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Communicative Understandings of Women’s Leadership From Ceilings of Glass to Labyrinth Paths
- Edited by Elesha L. Ruminski and Annette M. Holba 978-0-7391-6643-7 $65.00, Cloth 978-0-7391-6644-4 $29.95, Paper Imprint: Lexington Books November 2011 228pp Size: 6 x 9 Category: Social Science (Women’s Studies)
The Book:
This book intertwines the disciplines of communication studies, leadership studies, and women’s studies to offer theoretical and practical reflection about women’s leadership development in academic, organizational, and political contexts. Women’s leadership development exists at the intersection of consciousness-raising, communication competence, and education to increase one’s knowledge and practice of “leadership,” which makes the weaving together of these three disciplines important. Thus, Communicative Understandings of Women’s Leadership Development claims a space for women’s leadership studies and acknowledges the paradigmatic shift from discussing women’s leadership using the glass ceiling phenomenon to what Eagly and Carli (2007) identify as the labyrinth of leadership. Recognizing this metaphoric shift is crucial because many women now develop leadership amid the postmodern flux of organizational change; hierarchical, top-down systems are being eroded in lieu of transformational, collaborative, even improvisational leadership processes. Women’s leadership studies is emerging as a fruitful interdisciplinary area that reframes the debate about whether we live, work, and learn within a third-wave feminist or post-feminist context. While this area might include feminist theorizing, it also might not emphasize such epistemologies. For this reason, Ruminski and Holba’s edited collection explores and highlights a variety of feminist and non-feminist intersections, and is thus an important and timely contribution to both marking where we are with women’s leadership development in higher education and how women can further develop themselves as leaders.
The Authors:
Elesha L. Ruminski, PhD, is chair and assistant professor of communication studies and coordinator of leadership studies at Frostburg State University. Annette M. Holba, PhD, is assistant professor of rhetoric at Plymouth State University, Maryland.
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Melancholy and the Otherness of God A Study of the Hermeneutics of Depression - By Alina Feld
978-0-7391-6603-1 $65.00, Cloth Imprint: Lexington Books November 2011 240pp Size: 6 X 9 Category: Philosophy (Metaphysics)
The Book:
An impressive study that prompts the reader toward philosophical reflection on the hermeneutics of melancholy in its relation to maturing theological understanding and cultivation of a profound selfconsciousness. Melancholy has been interpreted as a deadly sin or demonic temptation to nonbeing, yet its history of interpretation reveals a progressive coming to terms with the dark mood that ultimately unveils it as the self’s own ground and a trace of the abysmal nature of God. The book advances two provocative claims: that far from being a contingent condition, melancholy has been progressively acknowledged as constitutive of subjectivity as such, a trace of divine otherness and pathos, and that the effort to transcend melancholy-like Perseus vanquishing Medusa-is a necessary labor of maturing self-consciousness. Reductive attempts to eliminate it, besides being dangerously utopian, risk overcoming the labor of the soul that makes us human. This study sets forth a rigorous scholarly argument that spans several disciplines, including philosophy, theology, psychology, and literary studies.
The Author:
Alina N. Feld teaches religious studies, ethics, and Western and Eastern philosophy at Hofstra University and Dowling College in New York.
Table of Contents:
Introduction; Chapter 1. Hippocratic Humors, Plato’s Chora, and Pseudo-Aristotle’s Question; Chapter 2. The Mortal Sins of Acedia, Sadness, and Sloth; Chapter 3. Children of Saturn; Chapter 4. Indolence and Ennui; Chapter 5. Infinite Will, Skepticism, and Sublime Terror; Chapter 6. On God’s Otherness; Chapter 7. Boredom, Time, and the Self; Chapter 8. Psychic Pathos, Creativity, and Insight; Chapter 9. Postmodern Depression and Apocalypse; Chapter 10. Therapeutics of Melancholy; After Thoughts
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Moderation and Revolution - By Andrea Micocci
978-0-7391-6718-2 $80.00, Cloth Imprint: Lexington Books November 2011 324pp Size: 6 x 9 Category: Philosophy (Political)
The Book:
In the intellectuality of capitalism there are two alternative ways to conceive of reality: the moderate one, which mediates dialectically, and the revolutionary one, which also comprises ruptures with disappearance. The former conforms to, and helps shape, the metaphysics of capitalism itself. The second is akin to the mode of progressing of nature in general, and forms the basis for materialism. Moderate positions tend to be intolerant because they do not recognize the other, which is constantly compelled to mediate. Revolutionary positions instead, recognizing the other, are tolerant and intrinsically non-violent. In capitalism as we know it liberalism, Marxism and anarchism would potentially be revolutionary. But they have been transformed in moderate modes of thought, similar for instance to nationalism, communitarianism, Christian ideas, fascism, socialism. Thus capitalism has become an intolerant world that seems built to block, by means of mediations, its own historical evolution. The outcome is a fascistic economy and polity. “This is a daring book that one may like or not like, but represents in the clearest way the nature of capitalism’s convoluted nature while explaining with extreme clarity the perverse mechanisms of its resilience. The author brilliantly holds the reader’s attention through a journey in the history of ideas to come to the conclusion that moderation is the bond that keeps us socially and culturally tied, whereas revolution means individual emancipation. Revolution is the non-violent quest for individual freedom in a materialistic sense and in Micocci’s view has nothing to do with the bureaucratic and totalitarian organization propagandized at the time of the Soviet Union. This book dispels many misconceptions and popularly held beliefs and is recommended to unprejudiced readers.”—Mino Vianello, University of Rome
The Author:
Andrea Micocci teaches economics at the University of Malta Link Campus, Rome, and International Economic Policies at the Facoltà di Studi Politici e per l’Alta Formazione Europea e Mediterranea Jean Monnet of Seconda Università of Naples, San Leucio (CS), Italy.
