mm I 9 colour halftones; 5 b/w halftones; 134 colour line drawings

David A Levison, Professor of Pathology, University of Dundee, UK Robin Reid, Consultant Pathologist, Western Infirmary,Glasgow, UK Alistair D Burt, Professor of Pathology and Dean of Clinical Medicine, Newcastle University, UK David J Harrison, Professor of Pathology and Director of the Edinburgh Cancer Research Centre, University of Edinburgh, UK Stewart Fleming, Professor of Cellular and Molecular Pathology, University of Dundee, UK Muir’s Textbook of Pathology has been a trusted textbook for generations of undergraduates for over 80 years. The 14th edition emphasises the clinical application of pathology through the inclusion of clinical case studies that relate pathological mechanisms to patients, problems and prognoses. Divided into two main sections, Muir’s Textbook of Pathology opens with a series of introductory chapters on the mechanisms of general pathology before moving on to a discussion of pathology in relation to specific body systems. READERSHIP: Undergraduate medical students.

Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Questions for Self Assessment Third edition

Timothy G K Mant, Senior Medical Advisor of Quintiles, Guy’s Drug Research Unit, London, UK Lionel D Lewis, Professor of Medicine, Pharmacology and Toxicology at Dartmouth Medical School, USA James M Ritter, Professor of Clinical Pharmacology at King’s College London School of Medicine, Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals, London, UK Albert Ferro, Consultant Physician at King’s College London School of Medicine, Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals, London, UK

This self-assessment volume allows students to learn, revise and test their knowledge on all aspects of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. Four different question types are provided in this important area - multiple choice questions, extended matching questions, ‘best of fives’ and problem-solving questions. www.hodderplus.com/clinicalpharmacology 9780340947432 216 x 138mm










Medical Undergraduate

Basic Pathology


Neurophysiology Fifth edition

Roger Carpenter, Professor of Oculomotor Physiology, University of Cambridge, UK Benjamin Reddi, Senior Registrar in Intensive Care, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Australia • S uccessfully integrates the principles of neuroscience with clinical manifestations in line with modern undergraduate curricula • Includes over 500 illustrations, with diagrams redrawn in full colour for this edition, to enhance explanations of challenging concepts • Companion website offers an image library, self assessment material and access to NeuroLab resources This fifth edition retains the readable style of its predecessors, while covering the entire subject of neurophysiology from the conduction of nerve impulses to the higher functions of the brain within a single accessible volume. Via a companion website, students will also have access to the NeuroLab interactive simulations, an atlas of neuroanatomy, animated diagrams of brain development, footage of the neurological examination and the clinical signs of the major neurological conditions. Full of explanatory diagrams presented in full colour with clinical examples and multiple choice questions for self assessment, Neurophysiology, fifth edition allows students to learn both the science underlying a particular phenomenon, and what this means for individual body systems and, indeed, for the body as a whole. CONTENTS: PART 1: NEURAL MECHANISMS The study of the brain Communication within neurons Communication between neurons PART 2: SENSORY FUNCTIONS Skin sense Proprioception / Hearing / Vision / Smell and taste PART 3: MOTOR FUNCTIONS Motor control systems Local motor control The control of posture Global motor control PART 4: HIGHER FUNCTIONS Associational cortex and memory Motivation and the control of behaviour READERSHIP: Undergraduate medical students on both traditional and problem-based courses. 9781444135176 I September 2012 I 448pp I PB £34.99 I 276 x 213mm 15 b/w halftones; 480 colour line drawings; 15 colour halftones

For more information on all titles go to www.hodderarnold.com


Medical Undergraduate

Basic medical scienceS / MEDICINE & SURGERY

An Introduction to Cardiovascular Physiology

• E asy-to-follow – lavishly presented in full colour throughout, with extensive use of illustrations and pedagogic features • Multi-authored – benefits from the extensive teaching experience of a team of highly qualified surgeons, as well as the editorship of Sir Norman Browse

J Rodney Levick, Emeritus Professor of Physiology, St George’s, University of London, UK

The ideal companion to the award-winning and number one UK undergraduate surgery textbook, Browse’s Introduction to the Symptoms and Signs of Surgical Disease explains clearly how the pathological features and extent of a disease dictate the necessary diagnostic investigations and treatment. For each topic the book provides clear coverage of relevant pathology, investigations and treatment. In addition each chapter includes a management plan. It encourages informed clinical decision-making, explaining to students not just the investigations to undertake in making a diagnosis, but why these are appropriate, their objectives and relative values.

Fifth edition

An Introduction to Cardiovascular Physiology provides students with the key concepts in this complex area. The substantially revised, fifth edition of this wellrespected textbook offers all the information needed by students and medical examination candidates, in a clear, logical and well-illustrated manner, with many useful line diagrams and tables that support the text and provide proof of concepts. It presents a comprehensive but accessible account from the fundamentals of how the cardiovascular system works in both health and disease, through to more difficult mechanisms and pathways. www.hodderplus.com/cardiovascularphysiology 9780340942048 264 x 195mm









Cardiovascular Physiology:

Questions for Self Assessment J Rodney Levick www.hodderplus.com/ cardiovascularphysiology 9780340985113









Introduction to Cardiovascular Physiology Fifth edition with Self Assessment Pack

CONTENTS: Principles and methods of investigation Principles and methods of management Bacterial and viral infections General and facial appearances The skin and subcutaneous tissues Major trauma Fractures, joint injuries and diseases of bones The bones, joints and soft tissues of the upper limb The bones, joints and soft tissues of the lower limb The spine The arteries, veins and lymphatics The mouth, tongue and lips The neck and salivary glands The thoracic cage, lungs and heart The breast The abdominal wall and groin Abdominal pain Abdominal symptoms, masses, the spleen and obesity surgery The colon, rectum and anus The urinary tract The external genitalia READERSHIP: Clinical medical students.








Medicine & Surgery

Browse’s Introduction to the Investigation and Management of Surgical Disease Sir Norman Browse, Professor of Surgery, Emeritus, University of London, UK John Black, Consultant Surgeon, Worcester Royal Hospital, UK Kevin G Burnand, Professor of Vascular Surgery, Emeritus and Former Chairman of the Academic Department of Surgery and Anaesthesia in the Cardiovascular Division of King’s College at the St Thomas’ campus, London, UK Steven Corbett, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Guys and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK William E G Thomas, Honorary Senior Lecturer in Surgery, University of Sheffield, UK

9780340945742 I 2010 I 576pp I PB I £30.99 246x189mm I 64 b/w line drawings, 256 b/w halftones, 96 colour line drawings, 64 colour halftones 9780340946930 (ISE)

Fourth edition

Browse, Black, Burnand, Thomas Awarded FIRST PRIZE in the Surgery category of the 2006 BMA Medical Book Competition 9780340815717 I 2005 I £30.99 9780340815793 (ISE) 9780340815809 (Bookpower)

• I ncludes helpful bullet-point lists and ‘tips boxes’ for quick reference • P repares students for exams with examples of the types of cases typically found in the MRCP membership papers Providing a detailed and well-illustrated account of the symptoms and signs of diseases affecting all the body systems, the 13th edition of this much sought-after, classic text is essential reading for medical students starting out on their clinical courses. This thorough lesson in diagnostic medicine will ensure that students are fully prepared to deal with the challenging process of differential diagnosis, through a thorough knowledge of the key features of the conditions that they are likely to encounter in clinical practice. READERSHIP: All medical students as well as junior doctors, nurse practitioners, GPs with a special interest in medical subspecialties and paramedics.

Fifth edition

Cecil G Helman, Professor of Medical Anthropology, Brunel University; Senior Lecturer, UK This updated edition meets the ever-growing need for a clear starting point in understanding the clinical significance of cultural and social factors. The book addresses the complex interactions between health, illness and culture by setting out anthropological theory in a highly readable, jargon-free style and integrating this with the practice of health care using real-life examples and case histories. www.culturehealthandillness.com

Browse, Black, Burnard, Corbett, Thomas


• T eaches the reader to diagnose correctly through assessment of symptoms and signs while simultaneously recalling all key features of any given condition

George Abercrombie Award/ The Royal College of General Practitioners’ for outstanding contributions to the literature of general practice

Browse’s Introductions Pack 2010

David Gray, Reader in Medicine and Honorary Consultant Physician and Cardiologist, University Hospital, Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham, UK

Culture, Health and Illness

Browse’s Introduction to the Symptoms & Signs of Surgical Disease


Andrew R Houghton, Consultant Cardiologist, Grantham and District Hospital, Grantham, and Visiting Fellow, University of Lincoln, Lincoln, UK

9780340974254 I 2010 I 504pp I PB I £29.99 246x189mm I 112 colour line drawings, 165 colour halftones and 42 b/w halftones

Awarded First Prize in the Paediatrics category of the BMA Medical Book Competition


13th edition

www.hodderplus.com/ chamberlainssymptomsandsigns



Chamberlain’s Symptoms and Signs in Clinical Medicine An Introduction to Medical Diagnosis











• C omprehensive – covers undergraduate content through to foundation study and beyond


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Email: education@bookpoint.co.uk


Imaging for Students


A Textbook of General Practice Third edition

Fourth edition David A Lisle, Consultant Radiologist at the Royal Children’s and Brisbane Private Hospitals and Associate Professor of Medical Imaging, University of Queensland Medical School, Brisbane, Australia

Edited by Dr Anne Stephenson, Senior Lecturer in General Practice & Director of Community Education, Department of Primary Care and Public Health Sciences, King’s College London School of Medicine, London, UK • C omprehensive - everything the undergraduate student or foundation doctor needs for a general practice module or rotation

• R eadable and concise - focusing on the common diseases that medical students will most frequently encounter

• E asy to read with numerous text features - learning objectives, practical exercises and thinking and discussion points

• F ully revised and updated - including the latest information on perfusion imaging and PET, and a brand-new chapter on imaging in oncology

• N ew for this edition - improved organisation, ‘red flag’ pointers to serious illness, SBA-style self assessment questions

• H eavily illustrated - over 400 high-quality photographs, many new to this edition, are essential to support this visual subject ighly accessible format - plentiful use of tables • H and lists, and introduction of new summary boxes, all ideal for study and exam preparation ompanion website - images from the book plus • C additional images, including colour, and MCQs for self assessment

An essential guide to general practice and being a general practitioner, A Textbook of General Practice third edition, is written specifically with the medical student and foundation doctor in mind, reflecting current teaching practice. Readers are encouraged to learn through doing, with practical exercises throughout the book. Student and tutor quotes offer insights into personal experience, while thinking and discussion points encourage reflection.

“The book excels in presenting large amounts of information in an easy to read format and... (it) will inspire many to pursue further information and possibly careers in radiology”

With content entirely updated to reflect the latest recommendations from Tomorrow’s Doctors, the third edition of A Textbook of General Practice is the number one choice for undergraduates seeking a narrative introduction to this important discipline.

Dan A. Devun, Doody’s Book Review Service (praise for the previous edition)

CONTENTS: Introduction 1. Learning in general practice: why and how? 2. General practice and its place in primary healthcare 3. The general practice consultation 4. General practice skills 5. Diagnosis and acute management in general practice 6. Prescribing in general practice 7. Common illnesses in general practice 8. Psychological issues in general practice 9. Chronic illness and its management in general practice 10. Treating people at home 11. Health promotion in general practice 12. Healthcare ethics and law 13. Quality assurance in general practice 14. The management of general practice 15. Preparing to practise 16 Being a general practitioner

Imaging for Students, fourth edtion delivers step-by-step guidance to the range of imaging techniques available, providing a clear explanation of how each imaging modality actually works, and including information on the associated risks and hazards. Throughout, the importance of patient preparation and post-procedure observation is emphasized. With information taken from evidence-based studies and published guidelines, in line with current clinical practice, the book takes a highly logical approach to the investigation of clinical scenarios, where possible indicating the ‘best first test’ - vital to both appropriate clinical and costeffective decision-making. CONTENTS: Introduction to medical imaging Respiratory system and chest Cardiovascular system Gastrointestinal system Urology Obstetrics and gynaecology Breast imaging Musculoskeletal system Spine Central nervous system Head and neck Endocrine system Paediatrics Imaging in oncology

READERSHIP: Undergraduate medical students. 9781444120646 I December 2011 I 336pp I PB I £24.99 246 x 189mm I 8 b/w halftones; 70 colour line drawings

Gynaecology by Ten Teachers 19th edition

READERSHIP: Undergraduate medical students undertaking modules in radiology. www.hodderplus.com/imagingforstudents 9781444121827 I January 2012 I 312pp I PB £26.99 I 246 x 189mm I 6 b/w drawings, 400 b/w halftones

• I llustrative case histories - engage the reader and provide realistic advice on practising gynaecology For almost a century the Ten Teachers titles have together found favour with students, lecturers and practitioners alike. The nineteenth edition of Gyanecology by Ten Teachers continues to provide an accessible ‘one stop shop’ resource for medical students. READERSHIP: Medical students, Midwives, candidates for the MRCOG and DRCOG, and GPs. www.hodderplus.com/obsgynaebytenteachers/ 9780340983546 I 2011 I 216pp I PB I £19.99 246 x 189mm I 200 Colour line drawings; 70 colour half tones 9780340983560 (Bookpower) 9781444122312 (ISE)

Medical Undergraduate


Obstetrics by Ten Teachers 19th edition

Philip N Baker, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Univeristy of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada Louise C Kenny, Professor of Obstetrics and Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist The Anu Research Centre, Cork University Maternity Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Univerisity College Cork, Cork, Ireland The nineteenth edition of Obstetrics by Ten Teachers has been thoroughly updated, integrating clinical material with the latest scientific advances. Retaining the favoured textual features of preceding editions, each chapter is highly structured, with overviews, definitions, aetiology, clinical features, investigation, treatments, key points and additional reading where appropriate. Together with its companion Gynaecology by Ten Teachers, the volume has been edited carefully to ensure consistency of structure, style and level of detail, as well as avoiding overlap of material. READERSHIP: Medical students, midwives, candidates for the MRCOG and DRCOG, and GPs. www.hodderplus.com/obsgynaebytenteachers/ 9780340983539 I 2011 I 436pp I PB I £19.99 246 x 189mm I 200 colour line drawings; 70 colour half tones 9780340983553 (Bookpower) 9781444122305 (ISE)

Obstetrics & Gynaecology Ten Teachers Value Pack Baker, Kenny, Monga and Dobbs 9781444164008









Ash Monga, Consultant Gynaecologist, Princess Anne Hospital, Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust, Southampton, UK Stephen Dobbs, Consultant Gynaecologist Oncologist Belfast City Hospital, Belfast Trust, Belfast, UK • C lear and accessible - helpful features include overviews, key points and summaries • Plentiful illustrations - text supported and enhanced throughout by colour line diagrams and photographs

For more information on all titles go to www.hodderarnold.com


Medical Undergraduate

Specialties new

Self-Assessment in Obstetrics & Gynaecology by Ten Teachers: EMQs, MCQs, SAQs and OSCEs Second edition

Easy Paediatrics


Jeremy C Brockelsby, Subspeciality Trainee in Feto Maternal Medicine Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds, UK Christian Phillips, Consultant Gynaecologist, North Hampshire Hospital, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK Louise Kenny, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, The Anu Research Centre, Cork, Ireland Self-Assessment by Ten Teachers second edition presents an opportunity for medical students to assess their levels of knowledge and understanding in obstetrics and gynaecology, and to practise their exam technique. Working well as a stand-alone book, this comprehensive self-assessment book is also designed to complement the well-known volumes Gynaecology by Ten Teachers and Obstetrics by Ten Teachers. READERSHIP: Medical students. 9781444170511 I August 2012 I 136pp I PB I £16.99 246 x 189mm I 8 b/w lines; 13 b/w halftones

Essential ENT Second edition

Rogan J. Corbridge, ENT Consultant, Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading and Consultant ENT Surgeon, UK • More case histories – further enhance clinical relevance • Diagnostic pathways – provide a straightforward, visual and succinct guide to diagnosis • Key points – now include common misconceptions as well as providing useful revision pointers • Many new and improved illustrations, including all new imaging photographs Established in its first edition as an innovative and accessible guide to ear, nose and throat medicine, Essential ENT continues to deliver to the student all they need to develop a thorough grounding in the subject. Written in a lively and accessible manner reflecting the author’s popular lecturing style, the content has been carefully matched to meet the demands of both the undergraduate curriculum and the core competencies for foundation study. Topics are approached in a problem-oriented manner, with basic science and clinical information integrated throughout, in line with current teaching practice. CONTENTS: The ENT history and examination Understanding investigations in ENT The mouth, tonsils and adenoids The salivary glands The larynx The oesophagus and dysphagia The thyroid gland The neck The ear The nose and nasopharynx The paranasal sinuses The ENT manifestations of AIDS and HIV infection Procedures in ENT Pharmacology in ENT Glossary of common terms in ENT practice READERSHIP: Undergraduate medical students.

Nisha Dogra, Senior Lecturer in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Greenwood Institute of Child Health, University of Leicester

Mike A Thomson, Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist, Sheffield Children’s Hospital Foundation NHS Trust, Sheffield, UK

Brian Lunn, Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, Newcastle University

‘Excellent… comprehensive, yet does not include too much superfluous information… the material is entirely appropriate for the student and junior doctor market’

Stephen Cooper, Professor of Psychiatry, Queen’s University Belfast

‘Very easy to read… the chapters provide a good foundation knowledge and the essential details for each topic… the bullet point approach works well to provide the most salient points’ • Consistent structure for ease of navigation – presentations, clinical findings, investigations and management options considered for each body system • Bullet point lists for ready reference − all the necessary clinical detail without extraneous text • Text boxes highlight key points and concepts, definitions, clinical skills and scenarios – ideal for ready reference in the clinical situation and during exam preparation Written in a succinct, userfriendly and informative style, Easy Paediatrics will stimulate students to learn more about this fascinating, but challenging, subject and help them to pass exams. Organised by body system, with additional chapters on subjects such as history and examination, development, genetics, emergencies and surgery, the material is highly structured throughout. Clinical photographs and illustrative diagrams are provided to aid understanding, and the book is enhanced by a companion website, offering all the images for download and MCQs for all the body systems. CONTENTS: 1. History and examination 2. Development 3. Genetics 4. Neonatology 5. Infectious diseases 6. Immunodeficiency disorders 7. Ear, nose and throat 8. Respiratory medicine 9. Cardiology 10. Gastroenterology 11. Nutrition 12. Liver 13. Renal medicine 14. Endocrinology 15. Growth and puberty 16. Metabolic disorders 17. Dermatology 18. Haematology 19. Oncology 20. Neurology 21. Neuromuscular disorders 22. Rheumatological and musculoskeletal disorders 23. Ophthalmology 24. Behavioural problems and psychiatric disorders 25. Surgical conditions 26. Emergencies, accidents and non-accidental injury 27. The child and the law 28. Paediatric prescribing and fluid management

Completely up to date, Psychiatry by Ten Teachers encourages students to get the most out of their psychiatry attachment and helps them to pass their exams, as well as providing key advice on providing quality medical care, regardless of the field in which they decide to specialize. Useful tips and advice ensure that this is more than a standard introduction to the subject, encouraging additional reading, supporting critical thinking and assisting students with exam success. READERSHIP: Medical students undertaking psychiatry attachments and preparing for exams. 9780340984260 I 2011 I 248pp 246x189mm I 9 illustrations





Apley’s Concise System of Orthopaedics and Fractures

Third edition

Louis Solomon, Emeritus Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Bristol David Warwick, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Southampton University Hospitals; and Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Southampton Selvadurai Nayagam, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Royal Liverpool Children’s Hospital; and Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Liverpool Praised in previous editions for the systematic approach, balanced content and easy-to-read style, the third edition has been brought up to date, with additional detail on anatomy, an improved focus on actual diseases and clinical signs and the introduction of handy ‘stop check’ points. READERSHIP: Medical students. 9780340809846 I 2005 I 416pp I PB I £32.99 246 x 189mm I 525 b/w halftones, 107 colour line drawings, 187 colour halftones

Short Textbook of Public Health Medicine for the Tropics Fourth edition Lucas, Gilles 9780340759882 I 2002 I 320pp 94 colour & 80 b/w illustrations





READERSHIP: Undergraduate medical students; junior doctors and those entering speciality training in paediatrics; GPs.

www.hodderplus.com/essentialENT 9781444117950 I 2011 I 224pp I PB I £26.99 246x189mm I 20 b/w line drawings; 120 colour line drawings; 80 colour halftones


Psychiatry by Ten Teachers

Edited by Rachel U Sidwell, Consultant Locum Paediatric Dermatologist, London, UK

www.hodderplus.com/easypaediatrics 9781853158261 246x189mm

To order: Phone: +44 (0)1235 827 827










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REVISION GUIDES Medical Undergraduate

Core Clinical Cases Series Editor: Janesh K. Gupta, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Birmingham, Birmingham Women’s Hospital, UK The problem-solving approach of Core Clinical Cases guides undergraduates to think of the patient as a whole, rather than as a sequence of unconnected symptoms. With its emphasis on everyday practice strongly linked to underlying theory, the series integrates knowledge with the realities of managing clinical problems, and provides a basis for developing sound analytical and confident decision-making skills. The core areas of undergraduate study are covered in a logical sequence of learning activities: the same questions are asked of each clinical case, followed by detailed explanatory answers. Related OSCE counselling cases, with related questions and answers, also feature in each section. Key concepts and important information are highlighted, and the reader-friendly layout reflects exactly the type of question that students will encounter, making these volumes the perfect revision aid for all types of case-based examination. Key features:

• Case-based approach suitable both for problem-based and systems-based courses • Enhances thorough understanding of key concepts and the relevance of basic sciences in clinical situations • Enforces integration of knowledge across disciplines: anatomy, histology, physiology, pathology, pathophysiology, pharmacology and

• Foster a variety of cognitive skills including hypotheses generation, collection of information, interpretation of laboratory findings and


decision making

For full contents details of all the titles in the series go to www.hodderarnold.com/coreclinicalcases

Core Clinical Cases in Medicine and Medical Specialties


Steve Bain, Professor of Medicine (Diabetes), University of Wales, Swansea; Honorary Consultant Physician, Swansea NHS Trust, Singleton Hospital, Swansea, UK Jeffrey Stephens, Reader in Diabetic Medicine, Swansea University; Consultant Physician, Morriston Hospital, ABM University Health Board, Swansea ; Associate Dean (Academic Medicine), Wales Deanery, UK


June 2012





Core Clinical Cases in Psychiatry

Mires, Khan, Gupta

Clark, Day, Fergusson

Third edition

Second edition

9781444145427 244 x 172mm

Core Clinical Cases in Obstetrics and Gynaecology



9781444122855 I 2011 I 184pp I PB 244 x 172mm I 17 b/w line drawings



Second edition

9781444122879 I 2011 I 160pp I PB 244 x 172mm I 3 b/w line drawings



Core Clinical Cases in Paediatrics

Core Clinical Cases in Medicine and Surgery

Ewer, Gupta, Baratt

9780340816707 I 2006 I 336pp I PB I £16.99 244 x 172mm I 3 b/w line drawings, 1 b/w halftone

Second edition

9781444122862 I 2011 I 68pp I PB I £14.99 244 x 172mm I 19 b/w line drawings

Bain, Gupta

For more information on all titles go to www.hodderarnold.com


Medical Undergraduate


100 Cases Series Editor: P. John Rees, Dean of Medical Undergraduate Education, King’s College London School of Medicine at Guy’s, King’s College and St Thomas’ Hospitals, London, UK The 100 Cases series provides a unique learning and revision tool that works by guiding students and junior clinicians through clinical cases, imitating those that they are likely to meet on the wards, in accident and emergency and outpatient departments, and in general practice. Each book presents 100 scenarios and features:

• Succinct and realistic case studies in a user-friendly format, listing patient history, examination and investigations • Questions at the end of each case promp the reader to think about their options for diagnosis, interpretation, investigation and management

• Answer pages guide the reader through the clinician’s sequence of thoughts and actions • Text boxes highlight important information and key points

Making clinical decisions and choosing the best course of action is one of the most challenging and difficult parts of training to become a doctor. These cases will teach students and junior doctors to recognise important symptoms and signs and, where appropriate, their relationship to other medical conditions, and to develop their diagnostic and management skills.

For full contents details of all the titles in the series go to www.hodderarnold.com/100cases

Praise for the series: ‘A rich resource for medical students, practising doctors and their teachers, which employs a wide range of clinical cases to introduce the reader to the central theories and principles of medical ethics and law’ Dr Richard Huxtable , Senior Lecturer, Deputy Director, Centre for Ethics in Medicine, University of Bristol, UK (about 100 Cases in Clinical Ethics and Law)

‘I would definitely recommend this book as a revision guide ... There is a lot of information packed into just 100 cases, but it’s been done extremely well.’ Fourth year medical student, Barts and The London, School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, UK (about 100 Cases in Clinical Medicine, 2E)

‘Many casebooks are available for students and residents, but few that tackle the unique difficulties in addressing the psychological aspect of medicine. This book does a good job of addressing issues in this area.’ Heather Huang, Rush University Medical Centre, Chicago, USA (about 100 Cases in General Practice)


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100 Cases in Dermatology

Kerry Layne ST1, Core Medical Training, University Hospital Lewisham MB BS, BSc (Hons) and MRCP

Morris-Jones, Powell, Benton

Henry Fok ST3, Academic Clinical Fellow in Clinical Pharmacology, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust MB BS, BSc (Hons) and MRCP Adam Nabeebaccus ST3, Academic Clinical Fellow in Cardiology, Medway Maritime Hospital MB ChB, BSc (Hons) and MRCP 9781444135190 I May 2012 I 224pp I PB 244 x 172mm I 15 artworks; 30 photos



new 100 Cases in Orthopaedics and Rheumatology

Parminder J Singh MBBS, MRCS, FRCS(Tr&Orth), MS Consultant Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeon Maroondah Hospital & Senior Lecturer Monash and Deakin University, Australia Catherine Swales, MRCP PhD Clinical Research Fellow in Rheumatology, Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford, UK 9781444117943 I March 2012 I 272pp I PB 244 x 172mm I 1 b/w line drawing and 71 b/w halftones

100 Cases in Radiology


Thomas, Connelly, Burke 9781444123319 I February 2012 304pp I PB I £20.99 I 244 x 172mm 1 b/w line drawing and 291 b/w halftones



9781444117936 I 2011 I 272pp PB £24.99 I 244 x 172mm I 10 b/w halftones; 5 colour line drawings; 130 colour Halftones

100 Cases in Psychiatry

Wright, Dave, Dogra 9780340986011 I 2010 I 278pp I PB £21.99 I 244 x 172mm I 5 b/w line drawings; 30 b/w halftones

100 Cases in General Practice

Stephenson, Mueller, Grabinar 9780340968338 I 2009 I 288pp PB I £21.99 I 244 x 172mm I 9 b/w line drawings, 16 b/w halftones

100 Cases in Clinical Ethics and Law Johnston, Bradbury

9780340945759 I 2008 I 288pp PB I £21.99 I 244 x 172mm I 1 line illustration

Medical Undergraduate

100 Cases in Acute Medicine

100 Cases in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Bottomley, Rymer

9780340947449 I 2008 I 264pp I PB £21.99 I 244 x 172mm I 9 b/w line drawings; 43 b/w halftones; 7 colour halftones

100 Cases in Clinical Medicine Second edition

Rees, Pattison, Williams

100 Cases in Paediatrics

9780340926598 I 2007 I 272pp PB £21.99 I 244 x 172mm I 32 b/w halftones. 18 colour line drawings

9780340968758 I 2009 I 288pp PB I £21.99 I 244 x 172mm 8 line drawings, 20 halftones

100 Cases in Surgery

Raine, Cunnington, Walker

Gossage, Modarai, Sahai, Worth, Burnand 9780340941706 I 2007 I 240pp PB I £21.99 I 244 x 172mm 68 b/w halftones, 3 line drawings

For full contents details of all the titles in the series go to www.hodderarnold.com/100cases

For more information on all titles go to www.hodderarnold.com


Medical Undergraduate


Medicine on the Move


The Medicine on the Move series provides fully-flexible access to subjects across the curriculum in a format ideal for the busy medical student and junior doctor. Key features:

• Accessible – bulleted text, flow charts, colourful diagrams and summary tables enable students to find information fast • Concise – provides ‘must have’ rather than ‘nice to have’ knowledge, ensuring exam success and as a grounding for further study • Flexible – notes sections, ideal for rapid reference in the clinical setting, guide the reader quickly to key points while self-assessment material allows for testing to reinforce understanding

• Relevant – designed by medical students for medical students • Mobile – download the app for use on smartphones (and to access supplementary videos) This innovative package will help students to connect with the topics covered in the series and to cement their knowledge in preparation for exams and future clinical practice. By using this resource in print or as an app, students really will experience the opportunity to learn medicine on the move!

