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Shavuot Retreat 5775 Remembering the Torah of the Future

A Holiday Festival Dedicated to the Blessed Memory and Living Legacy of

Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi ‫זצ׳ל‬ Produced by:

 Partners: 1

‫!ברוכים הבאים‬ We are blessed by your arrival! Your retreat managers, Adam ‘Segulah’ Sher, Chavi Stark, and Yaakov Reef are here to support your retreat. Make use of them!
 ADAMAHFOODS – Farm-to-Table kosher food magic. Our homemade and varied menu integrates vegetables & pickles from our onsite Jewish educational organic farm with ethically sourced products – including organic grains, Grow and Behold kosher pastured meats, and local fruits - embodying the Jewish food movement. If you have special food needs, be sure to speak with our friendly Adamah Dining Hall staff. GIFT & BOOK STORE – We’re proud to have one of the most unique collections of books, music, and gifts anywhere! You can buy our Adamah cheeses, jams, and pickles here. LAKE & POOL – Our pristine Lake Miriam is open at all times for boating & swimming, with lifejackets located in the boat shed by the dock. – please always wear lifejackets when on the lake and return the boats back on the rack after you are done using them.The pool is open ONLY when a lifeguard is present.

The pool will be open Friday-Sunday from 2-6pm

EMERGENCY NUMBER – In the event of an emergency, you can find a list of emergency numbers by all the phones onsite. There is a phone in or on every cabin. Please identify where yours is if you haven’t already done so.

 Dial 3068 from onsite phones or 860-824-3068 from cell phones. EMERGENCY CALLS - If you need to call 911 using a campus phone, please note that you must first dial a 9 to get an outside line, then dial 911, thus 9-911. Please dial our emergency number 3068 (see above) immediately after making the call so that we know an ambulance is arriving. PARKING - Please park only in designated areas - in the parking lot next to the main office or at the barnyard at the end of the road. Thanks! ROOMS - We do not use keys at Isabella Freedman. Doors lock from the inside. Make sure you unlock your door before leaving your room! We ask you to keep the doors to your rooms shut at all times. Please save electricity - turn off lights when not in use. BUSSING TABLES - When you’re finished eating, clear all your dishes in the wash bins we have provided for you. Don’t forget the compost bin too!


KASHRUT - Our Adamah Dining Spaces and Kitchen are strictly kosher and supervised by the Rabbi Yitzchok Adler of the Hartford Kashrut Commission. Please do not take dishes out and please do not bring any food or dishes into our Adamah Dining Hall. If you have special dietary needs and need to bring your own food into the space, please have it approved by one of our Mashgichim (kosher supervisors). Our Rosh Mashgiach is Hazzan Mordechai Schram. COMPOSTING & RECYCLING - Isabella Freedman is a green organization. Our disposable plates, napkins, tableware, and cups are all compostable! Put them in the compost bin in the Adamah Dining Hall or by the Coffee Bar. Please recycle paper, plastic, glass, and cans near the Guest Services desk. WATER - We have delicious, very clean water from our own Berkshire mountain spring wells. Enjoy it from any tap! Extra points for using your own water bottle. SMOKING - Smoking is prohibited on campus, besides by the fire pit at the lake. CANDLES - Candles are strictly prohibited in all buildings except as designated by the Retreat Manager in the Main Building for Shabbat, holidays, and yizkor. CHECK-OUT PROCEDURE - On check-out day, please leave your rooms by 9:00am and place your luggage in your car or in the Great Hall. When leaving your room, please put your sheets in one pillow case and place it by the door. Make sure that all the garbage is placed into the wastebaskets in your rooms. TICKS AND LYME DISEASE - Please remember that we are in a natural environment and you might find a tick on your body after engaging in outdoor activities. The best way to check yourself is with soap in the shower where you can feel them. There are tick removal instructions at the Guest Services desk. Lyme disease is treatable with antibiotics when caught within a few months of the tick bite.