Table of Contents:
Foreword by Giuseppe Limone; Chapter 1. Individual, State, Community; Chapter 2. Contradiction, Mediation, Opposition; Chapter 3. Capitalism, Politics and Political Theories; Chapter 4. The Pretended Variety of Economic Ideas; Chapter 5. Classical Liberalism; Chapter 6. Economic Liberalism; Chapter 7. Utopian Socialisms and Russian Nihilism; Chapter 8. Marx; Chapter 9. Marxisms. Leninism and Stalinism, Trotzkysm; Chapter 10. Anarchism; Chapter 11. Revisions of Marxism, Fall of the Totalitarian “Socialist” Regimes; Chapter 12. Democratic Theories, Conservatism; Chapter 13. Christian Ideas of Social Reform; Chapter 14. Nationalism, Racism; Chapter 15. Imperialism, Theories of Underdevelopment; Chapter 16. Fascisms; Chapter 17. Communitarianism and Neoliberalism; Chapter 18. New Ideas or New Movements?; Chapter 19. Terrorism; Chapter 20. Moderation against Revolution, Tolerance
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Pragmatism, Feminism, and Idealism in the Philosophy of Ella Lyman Cabot - By John Kaag
978-0-7391-6780-9 $70.00, Cloth Imprint: Lexington Books November 2011 258pp Size: 6 x 9 Category: Philosophy (Feminism)
The Book:
This book provides an account of the life and writings of Ella Lyman Cabot (1866-1934), a woman who received formal training, but not formal recognition, in the field of classical American philosophy. It highlights the themes of idealism, pragmatism and feminism as they emerged in the course of career as an educational reformer and ethicist that spanned nearly four decades. Cabot’s writings, developed in graduate seminars at Harvard and Radcliffe at the turn of the century complement, and in many cases anticipate, the thinking of the “fathers” of the American philosophical cannon: Charles Sanders Peirce, Josiah Royce, William James, and John Dewey. Her formal philosophical writing focuses on the concepts of growth, creativity, the and moral imagination - a fact that is especially interesting given that these concepts are developed by a woman who faced serious obstacles in her personal and intellectual development. Indeed, these concepts are not merely philosophical ideals, but practical tools that Ella Lyman Cabot used to negotiate the gender roles and intellectual marginalization that she faces at the turn of the century. The discipline of philosophy was very slow to incorporate the insights of women into its self-definition. An analysis of the writings of Ella Lyman Cabot reveals this point, but also the pointed ways in which she sought to express her genuinely creative insights.
The Author:
John Kaag is assistant professor of philosophy at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell.
