Productivity Tips for Live Chat Service Providers Longer gone are the days when live chat service was considered as a rare concept, now upon searching on the WWW, you will find that almost every e-commerce website offers this service. In a scenario, it becomes hard for you to become the first choice for your potential clients. If you are providing a live chat service and want it to establish a good reputation in enhancing the standard of an online customer service, there is a need to follow the below mentioned productivity tips.
Set KPIs You need to establish the Key Performance Indicators to check the overall progress of your live chat service as well as operators. These pre-defined KPIs provide your CSRs a road map and also serve as a motivation for them to put in their efforts and energy. Proper Training To expand your setup there is a need to add new members in your team. Whether you hire experienced or fresh people, you have to provide them training about your services and policies. Besides these, there is a need to provide a regular training to all. Moreover, sometimes you have to call a sudden training session in case you are making a major change in your policies or adding a new software or tool in your department.
Reward for the Good Work Rewarding is one of the most effective polices to keep up the spirit of your live chat operators. Evaluate their performance on the regular basis through authentic methods and tools. Reward the reps which bring increased sales for your business. You can even use their live chat session sample as a benchmark for fresh team members to follow. Develop a Live Chat Blueprint for Your Operators A blueprint for your live chat session makes it easier for live chat operators to execute the live chat service in its due manners. A company can either create a blueprint or keep it safe or it can use a real sample of an experienced and efficient live chat operator. Keep a Check on the Overall Progress There is a need to keep a check on the overall productivity of your online support service. For this, you need to check the conversion rates of different times and draw a comparison. It will help you see whether your company is seeing an improvement or decline. This is how by following the useful tips you can make your live chat service, a differentiating factor for the success of an online company.