Bookstore & Gift Shop We carry a unique selection of books, music, judaica, and art - reflecting our diverse community and our shared values. Creations from our retreat community are featured in the store including Reb Zalman’s many writings and recordings. Friday — 2-6pm OPEN FOR SALES Sunday — 3-6pm BROWSING ONLY Monday — 2-4:30pm BROWSING ONLY Monday — 9-11pm OPEN FOR SALES Tuesday — 12-2pm OPEN FOR SALES 3



Table of Contents Questions are 
 Better than Answers


Camp Teva 
 & Families Schedule


Retreat Schedule


About Hazon


About our Partners


Return Again

? 5

 Who was Reb Zalman ‫?זצ׳ל‬

What is Davennen’?

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi was the Rebbe of the Jewish Renewal movement and a true genius of our generation. He brought Jewish spirituality in an accessible and profoundly deep way to the full spectrum of seekers - Jewish and beyond. A polymath and pioneer in eco-kashrut, davenology, deep ecumenism, neohasidut, meta-kabbalah, and much more, Reb Zalman’s innovative vision will only grow. He passed away shortly after last year’s Shavuot retreat. His beloved wife Rebbetzin Eve Ilsen joins us this year as an honored guest & teacher.

The art, science, and direct experience of prayer in Judaism is called Davennen’, a Yiddish word of uncertain derivation. The Hebrew word is Tefilah. Davennen’ however, is also a verb - to daven - and refers to an activity intended to achieve a certain result: direct experience of an I-Thou relationship, a spiritual technology for talking to G*d. On this retreat, our davennen’ is musical, participatory, and egalitarian. The three traditional times to daven are morning (shacharit), afternoon (mincha) and evening (ma’ariv). The whole retreat community will share in these special times of connection.

What is Torah Yoga?

What is Daf Hourly? Daf Hourly is our open, ongoing learning session, led by Arthur Kurzweil. Based on the Talmud Circle Institute model, Daf Hourly sessions are conducted in English and are open to novices and savants alike. Beginner’s mind is a plus! The flexible timing allows you to come and go as you like.

What is Camp Teva?

What is JOFEE? What are Mishpacha Groups?


Camp Teva & Families Schedule Friday May 22 — Arrival Day — Sivan 4 TIME



5:00 — 5:30 pm

Kid’s Dinner

Dining Tent

5:30 — 6:00 pm

Orientation to Camp Teva - Parents & Kids

Arts & Crafts

6:00 — 8:00 pm

Camp Teva

Arts & Crafts

Saturday May 23 — Shabbat — Sivan 5 10:00 am - 12:30 pm

Camp Teva

Arts & Crafts

3:30 — 6:30 pm

Camp Teva

Arts & Crafts

Sunday May 24 — Shavuot Day 1 — Sivan 6 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Camp Teva

2:30 — 3:30 pm

Camp Teva - ADULTS & KIDS
 10 Commandments Torah Play

3:30 — 6:30 pm

Camp Teva

Arts & Crafts Red Yurt Arts & Crafts

Monday May 25 — Shavuot Day 2 — Sivan 7 9:30 am - 12:30 pm

Camp Teva

Arts & Crafts

3:30 — 6:30 pm

Camp Teva

Arts & Crafts

Tuesday May 26 — Farewell Day — Sivan 7 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Camp Teva

Arts & Crafts


Friday May 22 — Erev Shabbat — Sivan 4 TIME



2:00 — 5:00 pm

Arrival and Check-In — Welcome snack available

4:45 — 5:05 pm

Women’s Mikvah

Lake Miriam

5:15 — 5:35 pm

Men’s Mikvah

Lake Miriam

5:45 — 6:05 pm

All-Gender Mikvah

Lake Miriam

5:00 — 6:00 pm

Torah Yoga


6:15 — 8:00 pm

Opening the Retreat, Welcoming Shabbat

8:00 — 9:30 pm

Festive Kiddush and Shabbat Dinner

9:30 —10:30 pm

Mishpacha Groups


“Rebbe is a Verb” Tisch

Guest Services

Great Hall Dining Tent See Location Chart Synagogue


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