AdamCon Guide to the PS4
Hardware, exclusives, buying tips, and more.
Hardware, Features, Exclusives!
he PS4 proudly upgrades from where the PS3 left off. Its CPU/GPU takes an upgrade, its memory jumps from 256MB to a whopping 8GB, and it can read Blu-Ray discs three times the speed of its predeccessor.
Be Smart in Shopping!
Aside from that, the PS4 promises backwards compatibility wth the PS3 with cloud storage, so don’t throw your PS3 out yet! Speaking of the PS3, the controller has all sorts of new features as well. It retains its design, all while adding a build-in speaker, the previously-mentioned “share” button, an LED light, and a mini touch pad. The PS4 is a worthy contender in the next generation of consoles, and is definitely worth checking out. With a price of $400, though, you may be wondering what’s the best way to afford it, and many problems will arise if you try to buy it during the holiday season...
mas. 1. Do I have some unfinished business in the last generation? Do you or the person you’re planning on buying this for have a backlog of games to keep you satisfied until the price blows over? If so, you may want to beat those first.
The new Killzone is one of the new exclusives for the PS4, and more are to come from Sony’s rich library, including a new Uncharted. Besides exclusives, the PS4 offers easier support for indie games, so expect some obscure classics on that end. If you like streaming your games, the PS4 has the ability to make it easy to stream your games, and even share what you’ve played. The controller even has a button that allows you to do so. Stream online, make Let’s Plays, or just show your friends your awesome sklls. The possibilities are endless.
New controller features include a touchpad and built-in speakers!
ou’ve more than likely skipped Black Friday due to the above picture. No one likes crowded lines of death, animalistic fights, and going through all of that struggling only to discover that what you were looking for has been taken. That said, where would you go if you want a PS4 for Christmas without breaking bank? Retailers are keeping stocks nonexistent, and online sellers are gouging it to double its price. Where’s the Christmas spirit here? You may break and buy one for a lot, but remember to think rationally before spending a lot on a launch console. Ask yourself a few questions before buying one for you or a loved one. These questions can help you to save during Christ-
2. Are there any games out right now that are system sellers to me? Launch titles, unless they really appeal to you, are rarely system sellers. Check and see what the PS4 has right now, and unless it’s a game you really want to play, wait until better games come out. 3. If you do need it now, always check to see when a store stocks, whether online or offline. Getting it through a legitimate supplier guarantees that you’ll buy it at the price that it was intended for, and not hundreds of dollars more. 4. Just remember, it’s all about the games. If you have enough money for only the console, wait until you have enough to buy a few great games. While this console is a must-have, remember to be smart in deciding when and how you should buy it.
You Can’t Game Wrong! “The PlayStation 4... produces some of the greatest graphics the video game community has ever seen, plays home to exclusive games and content, and continues to grow every day through software updates and 3rd party support.” -Alex Scott, gamer.