Table of Contents:
Preface; Chapter 1: The Life of American Philosophy - The Education of Ella Lyman Cabot; Chapter 2: Women and Forgotten Movements in American Philosophy: Ella Lyman Cabot and Mary Parker Follett on Growth and Creativity; Chapter 3: Ella Lyman Cabot’s Chance: The Nature of Contingency in the American Philosophical Tradition; Chapter 4: Everyday Ethics: Morality and the Imagination; Chapter 5: “How Does it Feel to Be a Problem?” - Women in American Thought; Chapter 6: Cabot on Peace Education: Moral Psychology, Ethics, and International Affairs (19061930); Chapter 7: “Thought is Never at Rest:” Ella Lyman Cabot and the Struggle of Idealism; Appendix: Selected Writings of Ella Lyman Cabot
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Social Welfare, Aging, and Social Theory - By Jason L. Powell and John Martyn Chamberlain 978-0-7391-4777-1 $65.00, Cloth 978-0-7391-4778-8 $27.95, Paper Imprint: Lexington Books November 2011 182pp Size: 6 x 9 Category: Sociology (Aging)
The Book: Social Welfare, Aging and Social Theory explores how we can understand the changing relationship between social welfare and human aging. The book begins by reviewing how historical changes in society impacted on shaping emergence of scientific approaches to understand and problematize and bio-medicalize aging as akin to an illness and disease. The discussion moves to trace how particular social science theories were developed to reinforce negative perceptions of aging. The book also develops its own reflexive approach with indepth examples of social welfare in national, international and global contexts in how aging is theorized in the postmodern world were alternative possibilities can be encountered. The Authors: Jason L. Powell is divisional head of social sciences at University of Central Lancashire. John Martyn Chamberlain is a lecturer in criminology and social policy at Loughborough University. Table of Contents: Chapter 1: The Relationship of Social Theory and Aging: A Critical Exegesis; Part I: Modern Constructions of Aging; Chapter 2: From Galen to the Clinic: the Birth of Biomedicine; Chapter 3: Occidental Modernity, the Biomedical Gaze, and Aging; Chapter 4: Theorizing Aging: Critical Explorations of Modernist Sociological Approaches; Part II: Postmodern Deconstructions of Aging; Chapter 5: Postmodernism, Culture, and the Aging Body; Chapter 6: The “Foucault Effect” and Aging: Relations of Power, Surveillance and Governmentality; Chapter 7: Aging in the “Risk Society”; Chapter 8: Narrative and Aging; Chapter 9: Reconstructions of Aging: The Case of Global Aging; Chapter 10: Conclusion: Reconstructions of Aging
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Moral Theory at the Movies An Introduction to Ethics - By Dean Kowalski
978-0-7425-4787-2 $59.95, Paper Imprint: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers December 2011 400pp Size: 7 x 10 Category: Philosophy (Ethics & Moral Philosophy)
The Book: Moral Theory at the Movies provides students with a wonderfully approachable introduction to ethics. The book incorporates film summaries and study questions to draw students into ethical theory and then pairs them with classical philosophical texts. The students see how moral theories, dilemmas, and questions are represented in the given films and learn to apply these theories to the world they live in. There are 36 films and a dozen readings including: Thank you for Smoking, Plato’s Gorgias, John Start Mill’s Utilitarianism, Hotel Rwanda, Plato’s Republic, and Horton Hears a Who. Topics cover a wide variety of ethical theories including, ethical subjectivism, moral relativism, ethical theory, and virtue ethics. Moral Theory at the Movies will appeal to students and help them think about how philosophy is relevant today. The Author: Dean Kowalski is an associate professor at the University of Wisconsin-Manitowoc.
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A Positive View of LGBTQ
Embracing Identity and Cultivating Well-Being - By Ellen D. Riggle and Sharon S. Rostosky 978-1-4422-1281-7 $29.95, Cloth Imprint: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers November 2011 176pp Size: 6 X 9 Category: Social Science (Gay Studies)
The Book: A Positive View of LGBTQ starts a new conversation about the strengths and benefits of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGTBQ) identities. Positive LGBTQ identities are affirmed through inspiring firsthand accounts. Focusing on how LGTBQ-identified individuals can cultivate a sense of wellbeing and a personal identity that allows them to flourish in all areas of life, the authors explore a variety of themes. Through personal stories from people with a variety of backgrounds and gender and sexual identities, readers will learn more about expressing gender and sexuality; creating strong and intimate relationships; exploring unique perspectives on empathy, compassion, and social justice; belonging to communities and acting as role models and mentors; and, enjoying the benefits of living an authentic life. Providing exercises in each chapter, the book offers those who identify as LGBTQ and those who support and love them an opportunity to explore and appreciate these identities. The Authors: Ellen D.B. Riggle is a professor of gender and women’s studies and political science at the University of Kentucky. She is co-founder of, a research group and website focused on issues impacting the well-being of LGBTQ individuals and same-sex couples. Her articles have appeared in leading professional journals and she is co-editor of Sexual Identity in the Workplace: Issues and Services and Gays and Lesbians in the Democratic Process: Public Policy, Political Representation and Public Opinion. Sharon S. Rostosky is a Licensed Psychologist and a professor of counseling psychology at the University of Kentucky. She is co-founder of She has published over 50 academic journal articles and book chapters, including many that focus on the well-being of LGBTQ individuals, same-sex couples, and their families. In 2010, she was the recipient of the Society of Counseling Psychology’s Social Justice Award.
