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CB Distributors is a new digital account in Janesville. Through High Road, we executed a fully digital campaign designed to drive qualified prospects to their website using SEM and Site Retargeting. In an effort to go beyond using TapClicks reporting (limited to impressions served/clicks/ctr) for significant clients, this campaign was monitored using Google Analytics, to provide additional data about site visitors, their behavior on the site, and conversion rates. The results are exceptional.
The February Google Analytics report shows that of the 13,945 site visitors, 36% came from ads delivered by APG, while 51% came from organic searches, and only 13% typed in the URL directly. This demonstrates that the ads APG delivered were extremely effective in driving traffic to the site. Just as importantly, visitors driven to the site by APG stayed on the site 26% longer than those getting there organically. So, not only did we drive numbers to their site but our visitors proved to be engaged prospects.
And for the big reveal, APG visitors spent $21,636 on the site, while the campaign investment for SEM/Site Retargeting was $11,000 (an ROI of 196%).
Beyond metrics, our report helped identify sales opportunities. By examining keyword data and comparing the ranking of page views vs. $ sales in different categories, saw that some of the categories receiving the most clicks generated the least sales. The client suspected pricing was an issue and this data confirmed their suspicion. Going forward, they will adjust pricing as a result of our reporting.
Overall, the report shows that the APG campaign was effective in driving traffic, generating sales, and providing valuable insights into the client’s business, allowing them to identify and implement strategies to maximize sales going forward.