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APD Singapore Pte Ltd (Malaysia) Volume 2 Caesarea and the Middle Coast The second volume of the Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae covers the inscriptions of Caesarea Maritima and the coastal region of the Middle Coast from Tel Aviv in the south to Haifa in the north from the time of Alexander to the Muslim conquest. The approx. 1,050 texts comprise all the languages used for inscriptions during this period (Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Aramaic, Samaritan, Syrian, and Persian) and are arranged according to the principal settlements and their territory. Edited by an international research team from the Universities of Cologne (Germany), Jerusalem and Tel Aviv (Israel).

Zacharoula Petraki

Athanassios Vergados

Readership Academics, Libraries, Institutes Subject Jewish Studies / Hellenistic-Roman Era; Classical Studies / Epigraphy; Ancient Near Eastern Studies; Byzantine Studies Type of publication Edition Language English Pub. date 08/2011

The Poetics of Philosophical Language

A Commentary on the “Homeric Hymn to Hermes”

Plato, poets and Presocratics in the “Republic”

This volume offers a detailed philological commentary on the longest of the Homeric Hymns. The commentary is preceded by an extensive introduction that addresses the themes of poetry and music, the poem’s humorous aspects, its relation to the rest of archaic hexameter literature, its reception in later literature, furthermore its structure, date and place of composition, and the question of its transmission. Together, the introduction and the commentary provide a detailed analysis of the Hymn with a view to ascertaining its significance in Greek literature.

Approx. xl, 840 pp. 1100 fig. Hc. RRP € 169.95/US$ 238.00 ISBN 978-3-11-02217-3 eBook RRP € 169.95/US$ 238.00 ISBN 978-3-11-022218-0 Print + eBook RRP € 259.00/US$ 363.00 ISBN 978-3-11-174101-7

A close analysis of the Republic’s diverse literary styles shows how the peculiarities of verbal texture in Platonic discourse can be explained by Plato’s remolding of tropes and techniques from poetry and the Presocratics. This book argues that Plato smuggles poetic language into the Republic’s prose in order to characterize the deceitful coloration and polymorphy that accompanies the world of Becoming as opposed to the Real. Plato’s distinctive discourse thus can transmit, even to those figures focused on the visual within his Republic, the shiftiness of the base and the unjust. Zacharoula A. Petraki, University of the Peloponnese and University of Crete, Greece. Readership Academics, Institutes, Libraries Subject Classical Studies / Ancient Philosophy; History of Philosophy / Ancient Philosophy Type of publication Monograph Language English Pub. date 08/2011 Sozomena Approx. x, 310 pp. Hc. RRP € 109.95/US$ 154.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026097-7 eBook RRP € 109.95/US$ 154.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026216-2 Print + eBook RRP € 169.95/US$ 238.00 ISBN 978-3-11-916539-6

Athanassios Vergados, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany, and National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. Readership Academics, Institutes, Libraries Subject Classical Studies / Greek Type of publication Commentary Language English Pub. date 08/2011 Texte und Kommentare Approx. x, 414 pp. Hc. RRP € 109.95/US$ 154.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025969-8 eBook RRP € 109.95/US$ 154.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025970-4 Print + eBook RRP € 169.95/US$ 238.00 ISBN 978-3-11-916570-9

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APD Singapore Pte Ltd (Malaysia) HISTORY / LITERARY STUDIES

Martin West

Old Avestan Syntax and Stylistics This is the first modern comprehensive account of the syntax of Old Avestan, the earliest known form of Iranian language, attested in the Gathas of Zarathushtra and the Liturgy in Seven Chapters. It is based on the most up-to-date understanding of the texts, while following traditional principles of grammatical analysis. There are also substantial sections on word order, stylistics, and figures of speech. Translations are provided for almost all passages quoted. The work will be welcomed by Iranianists as well as by historical linguists with wider Indo-European interests.

Ludger Körntgen, Dominik Waßenhoven (Hg./Eds.)

Patterns of Episcopal Power/ Strukturen bischöflicher Herrschaftsgewalt im westlichen Europa des 10. und 11. Jahrhunderts Bishops in 10th and 11th century Western Europe In medieval Europe, the death of a king could not only cause a dispute about the succession, but also a severe crisis. In times of a vacant throne particular responsibility fell to the bishops – whose general importance for the time around the first milennium has been revealed by recent scholarship – as royal counsellors and policy makers. This volume therefore concentrates on the bishops’ room for manoeuvre and the patterns of episcopal power, focusing on the Eastern Frankish Reich and AngloSaxon England in a comparative approach which is not least based upon the research of a renowned medievalist, Timothy Reuter. His article about “A Europe of Bishops” (“Ein Europa der Bischöfe”) is presented in English translation for the first time. Readership Libraries, Institutes, Academics (History, Medieval Studies, Church History, Cultural Studies) Subject Medieval History Type of publication Collection Language English, German Pub. date 09/2011 Prinz-Albert-Forschungen 6 Approx. 250 pp. Hc. RRP € 89.95/US$ 126.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026202-5 eBook RRP € 89.95/US$ 126.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026203-2 Print + eBook RRP € 139.95/US$ 196.00 ISBN 978-3-11-916600-3

Martin L. West, Senior Research Fellow, All Souls College in Oxford, UK. Readership Academics, Institutes, Librarians Subject Historical Linguistics / Indo-European Studies; Levels of Linguistic Description / Syntax; Grammars, Dictionaries / Grammars; Non-IndoEuropean Languages; Cultural History; Ancient History; Culture and History of non-European Territories; Literary History, General Type of publication Collection Language English Pub. date 07/2011 Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Neue Folge 13 Approx. xviii, 214 pp. Cl. RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025308-5 eBook RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025309-2 Print + eBook € 149.95/US$ 210.00 ISBN 978-3-11-218937-5

Elaine Martin

Nelly Sachs The Poetics of Silence and the Limits of Representation This book examines the poetry of the Nobel Prizewinning poet Nelly Sachs. It shifts established patterns of reception by analysing the author’s reception in the East and West after the war and the role she came to play in the West as a representative ‘Poet of Reconciliation’. The study situates Sachs’ work within the framework of the debate surrounding the representation of the Holocaust, exploring the aesthetic means by which Sachs renders the aporetic tension at the heart of Adorno’s writings on Holocaust art legible in her poetry. The primary question addressed is whether Sachs’ poetry, in spite of the fact that it thematises the impossibility of adequate representation, has representational value, or whether it is bereft of concrete, representational meaning as a result of the often fragmented nature of her writing. In particular, the book confronts those critics who see a redemptive strategy at play in Sachs’ work, in favour of a reading that regards her work as permeated with the concrete events of the Holocaust and irreconcilably opposed to any notion of a sense-making, redemptive paradigm. Elaine Martin, National University of Ireland, Maynooth. Readership Academics (Literary Studies, Cultural Studies), Institutes, Libraries Subject German Literature / 20th Century Type of publication Monograph Language English Pub. date 09/2011 Approx. 208 pp. Hc. RRP € 69.95/US$ 98.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025672-7 eBook RRP € 69.95/US$ 98.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025673-4 Print + eBook RRP € 109.95/US$ 154.00 ISBN 978-3-11-220453-5


APD Singapore Pte Ltd (Malaysia)

Birgit Neumann, Ansgar Nünning (Eds.)

Jan Alber, Rüdiger Heinze (Eds.)

Albrecht Classen

Travelling Concepts for the Study of Culture

Unnatural Narratives – Unnatural Narratology

Sexual Violence and Rape in the Middle Ages

Bringing together innovative and internationally renowned experts, this volume provides concise presentations of the main concepts and cutting-edge research fields in the study of culture. The volume outlines different models, explores avenues for interdisciplinary exchange, assesses key concepts, and traces their travels across various disciplinary, historical, and national contexts. In doing so, the volume serves to initiate a dialogue that exceeds disciplinary and national boundaries and introduces a self-reflexive dimension to the field.