Visit www.hodderarnold.com/medicineonthemove for full contents listings and more information.


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Editorial Advisors: Zoe Pearson, Foundation doctor, Yorkshire and the Humber Strategic Authority, UK Johnathan Cooper, Academic Neurologist, University of Sheffield, UK

Matthew Tate, Foundation doctor, Sheffield, UK Elizabeth Wood, Foundation doctor, UK 9781444138320 24.99


September 2012



Emergency and Acute Medicine on the Move




Editorial Advisor: Alan Fletcher, Consultant in A&E Medicine, Northern General Hospital, Sheffield Shireen Siddiqui, F2 Doctor, Sheffield, UK Naomi Meardon, Final year medical student, Sheffield, UK Elena Del Vescovo, Final year medical student, Sheffield, UK 9781444145694 216 x 138mm


August 2012







Orthopaedics and new Rheumatology on the Move

CONTENTS: Obstetrics and Gynaecology Obstetrics history and examination Antenatal care Medical problems in pregnancy Multiple pregnancy Foetal growth and surveillance Labour Complications in labour Obstetric procedures Puerperium Gynaecology history and examination Reproductive endocrinology Disorders of the menstrual cycle Benign gynaecological disease Gynaecological malignancies Urinary incontinence Uterovaginal prolapse Disorders of early pregnancy Induced abortion Sexual health and breast medicine Contraception Genital tract infections Diseases of the breast and their assessment and treatment Self-assessment Gynaecology Obstetrics Sexual health Breast disease 9781444145632 216 x 138mm


August 2012







Editorial advisors: Andrew Hamer, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, The Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, U.K and Andrew Keat, Consultant Rheumatologist, Northwick Park Hospital, London, UK

Psychiatry on the Move

Terence McLoughlin, BSc, MBChB FY2 in Academic Surgery, The Royal London Hospital, North East London Deanery, UK

Molly Douglas, Foundation doctor, Manchester, UK

Ian Baxter, BMedSci, MBChB FY1 in Medical Education, The Northern General Hospital, Yorkshire and the Humber Deanery, UK Nicole Abdul, BMedSci, MBChB FY1 in Academic Research, The Northern General Hospital, Yorkshire and the Humber Deanery, UK CONTENTS: General principles and management Head and Neck Shoulder Elbow Hand and Wrist Thoracolumbar spine Sacrum and Pelvis Hip Knee Ankle and Foot Osteoarthritis Rheumatoid arthritis Paget’s disease Seronegative spondyloarthropathies Osteoporosis Crystal arthropathies Miscellaneous Self assessment 9781444145670 216 x 138mm


August 2012




Editorial Advisor: Simon Matta, Psychiatry Specialist Registrar, Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, UK Helen Casey, Foundation doctor, Bristol, UK Harriet Walker, Final Year Medical Student, University of Sheffield, UK 9781444145656 I August 2012 I 288pp I PB I £19.99 216 x 138mm I £19.99 I 216 x 138mm I 11 b/w halftones; 71 new colour line drawings; 6 new colour halftone

Anaesthesia on the Move


Editorial Advisor: Peter Matthews, Consultant Anaesthetist, Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust, Rotherham, UK Sally Keat, MBChB, BMedSci Foundation year 2 doctor, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, UK Alexander Bown, MBChB FY2 doctor, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, UK Sarah Lanham, (MBChB) Foundation year 2 doctor, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, UK Simon Townend Bate, (MBChB, BMedSci) FY1 doctor, Barnsley Hospital, UK





Obstetrics, new Gynaecology and Women’s Health on the Move Contributing author: Sally Hallam

Amie Clifford, Foundation Year 1 doctor, Sheffield, UK Chris Yau, Final Year Medical Student, Sheffield, UK Claire Kelly, Fourth Year Medical Student, Sheffield, UK

CONTENTS: Part I: Pre-operative Physiology/Preparing for Surgery Part II: Practice of Anaesthesia In the Anaesthetic Room/Airways and Ventilation/ Oxygen/Local and Regional Anaesthesia/Drugs in the Anaesthetic Room/In the Operating Theatre/Part III: On the Wards Post-operative Complications/Post-operative Fluids/ Recognizing and Managing Ill Patients Part IV: Intensive Therapy Unit/Critical Care Intensive Therapy Structure/Principles of Critical Care Part V: Self-Assessment Pre-operative/In the Anaesthetic Room/Practice of Anaesthesia/Drugs in the Anaesthetic Room/On the Wards/Resuscitation and Emergencies 9781444121537 I March 2012 I 208pp I PB I £19.99 216 x 138mm I 20 b/w halftones, 30 colour line drawings

Clinical Investigations on the Move


Editorial Advisor: Ian Bickle MB BCh BAO (Hons), FRCR Consultant Radiologist, Department of Radiology Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha Hospital, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Andrew Walker Foundation year 2, Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, UK Lina Fazlanie BMedSci Foundation Year 1 doctor, Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, UK Rory Mackinnon BSc Hons MBChB, Foundation Year 2 doctor, Northern General Hospital, UK

Medical Undergraduate

Neurology and Clinical new Neuroanatomy on the Move

CONTENTS: Part I Common clinical investigations 1 Haematology 2 Clinical chemistry 3 Endocrinology 4 Microbiology 5 Radiology Part II Clinical Specialties 6 Cardiovascular system 7 Respiratory medicine 8 Gastrointestinal disease 9 Genito-urinary and genital 10 Neurology 11 Locomotor/Orthopaedics/Rheumatology Part III Self Assessment 12 Biochemistry 13 Cardiology 14 Endocrinology 15 Gastrointestinal 16 Haematology 17 Neurology 18 Radiology 19 Genito-urinary and renal 20 Respiratory 21 Orthopaedics and rheumatology 9781444121544 I March 2012 I 224pp I PB I £19.99 216 x 138mm I 50 b/w halftones, 10 colour line drawings

Microbiology and Infectious Diseases on the Move new

Editorial advisor: R.C. Read Professor of Infectious Diseases, University of Sheffield, and Honorary Consultant Physician to the Central Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Trust, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK Thomas Locke BSc, MBChB Foundation Year 1 doctor, Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, UK Sally Keat BMedSci MBChB Foundation Year 1 doctor, Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, UK Andrew Walker BMedSci, MBChB Foundation Year 2 doctor, Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, UK Rory Mackinnon BSc, MBChB Foundation Year 1 doctor, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK CONTENTS: Part I Microbiology 1 Bacteria / 2 Viruses / 3 Fungi / 4 Protozoa 5 Helminths / 6 Antibiotics Part II Infectious Diseases 7 Respiratory infections / 8 Gastrointestinal infections 9 Cardiovascular infections / 10 Haematological infections and human immunodeficiency virus 11 Genitourinary infections / 12 Nervous system infections / 13 Skin infections / 14 Bone and joint infections / 15 Congenital, neonatal and childhood infections / 16 History taking, septic screen and monitoring tests / 17 Notifiable diseases Part III Self Assessment 18 Microbiology / 19 Infectious diseases 9781444120127 I March 2012 I 272pp I PB I £19.99 216 x 138mm I 5 b/w halftones; 35 colour line drawings; 35 colour halftones

For more information on all titles go to www.hodderarnold.com


Medical Undergraduate


Get ahead! Designed as the ideal revision tool for undergraduate medical examinations, our bestselling Get ahead! series covers everything the student needs to know in their medical and surgical finals. The series stands out in its use of subject summaries that include all the detail needed from a larger textbook - but we’ve waived the waffle! For full contents details of all the titles in the series go to www.hodderarnold.com/getahead

Get ahead! SAQs for Medical Finals



June 2012




Get ahead! SURGERY:

Capewell, Shantikumar; Shantikumar


100 EMQs for Finals

150 EMQs for Finals

Gami, Pawa, Shantikumar 9781853159442 234 x 156mm

Get ahead! MEDICINE:




9781853157172 234 x 156mm








9781853157462 234 x 156mm










Get ahead! MEDICINE:


Get ahead! SURGERY:

Benjamin McNeillis BA BM BCh, F2 Doctor, Oxford Deanery, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK

Bach, Mills, Cartledge, Roberts, Shantikumar

Nicholls, Shantikumar

300 SBAs for Finals

Rhian James MA (Hons) BM BChir, F2 Doctor, Heatherwood and Wexham Park Hospital Trust, Slough, UK Ai Ling Koh MB ChB, F2 Doctor, Oxford Deanery, Wexham Park Hospital, Slough, UK Tim Sparkes MBBS MEng, F2 Doctor, Oxford Deanery, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK 9781853157325 I December 2011 £18.99 I 234 x 156mm




250 SBAs for Finals

250 SBAs for Finals


9781853157370 234 x 156mm








9781853157271 234 x 156mm










Get ahead! SPECIALTIES: 100 EMQs for Finals

Cartledge, Watson, Cairns, Bach, Shantikumar 9781853157226 234 x 156mm









One Stop Doc Series Editor: Elliott Smock, formerly a student at Guy’s, Kings and St Thomas’ Medical School, London, UK The One Stop Doc series has been designed by medical students for medical students to consolidate knowledge, subject-by-subject and system-by-system. By positioning all question types of a specific key topic next to an explanation and answer page, each doublepage spread of each book focuses on an aspect of core knowledge; this segment of knowledge can then be revised on its own or as part of a larger programme.

One Stop Doc Cardiology Aggarwal, Ferenczi, Muirhead 9780340925577 I 2007 I 144pp I PB I £14.99 246 x 189mm I 78 Colour line drawings; 1 b/w halftone

One Stop Doc Gastroenterology and Renal Medicine Popat, Adebayo, Chapman

9780340925560 I 2007 I 168pp I PB I £14.99 246 x 189mm I 14 colour line drawings


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Sukhpreet Singh Dubb, Final year medical student Nishma Manek, Final year medical student Shams Shamoon, Fifth year medical student Daniel Zeloof, Final year medical student (all at Imperial College) Karim Meeran (Editorial Advisor), Professor of Endocrinology, Imperial College, London, UK • Organization by sub specialty enables targeted revision both during clinical studies and prior to the final exam • Ideal for self testing with detailed explanations giving a full rationale for identifying the correct answer • Clear, consistent and authoritative content from an author team that understands the needs of the medical student Written by a final year medical student, junior doctors and an experienced clinician, Single Best Answers and EMQs in Clinical Pathology presents 200 SBA-style and 50 EMQ-style questions arranged by sub-specialty area as well as a practice exam of random questions. A clear discussion outlines how the correct answer is reached making this book an excellent learning aid during all stages of undergraduate clinical studies and beyond into postgraduate training, and particularly while preparing for medical finals. READERSHIP: Undergraduate medical students. 9781444167306 I December 2012 £19.99 I 234 x 156mm





Complete Self Assessment for Medical and Surgical Finals


Complete OSCE Skills for Medical and Surgical Finals

Second edition

Kinesh Patel, Specialist Registrar in Gastroenterology, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, UK Neil Patel, Specialist Registrar in Dermatology, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, UK This new edition has been expanded to include 650 single best answers, 180 extended matching questions and over 50 x-ray interpretation questions. The book is structured into two main parts covering both medicine and surgery and chapters are logically separated by all the main specialties, with new chapters on obstetrics and gynaecology, paediatrics and psychiatry. The answer explanations help students to commit the key facts to memory while the attractive colour layout makes this book a refreshing change from other self-assessment titles. 9781444120653 I March 2012 £19.99 I 246 x 189mm





Complete Revision Notes for Medical and Surgical Finals

Kate Tatham, Specialty Registrar, Anaesthetics and Intensive Care Medicine, Imperial School of Anaesthesia, London, UK Kinesh Patel, Specialty Registrar, Gastroenterology, Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK

Medical Undergraduate

Single Best Answers new and EMQs in Clinical Pathology

Complete OSCE Skills for Medical and Surgical Finals covers everything that students will need to know to approach their OCSE stations with confidence. Over 150 essential topics are covered at the perfect level of detail for finals revision. Using checklists and a short and succinct writing style, the authors cover the most important points to remember about the key conditions students are likely to encounter during OCSEs – all this in a concise 2–4 pages of coverage per condition. READERSHIP: Medical students of all years, especially final year students. 9780340974247 I 2010 I 320pp 246x189mm I 30 illustrations





OSCEs Complete Skills, Revision Notes and Self Assessment Pack Patel 9781444137682







Second edition

Kinesh Patel, BA (Hons) MB BS MRCP Specialty Registrar, Gastroenterology, St Mark’s Hospital, London, UK

100 Cases for Medical Data Interpretation new David C Howlett FRCP FRCR, Consultant Radiologist, East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust; Honorary Reader, Brighton and Sussex Medical School; Honorary Senior Lecturer Kings College London

Nicola Gainsborough, Consultant Physician, East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust; Yr 5 Lead, Brighton and Sussex Medical School 9781444149043 I November 2012 I 352pp I PB £22.99 I 234 x 156mm | 5 artwork; 90 photos

• W ritten by an experienced team of teachers specifically as a revision guide • Presents the key facts and no more • C lear, coded layout enhanced with colour line drawings and imaging photographs Fully revised and updated with the latest medical information, and including new illustrations, Complete Revision Notes for Medical and Surgical Finals continues to provide an accessible and stimulating route to exam success. Structured by medical and surgical specialties, it is organised in a weighted fashion to reflect coverage in undergraduate curricula. With pharmacology and pathology integrated throughout, this second edition covers all the key topics in: Medicine; Surgery; Paediatrics; Obstetrics & Gynaecology; Psychiatry; Orthopaedics; ENT; Urology; Ophthalmology; Oncology; Public Health. 9781444120660 246 x 189mm









For more information on all titles go to www.hodderarnold.com


Medical Undergraduate


Essential Questions and Answers in Anatomy new David Chapireau, F1 doctor, Cambridge, UK

Bari M. Logan, formerly University Prosector, Department of Anatomy, University of Cambridge, UK Mark J McCarthy, Consultant Vascular Surgeon and Honorary Senior Lecturer, Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Leicester Royal Infirmary, UK • Presents over 3500 questions • I ncludes a mixture of ‘dry’ and ‘wet’ questions, the latter accompanied by high-quality prosections and suitable for preparation for ‘steeplechase’ examinations • Based on the successful pre-clinical course at Cambridge university Essential Questions and Answers in Anatomy offers a novel alternative to the core anatomy textbooks, targeted specifically at those wishing to refresh their knowledge of the discipline when preparing for a particular module during undergraduate or postgraduate study and specifically in exam preparation. Including over 3500 questions, organised by body system, it covers the broad subject of human anatomy comprehensively, in a user-friendly format, emphasising clinical relevance and complemented with high-quality clearly labelled prosections. CONTENTS: PART ONE: ‘Dry’ Questions 1. Upper Limb 2. Lower Limb 3. Thorax 4. Abdomen 5. Head, neck and spine PART TWO: ‘Wet’ Questions 6. Upper Limb 7. Lower Limb 8. Thorax 9. Abdomen 10. Head, neck and spine



Second edition

Irfan Syed, Specialist Registrar ENT Surgery, South West England Training Rotation, UK

• Clear, consistent and written by an authoritative author team

Zishan Syed, GP Specialty Trainee, Maidstone District General Hospital, UK

Written by newly qualified doctors and experienced clinicians, 500 Single Best Answers in Medicine provides invaluable guidance from authors who understand from personal experience that detailed and accurate explanations are the key to successful revision. This book presents 500 SBA-style questions arranged by specialty area as well as a practice exam of random questions.

Editorial Advisor: Aroon Hingorani, Reader and Honorary Consultant Physician, BHF Laboratories, University College London, Centre for Clinical Pharmacology, Department of Medicine, London, UK • C lear, user-friendly layout – divided into different sections by specialty area

READERSHIP: Undergraduate medical students primarily those in clinical studies 9781444121520 234 x 156mm








• I deal for self testing – with answers are presented separately from questions


• S ummary sections – including presentations, symptoms and signs


450 Single Best Answers in the Clinical Specialities

This new edition of EMQs in Clinical Medicine has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect medical developments, while retaining the clear and comprehensive approach and popular revision boxes of its predecessor. Presenting 100 key EMQs covering the core areas of medicine and surgery, care has been taken by the authors to structure the questions and answers so that they reflect accurately the themes encountered during study and, specifically, in final exams. Each subject covered is accompanied by a revision section which summarises key points and cross references them to other questions for revision purposes.

Sukhpreet Singh Dubb, Foundation Year 1 Doctor; Alex Bailey, Teaching Fellow and Honorary Lecturer in Psychiatry

READERSHIP: Undergraduate medical students.

Margaret Rhoads, Academic Clinical Fellow in Paediatric Infectious Disease










234 x 156mm

Jeffrey Ahmed, Foundation Year 2 Trainee Edward MacLaren, Specialist Registrar in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Get Through Medical School:

Martin Lupton, Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology



500 Single Best Answers in Medicine

Editorial advisor: Karim Meeran Sukhpreet Singh Dubb, BSc (Hons) MBBS AICSM Final year medical student, Department of Investigative Medicine and Academic Surgery, Imperial College London, UK Kumaran Shanmugarajah, BSc(Hons) MBBS AICSM FY2 Doctor, Northwest Thames Deanery, Imperial College Healthcare Trust, UK Darren K. Patten, BSc(Hons) MBBS AICSM Academic Clinical Fellow & Core Surgical Trainee, London Deanery, Department of Biosurgery and Surgical Oncology, St Mary’s Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare Trust, UK Michael Schachter, BSc MB FRCP Department of Clinical Pharmacology, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, UK Cristina Koppel, BSc MBBS (AICSM) Neurology Registrar, Fellow in Medical Education, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, Imperial College School of Medicine. London


• Divided into specialty-based sections to enable targeted revision both during clinical studies and prior to the final exam

Charlene Rodrigues, Academic Clinical Fellow in Paediatric Infectious Disease

READERSHIP: Undergraduate medical students undertaking modules in anaesthesia. 9781444121834 I August 2012 I 496pp 246 x 189mm I 70 colour halftones

EMQs in Clinical Medicine

• 500 questions comprehensively cover the core medical subjects on which students will be examined

1100 SBAs/BOFs and EMQs Second edition

Gareth Tudor-Williams, Consultant in Paediatric Infectious Diseases


James Warner, Consultant in Older Adults Psychiatry


50 questions comprehensively cover the core • 4 specialty areas of obstetrics & gynaecology, paediatrics and psychiatry on which students will be examined









rganised by specialty which enables targeted • O revision both during clinical studies and prior to the final exam lear, consistent and authoritative - from an • C author team that understands the needs of the medical student Single Best Answer (SBA) examinations are an increasingly popular means of testing medical students and those undertaking postgraduate qualifications in a number of subject areas. Written by a final year medical student, junior doctors and experienced clinicians, 450 Single Best Answers in the Clinical Specialties provides invaluable guidance from authors who understand from personal experience that detailed and accurate explanations are the key to successful revision. The presentation of questions arranged by specialty area as well as the inclusion of a practice exam of random questions, coupled with the clear discussion of how the correct answer was reached, make this book an excellent learning aid during all stages of clinical studies, and particularly while preparing for medical finals. READERSHIP: Undergraduate medical students primarily those in clinical studies. 9781444149029 234 x 156mm

To order: Phone: +44 (0)1235 827 827



July 2012







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Mnemonics and Study Tips for Medical Students


Darren K Patten, Final Year Medical student (2008) Imperial College London, School of Medicine, UK David M Layfield, Foundation Year Trainee, St Mary’s Hospital, UK Shobhit Arya, Foundation Year Trainee, Oxford Foundation School, UK Daniel R Leff, Clinical Research Fellow, St Mary’s Hospital, UK Paraskevas A Paraskeva, Senior Lecturer and Consultant Surgeon, St Mary’s Hospital, UK

Pocket Medical Statistics An A-Z of Critical Appraisal

Two Zebras Borrowed My Car Second edition

Second edition

Khalid Khan, King’s College Medical School, London, UK

Filomena Pereira-Maxwell, Formerly Lecturer in Medical Statistics, St Bartholomew’s and the Royal London School of Medicine and Dentistry, now based in Washington, USA

This fun pocket-sized guide will help students retain those all-important medical facts; making this is an essential read for every medical student. It promotes successful study strategies and provides hints and tips on last minute revision.

Editorial Advisor: Sir Ara Darzi, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department of Health, Head of Division of Surgery, Oncology, Reproductive Biology and Anaesthetics, Faculty of Medicine and Professor of Surgery and Head of Dept, Dept of Biosurgery and Surgical Technology, Imperial College of STM, UK

Basant Puri, Professor and Honorary Consultant, Hammersmith Hospital, UK

This book presents 450 single best answers arranged into topic areas, as well as a practice exam for true self assessment, comprising questions in all surgical subject areas. It provides a clear discussion of how the correct answer was reached with other options ruled out for every question at the end of each section making the book an excellent aid for all stages of undergraduate surgical studies, including revision for surgical finals.

• Fully updated and expanded to cover over 500 statistical terms for comprehensive coverage










EMQs and Data Interpretation Questions in Surgery Syed, Keshtgar 9780340941539





Bentley 2007







Puzzles for Medical Students: Paediatrics Howard

232 pp





The ECG in Clinical Decision-Making Davey






This concise dictionary of essential statistical terminology has been designed specifically with the needs of the clinician and health care practitioner in mind. Avoiding the complex language that is so often a feature of statistics and research methodology, Pocket Medical Statistics An A-Z of Critical Appraisal provides clear and succinct explanations, clarifying meaning and showing the interdependencies between important concepts.



August 2012






The Medic’s Guide to Work and Electives Around the World Third edition

9781853157912 | 2008 | 144pp | PB | £10.99

Mark Wilson, Neurosurgeon and Pre-Hospital Helicopter Specialist Registrar, London, UK

MCQs & EMQs in Human Physiology Sixth edition

This book provides all the information students will need to decide where in the world to go, with thought-provoking career suggestions including emergency ski patrol, forensic investigation in New York, taking part in research for NASA, or working for a charity or missionary organization.

Roddie, Wallace







MCQs in Physiology I




www.medicstravel.org Highly commended in the Basis of Medicine category of the 2010 BMA Medical Book Competition 9780340945810

Browne, Luff 9780412756405


• Frequent use of examples from the medical literature, with reference to landmark studies, ensures clinical relevance

9781444167344 140 x 110mm

Bora, Heah, Thakore



READERSHIP: Undergraduate medical students.


OSCEs for Medical and Surgical Finals 9780340815892

• Enhanced explanations of statistical concepts and methods, including more illustrative content, for greater accessibility


Now presented in a handy pocket format, this expanded second edition is an invaluable companion for the reading and critical appraisal of medical literature.

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9780340957479 20 illustrations

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Medical Undergraduate


Making Sense Making Sense of the Chest X-ray


Second edition

• P ocket-sized guide with easy navigation for use ‘on the go’ ver 200 high quality photographs and clear • O explanatory line diagrams, many brand new for this edition • Q uestion and answer section for self-testing invaluable during exam preparation Accurate interpretation and understanding of the chest x-ray is a crucial skill that all medical students and junior doctors must acquire in order to formulate quickly an appropriate management plan. Making Sense of the Chest X-ray second edition remains the perfect introduction to this subject. Written from a problem-oriented approach, the author shares his extensive experience of teaching this subject, with ‘real life’ scenarios interspersed throughout the text. Making Sense of the Chest X-ray offers: - Advice on when to seek additional/ expert opinion - Suggestions on how to deal with particularly difficult areas - An emphasis on the link between radiographic appearance and clinical finding READERSHIP: Undergraduate medical students, F1 & F2 doctors; student radiographers 9781444135152 I November 2012 I 240pp I PB £19.99 I 198 x 129mm I 10 artworks; 220 photos

new Making Sense of Evidence-Based Medicine

A Guide to Medical Research Literature Philip Sedgwick, Senior Lecturer in Medical Statistics, Centre for Medical Education, St. George’s, University of London, UK

Making Sense of Evidence-Based Medicine provides information on all aspects of interpreting clinical trial results and medical statistics, and encourages the reader to consider potential biases in clinical studies and related literature. The reader can also learn about ethical considerations of clinical trials, and how to impart accurate statistical information to the individual patient in a way that will be understood. CONTENTS: Introduction / Sampling and populations Research ethics / Clinical trials / Observational studies / Interpreting risk / Statistical hypothesis testing / Sample size calculations / Kaplan-Meier survival analysis / Screening and diagnostic tests Systematic reviews and meta-analyses Qualitative research methods / Critical appraisal of the healthcare literature: a structured approach Critical appraisal: an example / Using the literature to treat the individual patient



Making Sense of the ECG Cases for Self-Assessment

A Guide to Diagnosis

Paul F. Jenkins, Professor of Medicine at Univefsity of Western Australia, Perth Royal Hospital and Joondalup Health Campus, Perth, Australia

9780340985236 I October 2012 £19.99 I 198x129mm

Making Sense of Acute Medicine



Houghton, Gray 9780340946893

Jenkins, Johnson

This book is the perfect introduction to accurate diagnosis for medical students, newly qualified doctors and those intimately involved with the delivery of medical care. It focuses on the clinical decision-making process in relation to common clinical presentations in acute medicine, with each chapter analysing a different medical presentation in a systematic way. 9780340984253 198 x 129mm












Making Sense of the ECG with Cases for Self Assessment Pack Third edition Houghton, Gray 9781444137675







Making Sense of Echocardiography

Making Sense of Disaster Medicine



A Hands-on Guide for Medics

Highly commended in the Cardiology category of the BMA Medical Book Competition (2010)

James IDM Matheson, MBBS, BA (Hons), Academic Foundation Programme, Royal Lancaster Infirmary, Catastrophes & Conflict Forum, Royal Society of Medicine, Faculty of Conflict & Catastrophe Medicine, Society of Apothecaries, London

9780340950043 I 2009 144 illustrations

Alan Hawley, OBE QHP, Professor of Disaster Medicine, Professor of Disaster Studies and Director of the Disasters and Resilience Centre, University of Glamorgan, UK

A Hands-on Guide







Making Sense of Your Surgical Attachment: Sutton, Drew, Lee, Chimenti, Lee, Larvin 9780340945889





• The ideal introductory guide to disaster medicine • W ith contributions by international authorities in the field • E asy-to-read layout, featuring ‘thinking points’, ‘pearls of wisdom’ and ‘hazards’ Making Sense of Disaster Medicine is essential reading for all medical students and professionals who may find themselves responding to incidents on the scale of the July 2005 London bombings or the May 2008 Chinese earthquake. 9780340967560 198 x 129mm








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Making Sense of Medical Ethics: A Hands-on Guide


Johnson, Johnson

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Making Sense of the ECG is designed for medical students and trainees who care looking to find answers to the following important questions: How do I interpret this ECG? Are these abnormalities significant? How do I distinguish between VT and SVT? Has this patient had a myocardial infarction? It also includes a strong clinical emphasis with fully updated investigation and treatment guidelines. 304pp








Dakin, Kourteli, Winter 9780340763193





Making Sense of Critical Appraisal


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A Hands-on Guide

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Making Sense of Lung Function Tests:

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anaesthesia, intensive care & pain management anaesthesia, intensive care & pain managment

Principles of Physiology for the Anaesthetist


Third edition

Ian Power, Professor of Anaesthesia and Critical Care, University of Edinburgh, The Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, UK Peter Kam, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesia and Pain Management, University of Sydney, Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards, NSW, Australia

medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

• B ased on the very latest changes to the FRCA and the FANZA syllabus • Distinct section on key equations and tables to aid understanding • Expanded chapters on the physiology of pain and the physiology of ageing The third edition of this well-received textbook continues to provide candidates with a ‘tailormade’ alternative to more general physiology textbooks, delivering information designed and written specifically with the trainee anaesthetist in mind. The authors bring their extensive experience of teaching physiology to the book in order to improve the understanding of the fundamentals of human physiology in relation to the work of the anaesthetist. The content covers the physiology of all the major organ systems, with specific emphasis on the nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. In addition, there are special sections on the physiology of pain, the physiology of ageing and the physiological effects of specific environments, all highly relevant to anaesthetic practice. READERSHIP: Anaesthetists in training for postgraduate exams. 9781444135237 I November 2012 £49.99 I 246 x 189mm





Second edition 4-volume set

Second edition Wilson, Watson, Haythornthwaite, Jensen

Andrew Rice, Reader in Pain Research, Department of Anaesthetics, Pain Medicine and Intensive Care, Imperial College London; Honorary Consultant in Pain Medicine, Chelsea & Westminster Hospital Foundation NHS Trust, London, UK Doug Justins, Consultant in Pain Medicine and Anaesthesia, Pain Management Centre, St Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK Toby Newton-John, Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Program Director, Innervate Pain Program; and Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney, Australia Richard F Howard, Consultant Anaesthetist and Clinical Director, WellChild Pain Research Centre, Great Ormond Street Hospital and the Institute for Child Health, London, UK

Written and edited by experts in the field, this compact but detailed text provides all the essential practical knowledge required by anaesthetists on co-existing medical conditions, operative procedures and techniques. The handbook is presented in three parts: Patient Conditions, Surgical Procedures, and Anaesthetic Factors, which are then subdivided into sections on each organ system. Within each section, chapters are listed in alphabetical order, and cover all common and rare conditions that anaesthetists will encounter within their practice. READERSHIP: Trainee anaesthetists including those preparing for the FRCA or EDA examinations.





