Toledo City Paper 4/23/14

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April 23 • May 06

April 23 • May 06


Marketplace changes

UPDATES IN LOCAL BUSINESS Tom + Chee, a restaurant specializing in gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches and soups, located at 1639 Tollgate Dr. off of Dussel Dr. in Maumee, opens Friday, May 9. 419-887-1774. Toledo has a new hot spot—Sweat Equity Infrared Sauna Studio and Juice Bar opened at 1508 Reynolds Rd. in the Maumee Marketplace Plaza earlier this month. The business offers private infrared sauna suites that promote health and wellness through detoxification, weight loss, relaxation and pain relief. 419-887-1598. Fabulously Fit, a workout facility that caters to women and children, has opened at 1855 S. Reynolds in Toledo. The facility offers specialty classes including mini-trampolines, ballroom, line dance and kids-only classes. 419-6999399. Do you or your kids like custom bows and headbands? Bow Factory, located at 1421 Holloway Rd. in Holland, offers hair accessories and tutus and even costumes for pets. 419-704-1066.

Cheryl Murphy

Community gardens, free compost sites or compost pickup, give tax incentives for local businesses who go green

Legends Showclub Toledo, a gay bar located in the former Blush Showbar at 117 N. Erie St. downtown, is open. The contemporary club offers upscale decoration, specialty cocktails inspired by Marilyn Monroe and, occasionally, female impersonation shows. 567-315-8333.

Vol. 16 • Issue 8

How are you going green?

Daniel Russel -

Downtown recycling bins, ten cent charge for plastic bags, compost bins to complete the happy trash family, oh two Vintage nuclear power plants and tar sands refineries... for the great grandkids

Publisher/Editor in Chief

Jodi Jameson Have organic wine bars in every neighborhood. That way, everyone will be too tipsy to drive anywhere (no pollution) and everyone will be super happy and optimistic and come up with more ideas for going green

Collette Jacobs ( By rescuing recyclables out of the trash to the recycling bin at our office

Co-publisher/Chief Financial Officer Mark I. Jacobs ( color toner costs are too high—only Black and white copies from now on!


Arts & Entertainment Coordinator: Joseph Schafer ( I’m riding my bike to work


Kimberly Rose Ruby Zapf Schools having a recycling bin out front would help and also raise money for the schools!


Visual Arts Curator: Jan Thomas ( support organic produce venders at the Farmer’s Market Staff Writer: Griffin Messer-Kruse ( Tending to my garden Calendar Editor: Marisa Rubin ( Recycling T.P.

online exclusives

Digital Media Specialist: Brandon Doriot ( I want to but I’m color blind so I just don’t know where to start

Uncut and underground: online exclusives only at Rolling One UP

Contributing Writers: Jordan Killam, Steven Athanas, Alison Wood-Osmun, Michael Pierce, Dorian Slaybod, Christian Usera, Laura Kretz, Sue Lovett

To the delight of our staff members and all other downtown residents, Cleveland native Kate Drake has opened a new Pita Pit franchise on St. Clair St. near Fifth Third Field. Toledo City Paper got the inside scoop on their new menu offerings, community mission and how they plan to contribute to the downtown revival.

Production Manager: Brittney Koehl ( start a compost pile Senior Designer: Leah Foley ( Upcycling clothes into crafts. Make believe costumes and rugs

Craft beer and wine fans rejoice—Veritas Cork & Craft, a bar and lounge offering craft beer, pre-prohibition cocktails and great wine, is opening on the first floor of the Commodore Perry in late May. In addition to high end spirits, the business will offer a small menu with tapas style food and charcuterie and cheese plates. 505 Jefferson Ave. 419-320-3909. Zia’s Burger Bar, a family-friendly restaurant that offers gourmet hamburgers, craft beer and perfected family recipe sauces, is now open. 805 N. Reynolds Rd. 419-740-5700. Open 7 days a week, 11am - 11pm.

April 23— May 06, 2014

How can Toledo go green?


“You will drink better in Toledo!” From bitters to bourbon two local entrepreneurs are breaking the seal on a new Toledo based distillery. We sat down with them to get the skinny on what it takes to create quality liquors.

Graphic Design: Jameson Staneluis ( Making my household cleaning supplies Kyle Iwanicki ( I’ve got about 420 different ways... Sara Welborn ( Ride my vespa


Sales Manager: Aubrey Hornsby ( Drinking Heineken


Sales Coordinator: Emily Gibb ( Growing my own veggies

9 >7 B B ; D= ; ' E < * J^_i IkdZ Wo" 7f h_b (- j^ *#-

Customer Service Representative: Rachellyn Marsh ( volunteering in my community! Account Executives: Sharon Kornowa ( It’s not easy being green but, I try to conserve water Sam Rotroff ( Picking up my new bike from Toledo Bikes for personal transportation Lydia Schaefer ( re-purposing old items into new ones! Molly Davis ( recycling Brittani Gonzalez ( I may not do my dishes for the whole month.. you know, to save water... Or buy a bike

The Newly Wed Game '& 7j j^[ :eeh ?dYbkZ[i idWYai" X[[h WdZ m_d[ m_j^ j_Ya[j$

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Accounting: Robin Armstrong ( Recycle old tcp’s to TLCC Rescue!

thanks toledo!

Distribution: Michele Flanagan ( trying to recycle more Office Assistant: Kelli Mistry My aura is already green enough

Advertising/General Info For advertising and general information, call 419/244-9859 or fax 419/244-9871. E-mail ads to Deadline for advertising copy 2 p.m. Friday before publication. Toledo City Paper subscriptions are available by mail for $28/quarterly or $75 per year at Toledo City Paper, 1120 Adams St., Toledo, Ohio 43604. One copy free per person per week; extra copies $1 each. Persons taking copies for any reason other than personal use are subject to prosecution.

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Letters to the editor must be limited to 300 words, are subject to edit-ing, and should include the writer’s full name and phone number. Any letter submitted to the editor or publisher may be printed at the publisher’s discretion in issues subsequent to its receipt. Also publishers of:


April 23 • May 06

Audited by

Entire contents © 2014 by Adams Street Publishing Co. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without written permission of the publisher.

Small world

The joenstas gallery is continuing their monthly talks on Thursday, April 24 with an appearance by Neil Reid of The University of Toledo. Reid, a professor of Geography, will talk about his experiences studying the role of shrinking cities in the new urban world as well as the changing geography of America’s microbreweries. The talk will also focus on social network analysis—a.k.a. what your position in a network says about you—while giving attendees an opportunity to network with each other. 6:30pm. joenstas gallery, 18 N. St. Clair St. 419-265-7150. Free.

Separated at birth

The fifth annual Toledo Sister Cities International Festival on Saturday, April 26, celebrates Toledo's eleven different sister cities in eleven different countries. Ethnic food from six area restaurants will be available while more than 23 local community groups perform everything from Taiko Japanese drumming to Polish folk dance to an ethnic fashion show. For pre-sale tickets, call 419-966-1048. Noon. $5 advance/ $7 at the door. University of Toledo Student Union, 2525 Student Union. 419-530-2931.

Green thumbs

The Growing 2 Give Garden, a 501(c)(3) charity that raises fresh produce and donates it to homeless shelters and food banks, is in need of volunteers and is hosting an information open house on Sunday, April 27 at the Way Public Library. The event features a guest speaker, seed give-aways, refreshments, and a sign-up sheet to volunteer for the organization. Volunteers can sign-up online at for 90-minute morning or evening shifts on Mondays and Wednesdays. “We’re looking for youth, teens and adults who would like to occasionally help out at our garden from May thru fall harvest,” says garden co-founder Maria Viles. The charity plans to donate over two thousand pounds of fresh vegetables this year. 29340 Bates Rd., Perrysburg. 419-482-8260. —GMK

April 23 • May 06


Hugs for Earth Saving Trees Oxygenation is our friend By Alison Wood-Osmum

It is a modern tradition to combine Earth Day and Arbor Day into a two week celebration (April 19-May 3) by planting, appreciating and nurturing trees. These glorious giants of the plant kingdom help us and the earth thrive by replenishing the world’s oxygen. As we exhale carbon dioxide, trees “inhale” it and then “exhale” the oxygen we breathe! Visit some of Toledo’s amazing local tree hangouts this spring and show them the love with a hug!

Hug Opportunities:

The UT Stranahan Arboretum serves as a University of Toledo outdoor earth science lab.The 47 acre site is open (and free) for the public to stroll among the labeled native, ornamental and shade trees as well as wetlands, meadows and prairies. I love the quarter mile mulched Woods Trail (follow the main gravel drive to the trial head), part of an old growth forest remnant featuring some remarkable 125 year old oak trees. Horticulturist Walter Schulisch refers to oaks as “the true essence of America,” for their strength and perseverance. Savor a stroll along the grassy walkways this spring alive with layers of exquisitely flowering magnolias, dogwoods, crabapples and cherries. My pick is the massive umbrella pines; they have a soft weeping form with long elegant needles (left at the entrance gate). Schulisch’s favorite is the native Franklin Tree which hosts camellia like flowers in late summer. For maps, info and their tree database visit 4131 Tantara Dr. M–F 9am3pm. Curb side parking. If the gates are locked inquire at the maintenance building.


Stranahan Arboretum and Woodlawn tulip tree

Toledo Botanical Garden is a beautiful 64 acre tapestry of green lawns and colorful gardens woven together with incredible trees giving this place a sense of lush grandeur. Paved pathways with benches offer you a respite to mingle with the shade garden’s old growth oak trees. The sunny Color Gardens hosts a visitors’ favorite, the unique weeping Katsuretree. Plant Records Curator, Jonathan Milbrodt notes that “children love to walk "inside" this tree underneath the mounding/cascading wall of green.” I love the silver linden trees gracing the grand alee. The trees actually shimmer as they sway in the breeze exposing the leaves’ silvery undersides. Milbrodt’s favorite is the 70 foot tall European Larch near the Crosby Lake Bridge. Unlike most evergreens, the needles turn a soft yellow in autumn and then fall off. TBG at 5403 Elmer Dr. is free and open 7 days a week, 7am until dusk. For maps and info go to

April 23 • May 06

Woodlawn Cemetery and Arboretum’s one hundred and forty seven year old nationally recognized site is a tranquil home for over 300 species of trees growing among the tombstones and architecturally impressive mausoleums.“The tulip trees (lining the main entrance road), with their wonderful “surprise” tulip flowers, always amaze our visitors. At peak bloom the delicate flowers covering the trees are a spectacular site, and the falling petals provide a wonderful blanket of color,” say Associate Director, Patty Toneff. Don’t miss the Ohio State Champ European Purple Beech Tree. Visit for more information. Enjoy a walk or drive through the one hundred sixty acre property at 1502 W. Central Ave. open 7 days a week, 8am-6pm.

The annual Take Back The Night protests rape culture (above). Meanwhile, nearly 900 rape kits remain unprocessed in Toledo.

Processing the Pain

Rape kits still being processed as Toledo marks 20th annual Take Back the Night By Laura Kretz The University of Toledo’s Scott Park campus will host the local Take Back The Night march, an annual international protest aimed at ending sexual violence. On the evening of Saturday April 26, mothers, sisters and friends—some of whom are survivors of violence—will participate in Toledo’s 20th annual Take Back the Night. “It’s really about women being able to go into the streets unafraid and not needing to hide,” said Lauren Merrell, a UT student and one of the main organizers for this year’s Take Back the Night. A sexual assault survivor herself, Merrell says the event, for survivors, is about healing. It’s scary for me to say that I am this empowered woman and that I am an advocate for sexual assault survivors, but that it still happened to me,” said Merrell. “But I still feel like that’s something that survivors need to hear— too often, survivors blame themselves.”

Lagging behind

This year’s theme is A Call to Action, in which sponsoring organizations will inspire Toledoans to remain involved in the community after the event. But the work to be done in Toledo includes more than just volunteering and collecting signatures. Currently, the Toledo Police Department has 900 unprocessed rape kits held in the department’s property room. Some are decades old, each a testament to personal stories of suffering and painful memories that have been shelved awaiting justice. The Toledo Police, teaming up with the Ohio Attorney General’s office, is working to get “hits” for their Com-

bined DNA Index System (CODIS) database. Attorney General Mike Dewine welcomes all Ohio cities to hand over any of their unprocessed rape kits, especially the older cases. Once a hit is received, the potential suspect information is returned to the submitting local law enforcement agency to determine if the new evidence could further their investigation. The average testing cost per rape kit is $435. The Toledo Police Department sends approximately five rape kits per week to the attorney general’s office. Thus far, Toledo, one of 125 participating agencies statewide, has sent 597 rape kits.