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AFL-CIO’s Secret War against Developing Country Workers Solidarity or Sabotage? - By Kim Scipes
978-0-7391-3502-0 $34.95, Paper Imprint: Lexington Books August 2011 276pp Size: 6 x 9 Category: Social Science (Third World Development)
The Book:
The principles of trade unionism are based on working people acting together in solidarity with each other, to improve wages, working conditions, and life for themselves and all others. In its most developed forms, this extends not only to the worker next to you, but to working people all around the world, wherever they might be. Some of the foremost proponents of these principles in the United States since the 1880s has been the American Federation of Labor (AFL), then later the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), and since their merger in 1955, the AFL-CIO. However, unknown to many labor leaders and most union members in the U.S., the foreign policy leaders of the AFL and then the AFL-CIO, have been carrying out an international foreign policy that has worked against workers in a number of developing countries. This has been done on their own, and in collaboration with the U.S. Government and its agencies. In the post-World War II period, this foreign policy program has led to the AFL-CIO’s foreign policy leadership helping to overthrow democratically elected governments — Guatemala (1954), Brazil (1964), Chile (1973); to support dictatorships in countries such as Guatemala, Brazil and Chile (after their respective military coups), as well as in countries such as Indonesia, the Philippines, and South Korea; and to support efforts by reactionary labor leaders to help overthrow their democratically-elected leaders as in Venezuela in 2002. It has also included providing AFLCIO support for U.S. Government policies around the world, including support for apartheid in South Africa. This book argues that these activities, done behind the backs and without the informed knowledge of American trade unionists, acts to sabotage the very principles of trade unionism that these leaders proclaim to be advancing. It shows how labor activists have been fighting this sabotage, and calls for all Americans to support these efforts.
The Author: Kim Scipes is assistant professor of sociology at Purdue University North Central.
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Handbook of Public Sociology - Edited by Vincent Jeffries
978-0-7425-6647-7 $39.95, Paper Imprint: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers August 2011 504pp Size: 6 X 9 Category: Sociology (Social Theory)
The Book: Public sociology – an approach to sociology that aims to communicate with and actively engage wider audiences – has been one of the most widely discussed topics in the discipline in recent years. The Handbook of Public Sociology presents a comprehensive look at every facet of public sociology in theory and practice. It pays particular attention to how public sociology can complement more traditional types of sociological practice to advance both the analytical power of the discipline and its ability to benefit society. The first two sections of the Handbook of Public Sociology look at public sociology in relation to the other three types of practice, professional, policy, and critical, with an emphasis on integrating the four types into a holistic model of theory and practice. Subsequent sections focus on issues like teaching public sociology at various levels, case studies in the application of public sociology, and the role of public sociology in special fields in the discipline. The concluding chapter by Michael Burawoy, a past president of the American Sociological Association and a leading proponent of public sociology, addresses current debates surrounding public sociology and presents a constructive vision for the future that embraces and improves upon all four types of sociology. The Handbook of Public Sociology with its examination not only of public sociology but also of how it can enhance and complement other types of practice, transcends differences in the field and will appeal to a wide range of academics, students, and practitioners. The Author: Vincent Jeffries is professor of sociology at California State University, Northridge.
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Flourishing and Happiness in a Free Society Toward a Synthesis of Aristotelianism, Austrian Economics, and Ayn Rand’s Objectivism - By Edward W. Younkins
978-0-7618-5529-3 $29.95, Paper Imprint: University Press of America July 2011 226pp Size: 6 X 9 Category: Philosophy (Social)
The Book: This book provides a framework for a potential paradigm of human flourishing and happiness in a free society. It is an exploratory attempt to construct an understanding from various disciplines and to integrate them into a clear, consistent, coherent, and systematic whole. Holding that there are essential interconnections among objective ideas, the book emphasizes the compatibility of Aristotelianism, Austrian economics, and Ayn Rand’s Objectivism. It argues that particular ideas from these areas can be integrated into a paradigm of human flourishing and happiness based on the nature of man and the world. Such a paradigm will help people to understand the world and to survive and flourish in it. The Author: Edward W. Younkins is professor of accountancy and business administration at Wheeling Jesuit University. Table of Contents: Introduction: Aristotle, the Aristotelian Austrians, Ayn Rand, and Beyond; Chapter 1: Menger, Mises, Rand, and Beyond; Chapter 2: Human Nature, Flourishing, and Happiness; Chapter 3: Toward the Development of a Paradigm of Human Flourishing in a Free Society; Conclusion: Creating a Good Life in a Free Society
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Being White, Being Good
White Complicity, White Moral Responsibility, and Social Justice Pedagogy - By Barbara Applebaum
978-0-7391-4492-3 $29.95, Paper Imprint: Lexington Books August 2011 230pp Size: 6 x 9 Category: Sociology (Race and Ethnic Minorities)
The Book:
Contemporary scholars who study race and racism have emphasized that white complicity plays a role in perpetuating systemic racial injustice. Being White, Being Good seeks to explain what scholars mean by white complicity, to explore the assumptions that white complicity entails, and to offer recommendations for how white complicity can be taught. The book highlights how well-intentioned white people who might even consider themselves as paragons of antiracism might be unwittingly sustaining an unjust system that they say they want to dismantle. What could it mean for white people “to be good” when they can reproduce and maintain racist system even when they believe themselves to be good? In order to answer this question, Barbara Applebaum advocates a shift in our understanding of the subject, of language, and of moral responsibility. Based on these shifts a new notion of moral responsibility is articulated that is not focused on guilt and that can help white students understand and acknowledge their white complicity. Being White, Being Good introduces an approach to social justice pedagogy called “white complicity pedagogy.” The practical and pedagogical implications of this approach are fleshed out by emphasizing the role of uncertainty, vulnerability, and vigilance. White students who acknowledge their complicity have an increased potential to engage in genuine cross-racial dialogue. White complicity pedagogy promises to facilitate the type of listening on the part of white students so that they come open and willing to learn. Applebaum also conjectures that systemically marginalized students would be more likely to invest energy and time when the latter acknowledge rather than deny their complicity. It is a central claim of the book that acknowledging complicity encourages a willingness to listen to, rather than dismiss, the struggles and experiences of the systemically marginalized.