Clinical Pain Management: Practice and Procedures Second edition Breivik, Campbell, Nicholas, Newton-John 9780340940068 I 2008 £127.50 I 276x213mm

I 744pp I HB I 231 illustrations


“This is an excellent series of books and very well-worth the highest commendation.”

Barry Clifton, Specialist Registrar Anaesthetics, Barts and the London NHS Trust, London, UK


Sarah Armstrong, Specialist Registrar Anaesthetics, St George’s NHS Trust, London, UK

Judge at the BMA Medical Book Competition 2008

Based on the IASP curriculum, this comprehensive 4-volume reference presents readers with all they need to know to provide a successful pain management service according to leading world experts in the field. The set comprises of three clinical volumes which deal with all aspects of pain: acute, cancer and chronic; from the basic mechanisms underlying the development of pain, to the various treatments that can be applied in different clinical situations. The fourth volume, Practice and Procedures, complements these by providing helpful advice on practical aspects of clinical management and research.

Lionel Davis, Consultant Anaesthetist, Barts and the London NHS Trust, London, UK Authored by top anaesthetists, Final FRCA in a Box gives tips on key skills needed to pass the Royal College of Anaesthetists exam. On one side of the card, all major sections of the syllabus are dealt with using standard question formats from the Royal College exams. The rear of the card contains detailed answers with explanations and diagrams to enable candidates to develop sound understanding of each topic. READERSHIP: Trainee anaesthetists taking the Final FRCA examinations. 9781853159190 I 2012 I Box set I 201 cards I £35.99

Primary FRCA in a Box

Highly commended in the Anaesthesia category of the 2009 BMA Medical Book Competition

• F ully updated content to reflect the FRCA examinations, as well as the European Diploma • Covers reliable information in preparation for examination as well as teaching clinical technique and practice • Highly structured text to aid revision • New addition of updated references, additional reading and glossary for further study

I 728pp I HB I 93 illustrations

Final FRCA in a Box


Third edition

9780340940082 I 2008 £127.50 I 276x213mm

Christine A Miaskowski, Professor and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Department of Physiological Nursing, UCSF School of Nursing, San Francisco, CA, USA

9780340982808 I 2008 I 2568 pp I HB I £330.00 276 x 213mm I 4-volume set I 490 illustrations

Brian Pollard, Professor of Anaesthesia, The University of Manchester, UK


Clinical Pain Management: Chronic Pain

READERSHIP: Pain management specialists.

Handbook of Clinical Anaesthesia

9781444108620 I 2011 I 816 pp 246x189mm I 50 illustrations

Clinical Pain Management

Clifton, Armstrong, Davis 9781853156274 I 2007 I £29.99

Clinical Pain Management: Acute Pain Second edition Macintyre, Walker, Rowbotham 9780340940099 I 2008 £115.00 I 276x213mm

I 632pp I HB I 90 illustrations


Clinical Pain Management: Cancer Pain Second edition Sykes, Bennett, Yuan 9780340940075 I 2008 £115.00 I 276x213mm

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Epidural Anaesthesia


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Images, Problems and Solutions

McDonald’s Blood Flow in Arteries

Clive Collier, MD, MRCP, FRCA, FANZCA, Visiting Obstetric Anaesthetist, Prince of Wales Private Hospital, Australia • B rings together the world’s largest and most comprehensive collection of epidurograms

Theoretical, Experimental and Clinical Principles Sixth edition

ritten by an expert of world renown, providing • W consistency of approach throughout

Wilmer W Nichols, University of Florida College of Medicine, FL, USA

• F ully illustrated with over 180 clearly labelled X-rays and contrast injection images to help you learn using these examples

Michael F O’Rourke, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia

• U ses X-rays and contrast injection images rather than more complex imaging technologies, to allow quick assessment of blocks in the most basic radiology department

READERSHIP: Specialist and trainee anaesthetists, particularly in the field of obstetric anaesthesia. 9781444156041 I December 2011 I 152pp I HB I £49.99 246 x 189mm I 186 colour halftones and 11 line drawings

Trauma Care Manual Second edition

• A global and highly regarded author team, spanning Australasia, North America and Europe • A n abundance of illustrations throughout to aid understanding and clarify key principles • R etains the key features from the previous editions including the evidence-based scientific rigour, a focus on practical applications and a co-ordinated writing style Now available as a print and ebook bundle, the sixth edition of McDonald’s Blood Flow in Arteries provides the theoretical basis required for the understanding of arterial blood flow, both in normal and in disease conditions including pulmonary hypertension, atherosclerosis and heart failure. The authors examine the relationship between pulsatile pressure and flow using mathematical models of fluid flow principles; and bring clinical considerations to the forefront throughout the text. READERSHIP: Angiologists, cardiologists and physiologists.

Greaves, Porter, Garner 9780340928264 I 2008 I £39.99

9780340985014 I 2011 I 768pp I HB I Print and ebook bundle I £195.00 I 276x213mm I 560 illustrations

Hatch & Sumner’s Textbook of Paediatric Anaesthesia Third edition Bingham, Lloyd Thomas, Sury 9780340912201 I 2008 I £130.00

For more information on all titles go to www.hodderarnold.com

medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

Epidural Anaesthesia brings together the most comprehensive collection of post-block epidurograms in the world into a single volume. With accompanying X-rays and contrast injection images, it clearly explains why an epidural block has failed and provides practical advice on how to avoid complications in the future.

Charalambos Vlachopoulos, Hippokration Hospital, Athens, Greece



Practical Phlebology Series Editor: Lowell Kabnick, Director, New York University Vein Center, Division of Vascular Surgery, NY, USA, Neil S. Sadick, Clinical Professor, Department of Dermatology, Weill, Medical College – Cornell University, USA Key features of this Practical Phlebology series:

• Each volume is authored by two of the leading world experts in MIVS • Each book is abundantly illustrated to provide an excellent ‘how-to’ guide • Includes “key points”, “technique pearls” and “practical hints” to aid understanding

READERSHIP: Phlebologists, vascular and general surgeons.

medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

Practical Phlebology:


Basic Science and Imaging Peter Pappas, MD, Division of Vascular Surgery, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, New Jersey, USA Nicos Labropoulos, Stony Brook Vein Center, Stony Brook Surgical Associates, New York, USA Joseph D Raffetto, VA Boston Healthcare System, Boston, USA An illustrative “how-to” phlebology manual dedicated to the fundamentals of basic science and imaging. 9781853159305 I June 2012 I 208pp I HB £65.00 I 246x189mm I 210 illustrations

Practical Phlebology:

Minimally Invasive Venous Surgery


Jose Almeida, MD, FACS, RVT, Vascular Surgeon, Miami Vein Center, Miami, FL, USA Jeff Raines Alun Davies MA DM FRCS, Reader in Surgery & Consultant Surgeon, Department of Vascular Surgery, Charing Cross Hospital, UK Matthew Metcalfe Dedicated to minimally invasive venous surgery, this book covers the latest procedures including transilluminated powered phlebectomy, radiofrequency ablation of the greater saphenous vein closure, subfascial endoscopic perforator surgery, and percutaneous vein valve bioprosthesis. 9781853159602 I June 2012 I 208pp I HB £65.00 I 24x189mm I 210 illustrations

Practical Phlebology:


Sclerotherapy and Cutaneous Lasers

Starting and Managing a Phlebology Practice

Jean-Jérôme Guex, MD FACPh, Vascular Physician, University of Nice, Nice, France

Marlin Schul, Lafayette Regional Vein Center, Unity Healthcare, Lafayette, IN, USA

Eberhard Rabe, Professor of Dermatology, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany Jean-Luc Gillet, MD, Vascular Physician, Phlebology, Bourgoin-Jallieu, France

Saundra Spruiell, Oklahoma Vein Specialists, Oklahoma City, OK, USAClint Hayes, Vein Center of North Texas, Denison, TX, USA

This comprehensive book reviews the full scope of current management and treatment strategies of sclerotherapy and the use of cutaneous lasers, with superb illustrations which highlight the text and depict the optimum techniques of successful treatment.

Clint Hayes, Vein Center of North Texas, Denison, TX, USA The aim of this manual is to help the reader take steps in a very practical way towards creating a successful office-based phebology practice. Some of the questions tackled by this manual include: Where can I acquire the necessary training and education? What equipment is required, and where might I find it? What are start-up costs, and will I need a loan? What personnel are needed, and how do I identify the best candidates? What is the best way to market my practice? These questions and many more are outlined in detail.

9781853159503 I June 2012 I 208 pp I HB £65.00 I 246x189mm I 210 illustrations

Practical Phlebology:

Practical Phlebology:


Venous Ultrasound

Despite differences from country to country, this text shares sound principles that, when implemented, should enhance an existing system, and help to improve patient outcomes.

Joseph Zygmunt, Jr, Florida, USA Olivier Pichot, Grenoble, France Tracie Dauplaise, North Carolina, USA

9781853159404 I 2010 I 188pp I HB I £65.00 246 x 189mm I 12 line artworks and 37 halftones

The fourth volume in the Practical Phlebology series, this book provides the phlebologist with the ideal illustrative guide to the latest procedures in venous ultrasound. 9781853159480 I June 2012 I 208pp I HB £65.00 I 246x189mm I 210 illustrations

Practical Phlebology:


Deep Vein Thrombosis

Anthony J Comerota, MD FACS FACC, Director, Jobst Vascular Institute; Program Director, JVI Vascular Surgery Fellowship; Section Head, Vascular Surgery, The Toledo Hospital; Adjunct Professor of Surgery, University of Michigan, USA Describing the latest approaches to diagnosis and treatment of DVT in one comprehensive book, this volume is richly illustrated and numerous line drawings provide an excellent guide to the field. 9781444146097 I June 2012 I 208pp I HB £60.00 I 246x189mm I 150 illustrations


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Women’s Vascular Health

A Textbook

Greer, Ginsberg, Forbes

Bergan, Cheng 9781853157714



Emergency Cardiology

Peter S Harper, University Research Professor (Emeritus) in Human Genetics, Institute of Medical Genetics, Cardiff, UK

Helane Fronek, MD FACP FACPh San Diego, California, USA and Past President of the American College of Phlebology, USA

9781853157745 I 2007 I 112pp I PB I £44.99 280 x 216mm I 18 illustrations, 40 halftones

Handbook of Venous Disorders Guidelines of the American Venous Forum Third edition

Peter Gloviczki, MD is Professor of Surgery, Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA “Handbook of Venous Disorders is an essential reference for vascular surgeons and specialists in vascular medicine. The strength of this textbook is its completeness and the fact that the chapters are uniformly clear and well written.” The New England Journal of Medicine This revised, updated and expanded edition takes account of all the recent developments in these areas. New chapters on, for example, foam sclerotherapathy, radiofrequency treatment, laser treatment and open surgical reconstructions are included, as well as useful diagnostic and treatment algorithms for the various conditions that are dealt with in the book. 9780340938805 I 2008 I 752pp I HB I £140.00 276 x 213mm I 150 colour line drawings and 450 halftones

Karim Ratib, Specialist Registrar in Cardiology, University Hospital of North Staffordshire, Stoke-on-Trent, UK Gurbir Bhatia, Specialist Registrar in Cardiology, University Hospital of North Staffordshire, Stoke-on-Trent, UK Neal Uren, Consultant Cardiologist, Edinburgh Heart Centre, Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, UK James Nolan, Consultant Cardiologist, University Hospital of North Staffordshire, Stoke-on-Trent, UK • I ncreased use of tables and algorithms making the information easy to digest and easily accessible • Expanded coverage of topics with particular regard to acute coronary syndrome which has significantly changed in recent times, therefore bringing this book up-to-date with advances • Includes evidence-based guidelines and the results of the most groundbreaking clinical trials allowing readers to evaluate the advice given through clear explanations to develop understanding. Written by a team of leading cardiologists with extensive experience in the emergency setting, this pocket-sized handbook offers practical advice on the diagnosis and management of acute cardiac conditions. Reconfigured to reflect modern practice, this book incorporates the numerous guidelines and advances in pharmacological and interventional therapies to bring this text up to date and in line with current practice. READERSHIP: Junior doctors and trainees in emergency medicine and cardiology. 9780340974223 I 2010 I 304pp I PB £22.99 I 198x129mm I 50 illustrations

Diagnosis and Management Third edition Negus, Coleridge-Smith, Bergan



• F ully updated to provide the very latest information when in a busy consulting room or clinic • Clear and authoritative advice applicable to everyday clinical practice • Reflects the rapid development of knowledge in this area, including the implications of the human genome project and related technology • Written using an established, tried and trusted framework which has been highly praised in previous editions, making it easy for readers to digest the information Universally used across the world by genetic counsellors, medical geneticists and clinicians alike, Practical Genetic Counselling has established itself as the essential guide to counselling those at risk from inherited disorders. Increasingly, common disorders are known to have a genetic component and this book provides invaluable and up-to-date guidance through the profusion of new information in this area and the associated psychosocial and ethical considerations and concerns. READERSHIP: Trainees in clinical genetics and genetic counselling. 9780340990698 I 2010 I 416pp 234x156mm I 100 illustrations






Common Skin Diseases 18th edition

Ronald Marks, Emeritus Professor of Dermatology, University of Wales College of Medicine, Cardiff, UK Richard Motley, Welsh Institute of Dermatology, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, UK

Essential Cardiac Catheterization Butler, Gunning, Nolan 9780340887356





Recent Advances in Cardiology 15 Rowlands, Clarke 9781853157295

Leg Ulcers

Seventh edition

medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

With contributions from experts in a number of specialties, this highly practical guide provides an understanding of the pathophysiology of venous disease and authoritative information on management, and details of all the current treatment options available to physicians. The new techniques and skills described in this book afford patients with venous disease healthier and more productive lives. It is a valuable resource for all those involved in the field, including physicians from a variety of specialties, including dermatology, vascular surgery, and interventional radiology.



Second edition

Second edition






The Fundamentals of Phlebology Venous Disease for Clinicians



Practical Genetic in Counselling

9780340809976 2008

clinical genetics





Recent Advances in Cardiology 14 Rowlands, Clarke 9781853157158





• N ewly designed and extensively illustrated with over 400 full-colour photographs to aid rapid diagnosis • An invaluable new glossary and new chapters on cosmetics and surgical treatment techniques • Expanded sections on tropical diseases and skin conditions affecting the traveller The 18th edition of this classic dermatology book formerly published as Roxburgh’s Common Skin Diseases, has been thoroughly revised and updated and continues to be an essential core text for the busy general practitioner and the dermatology trainee. Presented in a colourful, reader-friendly format, the text presents a succinct account of the subject, starting with the basic science and then moving through clinical manifestations, diagnostic techniques, treatment and clinical management of the most common skin disorders. Concise text, key point boxes and chapter summaries covered in the book will help medical students with their all-important exam revision. READERSHIP: Trainees in dermatology; GPs including those studying for MRCP or MRCGP examinations. 9780340983508 I 2011 I 384pp 244x172mm I 400 illustrations

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Emergency Care of Minor Trauma in Children

A Practical Handbook

care setting. The text follows a logical, standard, clear and well set out approach designed to maximise the practical delivery of care at the bedside. READERSHIP: Emergency care physicians- training and in practice, and junior doctors.

It presents all that the generalist or student needs to know about the interface between medicine and the law, including: forensic toxicology, forensic science, forensic odontology, forensic anthropology and both the legal obligations and ethical responsibilities of those involved in the forensic setting.

9781444120134 I 2011 I 536pp 198x129mm I 17 illustrations

9780340986035 I 2011 I 256pp 246x189mm I 275 illustrations

medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

Kate J Taylor-Robinson, MBChB FRCR, Consultant Paediatric Radiologist, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, UK • C oncise, evidence-based text including the latest recommended guidelines and procedures for instant access to key information • Includes generous use of colour, warning boxes, icons, clinical tips and practical advice to help the reader find information at a glance • Detailed guidance on when to treat, how to treat, when to refer or when minor trauma is indicative of a more serious diagnosis • Numerous illustrations help explain more difficult concepts Succinct and highly illustrated, this handy pocket guide enables doctors, nurses and emergency care practitioners to successfully manage common minor injuries in children at the point of care. READERSHIP: Emergency care physicians, junior doctors and nurse practitioners in emergency departments, minor injury centres and primary care settings. 9781444120141 I 2011 I 232pp I PB I £25.99 198 x 129mm I 23 b/w line drawings; 105 b/w halftones



Self-Assessment In Accident and Emergency Medicine

Diagnosis and Management Sixth edition

Mike Cadogan, Senior Clinical Lecturer and Staff Specialist in Emergency Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Nedlands, Australia • I ncludes new sections on critical care, practical procedures, infectious disease and the traveller, tropical diseases, disaster medicine and multicasualty situations, and starting out in the emergency department • Redesigned for instant access to information with clear icons, boxes, tables, charts and practical hints and tips • Additional online content The sixth edition of this international bestselling emergency medicine handbook has been completely redesigned, revised and expanded to include the very latest evidence-based guidelines for interns, SHOs and junior doctors who are new to the emergency




A Manual of Fundamental Autopsy Practice Third edition

Burke, Greaves, Hormbrey Eeles, Easton, Ponder, Eng 9780750622158







Julian L Burton, Senior Teaching Fellow and Senate Award Fellow in Learning and Teaching at the University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK Guy N Rutty, Professor of Forensic Pathology, East Midlands Forensic Pathology Unit, University of Leicester, UK

Mastering Emergency Medicine A practical guide Trivedy, Hall, Parfitt 9781853157448




‘The Hospital Autopsy is greatly needed at a time when many junior pathologists are struggling to gain adequate autopsy teaching and experience...it is an essential text for reference in the post-mortem suite, as well as being useful for the examination.’



Atlas of Inherited Metabolic Diseases Third edition

Bulletin of the Royal College of Pathology (review of the previous edition)

• A step-by-step guide to autopsy procedures with high quality colour photographs and fully referenced information

Nyhan, Barshop, Al-Aqed 9781444112252 I 2011 I 888 pp bundle I £210.00 I 276x213mm


HB I Print and ebook 810 illustrations

The Hospital Autopsy third edition presents a clear and systematic approach to safe and effective modern autopsy practice for pathologists. It discusses issues including legislation governing autopsies, religious attitudes and ensuring safety and covers the procedures of external examination, evisceration, dissection of internal organs and report writing. Six new chapters have been added and contemporary specialist techniques, such as near virtual autopsy, are covered in depth, with chapters devoted to complex issues including perinatal autopsies, maternal deaths and autopsies where the cause of death is unascertained.

Forensic Medicine

Simpson’s Forensic Medicine Thirteenth edition

Jason Payne-James, Honorary Senior Lecturer, Cameron Centre for Forensic and Medical Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London, UK

READERSHIP: Trainee pathologists, including MRCPath candidates, practising pathologists and autopsy technicians.

Steven Karch, Consultant Cardiac Pathologist and Toxicologist, Berkeley, California, USA Richard Jones, Locum Consultant Forensic Pathologist, Wales Institute of Forensic Medicine, University Hospital of Wales, UK

9780340965146 I 2010 I 360pp 246x189mm I 110 illustrations

• C lear, concise and comprehensive text, illustrated with colour photographs of the highest quality • Universally applicable – relevant to all legal systems worldwide • Full coverage of legal and ethical issues • Expanded coverage of toxicology and forensic science Prestigious and authoritative, this fully updated thirteenth edition of Simpson’s Forensic Medicine remains a classic, world-leading introductory text in the field of forensic medicine.

To order: Phone: +44 (0)1235 827 827


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• A n authoritative yet highly practical clear and systematic approach to standard autopsy technique and subsequent reconstruction of the body • T horough coverage of legal and consent issues surrounding autopsy practice

For full description see page 37

Emergency Medicine


The Hospital Autopsy


Anthony FT Brown, Associate Professor and Senior Staff Specialist, Department of Emergency Medicine, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Brisbane, Australia




Ffion Davies, MRCP, FRCPCH, FCEM, Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Leicester Royal Infirmary, UK Colin E Bruce, MB ChB, FRCS, FRCS(Orth), Consultant Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgeon, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, UK






Adolescent Forensic Psychiatry Bailey, Dolan 9780340763896





Forensic Neuropathology Whitwell 9780340700044






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forensic medicine • GASTROENTEROLOGY • GENERAL MEDICINE including mrcp Paediatric Forensic Medicine & Pathology Busuttil, Keeling 9780340731574




prescriptions and provides practical guidance on drug selection, plus protocols and guidelines where these exist. READERSHIP: Junior doctors and nurse prescribers.


Principles & Practice of Forensic Psychiatry Second edition

9781444163162 I January 2012 £14.99 I 144x104mm




FY1 – ST2 PB

Rosner 9780340806647




Recent Advances in Gastroenterology 11 Edited by Christopher Probert









General Medicine including MRCP

Pocket Prescriber 2012


Timothy RJ Nicholson, Honorary Specialist Registrar, South London and Maudsley NHS Trust, Research Fellow, Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK Donald RJ Singer, Professor of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Clinical Sciences Research Institute, Warwick Medical School, UK

‘Do not rely on your memory when prescribing drugs - it is fallible. This neat vade mecum puts the information you need at your fingertips.’ Professor R.M. Kirk (ex-member of the Royal College of Surgeons’ Council)

‘A pocket book that is truly pocketable, every medical student and junior doctor should carry this book...If you’re unsure about prescribing a drug, a quick glance at the relevant page in this book will tell you everything you need to know...I really cannot recommend Pocket Prescriber highly enough.’ Oxford Medical School Gazette

• Includes an A-Z list of the 500 most commonly prescribed drugs with each entry containing all the essential prescribing information for that drug • Focuses on safety issues, warnings, drug errors and adverse effects • Concise management summaries for the common medical emergencies • Features clinically useful reminders of basic pharmacology (e.g. receptor profiles) Now available for download as a mobile version, Pocket Prescriber 2012 is a concise, up-to-date prescribing guide. It contains the ‘must have’ information that junior doctors and nurse prescribers need at their finger tips, and it is also an invaluable learning aid for students. It includes advice and reference information for complicated

Basant K Puri, Professor Hammersmith Hospital and Imperial College London, UK

This book, for those just leaving medical school, systematically and logically examines the entire hospital doctor career process from start to finish, dispelling common myths and advising doctors on how to plan their career for professional success.

Hugh Coolican, Senior Lecturer, University of Coventry; External examiner, Open University and Staffordshire University, UK

READERSHIP: Senior medical students and hospital doctors.

• E xpanded guidance on what method of analysis to use and explanation of the output, interpretation of results and editing of graphical output • I ncreased coverage of the principles and applications of multivariate analysis This is the most up to date, practical and userfriendly guide to SPSS. It is an invaluable reference for researchers, whether a first time user or those seeking to update and broaden their knowledge of this widely used program.

9781853159275 234x156mm






READERSHIP: Researchers in medical and biomedical disciplines.

John W Scadding, Honorary Consultant Neurologist, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, UK








Clinical Neurology Fourth edition

Nicholas Losseff, Consultant Neurologist, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, UK


Royal Society of Medicine Career Handbook

• A n emphasis on the management of common neurological disorders at a level appropriate for the non-specialist • C lear structure and presentation, with many illustrations and photographs

ST3 – Senior Doctor Muhunthan Thillai, Welcome Trust Research Training Fellow and Honorary Respiratory SpR at Imperial College London, UK Kaji Sritharan, SpR in General Surgery, North West Thames Rotation, London Deanery, Hon Research Fellow in Vascular Surgery at Imperial College, London, UK Brimming with sound practical advice, hints, tips with its readily accessible style and approach, this text is an essential purchase for all doctors embarking on their career journeys. It systematically and logically examines the entire career process from start to finish, dispelling common myths and advising doctors on how to break down their career into sections and tackle them one at a time. READERSHIP: Senior medical students and hospital doctors. 9781853159299 I May 2012 I 196 pp 234x156mm I 30 illustrations


Shakur 9781853156335



A Career in Medicine: do you have what it takes? Second edition

SPSS in Practice offers concise, real-world guidance to statistical analysis of data using screen shots to provide a step-by-step approach to data entry, the choice of the appropriate test and the implementation and interpretation of the test selected.

9780340983522 I May 2012 I 320pp 244x172mm I 85 illustrations


medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference



An Illustrated Guide Third edition


Muhunthan Thillai, Welcome Trust Research Training Fellow and Honorary Respiratory SpR at Imperial College London, UK Kaji Sritharan, SpR in General Surgery, North West Thames Rotation, London Deanery, Hon Research Fellow in Vascular Surgery at Imperial College, London, UK


SPSS in Practice

Royal Society of Medicine Career Handbook





• I ncreased coverage of the latest imaging techniques and investigative procedures • A clinical focus, with the importance of history taking and examination skills emphasised throughout With an emphasis on the management of common neurological disorders at a level appropriate for the non-specialist, Clinical Neurology has been fully revised and updated to take into account new developments in the investigation and treatment of neurological disorders. It also retains a clinical emphasis - the basic skills of history taking and neurological examination are paramount throughout. READERSHIP: Junior doctors, including MRCP and neurology Knowledge-Based Assessment (KBA) candidates. 9780340990704 I 2011 I 744pp I PB I £69.99 246x189mm I 84 b/w line drawings; 217 b/w halftones; 4-page colour plate section

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general medicine INCLUDING mrcp

Adverse Drug Interactions

A Guide to the MRCP Part 2 Written Paper Second edition

A Handbook for Prescribers

Palmer, Wetherill 9781853155482

Simon FJ Clarke, Consultant Emergency Medicine Physician, Frimley Park NHS Foundation Trust, UK; Honorary Consultant Medical Toxicologist, Chemical Hazards and Poisons Division (London), Health Protection Agency, UK Ursula Collignon, Senior Pharmacist, Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK Janaka Karalliedde, Clinical Lecturer in Diabetes and Endocrinology, King’s College London School of Medicine, King’s College London, UK





100 Short Cases for the MRCP Second edition 9780412548604







The NHS Budget Holder’s Survival Guide 1998









Regina Kunz, Director, Institute for Insurance Medicine, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland






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West, Schoene, Milledge 9780340913444

Authoritative, clear, concise and practical, this highly acclaimed book continues to be an essential text for all medical, surgical and health professionals who want to have an easily accessible, quick reference to systematically reviewing the literature.

