Principles of Sustainable Built Environment Portfolio

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ADAM SAVAGE 00549336

ADAM SAVAGE 00549336


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Introduction, History of Sustainability

Page 2

The Impacts of Cities

Page 3

The UDC, Social Inclusion & Exclusion

Page 4

Climate Change

Page 5

BREEAM, Green Belts

Page 6

Sustainable Cities, Urban Sprawl

Page 7

New Urbanism, Pros and Cons of Green Initiatives

Page 8


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Image Bibliography

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Reference Bibliography

This essay aims to cover concepts informing principles of designing for climate change, sustainability and social inclusion. Covering key aspects of sustainable design and construction as well as their social, environmental and economic impacts. Sustainability may be a relatively new movement; however, it is not a new idea. Although sustainable development only dates to the 80s when the UN got behind the concept after being presented the ‘Brundtland report’, the ideas behind sustainability go back to the 17th Century. It is no coincidence that the movement traces back to Europe during the early phases of the Industrial Revolution, because in fact, it is an unsustainable society that needs a sustainability movement (Caradonna, 2014).

It is believed that the first to devise the words ‘sustainability’ was a Saxon forestry expert named Hans Carl von Carlowitz (seen in figure 1), who used the word in context of a timber crisis that had gripped Saxony. This eventually helped to establish sustainability as a belief system. The crucial idea within this belief system was that human society should live within their limits, and not only live within them, but to thrive within them ("What is sustainability?", 2015). We see this idea replicated in the 19th century by environmentalists John Muir, who recognised that the economics, environment and social well-being were intimately connected. This is now known as the three pillars of sustainability. This was also reiterated in the ‘Limits to Growth’ report by (Meadows, Meadows, Randers & Behrens III, 1972) for The Club of Rome. A report composed to answer the question: ‘What will our planet look like if the world population, food production and exploitation of natural resources continues unabated?’ Figure 1 shows Hans Carl von Carlowitz ("What is sustainability?", 2015)


Due to the dramatic changes of our resources in recent decades, the modern ways of living have radically changed. Altering how we live, travel and build communities have all contributed to an enormous increase in greenhouse gasses and our planets overall temperature, whilst also having a significant impact on our natural habitats. Mega trends such as urbanisation, climate change and demographic change are threatening the sustainable future of the entire world.

Figure 2 shows the CO2 emissions map of China (China’s War on Pollution Will Change the World, 2018)

Cities have a huge impact on the environment, responsible for a significant proportion of all our carbon emissions (Boyle Torrey, 2004). David Russell Schilling cites in (Schilling, 2014) ‘cities play a crucial role in shaping our sustainable future as they account for 75% of the world’s energy consumption and 80% of the greenhouse gas emissions’. This indicates that poorly designed and constructed cities use more energy, increasing the demand on energy production and contributing to global warming (shown in figure 2).

Sustainability is the slogan of modern development. Since the late 70s, people’s awareness for sustainability has changed, but that is not enough. As architects, it is our responsibility to ensure that we design sustainable buildings that contribute to minimal or even zero carbon emissions. Alan Jones, the RIBA president, states in (RIBA, 2019) ‘we must re-construct our profession as leaders of sustainable design teams if we are able to combat climate change and meet the UK climate targets and our ethical responsibilities’ hence implying that as architects, it is in our hands to make sustainable changes in order to save the planet as we control how the built environment will develop in the future. Studies by (UN, n.d) highlight that since 2007, more than 3.5 billion people are currently living in cities. This accounts for at least half of the planet’s population, with the figure set to rise to 5 billion by 2030. These 3.5billion city residents are estimated to consume 60% of the worlds resources and emit 70% of the current global emissions. (UN, n.d) states that ‘rapid urbanization is resulting in a growing number of slum dwellers, inadequate and overburdened infrastructure and services, worsening air pollution and unplanned urban sprawl’. This indicates that this estimate adds more pressure on societies to provide the key essentials for social sustainability. Urban developers such as the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) have been battling challenges that have prevented Jamaican residents from gaining health and well-being for over 50 years. Since the corporation was founded in 1968, the UDC’s objective is to branch the growth and improve the life of Jamaicans living in improvised areas and to eradicate social exclusion. ‘Its responsibility is to hold, manage and develop real estate on behalf of the Government of Jamaica and by doing so has successfully transformed Jamaica’s most applicable urban centres and rural towns, whilst preserving the natural environment, traditions and customs and propelling economic development’ (UDC, 2014). As a result of the UDC successfully targeting a balance of social, economic and environmental development in these impoverished areas, they have provided sustainable


communities where locals live safely and resiliently, this can be seen in their Falmouth inner city housing restoration project in 2016 (shown in figure 3). Achieving the objective set out in the United Nations sustainability goal number 11, aimed at designing sustainable cities and communities (UN, N.D).