The study of unnatural narratives has become an important, but still disparate new research program in narrative theory. This collection of essays presents and discusses the new analytical tools that have so far been developed on the basis of unnatural novels, short stories, and plays and extends these findings through analyses of testimonies, comics, graphic novels, films, and oral narratives. Taken together, the essays develop new modeling systems which are designed to capture the strangeness and extravagance of unnatural narratives.

Birgit Neumann and Ansgar Nünning, JustusLiebig-Universität Gießen, Germany. Readership Academics, Institutes, Libraries Subject Literary Theory Type of publication Collection Language English Pub. date 09/2011 Concepts for the Study of Culture (CSC) 2 Approx. 350 pp. Hc. RRP € 99.95/US$ 99.95 ISBN 978-3-11-022761-1 eBook RRP € 99.95/US$ 99.95 ISBN 978-3-11-022762-8 Print + eBook RRP € 149.95/US$ 210.00 ISBN 978-3-11-175623-3

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focus on up-to-date research questions in narrative theory presentation of new narratological tools which capture the extravagance of antirealist narratives systematic investigation of anti-mimetic narrative strategies profound analyses looking at different media contexts and periods in literary history

Jan Alber, University of Freiburg, Germany; Rüdiger Heinze, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany. Readership Academics (Literary Studies), Libraries, Institutes Subject Literary Theory; Poetics, Rhetoric, Stylistics; Literature and Language; British and American Literature / General; Literature in Diverse Languages / General Type of publication Collection Language English Pub. date 07/2011 linguae & litterae 9 Approx. 254 pp. 18 fig. Hc. RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-022903-5 eBook RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-022904-2 Print + eBook RRP € 149.95/US$ 225.00 ISBN 978-3-11-173040-0

A Critical Discourse in Premodern German and European Literature Contrary to modern assumptions, sexual violence and rape were treated as severe crimes in the Middle Ages. This book examines the testimony in medieval and early modern German literature and traces the discourse on both aspects from the twelfth through the sixteenth centuries. Most comments about rape come from male writers, and medieval literature contains numerous examples of rape scenes which are mostly viewed highly critically. Previous studies on this topic have focused on English, French, and Italian literature, whereas here the emphasis rests on German examples. Albrecht Classen, University of Arizona, Tuscon, USA. Readership Scholars (Literary Studies, Medieval Studies, Cultural Studies), Departments, Libraries Subject Cultural History; Medieval History; Subjects, Topics, Motifs; German Literature / Middle Ages (from the Beginning – 1500); 16th–17th Century Type of publication Monograph Language English Pub. date 06/2011 Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture 7 vi, 272 pp. Hc. RRP € 89.95/US$ 126.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026337-4 eBook RRP € 89.95/US$ 126.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026338-1 Print + eBook RRP € 139.95/US$ 196.00 ISBN 978-3-11-916685-0


APD Singapore Pte Ltd (Malaysia)

Joanna Pawelczyk

Talk as Therapy

Timo Maran, Dario Martinelli, Aleksei Turovski (Eds.)

Philip Baldi, Pierluigi Cuzzolin (Eds.)

Psychotherapy in a Linguistic Perspective

Readings in Zoosemiotics

The book is an empirical study of naturally occurring talk between psychotherapist and clients. Talk as Therapy aims to investigate how psychotherapy as practice is contextually and interactionally accomplished. It also addresses the infiltration of therapeutic norms and strategies into new social contexts and offers practical guidelines as to how to conduct ethnographic fieldwork at the (inter)professional research site in order to produce practically relevant findings.

New Perspectives on Historical Latin Syntax

This volume is the first reader dedicated to the discipline of zoosemiotics – the study of signification, communication and representation within and across animal species. The book features a variety of selected texts accompanied by editorial introductions which explore topics such as semiotic constitution of nature, continuity of communication in humans and other animals, as well as animals’ place in human culture.

Volume 4 Complex Sentences, Grammaticalization, Typology

Joanna Pawelczyk, Adam Mickiewicz Univerisity, Poznan, Poland. Readership Research Libraries, Researchers and Advanced Students of Applied Linguistics; Graduate Courses in Sociolinguistics, Discourse Analysis, Applied Linguistics; Psychotherapists in Training at the Graduate Level. Subject Applied Linguistics / Discourse Analysis; Communications / Health Communication; Language and Social Interaction Type of publication Monograph Language English Pub. date 07/2011 Trends in Applied Linguistics [TA L] 7 Approx. 320 pp. Hc. RRP € 69.95/US$ 89.95 ISBN 978-1-934078-66-2 eBook RRP € 69.95/US$ 89.95 ISBN 978-1-934078-67-9 Print + eBook RRP € 109.95/US$ 154.00 ISBN 978-1-61451-010-9 de Gruyter Mouton

Timo Maran, University of Tartu, Estonia; Dario Martinelli, University of Helsinki, Finland; Aleksei Turovski, Tallinn University, Estonia. Readership Institutional Libraries, Students and Researchers of Semiotics, Cognitive Ethology and Animal Communication Studies Subject History, Philosophy, Semiotics / Semiotics; Communications / Semiotics and Communication Type of publication Collection Language English Pub. date 07/2011 Semiotics, Communication and Cognition 8 Approx. xii, 740 pp. Hc. RRP € 149.95/US$ 210.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025320-7 eBook RRP € 149.95/US$ 210.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025343-6 Print + eBook RRP € 229.95/US$ 322.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026218-6 DE GRUYTER MOUTO N

New Perspectives on Historical Latin Syntax: Complex Sentences, Grammaticalization, Typology is the fourth in a set of four volumes dealing with the long-term evolution of Latin syntax, roughly from the 4th century BCE up to the 6th century CE. As in the other volumes, the non-technical style and extensive illustration with classical examples makes the content readable and immediately useful to the widest audience. Philip Baldi, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA; Pierluigi Cuzzolin, Bergamo University, Italy. Readership Latinists, Classical Philologists, Historical Linguists, Indo-Europeanists Subject Historical Linguistics / Grammaticalization; Levels of Linguistic Description / Syntax; Other Indo-European Languages / Greek and Latin Type of publication Collection Language English Pub. date 09/2011 Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM] 180/4 Approx. xx, 804 pp. Hc. RRP € 159.95/US$ 224.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025340-5 eBook RRP € 159.95/US$ 224.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025341-2 Print + eBook RRP € 239.00/US$ 335.00 ISBN 978-3-11-218902-3 DE GRUYTER MOUTO N


APD Singapore Pte Ltd (Malaysia)

Alexander Adelaar

Julia Davydova


The Present Perfect in Non-Native Englishes

Retrieving the Phonology, Grammar and Lexicon of a Dead Formosan Language Siraya is an extinct Formosan language with unique typological features once spoken around Tainan City in southwest Taiwan. This comprehensive study is based on an analysis of the language of the Siraya Gospel of St. Matthew, which was translated from the Dutch in 1661. It contains a grammar, lexicon and extensive text with interlinear glossing as well as an introduction with detailed background information. Alexander Adelaar, University of Melbourne, Australia. Readership Linguists interested in Austronesian Historical Linguistics, Formosan Languages, Language Documentation, Typology, Missionary Linguistics; the Siraya Community in Southwest Taiwan Subject Non-Indo-European Languages / Indigenous Languages; Other Non-Indo-European Languages; Linguistic Theories / Language Typology; Historical Linguistics / Historical Descriptions Type of publication Monograph Language English Pub. date 09/2011 Trends in Linguistics. Documentation [TiLDOC] 30 Approx. 320 pp. Hc. RRP € 129.95/US$ 182.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025295-8 eBook RRP € 129.95/US$ 182.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025296-5 Print + eBook RRP € 199.95/US$ 280.00 ISBN 978-3-11-219171-2 DE GRUYTER MOUTO N