The Author: Barbara Applebaum is associate professor of cultural foundations of education at Syracuse University.
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Crime and Racial Constructions
Cultural Misinformation about African Americans in Media and Academia - By Jeanette Covington
978-0-7391-2592-2 $38.95, Paper Imprint: Lexington Books October 2011 344pp Size: 6 x 9 Category: Sociology (Criminology and Deviance)
The Book:
Crime and Racial Constructions focuses on how film images of dangerous, hedonistic blacks have assumed greater significance since blacks protested racial injustice during the Civil Rights Movement and the Black Power Movement of the 1960s and 1970s. It does so by reviewing a number of films that have been released from the 1970s until the present in which black males are depicted as violent and threatening. It likewise considers how these same films represent black females as prostitutes; drug addicts; and irresponsible, abusive mothers who spawn violence in their children. Because these on-screen images of a violent, apolitical, and immoral black underclass find their way into the criminological literature, the book also takes a look at how criminologists use these images to link crime to underclass culture Both Hollywood and criminologists alike manage to ignore how black activism during the 1960s social movements actually sparked black opposition to the kind of black-on-black crime that is routinely depicted on-screen. By taking a critical look at these negative images, Crime and Racial Constructions seeks to correct some of the distortions that arise from the undue academic and cinematic focus on black criminals at the expense of racially conscious blacks.
The Author:
Jeanette Covington is associate professor of sociology at Rutgers University.
Tables of Contents:
Introduction: Crime and Racial Constructions; Section I: Images of Black Male Criminality in Media and the Social Sciences; Chapter 1 - Black Images in the Post-Civil Rights Era; Chapter 2 - Hollywood and Black Protest: The Rise of Ghetto Action Movies; Chapter 3 - Black Violence, White Violence: Cinematic Images of the Urban Underclass; Chapter 4 - Making Race Matter: How Criminologists Look at African-Americans and Violence; Chapter 5 Americanizing Black Violence: Making Criminology Race-Free; Section II: Cinematic and Academic Images of Black Female Criminals and Victims; Chapter 6 - Black Women on the Silver Screen; Chapter 7 - Black Women, Violence and Masculinization; Chapter 8 - Comforting Fictions: Black Women, Hollywood and Color-Blind Racism
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Diversity at Kaizen Motors
Gender, Race, Age and Insecurity in a Japanese Auto Transplant - By Darina Lepadatu and Thomas Janoski
978-0-7618-5594-1 $65.00, Cloth 978-0-7618-5593-4 $26.95, Paper Imprint: University Press of America September 2011 160pp Size: 6 x 9 Category: Social Science (Discrimination & Race Relations)
The Book:
Corporations pour billions of dollars into diversity training without taking the time to research what diversity actually means for the people on the shop-floor. This book reveals the dynamics of gender, race and age as workers experience it for themselves. This methodical case study exposes the rhetoric of diversity to the realities and pressures of lean production in a blue collar environment. Diversity at Kaizen Motors brings the Japanese encounter with American diversity into focus by explaining how a major Japanese auto factory has tried to implement and manage diversity. The case study also evaluates how diverse Americans - women and men, white and non-white, older and younger workers - work together in lean production teams at a Fortune 500 automobile assembly plant. This systematic qualitative study contains close to 150 interviews with workers from a wide variety of teams. Diversity at Kaizen Motors reveals invaluable information and yields surprising results, which ultimately leads to a greater understanding of Japanese auto factories and lean production organizations overall.
The Authors:
Darina Lepadatu is associate director of the Ph.D. program in international conflict management and assistant professor of sociology at Kennesaw State University, Atlanta. She holds a BA degree in sociology, a master’s degree in management of non-profit organizations from University of Bucharest, Romania, and a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Kentucky. She is currently working on an NSF grant on the maturing of lean production with her co-author. Thomas Janoski received his Ph.D. in sociology from the University of California, Berkeley. He has taught at both the University of California and Duke University and is now a professor at the University of Kentucky. He recently published The Ironies of Citizenship and is currently working on The Vortex of Labor: The Global Divisions of Work and Investment.