Evidentiary issues

According to Sergeant Joe Heffernan, Toledo Police public information officer, there are many reasons why the rape kits were not processed before, citing low level of victim involvement, incomplete suspect information and limited technology available years ago. “The technology is different now, that’s the big thing,” said Sergeant Heffernan. “Now we can do DNA test sampling quicker and with a lot better results than we could back in the ‘80’s and ‘90’s.” Cases lacking additional evidence and without the cooperation of the alleged victim move slowly in the crime solving process. Reasons for lack of cooperation vary, including victims’ fear for their safety, as well as any time gap that occurred from the time of the alleged attack to when the victim came forward. In Merrell’s case, she did

April 23 • May 06

not complete a rape kit or report the assault to the police because she foresaw a claimed lack of evidence, which made her feel that going through the process would not be worth the emotional and physical stress. Take Back the Night Toledo, will begin with a Resource Fair at 6pm, followed by a Community Rally and then the Women’s March. Artistic displays of remembrance and healing from organizations like The Clothesline Project, The Bandana Project and the Silent Witness Project will be open to the public before the events begin. Event starts at 7pm Saturday, April 26.


ng! s wro u e v o Pr 6! Vote May

Primary Primer

Lessons to be learned in City Politics By Johnny Hildo New to City Politics in the Great Frogopolis? Never fear, cats and cadets, the ultimate primer is just around the corner. You can learn all you need to know in the upcoming May 6 election. Didn’t know there was an election on May 6? That’s lesson numero primavera. No one pays a durned bit of attention to primary elections, and the voter turnout will most likely never approach double figures. Translate that into the probability that more than nine in ten registered voters have no plans to vote this Spring either. But that’s just a scratch on the surface of what you can learn in the particulars of the May 6 E Day. Consider the strange saga of the election in District Two to permanently fill the seat vacated when Uncle Dennis improbably fell into the Mayor’s office.

Two for the show

By last October, polls had Uncle D with a clear lead over incumbent Mike Bellbottoms. Back room conversations began in earnest to decide who would be appointed to take his place in January. The first rumor to burble up out of the political miasma was that Carty S. Finkelgruber was interested in the seat, proving yet again that the Fink simply will not go away. Folks with a lick of sense and a long memory realized the Finklestinker could simply not be allowed to return to Council, but whither a viable alternative candidate? Then from out of the hinterlands of the New South End arose a likely taker, one who could inspire the allegiance of sufficient members of Council to garner the appointment and with the political might to win the seat. Molly McHugh Branyan seemed to have the right stuff. Daughter of former Democratic Mayor John McHugh, she was the Democratic candidate against Uncle Dennis back in aught seven and lost by a mere two hundred fifty votes. A veteran of tough campaigns and known in the District, she could muster support from labor and old guard Ds alike. ‘Til at the last minute, just before the inevitable Lucas County Dems endorsement, she decided she didn’t wanna, after all. The Dem endorsement thus fell to political newcomer, labor official Matt Cherry. His basic credentials included saying “Yes” when asked if he’d take the seat. Endorsed by the Ds, he was appointed by the D majority on Council forthwith, and must win on May 6 to keep his seat. Meanwhile the ongoing bumbling of the Dems meant that another likely candidate slipped through their fingers. School Board member Bob Vasquez, who fin-


April 23 • May 06

ished first in the voting last fall, had been snubbed for the no-brainer endorsement in that election. He accordingly was never approached by the dithering Dem establishment for the District Two appointment. What goes around comes around. Vasquez has now entered the race, splitting D votes just as happened in September of Twenty Thirteen, when A Lo and Joe Mac split the vote and neither cleared the Primary. Never one to learn their lesson, it’s déjà vu all over again for the Mad Ave Dems. Then there’s the “Independent” in the race. Marsha Helman has been a D and even decided to seek the Democratic endorsement. The Ds were too busy shooting themselves in the foot, so Helman instead sought help from longtime buddy, Republican Councilman Rob Who?deman. Robby said he’d be glad to help, but only if Helman didn’t run as a D. That left two possibilities: seek the endorsement of the Jon Stainbrook-led Lucas County GOP, or go it alone. Helman took one look at the broke ‘n’ goofy Stainbrook group and hightailed it on back to Who?deman’s side. Which left her as an Independent. Stainbrook and his greasy minions in turn endorsed the odd duck Joe Celusta, who finished dead last in the race for an at-large seat last fall. He even finished behind the Green Party candidate, but that didn’t faze ol’ Jon. Neither did the fact that Celusta spends more of his time pining for the halcyon days of the nineteen fifties, when his Grampa was mayor, than proposing policies for the Twenty-First Century.

Lessons learned

So there you have it. A weak and doddering Lucas County Democratic Party coupled with a GOP run by a gaggle of misfits equals a pair of less-than-inspiring endorsed candidates, one backed by labor which will give him a leg up, the other backed by the ghosts of Christmas past who will decidedly finish last. The two majority candidates are each running without the backing of their Party, one as the “Independent” du jour and the other as a winning Party outcast. If that little tale didn’t tell ya all you need to know about the state of City Politics in Twenty Fourteen, we could try the one about Jack Ford missing the deadline to appear on the Primary ballot against fellow D Edna Brown and instead circulating petitions as an “Independent” to square off agin’ her this Fall. But that lesson will have to wait for a future column. For now suffice it to say, City Politics is all mucked up. Long live City Politics!

e i g g e V Veggie

Jentzen Farms

eping Toledo green ke e ar ts ec oj Pr A CS io Northwest Oh sser-Kruse

7900 Dixon Rd., Monroe, MI. 734-269-2958.

by Griffin Me

For the last 25 years, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) has become an increasingly popular way for Americans to purchase fresh food directly from a local producer. The concept is based on shared risk—customers pay farmers up-front before the growing season in exchange for a weekly box of produce, fruit or meats throughout the season. In return, the farmers use the money to make sure product quality is as high as possible. It’s a win-win, for people tired of the selection at the supermarket or mega-store.

Fresh variety Among the advantages of purchasing food through a CSA is the freshness of the products. Often produce available at chain grocery stores is grown in foreign countries and harvested 2-3 weeks prior to being placed on display for shoppers. Foods distributed through CSA are typically picked a day or two before the customer takes delivery. CSA programs typically offer a wide variety of seasonal vegetables every week, allowing participants to experience new foods and try new recipes.

While none of the farms listed below are USDA certified organic, every one of them claimed that they use only organic practices to farm their crops—many of these small operations simply don’t have the manpower or time required to keep up with the extensive documentation and paperwork required for USDA certification. CSA programs are also an excellent community builder, bringing people together through a mutual love of healthy, fresh food. Many of the farms in the area invite CSA members to explore the grounds, meet the people who grow their food and socialize with other like-minded people in a relaxed setting.

Simple idea, huge impact The idea is simple, but the impact on communities across the nation has been profound. Consumers have gained access to ultra-fresh, nutrient rich food and have also begun to develop relationships with the farmer who grows it. In the era of factory farming and chain grocery stores, small farms with CSA programs are making it convenient to obtain locally sourced food.

Sign-up: Typically the end of May, but they accept new members up until the start of the season.

Dates: Typically begins the first week of July and lasts 16 weeks. Available produce/fruits: Over 28 varieties of fresh cut herbs (mint, parsley, cilantro, etc.), heirloom tomatoes, slicing tomatoes, 15 varieties of peppers, shallots, cabbage, broccoli, leek, spinach and leaf lettuces.

Pick-up: Toledo Farmers Market on Saturdays, Monroe Farmers

Market on Saturdays, Jentzen Farms, Perrysburg Farmers Market on Thursdays and Harmony in Life in Sylvania on Thursdays.

Miss a pickup?: Give them a call at least 24 hours in advance and they can usually accommodate requests. Share sizes available: Full share that feeds 4 - 6 eaters ($400),

half share that feeds 2 -3 eaters ($250) and an egg share for a dozen eggs a week ($60).

Outsources: Some crops like sweet corn, potatoes and some fruits are provided by other local farms. Pre-packaged or mix and match: Pre-packaged with no a la carte


Continued on Pg. 10

Family fun at Shared

April 23 • May 06

Legacy Farms


Schooner Farms

14890 Otsego Pike, n) Weston (10 miles west of Bowling Gree m rrie erbe oon Sch 419-699-4084

Sign-up: May 1st Dates: Typically star. t the first week of July and runs 9 Continued from Pg.

after the 4th of July

14 weeks. Typically starts right

, lettuce, spinach, beets, snow

s: Green beans, radishes Available produce/fril,uit ernut squash, acorn tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, butt

peas, peas, carrots, bas sage, parsley watermelon, cantaloupe, honey, dill, squash, sweet corn, red raspberries, and flowers. ts events and gatherings Pick-up: Members pick. up at the farm, which also hos throughout the season can set your box aside. or email them ahead of time and they miss a pickup?: Textget lters. claimed gets donated to local food she Anything that doesn’t ($500) and a smaller share for Share sizes available: Standard size for families 2 adults ($400)

Outsources: None. rent set up a market with about 6-10 diffe ire. des Pre-packaged or mix and match: Theycan they r teve wha ch mat and mix bers crops to choose from each week. Memother farm products occasionally. and p soa ds, brea , jam r They also offe

Riehm Farms

7244 Ohio 53, Tiffin 419-992-4392

Sign-up: Whenever they sell out of shares. Dates: On schedule for the season to begin the first week of June. Available produce/fruits: Asparagus, broccoli, beets, bok choy, brussels sprouts, basil, bell peppers,

cabbage, cauliflower, cantaloupe, cucumber, corn, dill, eggplant, gourds, green beans, habanero peppers, heirloom tomatoes, jalapenos, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce, onion, potatoes, summer squash, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, yams and zucchini. Also have egg and free-range beef shares available.


Numerous locations from University of Toledo to Promedica Toledo Children’s Hospital and Arrowhead Park. Check their website for full information.

Miss a pickup?: Boxes that are not picked up are donated to various organizations. They also offer a vacation hold which can be doubled the following week with seven days’ notice.

Share sizes available: 1 veggie bag ($350) or 2 veggie bags ($699 / recommended for families). Regular beef share ($150 / 17 - 20 lbs.) or double share ($300 / 34 - 40 lbs.

Outsources: Some of their fruit is grown on nearby conventional farms. Also, if boxes are going to be light one week due to “tornadoes, hail or the wrath of wild boars,” Riehm Farms will fill all members boxes with conventional produce from nearby farms to make-up for the loss.

Pre-packaged or mix and match: Pre-packaged, but trade boxes are available at pick-up locations for members to swap items.


April 23 • May 06

Continued on Pg. 12

April 23 • May 06


Friendship Farms

Continued from Pg. 10

outhern Rd. 9960 Berkey-S 832-0239 .html Waterville 419riendshipFarms nilssonslandsc


They take members as far into the season as they can, accepting members on a continuing basis, even charging week by week.

Dates: Usually begins the last week of May, but possibly the first week of


Available produce/fruits: Only produce. Offer tomatoes, peppers, peas, lettuces and corn in addition to rare varieties of heirloom tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, kale and radishes that you typically can’t find in the grocery store.


Members come to the farm to pick up their boxes. Members are invited to explore the property and socialize with each other and the farmers when they come for pick up.

Miss a pickup?: Text or email them ahead

of time and they can set your box aside. Anything that doesn’t get claimed gets donated to local food shelters.

Share sizes available: Small shares

that feed 1-2 people ($320 for 20 weeks / $400 for 25 weeks) and large shares that feed 2-4 people ($540 for 20 weeks / $625 for 25 weeks).

Outsources: They offer conventionally grown strawberries and early corn from a local farm.

Pre-packaged or mix and match: Buffet style. Members can bring

their own bag and choose from the different vegetables available. Friendship Farms also sends out an email newsletter each week with what will be available and recipe suggestions for the produce offered. Continued on Pg. 14


April 23 • May 06

April 23 • May 06


Continued from Pg. 12

Bittersweet Farms Sign-up: Anytime

. -Whitehouse Rd 12660 Archbold 86 69 587 9Whitehouse 41 bittersweetfarm

Dates: July 1-August 28. Available produce/fruits: Broccoli, cucumbers, eggplant, onions, peppers, potatoes, squash, tomatoes, zucchini, melons, corn, blueberries and peaches.

Pick-up: Tuesdays and Thursdays at Walt Churchill’s Market (Maumee) or at the farm

Miss a pickup?: No vacation credit but they encourage people to let them know in advance and they will donate the extra produce to local food banks and food pantries. Share sizes available: Standard shares that feed 2-3 people ($220) and petite shares that feed 1-2 people ($150)

Outsources?: Melons, sweet corn, beans, winter squash and season fruit are harvested on other local, small-scale farms. Pre-packaged or mix and match: No buffet style. Members receive an email newsletter describing the box contents, preparation ideas and what farms the produce came from.

Shared Legacy Farms Portage Rd. 3701 S. Schultz 3576 286 ) Elmore (419 rm fa cy ga le shared

Sign-up: No set deadline, but shares are filling up fast. Dates: Runs from June 1st through 1st of October for a 19 week season Available produce/fruits: Sweet carrots, lettuces, potatoes, tomatoes,

onions, cucumbers, beets, garlic, watermelons, apples, berries, broccoli, chard, zucchini, squash, eggplant, peppers, kale and sweet potatoes

Pick-up: Port Clinton, Perrysburg Farmers Market, Owens-Illinois at Levis Commons, Jewish Community Center in Sylvania and the Toledo Farmers Market.

Miss a picked up?: Any food that is not picked up gets donated to local food


Share sizes available: Family size ($680), half-shares ($360), non-

organic fruit shares ($360), full egg shares ($65 / 18 weeks), half egg shares ($31.50 / 9 weeks). Maple syrup and raw honey shares also available on request.

Outsources?: Fruits are provided by other local farms and the sweet corn is grown by the owner’s parents. Pre-packaged or mix and match: Pre-packed but they also have trade boxes to swap some crops for others.