9781853157943 234 x 156mm


High Altitude Medicine and Physiology Fourth edition

Gerd Antes, Director of the German Cochrane Centre, Freiburg





MRCP Part 1 In a Box Wadhera, Gulati

READERSHIP: Nurses, doctors, allied health professionals, public health personnel and new reviewers.

MCQs in the Basic Sciences for the MRCP Part I


Ernsting’s Aviation Medicine Fourth edition 9780340813195

• E xpanded, updated and revised with practical guidelines and invaluable advice



Rainford, Gradwell

• Includes many new case studies

Advancing Clinical Governance


Edmonds, Lowry, Pennefather, Walker

Second edition

Jos Kleijnen, Professor of Systematic Reviews in Health Care, Maastricht University, The Netherlands



Diving and Subaquatic Medicine Fourth edition

READERSHIP: Junior doctors, GPs, nurse prescribers and pharmacists.



Fish, de Cossart

Khalid S Khan, Professor of Women’s Health and Clinical Epidemiology, Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary, University of London



Developing the Wise Doctor A resource for trainers and trainees in MMC




Clinical Governance in a Changing NHS

This portable handbook offers invaluable information on potential adverse effects when prescribing two or more drugs for simultaneous use. It provides a brief summary of the mechanism underlying a particular interaction and alternative drugs that may be considered with instructions for monitoring patients for when adverse affects may occur.




Systematic Reviews to Support Evidence-Based Medicine

• D rug naming follows the INN recommendations with all advice supported by the appropriate evidence, graded according to a universally accepted system



• C overs all major drug groups and includes potential interactions with over-the-counter medications, herbal remedies and dietary supplements and constituents








Medical Appraisal, Selection and Revalidation


• A t-a-glance tabular design, organised by drug class, to provide immediate guidance on potential interactions

9780340927694 198x129mm


Warrens, Persey, Fertleman, Powis, Zumla

Lakshman Karalliedde, Visiting Senior Lecturer, Department of Public Health Sciences, King’s College London School of Medicine, UK

medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

Medicine for Lawyers






PLAB Part 1 in a Box


Munshi, Pandya 9781853156328



Elborn, Evans 9780412792809







MCQs in Medicine King, Benbow



9781853156816 234 x 156mm







PLAB: 1000 Extended Matching Questions

Law for Doctors Third edition I




Coales 9781853154720









Medical Evidence A Handbook for Doctors Clements, Davis, Palmer, Patel 9781853153877


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Secrets of Success Getting into Academic Medicine Philip J Smith, ST4 Academic Clinical Fellow in Gastroenterology, PhD student, MRC Clinical Research Training Fellow, University College London, UK Jasdeep K Gill, ST2, General Practice Registrar, North West Thames, London Deanery, UK Sukhjinder S Nijer, Academic Clinical Fellow and Speciality Registrar in Cardiology, Imperial College NHS Trust and Imperial College, London, UK Jeremy Levy, Head of London School of Medicine, Reader in Renal Medicine and Medical Education, Imperial College, London, UK

• Covers all of the major academic career pathways and opportunities • Includes numerous examples, tips, hints and pearls of wisdom • Contributions from key opinion leaders and compiled by those close enough to the process to give helpful and constructive advice

Inspirational and encouraging, this text presents an essential survival guide preparing the candidate with background knowledge and critical advice on the dos and don’ts of obtaining an academic post. READERSHIP: Postgraduate medical students. 9781853159572










Mahalingasivam, Ramachandran, Gladman






Secrets of Success: Getting into Specialty Training Smith, Ramachandran, Gladman



15 illustrations

Getting into GP Training Edited by Jasdeep Gill, ST2, General Practice Registrar, North West Thames, London Deanery, UK

• Learn from experts and others who have recently been through the process • Includes practical advice and essential tips • Explains what sets good candidates apart and how to stand out from the crowd






Secrets of Success: Getting into Foundation Training Gladman, Ramachandran, Portou






This is the ideal revision tool that applicants to the general practice specialty training programme and similar higher examinations need to know in order to succeed. It includes a complete coverage of the application process through to situational judgement and selection centre assessment, plus job offers, allocation and hot topics in general practice. READERSHIP: All medical students, including graduate entry-level. 9781853159541









General practice

Brown’s Skin new and Minor Surgery

A Text and Colour Atlas Fifth edition Julia Schofield, Principal Lecturer, School of Postgraduate Medicine, University of Hertfordshire Consultant Dermatologist, United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust. Jonathan Botting, GP trainer. Dermatological Surgeon Chelsea and Westminster and Queen Mary’s Hospitals, UK Soon Lim, MBBS, MRCGP, Director, Minor Surgery, RCGP (Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire faculty); Council Member of the Association of Surgeons in Primary Care • N umerous colour illustrations and videos describe the surgical procedures step by step • P ractical advice, clinical pearls, boxes, tables icons, warnings help you achieve success and avoid common pitfalls • D ivided into three colour codes sections - key information, key knowledge, key skills

This authoritative, highly illustrated text and colour atlas with accompanying ebook containing video clips, provides a step-by-step guide to commonly performed minor surgical procedures whether performed by a surgeon, dermatologist, family doctor or trainee. Divided into three main colour-coded sections, the book covers: essential background information including postsurgical aftercare, key knowledge for diagnosis and management and skills to perform the procedure. READERSHIP: All those performing minor surgical procedures: doctors including GPs and GP specialty registrars, specialist registrars in dermatology, plastic surgery and general surgery. 9781444138368 I September 2012 I 384pp I HB Print and ebook bundle I £125.00 I 276 x 213mm

Therapeutics, Evidence and Decision-making

medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

Getting into Academic Medicine provides a comprehensive yet accessible guide for all doctors who are training to gain postgraduate qualifications and further their academic career. It explains what an academic career involves, from diploma and masters courses through to completing a PhD and holding professional positions.

Secrets of Success: Getting into Medical School

The basis for decisions about the use of therapeutic interventions

Sir Michael Rawlins, National Institute for Clinical Excellence, London, UK This book aims to help physicians, pharmacists and nurses to assess and appraise the evidence that underpins decisions about the use of therapeutic drugs and interventions. It informs decision-makers about the nature of evidence, the strengths and weaknesses of the available approaches, and how these can be most effectively distilled for the purpose of reaching reliable conclusions. It encourages decision-makers to base their judgements about the use of therapeutic interventions on an informed appraisal of the totality of the evidence base. READERSHIP: Healthcare professionals: physicians, pharmacists, nurses, and health commissioners. 9781853159473 234x156mm



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general PRACTICE Ayliffe’s Control of HealthcareAssociated Infection Fifth edition Fraise, Bradley 9780340914519





Atrial Fibrillation in Practice Lip 9781853154843




Hameen Markar, MB.BS, FRCP. FRCPsych. M.Phil, Medical Director, South Essex University Foundation Partnership Trust

Jennings 9781853156984

Geraldine O’Sullivan, MB BCH BAO. MRCPsych, MD, Executive Director, Quality and Leadership, Hertfordshire Partnership Foundation Trust

Edited by Mark Kinirons, Consultant Physician and Honorary Senior Lecturer, Guy’s Hospital, London, UK Harold Ellis, Emeritus Professor of Surgery, Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ School of Biomedical Sciences, London, UK • O ver 400 illustrations and an increased use of colour photography of the highest quality to aid correct diagnosis • Completely updated, with many new contributors


• C learly laid out and well-organised in its familiar A-Z format • D ifferential diagnoses presented in clear lists or tables as a supplement to the main text to aid rapid reference Established as a bestseller, the 15th edition of French’s Index of Differential Diagnosis remains the classic guide to diagnosis, covering the whole spectrum of medicine. Arranged alphabetically and based upon presenting symptoms, the book takes the trainee through a step-by-step approach to that presentation, culminating in a description of the different diagnoses that it might represent; allowing the reader to take an evidence-based approach. READERSHIP: Junior doctors and MRCP candidates.
























The Menopause: What you need to know Rees, Purdie, Hope









New MRCGP in a Box Punukollu




Bain, Lumsden, Sattar, Greer

Clinical Hypertension in Practice Second edition 9781853156595


The Menopause in Practice


Coni, Coni 2002


Rees, Stevenson, Hope, Rozenberg, Palacios

Blood Pressure: All you need to know I


Management of the Menopause Fifth edition




Lewis, Sheringham, Kalim, Crayford

READERSHIP: Medical Managers in the NHS, doctors in training and general practitioners with an interest in management.



Mastering Public Health A guide to postgraduate examinations and revalidation

This essential guide provides a valuable life line to authoritative, trusted information written by a wealth of medical and management experts. It provides an insight into important topics such as healthcare innovations and technologies, national patient safety, the white paper and primary care consortia.

9781444145403 I September 2012 £29.99 I 246 x 189mm


MacWalter, Shirley

• Covers emerging specialties, innovations and technologies as well as international perspectives

An A-Z 15th edition


Managing Strokes and TIAs in Practice

• P rovides key management skills necessary from working with a difficult colleague to change management and leadership skills

French’s Index of Differential Diagnosis medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

Influenza: Human and Avian in Practice Second edition


• Comprehensive coverage of NHS and private sectors, hospital medicine and primary care


9780340990711 I 2011 I 800pp 246 x189mm I 475 illustrations

Medical Management: A Survival Guide







MRSA In Practice

The Doctor’s PDA and Smartphone Handbook

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Al- Ubaydli 9781853156861





Quality Indicators for General Practice

DRCOG: Practice MCQs and OSCEs How to pass first time

Hacker 9781853154881

Coales 9781853155062








Rheumatoid Arthritis in Practice



The Evidence-Based Primary Care Handbook








Self-Harm in Young People: A Therapeutic Assessment Manual

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Ougrin, Zundel, Ng 9780340987261





Highly commended in the Cardiology category of the BMA Medical Book Competition (2010)


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General practice • HAEMATOLOGY • MEDICAL HUMANITIES • MICROBIOLOGY & INFECTIOUS DISEASES Sexual Health and the Menopause Rees 9781853156205




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An Essential Medical Miscellany


Arnott 9781853157301




Baron, Clarke



Notable Names in Anaesthesia Maltby













Eponyms in Surgery and Anatomy of the Liver, Bile Ducts and Pancreas Stringer

Medical humanities


Turning the World Upside Down





Fraud and Misconduct in Biomedical Research Fourth edition

The search for global health in the 21st Century

Wells, Farthing 9781853157868





Lord Nigel Crisp

‘This is a very important topic, particularly at a time of global recession. Nobody could be better qualified to compare what is happening in health in the rich and the poor world and to bring fresh and provocative insight to the subject.’

How not to be a Doctor and other essays

The honourable Mary Robinson, Former President of Ireland

Insulin Murders: True Life Cases

• R ichly illustrated with examples from the author’s own extensive experience Turning the World Upside Down explores what richer countries can learn from poorer ones and suggests that, instead of talking of international development – where the richer help the poorer – we should think in terms of co-development, each learning from the other. By bringing together insights from all parts of the world, the book sets out a new vision for global health, based on our interdependence, our desire for independence and on our rights and accountabilities as citizens of the world. READERSHIP: Health professionals, students, policy makers and the general reader. 9781853159336









Sykes, Bunker












Marks, Richmond 9781853157608





Making the Cut in South Africa: A Medico Political Journey Naude 9781853157554





Medicine and Art Emery, Emery 9781853155017





Medical Word Su Doku: Book 1 Panja







Almost a Legend John Fry, Leading Reformer of General Practice 9781853157073





Walking London’s Medical History Black 9781853156199






Kucers’ The Use of Antibiotics A Clinical Review of Antibacterial, Antifungal and Antiviral Drugs Sixth edition 2-Volume Set

Lead Editor: M Lindsay Grayson, Professor, Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Departments, Austin, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia Section Editor: Suzanne Crowe, Macfarlane Burnet Institute for Medical Research and Public Health, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia James McCarthy, Queensland Institute for Medical Research, University of Queensland Department of Infectious Diseases, Australia John Mills, Consulting Physician, Alfred and Austin Hospitals, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Johan Mouton, Department of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Canisius Wilhelmina Hospital, Nijmegen, The Netherlands S Ragnar Norrby, Professor Emeritus, Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control, Solna, Sweden David Paterson, Infectious Diseases Unit, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Herston, Queensland, Australia Michael Pfaller, Professor Emeritus, Departments of Pathology and Epidemiology. University of Iowa College of Medicine and College of Public Health, USA • W ritten by a top international editorial team lead by Lindsay Grayson • E xtensively updated to include new, existing and emerging drugs • D ivided into 4 sections, 258 chapters, over 3000 pages and presented in 2-volumes

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medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

Gahrton, Durie, Samson




Multiple Myeloma and Related Disorders 2004


A New Beginning in Sight




Felix Semon 1849-1921




Units, Symbols and Abbreviations A Guide for Authors and Editors in Medicine and Related Sciences Sixth edition

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• E xtensive and comprehensive index enables instant access to the information Kucers’ The Use of Antibiotics is the definitive, internationally-authored major reference work in this vast and rapidly developing field. The sixth edition comprises 3000 pages over 2-volumes in order to cover all new and existing therapies, and emerging drugs not yet fully licensed. The content is divided into sections: antibiotics, antifungal drugs, antiparisitic drugs and antiviral drugs; and is highly structured for ease of reference. Within each section, each chapter is structured to cover susceptibility, formulations and


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MICROBIOLOGY & INFECTIOUS DISEASES • neurology obstetrics & gynaecology dosing (both adult and paediatric), pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, toxicity and drug distribution, a feature unique to this title. Compiled by an expanded team of internationally renowned and respected editors, with a vast number of contributors spanning Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, South America, the US and Canada; the sixth edition adopts a truly global approach. READERSHIP: Infectious disease specialists. 9780340927670 I 2010 I 3223pp I HB Print and ebook bundle I 276x213mm

I £450.00 I 150 illustrations

http://corp.credoreference.com/component/ booktracker/?view=edition&id=2753

• Tips, clinical pearls and management are highlighted

that the information is presented in a way that is accessible to readers working within a range of disciplines in the clinical neurosciences. This also places the neuropathological findings within the context of a broader diagnostic process.

• Text is logical, systematic and provides a step-by-step approach This book and extensive video library provide a practical guide to the clinical neurological examination, an essential tool in the diagnosis of common and unusual neurological conditions encountered in the outpatient clinic and hospital ward. Each chapter covers a different condition and uses a step-by-step approach selecting those aspects of the clinical examination which are most likely to lead to the correct diagnosis. 9781444145380 I February 2012 I 144pp £24.99 I 234 x 156mm I 51 illustrations


READERSHIP: Neuropathologists. 9780340906811 I 2008 £449.00 I 276x213mm

Greenfield’s Neuropathology Eighth edition 2-volume set + Illustrated DVD-ROM



Clinical Microbiology Seventh edition medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

Ridgeway, Wren, Stokes 9780340554234 | 1993 | £47.50 I POD

Microbial and Parasitic Infection Seventh edition Duerden, Reid, Jewsbury 9780340560181 | 1993 | £23.50 I POD

Love, Louis, Ellison 9780340906828

Brain and Spinal Tumors of Childhood I




Highly commended at the 2005 BMA Medical Book Competition



Love, Louis, Ellison

Russell & Rubinstein’s Pathology of Tumors of the Nervous System Seventh edition 9780340810071










Obstetrics and Gynaecology


Commended in the Neurology category of the 2007 BMA Medical Book Competition

Pratt 9780340706398 | 2003 | £22.99 I POD

Clinical Tuberculosis Fourth edition

An Evidence-based text for MRCOG Second edition

Greenfield’s Neuropathology

David M Luesley, Professor of Gynaecological Oncology, University of Birmingham, UK

Eighth edition 2-volume set

Davies, Barnes, Gordon 9780340948408 | 2008 | £150.00

Modern Infectious Disease Epidemiology Second edition Giesecke 9780340764237 | 2001 | £31.99

Philip N Baker, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada

Professor Seth Love, Professor of Neuropathology, Institute of Cllinical Sciences, Frenchay Hospital, Bristol, UK

• Based on the 2009 RCOG curriculum • M RCOG standards and the relevant theoretical and practical skills required clearly highlighted at the start of each chapter

Dr David N Louis MD, Molecular Pathology Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, USA

• A ccessible, digestible chapters with summaries, key points, tables and illustrative material

Professor David W. Ellison, Professor of Pathology, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, USA

The second edition of this innovative textbook provides all the information required by the obstetrics and gynaecology trainee and specialist during training and in preparation for the MRCOG examination.

• Provides the definitive account of neuropathology

Neurology new

John GL Morris DM (Oxon) FRCP FRACP, Clinical Professor, University of Sydney Joseph Jankovic MD, Professor of Neurology, Baylor College of Medicine, USA • Over 70 video clips demonstrate clinical techniques and symptoms and signs of neurological conditions • Extensively illustrated with clear line diagrams for ready reference



McLendon, Bigner, Rosenblum

HIV & AIDS Fifth edition

Neurological Clinical Examination


Greenfield’s Neuropathology A Companion to the eighth edition Illustrated DVD-ROM

Walker, Perilongo, Punt, Taylor 9780340762608

I 2400pp I HB I 2700 illustrations

• I nternational: highly regarded editorial team, new to this edition, and expert contributors ensure a truly up-to-date and global perspective

Sub-sections within obstetrics, gynaecology and a general section are divided in line with the RCOG trainee logbook. The text is consistently structured throughout to ensure ease of reference with standardized headings including definitions, incidence, aetiology, incidence, investigations and management.

• C overs authoritatively all of the pathological findings in neurological disease, their biological basis and clinical manifestations • H ighly illustrated: over 2,700 high-quality photographs and explanatory line diagrams and also available on a companion DVD-ROM

Recommendations for medical, surgical, psychological and complementary treatment and diagnostic tests are all subject to appraisal of the supporting evidence which is rated from A-E according to RCOG guidelines.

Greenfield’s Neuropathology, the world’s preeminent neuropathology reference, provides an authoritative, comprehensive account of the pathological findings in neurological disease, their biological basis and their clinical manifestations. This account is underpinned throughout by a clear description of the molecular and cellular processes that are relevant to the development, and normal and abnormal functioning of, the nervous system. While this scientific content is of paramount importance, however, care has been taken to ensure

To order: Phone: +44 (0)1235 827 827


Fax: +44 (0)1235 400 401

READERSHIP: Trainees undertaking the MRCOG examination and trainees in obstetrics and gynaecology. 9780340990131 I 2010 I 916pp I HB I £125.00 Print and ebook bundle I 276x213mm I 100 illustrations 9780340990520 (ISE)


Email: education@bookpoint.co.uk

obstetrics & gynaecology Differential Diagnosis in Obstetrics and Gynaecology An A-Z

tool for all trainees in preparation for the MRCOG Part 2 oral examination, by concentrating on testing the candidate’s theoretical and practical knowledge of obstetrics and gynaecology as recommended in the syllabus for the MRCOG Part 2 examination.


The detailed scenarios test the trainee’s ability to obtain obstetric and gynaecological histories, to counsel patients and to demonstrate clinical skills. The book will also help the candidate to critically appraise pieces of written work in discussion with examiners and to discuss the varied aspects of obstetrics, gynaecology and allied subjects on which they are likely to be examined during the oral assessment.






Ambulatory Hysteroscopy Bakour, Jones, Khan 9781853156403





READERSHIP: Trainees in preparation for MRCOG Part 2.

Mastering the DRCOG

9781444121841 | 2011 234x156mm






Mastering the DRCOG is an essential resource for trainees preparing for the Diploma of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Chapters in the text are laid out to directly reflect the DRCOG syllabus and cover the seven core modules: Basic Clinical Skills, Basic Surgical Skills, Antenatal Care, Management of Labour and Delivery, Postpartum and Neonatal Problems, Gynaecological Problems, and Subfertility and Contraception. The text includes ‘hot topics’ of interest to those working in women’s health, including: the menopause and its management and abuse of women, and ethical issues such as: fetal sex selection and eugenics and egg donation. READERSHIP: Trainees preparing for the Diploma of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. 9781853158278 246 x 189mm















“A good book to have on your labour ward.” The Obstetrician and Gynaecologist

A succinct manual providing clinical practice guidelines for the intrapartum care of women with low and high risk pregnancies, The Labour Ward Handbook deals with the practice of labour ward management, and is designed to be a ready guide for use in the delivery suite. The book is compliant with the RCOG and NICE guidelines, and has an emphasis on risk management. READERSHIP: Practising obstetricians, midwives and labour ward managers.







Tony Hollingworth, Consultant in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Whipps Cross University Hospital Trust, UK

Titmuss, Adams

Janice Rymer, Professor of Gynaecology, Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Trust, Guy’s Hospital, London, UK

EMQs for MRCOG Part 2 A Self-Assessment Guide

• B ased on the very latest changes to the MRCOG syllabus • E xperienced author team - both are MRCOG examiners






Ramalingam, Palanivelu, Brockelsby, Phillips 9780340941690





Rees 9781853156601





Obesity and Pregnancy


Cervical Cytology Conventional and Liquid-Based Techniques

A Self-Assessment Guide Second edition

Luesley, Baker, Brockelsby 9780340808740 I 2004 I £27.99





Dunlop, Ledger

Highly Commended in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Category of the BMA Medical Book Competition 2010

OSCEs for the MRCOG Part 2


Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology 24

Leroy Edozien



MCQs & Short Answer Questions for MRCOG An Aid to Revision and Self-Assessment


Second Edition



Rees, Karoshi, Keith


The Labour Ward Handbook



Menopause, postmenopause and ageing

MCQs Tutor Basic Sciences and Obstetrics and Gynaecology 9780750607841






Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology 23 Bonnar, Dunlop 9781853156052





Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology 22 Bonnar, Dunlop 9781853155291





medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

Ruth Cochrane, Consultant Obstetrician, University Hospital Lewisham, London, UK



Jamila Groves, General Practitioner, Honor Oak Group Practice, Lewisham, London, UK Consultant Editors: Lesley Bacon, Consultant in Community Sexual & Reproductive Health, Lewisham Primary Care Trust, London, UK

Managing the Menopause without Oestrogen

SAQs, MCQs, EMQs and OSCEs for MRCOG Part 2 A Comprehensive Guide Second edition Konje 9780340941683





Short Essay Questions for the MRCOG Part 2 A Self-Assessment Guide Latthe, Khan, Gupta, Gee 9780340762554





• I deal as a learning tool as well as an exam crammer, with marking schemes provided for the candidate to work through • T ruly representative of the questions the candidate is likely to face in the OSCE examination OSCEs for the MRCOG Part 2 is a thorough and practical self-assessment guide that provides a valuable

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occupational & environmental medicine opthalmology • orthopaedics occupational & environmental medicine

Hunter’s Diseases of Occupations Edited by Peter J Baxter, Consultant Physician in Occupational and Environmental Medicine, University of Cambridge and Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, UK Tar-Ching Aw, Professor and Chair, Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain, UAE

medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

Ishihara’s Tests for Colour Deficiency: Complete 38 plate edition

Jon Ayres, Professor of Environmental and Respiratory Medicine, School of Health and Population Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK

Tenth edition

S Ishihara 9780718600808

Gordon Nichols, Consultant Epidemiologist, Centre for Infections, Health Protection Agency, London, UK Robert Maynard, Head, Air Pollution and Noise Unit, Chiltern Chemical Hazards and Poison Division, Health Protection Agency, Chilton, UK

Paul Durrington, Honorary Professor of Medicine, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK

• F ully international in content with much to interest those practising industrial or industrialising nations

J Malcolm Harrington, Emeritus Professor of Occupational Medicine, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK

• E xtensive illustration including colour plates, boxes and tables to clarify key areas and concepts

• E xpanded sections on attribution of illness to occupation and health risk assessment, and topical issues in stress and occupational respiratory disorders • I nternational authorship, reflecting the changing nature of work in both developed and developing countries In the five decades since its first publication, Hunter’s Diseases of Occupations has remained the pre-eminent text on diseases and disorders caused by work and is universally recognised as the most authoritative source of information in the field. It is an important guide for doctors in all disciplines who may encounter occupational diseases in their practice, covering topics as diverse as stress, work and asbestos-related disease, working at high altitude and major chemical incidents, many of which are highly topical. The tenth edition of Hunter’s Diseases of Occupations has been fully revised and updated, giving all practitioners considering an occupational cause for a patient’s condition with comprehensive coverage of work-related diseases as they present in modern and developing industrialised societies, combined with unrivalled clinical knowledge and experience.

9780340941669 I 2010 I 1324pp Print and ebook bundle





www.hodderplus.com/Hunters Winner of the 2011 BMA book awards: medicine category

MCQs and Revision Aid in Occupational Medicine Addley 9780750623940







Challenging and informative, Environmental Medicine is a unique reference that brings into sharp focus the increasing importance of the practice of environmental medicine. The editors have drawn together the many different strands that make up this modern discipline, putting many topical and controversial topics into evidence-based context. The expert author team, drawn from a wide variety of backgrounds, has focused on the key issues in the field, placing emphasis on those most relevant to contemporary practice, with boxes providing detail on more esoteric conditions. Hot topics covered include H1N1 influenza, climate change, air pollution, food contamination, antibioticresistant infections and the health effects of air travel. READERSHIP: Public health and environmental medicine specialists, and occupational physicians. 9780340946565 I 2010 I 724 pp 276x213mm I 180 illustrations




S Ishihara 1998





Tenth edition

Sureshan Sivananthan, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and Visiting Assistant Professor, Stanford University, USA Eugene Sherry, Professor, Bond University Medical School, Queensland, Australia Patrick Warnke, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Bond University Medical School, Queensland, Australia Mark D. Miller, MD, Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Head, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA • C ompletely rewritten and reorganised content, bringing the Mercer’s name into the 21st century • T ruly international cast of editors and authors, including world-renowned experts in the various areas of orthopaedic surgery and trauma • C hapters written to a standard template to bring a cohesive feel to the book • K ey facts boxes in each chapter provide the reader with key information they will need to revise for their exams.

9780340942031 I February 2012 I 1408pp I HB Print and ebook bundle I £160.00 I 276x213mm 2474 illustrations

S Ishihara


Mercer’s Textbook of Orthopaedics and Trauma

READERSHIP: Higher level trainees and qualified specialists in orthopaedics and trauma.

Ishihara’s Tests for Colour Blindness: Concise 14 plate edition 9780718603250


The text integrates clinical knowledge of musculoskeletal disorders with the latest basic science research to give improved understanding of conditions and disease process and how to manage these disorders. It is structured to help the reader assimilate the fundamentals and new types of knowledge in each area; evidence-based treatments, office orthopaedics, the molecular basis of disease and many others.

Ishihara’s Tests for Colour Blindness: Abridged 24 plate edition I


Mercer’s Textbook of Orthopaedics and Trauma has long been at the forefront of orthopaedics textbooks, presenting thorough and authoritative coverage of the entire field. Now with inclusive ebook access, the tenth edition has been totally rewritten by a stellar array of international experts and now also covers trauma.






• G lobal multi-author team with leading experts from both academia and government agencies spanning Europe, North America, Asia, Africa and Australasia

• E xpansion and reorganisation of content, including new chapters on bioterrorism, assessment of exposure and ultrafine particles



Roy Harrison, Queen Elizabeth II Birmingham Centenery Professor of Environmental Health, Division of Environmental Health & Risk Management, University of Birmingham, UK

Anne Cockcroft, Senior Research Fellow, CIET group; Visiting Professor, Autonomous University of Guerrero, Mexico

READERSHIP: All practitioners treating occupational conditions; public health physicians, GPs, occupational health specialists and consultants preparing medicolegal reports.