A Corpus-Based Study of Variation This is an innovative study of variation of the English present perfect that offers analyses of interestingly diverse data sets of non-native English and addresses some of the hotly debated issues in variationist sociolinguistics, second language acquisition and research on linguistic complexity. Julia Davydova, University of Hamburg, Germany. Readership Students of Linguistics, Researchers specializing in the Fields of Second Language Acquisition, World Englishes, Morphosyntactic Variation, as well as Linguistic Complexity Subject Germanic Languages / English; Psycholinguistics, Neurolinguistics / Second Language Acquisition Type of publication Monograph Language English Pub. date 09/2011 Topics in English Linguistics [TiEL] 77 Approx. 350 pp. Hc. RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025501-0 eBook RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025502-7 Print + eBook RRP € 149.95/US$ 210.00 ISBN 978-3-11-218832-3 DE GRUYTER MOUTO N

Birgit Hellwig

A Grammar of Goemai This is the first description of Goemai, a West Chadic language of Nigeria. Goemai is spoken in a language contact area, and this contact has shaped Goemai grammar to the extent that it can be considered a fairly untypical Chadic language. The grammar presents the structure of the present-day language, relates it to its diachronic sources, and adds a semantic perspective to the description. Birgit Hellwig, University of Erfurt, Germany. Readership Typologists, Africanists (Chadic / Afroasiatic / Nigeria) Subject Linguistic Theories / Language Typology; Grammars, Dictionaries / Grammars; Non-IndoEuropean Languages Type of publication Monograph Language English Pub. date 07/2011 Mouton Grammar Library [MGL] 51 Approx. 612 pp. Hc. RRP € 149.95/US$ 210.00 ISBN 978-3-11-023828-0 eBook RRP € 149.95/US$ 210.00 ISBN 978-3-11-023829-7 Print + eBook RRP € 229.95/US$ 322.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026177-6 DE GRUYTER MOUTO N

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APD Singapore Pte Ltd (Malaysia)

Åshild Næss, Even Hovdhaugen

Adriano Murelli

Anne Vainikka, Martha Young-Scholten

A Grammar of Vaeakau-Taumako

Relative Constructions in European NonStandard Varieties

The Acquisition of German

This Grammar of Vaeakau-Taumako is the most comprehensive grammar of any Polynesian Outlier to date, and the first full-length grammar of any language of Temotu Province. Based on extensive fieldwork, it is structured as a reference grammar dealing with all aspects of language structure, from phonology to discourse organization, and including a selection of glossed texts. Åshild Noess and Even Hovdhaugen, University of Oslo, Norway. Readership Typologists, Oceanic Linguists, Researchers Interested in Language Contact. Subject Grammars, Dictionaries / Grammars Type of publication Monograph Language English Pub. date 07/2011 Mouton Grammar Library [MGL] 52 Approx. xx, 519 pp. 4 fig. 18 tab. Hc. RRP € 139.95/US$ 196.00 ISBN 978-3-11-023826-6 eBook RRP € 139.95/US$ 196.00 ISBN 978-3-11-023827-3 Print + eBook RRP € 209.95/US$ 294.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026180-6 DE GRUYTER MOUTO N

Cross-linguistic studies on relative constructions in European languages are often centred on standard varieties as described in reference grammars. This volume breaks with the tradition in that it investigates relative constructions in non-standard varieties from a multidisciplinary perspective and addresses a crucial question: what does Europe’s typological panorama actually look like? Adriano Murelli, Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, Germany.

Introducing Organic Grammar The theory of Organic Grammar is applied to four decades of work on children’s and immigrant second language learners’ acquisition of German word order and inflectional morphology. New data from a longitudinal study of ab initio secondary school students reveals bottom-up acquisition of syntactic structure during their exchange year in Germany. Anne Vainikka, Johns Hopkins University, USA; Martha Young-Scholten, University of Newcastle, UK.

Readership Typologists and Linguists interested in Europe as a Linguistic Area, Dialectologists, Students of M.A.-Courses in Eurolinguistics (e.g. Master in European Linguistics, Freiburg University) Subject Linguistic Theories / Language Typology; Levels of Linguistic Description / Syntax; Applied Linguistics / Dialectology Type of publication Monograph Language English Pub. date 09/2011

Readership Language and Linguistics Scholars, Graduate/Undergraduate Students Interested in First and Second Language Acquisition, Syntax, German Scholars Subject Levels of Linguistic Description / Syntax; Germanic Languages / German; Psycholinguistics, Neurolinguistics / Language Acquisition; Second Language Acquisition Type of publication Monograph Language English Pub. date 09/2011

Empirical Approaches to Language Typology [EALT] 50 Approx. xiv, 466 pp. Hc. RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-023878-5 eBook RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-023879-2 Print + eBook RRP € 149.95/US$ 210.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026174-5 DE GRUYTER MOUTO N

Studies on Language Acquisition [SOLA] 44 320 pp. Hc. RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026376-3 eBook RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026384-8 Print + eBook RRP € 149.95/US$ 210.00 ISBN 978-3-11-916687-4 DE GRUYTER MOUTON

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APD Singapore Pte Ltd (Malaysia)

Eric A. Anchimbe, Stephen A. Mforteh (Eds.)

Postcolonial Linguistic Voices

Matthias Irmer

Martin Stark

Bridging Inferences

Bilingual Thematic Dictionaries

Constraining and Resolving Underspecification in Discourse Interpretation

Identity Choices and Representations This book studies discourses and linguistic choices in both ex-colonized and ex-colonizer communities as each copes with the outcomes of colonialism. The construction of identities, the translation of religious texts, the discursive construction of nations, the use of indigenized varieties of colonial languages, and the emergence of diaspora communities are salient topics in postcolonial linguistics, and are treated here with great expertise by the authors. The book complements and expands upon traditional descriptions of multilingualism. Eric A. Anchimbe, University of Bayreuth, Germany; Stephen A. Mforteh, University of Yaounde1, Cameroon. Readership Institutional Libraries, Students and Researchers in Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Cultural Theory, Language Contact, African Studies, Postcolonial Linguistics, Social Anthropology Subject Applied Linguistics / Sociolinguistics; Language Contact; Communications / International and Intercultural Communication Type of publication Collection Language English Pub. date 09/2011 Contributions to the Sociology of Language [CSL] 100 Approx. x, 378 pp. Hc. RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026066-3 eBook RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026069-4 Print + eBook RRP € 149.95/US$ 210.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026199-8 DE GRUYTER MOUTON

This book develops a formalization that permits the integration of indirect anaphoric relationships in the construction of a structured discourse representation. From a broader perspective, it provides a suitable dynamic-logic framework that contextually constrains and inferentially resolves underspecification in cohesion and coherence of discourses. In addition, the book provides a synopsis of the problems, methods, approaches, and desiderata of research on text, context, and discourse interpretation. Matthias Irmer, University of Leipzig, Germany. Readership Academics, Libraries, Institutes Subject Levels of Linguistic Description; Applied Linguistics / Pragmatics; Textlinguistics Type of publication Monograph Language English Pub. date 07/2011 Language, Context and Cognition 11 Approx. 400 pp. Hc. RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026195-0 eBook RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026201-8 Print + eBook RRP € 149.95/US$ 210.00 ISBN 978-3-11-916739-0

This book has three practical goals: to identify the characteristic features of the bilingual thematic dictionary (BTD), to gauge its usefulness, and to make suggestions as to how it could be improved. These aims are achieved by considering the lexicographic genres (bilingual, thematic, and pedagogical) which have been combined to create this hybrid reference work, carrying out textual analyses of contemporary thematic dictionaries, and employing three pieces of user research (a questionnaire, a test, and an experiment) to reveal learners’ opinions and use of BTDs. Martin Stark, Essex, Great Britain. Readership Academics (Linguistics, Lexicology, Lexicography), Libraries, Institutes Subject Grammars, Dictionaries / Lexica; Dictionaries; Applied Linguistics / Language Teaching; Lexicography; Germanic Languages / English Type of publication Monograph Language English Pub. date 07/2011 Lexicographica. Series Maior 140 Approx. 439 pp. Hc. RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025888-2 eBook RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025889-9 Print + eBook RRP € 149.95/US$ 210.00 ISBN 978-3-11-220497-9

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APD Singapore Pte Ltd (Malaysia) Roberto Poli (Ed.)


