5th Year Anniversary Project Book

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Adam Knibb Architects The Dolphin 33 St. Thomas Street Winchester, Hampshire SO23 9HJ www.adamknibbarchitects.com E: mail@adamknibbarchitects.com Tel: +44 (0) 1962 680221


Who We Are

Adam Knibb Architects is a young, vibrant firm, recently recognised at national scale after being shortlisted for three prestigious awards this year. Adam Knibb Architects has been established out of a desire to produce, design, rationalise and deliver architecture that would enhance the ideas and aspirations of each client.

Adam has always aspired to create a practice of his own to design contemporary sustainable architecture. Having gained wide experience in the field, the practice has been developed to produce architecture that can respond to individual requirements and sites, whilst focusing on contemporary sculptured form backed up with sustainable technology. Developed from various backgrounds the practice uses simple materials to craft buildings from its tectonic origins into grand elements.



The work of the practice is underpinned by a strong conviction in the creative design process. Our strength lies in our ability to apply a systematic design process. Our approach is inclusive with all parties creating a distinct dialogue with clients, consultants, contractors and councils. As a team here at Adam Knibb Architects we like to find a narrative between design & site as we believe this enhances the project as a whole.


Our team has been crafted and chosen carefully, ensuring we have the right combination of skills to deliver exciting projects tailored for each individual client. Every project brings its own set of challenges, which in turn helps to inform and enhance the design process. Materiality, form and the surrounding context all play an important role in shaping the practice’s work. From the initial concept through to technical design, Adam Knibb Architects strive to create high quality architecture that is tailored to each client’s unique requirements.



Adam Knibb Architects are passionate about creating unique and captivating architecture at all scales, from extending existing properties to designing schemes for new buildings. As an award winning practice, our portfolio displays a wide range of work covering many different scales and contexts. An example of these can be seen on the following pages, where we have assembled a collection of projects that are both completed and currently going through the design process.



Having reviewed the existing site, history and surrounding buildings there is a strong farming past to the area. The proximity of a large neighbouring barn lead us to design a building which took a contemporary stance on a traditional form. The materials proposed make reference to the existing agricultural buildings. Timber slats are orientated to represent traditional barns and along with a more poetic contemporary idea that they mimic the surrounding trees. Dormers, clad in grey fibre cement panels, extrude from the dwelling’s timber clad roof. Keeping a long low simple structure allowed us to place the new dwelling close to the neighbouring building. Mirroring this element

we have ensured that the plan is smaller and less imposing than its neighbour. Minimising the height of the proposal also ensured that overlooking and impact to the surrounding neighbours was negated. Being a contemporary new dwelling the clients are keen to use the latest sustainable and ecological technologies. Solar panels (on the garage roof) and a ground source heat pump will help keep the energy usage to a minimum. A sedum roof has been designed to minimise the impact of the garage roof - acting as an extension to the garden when viewed from first floor level. Currently in Planning

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The design takes its form from local urban houses, whilst reflecting surrounding elements in a contemporary and simplistic manner. It was important to provide natural light without large amounts of glazing to the south (to stop over heating and for privacy). The design shows a single window to the lounge area and a glazed apex to the first floor.

martin gardner

The vertical timber cladding has been used to provide a soft and sympathetic visual element to the building. Over time the cedar will weather to a silver colour, disappearing into the vegetation and fence lines. The zinc roof profile mirrors those on the St. Giles hill directly above the site whilst the mid grey colour provides an unobtrusive element. Completed 2014




both a dramatic external space.


The tight nature of the site determined its off site construction possibilities. Vertical timber cladding and large sections of glass have been designed to give a greater feeling of verticality and sense of place.



Set in the town centre conservation area the addition to the house had to stand out from the main building with materiality as well as design. The floating timber box touches the building and lightly cantilevers out over the access way to give

martin gardner

Completed 2015




The existing building is Bauhaus in style, typical of the neighbourhood and sits on the position of the original “Master House” of the Crowsport estate. The building sits on an east west axis and directly overlooks the River Hamble. Due to its orientation, the garden receives sunlight throughout the morning to early afternoon. The rear garden is landscaped and provides views across the river. The proposal is to utilise the existing materials of white render and glazing but modernise the external aesthetics while using the extensions to create a beautiful contemporary building with increased natural daylight. The addition of accents of grey slate will be used to define aspects of the elevations while allowing the

property to be read in conjunction with neighbouring properties by matching their material palette. The work itself will include ground floor and first floor extensions as well as a comprehensive internal remodel allowing the clients to create a home for themselves which meets their requirements and promotes a modern lifestyle with open plan areas for the kitchen and living spaces and creation of additional bedrooms and bathrooms. The master bedroom with a study and casual seating area will be located on the first floor as this will allow perfect views across the river and create a quiet and relaxed space. Currently on Site