Environmental Medicine


Ishihara’s Tests for Colour Blindness: 10 plate edition for infants S Ishihara 9780718603267

To order: Phone: +44 (0)1235 827 827






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orthopaedics • otorhinolaryngology

Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures

biomaterials, cell & microbiology, histology, structure & function, immunology, pharmacology, statistics, physics of imaging techniques, and kinesiology as relevant to the subject of orthopaedics. 9780340885024 I 2006 I 304pp I PB I £42.99 246 x 189mm I 50 colour line drawings

Ninth edition

Louis Solomon, Emeritus Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Bristol, UK David Warwick, Consultant Hand Surgeon, Reader in Orthopaedic Surgery, Southampton University Hospital, UK Selvadurai Nayagam, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Royal Liverpool Children’s Hospital & Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Liverpool, UK • I ntroduction of several contributing (international) authors who add expert material to many of the chapters including radiology, open fractures, neuromuscular disorders and inflammatory arthopathies - ensuring this is the authoritative reference in modern-day orthopaedics

First published over 50 years ago, Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures, has become an international best-selling surgical reference aimed at those seeking to understand the structure and function of the musculoskeletal system, its diseases and its response to trauma. Divided into three sections: General Orthopaedics, Regional Orthopaedics and Fractures and Joint Injuries - the content has been fully updated and revised including a replacement of the majority of the photographs to give this ninth edition a refreshed look and relevant feel to modern practice. The text retains the successful teaching style of previous editions and is supplemented with expert knowledge from additional international authors in the field. READERSHIP: Trainees in general surgery, trauma and orthopaedics (FRCS Ortho and MRCS candidates). 9780340942055 I 2010 I 992pp I HB 276 x 213 mm I 2800 illustrations 9780340942086 (ISE)




Operative Orthopaedics

The Stanmore Guide


Jonathan Miles, MBChB FRCS(Tr and Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust, Stanmore, UK William Aston MBBS FRCSEd (Tr and Orth) The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust, Stanmore, UK Based on the authoritative ‘Stanmore course’ run by the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Operative Orthopaedics, it covers all aspects of elective orthopaedic surgery as assessed by the FRCS Higher Specialty exams. Surgery of the upper limb, lower limb and spine is explained from preoperative planning through technique and potential complications. Specialist areas such as tumour surgery, paediatric surgery and limb reconstruction are also included. Each chapter concludes with key references and sample viva voce questions and answers to extend and reinforce learning.






Current Management of Scaphoid Fractures Gunal, Barton, Callim 9781853155185






Operative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Second edition

READERSHIP: Training grade orthopaedic surgeons, including specialist registrars who are preparing for the FRCS(Orth) exam. 9780340985007 I 2009 I 496pp I PB I £49.99 246 x 189mm I 45 b/w line drawings, 175 b/w halftones

Mohan F. Patel, Consultant Surgeon, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading, UK Robert Ord, Chairman, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department, University of Baltimore, Maryland, USA

The Problem Knee

Peter Brennan, Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth, UK

Third edition

• F ully revised and updated: the content has been extensively revised, to include all aspects of oral surgery and the changes in maxillofacial practice, making this the most up-to-date reference in the field

ritten by world renowned experts offering a truly • W international perspective

Manoj Ramachandran, Paediatric and Orthopaedic & Limb Reconstruction Fellow, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore, UK

• N ew addition of references, further reading and glossary

“This is an excellent addition to the literature and has been based on a successful basic sciences course. The authors, the editor and the associate editors have done a fine job in producing this exceptional textbook.”

This fully updated third edition of The Problem Knee provides a fundamental approach to knee problems, particularly in the younger patient, for those in orthopaedic surgical practice, physiotherapists, sports medicine practitioners and all those who encounter the ‘problem knee’.

• U pdated chapters to reflect the continuing advancements within knee problems, especially amongst the young

Basic Orthopaedic Sciences covers all aspects of musculoskeletal basic sciences that are relevant to the practice of orthopaedics, as assessed in the FRCS Higher Specialty exams. Based on the authoritative ‘Stanmore course’ run by the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, the book contains enough information to serve as a concise textbook while its emphasis is on revision. It is a guide to the basic sciences underpinning the practice of orthopaedic surgery, covering aspects of biomechanics,


John Langdon, Emeritus Professor of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, King’s College London, UK Mohan Patel, Consultant Maxillofacial Surgeon, Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading, UK

• I ncludes colour illustrations of clinical examination techniques

The Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons


Joseph, Nayagam, Loder, Torode

Timothy W.R. Briggs, MCh(Orth) FRCS(Ed) Medical Director and Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust, Stanmore, UK

Franky Steenbrugge, Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Trauma, UZ-Gent, Belgium

The Stanmore Guide


Paediatric Orthopaedics A System of Decision-Making

Malcolm Macnicol, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Senior Orthopaedic Lecturer, Edinburgh, UK

Basic Orthopaedic Sciences

Pynsent, Fairbank, Carr

The book details the inter-relationship between soft tissue and skeletal injuries, with up-to-date information on imaging, including arthroscopy. The latest techniques, rehabilitation and outcome for cruciate ligament reconstruction are featured as well as indications and techniques for meniscal suturing and osteochondral grafting. READERSHIP: Orthopaedic trainees in basic training as surgical house officers, and accident and emergency trainees. 9781444120110 I 2011 I 256pp 245x189mm I 120 illustrations





medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

• I mproved and modernised appearance including the replacement of the majority of the photographs to bring this text in line with clinical practice

Outcome Measures in Orthopaedics and Orthopaedic Trauma Second edition

• G lobal authorship: each chapter is written by an internationally recognised expert, with contributors from continental Europe, the United States, Asia and Australia, to represent worldwide ‘best practice’ in the specialty • E xtensive colour illustrations: increased clinical photographs and line diagrams have been included to demonstrate a ‘how to do it’ step-by-step approach of all the surgical procedures to enhance the readers’ understanding The second edition of Operative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is the definitive surgical manual in the field, providing a reference of operative techniques covering all current clinical practice. Authored by an international team of experts to ensure world-wide applicability and fully revised to reflect the changes in maxillofacial practice that have occurred since 1998, this textbook contains a greater illustration-to-text ratio in order to create a ‘how to do it’ masterclass for each surgical procedure. Line diagrams are supplemented where appropriate with clinical photographs showing the essential steps in all the surgical procedures in current clinical practice. READERSHIP: Trainees in oral and maxillofacial surgery. 9780340945896 I 2010 I 836pp 273x213mm I 1750 illustrations

For more information on all titles go to www.hodderarnold.com






otorhinolaryngology • paediatrics

Practical Rhinology

9780340808931 I 2008 I 3900pp I HB I Print and ebook bundle I £525.00 I 276x213mm I 1600 illustrations

Nicholas Jones, Special Professor, University of Nottingham, Queens Medical Centre, University Hospital, Nottingham, UK


Awarded FIRST PRIZE in the ENT category of the 2009 BMA Medical Book Competition; and winner of the George Davey Howells Memorial Prize 2008

ritten by senior international • W specialists providing expert guidance on each subject • H igh quality colour images to demonstrate features of importance • F ully referenced to provide an evidence-based approach

medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

• Features latest technical advances in rhinology Practical Rhinology is a handbook ideal for the trainee and practising otolaryngologist, providing an expert guide to all aspects of rhinology that will be encountered during day-to-day work. With its concise and easy-to-read layout, it is an invaluable on-the-job guide with a truly international perspective.


General chapters on anatomy, pre- and post-operative management and overseeing complications are accompanied by expert guidance on how to deal with specific surgical problems, such as anterior skull base surgery, and paediatric issues in sinus surgery. Further chapters provide invaluable information on topics including the frontal sinus, technical advances and unusual conditions.

ENT: An Introduction and Practical Guide

READERSHIP: Consultant and trainee rhinologists, general ORL, ENT surgeons, head and neck surgeons. 9781444108613 I 2010 I 208 pages 276x213 mm I 424 illustrations





Scott-Brown’s Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Seventh edition 3-volume set

Michael J Gleeson, George G Browning, Martin J Burton, Ray Clarke, John Hibbert, Nicholas S Jones, Valerie J Lund, Linda M Luxon, John C Watkinson

“the book of the decade [in otolaryngology]” George Davey Howells Memorial Prize Board Member

• Beautifully presented in full colour throughout • F ully searchable ebook, containing the same content as the print edition, with references linked to PubMed provides quick and easy access to supplementary information • A dopts an evidence-based approach supplemented with useful features such as best clinical practice guidelines, search strategies and key points to place learning into context Used the world over as the definitive reference, Scott-Brown’s Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery provides detailed, reliable and authoritative information on all aspects of ear, nose and throat disease and treatment. This seventh edition is presented in a 3-volume set and is accompanied by a VitalSource ebook. Fully revised and updated by a new international team of editors, the majority of the chapters are evidencebased and each contains useful features including key points, best clinical practice guidelines, details of the search strategies used to prepare the material, and suggestions for future research. READERSHIP: Trainee ENT surgeons, audiologists and trainee head and neck surgeons.


Scott-Brown’s Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery CD-ROM Seventh Edition I






9780340929162 I February 2012 I 800 pp I HB £195.00 I Print and ebook bundle I 73 x 213mm


Rahul Kanegaonkar BSc, DLO, FRCS (ORL-HNS), Consultant in Otolaryngology at Medway Maritime Hospital, Kent


A Manual of Neonatal Intensive Care

ased on a popular Royal College of • B Surgeons of England-recognised course “An Introduction to ENT” • F ully illustrated with over 100 clear line drawings and photographs throughout

Fifth edition

• S uitable as a revision aid for the DOHNS examination Highly practical and extensively illustrated, this essential text provides a step-by-step guide to the clinical examination, treatment and surgical procedures encountered when diagnosing and treating common ENT conditions, whether in the emergency situation, ward or outpatient clinic. READERSHIP: Otolaryngology doctors, general practitioners and junior doctors in their early years of postgraduate training in both ENT and general practice. 2011




First written in 1972, Stell and Maran’s Textbook of Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology has been revised in both content and approach over the years, to reflect the enormous progress made in the area. Now in its fifth edition, the book remains a key textbook for trainees in otolaryngology and head & neck surgery.

As a first text for trainee head and neck/ENT surgeons, or as a reference source for practitioners in a variety of related fields, Stell and Maran’s Textbook of Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology remains the best illustrated and most up-to-date volume in its field.

James Russell Tysome MA, PhD, FRCS(ORL-HNS), Specialist Registrar in Otolaryngology at Guy’s and St.Thomas’ Hospitals


• B etter use of colour and re-drawn illustrations to improve the aesthetic appeal of the book

Written with a strong multidisciplinary approach, the book has expanded considerably to include the expertise of editors and contributing authors from a wide variety of backgrounds, including ENT, radiotherapy and plastic surgery, as well as maxillofacial surgery and multidisciplinary support. The result is a much improved balance of content that is thoroughly up to date, and international in flavour.


9781444149081 246 x 189mm

• E ditors and contributors from a variety of different specialties and nationalities



Janet M Rennie, Consultant and Senior Lecturer in Neonatal Medicine, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Obstetric Hospital, University College London Hospitals Giles Kendall, Academic Clinical Lecturer in Neonatal Neuroimaging and Neuroprotection, UCL Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Institute for Women’s Health and University College London Hospitals, London, UK • P rovision of concise, up-to-date information in an accessible style on all aspects of neonatal intensive care • K ey points boxes to aid rapid assimilation of information


• Increased international relevance


• I ntroduction of evidence-based medicine to enable readers to evaluate the advice given

Stell and Maran’s Textbook of Head & Neck Surgery and Oncology Fifth edition

John Watkinson, Consultant Head and Neck Surgeon, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, Formerly Hunterian Professor, Royal College of Surgeons, UK Ralph W Gilbert, Associate Professor, University of Toronto, Canada • T horoughly updated to include recent advances in molecular biology and diagnostic imaging • A greatly expanded section on reconstruction to reflect the importance of this aspect • A n improved balance of content to improve the multidisciplinary approach

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The fifth edition of this highly successful and well-regarded text has been extensively updated and revised, and continues to provide the busy paediatrician or nurse working in neonatal intensive care units with precise instructions on the diagnosis and management of common neonatal problems. As in previous editions, the book provides background physiology with key references and diagrams. It is unique in style, providing guidance with reasoning in a clear, readable style, rather than merely a book of lists. Several new chapters have been added, including the subjects of foetal medicine, antenatal diagnosis, and obstetrics for the neonatologist. A Manual of Neonatal Intensive Care has been improved by the introduction of more easy-todigest lists, as well as evidence-based medicine. It has been made more internationally-applicable, including a re-focus of the chapter on organisation of neonatal care to concentrate on reasons for

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paediatrics • palliative medicine & oncology admitting a baby to the intensive care ward, rather than UK-specific admission criteria.

Mike Silverman, Professor of Child Health, University of Leicester, UK

READERSHIP: Paediatric trainees, neonatology trainees and neonatal nursing trainees.

Sanjiv Nichani, Consultant Paediatrician, Leicester Royal Infirmary, UK

9780340927717 I May 2012 I 400pp I PB 234 x 156mm I 80 b/w line drawings, 20 b/w halftones 9780340927724 (ISE)

“The procedures are presented in a clear and concise manner, offering the key information required and highlighting safety issues. The accompanying DVD is excellent and offers a reference video for nearly all the included procedures.”



MCQs in Paediatrics Second edition

Paediatric Nursing

Gupta and Beveridge 9780412733406







Atlas of Inherited Metabolic Diseases


William L Nyhan, Professor of Pediatrics, UCSD School of Medicine, La Jolla, California, USA Bruce A Barshop, Professor of Pediatrics, UCSD School of Medicine, La Jolla, California, USA Aida I Al-Aqeel, Consultant and Head Pediatrics, Medical Genetics and Consultant Endocrinology, Riyadh Military Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia • P resents over 840 high quality images and diagrams, including biochemical pathways, other line diagrams and colour half-tones • P rovides excellent and detailed clinical descriptions, with numerous valuable hints and suggestions for management • I ncludes helpful explanatory algorithms and decision trees to enhance clinical applicability • F ully updated to incorporate all new developments in the field The third edition Atlas of Inherited Metabolic Disease is authored by three of the foremost authorities in paediatric metabolic medicine and provides an invaluable insight into the problems associated with metabolic diseases. The text is divided into sections of related disorders, such as disorders of amino acid metabolism, lipid storage disorders and mitochondrial diseases, with an introductory outline where appropriate summarizing the biochemical features and general management issues. Within sections each chapter deals with an individual disease, starting with a useful summary of major phenotypic expression and including clear and helpful biochemical pathways, identifying for the reader exactly where the defect is occurring. READERSHIP: Paediatricians, clinical geneticists. 9781444112252 I December 2011 I 888pp I HB £210.00 I Print and ebook bundle I 276x213mm 810 colour illustrations and halftones

READERSHIP: Trainee paediatricians (MRCPCH candidates). 9780340938799 I 2010 I DVD + PB 246x189mm I 75 illustrations



Winner in the Paediatrics category of the 2010 BMA Medical Book Competition

Concise Paediatrics Second edition Sidwell, Thomson 9781853158360





Neonatal Respiratory Disorders Second edition Greenough, Milner 9780340808139





Recent Advances in Paediatrics 25 David






Recent Advances in Paediatrics 24 David










Recent Advances in Paediatrics 22 David

Practical Paediatric Procedures DVD and Handbook






Recent Advances in Paediatrics 21 David


Nia Henderson, Paediatric SHO, Leicester Royal Infirmary, UK Sanjiv Nichani, Lead Consultant Paediatric Intensivist, University Hospitals of Leicester, UK





Recent Advances in Paediatrics 20 David





Eduardo Bruera, Professor and Chair, Department of Palliative Care & Rehabilitation Medicine, U.T. MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, USA Irene J Higginson, Professor of Palliative Care and Policy, King’s College London, UK Carla Ripamonti, Head, Day-Hospital and Outpatient Clinic of Pain Therapy and Palliative Care, Rehabilitation and Palliative Care Operative Unit, National Cancer Institute, Milan, Italy Charles von Gunten, Director, Center for Palliative Studies, San Diego Hospice and Palliative Care, San Diego California, USA

“The book provides an excellent overview on the management of palliative care and is recommended to any healthcare professional working in this domain.” Nursing Standard • E vidence-based approach to modern palliative care practice focusing on what the palliative physician in training or in practice needs to know ultidisciplinary in approach reflecting the needs of • M the palliative care team • P resenting a truly global perspective with particular emphasis on practice in continental Europe and North America as well as the UK • E xemplary editorial team and renowned list of contributors Textbook of Palliative Medicine provides an alternative, truly international approach to this rapidly growing specialty. In the absence of an international ‘curriculum’ for the study of palliative medicine, this textbook provides essential guidance for those both embarking upon a career in palliative medicine or already established in the field, and the structure and content have been constructed very much with this in mind. With an emphasis on providing a service anywhere in the world, including the important issue of palliative care in the developing nations, Textbook of Palliative Medicine offers a genuine alternative to the narrative approach of its competitors. READERSHIP: Palliative care physicians in training and in practice. 9780340966242


Recent Advances in Paediatrics 23 9781853156526

Textbook of Palliative Medicine


medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

Third edition

Practical Paediatric Procedures is an invaluable multimedia tool for the paediatrician in training. Covering all core diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that the trainee would be expected to know how to do, each procedure is introduced in the book, describing the scientific background, clinical applications and associated problems. Their place in clinical investigation and management is illustrated by clinical examples and problems are highlighted, particularly in relation to the interpretation of investigative procedures.

Palliative Medicine & oncology









Basic Clinical Radiobiology Fourth edition

Michael Joiner, Head of the Radiation Biology Program, Wayne State University Albert van der Kogel, Chair of Clinical Radiobiology, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands Fully revised and updated to keep abreast of current developments in radiation biology and radiation oncology, the fourth of Basic Clinical Radiobiology continues to present the biological basis of radiation therapy, discussing the basic principles and significant developments that underlie the latest attempts to improve the radiotherapeutic management of cancer.

For more information on all titles go to www.hodderarnold.com


palliative medicine & oncology • pathology New topics for the fourth edition include chapters on the mechanisms of cell death, biological response modifiers, and biological image guided radiotherapy, with major revisions to sections on the molecular basis of the radiation response, tumour hypoxia and the dose-rate effect.

Clinical Oncology

READERSHIP: Junior doctors, including MRCP candidates, and candidates for the neurology Knowledge-Based Assessment (KBA).

Anthony J Neal, Consultant in Clinical Oncology, St Luke’s Cancer Centre, Royal Surrey County Hospital, UK










The Lymphoid Neoplasms

medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

Third edition

Ian T. Magrath, President, International Network for Cancer Treatment and Research, Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, International Network for Cancer Treatment and Research, Brussels, Belgium Section editors: Kishor Bhatia, Director, AIDS Malignancy Program, OHAM, NCI, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA Paolo Boffetta, Head of Environment Section, IARC Lifestyle and Cancer Group, International Agency for Research on Cancer, France Claire Dearden, Consultant Haematologist, Department of Haemato-Oncology, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust and Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK Volker Diehl, Professor of Internal Medicine, Hematology and Oncology, Honorary Chairman of German Hodgkin Study Group (GHSG), Germany Randy D. Gascoyne, Clinical Professor of Pathology, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, British Columbia Cancer Agency and The University of British Columbia, Canada Hans Konrad Müller-Hermelink, Professor and Chairman, Institute of Pathology, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany Michael Potter, Scientist, Emeritus, Laboratory of Cell Biology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, USA Ama Z. S. Rohatiner, Professor of Haemato-Oncology, Department of Medical Oncology, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, London

“… excellent, current and comprehensive … keep a copy of this book ready to hand and consult it often” The New Journal of Medicine (review of the previous edition)

• A ll encompassing reference: now includes Hodgkin’s Disease and the acute lymphoblastic leukemias • A uthoritative: authored by a series of internationally renowned editors with a wealth of experience • C oherent: new improved structure makes it easy to locate and retrieve information Written by a global team of editors who synthesise for the reader aspects of current knowledge and likely future developments, this book has improved coverage of the basic science aspects and includes a number of improved features for increased accessibility. The Lymphoid Neoplasms discusses normal cellular origins and the molecular genetic abnormalities that can lead to this group of conditions. It also looks at the environmental factors that may be relevant to disease development, and finally, to the pragmatic aspects of disease management. 9780340809471 I 2010 I 1600pp 276x213mm I 380 illustrations





Basic Principles and Practice Fourth Edition

Malhotra, Easty 9780340676783










This fourth edition encompasses a wealth of new material, reflecting the radical change in the practice of radiotherapy in recent years. The information contained within the introductory chapters has been expanded and brought up to date, and a new chapter on patient management has been added. CT stimulators, MLC shieldings and dose profiles, principles of IMRT, and use of MRI, PET and ultrasound are all included, amongst other new developments in this field. £42.99



I £36.99










Diagnostic Lymph Node Pathology Second edition

Dennis H Wright, Emeritus Professor of Pathology, Southampton University, Southampton, UK Bruce J Addis, Consultant Histpathologist, Department of Cellular Pathology, Southampton General Hospital, Southampton, UK Anthony S-Y Leong, Director, Pathology Laboratories, Sunway Medical Center and Professor of Pathology, Jeffrey Cheah Medical School, Monash University, Malaysian Campus, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

Presented in full colour with numerous illustrations of exceptional quality, the new edition covers both classical and less well known features of individual disease processes together with the differential diagnoses of lymph node biopsy specimens.

Talbot, Price, Salto-Tellez 2006


Thoroughly updated and revised in line with the latest World Health Organization classification system, the second edition of Diagnostic Lymph Node Pathology continues to be an essential guide to the interpretation of lymph node biopsies for all professional and trainee general pathologists and haematopathologists.

Biopsy Pathology in Colorectal Disease Second edition I


• T he layout and design means that essential information can be seen at a glance





• Over 300 colour illustrations of the highest quality

Price, Sikora, Illidge 2008

Underwood, Pignatelli

• C omprehensively covers differential diagnosis of lymph node biopsy specimens such as EpsteinBarr virus, age-related lymphomas and prognostic indicators

Treatment of Cancer Fifth edition I


Lowe, Underwood,

Tom Roques, Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust



Recent Advances in Histopathology 20

Jane Dobbs, Consultant Emeritus in Clinical Oncology, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation TrustStephen Morris, Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust



Recent Advances in Histopathology 22


Ann Barrett, Professor Emeritus of Oncology, University of East Anglia, Norwich



Underwood, Pignatelli,

Fourth edition



Recent Advances in Histopathology 21

Practical Radiotherapy Planning




Saukko, Knight

Written for medical students in all years, as well as junior doctors and practising clinicians, this new edition is a clear and comprehensive introduction to the principles and practice of clinical oncology. It allows students to learn and test themselves on all aspects of cancer medicine, combining the traditional textbook format with a new self-assessment section. 9780340972939

I 2007 I

Knight’s Forensic Pathology Third edition

Peter J Hoskin, Consultant in Clinical Oncology, The Cancer Centre, Mount Vernon Hospital Site, Northwood, Middlesex, UK


READERSHIP: Pathologists in training and in practice.

Biopsy Pathology of the Endometrium Second edition

9780340990681 £115.00









Buckley, Fox 9780340807064


Revision in Sciences Basic to Ophthalmology

To order: Phone: +44 (0)1235 827 827






Fax: +44 (0)1235 400 401


Email: education@bookpoint.co.uk

pathology • psychiatry

Practical Cardiovascular Pathology Second edition

Mary N. Sheppard, Consultant in Cardiac Pathology, Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London; Director of CRY Centre of Cardiac Pathology, Imperial College, London UK umerous colour photographs of the highest • N quality aid diagnosis and act as a valuable reference source • C omprehensively covers the gross pathology and histopathology of commonly encountered and less frequently seen heart conditions • I ncludes post-interventional complications and forensic advice • E mphasises anatomy, practical procedures of dissection and explains the underlying disease processes

T he second edition of Practical Cardiovascular Pathology provides and essential text and colour atlas helping all general pathologists to identify a wide range of cardiovascular conditions rapidly and accurately in both their diagnostic and autopsy work. With many new conditions explained, and numerous new illustrations, the second edition of this highlyacclaimed text will continue to be invaluable to all pathologists and trainees

Third edition

David P Moore, Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Louisville School of Medicine, Louisville, Kentucky, USA Basant K Puri, Professor of Imaging and Psychiatry, Imaging Department, Hammersmith Hospital Imperial College, London UK

“On the whole, this is a remarkable and epic piece of work that is both comprehensive and up to date. This textbook is now my first port of reference when faced with any clinical question and should become a standard reference text for anyone working or studying in the fields of neurology or psychiatry, paediatric or adult.” Cognitive Neuropsychiatry (review of the previous edition) omprehensive and encyclopaedic in its clinical • C coverage far outdistancing the competition • I nclusive access to ebook version with easy search, live reference links, ability to make your own notes and customise the text

READERSHIP: Pathologists, in training and in practice, as well as those specialising in histopathology.

uthored by an international team, consistently • A presented and written

9780340981931 I 2011 £130.00 I 276x213mm

ew clinical material on chronic fatigue • N conditions, personality disorders, dissociative disorders and impulse control disorders

I 344pp I HB I 425 illustrations

Pathology of Melanocytic Disorders Second edition Mooi, Krausz






Tumour Diagnosis Second edition

Numerous illustrations are presented in full colour throughout to illustrate the text and give easy access to information. Furthermore, clinical photographs of the highest quality are included to help illustrate the most difficult concepts and provide access to information at a glance.








READERSHIP: Psychiatrists and neuropsychiatrists.

Individual Psychotherapy and the Science of Psychodynamics Second edition I



9781444121346 I May 2012 I 1040pp I HB I Print and ebook bundle I £170.00 I 276 x 213mm

A Practical Guide Second edition

Basant K Puri, Professor and Honorary Consultant, Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK Robert Brown, Course Director for the Approved Social Workers course in South West England, Mental Health Commissioner, Visiting Fellow Bournemouth University, UK Heather McKee, Consultant Neuropsychiatrist, Royal Hospital for Neurodisability, Putney, London, UK Ian Treasaden, Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist, West London Mental Health NHS Trust; Honorary Senior Lecturer, Imperial College London; Head of Forensic Neurosciences, Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK • E asy to read, practical and illustrated with case vignettes and a wealth of down-to-earth advice to guide through many complex legal issues ultidisciplinary approach written by specialist • M authors and key opinion leaders who understand the practical issues you face • F ully updated and expanded to include the Mental Health Act 2007 and the Mental Capacity Act 2005 Completely updated to reflect current changes in the law and in practice, Mental Health Law second edition is a concise and approachable handbook to mental health law for students and professionals working in psychiatric settings. This authoritative guide will serve as a comprehensive introduction and long-term resource manual for trainee and qualified psychiatrists as well as nurses, social workers, psychologists and occupational therapists working in mental health. READERSHIP: Trainees and practitioners in psychiatry, clinical psychology, nursing, social work and occupational therapy. 9781444117141 I January 2012 £29.99 I 246x189mm





Interpersonal Psychotherapy


A Clinician’s Guide Second edition Scott Stuart MD Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology, University of Iowa, USA Michael Robertson FRANZCP Director of the Mayo Wesley Centre for Mental Health, Taree, New South Wales, Australia • Clinically based descriptions and vignettes • N umerous case studies highlighting key issues in IPT

Malan 9780750623872

Previously published as Textbook of Clinical Neuropsychiatry this book is retitled and thoroughly updated, redesigned and extended to include the fundamentals of neuroscience. The highly acclaimed text with its digital version provides a definitive, clinically-oriented yet comprehensive book covering neuropsychiatry and neuroscience for registrars, residents, clinicians and practitioners of neuropsychiatry and its related fields.

Mental Health Law

medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

• A n authoritative reference by an internationally recognised world expert

Textbook of Clinical Neuropsychiatry and Behavioural Neuroscience




• R eproducible diagrams and flow charts for use by therapists and patients • C omprehensive coverage of all the key theoretical issues • E vidence based with up-to-date research underpinning the theory This ground-breaking text has firmly established itself as a touchstone for all therapists using interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT). Thoroughly updated and revised with a wealth of new material and evidence, Interpersonal Psychotherapy

For more information on all titles go to www.hodderarnold.com



Forensic Psychiatry

continues to be a comprehensive manual for experienced therapists and those undergoing specific IPT training. The second edition includes more information on the theory of IPT integrating current empirical literatures related to attachment, social theory, communication theory and social cognition. A new chapter on common problems encountered is also covered alongside new material on training and dissemination of IPT.