Figure 3 shows the 2016 Falmouth restoration project CAD renders by the Urban Development Corporation (Urban Development Corporation, 2018)

The UDC has proven that in order to design a sustainable built environment, there must be a balance between environmental, social and economic development – the three pillars of sustainability. If there is any subsidence between these, major consequences can occur. Take the 1950’s New York urban renewal project for example. In 1949, the Housing Act was signed by President Harry Truman. This handed the power to federal, state and local governments to reshape residential life. ‘Urban Renewal’, one of the main initiatives of the Housing Act, demolished around 2000 communities (shown in figure 4) between the 1950s and 60s, forcing over 300,000 families from their homes (at least half of these families were black). The demolished area was then sold by the city to a group of ‘wellconnected’ development companies for an extremely low price. In its place, unaffordable middleclass housing was erected, effectively pushing out the original families that resided in the area as they were no longer able to afford living there. Economically, this was beneficial in the eyes of the federal bodies that signed the act, as the new and more expensive housing generated more income in the area. However, socially, the urban renewal project was appalling, labelled by James Baldwin as ‘Negro removal’ (ReasonTV, 2011) due to the large amounts of black families who saw their homes destroyed without a choice. The poorer occupants were forced to live elsewhere, sometimes even in slums. Additionally, due to the process of demolishing and rebuilding, Figure 4 shows the3 demolition of Manhattantown, in 1956 environmental issues were certainly caused. (MetMedia, 2012) Concrete and steel were used to rebuild the housing as they were the most common form of construction materials at the time, contributing to added emissions due to the high levels of carbon dioxide that is produced during their production.


(Pitts, 2004) states in ‘Planning and Design strategies for Sustainability and Profit’ that ‘the built environment is responsible for 70% of the overall carbon dioxide emissions as well as 40% of all solid waste’. Additionally, it is estimated that the built environment is accountable for 30% of the consumption of all produced energy and consumes one third of the global resources. This is unacceptable. With this information, construction regulations need rapid improvements in order to make the necessary sustainable changes to the way we live. If we continue to relentlessly burn through our natural resources at the same rate, our planet will not be able to cope, culminating in unalterable effects. Which was exactly predicted in ‘The Limits to Growth’ report in 1972 which foretold ‘the unabated use of oil and natural resources, clearing of forests and overfishing will result in the extinction of species, water withdrawals, increase of heat waves and the disappearance of landscapes’ (Meadows, Meadows, Randers & Behrens III, 1972) shown in figures 5 and 6 by (Columbia University, 2019).

Figure 5 shows the huge increase in heatwaves over the last 2 centuries (Columbia University, 2019)

Figure 6 shows the projected water withdrawals in the USA caused by climate change (Columbia University, 2019)

Almost 50 years later, the RIBA 2030 Climate Challenge is set out to combat this timely prediction. In response to its declaration of a ‘climate emergency’ the policy sets out the actions that the practise is taking to set the standards for meeting the need to limit global temperatures below a 1.5°C rise. Such standards include reducing embodied carbon by 50-70% and reducing operational energy demand and carbon by 75% (RIBA, 2019) to name a couple. The RIBA states that ‘all new buildings need to achieve net zero whole life carbon by 2030’. This objective aims at minimising overall carbon emissions by optimising resource efficiency over a building’s entire life cycle. (ARB, 2020) Declares ‘all architects must have an understanding of the global context in which they practise and the implications that their decisions and activities have for sustainability’. Thus, implying that in order to produce a sustainable environment that consumes little amounts energy, architects must revise their old approaches and rethink their understanding of construction methods and materials.

Evaluating factors such as energy efficiency, water, waste, health and well being, to name only a few (shown in figure 7). BREEAM encourages developments that align with economic needs on a wider community level and supports cost effective solutions by encouraging long-term thinking over the full life cycle of the buildings. Rewarding buildings that best serves the occupants, keeping them healthy and providing them with the services and facilities required in and around the building, such as keeping people thermally comfortable, to providing easy access to transportation. BREEAM delivers real benefits for designing sustainable communities, providing a framework for creating rapid change and innovation. Rewarding reduced consumption of resources, cost-efficiency and the creation of a healthy productive internal environment. As a result of this, BREEAM can help with increased sales values and better environments for occupiers of the buildings (BREEAM, n.d.). The objective of this assessment method is to create competition between newly designed buildings that will compete to construct the most energy efficient design; gaining the highest award and helping to shift away from the unsustainable ‘business as usual’ models which need a major update.