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It was proposed that the existing farm workers cottage would be completely gutted and turned into a very contemporary modern house. Slender frame glass gives panoramic views to the rear . At first floor level a new master suite was added. This benefited from dual aspect views – from woodlands to fields.

as render. The first floor timber box can then appear to sit lightly on top. The design did not want to be overbearing to the road to achieve a subtle modern approach from the front but a completely transformed house from the rear. Completed 2015

The exterior concept was to have a solid monolithic base, presented


martin gardner


The client’s aim is to develop a single contemporary, family dwelling, harnessing the views available. The site will be carefully balanced offering a positive relationship between open space and private dwelling. The proposal, although contemporary in form, will aim to blend in harmoniously with the surrounding and respect the local character. The design is conceived as an ‘upside down house’ to maximise the amazing views from the Hills. The proposal has evolved to be a series of simple forms that can tuck into the hill side to minimise impact on the neighbouring houses but also maximise the steep nature of the plot. The design looks to make a relationship back to the local site. The ground floor level is clad in the local Malvern stone. This arrangement of dry stone walls ties into stone currently on site and from the local quarries. The first floor element is conceived as a concrete wrap. This provides the structure for the building & encases the lightweight timber walls. Balconies and overhangs can then be exploited from the concrete form. This design also needs to boost the latest ecological and sustainable features. We have proposed a solar panel array to feed the house. It will also utilise grey water recycling and rainwater harvesting. There is the possibility for an air source heat pump or biomass boiler to be incorporated.



Hurdle House had much history within the village, having been part of the original sheep fairs back in 1792. We approached the scheme with the aim to set the works into the surrounding nature, provide natural light, harness the fantastic views and provide a social heart to the house for the family. Working with the Winchester Conservation department, it was agree that the rear bay window could be removed and provide the linking element to the next extension. A frameless glass link has been utilised so to touch the existing building light and lead from the old to the new. The extension is proposed to house a large open plan kitchen, dining area, casual seating with utility / WC and study attached. A major aim of the project was to increase the excitement when entering the property. A new main entrance will bring you directly into the new works, whilst giving off views directly down the garden. With large glass apertures, the natural surroundings of the property are brought into the house. Vertical timber cladding has been used to mimic the surrounding trees and provide a contemporary contrast to the existing building which clearly shows that this work is ‘of this time’. Nearing Completion


The design was to wow from the back and hint at what might be from the front. The timber box, clad in cedar, hang s in place, replacing the existing car port and locks back into the main house. Not to be over bearing the design was set back as far as possible from the street and front elevation of the house. Access underneath the box to the rear then allows the design to open up. Views from first floor look out over the allotments and playing fields, whilst the new ground floor extension tucks neatly under the wing of the first floor. The ground floor has the proposal to open up for a more relaxed living style but aims to keep the main services in their current locations. Well positioned skylights allow light to drop deep into the plan of the ground floor to lighten the internal room, something which suffers during dark days. Completed 2014



Set in the sleepy town of Hambledon, near Godalming, Adam Knibb Architects was brought on board to provide a new layout and rework the ground floor to a 1960′s house. The brief from the clients indicated that they wanted to change the closed off nature of each room and change their living style to a more open plan space. The kitchen and dining room were taken and combined within a single storey glazed extension providing much needed light into the plan. Jutting out into the garden the full height glass provided a completely different feel to the house and put the room within the garden for wildlife to be viewed from close range. Not wanting to take up valuable animal habitat a sedum roof was designed to encompass the extension, this not only provided an ecological offset to fit in with the clients brief but also allowed the first floor views to enjoy the view compared to a standard grey flat roof. Completed 2010


Adam Knibb Architects were appointed to make alterations to a site with existing planning permission for a seven house development. The development company approached us to review the existing scheme and see what exciting elements had been ‘missed’ or ‘ill-considered’ from the initial architects scheme. The site comprises of three, two bedroom units, a three bedroom unit and three much larger four bedroom units. Minor amendment applications were delicately used to approach the local Horsham planning department with the aim of achieving a more contemporary exterior but not to elevate the alterations to a new planning application & associated costs for the developers. The design which works on a simple palette of materials features dark brick plinths, contemporary glazing and recessed vertical brick panels to produce asymmetrical facades. In addition to the exterior, our work included extensive replanning of the interiors to accommodate contemporary living. Due to Start on Site September 2016



Adam Knibb Architects were approached by the parishioners of St Andrews Church, Oxshott, for a three staged refurbishment and extension. Initially, the proposal includes a contemporary refurbishment of the church exterior and enhancement of the public realm. Phase one of the design incorporates the addition of a new public terrace. Accessed via a step and ramp approach, the monolithic base and large apertures blur the boundaries between the internal spaces of the vestibule and hall with the external public realm. It is envisaged to clad the earlier extensions in Corten steel. The Corten can be carved and have text transposed on to its surface to

Adam Knibb Architects won the appointment to re-design the Legion Nightclub in Guildford. A scheme was developed to give a fresh face to the main facade, whilst also providing a exterior smoking terrace. With interaction from the local council and police department the owner wished to move the gathering of smokers from spilling on to the main road to a safe zone within the curtilage of the building. The external area will provide an outdoor area for smoking but also be part of the nightclub’s facilities for use by all.