April 23 • May 06

Bersee-Utz Heirloom Farms

9220 Noward Rd.

2-2423 (Jim) Sign-up: Tentatively May 1st. Waterville 419-26 od go wn locallygro Dates: 20-22 week season beginning around mid-June. Available produce/fruits: Small apple orchard, watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries and rhubarb. Lettuce,

chard, kales, onions, radishes, carrots, beets, turnips, kohlrabi, sweet corn, cabbages, peas, cucumbers, squash, broccoli, fall cauliflower. Parsley basil dill mint thyme cilantro, tomatoes galore. Potatoes and sweet potatoes. Leeks, peppers, eggplant.

Pick-up: Members can pick up at the farm or pay extra for delivery straight to their home (within a 45-mile radius). Miss a pickup?: They offer delivery for members who can’t drive to the farm. Share sizes available: Full shares for $710 and half shares for $380. Outsources?: Everything in the box is grown on-site except for eggs and honey which they offer from other farms. Pre-packaged or mix and match: They offer a market scenario for pickup only where members can pick what

they want out of what is available. They also have a swap table where members can trade food with each other. .

April 23 • May 06


Squire insists that forethought is the key to good cycling. “Route selection is everything, and if you're going to commute by bike you need a map,” she says insisting that the County Engineers Map (free at the Lucas County Engineers Office 1049 S. McCord Rd., Holland), is ideal. r e f a h c hS p e s o Squire even bicycles in Toledo's J y b harsh winters, although she admits that the subzero temperatures and ice Toledo is car country, but storms of early 2014 kept her off the the culture of the automoroad more than any other winter, but bile, ingrained in Toledo's Making Bike Month Happen Legally Cycling insists that with fat, knobby tires, history, may be changing. These local organizations bring unique If you’re going to bike, you should do so while biking through snow is doable. “The May is National Bike events to Bike Month every year. abiding the law. Ignorance is no excuse! only time I insist on public transMonth and The Toledo port is when it's below zero at night, Educate yourself on biking laws here: · Metropolitan Area Council because black ice is invisible,” she of Governments and Toledo says. Squire also recommends chemiBikes!, in association with TARcal warmers for the hands and feet, TA, are hosting a series of events to as well as additional insulation under raise bicycle awareness—now is the time the helmet. for Toledo to reconsider the bicycle. But why don't more people use bi- Cycling toward the future For 200 years the bicycle has been a popular form of transportation. The cycles? According to The League of Before Toledo can be as bike friendly health benefits are obvious. The eco- American Bicyclists, more than half of as Portland, Oregon or Seattle, Washingnomic benefits are also sizeable. Accord- Americans live within five miles of their ton (the most bike-friendly cities in the ing to a 2013 AAA report, the average workplace. Toledoan Keith Webb, found- US according to The League of Ameriautomobile costs around $9 thousand er of and member of can Bicyclists), there need to be more per year including fuel, insurance, re- TMACOG's Pedestrian and Bikeways participants. “The more bikes you have, pairs and general depreciation—that’s Comittee, says most trips we make are the more motor vehicle traffic is accusenough to buy a new bicycle every week. shorter than that five mile commute. tomed to dealing with bicycles,” Webb “Half of all trips are three miles or less agrees. Bike Month events, including Eco-friendly The environmental benefits of bicy- nationwide; 28% are one mile or less, yet safety classes and social gatherings, are cling might be even greater. On April 13, 65% of trips under one mile are made by opportunities for Toledoans to get onto 2014, the Intergovernmental Panel on automobile,” he says. the road on two wheels. Climate Change released a report statA real bike veteran ing that all nations must increase efforts Toledoan Pat Squire has been usto cut greenhouse emissions in order to ing her bicycle as a primary mode of avoid profound climate change. Bicycles transportation since 1977. The 78-yearproduce no carbon; they're as clean as old woman rides more than 2 thousand transportation can get. miles per year. “My son once said to me 'mom, biking for some people is transportation, or recreation, but for you it's a way of life—look how it's affected your wardrobe,'” she said, wearing layers of thermal gear. She insists that Toledo. “I took driver's ed in high school, but had one heck of a time with a stick shift and I was going deaf in my left ear, which made me less aware of passing traffic,” Squire explains. She insists that using a combination of bicycling and public transportation is the key to surviving without a car in Toledo. “The closer you live to the center of the city, the easier it is, because public transit routes are closer together,” she says.

see bike events on pg 38 Pat Squire, 78, uses a bike, not a car


April 23 • May 06

Bike for your rights

Testing the two-wheel theory

Bikes are vehicles too, and deserve the same The greater treatment as sedans, trucks and motorcycles. Toledo area has a Information on how to bike with respect is small but vibrant available at We Are Traffic community of bicycle enthusiasts, including several local bicycle shops and organized pub rides, as well as bicycle for sport. A smaller number of enthusiasts use a bicycle as their primary mode of transportation— only 0.3% of the population in 2012, according to The League of American Bicyclists. Lucas County has made preparations for those who want to commit to their twelve-speeds. Several bicycle paths criss-cross Toledo's neighborhoods, and the county is currently planning the Chessie Circle Trail, which would connect with trails in Wood County. Metroparks Toledo issues special permits for after hours commuting on the University Parks Trail and the Wabash Cannonball Trail, for cyclists who work past sunset. Joseph ridding along on his bike

I decided to find out for myself exactly how practical it is to use a bicycle as a primary vehicle. I bicycled from my home in Ottawa Hills, near Wildwood Metropark, to The City Paper's offices on Adams St. in Uptown, a distance of seven miles. My route began easily enough, down the University Parks Trail, perhaps the most-trafficked piece of bicycle infrastructure in Lucas County. The second leg of the trip presented more of a challenge—rather than face morning rush traffic on Dorr St., I traveled down Bancroft St., which has less traffic and a lower speed limit, but is a less direct route. The trip, which took about an hour, proved easier than anticipated, although Toledo's drivers displayed little knowledge about dealing with bicycling commuters—a couple door-mounted mirrors came uncomfortably close to my shoulder. As it turns out, that's my fault; according to Webb, if a traffic lane is less than 14 feet wide, a bicycle should ride in the very center of the lane, the way motorcycles do. Few roads in Toledo sport lanes wide enough for bicyclists to 'edge ride,' and those that do— the western portion of Central Avenue, for example—sport paved shoulders where cyclists can ride. All bicyclists should use a rearview mirror. “Once you've had one, you won't ride without it,” says Webb. “You wouldn't drive in a car without a mirror, so why would you bike without one?”

April 23 • May 06


Keeping you off Balance Local fast casual restaurant

Bangbang Taco

With it’s made-fresh-daily hot sauce, the Bangbang has its own cult following—and packs a wallop.

Mongo Taco

The one that started it all, The Mongo Taco was Balance’s first foray into tortilla-land. Love the mountain of carrots on top. (Mongo is short for Mongolian—the more you know!)

keeps innovating with their spring menu by Joseph Schafer

As far as local businesses go, they don't come much quirkier than Balance Pan-Asian Grille. Just ask Justin Paat, Balance's Media Guru, or 'Propaganda Pirate' as Balance calls it, who was accused of being a member of the Illuminati when he began working as a cashier at Balance's location on Central Avenue in Sylvania. After working there about a month, he answered the phone and a caller asked, "Are you part of the Illuminati? I'm sitting in Wal-Mart across the street and I'm looking at your menu. I can see you talking on the phone.... Oh, are you aware there's a 666 in your logo?'" That gentleman was obviously confused, there's nothing occult about Balance's logo, but the organization is in tune with the esoteric movements of the planets: on March 20, at the time of the vernal equinox, Balance changed over to its spring menu. The rotating menu has as much to do with the nature of business as it does with the supernatural. "It keeps it fresh, it lets us push out new stuff and experiment with new things. It helps to distance ourselves from regular Asian restaurants," Paat said. As is the trend with fast casual restaurants, Balance sports a slim menu, and by rotating that menu seasonally, allowing them to focus on items clients like, and improve (or eliminate) unpopular items. Balance serves 'Asian' food, but its approach is multicultural and traditional, with fresh, locally bought vegetables cooked lightly.

Taco time

This spring’s multicultural culinary theme can be easily summed up: tacos. "All I heard all winter was 'When are your tacos coming back? I love these tacos,'" he said. "Most of them stayed the same. A couple of them we improved or tweaked a little bit."

culinary Thursday, 4.24

Dégagé Cooking School: Island Fever Dégagé Jazz Cafe

Learn how to cook with the flavorful and colorful ingredients of the islands. Reservations required. 6:30-9pm. $45 per person/$80 per couple. 301 River Rd., Maumee. 419-794-8205 ext. 3.

Saturday, 4.26

First-Annual Puppy Crawl Downtown Bowling Green

This event includes 15 Bowling Green eateries and bars, all of which will offer discounted drink specials to bar crawlers aged 21+. See more pg. 19.


Bumbu2 Taco

This Vegan and Glutenfree taco, served with or without chicken, packs a subtle taste.

Pad Thai Taco

A foodie's taco, this remix of Thailand’s national dish comes with twelve ingredients and complex flavor.

Soho Taco

This grilled chicken taco, with its tomato and scallion accoutrement, is the most deli-like dish at Balance. Photo by: Jeff Camp 10k80 Media

Balance's idea of tacos is both off-kilter and original. "When you look at what a taco is in Mexico, not at Taco Bell, it's basically just some meat inside a tortilla—ours are traditional like that," Paat said. At Balance ‘taco’ means any Asian dish served on a flour or corn tortilla. To sample the spring menu, I munched on a pair of vegan & gluten-free Bumbu2 tacos. My healthy sample was crunchy and market-fresh. A light sprinkling of

Thai guy sauce gave everything a creamy peanut butter flavor, but also packed a mildly hot finish. All five of Balance’s tacos are worth your consideration. We’ve included a handy guide graphic, or submit your own combination of ingredients. Balance Pan Asian Grille 5860 W. Central Ave., 419-578-7777 Mon-Sun, 11am-9pm, 514 The Boulevard, 419-893-9999 Mon-Sat, 11am-9pm

Sunday, 4.27

treatment. Parking is free. 5:30-8pm. $45/$55 for reserved tasting. Home Plate Entrance on Suites Level, 406 Washington St. 419-241-5877.

Learn how to make delicious dips, nut butters and milks all with your fantastic Vitamix. 11am-noon. 5001 Monroe St. 419-475-6368. Free

Friday, 5.2

Vitamix Blending Machine: Technique Class Williams-Sonoma

Thursday, 5.1

10th Annual Charmed & Cherished Wine Tasting Fifth Third Field

Sample wines, enjoy a buffet of amazing appetizers and delectable desserts, and take part in a silent auction. Proceeds benefit the Cherished Friends of Ahava’s Special Guest Program that provides spa and wellness services, at no charge, to men and women undergoing cancer

The Classic The Secor Building

This fun-filled evening is to support Tomosynthesis (3D mammography) and the Maternal Fetal Medicine Program at ProMedica Toledo Hospital. This event will feature music, cocktails, a live auction and cuisine by Chef Erika Rapp of Registry Bistro. 6-10pm. $150. 144 N. Superior St. 419-291-5463.


Build a bite

Balance is challenging customers to invent taco ideas as part of their Summerjam Taco Contest. People need only tweet or Instagram their ideas to Balance at #toledotaco. Got an idea for a taco? Write it down, take a picture, and Instagram it. The top 5 ideas, selected by Smash Toledo, will be offered to the public during Summer Jam. The inventor of the winning taco will win a year of free Bubble Tea from Balance, as well as $250 worth of swag, designed by Toledo’s own Jupmode.

Saturday, 5.3

Basic Lebanese 577 Foundation

Learn how to make flavorful foods from the Middle East. Registration required. 1-3pm. $20. 577 E. Front St., Perrysburg.

Spaghetti Dinner Summit Academy Toledo Learning Center

Enjoy a delicious spaghetti dinner, raffles and a bake sale. 4-6pm. $5. 5115 Glendale Ave. 419-476-0784.

Tuesday, 5.6

Springtime in Paris French Food The Andersons Sylvania Market Learn how to make fantastic French food with Jean Luc. Reservations required. 6-8pm. $25. 7638 W. Sylvania Ave.,

Sylvania. 419-517-7707.

Tastings Thursday, 5.1

Wine & Beer Tasting Boulevard Market

Kiss the long winter good-bye at this May Day Celebration and tasting. 6:30-8pm. $5. 102 E. Chicago Blvd., Tecumseh. 419-423-6000.

Friday, 5.2

Flight Wine Tasting Toledo Zoo

Enjoy an evening at the zoo that will include live entertainment and appetizers in the lodge. 7-9pm. $40, members/ $45, non-members. 2 Hippo Way.

