How to grab & retain online visitors’ attention on your website

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How to Grab & Retain Online Visitors’ Attention on your Website? With each passing day, e-commerce websites are getting bigger and more complex, so taking time to load on any browser and device. However, when these websites do not load quickly, it affects visitors’ behavior and leads to less sales conversion and revenue. A website can be slow down for a number of reasons but it can badly affect affects it’s performance and disrupt visitors’ attention. It can make them go somewhere else to find what they were looking for on your website. Therefore, experts say that bringing visitors on your website is just half the battle, the real work begins after the visitor lands on your website and needs to be convinced to have business transaction with you. To attain this difficult goal, you will have to grab and retain online visitors’ attention on your website and lead them to the ultimate goal of conversion.

Know Your Customers Before designing and launching your website, it is important to know who your target customers are, what their needs are and what they want from your website. It is also important to understand customers’ motivations behind visiting your website. Once you understand your customers, it will be easier to structure your content and website graphics accordingly. For example, an educational or literary website must have endless lists of information, whereas, an ecommerce website must have a lot of images of products.

Website Structure If your website is user-friendly and easy to navigate, it will logically attract more visitors and increase the chances of generating more sales leads. Moreover, each page must identify a desired action and must be designed considering the value proposition to your customers. For example, one web page must be designed for subscription to your website newsletter, while other page should consider click on a shopping cart button. Each page must be valuable for customers whether it is in form of information and statistics or an image or tutorial helping customers understand your products or services.

Don’t Make Visitors Search for Information This is perhaps the biggest issue with most of the e-commerce websites. Being a curious visitor, how often have you browsed a website for particular information but ended up at nothing? It is observed that if the visitors will have to spend more than a few seconds on website searching for particular information, they dump the website immediately. Your website should be able to develop an instant contact with visitors in order to respond to their queries and make the browsing simple and quick. Entrepreneurs must consider offering live chat support on their websites as it helps entrepreneurs connecting to the visitors on immediate basis.

Don’t Clutter Your Website Don’t clutter your website with unimportant information. Keep in view that customers come to the website to find particular information or products. Even important information will not stand out in flashing banners, clashing colors and inconsistent font styles. Moreover, to show your accomplishments, use a specific page on your website like testimonial page instead of splashing it over the entire website. Testimonials are the best way to market your offers, provided they are genuine and are approved by your prestigious clients. Capturing traffic on your website is a big challenge but remember, traffic does not mean conversion. It is only the beginning, and to keep potential customers on your website, you need to design the website to grab and retain the visitor’s attention.

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