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The Legacy of the Islamic Revolution - By Morris M. Mottale
978-0-7618-5604-7 $23.00, Paper Imprint: University Press of America September 2011 86pp Size: 6 x 9 Category: Social Science (Islamic Studies)
The Book:
This book analyzes the impact of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and explores Ayatollah Khomeini’s role in shaping the evolution of Iran’s political system. Iran delves into the political perspectives guiding Ayatollah Khomeini and his supporters in the formation of a utopian Shiite Islamic society. This idealistic society eventually clashed with the demands of the modern world and the aspirations and expectations of new Iranian generations. The failure of Iranian learned classes and intellectuals in formulating a model of societal development explains many of the ongoing political and social conflicts in present-day Iran. This unsuccessful movement is also directly related to the struggle for a representative government that complies with Iranians’ aspirations for a more liberal society.
The Author:
Morris M. Mottale is professor of international relations and comparative politics and chair of the Department of Political Science at Franklin College, Switzerland. He has taught in the United States, Canada and England and has been a research scholar at universities across North America, Europe and the Middle East. His publications include several articles and reviews on international and Middle Eastern politics, as well as several monographs and books.
Table of Contents:
Preface; Acknowledgements; Chapter 1-Introduction; Chapter 2-The Evolution of the Regime: Khamenei, Rafsanjani, Khatami and Ahmadinejad; Chapter 3-The Rise of the New Class; Chapter 4-Iran’s International Relations Under Clerical Rule; Chapter 5-Conclusion; A Note On Sources, Bibliography, and Transliteration; Selected Bibliography; Index; About the Author
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Supervision Can Be Playful
Techniques for Child and Play Therapist Supervisors - Edited by Athena A. Drewes and Jodi Ann Mullen 978-0-7657-0534-1 $34.95, Paper Imprint: Jason Aronson Septemer 2011 340pp Size: 6 X 9 CO-Publisher: JAR Category: Psychology (Play Therapy) Includes: Bibliography; Index
The Book: Supervision Can Be Playful offers clinical supervisors of mental health professionals a comprehensive and thoughtful resource. The text focuses on the clinical supervision of child and play therapists, with supervision interventions that can be augmented for use with mental health professionals who provide supervision to adolescent and adult therapists. The perspectives discussed regarding the role of the clinical supervisor are universal and readers will find them relevant regardless of the age group they are working with. The text addresses the roles and processes of clinical supervision from a unique playful perspective, and from an eclectic theoretical orientation. Each chapter author offers a piece of the supervision puzzle and offers the reader clear guidelines for implementing techniques and the rationale behind them. The Editors: Athena A. Drewes, PsyD, MA, RPT-S is Director of Clinical Training and APA Internship at The Astor Home for Children. Dr. Drewes has written numerous articles and book chapters on play therapy, is on the editorial board of the International Journal of Play Therapy and Teaching and Education of Professional Psychologists. Jodi Ann Mullen, PhD, LMHC, NCC, RPT-S is faculty member at SUNY Oswego in the Counseling & Psychological Services Department where she is the coordinator of the Graduate Certificate Program in Play Therapy. Dr. Mullen is the director of Integrative Counseling Services, PLLC; in Oswego, New York.
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The Moral Life
Obligation and Affirmation - By Tony L. Moyers 978-0-7618-5557-6 $29.95, Paper Imprint: University Press of America September 2011 254pp Size: 6 x 9 Category: Philosophy (Religious)
The Book: The Moral Life examines moral thought and behavior over the centuries. The author carefully considers the notion of morals from different perspectives, both past and present. This book explores moral thought in light of Nietzsche’s declaration that ethical thinking is open to different interpretations. If everything is a matter of interpretation and morality is not written in stone, then how should we live? Is there a universal set of moral principles that can guide human thought and action? The Moral Life explores the answers to these monumental questions and ultimately proposes that morality is not reducible to universal rules one has to follow. The Author: Tony L. Moyers is an associate professor of religion at Athens State University and department chair for the humanities, social sciences, and political sciences. He received a Ph.D. in biblical studies at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. Table of Contents: Preface; Acknowledgments; Diversity of Moral Thought; Social Function and Nature of Morality; Finding and Acquiring Morals; Jewish and Greek Moral Perspectives; Foundations for Modern Moral Thinking; Cracking Foundations: A Shift to Non-Foundational Morals; Cracking Foundations: A Shift to Non-Foundational Morals; Moral Values and the Social Sciences; Psychological and Ethical Perspectives; Contemporary Ethical Perspectives; Men, Women, and Power; The Moral Life: Obligation and Affirmation; Works Cited; Index
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Crisis as an Opportunity
Organizational and Professional Responses to Disasters
- Edited by Roni Kaufman, Richard L. Edwards, Julia Mirsky, and Amos Avgar 978-0-7618-5621-4 $29.95, Paper Imprint: University Press of America October 2011 222pp Size: 6 x 9 Category: Social Science (Disasters & Disaster Relief)
The Book:
Natural and human-made disasters appear to be increasing in frequency and scope, commanding extensive media attention. Growing sensitivity to issues of preparedness and community response has created a greater interest among academics and practitioners. The Asian Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, mudslides in Brazil, earthquakes in Haiti, Chile, Japan, Turkey, China, and other countries have garnered worldwide notice. Human-made disasters, such as terrorist attacks on New York’s World Trade Center or in Oklahoma City, Spain, England, Sri Lanka, Iraq, Afghanistan, and various other countries, or attacks on schoolchildren in places such as Columbine and various communities in China, send shockwaves throughout societies. This book addresses the development of long-term interventions following disasters, emphasizing disadvantaged communities. Attention is given to the role of change agents, such as local and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and psychosocial professionals, to ensure that the window of opportunity is realized, generating immediate help and sustained community development.