The design provides access down from level 3 and also from a mezzanine level accessed from the ground floor. The mezzanine is accessed by an internal staircase that penetrates up the terrace via a frameless glass lantern that is hidden behind the timber facade. The frameless glass lantern is encapsulated by a wrapping timber ‘arm’ that turns to form the staircase access from level 3. The decking, will also create an open-air seating and relaxing zone with various soft seating tied into the architectural elements.

provide a connection with the church and its surroundings. The warm hues of the rusted steel will create a visual distinction between the new and the old. The vertical cladding looks to mimic the surrounding trees, referencing the verticality of the church interior and the soft nature of the site and its topography. The second phase in the design approach is to refurbish the existing extensions of the church, providing better links between the pre-school, hall and church whilst providing flexible spaces, naturally lit from above. The final phase of the design is to accommodate new educational and office spaces in a purpose built contemporary extension.


YOUNG ARCHITECT OF THE YEAR 2013 - LEAF Awards. Tucked behind the existing garage the modern contemporary building sits along-side an external swimming pool. Linked via a raised timber path from the existing house, the path leads up to the pool and turns to take you into the single storey oak clad box.

wildlife. Timber cladding over a highly insulated building provides a soft facade to the building whilst reducing the requirement for heavy heating. The design made use of prefabricated cross-laminated timber panels to provide a quick and efficient build process. Completed 2012

A sedum/green roof across the building gives habitat back to the


ben savage

Testimonials “My wife and I are huge fans of modern and midcentury modern architecture and have been planning the ultimate home in our minds and conversations for many years, assuming that we would have to build or restore a property ourselves in order to achieve our “dream home”. …. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to be able to have bought one of Adam Knibb’s creations to make as our family home. He seems to have struck exactly the right balance of natural light, living space and views of green space all within a very private and well considered layout. The way Adam has designed the windows in all the bedrooms is incredible, it feels like we live immersed in the trees, stars, sunrise and sunsets, it’s a truly beautiful experience. The home is an absolute delight to live in and own.” - Ruth & Jesse Spink “Adam negotiated the difficult design/cost conundrum with considerable skill allowing us to achieve a stunningly designed scheme on time and to budget” Hickory Securities (Developer) “Adam; Theresa and I wanted to say a huge thank you for your fantastic help in transforming our home. We wanted contemporary, clean spaces that maximised the light and we were delighted that you were able to bring this to fruition whilst also being a supportive guide from start to finish. At the outset, I’m not sure we really understood the true value that a talented architect would bring to the project, we certainly understand that now, thanks again.” David & Theresa Beckett


“Adam created the bluebell poolhouse for us which has transformed our family life way beyond our hopes and expectations. From the first meeting Adams professionalism gave us reassurance to embark on this life changing project. We felt well advised, supported and had total confidence in Adams plans and he remained accessible and involved throughout (and continues to be so). Adam has given us so much more than a building. He made the whole process from concept to completion an absolute pleasure and a life highlight. I hold him in high regard for his immense skill and we (my wife and 3 boys) continue to be profoundly grateful for his life changing input to our lives.” Tom & Susannah Willsher “Keep the faith! The brief was to provide a modern ‘general purpose’ room, with natural light for all year round use, grafted onto the first floor of our relatively old house in the middle of Winchester. We had our doubts, but the result has amazed us and it is in constant use all day long. Well done Adam..” John & Judith Cooper

Awards & Publications 2016 -

Architecture Build Awards (Winner)

2016 -

The Daily Telegraph Homebuilding & Renovating Awards (Shortlist)

2016 -

2016 -

2013 -

RIBA Awards (Regional Shortlist) BD Young Architect of the Year (YAYA) - Finalist Young Architect of the Year (LEAF Award Winner)

Adam Knibb Architects have received numerous awards over our 5 year history, as well as being regularly shortlisted for prestigious honours on a national scale. We have also been regularly published in multiple publications such as Grand Designs, Dezeen, House Beautiful, Good Homes and also local, national and international journals. Channel 4 productions have also been in contact to enquire about the practice being featured in some of their shows.

Adam Knibb Architects The Dolphin 33 St, Thomas Street Winchester, Hampshire SO23 9HJ T: +44 (0)1962 680221 mail@adamknibbarchitects.com www.adamknibbarchitects.com @AdamKnibb_AKA

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