Rowman and Littlefield - Advanced Book Info - Psychology

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ADVANCED BOOK INFORMATION APD Singapore Pte Ltd (Malaysia Office) Brings You:

The Danger-to-Self-or-Others Exception to Confidentiality - By C. Emmanuel Ahia

978-0-7618-5647-4 $22.95, Paper Imprint: University Press of America October 2011 66pp Size: 6 x 9 Category: Psychology (General)

The Book: This book will help practicing mental health professionals understand the sometimes intricate responsibility of breaching clinical confidentiality when clients become dangerous to themselves or others. It examines the basis for clinical confidentiality, presents methods for the evaluation of client dangerousness, and proposes legally and ethically permissible methods to breach confidentiality. The Danger-to-Self-or-Others Exception to Confidentiality contains case-law updates which will help practitioners with situations that require the breach of confidentiality. This text strives to clear up some of the confusing issues surrounding suicide evaluation, death with dignity, inherently dangerous populations, and the role of client commitment in the breachof-confidentiality process. Ahia also discusses two important concepts - informed consent and privileged communication - as they relate to the rights of clients. The Author: C. Emmanuel Ahia, Ph.D., J.D., LPC, is a counseling professor and director of the Ed.S program at Rider University, New Jersey. He has taught mental health law and ethics at John Hopkins and Central Michigan University and is the author of Legal and Ethical Dictionary for Mental Health Professionals, along with many other articles on counseling ethics. Table of Contents: Preface; Confidentiality and Privileged Communication; Confidentiality and Informed Consent; The Duty-to-Warn Exception; The Concept of Dangerousness; Methods for Effective Warning of Dangerousness; Danger to Others: An Overview; Danger to Others: Specific Groups; Danger to Self; Frequently Asked Questions; Case Law Digest; Guidelines for Practice; Summary; Discussion Questions; Suggested Readings; References; Glossary; About the Author

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ADVANCED BOOK INFORMATION APD Singapore Pte Ltd (Malaysia Office) Brings You:

Humanity on a Tightrope

Thoughts on Empathy, Family, and Big Changes for a Viable Future - By Paul R. Ehrlich and Robert E. Ornstein 978-1-4422-0649-6 $15.95, Paper Imprint: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers November 2011 210pp Size: 6 x 9 Category: Psychology (Social)

The Book:

When we think of family, we most often think of our sisters and brothers, our cousins and grandparents, rather than our world family or even our community connections. We still identify with our differences more than our similarities, unless it’s convenient to do otherwise. Here, two seasoned authors tackle the question of family and what it means to us now and how it might change to help us address the problems that affect us all. Using specific examples throughout the work, they present a unique approach to what it means to belong to one human family. Beginning with a consideration of how the family unit has begun to be defined by allegiances, by common ties and empathy, the authors then discuss the evolution of the family unit and how the “us” vs. “them” mentality gave way to a way of life that separated peoples rather than brought them together. They consider family values, how they arose, developed, were perverted or perfected to suit the family unit’s needs, and the confusion that followed. Humanity on a Tightrope focuses on what families and family values are, and how they often create an “us versus them” mentality that is at the root of many of today’s most crucial problems from terrorism, racism, and war to the failure of humanity to come to grips with potentially lethal global environmental problems. The book underlines a basic element for solving the human predicament -quickly spreading the domain of empathy. It takes a close look at how we can do that, building on the findings of both social and natural science and using tools ranging from brain imaging to the internet. It explains how civilization is unlikely to persist unless many more people learn to put themselves in the shoes of others to keep society balancing on the tightrope to sustainability - a tightrope suspended over the collapse of civilization.

The Authors:

Paul Ehrlich is Bing Professor of Population Studies and President of the Center for Conservation Biology at Stanford University. He is the author of The Population Bomb, one of the first books to bring environmental science to the general public. Dr. Robert Evan Ornstein is a psychologist, writer, former professor at Stanford University, and chairman of the Institute for the Study of Human Knowledge (ISHK). He is the author of The Healing Brain, New World New Mind, and The Psychology of Consciousness.