Cruisin' and boozin'

Get your pedals moving while touring downtown Toledo and enjoying a fantastic progressive wine dinner. Featuring wine from Ann Amie Vineyards, Fête d’Été 2014 offers a unique dining experience. Fête d’Été (translated as "summer party"), brings elements of the 50s progressive meal to the 21st century with its culinary and wine centered bike tour. The ride includes five courses at five restaurants, each with a perfectly paired Ann Amie wine. Participating locations: the Toledo Museum of Art, Mancy's Steakhouse, Manhattan's Restaurant, Rockwell's at the Oliver House and Registry Bistro. More details will be given with ticket purchase. 21+. Reservations required. Wednesday, May 21. 6pm. $80 all-inclusive and includes a t-shirt with the event logo. Meet at the TMA Community Garden. For more information and reservations, visit—MLR

Pup Crawl

In partnership with several local grub hubs and pubs, the Wood County Humane Society (WCHS), along with Clazel, Melt Shoppe and Ink Mafia, is hosting its "First Annual Puppy Crawl." Although the event is for humans only, proceeds go to WCHS, a full service no-kill shelter for homeless and abused pets. Animal lovers 18 and older can show their support for WCHS by attending the bar crawl and purchasing a T-shirt ($15) at one of the participating establishments (The Attic; Blo Hookah Bar; Brathaus; Campus Quarters; City Tap; Clazel; Grumpy Dave’s Pub; Melt Shoppe; Nate and Wally’s; One49; Reverend’s Bar and Grill; Shots Inc.; Stones Throw Tavern and Grill; Tubby’s Tavern;UptownDowntown) in the weeks prior to the event. T-shirts will grant supporters $1 off cover charges, and drink specials for those 21 and up. —MW

April 23 • May 06


Hazardous pastimes

The Ohio Theater, to round out their April programming, screens a pair of creepycool film classics, both deal with obsessions that go too far. In The Most Dangerous Game, a big game hunter decides to track the ultimate prey: man. In the second, Roger Corman's seminal horror-comedy Little Shop of Horrors, a florist's obsession with the comely Audrey inspires him to raise a rare flower for her—too bad the plant devours human flesh. The Most Dangerous Game, Thursday April 24. Little Shop of Horrors, Friday April 25. 7pm. $5, $1 for kids under 12 when accompanied by an adult. Ohio Theatre, 3114 Lagrange St.

Captain's log

Even after his long career as a serious (The West Wing) and commercial (The Priceline Negotiator) actor, William Shatner just can't escape being Captain Kirk. Maybe that's why he's determined to reach escape velocity with Shatner's World, his criticallyacclaimed one-man show. Fathom Events will present a theatrical screening of the monologue, wherein the Shat man tells his life story through humorous anecdotes. Expect dramatic pauses… lots of them… Thursday, April 24, 7:30pm. $15. Franklin Park 16, 5001 Monroe St. 419472-2324; Fallen Timbers 14, 2300 Village Dr., Maumee. 419-878-3898.—JS

film events

thursday 24

Reel Opinions

Way Library, in cooperation with WGTE, presents the next installment of the film discussion series. April's film choice, The Address, reveals the timelessness of Lincoln's words, culminating in the triumph of the human spirit. 10:30am. Way Public Library, 101 E. Indiana Ave, Perrysburg. 419-874-3135. Free


April 23 • May 06

monday 28


Nihat isolated himself by becoming a fire warden in a remote observation tower far out in the wilderness. Seher lives in a makeshift room at a rural bus station. Destined to come to a crossroads, they go about their solitary lives until their fates collide. Part of the Toledo Library's Film Focus series. 6:15 pm. McMaster Center, Main Library, 325 Michigan St. 419-259-5200. Free

The deal of aFaust lifetime will sell

his soul again at The Valentine Theatre by Joseph Schafer Western culture is chocked full of men who've made a deal with the devil, and paid the price for it, from Robert Johnson, who sold his soul at the crossroads, to Johnny in “The Devil Went Down To Georgia.” The most famous of these men must be Faust, who takes the ultimate raw deal for youth, and a chance at true love. The Toledo Opera will bring Charles Gounod's rendition of this classic tale to the Valentine Theater. The performance will feature a chorus (of 37 backup singers this time around), as well as accompaniment from The Toledo Symphony. But The Toledo Opera is still mixing things up for Faust. With a fresh young cast and a modern stage design, as well as an intense drama, the performance will appeal to a wider audience.

Unique direction

This current production was originally created for The Arizona Opera, where it opened to critical acclaim in 2011, thanks in no small part to director Bernard Uzan, who has come to Toledo to direct this performance. Uzan played a hands-on role in every aspect of his Faust. From the costumes and props to the set design and lighting, every element of his original production will be brought to Toledo. Uzan's set has a modern twist: Backdrops adorned with large words like 'love' and 'lust' hang behind the performers, and are illuminated at different times during the performance. Opera houses around the world have been replacing physical sets with screens, which cost less and offer an element of digital creativity. In that sense, this is the most state-of-the-art performance that The Toledo Opera has hosted. The smoke and mirrors, however, will not overpower the performers in Faust. “The acting in this production is really strong,” says Suzanne Rorick, The Toledo Opera’s Executive Director. “[Uzan] encourages them to really act and to tell the story emotionally more than any other opera I've seen staged in Toledo.” Oftentimes opera sacrifices drama in favor of great musical performances, but Faust

will fire on all cylinders. “It's called 'parkand-bark,'” said Assistant Director Robert Mirakian. “When the singer just stands there and delivers their aria and then accept your applause, [Faust] is the exact opposite—it's much closer to theatre.”

A fit for The Valentine

This kind of adventurous take on a classic opera is uniquely suited to The Valentine. The theater houses several facilities necessary for a grand opera, such as a full lighting rig as well as an orchestra pit, and a large stage, but it only holds 900 people. That means the performers, who usually have to fill twice as much space with their voices, can really dig into the textures of the music. “[The performers] have a chance to be loud when they need to be loud,” Rorick says. “But they also have a chance to do piano soft [...] in a big house they just have to sing everything loudly, even though the music isn't written that way.” The performers will match the set design's audacity, taking a few risks, and keeping this ageless story fresh in the process. For all these reasons, Faust is the ideal opera for newbies. Faust is a story that people know and love, hence why it has survived for so long. It's moralistic, dark, and sexy (with a wink and a nod, Mirakian said Mephistopheles will arrive onstage with 'a cadre'), simultaneously entertaining and frightening. We love seeing Faust sew the seeds of his own failure, but we're scared of what we would do if presented his option—whatever you want, but it comes with a cost. Faust will sign on the dotted line on Friday, April 25, 7pm.; and Sunday, April 27, 2pm. $30-60. The Valentine Theatre, 410 Adams St. 419-255-7464.

April 23 • May 06


Now you see me, now you don’t 55 year old comic veteran

and Vegas mainstay to hold his last show in Toledo by: Brandon Doriot The Amazing Johnathan has been cracking up audiences with his inyour-face comedy routine since the early 80s. The real magic of Johnathan’s act is his acerbic play on the conventions of stage magicians. His constant assault on his stereotypically clueless blonde stagehand, coupled with the meta humor injected into each trick, turns corny magician stereotypes on their head. From HBO and Comedy Central specials, to a 13 year Vegas residency, Johnathan’s career is heralded as the most successful solo comedy/magic act in the country, but it appears to be a disappearing one as his stop at Laffs Inc. in Toledo marks his final performance. I have heard your retirement is due to health reasons. Could you elaborate on that? I have heart failure. I have a bad heart. The oxygen that's being pumped to my heart just isn't enough. It's affecting my legs, my hands, all my extremities. They've given me blood thinners, so it helps but it's basically a degenerative heart disease. It's going to get worse and worse. I was a little worried when I heard Toledo was the last show, that we somehow disheartened you that much: "Toledo, screw it I’m done." [Laughs] That's amazing, after Toledo there's nothing left to do. That's the pinnacle of showbiz. It's like playing Carnegie Hall. [Laughs] How has the road been? You're billed as the longest running comedy/magic act in Vegas history so has it been weird on the road. Yeah, I just did 13 years in Vegas and honestly going back on the road has been fun. I've been at it about a year, and I announced my farewell tour about 2 months ago. I did my hometown, which is Detroit. And then three other cities and they've all been turning out in big numbers to say goodbye. A lot of the fans are crying, and it's been very emotional, people coming up and telling me what I've meant to them over the years. People with cancer telling me I've cheered them up, which has been amazing. Has being ill affected your ability to perform at all? You know what, I didn't feel it until about 2 weeks ago in San Diego. I felt like my

body was shutting down, my legs were getting stiff, I was losing my balance. And I really thought I'm not going to be able to finish this tour. But then I just did Orlando this weekend and didn't have any of that. I don't know why, so Boston next week we'll see how it goes. I don't think the audience could tell though, I asked my road manager and they said toward the end I was slowing down, but the audience didn't know. So you've been relying more on your comedic chops than magic for the more recent shows? I don't have magician chops. [Laughs] My show is all comedy, and is really tight right now, so it's especially hard to give up. You'd figure after 25 years it'd be getting a little stale, but it isn't. Standing ovations prove that. But now I have to explain to the audiences that I'm sick when I first come out. I'm wearing a defibrillator vest, so If they see me fall it's not a joke. They understand and they laugh. But it's kind of sad too. So after the show it feels good for them to stand up and show me that they care. Is there any legacy you want to leave with your fans? It's very sad. Like last night it was my last show in Orlando, and I had to get off stage before I started crying. It's emotional What do you think you'll take with you? What's most important that you've gotten from the stage? THEIR CASH. [Laughs] Laffs Inc. 3922 Secor Rd. 419-214-0700 Thursday, May 8pm with addition shows Fri. & Sat. May 3rd. Shows at 8:00pm and 10pm for tickets go to

Ghm cnlm ikbgm' P^ k^ hgebg^ mhh 22

April 23 • May 06

Jets vs. Sharks

Get ready to snap your fingers—the current Broadway production of the 1957 musical West Side Story is coming to the Stranahan. The modern classic recreates Romeo and Juliet in Manhattan's lower west side in a 1950’s era recasting of the Capulets and Montagues as warring Polish-American and Puerto Rican street gangs, the Jets and The Sharks. With its touching love story, jazzy soundtrack and post-modern message, West Side Story has become one of the most beloved musicals in Broadway history. 8pm Thursday, May 1 through Saturday, May 3; 7pm Sunday, May 2. Also 2pm Saturday, May 3 and Sunday, May 2. $28-73. The Stranahan Theater, 4645 Heatherdowns Blvd. 419-381-8851.—JS

Catholic guilt

While Easter is fresh in our memories Actors Collaborative Toledo will present an intimate, heady drama—one that takes place in the Catholic church. Director Scott Reagan will stage a reading of John Patrick Shanley's Pulitzer Prize winning play, Doubt. The play, adapted as a successful film starring the late Philip Seymour Hoffman, documents the power struggle between a beloved priest and the ascetic nun who suspects him of sexual misconduct. Friday, April 25, 8pm. $10. Trinity Episcopal Church, 316 Adams St.—JS

theater events thursday 24

saturday 26

Legally Blonde: The Musical at BGSU

F.A.C.E.S. Casting Call Calling all actors, singers and technical assistants. The writer and director of A Second Chance at Christmas is back again with F.A.C.E.S.. Bring a headshot and wear a black shirt for intake video. Monologues will be provided. This call is for men, women and youth ages 10-65. 12pm. 2727 Kenwood Blvd. Also Saturday, May 3. 419-450-2022.

friday 25

Nunsense Bedford Community Players presents Nunsense a musical comedy by Dan Goggin. BCP production of Nunsense is directed by Maureen Augosti and choreography by Leslie Gamble. A portion of the proceeds will benefit World Youth Day Pilgrims mission trip to Poland 2016. 8pm. Also 3pm Sunday, April 27. $10. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Life Center, 8330 Lewis Ave., Temperance. 419 704-6775.

Planned Pethood of Toledo helps present the musical version of the hit film Legally Blonde. Sorority girl Elle Woods must sings her way through Harvard. 8pm through Sunday, April 27, also 2pm Saturday, April 26. $15. Thomas B. and Kathleen M. Donnell Theatre, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green. 419372-8171.

On Golden Pond This comedy/drama

portrays the touching, funny story of a spirited and lovable elderly couple facing their twilight years. 8pm. Runs Fridays and Saturdays through Saturday, May 3. $12 adults/ $10 seniors and students. Fassett Auditorium, 3025 Starr Ave., Oregon. 419-691-1398.

A military man Writing the history of war is a difficult job, but someone's got to do it. Thanks, for undertaking that task, to Rick Atkinson, who will be in Toledo as part of the Lucas County Public Library's Authors! Authors! Series. Atkinson won two Pulitzer Prizes as a hard news, crime and war front reporter in the early 80's before turning his attention to America's military record, publishing seven books on our country's 20th Century wars. Atkinson will read from 2013's The Guns at Last Light: The War in Western Europe, 1944–1945, the last volume in his Liberation Trilogy, chronicling Allied triumph in WWII. Thursday, May 1. 7pm. $10. Main Library, McMaster Center, 325 N. Michigan St. 419-259-5200.—JS

April 23 • May 06


22nd Annual Art Walk

friday 25

Saturday, April 26th

The Annual Bowling Green Art Walk features a combination of visual and performing arts, with works from amateurs and professionals housed in businesses throughout the district. Visitors to the event are invited to vote in the People’s Choice Awards, which will be presented at the After Party at Grounds for Thought where The Steel Wynd band and the Hats Off to BG Silent Auction will provide entertainment. Several local businesses are donating the food and drink. New features for this year, the 22nd year of the event, include a quilt exhibit hosted by the Busy Thimble featuring the Black Swamp Quilters Guild and the addition of juried art awards.

Artist’ Reception: UT Bachelor of Fine Art Thesis Exhibition II Students graduating this

Fashion, Food, & Fine Art

Flower Fund Luncheon

Sam B’s Restaurant Entrée Choice, Cheesecake, Iced Tea Fashion Show & Door Prizes. Tickets in adva nce or at the door $20/ticket. 163 South Main Street. Seatings at 11 and 12:30.