The Philosophy of Nicolai Hartmann



Karianne J. Marx

Homi K. Bhabha

The Usefulness of the Kantian Philosophy

Our Neighbours, Ourselves

How Karl Leonhard Reinhold’s commitment to Enlightenment influenced his reception of Kant

Contemporary Reflections on Survival

The works of Karl Leonhard Reinhold (1757–1823) were a major factor in the development of postKantian philosophy, yet his exact contribution is still under discussion. This book investigates how Reinhold’s background in Enlightenment influenced his reception of Kant’s critical philosophy. From his pre-Kantian efforts up to the point where he began distancing himself from the master, Reinhold’s own philosophical development takes center stage. This development, rather than critical philosophy, was the main ingredient of Reinhold’s contribution to post-Kantian philosophy.

Homi K. Bhabha delivered the 2010 Hegel lecture, evoking the spirit of Hegel in an attempt to understand contemporary issues of ethical witness, historical memory and the rights and representations of minorities in the cultural sphere. Who is our neighbour today? What does hospitality mean for our times? Why is the recognition of others such an agonizing encounter with the alterity of the self? The lecture examplifies how the “Third Space” – one of the key theories of Postcolonialism – helps us to establish a new understanding of cosmopolitanism and hospitality in a globalized world, based on the right of difference in equality. •

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Rising interest in German idealism Presentation of one of the most important supporters of the Kantian philosophy

First publication of the Dahlem Humanities Center’s Hegel Lecture series Author is one of the key figures of Postcolonial Studies

Karianne J. Marx, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Homi K. Bhabha, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA.

Readership Academics, Institutes, Libraries Subject Modern Christian Thinkers and Philosophers of Religion / Enlightment and German Idealism; History of Philosophy / 18th and 19th Centuries Type of publication Monograph Language English Pub. date 09/2011

Readership Academics, Institutes, Libraries, People working in the sector of Human Rights (NGOs, United Nations etc.), Politics of Migration, Immigration Policy Subject Theoretical Philosophy / Philosophical Anthropology; Moral Philosophy in General / Ethics; Social Philosophy Type of publication Monograph Language English Pub. date 03/2011

Reinholdiana 1 Approx. 292 pp. Hc. RRP € 109.95/US$ 154.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025935-3 eBook RRP € 109.95/US$ 154.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025936-0 Print + eBook RRP € 169.95/US$ 238.00 ISBN 978-3-11-220456-6

Hegel Lectures Approx. 20 pp. Open Access. eBook ISBN 978-3-11-026244-5

Nicolai Hartmann was one of the most prolific and original, yet sober and rigorous, 20th century German philosophers. He engaged in and influenced almost all areas of philosophy. The papers collected in this volume explore themes such as his philosophical development from NeoKantianism to realism, his Platonism, his relation to Wolff and Heidegger, his use of the aporematic method, his metaphysics, his theory of values, his philosophy of mind, his philosophy of mathematics, and the influence he had on anthropology and biology. •

Up-to-date take on Hartmann’s philosophy

Roberto Poli, University of Trento, Italy. Readership Academics, Institutes, Libraries Subject History of Philosophy / 20th Century; Theoretical Philosophy / Metaphysics, Ontology; Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Nature, Technology, Mathematics; Philosophical Anthropology; Moral Philosophy in General / Ethics Type of publication Collection Language English Pub. date 09/2011 Approx. viii, 328 pp. Hc. RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025417-4 eBook RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025418-1 Print + eBook RRP € 149.95/US$ 210.00 ISBN 978-3-11-219023-4


APD Singapore Pte Ltd (Malaysia)

Gerhard Ernst, Jan-Christoph Heilinger (Eds.)

István Keul (Ed.)

Peter Altmann

Festive Meals in Ancient Israel

Justification and Universality

Transformations and Transfer of Tantra in Asia and Beyond

The notion of “human rights” is widely used in political and moral discussions. The core idea, that all human beings have some inalienable basic rights, is appealing and has an eminently practical function: It allows moral criticism of various wrongs and calls for action in order to prevent them. The articles in this collection take up a tension between the wide political use of human rights claims and some intellectual scepticism about them. In particular, two major issues call for clarification: the question of how to justify human rights and the tension between universal normative claims and particular moralities.

The essays in this volume, written by specialists working in the field of tantric studies, attempt to trace processes of transformation and transfer that occurred in the history of tantra from around the seventh century and up to the present. The volume gathers contributions on South Asia, Tibet, China, Mongolia, Japan, and Western Europe. The chapters cover a wide thematic area, which includes modern Bengali tantric practitioners, tantric ritual in medieval China, the South Asian cults of the mother goddesses, the way of Buddhism into Mongolia, and countercultural echoes of contemporary tantric studies.

The Philosophy of Human Rights

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State-of-the-art overview Provides the most important philosophical discussions about human rights

Gerhard Ernst, University of Stuttgart, Germany; Jan-Christoph Heilinger, University of Zurich, Switzerland. Readership Academics, Institutes, Libraries Subject Moral Philosophy in General / Ethics; Political Philosophy; Philosophy of Law; Social Philosophy Type of publication Collection Language English Pub. date 09/2011 Approx. 275 pp. Hc. RRP € 59.95/US$ 84.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026339-8 eBook RRP € 59.95/US$ 84.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026388-6 Print + eBook RRP € 88.95/US$ 125.00 ISBN 978-3-11-916383-5

István Keul, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. Readership Academics, Libraries, Institutes Subject Culture and History of non-European Territories / South and East Asia; Religion / European and North-American History of Religions (Middle Ages through Modern Times); History of Asian, African, and Ocean Religions; Religious Studies Type of publication Collection Language English Pub. date 09/2011 Religion and Society 52 Approx. 470 pp. Hc. RRP € 119.95/US$ 168.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025810-3 eBook RRP € 119.95/US$ 168.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025811-0 Print + eBook RRP € 179.95/US$ 252.00 ISBN 978-3-11-220396-5

Deuteronomy’s Identity Politics in Their Ancient Near Eastern Context This study investigates the festive meals in Deuteronomy’s laws in comparison to depictions of meals in other biblical texts, as well as ancient Near Eastern texts and iconography. Its eclectic, interdisciplinary approach includes discussion of the archaeology of meals in the ancient Levant and recent anthropological findings on meals in order to emphasize the centrality of meals for identity formation as well as for political and religious rhetoric in the texts of Deuteronomy. Peter Altmann, University of Zurich, Switzerland. Readership Academics, Libraries, Institutes Subject Ancient Near Eastern Studies; Old Testament and Ancient Near East / Israel and the Ancient Near East; Exegetical Monographs, general; Pentateuch and Historical Books Type of publication Monograph Language English Pub. date 09/2011 Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 424 Approx. 300 pp. Hc. RRP € 99.95/US$ 150.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025536-2 eBook RRP € 99.95/US$ 150.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025537-9 Print + eBook RRP € 149.95/US$ 225.00 ISBN 978-3-11-218947-4


APD Singapore Pte Ltd (Malaysia)