The Editors:
Roni Kaufman, Ph.D., is a senior lecturer at the Department of Social Work, Ben Gurion University, Israel. He co-edited Social Disaster as an Opportunity: The Hesed Model with Mirsky and Avgar. Richard L. Edwards, Ph.D., is dean and professor at the School of Social Work at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, and currently serves as interim vice president for academic affairs. Julia Mirsky, Ph.D., is associate professor at the Department of Social Work, Ben Gurion University and was a visiting scholar at universities in the United States and France. She is a clinical psychologist. Amos Avgar, Ph.D., is chief operations officer for TAG International Development and was executive director of the International Development Program at the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC). Please Send Your Orders To:
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Ethics Embodied
Rethinking Selfhood through Continental, Japanese, and Feminist Philosophies - By Erin McCarthy - Foreword by Thomas P. Kasulis 978-0-7391-2050-7 $24.95, Paper Imprint: Lexington Books October 2011 134pp Size: 6 X 9 Category: Philosophy (Ethics)
The Book:
While the body has been largely neglected in much of traditional Western philosophy, there is a rich tradition of Japanese philosophy in which this is not the case. Ethics Embodied explains how Japanese philosophy includes the body as an integral part of selfhood and ethics and shows how it provides an alternative and challenge to the traditional Western philosophical view of self and ethics. Through a comparative feminist approach, the book goes on to articulate the striking similarities that exist between certain strands of Japanese philosophy and feminist philosophy concerning selfhood, ethics and the body. Despite the similarities, McCarthy argues that there are significant differences between these philosophies and that each reveals important limitations of the other. Thus, the book urges a view of ethical embodied selfhood that goes beyond where each of these views leaves us when considered in isolation. With keen analysis and constructive comparison, this book will be accessible for students and scholars familiar with the western philosophical tradition, while still adding a more global perspective.
The Author:
Erin McCarthy is associate professor of philosophy at St. Lawrence University and a member of the Board of Directors of ASIANetwork.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1 - An Introduction; Part 1 - A Heuristic Framework; Part 2 - Outline of the Book; Chapter 2 Towards a New Ethical Framework: Watsuji in Dialogue with the West; Part 1 - Ethics and the Human Being as Ningen; Part 2 - Heidegger: “the Solitary Self”; Part 3 - Husserl: Moving Towards a Relational Self; Chapter 3 - The Embodied Self; Part 1 - Husserl and the Body; Part 2 - Body East and West; Part 3 - Ningen, Ethics, and the Body; Part 4 - Yuasa’s Theory of the Body; Chapter 4 - Towards an Embodied Ethics of Care; Part 1 - Care Ethics: East and West; Part 2 - Care Ethics and the Body; Part 3 - Reciprocity; Part 4 - Global Care Ethics; Chapter 5 - Body, Self and Ethics: Watsuji and Irigaray; Part 1 - Subjects in Betweenness; Part 2 - Bodies in Betweenness; Part 3 - Between and Beyond Watsuji and Irigaray; Chapter 6 - Conclusion
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ADVANCED BOOK INFORMATION APD Singapore Pte Ltd (Malaysia Office) Brings You:
Experiences of Single African-American Women Professors With this Ph.D., I Thee Wed - Edited by Eletra S. Gilchrist
978-0-7391-7087-8 $70.00, Cloth Imprint: Lexington Books October 2011 250pp Size: 6 x 9 Category: Social Science (Ethnic Studies / African-American Studies)
The Book: This edited text explores the unique experiences of single African-American women professors. This volume addresses the dating and mating complexities of the population under study by combining auto ethnographic accounts with empirical research and theoretical concepts. Contributors comprise never-beforemarried and doctorate degree-holding African-American women professors. The contributors and research participants speak candidly about their experiences, exploring a myriad of topics including dating costs and rewards, relationship challenges, work/life balance, multiple intersecting identities, negative perceptions, and identity negotiation. As one of the few works to address the intricate interpersonal dynamics surrounding African-American women in the professorate from a scholarly perspective, this volume seeks to not only dispel myths and stereotypes, but serve as an instructional tool for other professor hopefuls. The Editor: Eletra S. Gilchrist, PhD, is an assistant professor in the communication arts department at The University of Alabama in Huntsville.