Quilt Exhibit

Featuring Black Swamp Quilters Guild

Hosted by The Busy Thimble Featuring dozens of beautiful handmade quilts from baby to large bed sized quilts and wall hangings. Guild members will be on site working on new creations and doing appliqué, hand quilting, and machine piecing demonstrations throughout the day. 140 South Main

Hats off to BG…

Grounds for Thought A fashionable fundraiser for downtown flower plantings. Silent auction items on displ ay all day. Bids will be accepted for floral-them ed hats decorated by local creatives until 7:15pm. Hats Off to BG proceeds will benefit the Downtown Flower Fund to provide plant ings on Main Street. Winners will be anno unced at the After the Walk Party that evening at 174 S. Main St

spring with a Bachelor of Fine Arts exhibit their best work. 6-8pm. UT Center for Visual Arts, 620 Grove Place, next to TMA. 419-530-8300. Free

It’s Friday! The TMA has art-related events and

activities all day until 9pm. Meet local artist, Julia Labay-Darrah at 6pm as she creates sculptural forms. See complete schedule online.10am-9pm. Toledo Museum of Art, 2445 Monroe St. 419-255-8000. Free

Tecumseh Art Walk Take a road trip to Downtown Tecumseh for pottery, jewelry, photography and more. Downtown Tecumseh, Tecumseh. 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. 517-423-7873. Free Opening Reception: BGSU Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition The exhibit opening will

feature MFA student artists from 7-9 p.m. Also, from 5-6 p.m. in 1101 Fine Arts, the Labino Society will host the talk “Stories in Glass”. Three BGSU glass artists will describe their career paths and tips for transitioning from student to professional artist. BGSU, Dorothy Uber Bryan and Willard Wankelman Galleries. 419-372-2616. Free

saturday 26 George Carruth Signing at Garden Smiles

George Carruth will sign his work and swap stories about the origins of his designs. 10am-5pm. Garden Smiles by Carruth, 211 Mechanic St., Waterville. 419-878-5412. Free

Closing Reception/Artist Talks: Reed/Read

This exhibition of artworks focusing on the use of text, books, and a representation of communication. Jamie Leigh Sampson will be offering the first release of her book, Contemporary Techniques for the Bassoon: Multiphonics. 7-9pm. LeSo Gallery, 1527 Starr Avenue, Toledo. Free. BG Art Walk Bowling Green’s 22nd annual Art Walk will feature art galleries, demos, activities and performances. See left for more highlighted events. Downtown Bowling Green. 419-354-4332. Free

sunday 27 Art In The Park: Maumee River Capture the Maumee River at Farnsworth Metropark while learning some fun tips to becoming a better painter and naturalist. Some supplies provided. Registration required. 1:00 pm. Farnsworth Metropark, 8505 S River Rd., Waterville. Free

tuesday 1 TMA Masters Series Lecture: Sean Scully

Hear this world renowned artist discuss his work and inspiration. 6:00 pm. Toledo Museum of Art, Peristyle Theater, 2445 Monroe St.419-255-8000. Free

friday 2 Opening Exhibit: process(ing) I recall New work by artists, Jefferson Nelson and Ben Lock will be featured at Launch Pad Cooperative’s third installment of member artist shows. Show runs through Tuesday, June 13. Gallery hours by appointment. 7-9pm. Launch Pad Cooperative, 911 Jefferson Ave. Free It’s Friday! The TMA’s day of events for adults and

families includes free tours, demos and more. Noted jazz vocalist, Kelly Broadway will perform at 6:30 in the Cloister. Go online for full schedule. 10am-9pm. Toledo Museum of Art, 2445 Monroe St. 419-255-8000. Free


April 23 • May 06

The art of ornithology

To welcome our area’s annual Biggest Week in American Birding, the TMA is presenting two exhibitions of our fine feathered friends. In Fine Feather: Birds, Art & Science chronicles the intersection of natural science and art in Gallery 18 from Friday, April 25 - Sunday, July 6. "[This exhibit] shows the importance of art to the field of ornithology. We can see the evolution in the way birds were studied and depicted,” says exhibition curator Paula Reich. At the Glass Pavilion, Venetian Glass Birds: Lina Tagliapietra, a small exhibition of elegant, blown glass birds recently created by the Roger Tory Peterson, Hummingbirds, distinguished Venetian maestro celebrates the annual Plate 19, from Field Guide to Mexican Birds and Adjacent Central Americas, 1973. songbird migration through the marshes along Lake Erie’s southern shore. Runs through Sunday, May 25. Toledo Museum of Art, 5600 Monroe St. 419-255-8000. Free— JMT

Into the woods: a tribute

In conjunction with Blue Week, the annual celebration of the unique habitat of the Oak Openings Region, named by The Nature Conservancy as one of the “200 last great places on earth,” American Gallery is celebrating it with art. Gallery owner, Toni Andrews invited artists who use Oak Openings in their work to participate in Oak Openings -7am by Larry S Golba what will be her last gallery exhibit, Ode to Oak Openings. Meet the naturalists and the artists inspired by the region at the opening reception The Power of Flowers on Saturday, May 10 from 5-7pm. (Learn more During the garden inspired season at the about Blue Week in the Field Guide section of the Toledo Museum of Art, flowers are the focus of Art in Bloom, a four-day celebration of upcoming May 7 TCP issue.) The show runs from all things floral with five fundraiser events Friday, May 2 through Saturday, May 31. American and free guided tours of the exhibition of Gallery, 6600 Sylvania Ave. Sylvania. 419-882-8949. arrangements inspired by the Museum's Free—JMT

saturday 3 Swan Creek Potters Annual Show and Sale

From fanciful to functional, the pottery of Swan Creek Potters will be on display and available for purchase during the group’s annual spring show. See a wide selection of wares artists Julie A. Beutler, Susan Clark, Joyce Donahue, Kathleen GillSlee, Fran Kline, Nadia Packard, Maggie Trzcinski and late member Rita Malkin. 9am-4pm. 5737 Weckerly Road (between Stitt and Eber Roads), Whitehouse. 419-877-0372.


ONGOING Sauder Village 38th Annual Quilt Show The

talents of quilters from throughout the Midwest will be celebrated with a display of more than 400 quilts, unique quilting demonstrations, shopping, special exhibits, workshops and more! Show runs Tuesday, April 29 through Sunday, May 4. Check website for more info. Quilt exhibit pass $11. Sauder Village, 22611 St. Rt. 2, Archbold. 800-590-9755.

The Fourth Dimension: the life and work of Veronica Kaufman A collection of a life’s work of artist, Veronica Kaufman. The exhibit includes sculptures, paintings, and mixed media works available for viewing during regular library hours. Exhibit runs through Tuesday, May 27. Way Public Library, 101 E. Indiana Ave., Perrysburg. 419-931-8732. Free

Anatomy for the Artist Register online for this 6-week workshop with Jennifer Giovannucci who will teach human anatomy specifically for the artist. Learn to draw the human figure with a combination of lecture, bone studies and live drawing. All skill levels welcome. $190, ages 18 and over. 6-9pm. Art Supply Depo, 29 S St. Clair, Toledo. 419-720-6462.

collection. Come smell the roses and make reservations to enjoy the creative collaborations of florist/glass artist teams. Proceeds from the events support TMA art education programs.

Thursday, May 8

Tuileries Jubilee Gala The Tuileries Jubilee Gala offers heavy grazing, live entertainment, silent auction, live auction of glass vessels designed by professional florists and created by TMA Hot Shop artists. $125 per Museum member/$150 nonmembers. Reservations required. Black tie optional. 6:30-10pm/Glass Pavillion

Friday, May 9

Lecture and Floral Demo by James Farmer Attend a lecture and demo by Southern Living Editor, James Farmer. Admission includes pre-lecture coffee in Libbey Court, lecture, post-lecture book signing (book not included). $30 per person/reservations required. 10am/Main Museum Luncheon Make reservations to attend the seated luncheon of French-inspired cuisine in the Museum's Green and Red Rooms.$30 per person/reservations required. Noon/Main Museum Spring Wreath Workshop with James Farmer Make a wreath to take home in a workshop with Southern Living Editor, James Farmer. $90 per person/reservations required. 2-4pm/Main Museum

Sunday, May 11

Mother’s Day Brunch Attend a Frenchthemed brunch with live music, family photo and cash bar. $35 per adult/$17.50 ages 3-11/Free ages 2 and under/reservations required. Seatings at 11am & 1pm/GlasSalon

Toledo Museum of Art, 2445 Monroe St. Reservations and payment deadline for events is April 28. Make reservations at or call 419-255-8000 ext.7469.

April 23 • May o6


Re and

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April 23 • May 06

Music fest guide Our picks for the Midwest’s hottest festivals TCP STAFF

Spring is in the air, which means only one thing for lovers of live music and concerts— music festival season is almost here. These giant summer parties are more popular then ever, with dozens of new ones popping up each year, each with a more diverse line-up than the last. Choosing which festival(s) to go to can be a huge headache, so we compiled a guide to hottest festivals in the Midwest, from indie rock to EDM and even hip-hop. See you there!

Dark Star Jubilee - The Dark Star Jubilee, at Legend

Valley in Thornville, Ohio (3 hours from Toledo), is the perfect festival for fans of smaller gatherings and improvisational music. The concert is headlined all three nights by the Dark Star Orchestra, a Grateful Dead tribute band that faithfully recreates actual concerts from the Dead's 30 year catalog. Rounding out the line-up are bluegrass superstars Yonder Mountain String Band, New Orleans funk-masters Galactic, the acoustic folk-punk of the Devil Makes Three as well as a slew of other talented musicians. May 23-25 ● Thornville, Ohio ● $150 ●

Summer Camp Music Festival - In its 13th year, Summer Camp

Photo by Douglas Wojciechowski

Movement - This annual three-day electronic event

held during Memorial Day weekend takes place smack dab in the middle of Detroit at Hart Plaza. Typically a sold out event, Movement is presenting an eclectic mix of modern artists ready to rave the night away. With a lineup capable of carrying Action Bronson, Just Blaze, Baauer, Boys Noize, Bonobo, and over 115 performers from around the world, it's a guarantee that the Dirty D is the place to be Memorial Day weekend. May 24-26 ● Hart Plaza, Detroit, MI Three day Pass, $130, Single day, $55 ●

the most over the top musical festival in America. Every year since 2002, the 700 acre farm in Manchester, Tennessee has flooded with crowds in excess of 100k. This summer looks to be no exception. Though the Roo’ originally started as a Jam band fest, it’s evolved to feature the most eclectic and *cough* mainstream *cough* lineups around. The headliners this year are all over the map: Elton John, Jack White, Lionel Richie (Not sure why?), and Kanye West. June 12-15 ● Manchester, Tennessee ● General admission, $284.50 (payment plans are available.) ●

is one of the largest music festivals in the Midwest. With three nights of Moe and three nights of Umphrey’s Mcgee, the bands are largely improvisational, with some curve balls thrown in for a good mix up of genres. If you’ve had enough jam bands for a day, check out country rockers, the Zac Brown Band, DJ’s such as Girl Talk and Bassnectar and Ann Arbor folk darlings, The Ragbirds. There will be alcohol and food for sale, but no outside alcohol is permitted. And pack a poncho—it’s May in the Midwest. May 23-25 ● Chillicothe, Il ● $194.50 ●

Electric Forest - Imagine an amazing music festival taking place in the woods… Now imagine adding millions of dollars worth of futuristic lighting, interactive art displays, an all star electronic musician lineup, over 30,000 people, and a Northern Michigan ranch. That's exactly what you get when you visit the Electric Forest. Double J Ranch plays host to the four day electronic festival located in Rothbury, Michigan. Bonnaroo makes use of 700 acres for their event. The Electric Forest has 20,000. Think about that. June 26-29 ● Double J Ranch, Rothbury, MI ● General Admission Weekend Passes, $264.50 Mo Pop Music Festival -

This single day festival fills its three stages at Freedom Hill Amphitheater with rock-n-roll, synthheavy pop and circus acts throughout the day. The visual performances are complemented with a craft beer garden, artist village and food trucks. Beyond the big draws, including City and Colour, Young the Giant and Cold Wars Kids, is the Mo Sideshow stage featuring the Lil Darlins Vaudeville burlesque dancers, jugglers, hoola hoopers, magicians and more. Warning: parking is $10 and is not included with the ticket. July 12 ● Detroit, MI ● $49.50 adv/$60 day of show

Photo by Marisa Rubin

Bonnaroo Music Festival - Bonnaroo is, simply put,

Bunbury Bee Free - Now in its third year, Bunbury is the perfect weekend for festival-goers that enjoy a fresh line-up amongst a Midwest urban sprawl. With Paramore, The Flaming Lips and Fall Out Boy as this year's headliners, Bunbury will be filled with everything from radio-pop to experimental indie-rock. The festival sits along the beautiful Ohio River on the border of Cincinnati, with a handful of stages and delicious local fare. July 11-13 ● Cincinnati ● One-day ticket, $65/ Three-day ticket, $145/ Three-day VIP, $325 ●

Forecastle - Last year, Forecastle stole my heart as one of the most charming and best-run festivals I’ve been too. I knew I would return in 2014 even before the Forecastle lineup was released. But what a lineup it is—maybe the strongest of the summer, featuring headlining sets from beloved singer/songwriters Beck and Jack White. If that isn’t good enough, Louisville will also host the return of the mighty Outkast, still the strongest hip-hop duo to come from south of the Mason-Dixon. July 18-20 ● Louisville, KY ● $184.50 ● Werk Out Music and Arts Festival


General admission is sold out, but travel packages and platinum passes are still available online August 1-3 ● Grant Park, Chicago ●

Another gathering in Central Ohio’s Legend Valley, The fifth annual Werk Out Music and Arts festival appears to be living up to its reputation of having the laidback feel of a small festival with the talent level of it’s much larger counterparts. Some of the not-to-miss-acts, other than the three nights of The Werks, include West African inspired instrumental group Toubab Krewe, “trip hop” producer Emancipator, two nights of Papadosio and the Ann Arbor bred Macpodz. Alcohol will be flowing, but BYOB because it will not be sold there. Aug. 7-9 ● Thornville, Ohio ● $100 2 Day/$120 3 Day ● Photo by B. Hockensmith

Peach Music Festival

The Peach Festival, which takes place August 14-17 at Montage Mountain in Scranton, Pennsylvania, is one of the last chances to see The Allman Brothers Band in their current incarnation—guitarists Warren Haynes and Derek Trucks are leaving the group at the end of 2014. Featuring four days of camping, multiple stages and amazing live music, the festival even has an on-site water park with admission included in the ticket price. Joining The Allman Brothers are former Grateful Dead guitarist Bob Weir and his band Ratdog, the Trey Anastasio Band and Gov't Mule alongside an impressive list of musicians. August 14-17 ● Montage Mountain in Scranton, Pennsylvania Ticket prices TBA ●

April 23 • May 06


W E H AV E I T A L L O N L I N E ! C O M P L E T E M U S I C E V E N T S AT T O L E D O C I T Y PA P E R . C O M Highlighted events indicates our picks for the week

Bobby Bare Jr. Thursday, April 24 / The Village Idiot

With his curly hair, Bobby Bare Jr. doesn’t exactly look like country royalty, but his father, the original Bobby Bare, is a proud veteran of the Nashville scene and a Country Music Hall of Famer. The apple hasn’t fallen far from the tree: Junior has serious acoustic guitar chops and a knack for crestfallen pop hooks. Corey Branan will play support. 10pm. $10. 309 Conant St., Maumee. 419-893-7281.