Figure 7 shows the factors analysed by BREEAM during a building assessment

However, (Pitts, 2004) states in ‘Planning and Design Strategies for Sustainability and Profit’ that the fundamental reason why energy efficient homes are uncommon in modern construction is because they are not requested for or prioritised by clients. Therefore, highlighting that unless building regulations are updated, many will avoid paying the initial extra costs of sustainable construction. However, (Climate Change & Sustainability, 2020) argues that ‘architects should consider the wider impact of their work, advising their clients how best to conserve and enhance the quality of the environment and its natural resources, in pursuit of sustainability’. This argues that both the practise and the practitioners must do everything that they can to ensure that sustainability is built into our DNA with the objective that this will be repeated and integrated into the future of the built environment.

A critical feature that ensures that a project is energy efficient can be calculated by an assessment method called Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method, also known as BREEAM. This is a set of standards and certification schemes that measure and certify sustainable value in the built environment. Achieving a BREEAM standard involves meeting a set of very detailed criteria. These include ‘providing sustainable solutions, providing a framework, sound science, supporting change and delivering value to the occupants’ (BREEAM Certified, n.d).



An architype solution for achieving a sustainable urban environment is by designing a sustainable city (shown in figure 8). ‘Sustainable cities use urban planning to create a healthy and vibrant community, offering various economic and social opportunities whilst aiming to mitigate the environmental impact of the city’ (Energies Nouvelles, 2018). The objective of this is to offer a higher standard of living for residents in the city without compromising future generations to achieve the same goal.

Examples of green belts in the UK include the Metropolitan Green Belt in Greater London (highlighted in red in figure 10). While in the United States, many cities have implemented ‘smart growth policies’ that aim to alleviate urban sprawl by motivating citizens to move back into urban areas in order to protect them from expanding outwards into the rural landscape. One smart growth policy applied is called ‘new urbanism’. This policy aims at making life easier and more affordable in the city. This is achieved by increasing the number of parks and public transportation and providing access to a variety of goods and services for residents, ‘reducing the need to continue expanding outwards from the city.’ ("What is New Urbanism?", 2019). This is also known as creating a ‘walkable city’. ‘Walkable cities use planning, design, and density to maximize walking and minimize driving, especially for commuting’ (Hawkin, 2017). A walkable city allows residents to enjoy a higher standard of living without feeling like they are stuck in a concrete jungle as well as being only a walking distance away from a grocery store or public park - making for happier, healthier citizens and creating a positive social impact. As a result, ‘carbon emissions decrease as pedestrians take the place of cars’ (Hawkin, 2017) correspondingly creating a positive environmental impact.

Figure 8 shows the components needed for a sustainable city (Energies Nouvelles, 2018)

In the world today, we see cities struggling with increased population, resource management and trying to find new ways to protect their natural environment. As cities expand outwards into rural areas, urban sprawl occurs. We see cities continue to expand outwards culminating in the reduction of green space around the city, replacing farmland and low-density areas with urban landscapes (shown in figure 9). In Europe ‘green belts’ have been inaugurated in the efforts to try and mitigate the impact of urban sprawl (Green Belt briefing, n.d.). Green belts are registered areas where homes and businesses are not allowed to develop, leaving the land untouched in order to protect the natural environment.

Figure 10 shows the UK green belt map

Figure 9 shows the urban sprawl of New Delhi over a 32 year period


Figure 11 shows the free of charge Tag tram in Grenoble (Green Economy Media, n.d.)

The idea of new urbanism sounds very effective, promoting a healthier standard of living and a more sustainable city. However, it could be said that a more sustainable city would have to raise costs for the environment to be maintained. This will also increase the cost of adding elements like increased public transportation. This could make it more difficult to live in the city as taxes may have to increase, which could impact on economic opportunities for city habitants. Additionally, if taxes were to be inflated to support a sustainable city it could result in pushing out the poorer citizens to suburbs which in consequence will increase urban sprawl, not to mention the social impacts of this process, seen in the previously mentioned urban renewal project. However, others may disagree with this arguing that in the long run green initiatives like ‘new urbanism’ will offer more economic opportunities and will create a better social setting for city dwellers as well as making sure that people are living in a sustainable manner.