Clinical, Legal and Ethical Issues Second edition

John C Gunn, CBE, FRCPsych, FMedSci. Member, Parole Board, England & Wales. Emeritus Professor of Forensic Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London

READERSHIP: Clinical trainees seeking an introduction to IPT, instructors of psychiatry residents, psychology interns and graduate students, and social work students. 9781444137545 I July 2012 I 320pp 234 x 156mm I 35 artworks





medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

9780340987278 I 2010 I 824pp I HB Print and ebook bundle I £195.00 I 128 illustrations

• L egal and ethical issues are delivered in a thought provoking way and guidance is given on report writing and giving evidence in court

Winner of the BMA 2011 book awards: psychiatry category

• I nclusive Vitalsource ebook will ensure that the reader has an up-to-date reference and the latest information


• I ncludes a range of expert contributions from well known authors, experts and key opinion leaders

Second edition I






Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Margaret Thompson, MBChB, MD, FRCP (Glas), FRCPsy School of Psychology, University of Southampton, UK

Cathy Laver-Bradbury, SRN, RSCN, HV, MSc Consultant ADHD Nurse, The Orchard Centre, Specialist Mental Health Team, Western Community Hospital Site, Southampton, UK

• R eader-friendly introductions to chapters, including literature and website references and illustrating the different clinical presentations through case examples and treatment plans Child and Adolescent Mental Health covers the child and adolescent mental health issues that present to all professionals working with children, young people and their families. Clear theoretical explanations are balanced with illustrative case histories to give the text a distinct practical focus. The book covers all the core aspects of child and adolescent mental health, starting with the background to emotional and behavioural problems, looking at models and tools for assessment and treatment before examining the specific problems encountered in children, young people and their families from different cultural backgrounds. 9781444145991 I February 2012 I 576pp £29.99 I 244 x 172mm I 27 illustrations



Tom Clark, Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist working at the Reaside Clinic, Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health NHS Trust; Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer at the University of Birmingham, UK

READERSHIP: Postgraduate trainees in psychiatry wishing to specialise in forensic psychiatry, specialists in forensic psychiatry, mental health, criminal lawyers and forensic psychologists.

Christine M Hooper, BA (econ), CQSW, MSc Retired family and marital therapist, New Forest, Hampshire, UK

• C hapters structured to incorporate difficulties which span the age spectrum but present differently over time (e.g. eating disorders, depression, DHD, sleep difficulties)

Dharjinder Singh Rooprai, Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist, Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust, West of England Forensic Mental Health Services, Bristol UK

Clinical aspects and the management of the mentally disorder offender are covered in depth including treatment in a range of secure hospital facilities and in the community to ensure that treatment regimes are evidence based and thoroughly reviewed.

Theory and Practice Second edition

• C ompletely updated to reflect new government initiatives and advances in genetics

Practical Forensic Psychiatry

Comprehensive, erudite and yet intensely down to earth, this book is a practical guide to the psychiatry of mentally disordered offenders and other victims. This landmark publication continues to retain all the features that made the first edition so well established, integrating the clinical, legal and ethical aspects of forensic psychiatry.


Christopher Gale, RNMH, MSc Lecturer in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, University of Southampton, UK

READERSHIP: Psychiatrists especially those specialising in old age psychiatry and general psychiatry.

Pamela J Taylor, FRCPsych, FMedSci, Professor of Forensic Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Cardiff University, UK

Art of Psychotherapy 9780750604284

most significant challenges facing societies and health professionals in the next half-century. In this, the most comprehensive single volume work available on the subject, the editors have met this challenge by assembling a team of the world’s leading experts on all aspects of the condition, from history, epidemiology and social aspects to the latest neurobiological research and advanced therapeutic strategies.


9780340806289 I August 2012 I 1100pp I HB Print and ebook bundle I £150.00 I 276 x 123mm

Fourth edition

eflects current practice, modern law and R clinically relevant examples









Revision MCQs and EMIs for the MRCPsych

Alistair Burns, Professor of Old Age Psychiatry at the University of Manchester, Manchester Academic Health Science Centre, UK John O’Brien, Professor of Old Age Psychiatry at Institute for Ageing and Health, Newcastle University, UK •

T he latest neurobiological research made relevant to everyday practice

thorough review of all treatment strategies A from drug and stem cell therapies through to psychosocial interventions

comprehensive review of carer support A strategies, community care, long term care facilities, and behavioural management techniques

Practice questions and mock exams for the written papers Basant K Puri, Professor and Honorary Consultant, Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK Roger C M Ho, MBBS Assistant Professor and Associate Consultant, Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) Research Programme and Department of Psychological Medicine, University Medical Cluster, National University of Singapore, Singapore

• C ontributions from a team of leading international experts and recognised key opinion leaders.

Fax: +44 (0)1235 400 401

linical cases, tips and practical advice assists C those commencing on placements or giving evidence in legal situations

9781444120639 234x156mm

David Ames, Director of the National Ageing Research Institute and Professor of Ageing and Health at the University of Melbourne, Australia


READERSHIP: Trainee psychiatrists including those preparing for the MRCPsych exam.


To order: Phone: +44 (0)1235 827 827

lear bullet point style helps readers to find key C facts at a glance

Highly succinct, structured and focused, this book concentrates on the key facts and practical day-today issues vital to forensic psychiatry whether for quick clinical reference or for fact-oriented exam preparation.

This definitive work on dementia and related disorders has been fully updated and revised to reflect recent advances in this fast-moving field. The incidence of dementia continues to rise as the population of the world ages, and the condition represents one of the



Ian H Treasaden, Senior Lecturer, Imperial College London, UK This new revision guide with over 1500 questions, reasoned answers and links to explanatory text gives a comprehensive range of multiple choice questions (MCQs) and extended matching items (EMIs). Complete with sample papers, this book provides everything needed for the written parts of the MRCPsych and comparable higher postgraduate examinations in psychiatry.

Email: education@bookpoint.co.uk

psychiatry READERSHIP: Psychiatrists taking or retaking MRCPsych exam. 9781444118643 276 x 213mm









Revision Notes in Psychiatry Second edition Puri, Hall 9780340761311





The Psychopharmacologists 3 Healy 9780340761106







Examination Notes in Psychiatry Fourth edition Buckley, Prewette, Bird, Harrison 9780340810033 | 2004 | £29.99



Patel 9780340908112





The Complete MRCPsych Part II Patel 9780340908105





MRCPsych Part 1 in a Box Punukollu,Phelan 9781853156021





MRCPsych Parts I & II: Individual Statements and EMI Practice Exams Sauer 9780340904718





medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

The Complete MRCPsych Part I

MRCPsych: Passing the CASC Exam Sauer 9780340981948





Personality Disorder and Serious Offending: Hospital Treatment Models Newrith, Meux, Taylor 9780340763858





Psychiatry: An Evidence-Based Text Puri, Treasaden 9780340950050





Highly commended in the Psychiatry category of the 2010 BMA Medical Book Competition

For more information on all titles go to www.hodderarnold.com



medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

Overcoming Developed in liaison with a wide range of experts, the Overcoming series adopts the trusted Five Areas model of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) to assist readers in overcoming a variety of mental health disorders. The series uses self-help workbooks designed to empower and support readers to make changes to their lives in a constructive and achievable manner. Key features of the series:

• Uses the proven, trusted and successful cognitive behavioural

• Written by accredited CBT practitioners with vast experience of

• Jargon-free and clearly laid out, adopting the established and

• Approachable workbooks with boxes, checklists and bullet points, and memorable cartoon illustrations

therapy approach

• A linked and completely free online support course is located at www.livinglifetothefull.com

the technique, as well as their own specialist areas

• Additional resources are available at www.fiveareas.com

popular workbook format

The Internet and CBT



A Clinical Guide

Gerhard Andersson, Ph.D. Professor in Clinical Psychology, Linköping University, Sweden Comprehensive yet very practical, this book describes how cognitive behavioural therapy can be delivered via the internet, email, open access programmes, online communities and via smart phones. It details how these alternative methods of CBT support can be integrated within a busy practice and will be invaluable for all CBT clinicians and students wishing to find out more about assessing and supporting people online and via smart phones. With its no nonsense and down to earth approach, this book covers the dos and don’ts of CBT delivery online and via smart phones and provides a highly accessible guide for students and practitioners wishing to incorporate CBT online into their daily practice. READERSHIP: CBT clinicians, psychologists, psychotherapists, counsellors and mental health nurses. 9781444170214 I October 2012 I 256pp £24.99 I 244 x 172mm I 50 artworks




Overcoming Anxiety, Stress and Panic

CBT: A Clinician’s Guide to Using the Five Areas Approach

A Five Areas Approach Third edition

Chris Williams, Professor of Psychosocial Psychiatry, University of Glasgow and Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist, Glasgow UK

Chris Williams, Professor of Psychosocial Psychiatry, University of Glasgow and Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist, Glasgow UK

Marie Chellingsworth, Senior Lecturer in Psychological Therapies; Senior Fellow of the Institute of Mental Health, University of Nottingham, UK

• E asy to use - practical photocopyable workbooks give essential life skills

escribes the evidence base for self-help D delivery in mental health services • Discusses the challenges faced when introducing self-help approaches into services and practice This book is essential reading for practitioners involved in establishing a psychological therapy self-help service. In this book the background and theoretical evidence base for self-help interventions and their role in mental health care delivery settings are discussed, with an emphasis on the Five Areas model as used in the Overcoming series and on the advantages of the model. Additionally, the book will cover the practical difficulties that will be encountered when introducing self-help services. Using their wide experience of cognitive behaviour therapy delivery in the UK and internationally, the authors have brought together a wealth of expertise, advice, tips and wisdom. READERSHIP: Psychological therapists, primary care physicians - anyone administering CBT. ALSO OF INTEREST TO: Practice nurses, mental health nurses and counsellors.

• P roven to work through randomised controlled studies and tests in clinical practice • A step-by-step plan to help achieve success • Key advice for friends and family Overcoming Anxiety, Stress and Panic uses the proven and trusted five areas model of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to help people experiencing a range of symptoms associated with these conditions. For the third edition, new workbooks are included on: medication, planning for the future and support recommendations for practitioners. READERSHIP: Patients - those experiencing anxiety, stress, panic, their families and friends. GPs, psychiatrists, counsellors, nurses, clinical and educational psychologists, occupational therapists and social workers. 9781444167511 I March 2012 £23.99 I 246 x 189mm






9780340991299 I 2010 I 256 pp I PB £24.99 I 244x172mm I 45 illustrations


www.livinglifetothefull.com www.fiveareas.com


To order: Phone: +44 (0)1235 827 827


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Email: education@bookpoint.co.uk


Overcoming Depression and Low Mood

- Practical information and advice for all those wishing to use the five areas guided CBT interventions in their clinical practice or at home - How to introduce, support and review progress using the Plan, Do, Review model

A Five Areas Approach Third edition

- A description of the wide range of five areas resources and how to use them with carers and their friends or relatives

Chris Williams, Professor of Psychosocial Psychiatry, University of Glasgow and Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist, Glasgow UK

READERSHIP: Patients experiencing low mood and depression, their families and friends. GP, psychiatrists, counsellors, primary and secondary care nursing staff, mental health nurses, occupational therapists and social workers.









www.livinglifetothefull.com www.fiveareas.com Highly commended in the Popular medicine category of the 2010 BMA Medical Book Competition

CBT: A Carer’s Guide to the Five Areas Approach


A Five Areas Approach Third edition

Chris Williams, Professor of Psychosocial Psychiatry, University of Glasgow and Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist, Glasgow UK Marie Chellingsworth, Senior Lecturer in Psychological Therapies; Senior Fellow of the Institute of Mental Health, University of Nottingham, UK • Proven and successful CBT methods • Simple, practical, straightforward advice • H ow to support someone in 10, 20 or 60 minutes, whatever the time available and in which ever way they choose, telephone, email or classes • C ontains practical workbooks, support scripts and online resources CBT: A Carer’s Guide to the Five Areas Approach offers support to carers, for their own well-being and also to help them offer emotional support to the people they care for. It is essential reading for practitioners involved in introducing the use of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) to carers. It covers: - The challenges faced by carers and how to overcome these when using guided CBT self-help - How to offer support face-to-face, or using telephone, email or classes

READERSHIP: Primary care physicians, CBT practitioners, social service workers, mental health nurses, anyone dealing with the frontline support of carers and their relatives. 9781444145977 I March 2012 244 x 172mm I 45 artworks




PB I £24.99


www.livinglifetothefull.com www.fiveareas.com

Overcoming Functional Neurological Symptoms A Five Areas Approach

Chris Williams, Professor of Psychosocial Psychiatry, University of Glasgow and Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist, Glasgow UK Alan Carson, Senior Lecturer, Psychological Medicine Research, Edinburgh University, UK Sharon Smith, MBchB, MSc, PhD, MRCPsych, Edinburgh Michael Sharpe, Director Psychological Medicine Research, Edinburgh University, UK Jonathan Cavanagh, Senior Lecturer in Psychiatry University of Glasgow, UK Catriona Kent, Nurse Consultant PSI Glasgow Institute for Psychosocial Interventions, UK Overcoming Functional Neurological Symptoms uses the proven and trusted five areas model of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to help people experiencing a range of functional neurological symptoms, including chronic headaches, fatigue, dizziness, loss of sensation, weakness and numbness. An invaluable, proven, practical and easy to use workbook for all CBT practitioners, psychiatrists, psychologists, neurologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and healthcare workers to use with the people in their care to help themselves. 9781444138344 I 2011 I 320 pp I PB £24.99 I 246x189mm I 90 illustrations

www.livinglifetothefull.com and www.fiveareas.com

Overcoming Postnatal Depression A Five Areas Approach

Chris Williams, Professor of Psychosocial Psychiatry, University of Glasgow and Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist, Glasgow UK Roch Cantwell, Consultant Perinatal Psychiatrist, University of Glasgow, UK Karen Robertson

“This book is indeed a valuable source for those working with women who experience postnatal depression”. The Psychiatrist







PB I £23.99

www.livinglifetothefull.com and www.fiveareas.com

Overcoming Teenage Anxiety, Stress and Panic

Chris Williams, Professor of Psychosocial Psychiatry, University of Glasgow and Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist, Glasgow UK Nicky Dummett, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Leeds Primary Care Trust, UK Overcoming Teenage Anxiety, Stress and Panic provides access to proven CBT approaches and addresses all the common challenges faced during times of anxiety, stress and panic, helping the reader make positive changes in their life in a planned and achievable way. A final workbook is aimed at friends and relatives and describes how to offer support. 9781444120158 246 x 189mm









www.livinglifetothefull.com and www.fiveareas.com

Overcoming Teenage Low Mood and Depression A Five Areas Approach

medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

Building on the success of previous editions, Overcoming Depression and Low Mood presents a series of self-help workbooks for use in self-assessing and managing depression and periods of low mood, with support from a health care professional. This book covers all the issues that are known to be problematic in depression in the clear, user-friendly format. The interactive questions and worksheets are a key feature of the series and they are plentiful and appropriate in this new title. Using the established Five Areas Assessment model of depression, the book provides a clear model of intervention using the proven cognitive behavioural therapy evidence-based approach. It is empowering and supportive, helping readers make changes to their lives in a planned and achievable way.


Overcoming Postnatal Depression uses the trusted Five Areas model of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), helping people experiencing postnatal depression to change how they feel. By bringing together specialists in postnatal depression, and with the use of self-help resources, this book addresses all the common challenges faced by women during times of low mood after having a baby. It provides access to the proven CBT approach, helping the reader make positive changes in their life in a planned and achievable way. An additional workbook aimed at friends and relatives describes how they can offer support.

Chris Williams, Professor of Psychosocial Psychiatry, University of Glasgow and Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist, Glasgow UK Nicky Dummett, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Leeds Primary Care Trust, UK Overcoming Teenage Low Mood and Depression uses the trusted Five Areas model of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to help young people experiencing low mood or depression to help themselves. The Five Areas model communicates life skills and key interventions in a clear, pragmatic and accessible style, by examining five important aspects of their lives: Life situation, relationships, resources and problems Altered thinking Altered feelings or moods Altered physical symptoms or sensations Altered behaviour or activity levels 9781444167498


2008 I 362pp





www.livinglifetothefull.com and www.fiveareas.com Highly commended in the Popular Medicine category at the 2009 BMA Medical Book Competition; and winner at the 2008 RSM and Society of Authors Book Awards in the ‘New medical book for the general reader’ category

For more information on all titles go to www.hodderarnold.com



MRI of the Whole Body An Illustrated Guide to Common Pathologies

Kshitij Mankad, MRCP FRCR Neuroradiology Fellow, Barts and the London NHS Trust, London, UK Edward TD Hoey, BAO MRCP FRCR Consultant Cardiothoracic Radiologist, Heart of England Foundation Trust; Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer, University of Birmingham Medical School, Birmingham, UK

medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

READERSHIP: Trainee radiologists and paediatricians, and trainees undertaking the MRCPCH and FRCR examinations.

• Up-to-date - convenient ‘one stop shop’, reflecting current EU strategies and other European and international requirements and legislation including ICRP103 • New to this edition - risk and risk assessment, a more detailed discussion of decommissioning and recent advances in radiation protection in medicine


Amit Lakkaraju, FRCR PG MED ED Consultant Musculoskeletal Radiologist, Goulburn Valley Base Hospital, Shepparton, Australia; Nikhil Bhuskute MS FRCS FRCR Consultant Radiologist, Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust, UK •

F irst book of its kind to cover all body systems in one volume with demonstration of all key imaging sequences in the commonly diagnosed pathologies

p-to-date sequences described with reasons for U choosing a particular sequence for a particular case

S implified relevant MR anatomy preceding each unit

lear high resolution images with appropriate C legends

P ractical hints and tips section included for each pathology - close differentials and what to do next

MRI of the Whole Body sets out to educate trainee and experienced radiologists, radiographers and clinicians regarding key sequences for optimal imaging of common pathologies, with simple explanations on the choice of a particular MR sequence. The authors present typical and representative examples with relevant clinical and imaging features to assist a better understanding of these commonly encountered conditions. Every unit begins with a quick anatomy review, and each case is described in a standardised format with a clinical background, key sequences, imaging features, and practical hints as to close differentials and ways to distinguish between them. READERSHIP: Trainee (FRCR candidates) and practising radiologists.









An Introduction to Radiation Protection Sixth edition

Alan Martin, formerly ran the consultancy Alan Martin Associates, UK Sam Harbison, Health & Safety Consultant, Kent, UK Karen Beach, Radiation Protection Advisor for Research Sites Restoration Ltd, UK Peter Cole, Radiation Protection Advisor and Lecturer at the University of Liverpool, UK • Accessible and concise - highly structured text supplemented by clear diagrams and photographs, summary sections and revision questions



















Practical Radiological Anatomy is a concise and highly illustrated textbook for trainee radiologists who are learning to interpret conventional scans, CT and MR images. Arranged by body system, each chapter provides indispensable guidelines on how to interpret anatomical images in a systematic approach and describes how to avoid the commonly encountered pitfalls. Consolidating all the essential information and reflecting the modular format of the Royal College syllabus, this book is a must-have for all trainees preparing for the First and Final FRCR exams.


READERSHIP: Trainee radiologists and trainees undertaking the FRCR examinations.

Christopher Schelvan, Annabel Copeman, Jane Young, Annmarie Jeanes, Jacqueline Davis


Paediatric Radiology for MRCPCH and FRCR consists of over 100 clinical cases, preceded by a section on image interpretation. Cases are presented in exam format, with answers overleaf, and clinical summaries of each condition are provided. Improvements to this second edition include additional sections on non-accidental injury and radiation protection; more emphasis on cross-sectional imaging; an increased number of cases using Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and a greater number of annotated diagrams.

Fax: +44 (0)1235 400 401


Sarah McWilliams, MRCP, FRCR is Consultant Radiologist at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals

Second edition



Practical Radiological Anatomy

Paediatric Radiology for MRCPCH and FRCR

To order: Phone: +44 (0)1235 827 827




9781853157769 I 2011 I 272pp I PB £35.99 I 246x189mm I 610 illustrations



Radiological Sciences Dictionary Keywords, Names and Definitions




Alty, Hoey, Wolstenhulme, Weston

Musculoskeletal MRI 9780340906613


Practical Ultrasound: An Illustrated Guide

Frameworks for Radiology Reporting 2009


Dowsett, Kenny, Johnston

Cook, Maisey, Britton, Chengazi



The Physics of Diagnostic Imaging Second edition

Clinical Nuclear Medicine Fourth edition

Jacoby, Ayer 9781853158209


Ellis, Logan, Dixon




Human Sectional Anatomy: Pocket Atlas of Body Sections, CT and MRI Images Third edition

9781444146073 I April 2012 I 256pp I PB I £31.99 234 x 156mm I 17 b/w halftones and 60 b/w line drawings



Ellis, Logan, Dixon

READERSHIP: Students training and undertaking a course in radiation protection; nuclear medicine technicians, radiographers and medical physics technicians; health & safety executives and occupational health professionals.



Human Sectional Anatomy: Atlas of Body Sections, CT and MRI Images Third edition

An Introduction to Radiation Protection sixth edition is a highly-readable account of the nature of the hazards presented by ionizing radiation and the methods of protection for those new to the field, and for the non-specialist. The sixth edition of this established text takes the reader through the general background to the subject, the technical principles underlying the control of radiation hazards, radiation detection and measurement and the biological effects of radiation. These are followed by a consideration of radiation protection issues in the nuclear industry, the non-nuclear sector and the medical field. Further specialised topics include risk assessment, waste management and decommissioning, radiological incidents and emergencies, relevant legislation and organizational issues.












Atlas of Clinical Positron Emission Tomography Second edition Barrington 9780340816936





Awarded FIRST PRIZE in the Radiology category of the 2006 BMA Medical Book Competition

Email: education@bookpoint.co.uk

RADIOLOGY • respiratory medicine & pulmonology

Mirsadraee, Mankad, Chalmers 9781853157424




unique step-by-step guide from an expert • A practitioner on the use of bronchoscopic techniques, interpretation of images and differential diagnoses

Radiology Life Support (RAD-LS) Bush, Krecke, King, Bettmann






• I ntegrates naked eye, bronchoscopic and radiological anatomy


• N umerous full colour illustrations and sound practical advice

MCQs in the Physics of Diagnostic Imaging I






MCQs in Clinical Imaging Saifuddin 9780412479700






Respiratory medicine & PUlmonology


READERSHIP: Respiratory physicians, both qualified and training.



Donald N Mitchell, MD FRCP Hon Consultant Physician, Royal Brompton and University College Hospitals, London, UK

9780340968321 I December 2011 I 224pp £120.00 I 276 x 213mm I 625 illustrations



Non-invasive Ventilation and Weaning

Stephen G Spiro, BSc MD FRCP Professor of Respiratory Medicine and Honorary Consultant Physician, University College London and The Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK Athol Wells, MBChB MD FRACP FRCP FRCR Professor of Respiratory Medicine and Head of Interstitial Lung Disease Unit, The Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK • T he definitive work on the subject undertaking an evidence-based approach • E dited by leading figures from the UK and US, with an international chapter authorship • C onsiders all aspects of the condition - from epidemiology through diagnosis to treatment options and possible future advances • Generously illustrated throughout With a multi-disciplinary authorship of the highest standard, this book presents the most up-to-date thinking on all aspects of sarcoidosis, from epidemiology to clinical manifestations and treatment options. Full coverage is given to both respiratory and non-respiratory aspects; the basic science that underlies the disease and its progression is evaluated in detail, and placed into its correct clinical context, with possible future advances covered in a concluding section. The book is fully comprehensive and evidencebased and will be an essential addition to the bookshelves of all whose practice involves the care and treatment of patients with sarcoidosis. READERSHIP: Respiratory physicians. 9780340992111 I February 2012 I 520pp I HB £149.00 I 276 x 213mm I 213 illustrations

Edward C Rosenow III, Emeritus Professor of Medicine, Former Chair Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Mayo Distinguished Clinician, Mayo Clinic School of Medicine, Rochester, Minnesota, USA • Inclusive VitalSource ebook access •

overs imaging, interstitial disease, chest C symptoms and respiratory failure

This comprehensive, definitive reference work with an outstanding range of international expert contributors and two of the world’s leading editors, provides an essential reference for the practising respiratory physician. The book provides essential information for recognising and managing drug-induced respiratory disease for all pulmonologists and respiratory care physicians. A wide range of diseases are detailed from chemotherapy and radiation to drug misuse, the respiratory effects of neurological drugs and special groups such as paediatric drug-induced respiratory disease READERSHIP: Respiratory physicians, pulmonologists and pharmacologists.

Principles and Practice

David R Moller, MD, Professor of Medicine and Director, Sarcoidosis Clinic and Research Program, Department of Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA

Philippe Camus, Professor of Pulmonary Medicine, Department of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Hôpital du Bocage and Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France

Mark Elliott, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Department of Respiratory Medicine, St James’s University Hospital, Leeds, UK Stefano Nava, Chief of the Respiratory Intensive Care Unit, Fondazione S.Maugeri, Pavia, Italy Bernd Schönhofer, MD Director, Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Klinikum Region Hannover, Germany

9780340809730 I 2010 bundle I 276 x 213mm


364 pp £99.00


HB I Print and ebook

Pulmonary Circulation

Diseases and their Treatment Third Edition

omprehensive reference work covering homeC and intensive care-based ventilation

Edited by Andrew J Peacock, Professor of Medicine, Consultant Respiratory Physician and Director, Western Infirmary, Glasgow, UK

etailed chapters covering acute and chronic D applications, paediatric use and weaning issues

Robert Naeije, Director, Erasme University Hospital, Brussels, Belgium

truly global perspective - written by three highly A respected specialists and a team of contributors from 14 different countries including Europe, USA and China

Lewis J Rubin, Professor of Medicine and Director, University of California, CA, USA

T ext fully online and searchable via VitalSource ebook

Non-invasive Ventilation and Weaning provides upto-date, authoritative and comprehensive information from a prestigious range of worldwide key opinion leaders on different applications for non-invasive ventilation, and closely related techniques, both in hospital and at home. Chapters cover the use of non-invasive ventilation in acute and chronic respiratory failure, plus paediatric and other specialty applications. Sections are devoted to conditions including COPD, cardiac failure and neuromuscular disease; in each case, there are detailed evaluations of current best practice regarding the science, diagnostics and management of the condition. Concise summaries of each chapter, plus generous use of tables and illustrations, ensure the reader gains rapid access to the wealth of information presented. READERSHIP: Pulmonologists and intensive care specialists. 9780340941522 I 2010 I 648 pp bundle I £160.00 I 276x213mm


HB I Print and ebook 150 illustrations

medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

This unique and comprehensive atlas is an innovative pictorial guide to flexible bronchoscopy, one of the most the exciting and challenging procedures in respiratory medicine today. It will be invaluable to those training in respiratory medicine, but also to specialist respiratory nurses and to practising pulmonologists who wish to expand their practice and knowledge of the technique.