Delta Rock for Autism

Friday, May 2 / Delta High School Auditorium Some of Toledo’s most talented musicians are banding together to perform at the Delta Rock for Autism, a fundraising concert where all proceeds will benefit the Autism Society of Northwest Ohio. The evening kicks off with an acoustic session with Jimmy Forrest followed by a blues set by Lee Warren, The Rivets, and the headliners Match City!, a Toledo supergroup comprised of Calen Savidge, Joe Woods, Matt Beier, Chris Shutters, Frank May and Jason Goss. The venue, the Delta Auditorium, is a beautiful facility featuring professional sound and lighting by Allen Audio in Ann Arbor. A party bus will run from The Local (7723 Airport Hwy.) to the show at 6:30pm, returning to the bar at 11:30pm— to reserve a spot on the bus, head to Comedy Night at the Local on Thursday, May 1 and be one of the first 15 people to purchase tickets to Delta Rock for Autism. Doors at 6pm. $20. Delta Auditorium, 504 Fernwood St., Delta. Tickets available at, Delta High School, The Local, by emailing or by contacting any of the members of Match City!

wed, April 23 Acoustic, Folk & Ethnic

Adamz Lounge: Open Mix Ye Olde Durty Bird: Picking Kelley Pre-Game / The Kids Cock n’ Bull: Danny Mettler Open Mic Papa’s Tavern: Sean Williams


Forrester’s: H-Factor Jazz Degage Jazz Cafe: Gene Parker Jill’s: Open Jam w/ Mike Whitty Grand Plaza Hotel: Kyle Turner & Friends Tres Belle: Uncorked Wine Wednesdays

THU, April 24 Acoustic, Folk & Ethnic

Ye Olde Durty Bird: Joe Woods PreGame / Dooley Wilson The Blarney: Kyle White Swig: Claire Cooper Barr’s Public House: Andrew Ellis Rosie’s: RC/DC Cocoa House: Elixir

Rock, Pop & Hip-Hop

West Side Bistro: The Eric Brazier Trio Village Idiot: Bobby Bare Jr. Papa’s Tavern: Bobby May Band The Local: Chris Shutters

Iron Reagan

Monday, April 28 / Frankie’s Because there’s nothing more to punk than presidential puns, right? Seriously, though, Iron Reagan plays old school hardcore that does sound like it was made during Reagan’s administration. Fans of old Cro-Mags, SOD and DRI will find a lot to like in this speedy circle-pit machine, featuring members of Municipal Waste and Darkest Hour. 7pm. $10 adv, $12 doors. Frankie’s, 308 S. Main St. 419-693-5300.—JS

Jazz, Blues & R&B

Real Seafood Co.: Kelly Broadway w/ Mike Lorenz Degage Jazz Cafe: Damen Cook

FRI, april 25 ACOUSTIC, FOLK & ETHNIC Ye Olde Durty Bird: Chaz Hill PreGame / The Eight Fifteens Papa’s Tavern: Josh Boyd Doc Watson’s: Tye & Jaime Mac & Tong’s: Joel Hazard Solo Piano The Blarney: Toast & Jam Basin St. Grille: Adam Sorelle The Local: Calen Savidge Cocoa House: Ben Barefoot

Rock, Pop & Hip-Hop

Barr’s Public House: Chris Shutters Buster Brown’s: Alvin Feighner Mutz: Meaghan Roberts Band Bar 145: The Hot Sauce Committee Hollywood Casino: Cruisin’ Holiday Inn French Quarter: Green Eyed Soul Village Idiot: Jack & the Bear Plate 21: Fritz-Byers Band Bronze Boar: Joe Woods Trio Bier Stube: Kentucky Chrome


Forrester’s on the River: Carmen L. Miller Rocky’s: Ruth Nichols Trio Treo: The Good, the Bad & the Blues

Dance, Techno Bretz: FreEDM Friday

SAT, April 26 ACOUSTIC, FOLK & ETHNIC Doc Watson’s: Calen Savidge Treo: May, Gramza & Barile Swig: Tim & Steve Village Idiot: Chris Padgett Barr’s Public House: Chris Knopp Village Inn: Nick Neenan

Rock, Pop & Hip-Hop

Oarhouse: Chris Jaquillard Allstars Cock n’ Bull: Nine Lives Howard’s: Kitty Glitter CD Release Party Holiday Inn French Quarter: Green Eyed Soul Bronze Boar: Kids with Knives Bar 145: The Personnel The Blarney: TwinPfunk

cont. on pg 30


April 23 • May 06

April 23 • May 06


W E H AV E I T A L L O N L I N E ! C O M P L E T E M U S I C E V E N T S AT T O L E D O C I T Y PA P E R . C O M cont. from pg 28 Fusion: Meaghan Roberts Band Basin St. Grille: The Rivets

Jazz, Blues & R&B

Memphis Pearl: Carmen L. Miller Kent Branch Library: Jazz Alchemy - A Love Supreme The Local: Jason LaPorte Cocoa House: Chris Shutters

Dance, Techno

Bar EDM: Subculture w/ Ian Thomas, 3pm and more Hollywood Casino: DJ Rob Sample

sun, April 27 Acoustic, Folk & Ethnic

Duncan’s: Therapy w/ Scotty Gressler Village Idiot: A.J. Vincent Village Inn: Chris Shutters

Rock, pop & hip-hop Ye Olde Durty Bird: TSA Rocks Bands

Jazz, Blues & R&B

Village Idiot: Bob Rex Quartet Caribbean Breeze: The Good, The Bad & The Blues

mon, April 28 Acoustic, Folk & Ethnic

Village Idiot: Frankie May Ye Olde Durty Bird: Jeff Tucker PreGame / Straight Up!

Rock, pop & hip-hop Frankie’s: Iron Reagan

Jazz, Blues & R&B

Crystal’s at Ramada Inn: UT Jazz Night

tues, april 29 Acoustic, Folk & Ethnic

Ye Olde Durty Bird: Johnny Rodriguez Pre-Game / Jason Hudson Papa’s Tavern: Zak Ward Rocky’s: Open Mic w/ Joel Hazard & Mark Sentle Village Idiot: Bobby May & Jon Barile

Rock, Pop & Hip-Hop

Rock, Pop & Hip-Hop

Frankie’s: The Supersuckers Ye Olde Durty Bird: Fish Fisher

Jazz, Blues & R&B

Degage Jazz Cafe: Gene Parker Forrester’s: H-Factor Jazz w/ Hugh Ross Jill’s: Mike Whitty Open Jam Tres Belle: TNF Uncorked - Wine Wednesdays Grand Plaza Hotel: Brad McNett & Kyle Turner

Thurs, May 1 Acoustic, Folk & Ethnic Ye Olde Durty Bird: John Barile The Blarney: Dave Carpenter Rosie’s: RC/DC Village Inn: Blind Dawg Cocoa House: Calen Savidge The Local: Free Comedy Show

Rock, Pop & Hip-Hop

Papa’s Tavern: Bobby May Band West Side Bistro: The Eric Brazier Trio

Jazz, Blues & R&B

Real Seafood Co.: Kelly Broadway w/ Mike Lorenz Firepit Grille: WGTE’s Jazz Spectrum 91 25th Anniversary Party Degage Jazz Cafe: Al Ashby & Friends

fri, may 2 Acoustic, Folk & Ethnic

Mat & Tongs: Joel Hazard Solo Piano Basin St. Grille: Angel Tipping Cocoa House: Nick Neenan

Rock, Pop & Hip-Hop

Mainstreet: RMO, Fail & Deliver Frankie’s: Turophile CD Release Party Buster Brown’s: Jamie Mills + Ty Legan Bronze Boar: Meaghan Roberts Band The Blarney: TwinPFunk Holiday Inn French Quarter: The Bradberries Treo: Last Born Sons The Local: The Audiophiles

Jazz, Blues & R&B

West Side Bistro: Jeff Williams & the Blueprint Band

Degage Jazz Cafe: Doug Horn The Great Hall: Ruth Nichols w/ Swingmania

Jazz, Blues & R&B

Dance, Techno

Degage Jazz Cafe: Gene Parker

wed, april 30 Acoustic, Folk & Ethnic Adamz Lounge: Open Mix Cock n’ Bull: Danny Mettler Papa’s Tavern: Sean Williams


Highlighted events indicates our picks for the week

April 23 • May 06

Bretz: FreEDM Friday

sat, may 3 rock, pop & hip-hop

Mainstreet: Convalescence CD Release Party Oarhouse: Mas Fina Frankie’s: Peelander-Z Bronze Boar: Last Born Sons Holiday Inn French Quarter: The Bradberries The Blarney: TwinPFunk Treo: Raq the Casbah Village Idiot: Whistle Stop Revue Village Inn: Angel Tipping Basin St. Grille: Blind Dawg Cocoa House: Captain Sweet Shoes The Local: The Rivets

Jazz, Blues & R&B

Degage Jazz Cafe: Skip Turner Band

sun, may 4 acoustic, folk & ethnic

Duncan’s: Therapy w/ Scotty Gressler

Jazz, Blues & R&B

Caribbean Breeze: The Good, The Bad & The Blues Village Idiot: Bob Rex Quartet

classical, spiritual

Toledo Club: TSO - Chamber Series Franciscan Center at Lourdes: Spring at Last!

mon, may 5 Acoustic, folk & ethnic

Village Idiot: Frankie May & Friends

Rock, Pop & Hip-Hop Frankie’s: Stages & Stereos

Jazz, Blues & R&B Crystal’s @ Ramada Inn: UT Jazz Night

Tues, may 6 Acoustic, Folk & Ethnic

Village Idiot: Bobby May & Jon Barile Rocky’s: Open Mic w/ Joel Hazard & Mark Sentle Papa’s Tavern: Zak Ward

Jazz, Blues & R&B

Degage Jazz Cafe: Gene Parker

wed, May 7 Acoustic, Folk & Ethnic

Cock n’ Bull: Danny Mettler Open Mic

Jazz, Blues & R&B

Degage Jazz Cafe: Gene Parker Forrester’s: H-Factor Jazz w/ Hugh Ross Jill’s: Mike Whitty Open Jam

West Side Bistro: Mile Marker 1 Continued on pg. 27

April 23 • May 06


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Fri, 5.2 - Mo

n, 5.5 El Salto Celebrate the Cinco de Mayo weekend with drink specials and authen tic food. 219 Golden Gate Plaza, Maumee. 419 -887-0211. El Camino Real Get into the Mexican spi rit with a guacamole tasting and taco eating contest on Friday at 5pm and a burrito eating contest on Saturday at 5pm. There will be a mariachi band all weekend long. Don’t for get to try one of El Camino Real’s Toledo Cit y Paper awardwinning margaritas. 250 0 W. Sylvania Ave. 419-472-0700. elcamino


April 23 • May 06

Loma Linda On Friday & Saturday, enjoy live entertainment and food specials. On Monday, celebrate with flavorful margaritas, food and beer specials. Closed Sunday. 10400 Airport Hwy., Swanton. 419-865-5455. Mi Hacienda Celebrate with food and drink specials all weekend long on the patio. 3302 Glanzman Rd. 419-380-0411. Cocina De Carlos Enjoy giveaways, margarita pitchers for $5 all weekend long and craft beer specials. On Friday, there will be live music and on Monday, eat from a traditional Mexican all-you-can-eat buffet for $12. 27072 Carronade Dr., Perrysburg. 419-872-0200.