To conclude, sustainable design creates substantial impacts to the built environment socially, economically and environmentally. As part of its sustainable development agenda, the United Nations defines sustainability in (Remaining Sustainability, 2018) as ‘harmonizing three core elements: environmental protection, social inclusion, and economic growth, so as to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’. With the built environment being the leading cause of global emissions, significant action must be taken to ensure that there will not be grave consequences from the unabated use of natural resources and that there will be a sustainable future for the urban environment.


What is sustainability?. (2015). Retrieved 15 April 2021, from


China’s War on Pollution Will Change the World. (2018). [Image]. Retrieved from (China’s War on Pollution Will Change the World, 2018)


Urban Development Corporation. (2018). [Image]. Retrieved from (Urban Development Corporation, 2018)


MetMedia. (2012). Urban Renewal and Housing Act of 1949 [Image]. Retrieved from (MetMedia, 2012)


Columbia University. (2019). How Climate Change Impacts Our Water [Image]. Retrieved from (Columbia University, 2019)


Columbia University. (2019). How Climate Change Increases Heat Waves [Image]. Retrieved from (Columbia University, 2019)


The Property Agent. (2019). BREEAM Certificate in New Buildings in Costa del Sol [Image]. Retrieved from (The Property Agent, 2019)


Energies Nouvelles. (2018). SMART CITY: ENERGY CHALLENGES FACING SUSTAINABLE CITIES [Image]. Retrieved from (Energies Nouvelles, 2018)


The Guardian. (2017). Where is the world's most sprawling city? [Image]. Retrieved from (The Guardian, 2017)

10. Metropolitan Green Belt. (2019). [Image]. Retrieved from (Metropolitan Green Belt, 2019) 11. Green Economy Media. World Bank proposes 'global coalition' for sustainable transportation [Image]. Retrieved from (Green Economy Media, n.d.)




Caradonna, J. (2014). Sustainability: A History. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Edwards, B. (2014). Rough Guide To Sustainability (4th ed.). London: RIBA Publishing.

Gething, B. (2013). Design For Climate Change. London: RIBA Publishing.

Meadows, D., Meadows, D., Randers, J., & Behrens III, W. (1972). Limits to Growth. Potomac Associates.

Brown, M. (2016). Futurestorative. London: RIBA Publishing.

Hawkin, P. (2017). Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming. Penguin Books.

Pitts, A. (2004). Planning and design strategies for sustainability and profit. Amsterdam: Elsevier, Architectural Press.

Boyle Torrey, B. (2004). Urbanization: An Environmental Force to Be Reckoned With. PRB.

What is sustainability?. (2015). Retrieved 15 April 2021, from

BREEAM: the world’s leading sustainability assessment method for masterplanning projects, infrastructure and buildings - BREEAM. Retrieved from

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RIBA. (2019). RIBA SUSTAINABLE OUTCOMES GUIDE [PDF] (pp. 1-20). Retrieved from

UK Architects Declare Climate and Biodiversity Emergency. Retrieved from

Goal 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. (2021). Retrieved from

What are the long-term effects of climate change?. (2021). Retrieved from

ARB. (2020). Climate Change & Sustainability [PDF] (pp. 2-5). Retrieved from,0,0,0,0

Schilling, D. (2014). The World's Tallest Green Building: Sustainability Award Winner and Model for the World - Industry Tap. Retrieved from

Brief History of the Urban Development Corporation | Urban Development Corporation. (2014). Retrieved from

Urban Development Corporation (UDC) – Jamaica Information Service. Retrieved from

ReasonTV. (2011). The Tragedy of Urban Renewal: The destruction and survival of a New York City neighbourhood [Video]. Retrieved from

UK Green Building Council. (2019). Net Zero Carbon Buildings: A Framework Definition [PDF]. Retrieved from

Green Belt briefing. [PDF]. Retrieved from

What is New Urbanism?. (2019). Retrieved from




LOCATION: Taipei, Taiwan

BUILT: 2004

COST: 1.8Billion USD (worlds most expensive building, at the time)

HEIGHT: 508m



USE: Mixed-use (office spaces, communication, conference halls, fitness centres, library, observation deck, restaurants, and retail spaces.)