Francis M. Macatangay

John S. Kloppenborg, Richard S. Ascough

David I. Starling

The Wisdom Instructions in the Book of Tobit

Greco-Roman Associations: Texts, Translations, and Commentary

Not My People

Scholars have shown renewed interest in the Book of Tobit since fragments of the text were found at Qumran. However, the wisdom instructions of Tobit 4 have remained largely ignored. The present study provides an extensive treatment of this important section, reading Tobit’s wisdom discourse as a vital component in the literary expression of the author and as a strong indication of the significant role of the sapiential tradition in the world of Diaspora living. In the context of Second Temple Judaism, Tobit’s wisdom discourse is part of an essential avenue for shaping identity and creating a distinct ethos for those outside the land. Francis M. Macatangay, University of St. Thomas School of Theology at St. Mary’s Seminary in Houston, TX, USA. Readership Academics, Libraries, Institutes Subject Old Testament and Ancient Near East / Wisdom and Psalms; Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha; Jewish Studies / Hellenistic-Roman Era; Religion / History of Ancient Religions Type of publication Monograph Language English Pub. date 03/2011 Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Studies 12 Approx. xvi, 370 pp. Hc. RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025534-8 eBook RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025535-5 Print + eBook RRP € 149.95/US$ 210.00 ISBN 978-3-11-218946-7

Attica, Central Greece, Macedonia, Thrace Private associations organized around a common cult, profession, ethnic identity, neighbourhood or family were common throughout the Greco-Roman antiquity, offering opportunities for sociability, cultic activities, mutual support and a context in which to display and recognize virtuous achievement. This volume collects a representative selection of inscriptions from associations in Attica, Central Greece, Macedonia, Thrace, published with English translations, brief explanatory notes, commentaries and full indices. This volume is essential for several areas of study: ancient patterns of social organization; the organization of diasporic communities in the ancient Mediterranean; models for the structure of early Christian groups; and forms of sociability, status-displays, and the vocabularies of virtue. John S. Kloppenborg, University of Toronto, Ont., Canada; Richard S. Ascough, Queen’s University, Ont., Canada. Readership Academics. Libraries, Institutes Subject Classical Studies / Epigraphy; Greek; Ancient History; History of Ancient Religions; New Testament / Historical, Political and Cultural Background; Religion / History of Ancient Religions Type of publication Monograph Language English Pub. date 09/2011 Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche 181 Approx. 350 pp. Hc. RRP € 119.95/US$ 168.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025345-0 eBook RRP € 119.95/US$ 168.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025346-7 Print + eBook RRP € 179.95/US$ 252.00 ISBN 978-3-11-219069-2

Gentiles as Exiles in Pauline Hermeneutics On several occasions within the Pauline corpus, scriptural texts which seem to refer in their original contexts to the return of exiled or scattered Jews are appropriated as references to Gentile believers in Christ. This book is an investigation of four such instances (the use of Isa. 54:1 in Gal. 4:27, the catena of scriptural texts in 2 Cor. 6:16–18, Hos. 1:10 and 2:23 in Rom. 9:25–26 and Isa. 57:19 in Eph. 2:17). It offers insights into the exegesis of these particular verses and sheds light on several larger questions of Pauline hermeneutics and theology. David I. Starling, Morling College, Sydney, Australia. Readership Academics, Libraries, Institutes Subject Exile Studies; New Testament / History of Exegesis, Methodology, Bibliographies; Exegetical Monographs, general; Paul; Jewish Studies / Hellenistic-Roman Era Type of publication Monograph Language English Pub. date 06/2011 Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche 184 Approx. 320 pp. Hc. RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025960-5 eBook RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025961-2 Print + eBook RRP € 149.95/US$ 210.00 ISBN 978-3-11-916515-0


APD Singapore Pte Ltd (Malaysia)

Marcia Lei Zeng, Maja Žumer, Athena Salaba, IFLA Working Group on the Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Records (FRSAR) (Eds.)

Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data (FRSAD) A Conceptual Model The purpose of authority control is to ensure consistency in representing a value – a name of a person, a place name, or a term or code representing a subject – in the elements used as access points in information retrieval. The primary purpose of this study is to produce a framework that will provide a clearly stated and commonly shared understanding of what the subject authority data/ record/file aims to provide information about, and the expectation of what such data should achieve in terms of answering user needs. Athena Salaba and Marcia Lei Zeng, Kent State University, Kent, USA and Maja Žumer, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Readership Libraries, Institutes, Information Professionals Subject Libraries, Information and Documentation Type of publication Specialist Text Language English Pub. date 05/2011 IFLA Series on Bibliographic Control 43 Approx. 75 pp. Hc. RRP € 49.95/US$ 70.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025323-8 eBook RRP € 49.95/US$ 70.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026378-7 Print + eBook RRP € 73.95/US$ 104.00 ISBN 978-3-11-916338-5 De gruyter Saur

Elena Escolano (Ed.)

Luisa Marquardt, Dianne Oberg (Eds.)

International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD)

Global Perspectives on School Libraries

This is the new edition of the first consolidated ISBD that was published in 2007. The first years of usage have led to interesting and useful corrections and additions. Many cataloguers and practitioners worldwide will welcome this updated first class tool, which is useful and applicable for descriptions of bibliographic resources in any type of catalogue.

Education for all can be more effectively provided through the services, programmes and activities of the school library tailored to the needs of the school community. This inspiring book can foster the school librarian’s professional development for school library enhancement. It aims at providing amazing topics, methodologies, approaches and experiences. It presents projects and practices addressing the challenges of supporting basic literacy, including contexts where many children cannot or do not access formal instruction on a regular basis. These may inspire education authorities, public librarians and other cultural professionals who work closely with schools and communities.

Elena Escolano, Biblioteca Nacional de Espana, Madrid, Spain. Readership Libraries, Institutes, Information Professionals Subject Libraries, Information and Documentation Type of publication Specialist Text Language English Pub. date 06/2011 IFLA Series on Bibliographic Control 44 Approx. 320 pp. Hc. RRP € 89.95/US$ 126.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026379-4 eBook RRP € 89.95/US$ 126.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026380-0 Print + eBook RRP € 139.95/US$ 196.00 ISBN 978-3-11-916602-7 De gruyter Saur

Projects and Practices

Luisa Marquart, Education Faculty, University “Roma Tre”, Rome, Italy; Dianne Oberg, University of Alberta, Alberta, Canada. Readership School librarians and information specialists, school teachers, library and information science teachers, school leaders, principals and administrator Subject Libraries, Information and Documentation Type of publication Specialist Text Language English Pub. date 06/2011 IFLA Publications 148 Approx. 200 pp. Hc. RRP € 89.95/US$ 126.00 ISBN 978-3-11-023220-2 eBook RRP € 89.95/US$ 126.00 ISBN 978-3-11-023221-9 Print + eBook RRP € 139.95/US$ 196.00 ISBN 978-3-11-175002-6 De gruyter Saur


APD Singapore Pte Ltd (Malaysia)

Mary Hollerich, Margarita Moreno, Joan Stein (Eds.)

Jesús Lau, Anna Maria Tammaro, Theo J.D. Bothma (Eds.)