Sat, 5.3 & Mon, 5.5

Venturas Mexican beer and margarita specials, half-off appetizers. 7742 W. Bancroft St. 419-841-7523 El Vaquero at the Docks Enjoy the Cinco de Mayo holiday with fantastic specials on food and drink. 24 Main St. 419-690-8330.

Sun, 5.4

The Toledo Zoo The day includes live music from DJ Tony Rios, performances by El Corazon de Mexico Folkloric Dance Group and Mexican-themed activities. 11am-3pm. 2 Hippo Way. 419-385-4040.

cont. on pg 34

April 23 • May 06


cont. from pg 32

Sun, 5.4 & Mon, 5.5

Cinco De Mayo Celebrate the holiday und er a big tent on the patio with a jalapeño eating contest and folkloric dancers at 5pm. Also , from 11am-5pm enjoy $3.75 12 oz. marga ritas. 304 E. Alexis Rd. 419-478-7530. 5dema

Mon, 5.5

Ye Olde Durty Bird Enjoy live entertainment with a Latin jazz band whi le enjoying Mexican food and specials on frozen margaritas. 2 S. St. Clair. 419-243-2473. yeo El Vaquero Party on the pat io with 101.5 The River as they give awa y free swag from all locations throughout the day. Also, enjoy refreshing beer special s and delicious cuisine all weekend long. 266 11 Dixie Hwy., Perrysburg, 419-872-1230/ 3302 Secor Rd., 419-536-0471. vaquerore La Fiesta Celebrate at a par king lot party with live music, a margarita and beer trailer and Jose Quervo tequila sam pling. 11am. 1406 S. Reynolds Rd., Maumee. 419 -897-9222. Los Dos Gallos Enjoy aut hentic Mexican cuisine and margaritas. 10a m-9pm. 5327 Dorr St. 419-531-5312.


April 23 • May 06

Plaza Azteca Mexican Restaurant nching Check out the tasty food and thirst-que 9250. 841419St. oe Monr 5125 . aritas marg Carmel’s Mexican Restaurant on Celebrate with a margarita and some food the patio. 2947 Tremainsville Rd. 419-474-1414. c Cinco De Mayo Celebrate with food, musi , Hwy. rt Airpo 7011 . band live a to e and danc com Holland. 419-866-8229. 5demayotoledo. with El Tipico Restaurant Celebrate locally at e), onlin menu (view ials spec all the daily 1444 the oldest Mexican restaurant in the city. et edo.n cotol eltipi . 0661 382419South Ave. ket San Marcos Restaurant and Supermar stic Let the tequila flow while you eat fanta St. authentic Mexican cuisine. 235 Broadway 419-244-2373. ty Casa Barron Choose from a wide varie PerAve., iana Louis 209 ne. cuisi of flavorful rysburg. 419-874-5361. Mexican Barron’s Cafe Try delicious authentic rt Hwy., food and refreshing drinks. 13625 Airpo . 3474 825419Swanton.

Thursday, 5.8

party, Bar 145 Celebrate in style with a fiesta auclive music from The Menus and a silent only) tion. 6-11pm. $30 in advance/$40 (cash 0073. at the door. 5305 Monroe St.

April 23 • May 06


wednesday, 4.23 [sports]

Toledo Mud Hens vs Indianapolis Indians Stop out and support the Toledo Mud Hens as they face their rivals the Indianapolis Indians all week long! Wednesday and Thursday, 6:30pm and Friday, at 7pm. $10. Fifth Third Field, 406 Washington St. 419-725-4367.

thursday, 4.24 [miscellaneous]

Shop Talk - The event will feature Bill Sattler, President of Madhouse Q&A and feature light grazing with catering provided by All Crumbs Artisan Bakery. Noon. Collective members, free/non-members, $10. 1600 Madison Ave. Holocaust Remembrance Day - This year’s featured speaker will be 86 year old Holocaust survivor Martin Lowenberg, born in Schenklengsfeld, Germany, who experienced Holocaust horrors inflicted upon him and his family. 7pm. Temple Shomer Emunim, 6453 Sylvania Ave., Sylvania. Rain Gardens and Barrels Workshop - Discover rain gardens and their role in storm water management. Learn how rain gardens, rain barrels and rain chains can enhance your landscape. This workshop will cover site and plant selection, installation and maintenance considerations. 7pm. Way Public Library, 101 E. Indiana Ave., Perrysburg. 419-874-3135. Free


Tony Rock - Comedian Tony Rock lights up the stage with his fantastic persona and hilarious jokes. 21+. Through April 27. Thursday, 7:30pm;


Off to the races Toledo Museum of Art / Saturday, May 3


courtesy of the Tol Sip mint juleps along with southern edo Museum of Art. fare while watching the 140th Kentucky Derby live in the beautiful Peristyle. The high-spirited Kentucky Derby Party showcases lively southern rock from Toledo's own Kentucky Chrome and Andrew Ellis as well as a intoxicating bourbon tasting. A race day tradition, wear your largest, most creative hat and enter the Hat Contest. Play bocce ball in the sculpture garden or stroll the grounds as you wait to see if your pick wins the race. The annual event is hosted by Circle 2445, a Museum sponsored group, ages 24 to 45, for those that appreciate art. The event is sponsored in part by WNWO. 4:30-7:30pm. Advance tickets, $30 (Circle 2445 members) & $40, nonmembers/ door tickets, $40 (Circle 2445 members) & $50, nonmembers. Toledo Museum of Art Peristyle, 2445 Monroe St. 419-255-8000.—MLR

Friday, 8pm & 10:30pm; Saturday, 7pm & 10pm; Sunday, 7:30pm. $20. Toledo Funny Bone, 6140 Levis Commons Blvd., Perrysburg. 419-931-3474.

friday, 4.25 [miscellaneous]

Singles Easter Day Celebration - Mingle, party and dance to top 40 music. The night features pink decorations, with a dollar discount for ladies fully dressed in pink until 8:30pm. 8-11:45pm. $8. Holland Gardens, 6530 Angola Rd., Holland. 734-856-8963.

saturday, 4.26 [miscellaneous]

Toledo Area Parent’s Summer Camp Fair Toledo Area Parent’s Summer Camp Fair is a one stop destination for parents to find the best summer camps to fit their children’s likes and needs. Vendors from a wide variety of regional camps

April 23 • May 06

will be on hand, from residential, local day, sports, academic and more. 10am-6pm. Westfield Franklin Park, 5001 Monroe St. 419-244-9859. Tai Chi/Qigong Day - Enjoy various groups from the Toledo/lower Michigan area performing various forms of Tai Chi and Qigong. 9:45pm. Free, donations welcome. Wildwood Preserve Metropark, The Stables, 5100 W. Central Ave. 419-407-9700. Luminations! - Includes wine, cocktails, food, live music and a silent auction followed by theatre performances from The Toledo Ballet, The Toledo Opera and The Toledo Symphony. 6pm. $125. The Franciscan Center, 6832 Convent Blvd., Sylvania. 419-824-3751. Party for the Planet - Celebrate with the zoo by bringing in your recyclables and taking part in cool activities that help you learn how to be greener in

the future. Watch animal feeding demonstrations. 10am-4pm. Toledo Zoo, 2 Hippo Way. 419-385-4040. A Day of Drug Awareness - A unique hands-on program presented by undercover drug enforcement detectives. Attendees will learn about current designer and street drugs as well as the paraphernalia used by teens to store and transport them. 6-11pm. University of Toledo Scott Park Campus, 2225 Nebraska. Eco-Fun Fashion Show - The event will showcase the Future Professionals fabulous craft as they inspire and empower the community to be involved in environmental conservation, protection and beautification. All proceeds benefit the 2014 FUNraising Campaign. 7pm. Advance, $10/ at door, $15. The Paul Mitchell Toledo School, 5549 Monroe St., Sylvania. Astronaut Don Thomas - Don Thomas, astronaut and author, will visit for an autograph session and Q&A. 11am. Tony Packo’s Cafe at The Andersons Maumee, 530 Illinois Ave., Maumee. 419-276-2253.


Toledo Sister Cities International Festival The afternoon and early evening event features ethnic food, dancing, music and cultural performances. World beers will be available, and vendors will be on hand with crafts and other goods. Noon-8pm. $5, in advance/ $7, at door/ children 10 and under, free. Student Center Auditorium at the University of Toledo, 2801 W. Bancroft. 419-966-1048.


White Oak Program: Star Struck - A naturalist will point out interesting constellations and features and you’ll get a chance to try out a telescope. Registration required. 9pm. Oak Openings Preserve, 4139 Girdham Rd., Swanton. 419-407-9700. [sports] Toledo Mud Hens vs Gwinnett Braves - Support the Toledo Mud Hens as they take on the Gwinnett Braves. Don’t miss the players autograph signing before the game starts on Sunday. Saturday, 6pm; Sunday, 2pm; Monday & Tuesday, 6:30pm. 6pm. $10. Fifth Third Field, 406 Washington St. 419-725-4367.

sunday, 4.27 [comedy]

Comedy Magic - Rory Rennick’s unique blend of theatrical magic, motivational and comedic insight is guaranteed to amaze and inspire audiences of all ages. 2pm. $7. Funny Bone Comedy Club, 6140 Levis Commons Blvd., Perrysburg. 419-931-3474.


Metroparks Mutts: Howl and Prowl - Enjoy this night hike designed for dogs and their owners to sniff out the scents and sounds of the park in the dark. Dogs must have shots, get along with other dogs and be on standard six foot leash. Program cancelled if raining. 8:30pm. Wildwood Preserve Metropark, 5100 W. Central Ave. 419-407-9700.


Glass City Marathon - This annual marathon is one of the fastest courses in the nation and acts as a qualifier for the Boston Marathon. A percentage of proceeds will benefit several non-profit partners, primarily the Great Lakes Collaborative for Autism and Habitat for Humanity. Registration required.

cont. on pg 38

April 23 • May 06


cont. from pg 37

trip road — North of the Line


Battle of the Brides - Challenge 1 of 4 to win a $17,000 wedding from the Pinnacle. Includes live music, all-you-can-eat snacks and an open bar with the purchase of a ticket. See more on pg. 4. 4-7pm. $10. The Pinnacle, 1772 Indian Wood Circle, Maumee. 419-891-7325.

Demetri Martin

Saturday, April 26 / Michigan Theater

Beloved comedian and veteran guest of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Demetri Martin, is bringing his new stand-up routine to The Michigan Theater. Martin's signature wry-and-dry style served him well as a writer for Conan O'Brien and as the leader of his own show, Important Things. 8pm. $35. Michigan Theater, 603 E. Liberty St., Ann Arbor. 734-668-8463.

tuesday, 4.29 [miscellaneous]

Photo by Victoria Webb

Photo by Kate Daigneault

Pearl And The Beard

Saturday, April 26 / The Ark

In case you missed their triumphant performance at the 2014 Ann Arbor Folk Festival, here's a second chance to see this massively popular folk-pop trio. With glorious harmonies and a percussion-heavy approach to modern folk, Pearl and The Beard are on the rise. 8pm. $20. The Ark, 316 S. Main St., Ann Arbor. 734-761-1451.

Great Lakes National Museum Grand Opening - Opening its doors on the east side of the river, the museum includes the newly restored 618 ft. lake freighter the Col. James. M. Schoonmaker (formerly the Willis B. Boyer). The National Museum is the completely renovated former Toledo Maritime Center and Ferry Terminal. 10am. $7-$12. National Museum of the Great Lakes, 701 Front St. 440-967-3467.

tuesday, 4.29 [miscellaneous]

Christopher Moore

Friday, May 2 / Nicola’s Books

International bestselling satirist-novelist Christopher Moore, a Toledo native, is coming to Nicola's Books. Moore's sense of humor is one-of-a-kind, sometimes touching and sometimes gut-busting. He will read from his new novel The Serpent of Venice, a Gothic comedy that tosses some of Moore’s recurring characters into a salad with Edgar Allan Poe’s The Cask of Amontillado and Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. 7pm. Nicola’s Books, 2513 Jackson Ave., Ann Arbor 734-662-0600. Free—JS

Lecture on Alternative Growing - Learn about alternative growing practices by Rebecca Singer, Vice President and Director of Agricultural Programs at the Center for Innovative Food Technologies (CIFT). 7:30-9pm. Lourdes University Franciscan Theater and Conference Center, 6832 Convent Blvd., Sylvania. 419-824-3691. Free 38th Annual Quilt Show - Quilters from throughout the Midwest will be celebrated with a display of more than 400 quilts, unique quilting demonstrations, workshops and more. Through May 4. Adults, $16/ Students, $10/ ages 16 and under, free. Sauder Village, 22611 Ohio 2, Archbold. 800-590-9755.

thursday, 5.1 [miscellaneous]

Holy Toledo, You Got Star Power - Take an afternoon and meet professionals in the entertainment industry. Casting will take place on location for modeling as well as acting in theater and feature films. Over 30 businesses in the entertainment industry will be in attendance. 3-6pm. $10. Mad Ave Collective, 1600 Madison Ave. 419-724-7320.