DESIGN Taipei 101 is a skyscraper in Taipei, Taiwan. The 508m tower is the tallest green building in the world and for 5 years was the tallest building in the world (now surpassed by the current tallest building Burj Khalifa). With it’s post modern form, the skyscraper evokes the architecture of the traditional Chinese pagoda by creating a rhythmic pattern as you observe the building from top to bottom. The proportion of the building revolves around the number 8, being a lucky number in Buddhism, commonly associated with prosperity, economy, trade and gold. Designed to resemble an enormous bamboo stalk, the goal for Taipei 101 was to emphasise Taiwan’s growing prosperity on the world stage at the start of the 21st century, and was intended to symbolise technology’s evolution fused with the traditions of Asia. The building features many pan-Chinese and Asian elements mixed with a postmodern architectural style. The shear size of the building represents that the country can be invested in and trusted in economically. Due to the location of the tower (just 200m away from a major fault line) Taipei 101 is designed to withstand heavy typhoon winds (134mph gale force winds) and earthquake tremors (as well as the strongest earthquakes in a 2,500year cycle) that are common in east Taiwan.

STRUCTURAL DESIGN Taipei 101 was designed to be flexible as well as structurally resistant. This is because while flexibility prevents structural damage, resistance ensures comfort both for the occupants and for the protection of the glass, curtain walls, and other features of the tower.

Figure 1 Shows location of towers mass damper

The skyscraper features a series of observation decks on its upper floors, at levels 88, 89 and 91 (shown in figure 1). Level 88 is where can get a close view of the tuned mass damper, as the damper sphere is hung on 4 thick metal wire ropes between the levels 87 and 88 (shown in figure 2).

Since Taipei 101 is built in an earthquake zone and also subject to typhoon winds, the tuned mass damper is suspended from 91st to 87th floor of the tower. Rowan Williams Davies & Irwin Inc. (RWDI) designed the steel pendulum that serves as a tuned mass damper. The pendulum sways to counterbalance movements in the building caused by strong gusts of wind. This reduces the building from swaying, making the building more resistant to such kinds of natural disasters. Additionally 2 more tuned mass dampers are installed at the tip of the spire, at the top of the tower, which helps to prevent damage to the structure, again due to strong wind loads.

Figure 2 Shows the mass damper


As one of the National landmarks of Taiwan, the goal to be sustainable, green and low carbon is the main priority for the building as well as providing a good internal environment for tenants.

Taipei 101 was designed to be environmentally friendly from the very beginning. It is due to a combination of Taiwan’s culture heritage in the buildings design accompanied with the best and newest technology that allows the tower to be so unique.

Figure 3 Shows every LEED certification categorising system

After 6 years of operation the building stakeholders applied for third party Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) recognition for the positive results of their efforts to protect the environment. Resulting in the tower receiving an overall score of 90, achieving a LEED platinum certification, the highest possible achievement that building could have received (shown in figure 3). Making Taipei 101 30% more efficient than the average building.

Taipei 101’s mission states that “we hope, through Taipei 101’s LEED platinum certification, that we can drive the growth of the global green building trend as well as helping to mitigate the ill-effects of global warming.”

In December, 2009 Taipei 101 announced plans to for a $1.9 million overhaul aimed at reducing its energy and water consumption by 10%.


The tower underwent an 18-month renovation upgrading its heating, cooling and ventilation systems. As well as adding a piping structure that allows to recycle rainwater used to flush the buildings toilets. Meanwhile, energy-efficient light bulbs replaced their traditional counterparts. Additionally, the tower started to serve locally produced food in the building’s restaurants to reduce greenhouse gases associated with food transportation. This also allowed them to invest in local food venders creating an economic benefit from their renovation.

These green modifications were completed by late 2010, costing Taipei 101 just under $2million. The adjustments to the skyscraper save at least $600,000 annually, which is equal to 10 per cent of the building’s original annual electricity costs, which was estimated to be $6 million. The green upgrades were executed by engineering giant Siemens (seen in figures 4 and 5), environmental management firm EcoTech International Group and interior design consultancy The Steven Leach Group.

Again in 2014, Taipei 101 added another number of green initiatives in place, including a waste recycling program, greywater recycling system and a double-glazed glass curtain wall, which shields the building’s occupants from Taiwan’s subtropical heat. This secondary act of retaining a sustainable condition represents how the towers stakeholders are really invested in making their tower environmentally friendly, which highlights the importance of how stakeholders have a huge responsibility in designing green buildings.

Ice is produced from within the tower to keep their 11,000 daily occupants cool during hot and humid summers. Taipei 101 uses two dozen giant refrigerators to cool down the building. This novel method of cooling the building saves its operators €540,000 a year. 4.8millionKWh of electricity is saved per year from air conditioning and lighting alone.