Handbook for Document Delivery, Interlending and Resource Sharing

Libraries Driving Access to Knowledge

The purpose of this volume is to provide interlibrary loan practitioners around the world with enough basic information about best practices, principles, and issues related to interlibrary loan, consortial borrowing and lending, document delivery, and resource sharing in the twenty-first century. This work will augment existing countryspecific literature and serve as a source or buildingblock for those countries or regions that may not already have an adequate body of literature in this field. Mary A. Hollerich, Lewis University Library, Romeoville, United States; Margarita Moreno, National Library of Australia, Canberra, Australia; Joan Stein, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, United States. Readership Libraries, Institutes, Academics, Information Professionals Subject Libraries, Information and Documentation Type of publication Specialist Text Language English Pub. date 07/2011 IFLA Publications 152 Approx. 200 pp. Hc. RRP € 89.95/US$ 126.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025327-6 eBook RRP € 89.95/US$ 126.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026365-7 Print + eBook RRP € 139.95/US$ 196.00 ISBN 978-3-11-916760-4 De gruyter Saur

This book is a must for librarians with international interest in access to knowledge. It includes a collection of 15 chapters written by authors from all over the world and covers different approaches to the vital role of libraries driving access to knowledge. There are chapters that offer solutions and ideas to enable libraries to become the knowledge engine in society. Other chapters discuss the conceptual part of the subject and related services. The book was compiled as part of the presidential theme of Ellen Tise, IFLA President 2009–2011, with the aim of offering the reader a good portrait of the opportunities and challenges that libraries have in driving access to knowledge. Jesús Lau, Universidad Veracruzana, Veracruz, Mexico; Anna-Maria Tammaro, University of Parma, Parma, Italy; Theo J. D. Bothma, University of Pretoria, Dept. of Information Science, Pretoria, South Africa. Readership Libraries, Institutes, Academics, Information Professionals Subject Libraries, Information and Documentation Type of publication Specialist Text Language English Pub. date 07/2011 IFLA Publications 151 Approx. 340 pp. Hc. RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025326-9 eBook Open Access ISBN 978-3-11-026312-1 De gruyter Saur

Dinesh Gupta, Réjean Savard (Eds.)

Marketing Libraries in a Web 2.0 World Marketing the 21st century library and information organization to its new age customers using Web 2.0 tools is a hot topic. These proceedings focus on the marketing applications and (non- technical) aspects of Web 2.0 in library and information set ups. The papers in English and French are exploring and discussing the following aspects: General concepts of Web 2.0 and marketing of library and information organizations; How libraries are adopting Web 2.0 marketing strategies; Marketing libraries to clients in using Web 2.0 tools; International trends and Interesting cases of marketing through Web 2.0 tools. Réjean Savard, Université de Montréal, Quebec, Canada; Dinesh K. Gupta, Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University, Kota, India. Readership Libraries, Institutes, Academics, Information Professionals Subject Libraries, Information and Documentation Type of publication Specialist Text Language English Pub. date 05/2011 IFLA Publications 145 Approx. 170 pp. Hc. RRP € 89.95/US$ 126.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026331-2 eBook RRP € 89.95/US$ 126.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026353-4 Print + eBook RRP € 139.95/US$ 196.00 ISBN 978-3-11-916684-3 De gruyter Saur


APD Singapore Pte Ltd (Malaysia)

Anthi Katsirikou (Ed.)

Yakov Berkovich, Zvonimir Janko

Open Access to STM Information

Groups of Prime Power Order

Trends, Models and Strategies for Libraries

Volume 3

This book contains a plethora of different viewpoints and research results from all over the world, bringing them together to provide a global perspective on the various issues that comprise “open access”. Topics include copyright, best practices and management, open access and society, repositories, journals, publications and publishing, services and technology, quality and evaluation. The book offers a holistic focus on open access and can serve as a useful learning tool for students and professionals. Anthi Katsirikou, University of Piraeus Library, Piraeus, Greece. Readership Libraries, Institutes, Academics, Information Professionals Subject Libraries, Information and Documentation Type of publication Specialist Text Language English Pub. date 07/2011 IFLA Publications 153 Approx. 240 pp. Hc. RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025328-3 eBook RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026374-9 Print + eBook RRP € 149.95/US$ 210.00 ISBN 978-3-11-916339-2 De gruyter Saur

This is the last of three volumes of a comprehensive and elementary treatment of finite p-group theory.

NEW EDITION Edgar E. Enochs, Overtoun M. G. Jenda

Relative Homological Algebra Volume 1

Yakov Berkovich, University of Haifa, Israel; Zvonimir Janko, Heidelberg University, Germany. Readership Researchers, Graduate Students of Mathematics; Academic Libraries Subject Mathematics, General; Algebra, Number Theory Type of publication Monograph Language English Pub. date 06/2011 De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics 56 xxvi, 639 pp. Hc. RRP € 108.00/US$ 151.00 ISBN 978-3-11-020717-0 eBook RRP € 108.00/US$ 151.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025448-8 Print + eBook RRP € 159.95/US$ 224.00 ISBN 978-3-11-218909-2 ALREADY PUBLISHED

Yakov Berkovich

Volume 1 2008. xx, 512 pp. Hc. RRP € 104.95/US$ 157.00 ISBN 978-3-11-020418-6 eBook RRP 104.95/US$ 157.00 ISBN 978-3-11-020822-1 Print + eBook RRP € 159.95/US$ 240.00 ISBN 978-3-11-916703-3

Yakov Berkovich, Zvonimir Janko

Volume 2 2008, xv, 596 pp. Hc. RRP 104.95/US$ 157.00 ISBN 978-3-11-020419-3 eBook RRP € 104.95/US$ 157.00 ISBN 978-3-11-020823-8 Print + eBook RRP € 159.95/US$ 240.00 ISBN 978-3-11-916239-5

This is the second revised edition of an introduction to contemporary relative homological algebra. It supplies important material essential to understand topics in algebra, algebraic geometry and algebraic topology. Each section comes with exercises providing practice problems for students as well as additional important results for specialists. The book is also suitable for an introductory course in commutative and ordinary homological algebra. Edgar E. Enochs, University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA; Overtoun M. G. Jenda, Auburn University, Alabama, USA. Readership Lecturers, Graduate Students of Mathematics; Academic Libraries Subject Mathematics, General; Algebra, Number Theory Type of publication Monograph Language English Pub. date 08/2011 De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics 30 2nd ed. Approx. x, 340 pp. Hc. RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-021520-5 eBook RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-021521-2 Print + eBook RRP € 149.95/US$ 210.00 ISBN 978-3-11-173685-3


APD Singapore Pte Ltd (Malaysia)

Edgar E. Enochs, Overtoun M. G. Jenda

Ulrich Knauer

Vassili N. Kolokoltsov

Relative Homological Algebra

Algebraic Graph Theory

Markov Processes, Semigroups and Generators

Volume 2

This is a highly self-contained book about algebraic graph theory which is written with a view to keep the lively and unconventional atmosphere of a spoken text to communicate the enthusiasm the author feels about this subject. The focus is on homomorphisms and endomorphisms, matrices and eigenvalues.

This second volume deals with the relative homological algebra of complexes of modules and their applications. It is a concrete and easy introduction to the kind of homological algebra which has been developed in the last 50 years. The book serves as a bridge between the traditional texts on homological algebra and more advanced topics such as triangulated and derived categories or model category structures. It addresses to readers who have had a course in classical homological algebra, as well as to researchers. Edgar E. Enochs, University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA; Overtoun M. G. Jenda, Auburn University, Alabama, USA. Readership Lecturers, Graduate Students of Mathematics; Academic Libraries Subject Mathematics, General; Algebra, Number Theory Type of publication Monograph Language English Pub. date 08/2011 De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics 54 Approx. x, 270 pp. Hc. RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-021522-9 eBook RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-021523-6 Print + eBook RRP € 149.95/US$ 210.00 ISBN 978-3-11-173442-2

Morphisms, Monoids and Matrices

Graph models are extremely useful for almost all applications and applicators as they play an important role as structuring tools. They allow to model net structures – like roads, computers, telephones – instances of abstract data structures – like lists, stacks, trees – and functional or object oriented programming. • •

With exercises and many open questions for further investigations on different levels of difficulty Presents good starting points for a Bachelor, Master or even PhD thesis

Ulrich Knauer, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany. Readership Graduate and Advances Undergraduate Students of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Researchers; Academic Libraries Subject Algebra, Number Theory; Combinatorics and Graph Theory Type of publication Monograph Language English Pub. date 08/2011 De Gruyter Studies in Mathematics 41 Approx. x, 310 pp. Hc. RRP € 79.95/US$ 112.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025408-2 eBook RRP € 79.95/US$ 112.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025509-6 Print + eBook RRP € 119.95/US$ 168.00 ISBN 978-3-11-218868-2

