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APG Newsletter July 2023
Applying for a Position at APG
Key to Opportunity
APG encourages associates to apply for positions within the company. If you have worked for a least six months with a good record of past performance and have the skills required for an internal position, please apply using the Internal Application or “Key to Opportunity” form available from your HR Representative. To view open positions please go to Adamspg.com/careers.
INDEPENDENCE DAY - Tuesday, July 4, 2023
LABOR DAY - Monday, September 4, 2023
APG Trivia Time
Which U.S. city hosts a UFO festival every year in July?

Submit your answer to AskHR@adamspg.com. The winner will be drawn on Monday, July 17, 2023.
Tips for Staying Active with a Desk Job
Sitting for too long can lead to serious chronic health issues. Try different ways to move around throughout the day to stay healthy. Gianna Lassiter, a Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota wellness coach, shares some tips to stay physically active, even if you have a desk job.
Why is moving around good for you?
When we move around, our brain releases mood-enhancing chemicals. It helps get rid of “brain fog” we can feel from sitting for long periods of time. Moving around is also good for our physical health. Being active helps increase mobility and strengthens bones and muscles.
What are the health risks associated with a desk job?
When you sit for several hours a day, your core is not engaged, your neck can be strained and your muscles will loosen. There are many other serious medical conditions that are associated with sitting for too long. Some of them include: diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, depression, osteoporosis.
How often should I move during the day?
It is better to stand than to sit, but the key is to keep your body moving throughout the day. Each hour you should sit, stand and walk for constant movement. Make it easy to remember by incorporating it into your daily routine.
For example, if you need to get water, use the restroom and go to the printer, you should do each task separately instead of all at one time. Walk to the bathroom then go back to your desk and stand for a few minutes. Then, walk to get a glass of water and go back to your desk to sit for a few minutes, and so on. Breaking these tasks up throughout the day will help you stay active without interfering with or distracting you from your work.
What are some desk exercises I can do?
Here are a few routines that are easy to do at your desk and help keep you moving throughout your work day:
HANDS-FREE – When getting up from your chair, don’t use the arm rests to push up. Instead, slowly get up by pressing through your heels. Repeat this every 10 minutes throughout the day.
HOT SEAT – Stand up, but when you sit back down, don’t go all the way down to the chair. Get as close as you can, then stand up again. Repeat six times per hour throughout the day.
8-MINUTE STATUE – Get your blood flowing and stand up at your desk for eight minutes. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, keep your chin level, neck long, shoulders square, hips slightly tilted forward and bend your knees slightly so they aren’t locked.
THE 20-8-2 RULE – Sit for no more than 20 minutes at a time, stand in one position for no more than 8 minutes and take a 2-minute moving break at least twice an hour to stretch or walk around.
Does Blue Cross have any programs to help me stay active?
Blue Cross members have a variety of health programs to help you stay healthy, including fitness discounts* and a wellness discount marketplace.
SAFETY TIPS Fireworks & Safe Disposal
If you have unused, misfired or “dud” fireworks, following these safe disposal steps will help ensure the protection of you, your family and waste haulers and handlers.
• Prior to disposal, contact your local fire department or solid waste facility as other disposal requirements may be used in your community.
• Submerge fireworks completely in a large bucket of water and soak until thoroughly saturated. This may take 15 minutes for small fireworks or as long as overnight for larger ones.
• Double wrap the completely soaked fireworks in plastic wrap or two plastic bags so they do not dry out.
• Place the double-bagged fireworks in the household trash or take them to your local solid waste facility.
If you plan to store unused fireworks that have not yet expired, keep them in a cool, dry place such as a garage and out of the reach of children. Never place fireworks on top of an electrical appliance, such as a refrigerator or freezer. The appliance could be struck or damaged through extreme weather events such as lightning or power surges, resulting in the possible ignition of the fireworks.