Figure 4 shows Taipei 101’s Siemens LEED certification document

The building’s roof and facade water recycling system meets 30% of the building’s water needs. Resulting in 28,000 metric tons of water saved annually.

GARBAGE RECYCLING 2014 saw the tower install its first waste recycling program saving 1261 matric tones of garbage every year. In gaining LEED Platinum certification, TAIPEI 101 now achieves annual savings of 2,995 metric tons in reduced CO2 emissions - the equivalent of preserving over 9 acres of woodland from deforestation, or 239 cars from being driven for a entire year. Figure 5 shows Taipei 101’s CEO accepting the Platinum LEED certification




Still on list of the top ten tallest buildings in the world, Taipei 101 is a huge tourist attraction for Taiwan.

Connected to the skyscraper and situated under Xinyi Road, Taiwan’s commercial district. The two-level, underground station structure directly connects to the basement of Taipei 101, allowing for easy flow and access for tourists into the building.

Situated on the first 7 floors of the tower, houses one of the worlds biggest luxury shopping malls in Asia and the world.

The fireworks of New Year's Eve Celebration is a continuing tradition of Taipei 101. The building will be lit up with fireworks on the stroke of January 1st, attracting thousands tourists to the area during the December months. Taipei 101 is also currently the only skyscraper in the world that has concerts held on the rooftop. Many singers and bands have held some small concerts on its open-air terrace on the 91st floor making the building an adaptable space allowing to reach out to a variety of users.

Named ‘Taipei 101/World Tarde Centre metro station’ since both Taipei 101 and the Taipei World Trade Centre represent national landmarks. In 2017 the station saw over 23 million passengers, a record number in the history of the Taiwan Railway Administration (TRA).

A huge part of the Xinyi District’s annual revenue, the shopping mall is home to many internationally renowned fashion names such as Christian Dior, Gucci, Prada, to name only a few.

The gigantic shopping centre creates thousands of jobs for locals in the area of Taipei and generates millions in revenue every year which is invested by stakeholders back into the city.


“Tall and supertall buildings will be a key part of the urban design solution to challenges we face in the world today. High-density regions typically offer efficient vertical and horizontal transportation systems, encouraging the use of public transit and creating increasingly walkable cities”

From the time when Taipei 101 became the worlds tallest building to when Dubai’s Burj Khalifa surpassed the title, the tower’s GPD per capita doubled from $18,000 to $36,000. This shows that the enormous increase of industry growth and wealth that Taiwan experienced from 2004 to 2009 would not have been possible without the stability shown by erecting Taipei 101. The construction of the tower allowed the country to show others that it was a viable option to trade with and invest in, due to its strong and wealthy infrastructure that the tallest building in the world demonstrated. This is what is known as ‘the tall building impact’.

Taipei 101 still holds the record for the tallest accessible observatory in the world. This accumulates nearly 90% of the annual revenue from tourists who visit the tower intending to behold what locals refer to as the ‘greatest view of the Taiwan’. Figure 6 Shows Taipei 101 under construction

The idea that Taipei 101 had boosted Taiwan’s economy can be validated by the massive influx of revenue generated in Dubai after the construction of the Burj Khalifa, when it became the new tallest building in the world in 2009. The Burj Khalifa has established itself as Dubai's biggest tourist attraction. The 830m tower is responsible for the dramatic development of Dubai over the last decade. Attracting millions of tourists every year, boosting local businesses by over 35% since its erection. As well as transforming the countries economy, enabling Dubai to be more dependant on tourism rather than its unseen quantities of oil. Figure 7 Shows Burj Khalifa under construction

Figure 8 Shows the current 8 tallest buildings in the world

– –

– – – –

– – – – –

World’s tallest green building Platinum LEED certified for efficiency and environmental design Annually saves 2,995 metric tons of carbon emissions Annually saves 28,000 metric tons of water 30% lower energy consumption than average buildings, saving $600,000 annually Annually saves 1,261metric tons of garbage Uses energy efficient lighting (LED system) Waste water management system Green air conditioning system Double pane Low-E glass windows Boosted economy of construction area

Skyscrapers are to make money or to advertise and flaunt the money one already has. Taiwan used Taipei 101 for both reasons, and has benefitted greatly from both. Yet showing their economic wealth by creating a magnificent building and influencing other countries by wanting to be associated with having the most wealth and having the largest skyscraper in the world.