Dowsett 9780340740880

Drug-induced & Iatrogenic Respiratory Disease

Pallav Shah, Consultant Physician and Honorary Senior Lecturer, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK


Highly commended in the Radiology category of the 2010 BMA Medical Book Competition



Atlas of Flexible Bronchoscopy

Acute CT: A Primer of Emergency Imaging

“This book is at the vanguard of its type in the field of pulmonary circulation, and it achieves the editors’ ambitious goal of providing a balance between scientific review and clinically relevant comprehensive guidelines for the busy practising physician.” New England Journal of Medicine (review of the previous edition)

T horoughly revised with comprehensive coverage from diagnosis and clinical evaluation of pulmonary hypertension, to imaging techniques, disorders and treatment

ore quality chapters, authors, illustrations with M thorough and thoughtful referencing make this book a contemporary essential reference text

Authoritative, comprehensive and definitive, Pulmonary Circulation third edition builds on the success of its previous editions by providing practising respiratory physicians with a highly-ordered, unique

For more information on all titles go to www.hodderarnold.com


respiratory medicine & pulmonology • surgery reference work on the structure, function and pathophysiology of the pulmonary circulation. It includes new chapters on paediatrics, critical care, special environments including high altitude and underwater. Pulmonary Circulation, third edition remains an essential resource for pulmonary hypertension specialists and should prove invaluable in all respiratory, cardiac and intensive care units. READERSHIP: Respiratory physicians, cardiologists and intensive care specialists. 9780340981924 I 2011 I 728pp 276x213mm I 370 illustrations





Manual of Total Mesorectal Excision incorporates state of the art pre-operative staging, pre-operative radiotherapy and chemoradiotherapy in selected cases, optimal surgical excision by TME surgery and quality control and audit of outcomes by detailed pathological assessment of the resected specimen. The manual is written with full support of the Pelican Foundation. Formed in 2000 the Foundation was based around the pioneering work in bowel cancer surgery by the authors and colleagues in Basingstoke. With contributions from world leaders in TME, this manual brings together the multidisciplinary management of rectal cancer aided by high quality colour illustrations. 9781444117165 I November 2012 I 416pp I HB Print and ebook bundle I £65.00 I 246x189mm 125 illustrations

Clinical Tests of Respiratory Function Third edition medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

Gibson 9780340925614





Non-Invasive Respiratory Support A Practical Handbook Third edition Simonds 9780340925607





Textbook of Pleural Diseases Second edition Light, Lee






Awarded FIRST PRIZE in the Respiratory Medicine category of the 2009 BMA Medical Book Competition

Surgery new Manual of Total Mesorectal Excision

Brendan Moran, Consultant Surgeon Basingstoke and North Hampshire NHS Trust, Honorary Senior Lecturer, Southampton University, UK Richard John Heald, Clinical Director, Pelican Cancer Foundation, Southampton University, UK • T he first book dedicated to total mesorectal excision • Endorsed by the Pelican Foundation • D etailed full colour illustrations to demonstrate the treatment and procedures • A n international perspective with the principal authors - the pioneering surgeons for the procedure • A truly global perspective with a “who’s who” of international contributors and editors Total mesorectal excision (TME) is established as the international “gold-standard” technique for the treatment and management of colorectal cancer. Devised over 20 years ago by the editors, they have pioneered, developed and popularised this surgical procedure for patients.



Essential Surgical Practice: Higher Surgical

Training in General Surgery Fifth edition Sir Alfred Cushieri and Professor George Hanna • O ver 500 detailed colour illustrations of the surgical procedures • F ully updated to provide a unique allencompassing text for the higher surgical trainee • A ll chapters updated to reflect current practice and the FRCS syllabus • K ey points highlighted throughout the chapters to provide quick reference to the reader Essential Surgical Practice is an indispensable source of reference for the surgical trainee. This fifth volume is fully updated and caters for the needs of the senior trainee surgeon undertaking higher surgical training in general surgery, providing detailed information on those specialties of which the general surgeon is required to have a working knowledge with a special emphasis on trauma and vascular surgery.


Operative Surgery of the Colon, Rectum and Anus

Significant changes in surgical training have occurred over the past decade and this book reflects this by dividing the chapters into three distinct parts: general patient care; trauma; general surgical care. The text is structured to be highly patient-oriented in line with current thought and practice, with a firm underpinning of pathophysiology.

Sixth edition

Ronan O’Connell MB, BCh, BAO, MD, FRCSI, FRCS, Professor of Surgery, School of Medicine & Medical Science, University College Dublin, Ireland Robert Madoff MD, Professor of Surgery, Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery, University of Minnesota Medical School, USA

READERSHIP: Surgical trainees.

Michael J Solomon, Director of Colorectal Research & VMO Colorectal Surgeon, Australia

9781444137606 I September 2012 Print and ebook bundle I £195.00 9781444137620 (ISE)

Editorial Advisor: Norman S. Williams • C omprehensive surgical knowledge on common and rare colorectal conditions in a single volume reference • D etailed line drawings to illustrate the surgical procedures


Recent Advances and Techniques

• F our colour halftones to accompany the laparoscopic chapters

Narain Moorjani, MB ChB, MRCS, MD, FRCS (CTh), Consultant Cardiac Surgeon, Royal Brompton Hospital, Sydney Street, London

• All chapters updated to reflect current practice The sixth edition of Operative Surgery of the Colon, Rectum and Anus provides an authoritative illustrated text of the operative techniques for established surgeons and those advanced in surgical training. With an international list of authors, the chapters have been rewritten and complemented by numerous new colour illustrations.

Sunil K. Ohri, MD, FRCS (Eng, Ed & CTh), FESC, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Wessex Cardiothoracic Centre, Southampton University Hospital, Southampton, UK Andrew Wechsler • S ystematically covers all the new developments in the field of cardiac surgery • Key points, key references and up-to-date information regarding the latest current trials provide a unique learning aid • Chapters written by the recognized leaders in the field of each of the new techniques

The chapters are arranged in ten sections, each section having its own introductory overview by an authority in the subject to place it into the general perspective of the book. Some sections are new, some have been expanded and others consolidated. With a new emphasis on the overall management of patients, the indications and contraindications for surgery, tricks of the trade of individual authors and discussion of technical and clinical judgement, this new edition provides the reader with all the essentials for successful surgery.

Cardiac Surgery: Recent Advances and Techniques is a concise but invaluable textbook for those involved in the practice of cardiac surgery, both trainees and established cardiac surgeons and describes in detail all of the new developments in this expanding speciality of cardiac surgery. With chapters authored by the world’s leading experts it provides a concise yet encompassing surgical text. Each chapter includes a key point summary, the latest and most important key references and up-to-date information regarding the latest current trials. The chapters are also accompanied by full colour illustrations to aid the learning process.

9780340991275 I August 2012 I 960pp I HB Print and ebook bundle I £295.00 I 276 x 219mm 55 b/w line drawings, 920 colour line drawings, 30 colour halftones

To order: Phone: +44 (0)1235 827 827

Cardiac Surgery:

I 1296pp I PB I 276 x 213mm

9781444137569 I September 2012 I 272pp I HB £85.00 I 246 x 189mm I 25 artworks; 35 photos


Fax: +44 (0)1235 400 401


Email: education@bookpoint.co.uk


Bailey & Love’s Short Practice of Surgery 25th edition

Norman S. Williams, MS FRCS FMedSci, Professor of Surgery and Centre Lead, Centre for Academic Surgery, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary, University of London, UK Christopher J.K. Bulstrode, MCh FRCS(Orth), Professor and Honorary Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, University of Oxford, UK P. Ronan O’Connell, MD FRCSI FRCPS(Glasg), Professor of Surgery, University College Dublin and St Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland

‘This is superb value and a great revision for us all.’ Journal of Laryngology & Otology

Judge at the BMA Medical Book Competition 2009

rand new structure, with related chapters B brought together into distinct sections for the first time, ensuring easy navigation throughout

ew chapters added on a wide variety of topics N including metabolic response to injury; shock and blood transfusion; surgery in the tropics; and trauma planning

ll aspects of trauma surgery have been brought A together under the care of a highly experienced supervisory editor, Robert Handley

E lective orthopaedics is consolidated into one section, presented by body region ensuring comprehensive coverage

With lifetime sales in excess of one million copies, Bailey & Love’s Short Practice of Surgery remains one of the world’s pre-eminent medical textbooks, beloved by generations of surgeons. The 25th edition of this landmark text continues to emphasise the importance of effective clinical examination and soundly based surgical principles, while taking account of the latest developments in surgical practice. The book preserves the clear, direct writing style uncluttered by technical jargon that has proved so popular in previous editions and includes useful text features throughout. This edition opens with sections devoted to the underlying principles of surgical practice, investigation and diagnosis, and pre-operative care. These are followed by chapters covering all aspects of surgical trauma. The remainder of the book considers each of the surgical specialties in turn, from elective orthopaedics through skin, head and neck, breast and endocrine, cardiothoracic and vascular, to abdominal and genitourinary.

medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

‘This book continues to be an excellent reference text.’

READERSHIP: Candidates undertaking undergraduate and postgraduate surgical examinations, and practising surgeons. 9780340939321 I 2008 £129.00 I 276x213mm 9780340939376 (ISE)

I 1536 pp I HB I 2280 illustrations

www.baileyandlove.com Highly commended in the Surgery category of the 2009 BMA Medical Book Competition

For more information on all titles go to www.hodderarnold.com



The Bailey & Love Guides The Bailey & Love Revision Guides and Companion Guide are a series of revision handbooks based on the latest MRCS syllabus as recommended by the Royal College of Surgeons. This series, aimed at MRCS candidates, provides a number of self-assessment questions modelled on the new curriculum to assist candidates in their preparation for the assessment. Written by an expert author team, each book tests the candidate’s knowledge of the principles and practice of surgery as outlined within the pre-eminent medical textbook beloved by generations of surgeons, Bailey & Love’s Short Practice of Surgery, 25th edition. Answers are provided in brief at the foot of each question page for rapid reference, while full explanations of each appear in a separate section at the end of each chapter. In addition each chapter includes ‘top tips’ on how to pass the exam and how to avoid mistakes commonly made by candidates. READERSHIP: MRCS candidates.

SBAs and EMQs for the MRCS Part A

medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

A Bailey & Love Revision Guide

Vivian A. Elwell, Neurosurgery Specialist Registrar, The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, UK Jonathan Fishman, ENT Specialist Registrar, The John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK Rajat Chowdhury, Radiology Specialist Registrar, Southampton General Hospital, UK • C ontains more than 350 Single Best Answers and over 50 Extended Matching Questions, which test the candidates in their knowledge of the basic sciences as applied to surgical practice • Provides the candidate with a collegeapproved, systematic, coherent and wellrehearsed examination routine for all the main systems • Based on the latest curriculum as recommended by the RCS • References linked to key chapters within Bailey & Love’s Short Practice of Surgery, 25th edition 9780340990667








A Bailey & Love Revision Guide Vivian A. Elwell, Neurosurgery Specialist Registrar, The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square, London, UK Jonathan Fishman, ENT Specialist Registrar, The John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK Rajat Chowdhury, Radiology Specialist Registrar, Southampton General Hospital, UK Written by highly qualified authors with extensive experience of teaching, including organising and running revision courses for the MRCS Clinical Examination, this handy revision guide prepares MRCS candidates for the challenges of clinical practice by developing the solid examination techniques and communication skills, which are required to pass the newly revised objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs). 9780340985809

I 2009 I






Manual of Definitive Surgical Trauma Care

Ian Loftus, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, St George’s University, London, UK

Kenneth D. Boffard, Professor & Clinical Head, Department of Surgery, Johannesburg Hospital and University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa

ased on the latest Royal College of Surgeons B syllabus for the CCrISP course ensuring this is the authoritative reference in the field I ncludes ample practical case histories which provide the trainee with vivid examples of management in practice Additional chapters on advanced shock, chest radiology and respiratory care; this expanded coverage brings the text inline with the new course requirements

Endorsed by the Royal College of Surgeons (RCS), this is the official manual for the Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patient (CCrISP) course, and therefore an essential reference for trainee surgeons. READERSHIP: Trainee surgeons. 9780340987247 I 2010 £49.99 I 246 x 189mm

A Bailey & Love Companion Guide

Pradip K. Datta, Honorary Consultant Surgeon, Caithness General Hospital, Wick, Member of Council and College Tutor, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, UK Christopher J K Bulstrode, Professor and Honorary Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon, University of Oxford, Member of Council, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, UK B. V. Praveen, Consultant Surgeon and Associate Director of Medical Education, Southend University Hospital, Honorary Senior Lecturer, Queen Mary, University of London, UK •

ontains over 1000 MCQs and EMQs, subC divided into 13 subject-specific sections, providing comprehensive coverage of the surgical curriculum Includes detailed explanatory answers corresponding to the chapters in Bailey & Love’s Short Practice of Surgery, 25th edition

9780340990674 I 2010 I 616pp I PB £19.99 I 234x156mm I 55 illustrations

Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patient

MCQs and EMQs in Surgery


Third edition


OSCEs for the MRCS Part B

Third edition

T he causation of injuries - aids rapid understanding of presented trauma

T he initial, pre-hospital and emergency department care of the patient - all of which may determine eventual outcome

T he resources required, both physical and intellectual, within the hospital to deal with the specific problems associated with patients with multiple injuries

READERSHIP: Trainee and qualified surgeons.

ased on an internationally-run course that is B widely respected and growing in popularity

P rovides clear access to all the necessary information, from theory of injury through to individual organ system injury and injury scoring

ontains hints and highlights the pitfalls dealing C with major trauma

truly global perspective and based on the IATSIC A approved DSTC course

9781444102826 I 2011 £44.99 I 246 x 189mm

I 304pp I PB I 60 illustrations

Written by the editorial board of the DSTC course, this manual for the trainee and qualified surgeon covers every aspect of surgical trauma care and has been updated to incorporate recent developments, including:

I 272pp I PB I 80 illustrations

To order: Phone: +44 (0)1235 827 827


Fax: +44 (0)1235 400 401


Email: education@bookpoint.co.uk

surgery • telemedicine

Newborn Surgery

Recent Advances in Surgery 28

Prem Puri, Newman Clinical Research Professor, University College Dublin; Director of Research, Our Lady’s Hospital for Sick Children, Dublin, Ireland


Third edition


Taylor, Johnson





Recent Advances in Surgery 27

“who’s who” of international A specialist contributors provides an unrivalled depth of knowledge

E xtensively illustrated throughout to convey key theories and practice

F ully revised and up-to-date, all modern developments and advances in the field are covered

ew chapters covering topics such as sepsis, N transplantation and the epidemiology of congenital malformations

READERSHIP: Paediatric surgeons. 9781444102833 I 2011 I 1048pp I HB I Print and ebook bundle I £265.00 I 276x213mm I 1110 illustrations

9781853155710 | 2004 | £36.99

Operative Cardiac Surgery Fifth edition Gardner, Spray 9780340759745





Comprehensive Surgical Management of Congenital Heart Disease

Wootton, Dimmick, Kvedar 9781853156571







Hornick, Lymley 9780750632577







Wootton, Craig, Patterson 9781853156779







Teledermatology Oakley 9781853155079











Telehealth in the Developing World Wooton, Patil, Scott, Ho

Clinical Surgery A Practical Guide Baker, Aldoori 9780340940846





Management of Abdominal Hernias Third edition






Guide to Health Informatics Second edition











Recent Advances in Surgery 31 Taylor, Johnson 9781853157196















Plastic Surgery Survival Guide to Trauma

Hornick, Lymley



Anwar POD

Case Presentations MRCS & AFRCS V3 9780750632591


MCQs for the MRCS Examination

Hornick, Lymley 9780750632584


Kingsnorth, Leblanc 9780340808900

Case Presentations Mrcs & Afrcs V2


Introduction to Telemedicine Second edition


Case Presentations Mrcs & Afrcs V1


medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

Newborn Surgery, third edition is the ideal reference book for paediatric surgeons, and is a comprehensive compendium of the pathophysiology, investigation and management of neonatal disorders. With its uniquely comprehensive coverage of neonatal surgical specialities, it is the first stop for anyone looking to supplement their knowledge in this broad and increasingly disparate field: including paediatric surgeons, general surgeons with paediatric practice, neonatologists, paediatricians or paediatric radiologists.

Johnson, Taylor

Home Telehealth:Connecting Care within the Community


Nakhdjevani, Baker, Ahmadi 9781853157707





Brain Injury and Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Jonas, Newburger, Volpe

Recent Advances in Surgery 30 Taylor, Johnson 9781853157202





Recent Advances in Surgery 29 Johnson, Taylor 9781853156922









Operative Pediatric Surgery Sixth edition Spitz, Coran 9780340813409






For more information on all titles go to www.hodderarnold.com


get through Get Through The Foundation Years

Get Through Postgraduate Medical Interviews


Sritharan, Standfield













Get Through MRCP PACES

Get Through MRCP Part 1 BOFs

Rajeev Gulati, General Practitioner, London, UK Sanjay Sharma, Consultant Cardiologist, Kings College Hospital, London UK Consulting Editor: Monal Wadhera

Amin 9781853158230

medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

Reflecting the latest exam developments, this book focuses on providing complete revision coverage for the PACES exam, providing an illustrative and comprehensive revision guide for the MRCP candidate.



Dias 9781853156649

• W ritten specifically to cater for the needs of current PACES candidates, reflecting the latest syllabus





Get Through Radiology for MRCP for Part 2

• Illustrations aid the understanding of key topics


• C overs basic exam technique and tips on how to pass the examination • A particular focus on history and communication skills


Get Through MRCP Part 2 450 Best of Fives Second edition

Get Through MRCP: PACES is laid out into five easy-touse chapters, each representing a station from the exam, and integrates both the clinical and non-clinical aspects of the exam. A wide range of commonly asked stations are presented with detailed information laid out in a clear, concise manner, aided by photographs and diagrams.







READERSHIP: Candidates sitting the MRCP PACES exam. 9781853158346


August 2012








234 x 156mm


150 illustrations


Get Through First FRCR

Get Through First FRCR MCQs for the Physics Module

Grant Mair, Specialist Trainee in Radiology, The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK

Mair, Baird, Nisbet

Questions for the Anatomy Module


Andrew Baird, Specialist Trainee in Radiology, The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK

Gordon Findlater, Head of Anatomy, University of Edinburgh, UK


• Follows the most up-to-date syllabus of the First FRCR examinations




234 x 156mm



Sharma, Balan 9781853157547

READERSHIP: Candidates sitting the FRCR Part One examinations. PB


Get Through FRCR Part 2B Rapid Reporting of Plain Radiographs

Anatomical images are included from all modalities commonly used in current radiological practice (plain x-rays, CT, MRI, ultrasound, nuclear medicine). Each question includes a full explanation for each of the five stems, providing appropriate anatomy knowledge and relevant radiological learning points for the candidate.



9781853155789 | 2004 | £26.99

Completely up to date with the latest examination changes, Get Through First FRCR: Questions for the Anatomy Module offers a valuable insight into the updated anatomy module of the First FRCR examination. Over 150 five-part picture questions are presented according to syllabus topics, accurately reflecting the content, style and level of difficulty of the actual examination questions.



Tolan, Hyland, Taylor, Cowen

• Features a wealth of practice questions plus one full mock examination



Get Through FRCR Part 1 MCQs and Mock Examination

• 170 images allow the candidate to gain an in-depth knowledge of anatomy



Bydder, Clark, Coupe, Pattison

• Written by experiences author team, who also authored Get Through First FRCR: MCQs for the Physics Module



Get Through Final FRCR Part A SBAs for the Modular Examination

Judith Anderson, Consultant Radiologist, The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, UK







Get Through Nuclear Medicine for the FRCR and MRCP

170 illustrations

Frank, Nunan 9781853155505


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get through MRCGP exams

MRCOG exams

Get Through MRCGP: Clinical Skills Assessment


Second edition

Bruno Rushforth, MA (Cantab) MB ChB MA MRCGP DRCOG PG Cert Primary Care Ed, GP and Clinical Research Fellow in Primary Care, University of Leeds Val Wass, BSc FRCGP FRCP MHPE PhD, Professor of Medical Education and Head of Keele School of Medicine Adam Firth, BSc MB ChB DTM&H Dip Pall Med, NIHR Academic Fellow in General Practice, University of Manchester

READERSHIP: Candidates that are taking the Clinical Skills Assessment part of the MRCGP or MRCGP(INT). 9781444168242 I August 2012 £27.99 I 235x156mm



Get Through MRCGP: AKT Campbell 9781853158735






Rajesh Varma MA PhD MRCOG Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Guy’s and St.Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London; Honorary Senior Lecturer King’s College London Arri Coomarasamy MD MRCOG Senior Lecturer in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery, University of Birmingham and Consultant Gynaecologist, Birmingham Women’s Hospital, Birmingham T. Justin Clark MD (Hons.) MRCOG Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer, Birmingham Women’s Hospital and University of Birmingham, Birmingham 00 brand new SBA questions, ensuring that • 3 this is the only title that is identical to the new format of the exam • E ach question contains detailed answer justifications providing a thorough revision.

Get Through MRCGP: Hot Topics

ontent covers the entire current MRCOG part • C 1 syllabus With over 300 brand new single best answer questions and reasoned answers, this comprehensive revision guide provides the candidate with a definitive, one-stop revision resource for the newly revised MRCOG part 1 examination. Written by an experienced author team who have extensive knowledge of the exam through their roles teaching MRCOG courses, this title is currently the only part one revision guide that is in SBA format, identical to the forthcoming exam.

9781444154368 I February 2012 £29.99 I 234 x 156mm











Get Through MRCGP: Written Paper Module Coales 9781853156212

PLAB exams











Get Through MRCOG Part 2: EMQs Konje 9781853158476 | 2009 | £26.99

Get Through MRCOG Part 2 MCQs Ayuk 9781853157264 | 2007 | £26.99

Get Through MRCOG Part 2 OSCE Clark, Coomarasamy

Kevelighan, Gasson, Ashraf 9781853158568 | 2009 | £26.99

Get Through PLAB Part 1 500 Single Best Answers Questions Coales 9781853156380



Get Through MRCOG Part 2 Short Answer Questions



READERSHIP: Trainees undertaking the MRCOG Part 1 examination, and trainees in obstetrics and gynaecology.


Get Through MRCGP: Oral and Video Modules 9781853155932

Get Through MRCOG Part 1: MCQs and EMQs is designed to test candidates’ knowledge of basic and applied sciences in obstetrics and gynaecology. 350 MCQs and 160 EMQs are presented, reflecting the level of difficulty and style of the actual examination questions. This collection of practice questions offer a useful review of all elements of the syllabus, helping candidates test and assess their knowledge and aid thorough revision in preparation for examination day.

9781853157219 | 2008 | £26.99

Coales 9781853156809

Rekha Wuntakal and Tony Hollingworth

• Timed tests providing realistic examination

READERSHIP: MRCOG candidates in the UK, Ireland and overseas preparing for the written part of the examination.


Get Through MRCOG Part 1 MCQs and EMQs

medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

Completely revised and including new additional material, this second edition of the bestselling Get Through MRCGP: Clinical Skills Assessment provides candidates with a definitive, one-stop revision resource for the CSA part of the MRCGP examination. Additional material for this new edition includes six new cases, task boxes to refocus attention of reader on different challenges of each station, and a completely rewritten introductory chapter.

Get Through MRCOG Part 1 SBAs and Revision Notes







MRCOphth exams

Get Through MRCOphth Part 3: EMQs Khan, Frangouli 9781853156090





MRCS exams new

Get Through MRCS: Anatomy Second edition

Simon Overstall, MB BS MRCS, Locum Consultant Plastic Surgeon, East Grinstead, West Sussex Amit Zaveri, MB BS (Lond) BSc (Hons) MRCS (Eng), Plastic Surgery CT2 (Core Surgical Trainee) at Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead, West Sussex Fully revised and updated in light of the changes to the format of the MRCS examination, this second edition of Get Through MRCS: Anatomy provides candidates with the knowledge and practice

For more information on all titles go to www.hodderarnold.com


get through necessary for excelling at the challenging MRCS part B OSCE examination. Written by the experienced author of the highly successful first edition, Simon Overstall has extensive knowledge of the exam, both in teaching offline courses and authoring MRCS revision texts. 9781444170191


June 2012




Overstall, Cunnick, Mokbel





medicine: postgraduate, professional & reference

MCEM exams

Get Through MCEM Part B:

Get Through Final FRCA: MCQs

Barakat 9781853156588 | 2006 | £25.99

Nawal Bahal, Mubeen Khan, Aliki Manoras


Get Through Intercollegiate MRCS Parts 1 and 2: MCQs and EMQs 9781853155956

Get Through MRCPCH Part 1: BOFs and EMQs



Modelled on the current syllabus, Get Through Final FRCA: MCQs presents 450 multiple choice questions (MCQs) in the form of five practice papers, closely matching the actual FRCA examination. All major sections of the syllabus are dealt with and answers with detailed explanations are provided, supplemented with valuable reference material to develop understanding of each topic. Completely upto-date with the latest developments in anaesthesia, this book also provides a useful summary of landmark trials relevant to the MCQ, SAQ and SOE components of the examination. READERSHIP: Trainees undertaking the Final FRCA examination and trainees in anaesthesia. 9781853159954








Get Through FRCA Physics

Matthew Hall, Registrar in Emergency Medicine, St Thomas’s Hospital, London, UK


Sam Thanabadu, Registrar in Emergency Medicine, Sidcup Hospital, UK Chetan Rameshchandra Trivedy, BDS FDS. RCS(Eng) MBBS PhD MCEM FRSH, Registrar in Emergency Medicine, St Thomas’s Hospital, UK Get Through MCEM Part B: Data Interpretation Questions contains over 160 brand new MCEM Part B style structured answer questions (SAQs) designed to test and inform candidates. Each exam-focused chapter contains key topics to revise, clinical scenarios with data, mark schemes and, most importantly, detailed answers to ensure a thorough revision and learning experience. Practice questions include all forms of data likely to be encountered in the exam itself including blood tests, ECGs, X-rays, clinical photographs and much more.




Get Through Primary FRCA: 710 MCQs I








9781853158728 I December 2011 £28.99 I 234 x 156mm

Andrew Papanikitas, BSc (Hons) MA MBBS DCH MRGP GP, PhD Student, Sessional Tutor in Medical Ethics, Law and Professionalism, Facilitator on Interprofessional Education and Ethics Course (KCL), Organiser for undergraduate and postgraduate medical education, Royal Society of Medicine and The RCGP NWL Faculty

Get Through MCEM Part A: MCQs

Beardsell, Bell, Robinson, Rumbold 9781853158049















Get Through MRCPsych: MCQs for Paper 1 I




Kaimal, Rajagopal, Karim


Get Through DCH Clinical



Get Through MRCPsych: MCQs for Paper 3

READERSHIP: Trainees facing the examination. In addition it contains invaluable ‘shop floor’ knowledge and guidance for all doctors in training who are exposed to acute cases in the Emergency Department.




9781853158438 December 2012


Kaimal, Rajagopal, Karim

Patil, Phvill 9781444176063


Get Through MRCPCH Part 2: Data Interpretation Questions Second edition



Get Through Primary FRCA: SBAs



Jayaweera 9781853156663


Get Through MRCPsych Parts 1 and 2 525 individual statement questions in psychopathology



Barakat, Buchdahl

MRCPCH exams


Data Interpretation Questions

Get Through MRCPCH Part 2: 125 Questions on Clinical Photographs


Second edition

Jasdeep Gill, MBChB (Hons) DRCOG DFSRH DCH ST2 GP Specialty Trainee, London Deanery. Nigel Kennedy, BSc (Hons) MA MBBS DCH MRCGP Formerly Chair of the DCH Examination Board and Senior DCH Examiner





Get Through MRCPsych Preparation for the CASC Second edition Prathap, Murthy 9781853158766





Get Through Workplace Based Assessments in Psychiatry Second edition Murthy 9781853158964





With a heavily revised format in consideration of the recent DCH Clinical examination changes, this new edition of the comprehensive revision guide provides the candidate with a definitive, one-stop revision resource. The second edition provides the reader with detailed revision guidance, helpful tips on preparation, practise cases and worked examples for each station. READERSHIP: GP trainees as well as trainees in specialties allied to paediatrics. 9781444157390 I June 2012 £26.99 I 234 x 156mm


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Nursing & Allied Health 54 Pre-Registration 55 Caring for People with Specific Needs 55 Resources for Nurses & Nursing Students 55 Community Nursing 56 Mental Health Nursing 56 Drug Prescribing / Pharmacology 57 Nursing Research, Education & Practice

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59 Psychology


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60 Childhood Studies


Adult Nursing


“…an invaluable teaching resource… as a lecturer/practitioner in learning disabilities (complex needs) this is the first resource I’ve seen that highlights the health needs of people with learning disabilities”

Preparing for Practice Dr Dave Barton, Swansea University, UK

Ian Stables, Lecturer, Edinburgh Napier University

Professor Andrée Le May, University of Southampton, UK • P resents the best evidence for practice • Reflects UK policy directions and global health trends • Includes clinical case studies, patient perspectives, key points and activities to aid learning • Highlights career pathways and key areas for continuing professional development • HodderPlus companion website provides additional material, including PowerPoint presentations and MCQs Taking nursing beyond the fundamentals, this key text is based on the applied principles, policies and structures of contemporary adult nursing practice, and takes a holistic and practical approach in guiding students through the realities of becoming a qualified practitioner. Each chapter draws on the key principles and issues of care within that theme and presents the best evidence for practice, as well as highlighting contemporary issues and areas for continuing professional development. This practical guide is essential reading for all nursing students working with adult patients, as well as qualified nurses who are seeking to develop their own practice. CONTENTS: Introduction and how to use this book and website SECTION ONE : The world of nursing in modern day healthcare Planning your nursing career -pathways, options and key roles in modern nursing Developing skilled professional practice Developing expert practice SECTION TWO: Care themes and careers in Nursing First contact, access and urgent care The acute care of older people Supporting long-term care and palliative care Critical care, critical challenges, critical choices Mental health and psychosocial care Public health and primary care READERSHIP: Students in the adult nursing, mental health and learning disabilities fields. www.hodderplus.co.uk/adultnursing 9781444112146


December 2011







Developing Practical Adult Nursing Skills Third edition NURSING & ALLIED HEALTH

Edited by Leslie Baillie, London South Bank University, UK


• Based on the NMC Essential Skills Clusters • Sound evidence base with emphasis on the theory-practice link • Activities within the text encourage further individual or group research • Supporting website includes an image bank, ideal for lecture presentations, as well as interactive MCQs for students to test their knowledge and key point PowerPoint presentations

Developing Practical Skills for Nursing Children and Young People

“Upon reading this first chapter, I was very excited and wished I knew about this book in my first year because this book would have helped me with my written assignments.”