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ADVANCED BOOK INFORMATION APD Singapore Pte Ltd (Malaysia Office) Brings You:
Know Thyself
An Essay in Social Personalism - By Thomas O. Buford
978-0-7391-4618-7 $70.00, Cloth Imprint: Lexington Books October 2011 240pp Size: 6 x 9 Category: Philosophy (Metaphysics)
The Book:
In the West, self-knowledge has been sought within the framework of two dominant intellectual traditions, order and the emerging self. On the one hand, ancient and medieval philosophers living in an orderly hierarchical society, governed by honor and shame, and bolstered by the metaphysics of being and rationalism, believed persons gain self-knowledge through uniting with the ground of their being; once united they would understand what they are, what they are to be, and what they are to do. On the other hand, Renaissance and modern thinkers such as Pico della Mirandola, Copernicus, Descartes, Locke, and Kant shattered the great achievement of the high middle ages and bequeathed to posterity an emerging self in a splintered world. Continuing their search for self-knowledge, the moderns found themselves faced with the dualism of the emerging self of the Renaissance and the natural world as understood by modern scientists. New problems spun out of this dualism, including the mind-body problem; the other minds problem; free will and determinism; the nature and possibility of social relationships; values, moral norms and their relationship to the natural and social worlds; and the relationships between science and religion. Finding selfknowledge among these splinters without a guiding orientation has proven difficult. Even though luminaries such as Spinoza, Berkeley, and Hegel attempted to bring order to the sundered elements, their attempts proved unsatisfactory. We contend that neither order nor the emerging self can adequately provide for self-knowledge. Since those culturally embodied “master narratives� lead us to an impasse, we turn to social Personalism. Self-knowledge developed in this book shows how persons in relation to the Personal learn who they are, what they are to become, and what they must do to achieve that goal. It also shows that the achievement of self-knowledge is supported by a natural, social, and cultural environment rooted in trust. In this humane and timely discussion, Thomas O. Buford offers a personalist understanding of self-knowledge that avoids the impersonalisms that erode the dignity of persons and their moral life which characterize modern life.
The Author:
Thomas O. Buford is professor of philosophy at Furman University, South Carolina.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Gnothi Seauton and the Problem of Suspicion; Chapter 2: Our Haunting Hopes; Chapter 3: A New Master Image; Chapter 4: Whole Persons and the Natural; Chapter 5: Society and Culture; Chapter 6: The Personal; Chapter 7: Dancing; Chapter 8: Broken Dances
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ADVANCED BOOK INFORMATION APD Singapore Pte Ltd (Malaysia Office) Brings You:
Overcoming the Magnetism of Street Life
Crime-Engaged Youth and the Programs That Transform Them - By Trevor Milton
978-0-7391-5083-2 $60.00, Cloth Imprint: Lexington Books October 2011 154pp Size: 6 x 9 Category: Sociology (Communities)
The Book:
This is a story of crime-engaged youth who have been given a second chance. New York City teens are often faced with conditions that lead to poor education, deprived job opportunities, and a savage cycle of incarceration. But they are almost always faced with a choice. Teens from deprived neighborhoods face an arduous crossroad: should they walk the glamorous path of street culture or make the steep climb through deprivation and peer ridicule, in order to achieve legitimate success? This book is also the story of the non-profit community organizations that recognize the difficulty of this decision. To the many that are unfamiliar with New York’s poorest neighborhoods, living a ‘crime-free lifestyle’ is an obvious and easy choice. According to this thinking, those who violate legal codes should be punished to the fullest extent of the law, no matter the circumstances. Throughout the city, there are a small number of programs designed to give crime-engaged youth a second chance to walk the path of legitimate success. This book is a detailed account of a select group of teens in New York City, the deprived conditions they face on a daily basis, and the alternative to incarceration programs that try to turn their lives around. The book includes accounts of teens that faced the arduous crossroad and four programs that attempt to teach a set of skills necessary for a crime-free lifestyle. The Author: Trevor Milton is assistant professor of sociology at SUNY College at Old Westbury, New York. Table of Contents: Prologue: Volatile Teens and the Social Survival Kit; Chapter 1: Juvenile Justice and Community Responsibility; Chapter 2: Adolescent Criminal Behavior and the use of Diversion Programs; Chapter 3: ATIs and the Deferred Sentence; Chapter 4: Masculinity and the Magnetism of the Streets; Chapter 5: Community Justice and the Reconstruction of Social Capital; Chapter 6: Antonio’s Story: Warfare and Redemption; Chapter 7: Pedagogy of the Deprived: Program Support for Structural Deficiencies; Chapter 8: Disavowing Deprivation: Teens and Personal Responsibility; Chapter 9: The Survival Kit at Work; Epilogue: The Future of Juvenile Justice Reform
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