– – –

– – – – – – –

World’s tallest building No sustainability certification Annually consumes 345million L of water Annually consumes 18,250MVA electricity Produces MORE CO2 than it saves Does NOT use energy efficient lighting Uses Low-E glass Uses water waste management 29% of the tower is unusable space No waste management strategy

However, by utilizing 378 solar panels on and around the Burj Khalifa it has almost completely diminished their water heating costs throughout the entire building. Decreasing both heating costs for the building, as well as the energy consumption. This green solution shows how tall buildings can still set an example on how urban developments can effectively integrate energy-friendly initiatives.

CONCLUSION To conclude, designing green structures increases the energy efficiency of the building and reduces carbon emissions. As well as providing additional comfort and increasing the buildings value. As green buildings become more of the standard rather than the exception; we need to see buildings become more sustainably intelligent, laying the foundation for future smart grid integration and a better world to live in. Overall, Taipei 101 is a great example of a green building, the stakeholders addressed key components in the tower and integrated green solutions in order to reduce the buildings carbon footprint, gaining a platinum LEED certification in the process – highlighting that a big factor for designing a green building is down the influences of the stakeholders, as seen in the green solutions integrated by Taipei 101’s.

Although Taipei 101 is 30% more efficient than the average building, the tower is far from perfect. The use of building materials like steel and concrete contribute to heavy amounts of carbon dioxide during their production stages and are not what a typical green building would be constructed from. Manufacturing around 3900lbs of concrete is responsible for emitting about 400 lbs of CO2 and every ton of steel produced in 2018 emitted on average 1.85 tons of carbon dioxide, which is senseless. The objective of a sustainable design is to adopt different strategies, with the goal of reducing the energy consumption of building and the pollution created associated with this activity. Among all the big issues dealing with sustainability in the built environment, the management the construction materials is certainly the most important. (ARB, 2020) States ‘all architects must have an understanding of the global context in which they practise and the implications that their decisions and activities have for sustainability’. Therefore, the management of construction materials should not be limited only to the construction process, since in order to ensure its efficiency there must be a broad knowledge of all the production processes of the material.


Schilling, D. (2014). The World's Tallest Green Building: Sustainability Award Winner and Model for the World - Industry Tap. Retrieved from

BREEAM: the world’s leading sustainability assessment method for masterplanning projects, infrastructure and buildings - BREEAM. Retrieved from

8 Interesting Facts about Taipei 101. Retrieved from

Taipei 101. (2020). Retrieved from

Taipei 101, Xinyi District. Retrieved from

Taipei 101 Tower pushes new heights for super-tall buildings and sustainable art. (2019). Retrieved from

Yang, C. (2014). [PDF]. Taipei, Taiwan. Retrieved from

Thomas, G. (2012). TAIPEI 101. Retrieved from


Tubbs, J. (2012). The Taiwan (Architectural) Miracle. Artifacts Journal. Retrieved from





Site Analysis


Points of Interest


2D Masterplan


3D Masterplan



INTRODUCTION Pomona Island presents a fantastic opportunity for a regeneration project of the waterside environment adjacent to the Manchester Ship Canal and Bridgewater Canal, offering a scenic waterfront view as well as providing valuable facility space for a variety of users. Extending over 12,000m, Pomona Island is located between the Manchester Ship Canal and the Cornbrook Metrolink station. Advantageously positioned between the Manchester city, Salford and Trafford districts (shown in figure 1) the site is handed a significant strategic role due to the close proximity to the Region’s most successful and fastest growing business and employment district – Media City. The positioning of Pomona Island is ideal and creates an exciting opportunity to redevelop the area into one of Manchester’s most exciting and sustainable urban projects. Pomona is provided with easy access for users with two existing access points via Metrolink (tram). Highlighted in yellow in figure 2 is Cornbrook metro stop which will provide entry onto the north east of the site. Pomona is the next tram stop, highlighted in blue, which provides easy admission onto the island from the south.

FIGURE 1 shows the district boundaries

FIGURE 2 shows the site (highlighted) within the surrounding area

Land Usage Chart

Sun Map and Wind Path

The wind direction on site comes in from the west The sun direction shines predominantly from the south

Canal Waters



Green Space







site location: Pomona Island, M16 0TT












2.2mi 60m 1mi 0.5m 2mi 300m 20m 50m


Media City Derelict land spot Old Trafford Football Stadium O2 Victoria Warehouse Castlefield Residential Hub Woden’s Foot Bridge Cornbrook Metrolink Station Main Vehicular Access Point


Salford Ordsall Trafford Trafford Manchester Manchester Manchester Manchester


MASTERPLAN scale 1:2500


Based on the information that I have acquired from tasks 1 and 2; I have created a sustainable masterplan of Pomona Island, designed to balance social, environmental and economic development.