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ADVANCED BOOK INFORMATION APD Singapore Pte Ltd (Malaysia Office) Brings You:

The Impact of Complex Trauma on Development - By Cheryl Arnold and Ralph Fisch

978-0-7657-0882-3 $75.00, Cloth Imprint: Jason Aronson September 2011 288pp Size: 6 x 9 Category: Psychology (Developmental / General)

The Book:

The Impact of Complex Trauma on Development describes what happens cognitively and emotionally, behaviorally and relationally, to people who are repeatedly traumatized in childhood. Part One brings together trauma theory with a number of theories of human development. It directly addresses and describes developmental pathology and its origins. Through powerful examples, it conveys to the reader the pain and destruction caused by ongoing trauma, abuse, and continuous stress. Part Two, written from the perspective of a clinician who has worked extensively with traumatized children and adults, is primarily directed to mental health professionals and graduate students. These chapters are devoted to describing how to recognize the pathological consequences of trauma and how to intervene and remediate these developmental deficits. The overarching theory is psychoanalytically-based and developmental, but other treatment approaches are integrated into the therapy when they are developmentally and therapeutically appropriate. The text raises important questions related to the development of the self, its relationship to therapy, and the diagnosis and treatment of complex trauma in children, adolescents, and adults.

The Authors:

Cheryl Arnold, PhD, is an adjunct professor of psychology at the University of Denver, and she has a private practice in Centennial, Colorado. Ralph Fisch, PhD, is an associate professor of psychology at the University of Denver, and he has a private practice in Denver, Colorado.

Table of Contents:

Preface; Acknowledgments; I.; 1. What Is Complex Interpersonal Trauma—and Why Does It Matter; 2. Early Development and Attachment: The Earliest Interpersonal Trauma; 3. Understanding the World Through Sensation, Perception, and Imagery; 4. Fully Awake; 5. Emotional Development and Complex Trauma; 6. The Impact of Complex Trauma on Cognitive Development; 7. Memory and Complex Trauma; 8. The Impact of Trauma on Behavior; 9. Identity Development and Complex Trauma; 10. Complex Trauma and Relationships; II.; 11. The Importance of Ongoing Assessment; 12. Treatment of Complex Trauma: Relationships; 13. Treatment of Complex Trauma: Constriction and Intrusions; 14. Treatment of Complex Trauma: Integration; 15. Conclusions and Cultural Implications; Bibliography; Index; About the Authors

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ADVANCED BOOK INFORMATION APD Singapore Pte Ltd (Malaysia Office) Brings You:

Insatiable Wives

Women Who Stray and the Men Who Love Them - By David J. Ley

978-1-4422-0031-9 $16.95, Paper Imprint: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers November 2011 312pp Size: 6 x 9 Category: Psychology (Human Sexuality)

The Book: This enlightening work investigates the history, incidence, and causes of a unique sexual lifestyle pursued by increasing numbers of couples. It is called by many names, and lived in a variety of ways by different couples. The most common terms used to describe it are ‘hotwife’ or ‘cuckold lifestyle.’ This sexual practice, a form of sexual nonmonogamy, is distinguished from swinging and polyamory in that the husband rarely seeks sexual contact outside the marriage except for participation in group sex with his wife and other men, while the wife is permitted and often encouraged to pursue unrestrained sexual encounters with other men. The author includes interviews and comments from couples living the lifestyle throughout the U.S., and presents the stories in an attempt to determine the history of this sexual practice and its role in society and in relationships. He explores the psychological, social, biological, and evolutionary underpinnings of this uncommon and socially taboo behavior in an effort to make it more comprehensible to those engaged in the lifestyle and those who are just curious. The Author: David J. Ley, Jr., is a Clinical Psychologist in practice in Albuquerque, NM. He is Executive Director of New Mexico Solutions and Director of Clinical Development at River Valley Consulting. Table of Contents: Introduction; Birds and Horns; Monogamy and Marriage; Women, Wives and Femail Sexuality; Alternatives to Monogamy; Insatiable Wives Throughout History; Wife Sharing in Literature and Film; Fetish and Fantasy; This is No Easy Ride; A Wild New World of Wife Sharing; Fecund Fluids; Madonna or Whore; Endnotes; Selected Bibliography

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ADVANCED BOOK INFORMATION APD Singapore Pte Ltd (Malaysia Office) Brings You:

Applying Family Systems Theory to Mediation A Practitioner’s Guide - By Wayne F. Regina

978-0-7618-5574-3 $26.95, Paper Imprint: University Press of America October 2011 172pp Size: 6 X 9 Category: Psychology (General)

The Book:

The field of mediation currently lacks a unifying theoretical foundation. This book attempts to remedy that by presenting one such comprehensive theoretical model. Family systems theory is based on the work of Murray Bowen, who was among the initial proponents of family therapy. Bowen family systems theory describes human relationships and human functioning using a systemic lens that conceptualizes human behavior through an intricate web of emotional processes. As a practicing mediator, teacher, and academic, Regina offers a systemic understanding of successful mediation, meditation techniques, the relationships between disputants, and the importance of mediator emotional maturity. He discusses the co-mediator relationship, the effects of multiple parties such as attorneys and stakeholder groups on the mediation process, the reasons for failed mediation, and the overall importance of theory in practice. This book provides a practical guide for the mediation practitioner and will assist both experienced and novice mediators in successfully navigating the often-intense, emotional minefield of mediation.