Edited by Alan Glasper, University of Southampton, UK

Nursing student

• W ritten by a team of experts in paediatric clinical practice • Evidence-based rationale is provided for each skill • Each chapter includes problem-solving vignettes and key point boxes to aid learning • Supporting website provides extra resources for students and lecturers, including an image bank, PowerPoint presentations, further reading and interactive MCQs, ideal for study and revision

This third edition of the highly successful Developing Practical Adult Nursing Skills has been revised specifically for nursing and healthcare students working with adult patients, offering a more comprehensive guide that will last through initial education and beyond. Fully updated to accommodate new research and health policies, including the NMC Essential Skills Clusters, there is also a free supporting website that will provide additional resources suitable for both students and lecturers. Each chapter includes scenarios from adult physical health, mental health and learning disability care settings, which are followed by reflective activities and learning outcomes to help the reader relate theory to practice. READERSHIP: Pre-registration nursing students and students on a range of assistant healthcare practitioner programmes.




Cathryn Battrick, Southampton Children’s Hospital, UK

Developing Practical Skills for Nursing Children and Young People supplements practical teaching by describing clinical skills in the style of a tutor teaching at the bedside. Each chapter presents the vital skills for practice in a step-by-step format alongside an evidence-based rationale, and anticipates common problems as well as suggesting practical solutions. This text will enable the reader to make a smooth transition from learner to hands-on nurse. READERSHIP: Nursing students in the field of paediatrics, qualified paediatric nurses and all healthcare professionals who encounter children in their roles.

www.hodderplus.com/adultnursingskills 9780340974209 I 2009 I 592pp 9780340946268 (Bookpower)

Marion Aylott, University of the West of England, UK


www.hodderplus.com/childnursingskills 9780340974193

Children and Young People’s Nursing Principles for Practice Ruth Davies and Alyson Davies both of Swansea University, UK • P rovides a critical analysis of what is best practice and how standards and high quality care can be assured • All chapters are underpinned by current policies, including Every Child Matters • Differences between the four UK countries are highlighted throughout • Key points, reflective points, case studies and exemplars to aid learning • Companion website including chapter key points PowerPoint slides, case studies, MCQs and sample material This core text provides a comprehensive overview of the practices and issues facing children’s nurses and healthcare practitioners today. It critically examines the drivers of professional practice in order to identify best practice and how standards and high quality care can be assured. Underpinned by a rights-based approach to the care of children and young people, each chapter raises awareness of how contemporary issues affect all levels of practice, education and research. This book is essential reading for all children’s nurses studying at pre- and post-registration level, including community children’s nursing, health visiting and school nursing, as well as for students on child health courses. www.hodderplus.com/childrensnursing

To order: Phone: +44 (0)1235 827 827
















Cultural Awareness in Nursing and Health Care Second Edition

Karen Holland and Christine Hogg, both of University of Salford, UK • A ll chapters present the latest theory and practice, referring to NMC guidelines, new legislation and the NHS Key Skills Framework, with practical tips on implementation • Case studies, reflective exercises and summary boxes stimulate discussion and shared practice • Includes global perspectives throughout, and the professional practice chapter includes issues relating to overseas nurses working in the UK The second edition of this popular introductory text explores the many sensitive issues of culture, race and ethnicity as they affect patient care. Cultural Awareness in Nursing and Health Care has been fully revised, and includes new chapters on men’s health and cultural care, and migration and asylum seekers, along with updated cases and reflective exercises to help the reader link theory to practice. READERSHIP: Pre- and post-registration nursing students, overseas nurses wishing to study or work in the UK, midwifery students, students on health & social care and allied health courses. 9780340972908












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Physiology and Anatomy for Nurses and Healthcare Practitioners

• E ncourages more effective study with helpful text features including learning objectives, section and chapter summaries, patient scenarios and reflective points

A Homeostatic Approach Third edition

John Clancy, University of East Anglia, UK Andrew McVicar, Anglia Ruskin University, UK

“An asset to any nursing library.” The Nursing Times (about the previous edition)

• F ully updated and revised to incorporate advances in understanding of the body systems • More case studies to illustrate the health carer’s role as an external agent of homeostatic control • New clinical photographs showing common clinical conditions • Supporting website provides extra learning resources, including an image bank, interactive MCQs and links to useful websites This book is an essential physiology and anatomy text that guides the reader through the basic structure and function of the body systems through to the more complex issues of clinical disorder and healthcare practice. The third edition continues to adopt a homeostatic approach, discussing the role of each body system in maintaining equilibrium, and showing how negative changes in homeostasis can be seen through various signs and symptoms. Fully updated and revised, it now includes an overview of microbiology and principles of infection management, and extended information on pharmacological principles and actions of the major classes of drugs. READERSHIP: Diploma and degree level preregistration nursing students. Post registration nursing students. www.hodderplus.com/physiologyandanatomy 9780340967591









Nursing Practice and Health Care is an essential companion for those studying at degree and diploma level, for students on post-registration and conversion courses and for those returning to practice. The fifth edition reflects changes precipitated by the NMC Code (2008), the requirements of pre-registration nursing programmes, the fitness for practice initiative and other developments in health policy within the four countries of the UK. READERSHIP: Nursing students at all levels, from foundation year onwards. 9780340928882









caring for people with specific needs

Caring for the Seriously Ill Patient

A Foundation Text Fifth edition

Second edition

Edited by Michael Macintosh and Tracey Moore, both of University of Sheffield, UK Clear, accessible, reader-friendly style Emphasis on knowledge and skills Evidence-based to help inform practice Updated to include more clinical knowledge and skills, learning outcomes and case studies • Diagrams, drawings and tables in to aid understanding • • • •

Caring for the Seriously Ill Patient second edition considers the key issues surrounding the care of critically and acutely ill patients in the general hospital. Chapters are structured to give a solid understanding of the anatomy and physiology of each body system before looking at the major associated conditions and illnesses and how the patient is assessed, monitored and cared for.


Sue Hinchliff, London South Bank University, UK Sue Norman, London South Bank University, UK Jane Schober, De Montfort University, UK

“This foundation text would be invaluable to nurses of all grades and experience”

• E nsures the reader is made fully aware of the NMC standards of proficiency • Develops skills in critical thinking that will enable the student to become a confident, accountable and professional practitioner • Provides the reader with a real sense of the ‘essence of nursing’ as the book is both student- and patient-focused • Tackles key issues such as health promotion, diversity and culture, ethics and the law








Resources for Nurses & Nursing Students

Caring: The Compassion and Wisdom of Nursing Brykczynska 9780340661963









Sue Chilton, University of Gloucestershire Heather Bain, Robert Gordon University; Assistant Priest, Holy Trinity Church, Northwood, UK Ann Clarridge, Chair of Association of District Nurse Educators; Formerly of London South Bank University Karen Melling, Formerly of University of Gloucestershire A Textbook of Community Nursing is a comprehensive and evidence-based introduction covering the full range of professional issues, including community nursing roles, personal safety, public health and health promotion.

• C ompletely up to date with current theory, policy and guidelines for practice, and all chapters are underpinned by a strong evidence base • User-friendly and accessible, with learning objectives for each chapter, plus exercises and activities to test current understanding, promote reflective practice and encourage further reading • Case studies and examples from practice draw on all fields of community nursing to illustrate practical application of theory. CONTENTS: 1. Nursing in a community environment 2. Public health and the promotion of well being 3. Professional approaches to care 4. Managing risk 5. Therapeutic relationships 6. Care across the lifespan 7. Community nursing assessment 8. Carers - the keystone of communities and families 9. Spirituality - a neglected aspect of care 10. Collaborative working: benefits and barriers 11. Approaches to acute care in the community 12. Emerging issues in long term conditions 13. Providing quality in end of life care 14. Organisation and management of care 15. Clinical leadership and quality care 16. Learning and teaching in the community 17. ehealth 18. Development of community nursing in the context of changing times 9781444121506 I Mar 2012 246x189mm I £22.99

Palliative Day Care Fisher, McDaid 9780340625217





Nursing Process and Quality Care Kemp, Richardson 9780340581124







For more information on all titles go to www.hodderarnold.com






Irene Mabbott, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust, UK



A Textbook of Community Nursing

This is an essential text for all pre-registration nursing students, students on specialist community nursing courses and qualified nurses entering community practice for the first time.

Chapters have been completely updated to reflect current research and practice, with expanded sections on early warning systems, pain management and the needs of elderly patients, as well as a new chapter on critical care outreach.

Nursing Practice and Health Care




Public Health Practice and the School-Age Population Diane DeBell, Director, Centre for Research in Health and Social Care, Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford and Cambridge, UK

“A thought provoking text which allows the reader to reflect on their own clinical practice and encourages further debate and learning” RCN Accreditation Unit Reviewer

This ground-breaking book presents a jargon-free analysis of the key issues facing practitioners, policymakers and other decision-makers whose role involves the individual and public health needs of school-age children in Britain today. 9780340907207




272 pp





Practice Development in Community Nursing: Principles and Processes Bryar, Griffiths 9780340759134





Community Nursing and Health Care: Insights and Innovations Hyde 9780340760116





Ethical Issues in Community Health Care Chadwick, Levitt 9780340661956





This resource is underpinned by the concept of “the craft of caring”, where the basis of good nursing practice is considered to be a combination of both art and science; this encourages the nursing student to take a holistic approach to the practice of psychiatric and mental health nursing.

Mental health nursing



Handbook of Mental Health Nursing

READERSHIP: Psychiatric/mental health nurses at diploma and degree level as well as postgraduate students and professionals wishing to update their knowledge.

Stephen Tee, Joanne Brown and Diane Carpenter, all of University of Southampton, UK



Drug Calculations for Nurses is a handy pocket-sized book which will help students to perform drug calculations with confidence and competence. This fully revised edition begins with advice on using calculators, basic maths skills and how to estimate answers to check workings. It then progresses onto basic pharmacokinetics and therapeutics, explanations of units and drug strengths, and finally step-by-step drug calculations. The book is top and tailed with a pre-test and a revision test so that students can be confident about the skills they have acquired.

Phil Barker, University of Dundee, UK




• C ontent updated in line with current practice with examples, questions and answers based on actual prescriptions • Real-life case studies reinforce important aspects of the administration of medicines • Learning objectives, tips, key points, and worked examples assist learning • Logical format so it can be used for individual study or as a handy reference • All calculations independently checked for accuracy


• W ide range of international contributors ensures authoritative coverage on all topics • Provides more emphasis on specific groups such as, children, women, older people, asylum seekers and refugees • Keeps the reader on top of issues with overviews of important clinical and policy developments in the UK and abroad • ‘Reflection points’ help students consider evidence to support their thinking The second edition of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing provides a comprehensive overview of the practice of psychiatric and mental health nursing, supported by relevant theory, research, policy and philosophy. Compiled and edited by the UK’s first Professor of Psychiatric Nursing Practice, all chapters have been completely updated to reflect recent changes in nursing practice and the understanding of mental health disorders.

Fax: +44 (0)1235 400 401


Heather Agar, Rheumatology Specialist Nurse

The Craft of Caring Second Edition



Robert Lapham, Clinical Pharmacist


To order: Phone: +44 (0)1235 827 827


A Step-by-step Approach Third edition

Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing



Drug Calculations for Nurses

CONTENTS: 1. Introduction 2. The therapeutic use of self 3. Values based practice 4. Working in groups 5. Recovery: a journey of discovery 6. Using and appraising evidence in practice 7. Developing nursing decision making skills 8. Promoting health and social inclusion 9. Leading and managing healthcare 10. The what then, what now and what next of mental health nursing





A concise and user-friendly guide, Handbook of Mental Health Nursing will help the reader to learn the essential skills required for practice. Taking a life course approach to mental health care, this practical handbook is informed by an interdisciplinary understanding of mental health problems and the recovery from mental health difficulties.




Phil Barker, Ben Davidson

• I ncludes practical exercises designed to develop skills in person centred care, assessment, classification, models of therapeutic practice, specific mental health problems and needs, and understanding the organisation of care




Psychiatric Nursing: Ethical Strife

• H ighlights case studies and draws on narratives of patient experience to help you make informed, value-based decisions in partnership with service users

9781444121292 I April 2012 £19.99 I 234 x 156mm



• A practical, hands-on guide covering the essential skills, with learning outcomes linked to the competencies required for practice


READERSHIP: Student nurses, as well as newly qualified nurses and those returning to work. 9780340987339









Illustrated Pharmacology for Nurses Simonsen, Aarbakke, Kay, Sinnott, Coleman 9780340809723





Email: education@bookpoint.co.uk


Introduction to Nursing Research


• A n accessible, evidence-based introduction to understanding, planning and using research in nursing practice • Easy to read and engaging text with summary boxes, definitions, examples and reader focused activities • Focuses on clinical practice with real-life stories about implementing research and examples from real research projects • Written by experts with over fifty years’ experience of doing, using and teaching research in nursing This concise, practical and accessible introduction to research in nursing provides a ‘how to’ guide to the basics of research and offers an overview of the way research is used in nursing to promote developments in practice, influence policy, enhance care delivery and improve patient outcomes. Part one focuses on real experiences and includes stories about doing and implementing research, while part two draws from these experiences and elaborates on key information needed to critically read and implement research in practice. This is an essential text for all student nurses as well as newly qualified nurses seeking to undertake research for the first time. CONTENTS: 1. Advancing practice through research 2. Quality of life research: implications for nursing 3. Dignity in nursing 4. Pressure ulcers: prevention and care 5. Asking worthwhile questions for practice 6. Selecting the right research design to answer your question 7. Collecting and analysing data - some important principles 8. Gaining permission for research 9. Telling people about your research 10. Using research in practice 11. Evaluating care





The Student’s Anatomy of Exercise Manual new

Ken Ashwell 9781444172379


September 2012




250 cards





264 cards





The Anatomy Student’s Self-test Visual Dictionary Chief Consultant: Ken Ashwell 9781444145779







320 pp














Patients’ Rights, Law and Ethics for Nurses A Practical Guide

Paul Buka, University of West London, UK ealth care law and ethics placed in context of • H everyday practice allowing the reader to relate to issues such as confidentiality, abuse and the right to die • Keeps the reader informed of ever-changing legislation through regularly updated companion website This convenient pocket-sized book provides all that a nurse, midwife and allied health professional needs to know in order to acquire a clear understanding of the legal and ethical rights of any patient in their care. READERSHIP: Nursing students, nurses, midwives and allied health professionals. www.hodderplus.com/patientsrights 9780340938812




198 pp





Nursing: Its Hidden Agendas Maya Jolley, Gosia Brykczynska 9780340557266








Competencies for Advanced Nursing Practice Edited by Sue Hinchliff, Consultant to the Nursing and Midwifery Council, UK

“A fantastic resource and reference book” • E asy-to-use and practical with a wealth of case studies and examples ensuring practitioners see the necessary skills in an applied setting • Jargon-free style provides clear, accessible guidance to those undertaking this standard of nursing practice • Final chapter demonstrates how practitioners can collect and record evidence for accreditation of their advanced nursing practice

For more information on all titles go to www.hodderarnold.com




Stephen Wright

READERSHIP: Nursing students on specialist, advanced and nurse practitioner courses, as well as paramedics and supplementary and independent prescribers, including pharmacists and other health professionals.


READERSHIP: All nurses at, or working to, an advanced level of practice.

Changing Nursing Practice Second edition

A step-by-step checklist for each body system is presented alongside a rationale to assist understanding and reinforce learning; this is followed by case studies to put the information into context. This book offers further support through sections on integrated examinations, clinical signs and common pathological conditions for each system.


Written by experienced academics and advanced nurse practitioners from a variety of clinical backgrounds, this is the first independent guide to support nurses seeking accreditation in advanced practice. It provides detailed information on achieving the competencies within each of the seven domains outlined in the NMC’s Standards of Proficiency for Advanced Nurse Practitioners.


systematic and methodical approach to examining • A each body system • Reflective practice is encouraged through examples of ethical and moral dilemas • Evidence-based – founded on current guidelines validated for use in practice ensuring readers are fully up to date with procedures • Case studies and self-test questions to consolidate learning This text provides a practical overview of the skills and rationale for physical examination. Backed up with evidence and clinical guidelines enabling the reader to justify the way they perform each physical examination, it is a vital reference for student practitioners in nursing and other health professions, and an essential revision aid in the build up to exams.

Journal of Community Nursing



Zoe Rawles, Beth Griffiths and Trudy Alexander, all of Swansea University, UK

Chief Consultant: Kurt H. Albertine 2007


Evidence and Rationale

Rosemary Rogers, Projects Director, EMAP Public Sector, UK



Physical Examination Procedures for Advanced Nurses and Independent Prescribers

The Anatomy Student’s Self-test Colouring Book 9781853157578



Susan Holmes, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK

May 2012


Anatomy Flash Cards

Andree Le May, University of Southampton, UK


Ashwell 9781853159701


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100 Cases for Medical Data Interpretation............. 15 100 Cases in Acute Medicine................................. 11 100 Cases in Clinical Ethics and Law...................... 11 100 Cases in Clinical Medicine, 2E......................... 11 100 Cases in Dermatology..................................... 11 100 Cases in General Practice................................ 11 100 Cases in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.............. 11 100 Cases in Orthopaedics and Rheumatology....... 11 100 Cases in Paediatrics......................................... 11 100 Cases in Psychiatry.......................................... 11 100 Cases in Radiology.......................................... 11 100 Cases in Surgery............................................. 11 100 Short Cases for the MRCP, 2E......................... 28 450 Single Best Answers in the Clinical Specialities........................................................... 16 500 Single Best Answers in Medicine..................... 16

A A Career in Medicine: Do you have what it takes? 2E............................. 27 A Guide to the MRCP Part 2 Written Paper 2E....... 28 A Manual of Neonatal Intensive Care 2E................ 36 A New Beginning in Sight...................................... 31 A Textbook of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 5E.............................................. 5 A Textbook of Community Nursing........................ 55 A Textbook of General Practice 3E............................ 7 Acute CT: A Primer of Emergency Imaging............. 45 Adolescent Forensic Psychiatry............................... 26 Adult Nursing Preparing for Practice....................... 54 Advancing Clinical Governance.............................. 28 Adverse Drug Interactions: A Handbook for Prescribers.................................. 28 Almost a Legend.................................................... 31 Ambulatory Hysteroscopy: An Evidence-Based Guide to Diagnosis and Therapy in the Outpatient Setting............................................... 33 An Essential Medical Miscellany............................. 31 An Introduction to Cardiovascular Physiology 5E...... 6 An Introduction to Radiation Protection 6E............ 44 Anaesthesia and the Practice of Medicine: Historical Perspectives.......................................... 31 Anaesthesia on the Move....................................... 13 Anatomy Colour-in Flash Cards.............................. 57 Anatomy Flash Cards............................................. 57 Apley’s Concise System of Orthopaedics and Fractures 3E.................................................... 8 Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures, 9E................................................. 35 Art of Psychotherapy 2E......................................... 40 Atlas of Clinical Positron Emission Tomography 2E.................................................... 44 Atlas of Flexible Bronchoscopy............................... 45 Atlas of Inherited Metabolic Diseases 3E........... 26,37 Atrial Fibrillation in Practice.................................... 30 Ayliffe’s Control of Healthcare-Associated Infection 5E......................................................... 30

B BAC Counselling Skills........................................... 60 Bailey & Love’s Short Practice of Surgery 25E.......... 47 Barasi’s Human Nutrition 3E A Health Perspective... 58 Basic Clinical Radiobiology 4E................................ 37 Basic Orthopaedic Sciences.................................... 35 Basic Pathology 4E with Pathology in Clinical Practice Pack.......................................... 4 Basic Pathology: 4E.................................................. 5 Bereavement Counselling Support for Older People .................................................. 60 Biopsy Pathology in Colorectal Disease, 2E............. 38 Biopsy Pathology of the Endometrium, 2E.............. 38


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Blood Pressure - all you need to know.................... 30 Brain and Spinal Tumors of Childhood................... 32 Brain Injury and Pediatric Cardiac Surgery.............. 49 Brown’s Skin and Minor Surgery: A Text and Color Atlas 5E..................................... 29 Browse’s Introduction to the Investigation and Management of Surgical Disease..................... 6 Browse’s Introduction to the Symptoms & Signs of Surgical Disease 4E................................ 6 Browse’s Introductions Pack..................................... 6

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Page no.

Concise Paediatrics, 2E........................................... 37 Core Anatomy - Illustrated....................................... 4 Core Clinical Cases in Medicine and Medical Specialties 2E..................................... 9 Core Clinical Cases in Medicine and Surgery............ 9 Core Clinical Cases in Obstetrics and Gynaecology... 9 Core Clinical Cases in Paediatrics 2E......................... 9 Core Clinical Cases in Psychiatry 2E.......................... 9 Counselling Skills and Theory 3E............................ 60 Cultural Awareness in Nursing and Health Care 2E An Introductory Text............................... 54 Culture, Health and Illness, 5E.................................. 6 Current Management of Scaphoid Fractures.......... 35

D Dementia Care....................................................... 58 Dementia, 4E......................................................... 40 Developing Practical Adult Nursing Skills 3E........... 54 Developing Practical Skills for Nursing Children and Young People.................................. 54 Developing the Wise Doctor: A resource for trainers and trainees in MMC......................... 28 Diagnostic Lymph Node Pathology, 2E.................... 38 Differential Diagnosis in Obstetrics and Gynaecology: An A-Z.................................... 33 Diving and Subaquatic Medicine 4E....................... 28 DRCOG MCQs and OSCEs - how to pass first time...................................................... 30 Drug Calculations for Nurses: A Step-by-Step Approach 3E................................ 56 Drug-induced and Iatrogenic Respiratory Disease.............................................. 45

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Page no.

Get Through MRCPsych: MCQs for Paper 3........... 52 Get Through MRCPsych: Preparation for the CASC, 2E............................... 52 Get Through MRCS Anatomy 2E............................ 51 Get Through Nuclear Medicine for the FRCR and MRCP.................................................. 50 Get Through PLAB Part 1: 500 Single Best Answer Questions....................... 51 Get Through Postgraduate Medical Interviews....... 50 Get Through Primary FRCA: SBAs........................... 52 Get Through Radiology for MRCP Part 2................ 50 Get Through the Foundation Years: A handbook for junior doctors............................. 50 Get Through Workplace Based Assessments in Psychiatry, 2E............................... 52 Greenfield’s Neuropathology Eighth Edition 2-Volume Set........................................... 32 Greenfield’s Neuropathology Eighth Edition 2-Volume Set & DVD..................... 32 Greenfield’s Neuropathology Illustrated DVD-ROM: A Companion to the 8E..................... 32 Guide to Health Informatics, 2E............................. 49 Gynaecology by Ten Teachers, 19E........................... 7



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Mental Health Law 2E A Practical Guide................. 39 Mercer’s Textbook of Orthopaedics and Trauma 10E................................................... 34 Microbial and Parasitic Infection 7E........................ 32 Microbiology and Infectious Diseases on the Move........................................................ 13 Mnemonics and Study Tips for Medical Students..................................... 17 Modern Infectious Disease Epidemiology, 2E.......... 32 MRCP Part 1 in a box............................................. 28 MRCPsych Part 1 In a Box...................................... 41 MRCPsych Parts I & II: Individual statements and EMI practice exams....................................... 41 MRCPsych: Passing the CASC Exam....................... 41 MRI of the Whole Body.......................................... 44 MRSA In Practice.................................................... 30 Muir’s Textbook of Pathology, 14E............................ 5 Multiple Myeloma and Related Disorders............... 31 Musculoskeletal MRI.............................................. 44

N Neonatal Respiratory Disorders, 2E......................... 37 Neurological Clinical Examination A Concise Guide.................................................. 32 Neurology and Clinical Neuroanatomy on the Move........................................................ 13 Neurophysiology 5E................................................. 5 New MRCGP in a Box............................................ 30 Newborn Surgery 3E.............................................. 49 Non-Invasive Respiratory Support, 3E..................... 46 Non-invasive Ventilation and Weaning: Principles and Practice.......................................... 45 Notable Names in Anaesthesia............................... 31 Nursing Practice and Health Care 5E...................... 55 Nursing Process And Quality Care.......................... 55 Nursing: Its Hidden Agendas.................................. 57 Nutrition: A Health Promotion Approach 3E........... 59

O Obesity and Pregnancy........................................... 33 Obstetrics & Gynaecology Ten Teachers Pack............ 7 Obstetrics and Gynaecology: An evidence-based text for MRCOG (2E).............. 32 Obstetrics by Ten Teachers, 19E................................ 7 Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Women’s Health on the Move............................................. 13 One Stop Doc Cardiology....................................... 14 One Stop Doc Gastroenterology and Renal Medicine.................................................... 14 Operative Cardiac Surgery, 5E................................ 49 Operative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Second edition..................................................... 35 Operative Orthopaedics The Stanmore Guide......... 35 Operative Pediatric Surgery 6E............................... 49 Operative Surgery of the Colon, Rectum and Anus, 6E........................................... 46 Orthopaedics and Rheumatology on the Move....... 13 OSCEs Complete Skills, Revision Notes and Self Assessment Pack.................................... 15 OSCEs for Medical and Surgical Finals.................... 17 OSCEs for the MRCOG Part 2: A Self-Assessment Guide, 2E................................ 33 OSCEs for the MRCS Part B A Bailey & Love Revision Guide............................................. 48 Outcome Measures in Orthopaedics and Orthopaedic Trauma, 2E................................ 35 Overcoming Anxiety, Stress and Panic 3E A Five Areas Approach......................................... 42


Page no.

Overcoming Depression and Low Mood, 3E A Five Areas Approach......................................... 43 Overcoming Functional Neurological Symptoms A Five Areas Approach......................................... 43 Overcoming Postnatal Depression: A Five Areas Approach......................................... 43 Overcoming Teenage Anxiety, Stress and Panic....... 43 Overcoming Teenage Low Mood and Depression: A Five Areas Approach......................................... 43

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Q Quality Indicators for General Practice.................... 30


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W Walking London’s Medical History.......................... 31 WHO Guide to Mental and Neurological Health in Primary Care: A guide to mental and neurological ill health in adults, adolescents and children, 2E... 31 Women’s Vascular Health....................................... 25


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