This work offers a highly useful, well developed reference on Markov processes, the universal model for random processes and evolutions. The wide range of applications, in exact sciences as well as in other areas like social studies, require a volume that offers a refresher on fundamentals before conveying the Markov processes and examples for applications. This work does just that, and with the necessary mathematical rigor. • •

Easy to follow presentation With examples and exercises, so useable as secondary reading for courses

Vassili N. Kolokoltsov, University of Warwick, UK. Readership Mathematicians, Mathematical Physicists, Biologists and Sociologists Involved in Research on Random Processes, Advanced Students; Academic Libraries Subject Mathematics, General; Probability Theory and Statistics Type of publication Monograph Language English Pub. date 03/2011 De Gruyter Studies in Mathematics 38 xviii, 430 pp. Hc. RRP € 99.95/US$ 99.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025010-7 eBook RRP € 99.95/US$ 99.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025011-4 Print + eBook RRP € 149.95/US$ 210.00 ISBN 978-3-11-916510-5

APD Singapore Pte Ltd (Malaysia) Jichuan Wang, James H. Fisher, Haiyi Xie

Multilevel Models Applications using SAS


Over the last two decades multilevel models have become popular in various research fields including education, psychology, sociology, economics, and public health. They use ordinary least square regression to analyze multiple level data that involve both micro and macro observation information. This kind of data is called hierarchically structured data or multilevel data.

Alexander B. Al’shin, Maxim O. Korpusov, Alexey G. Sveshnikov

Yanfei Wang, Anatoly G. Yagola, Changchun Yang

Blow-up in Nonlinear Sobolev Type Equations

Computational Methods for Applied Inverse Problems

The monograph is devoted to the study of initialboundary- value problems for multidimensional Sobolev-type equations over bounded domains. The authors consider both specific initialboundary-value problems and abstract Cauchy problems for firstorder (in the time variable) differential equations with nonlinear operator coefficients with respect to spatial variables. The main aim of the monograph is to obtain sufficient conditions for global (in time) solvability, to obtain sufficient conditions for blowup of solutions at finite time, and to derive upper and lower estimates for the blow-up time. The monograph contains a vast list of references (440 items) and gives an overall view of the contemporary state-of-the-art of the mathematical modeling of various important problems arising in physics. Since the list of references contains many papers which have been published previously only in Russian research journals, it may also serve as a guide to the Russian literature. Alexander B. Al’shin, Maxim O. Korpusov, Alexey G. Sveshnikov, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia. Readership Graduate and PhD Students, Reseachers; Academic Libraries Subject Mathematics, General; Analysis Type of publication Monograph Language English Pub. date 05/2011 De Gruyter Series in Nonlinear Analysis and Applications 15 xii, 648 pp. Hc. RRP € 129.95/US$ 182.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025527-0 eBook RRP € 129.95/US$ 182.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025529-4 Print + eBook RRP € 199.95/US$ 280.00 ISBN 978-3-11-218918-4

This volume applies inverse methods to actual problems in science. Written by geoscientists, it conveys statistical methods, regularization methods, and optimization techniques for solving practical inverse problems. It is of particular interest to geosciences professionals working with image processing, for example in remote sensing. • • •

Written by scientists for scientists Applying the theoretical methods to scientific problems Conveying statistical, regularization, and optimization methods

Yanfei Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; Anatoly G. Yagola, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia; Changchun Yang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. Readership Applied Mathematicians, Geoscientists, Professionals Working in Image Processing; Academic Libraries Subject Mathematics, General; Numerical Mathematics; Geosciences / Geophysics, Geochemistry, Mineralogy Type of publication Monograph Language English Pub. date 09/2011 Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems Series 56 Approx. xi, 550 pp. 15 fig. Hc. RRP € 129.95/US$ 182.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025904-9 eBook RRP € 129.95/US$ 182.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025905-6 Print + eBook RRP € 199.95/US$ 280.00 ISBN 978-3-11-220441-2

This book covers a broad range of topics about multilevel modeling. The goal is to help readers to understand the basic concepts, theoretical frameworks and application methods of multilevel modeling. This book is at a level also accessible to nonmathematicians, focusing on the methods and application of various multilevel models, and using the widely used statistical software SAS. Examples are drawn from analysis of real-world research data. • • • •

Conveying the techniques of multilevel modeling Relevant to various disciplines, including economy and health Using real-world data and problems and the SAS software Accessible also to practitioners

Jichuan Wang, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, USA; James H. Fisher, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, USA; Haiyi Xie, Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, New Hampshire, USA. Readership Researchers and practitioners in mathematics and health sciences; Institutes, Libraries Subject Mathematics, General; Numerical Mathematics; Geosciences / Geophysics, Geochemistry, Mineralogy Type of publication Monograph Language English Pub. date 12/2011 Approx. x, 270 pp. 40 fig. Hc. RRP € 89.95/US$ 126.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026759-4 eBook RRP € 89.95/US$ 126.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026770-9 Print + eBook RRP € 139.95/US$ 196.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026771-6

APD Singapore Pte Ltd (Malaysia)

Michael Bader (Ed.)


Kinins This handbook of kinin biology and biochemistry covers the current knowledge about kinins, a family of peptides involved in numerous physiological and pathophysiological processes. Recent publications have shown that the kinin system is highly relevant in a variety of disease states such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis and traumatic injuries. Furthermore, the first drug targeting system has just been approved for clinical use. The goal of this book is to provide advanced students and researchers a basic understanding of the kinin system and its role within the various organ systems. •

The kinin system plays an important role in diseases such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, as well as traumatic injuries Handbook organized by organ systems for easy reference

Michael Bader, Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany. Readership Advanced students, researchers in clinical and basic biochemistry, Institutes, Libraries Subject Biochemistry / General; Molecular Medicine Type of publication Specialist Text Language English Pub. date 09/2011 Approx. xv, 400 pp. 6 tab. Hc. RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025234-7 eBook RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025235-4 Print + eBook RRP € 149.95/US$ 210.00 ISBN 978-3-11-218935-1



J. Timothy Bricker, Hatim A. Omar, Joav Merrick (Eds.)

Jeffrey L. Derevensky, Daniel Shek, Joav Merrick (Eds.)

Adults with childhood illnesses

Adolescent gambling

Considerations for practice

Current perspectives and research

Just a few decades ago, children born with significant congenital anomalies or genetic and metabolic diseases perished at an early age and very few survived into their teens and even less into adulthood. Congenital heart disease, major errors in metabolism, cancer, cystic fibrosis and many other major diseases were fatal. Because of that many physicians in adult primary care did not have the opportunity to see patients with these problems and thus unable to learn how to care for them. This book provides a resource for all health care providers in order to help with caring for such adult patients.

Youth gambling represents a potentially serious public policy and health issue. Nevertheless, the rise in youth gambling issues and problems in the global context is not matched with a parallel increase in research on adolescent gambling. As such, there is an urgent need to conduct more studies on adolescent gambling behaviour. Recently significant advances in the knowledge of the risk factors associated with adolescent problems has emerged. This book addresses issues related to prevalence, assessment, prevention and treatment of youth gambling problems as well as concerns related to technological changes associated with youth problem gambling.