The Author:

Wayne F. Regina, Ph.D, is a certified mediator, licensed psychologist, and licensed marriage and family therapist specializing in the application of Bowen family systems theory to a variety of human systems and settings. He is the former dean and current professor of peace studies and psychology at Prescott College, Arizona.

Table of Contents:

Preface; Acknowledgements; Part I: Bowen Family Systems Theory; Chapter 1: Why Bowen Family Systems Theory?; Chapter 2: Understanding Bowen Family Systems Theory; Part II: Mediation Process and Technique Using Bowen Theory; Chapter 3: Applying Bowen Theory to the Six-Stage Model of Mediation; Chapter 4: Common Errors and How Bowen Theory Can Minimize Them; Chapter 5: Emotional Maturity and the Mediator; Chapter 6: Emotional Triangles, Triangulation, and De-Triangulation in Mediation; Chapter 7: Empowering Disputants and Managing Conflict; Chapter 8: Diversity Issues and Bowen Theory in Mediation; Chapter 9: Domestic Mediations, Emotional Maturity, and Reciprocal Relationships; Chapter 10: Bowen Theory and Marital Conciliation; Part III: A New Model of Mediation Training; Chapter 11: Training and Supervising Mediators Using Bowen Theory; Chapter 12: Concluding Thoughts; References; Index

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ADVANCED BOOK INFORMATION APD Singapore Pte Ltd (Malaysia Office) Brings You:

Polyamory in the 21st Century Love and Intimacy with Multiple Partners By Deborah Anapol

978-1-4422-0022-7 $15.95, Paper Imprint: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers November 2011 260pp Size: 6 X 9 Category: Psychology (Human Sexuality)

The Book: Unlike other books on this topic, Polyamory in the 21st Century weaves together research and facts to provide an informed and impartial analysis of polyamory as a lifestyle and as a movement, and to place it in a psychosocial as well as an historical context. Anecdotes and personal experiences allow the reader to develop a better understanding of polyamory and the people who practice and enjoy it. The author addresses the practical, the utopian, and the shadow sides of this intriguing, mysterious, yet often threatening lifestyle. It honestly addresses difficult issues such as the nature of commitment without exclusivity, balancing personal needs with loyalty to a partner, evaluating beliefs about love and relationship, the impact of polyamory on children, and the challenges that arise when one partner wants monogamy and another prefers polyamory. Without judgment, she explores this increasingly common practice, and reveals the true nature of a lifestyle that many do not understand. The Author Deborah Anapol is the author of Polyamory: The New Love without Limits and The Seven Natural Laws of Love. She has taught psychology and human sexuality at the University of Washington in Seattle and Antioch University in San Francisco. She leads seminars on love, sex, and intimacy around the country and the world.

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ADVANCED BOOK INFORMATION APD Singapore Pte Ltd (Malaysia Office) Brings You:

Freud and Utopia

From Cosmological Narcissism to the Soft Dictatorship of Reason - By M. Andrew Holowchak

978-0-7391-6856-1 $60.00, Cloth Imprint: Lexington Books October 2011 174pp Size: 6 x 9 Category: Psychology (Philosophical And Religious)

The Book: Though Freud never makes utopia the subject of any one work, this book is an attempt to tease out Freud’s notion of utopia through examination of his group-psychology works such as The Future of an Illusion, Civilization and Its Discontents, “Why War?” and “On the Question of a Weltanschauung.” Through tracing out three key blows to human narcissism through scientific advance, this book shows the extent to which biological factors impact human psychology and influence the prospect of future human happiness-the triumph of ego over id. The lure of utopian thinking for Freud is its dependence on human imagination, which relies on wish-impulses that seek fulfillment. It is also the drive in Freud, perhaps based fundamentally on his hidden wishes, to demonstrate that psychoanalysis is a profitable investigative tool for not only individual neuroses, but also for group neuroses and the social, political, and ethical issues underlying them. Freud’s perceived successes with the psychoanalytic investigation of group neuroses emboldened him to explore utopianism psychoanalytically. The Author: M. Andrew Holowchak teaches philosophy at Rider University, New Jersey. Table of Contents: Introduction; Chapter 1: Positively Freud; Chapter 2: Religion and Utopia; Chapter 3: Philosophy and Utopia; Chapter 4: Science and Utopia; Chapter 5: The Legitimacy of Psychoanalysis; Chapter 6: A Fourth Blow to Human Narcissism

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