Another feature aimed at creating a low carbon economy around Pomona is the addition of 200 young trees planted in the new public park (3). Young trees produce cleaner air around the site as trees produce more oxygen at the start of their life cycle. Furthermore the trees contribute to two thirds of the green space on site which was a vital element in the masterplan due to the lack of green space around the area of Pomona. The park holds a significant environmental role as it will enhance the natural environment on the site, helping to improve biodiversity attracting wildlife to the newly added plants and the existing waterfront. Manchester also has no recognised green public parks in the city. The inclusion of the first green public park (in over 100 years) contributes greatly to the environmental and social development of Pomona Island and also aims at inviting tenants to live in the area, where they can enjoy a picturesque natural environment by the waterfront, also contributing to economic development.


I designed two housing estates on the residential zone of Pomona. These estates will be positioned adjacent to the existing two residential X1 apartments that are on site(1). As the existing residential buildings are apartments, I decided to incorporate 2 housing estates onto the site, consisting of affordable houses all of the same size(2). They are separated by a smaller green space, only accessible to dwellers of the residential zones, including the apartment tenants enabling all dwellers to be included. This space will provide an area for the occupants to grow their own food with the aim to encourage teamwork and social skills, creating a closer community. The two estates are targeted at new families that are in need of a semi-secluded home in the city that are still within an arms reach of a public park or grocery store. The incorporation of the Pomona residential zone contributes to the economic development of the area with the objective of generating plenty of income from new tenants.

2 1 6




I designed two new entrances that enables easy access onto the site as well as reducing traffic congestion that would inevitably build up on the existing singular road that passes through the site (highlighted in white). The first additional access connects Pomona with Ordsall, across the canal located North of the site for vehicles and pedestrian access(7). The second access is found South West of the site and again is a multiuse bridge (6). These two new connections create straightforward circulation around the island as well as making Pomona accessible to the districts that surround the site, allowing for a ‘walkable’ environment and a reduction in carbon emissions caused by vehicles that would build up on one congested road, helping to achieve a low carbon environment on the island.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Existing residential X1 apartments New residential housing Public park Commercial complex Public football pitches (x4) SW Multiuse Bridge N Multiuse Bridge Waterfront jetty Pomona Metrolink Station Cornbrook Metrolink Station

Another component of the masterplan intended for economic development is the new commercial complex situated North East of the site (4). The complex consists of various grocery, retail and food spaces. The intention of the complex is to attract a variety of users to Pomona where they can generate income on site through the provided shops. The location of the commercial complex is contiguous to Cornbrook Metrolink station (10) and was intentionally located there to provide convenient accessibility for visitors without disturbing tenants in the residential zone; which is positioned far away from, what will be, the busiest area of the island. The proximity of the complex and Cornbrook station (500m) still provides amenities for the residents of Pomona where tenants can do their weekly food shops at the grocery stores or buy their children’s clothes, another example of how the site will be a ‘walkable’ environment. On the waterfront I designed a jetty spanning the length of the canal (8). Not only does the jetty allow to create scenic views at the edge of the waterfront. It also connects the residential zone with the public park, providing a essential foot bridge for occupants who should avoid entering the park via the busy road. By incorporating the jetty into the masterplan it also enabled me to reach out to more users encouraging sailors to dock and possibly inhabit Pomona – creating economic and social benefits.

After completing the masterplan I found that there was a remaining 8600sqm plot of land adjacent to the residential zone. To make use of the space I added 4 11-a-side football pitches (5) which contributes to both social and economic development of Pomona as the pitches allow to reach out to the local community where they can pay to rent out the pitches to hold football matches or training sessions.

Waterfront jetty

N Multi-use Bridge: Connecting site to Ordsall

Commercial complex: Positioned adjacent to Cornbrook

Cornbrook Metrolink Station: Provides public transport near residential zone

Tree shaped pedestrian trail: Organic form, creates walkable community

Existing residential X1 apartments

SOCIAL ZONE Residential zone growing patch Football pitches

ENVIRONMENTAL ZONE Public park Young trees

ECONOMIC ZONE Grocery, retail, food spaces

SW Multi-use bridge: Easy entrance for tenants of residential zone

Public park: Covers 2 thirds of the site

Public football pitches

New residential housing: Positioned adjacent existing residential buildings Public car park


All imagery used in Task 3 was produced by the author using Photoshop, DigiMaps, Google Earth and Google Maps

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