• • •

Unique perspective on childhood diseases as seenin adults The only resource of this kind Highly needed and useful for all primary careproviders

J. Timothy Bricker, University of Texas Medical School, Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital, Houston, United States; Hatim A. Omar, Division of Adolescent Medicine, University of Kentucky, Lexington, United States; Joav Merrick, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and Health Services, Ministry of Social Affairs, Jerusalem, Israel. Readership Physicians, Primary Care Providers, Trainees, Pediatricians Subject Medicine, General Type of publication Specialist Text Language English Pub. date 08/2011 Health, Medicine and Human Development 380 pp. 13 fig. 26 tab. Hc. RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025521-8 eBook RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025568-3 Print + eBook RRP € 149.95/US$ 210.00 ISBN 978-3-11-916189-3

• •

Treats new technological forms of gambling (internet and mobile) Up-to-date research on etiology, prevalence, treatment and prevention

Jeffrey L. Derevensky, McGill University Montreal, Quebec, Canada; Daniel T. L. Shek, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hunghom, China; Joav Merrick, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and Health Services, Ministry of Social Affairs, Jerusalem, Israel. Readership Physicians, Psychologists, Youth Social Workers, Politicians, Administrators Subject Medicine, General Type of publication Specialist Text Language English Pub. date 08/2011 Health, Medicine and Human Development 230 pp. 10 fig. 20 tab. Hc. RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025520-1 eBook RRP € 99.95/US$ 140.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025569-0 Print + eBook RRP € 149.95/US$ 210.00 ISBN 978-3-11-916694-2


APD Singapore Pte Ltd (Malaysia)

Andreas Plagemann (Ed.)

Joseph G. Schenker (Ed.)

Ralf Krakor

Perinatal Programming

Ethical dilemmas in assisted reproductive technologies

Endoscopic Mitral Valve Surgery

The State of the Art Perinatal Programming addresses the setting of fundamental life functions and dispositions for diseases in developmental periods during pregnancy and in early infancy. It provides a new view of the origins of health and diseases. To realize these associations may enable us to prevent diseases for the long term. This book provides state-of-the-art knowledge derived from the Perinatal Programming – Berlin International Symposium, March 4–6, 2010. The authors are internationally known scientists of this research area. • • •

State-of-the art of perinatal programming New perspectives of the origin of diseases as well as of prevention strategies Numerous figures and tables

Andreas Plagemann, Charité Berlin, Germany. Readership Gynaecologists and Obstetricians Subject Gynaecology, Obstetrics, Perinatal Medicine / Perinatal Medicine Type of publication Specialist Text Language English Pub. date 07/2011 Approx. viii, 450 pp. 75 fig. 75 tab. Hc. RRP € 129.95/US$ 182.00 ISBN 978-3-11-024944-6 eBook RRP € 129.95/US$ 182.00 ISBN 978-3-11-024945-3 Print + eBook RRP € 199.95/US$ 280.00 ISBN 978-3-11-173051-6

Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) include the artificial or partially artificial methods to achieve pregnancy. These new technologies lead to substantial changes regarding of ethical and legal aspects in reproductive medicine. The book focuses on current hot topics about ethical dilemmas in ART, e.g. about the duties of ethical committees, guidelines regarding informed consent, ethical and legal aspects of sperm donation, embryo donation, ethics of embryonic stem cells, therapeutical cloning, patenting of human genes, commercialization. •

Overview of ethical aspects in reproductive medicine

Handbook of Minimal-invasive Cardiac Surgery The book describes first all practical steps necessary in a clinic from the idea of the introduction of the minimally-invasive mitral valve surgery up to practical realization of the operation program. An extensive and detailed representation of the reconstruction technologies possible today as well as the specific features of the endoscopic application allow quick learning of the surgical technology. Informative pictures as well as videosequences of the most frequent findings and the accompanying reconstruction technologies underline the practical orientation of the book. •

Joseph G. Schenker, Hebrew University, Hadassah Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel. Readership Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Neonatalogists Subject Gynaecology, Obstetrics, Perinatal Medicine / Obstetrics; Perinatal Medicine; Medicine, General Type of publication Specialist Text Language English Pub. date 09/2011 Approx. x, 350 pp. 30 tab. Hc. RRP € 149.95/US$ 210.00 ISBN 978-3-11-024020-7 eBook RRP € 149.95/US$ 210.00 ISBN 978-3-11-024021-4 Print + eBook RRP € 229.00/US$ 321.00 ISBN 978-3-11-916282-1

• •

First-time account of the introduction of a minimally-invasive mitral valve program: step-bystep from the idea to realization Detailed description of the surgical technology Numerous pictures and online video sequences for pratical instruction

Ralf Krakor, Klinikum Dortmund, Germany. Readership Specialists in Cardiac Surgery, Cardiac Surgery Residents, Interventional Cardiologists Subject Medical Technology; Internal Medicine / Cardiology; Surgery / Reconstructive Surgery Type of publication Specialist Text Language English Pub. date 09/2011 xvi, 235 pp. Videos online. Hc. RRP € 149.95/US$ 210.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025422-8 eBook RRP € 149.95/US$ 210.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025445-7 Print + eBook RRP € 229.00/US$ 321.00 ISBN 978-3-11-916714-7

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European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law, Institute for European Tort Law of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Eds.)

European Tort Law Yearbook Helmut Koziol, Barbara Steininger (Eds.)

2010 Bernhard A. Koch (Ed.)

Attila Fenyves, Ernst Karner, Helmut Koziol, Elisabeth Steiner (Eds.)


Medical Liability in Europe A Comparison of Selected Jurisdictions Ten years after the first ECTIL project in this field, liability for medical malpractice is still a hot topic throughout Europe and it continues to expand and develop. This study compares fourteen European jurisdictions on the basis of country reports authored by renowned experts from each country. In addition to providing a theoretical survey of key issues, contributors analyzed six case hypotheticals based on actual cases, thereby also providing practical guidance on major aspects of malpractice claims. Bernhard A. Koch, University of Innsbruck, Austria; Ken Oliphant, Institute for European Tort Law of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria. Readership Academics, Institutes, Libraries Subject International Law, Foreign Law, Comparative Law / General Type of publication Monograph Language English Pub. date 07/2011 Tort and Insurance Law 29 xl, 618 pp. Hc. RRP € 159.95/US$ 224.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026010-6 eBook RRP € 159.95/US$ 224.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026016-8 Print + eBook RRP € 239.00/US$ 335.00 ISBN 978-3-11-916571-6

Tort Law in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights

The European Tort Law Yearbook provides a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in tort law in Europe. It contains reports on most European jurisdictions, an overview of the developments in the field of EU law as well as a comparative summary reviewing the essential aspects of all reports. Focusing on the year 2010, the authors critically report on important court decisions, present new legislation and provide a literature overview. •

The goal of this study is to provide a general overview and thorough analysis of how the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) deals with tort law issues such as damage, causation, wrongfulness, fault and compensation – namely when applying Art. 41 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Methodological approaches to the tort law of the ECHR as well as the perspectives of human rights and tort law and public international law are also addressed. Attila Fenyves, Ernst Karner, University of Vienna, Austria; Helmut Koziol, European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law, Vienna, Austria; Elisabeth Steiner, Strasbourg, France.

comprehensive overview of the latest developments in the law of torts within Europe overview of important court practice, legislation and literature

Readership Academics, Institutes, Libraries Subject International Law, Foreign Law, Comparative Law / General Type of publication Yearbook Language English Pub. date 09/2011 Hc. € 169.95/US$ 238.00 ISBN 978-3-11-023941-6 Online Version. € 169.95/US$ 238.00 ISBN 978-3-11-023942-3 Cl./online. € 194.95/US$ 273.00 ISBN 978-3-11-023943-0

Readership Academics, Institutes, Libraries Subject International Law, Foreign Law, Comparative Law / General Type of publication Monograph Language English Pub. date 07/2011 Tort and Insurance Law 30 Approx. 800 pp. Hc. RRP € 199.95/US$ 280.00 ISBN 978-3-11-025966-7 eBook RRP € 199.95/US$ 280.00 ISBN 978-3-11-026000-7 Print + eBook RRP € 299.00/US$ 419.00 ISBN 978-3-11-916597-6

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