5 Skills to Create an E-Commerce Website That Brings Fast Conversions Today, customers have lot of options to choose from while making an online purchase; therefore, they are likely to pick the one that offers them the most. If you want your e-store, to become the first choice of your customers, then you need to use special skills to bring faster conversions on it.
Do you know the importance of creating an effective website for an e-business? Some of the entrepreneurs, especially those, who shift from traditional businesses to e-commerce world, hardly realize the importance of having a strong web presence. Mostly, for such businesses, websites serve as a symbol of web presence; but for those, who enter the internet market with true passion, they know the real value of having a stronger digital presence. A website is as important for an e-business as a physical store for a conventional business; therefore, you need to make it an attractive place to draw as much visitors as you can. From your web design to content and image quality, everything plays a significant role in making a website more presentable online shopping place. There is a need to maintain a consistency from the landing page to the product page and exit stage. Bombarding a website with too much of things has nothing to do in making a website more presentable; instead, it is more about the quality and the proper placement of everything on every page so that a friendly user-experience is ensured throughout a visitor’s journey on an e-store. Here are the basic skills which can help you create a website that ensures faster conversions. A User-Friendly Interface with a Responsive Web Design For fast conversions, you need to create a user-friendly interface by creating a responsive web design, because if a visitor comes across a discrepancy while navigating your website, he will
quit before making any purchase decision. You need to keep your e-store’s doors open for every kind of customers (the mobile users, the desktop and tablet users). This is only possible when you create a responsive web design that automatically readjusts the size of your webpage according to the screen of the device on which it is being run. Display New Offers Customers are more curious than ever, they always have a quest to find something new about a product or business, especially new offers. Offering what every other business is already providing, is not a good idea; instead, come up with unique offers on your website popping up on the landing pages or other pages of your website as well. You can offer a discount on first purchase, buy-one-get one free, free consultation, or offer a discount on purchasing a certain number of products, provide free download or any other thing. Make the Landing Page More Attractive and Functional First page is the face of your website, you need to make it attractive and design it in a way that it could give a brief but clear view of what you have inside on the rest of the page. Use beautiful images and provide the latest information, offer or anything else on the most prominent location. Make sure your company’s logo is clear and attractive, building a high perception of your company or organization across public. Have pop-ups on the sides of the page, these should be about new offers which are especially of customers’ high interest. Make Your Website Talk to Your Customers A lull, boring and least interesting website can never bring sales for an online company. What can you do to make your website more interactive? The primary step is to provide authentic, easy-to-understand and up-to-date content. When a potential client reads the content, he gets more than half of the information he wants. Today, entrepreneurs go an extra mile in making their websites more interactive by making use of live chat software. This chat application brings the element of human touch in an e-commerce website where live chat operators provide realtime assistance to every potential client. Create Ease at Checkout The most probable stage for customers to quit a purchase process is the checkout stage due to various reasons. Usually, the hidden shipping charges and long registration processes become the biggest factors. Therefore, try to create as much ease at the checkout stage as possible. If you are providing live chat support, then you need to instruct your live chat agents to give a detailed information to your potential clients about everything (shipping cost, time and payment methods), so that it could become easier for customers to make a purchase decision. Avoid long registration forms to your potential buyers, even if you do, do not make them a compulsion for completing a purchase process. If you are ready to use the above mentioned five tactics, then get ready to earn big rewards interms of increased conversion rate on your website. See more at: https://medium.com/@adammethew/5-skills-to-create-an-e-commerce-website-thatbrings-fast-conversions-eb0d133a9df8