Authors! Authors! Rick Atkinson - Winner of two Pulitzer Prizes, Atkinson will read from 2013’s The Guns at Last Light: The War in Western Europe, 1944-1945. See more details on pg. 23. 7pm. $10. Main Library, McMaster Center, 325 N. Michigan St. 419-259-5200.

friday, 5.2 [comedy]

Huggy Lowdown - Comedian Huggy Lowdown is known as the number one segment on the Tom Joyner Morning Show. Friday, 8pm & 10:30pm; Saturday, 7pm & 10pm; Sunday, 7pm. $23-$28. Funny Bone Comedy Club, 6140 Levis Commons Blvd., Perrysburg. 419-931-3474.

saturday, 5.3 [miscellaneous]

Mother’s Day Make-a-gift - Make something special for Mom like beaded jewelry, bags and/or cards. 10am-1pm. Harold Jaffe Jewelers, 4211 Talmadge Rd. 419-472-4480.


National Train Day Toledo - The Toledo celebration of trains and travel is one of the largest in the country. The first level of the Amtrak station will feature art displays and access to the trains and


April 23 • May 06

April 26


Perrysburg to Bowling Green Ride.

40 miles, plus breakfast. Meet at Perrysburg YMCA. 9am –12pm. 13415 Eckel Junction Rd., Perrysburg.

May 2

Seed Co-working Lunch & Learn.

Guest speaker Keith Webb will provide a fun tongue and cheek approach to information on commuting and bicycling. 11:30am. 25 S. Saint Clair St. 419-407-6199. Free bike check-up at Toledo Bikes!.

We will do the ABC Quick Check on all bikes, including diagnosis of problems (comes with air-up plus chain and pivot point lubrication). 5-8pm. Donations accepted. 1114 Washington St.

May 3

Whitehouse to Metamora Ride. Breakfast in Whitehouse after

the ride. 8–11am.

May 4

Brakes Workshop at Toledo Bikes! Learn how to tune-up

different brake systems. RSVP to 2-4pm. Donations accepted. 1114 Washington St.

May 18 KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Free ride touring the Firelands region of Northwestern Ohio. 9am. BGSU Firelands Campus, Huron. bikerides/info.html locomotive engines on the tracks. On the third floor in the Grand Lobby guests can see big operating model train layouts, listen to live music, eat local food and more. 9:30am-4pm. Toledo Amtrak station and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Plaza, 415 Emerald Ave. Free


Maumee v. Perrysburg 3rd Annual Fishing Tournament - The intent of this tournament is to promote overall good fellowship between rival schools, promote fishing, as well as to raise awareness of the wonderful natural resource that both communities share. Registration required. 9:30am. Rotary Pavilion at Side Cut Park, 1025 W. River Rd., Maumee.


Spring Bird Walk - It’s that magical time of the year that all birders have been looking forward to: the annual spring songbird migration. Please bring binoculars and bird guides, if you have them. Note that inclement weather may cancel a walk. 7:30-10:30am. Woodlawn Cemetery & Arboretum, 1502 W. Central Ave. 419-472-2186.

sunday, 5.4 [miscellaneous]

Cinco de Mayo Celebration - Celebrate Mexican culture at the zoo with live entertainment, a pinata and activities throughout the day. 11am. Toledo Zoo, 2 Hippo Way. 419-385-4040.


Deacons Hope Rescue Craft & Vendor Show Fundraiser - Help raise funds to send puppies to the veterinarian so that they can become healthy and hopefully adopted. The event will have craft and vendor tables, a Chinese Auction, a bake sale, raffles, chair massages and several pups on location. 10am-4pm. Monclova Community Center, 8115 Monclova Rd., Monclova. Free


Steve and Danny Crouse jamming at the Bluegrass Breakfast

An omelet three ways

24 Hours at Glass City Café by Dorian Slaybod Glass City Café exists on the fringe of Downtown, Uptown, and no town at all, at the corner of Jackson and 11th. It is a location without casual foot traffic; neither derelicts nor professionals have reason to pass their block. Glass City is a destination—a pancake nirvana in a Michelle Obama food desert. People find it when they need it, and need it when they find it. I recently found myself there for three meals within 24 hours.

Friday - 12:15pm

Weekdays are flanked by elected officials, corporate attorneys, city workers, and motivated creatives in a cafeteria power lunch. Diane Skahill, who has been a server at Glass City since 2008, remembers every customer’s favorite order. “No green peppers, right?” she asked me before I even had a chance to order my omelet. “No,” I said, smiling. Their menus are like phone books. Everybody gets them. Nobody uses them. Steve Crouse opened Glass City Café in 2006. The building, originally opened as a restaurant and cigar shop in 1916, was an ideal fit for his antique collection. The walls are shelved with vintage Toledo memorabilia and hung with local art. “Just about everything in here is Toledo” Crouse told me. A Libbey Glass poster with a stretched world map hangs with the tagline “Second to None.” Their menu is a mix of diner and deli food. Reuben sandwiches and homemade soups are served alongside French toast and hash browns. Custom orders are common, patrons aren’t afraid to make a meal their own when they visit Glass City. “People appreciate that we’re here.” said Crouse.

Saturday - 2:45am

I felt drunk just sitting there. Thirty minutes before, the place was empty aside from two uniformed workers eating sandwiches after a long shift. Then a couple musicians came in after a gig. Then the downtown bars closed, and every table filled. Fresh-faced boys and girls laughed with each other across tables with dilated

eyes. A haze of grease smoke and twilight funneled through the ceiling fans. Strangers exchanged phone numbers like salespeople at a business conference happy hour. A man sat at the counter and spoke quietly to his bag of potato chips. I ordered a Haymaker: the World Wrestling Champion of breakfast dishes: a biscuit split open and topped with two sausage patties, two bacon strips, two eggs, cheese, home fries and then drowned in sausage gravy. Few can order it straightfaced without giggling or high-fiving their friends. The taste, though, isn’t funny at all. The bacon is crunchy, and the egg and cheese are perfectly gooey. The gravy and sausage add a nice, meaty sweetness. And the potatoes—well, why the hell not? I paid my bill and went home to a deep sleep.

Saturday - 11:30am

Only a few hours removed from the previous night’s zombie social hour, and the tables are completely full again. This time with families having brunch. Sunlight pours through the windows that were black the night before. The only familiar face is Danny Crouse, Steve’s son, who is still cooking as if he never took a break. Plates of pancakes and eggs clank onto tables while the band, Old State Line, plays an acoustic set of American classics. Steve Crouse and his wife are music fans. They always have been. They love to attend bluegrass festivals, and for the past five years they’ve been holding “mini-concerts” inside their restaurant every Saturday morning. The concerts are infinitely pleasant. Beginning your day with breakfast and acoustic folk is as soothing for a toddler as it is for a hangover. Glass City Café is essentially a large living room with an open kitchen carved out of it; a warm hearth surrounded by the city’s concrete confines. You may not know how you got there, but you’ll know why. Dorian Slaybod is 27, a local attorney and happily living in Toledo.

April 23 • May 06




Saving lives

Have you or a loved one been affected by addiction to prescription drugs? Do you want to help solve this nationwide problem? The inaugural Ohio Prescription Drug Abuse Awareness and Education Day, in recognition of Ohio HB 399, takes place Friday, May 2, at the Community Homecoming Park in Holland. Featured will be a memorial sculpture made of empty prescription pill bottles sent in by people and victims affected by prescription drug abuse across the United States. Visit the “National Prescription Drug Epidemic Awareness Day” on Facebook to volunteer or for more information. 12-3pm. Community Homecoming Park, 7807 Angola Rd., Holland. Free. —GMK

Walkin’ (for your love)

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) sponsors NAMIWalks across the country, where community members participate a 1.5 mile walk to benefit the lives of families who experience mental illness. NAMIWalks Greater Toledo will take place on Saturday, May 10 at UTMC Campus. The mission is to improve the quality of the nation’s mental health system while supporting NAMI Signature Programs. Individuals interested in walking can register at, where they can also submit donations and proceeds from fundraising. 9am registration, 10am walk. The University of Toledo Medical Center, 3000 Arlington Ave. 419-243-1119.

2007 Mistubishi Eclipse Spyder Convertible. One

2008 Pontiac G5 Sporty 2


2004 dodge durango

of a kind! Only 47k miles. Super, Super, SUPER nice car. Ready for the Sun, only $12681 Call Kenny 567-686-2525

$2,100 obo. Well maintained. Adult Driven. Metal flake grey. Located at 710 Monroe St. Call Larry 419-309-5892

1997 C230 Mercedes-Benz Sedan. Red. Very Clean! Salesman

owned. 141k miles. Call Robert 419-841-1404 or 419-944-4639. $4500 OBO.

door, RED HOT in color. Only 78k miles! Only LUCKY YOU can buy it for $8551 Call Kenny 567-686-2525 V8 ,97k miles, red - nice. $5000 final. Serious inquiries only. 567-288-3748 1997 Mercury Cougar

2004 Audi A4 UltraSport Edition - SHOWROOM condition.

105K miles. Fully loaded, sunroof, leather. Touchscreen Navigation, premium sound, much more. MUST SEE! $8500 OBO. Call 201 921 3340.

1994 Lexus LS 400 185K miles

babied, immaculate condition inside and out pearl white. New $1000 set of tires, shocks, tune up, new cassette player, cold A/C – excellent heat. Tan leather interior, Automatic in floor consol, $5500 final. Serious inquiries only. Larry 567-288-3748

Immaculate condition inside and out. 102k miles, new tires, 30th Anniversary Edition. Gold with 3/4 cloth top. $5000 Final-serious inquires only. First come first serve. Parker: 567-288-3748 __________________________


SINGLEs _________________________

The place to find all your healthcare needs

Call Rachellyn at 419-244-9859 to advertise your Health & Wellness services BELLY DANCE- FOR THE FUN OF IT with Aegela,

Bassett’s Health Food Store is hosting their Second Annual Anniversary Sale on Saturday, May 3 and Sunday, May 4. The celebration bash will feature free samples of vitamins, cosmetics and health foods. Representatives from various companies will be on-site conducting demonstrations of their brand’s health products. For every $25 customers spend, they will receive a ticket to enter a drawing for a gift basket of their choice. The store will also offer 30% off full retail price of select brands. 9:30am - 9pm. Bassett’s Health Food Store, 3344 Secor Rd. 419-531-0334.

Keep Up


Call to Place your $10 Car ad here! 419.244.9859

International artist and award-winning choreographer. Women of all ages and shapes welcome. No prior dance training needed. Registering now for classes beginning April 21. $55 for 5-week session. Martin School 10 S. Holland-Sylvania at Hill, Toledo 517-918-9547 _____________________

health and wellness events Thursday, 4.24

ProMedica Mary Ellen Falzone Diabetes Center Open House - Don’t miss the unveiling ceremony and community tours of ProMedica’s Mary Ellen Falzone Diabetes Center, the region’s first facility dedicated to diabetes education and care. Reservations required. 5-6pm. 2100 W. Central Ave. 419291-5452.

Saturday, 4.26

Steps to Healing and Wholeness - This 2K walk is to promote awareness of sexual assault. 10am, walk begins at noon. $10. Ottawa Park, Across from Toledo Hospital. 419-460-5994. 5 Week Heart Walk Prep - Increase your endurance and build strength in preparation for this year’s Heart Walk and 5K Run with interval training and functional strength exercises. Includes five small group training sessions, five weeks of unlimited ProMedica Wildwood Athletic Club access and 80 exercise classes per week. Registration required. Saturdays through May 24. 11am-noon. $99. ProMedica Wildwood Athletic Club, 2865 N. Reynolds Rd. 419-539-0235.

thursday, 1

Planting the Seeds of Innovation - At this inaugural event, local and national experts will discuss topics essential to fostering a culture of medical innovation locally. Registration required. 8am-5pm. Hilton Garden Inn, 6165 Levis Commons Blvd., Perrysburg. Free


April 23 • May 06

Free Classifieds:

Individuals may receive one free 20-word ad per issue (products offered in ads must sell for under $75). Each additional word 40 cents, payment must accompany ad. Free ads run 1 issue and are reserved for private-parties use, noncommercial concerns and free services.

Line Classifieds: Only

$20 per issue for 20 words or less. Each additional word is 40 cents each and any artwork is $5 extra.

ten spot car lot: Only

$10 for 20 word or less that WILL RUN UNTIL CAR SELLS. Each additional word is 40 cents and any artwork is $5 extra. __________________________

Services _________________________

Pet page

Deadlines: Ad copy must

be received by NOON on the Friday prior to publication.


Payment: Payment must be

We’re looking for FREELANCE WRITERS. Paid gigs

received before an ad can be placed. We accept checks, cash, money orders and credit cards (Visa/Mastercard/American Express).

Phone: EMail:

for Toledo City Paper and/or Toledo Area Parent publications. Email a resume and writing samples to us at editor@ __________________________ Domo Sushi is now hiring for All Positions. Apply in person, no phone calls please. 6725 W. Central Ave. Suite P. Toledo, OH 43617 __________________________ Buster Brown’s is now hiring weekend bartender (Saturday & Sunday). Please apply in person. 313 Conant St, Maumee, OH 43537. Ask for Katie. __________________________ Meyer’s Auto Wash is Now hiring all positions. Great work environment. Positive attitude required. Fill out application beforehand. Download at Drop off in person at 4340 Heatherdowns Blvd, Toledo, OH 43614 __________________________


Refunds: Sorry, NO REFUNDS given.

Misprints: Credit toward future ads.

Announcements __________________________ Attention Woodward Class of 1979. We are holding

our 35 year reunion August 9, 2014. Please contact Kathy at whsclassof1979@ __________________________ Mom’s Group! mom2mom meets @ Christ the Word Church on the 1st Wednesdays of each month, Sep. 4 through May 7. Check Mom2momtoledo __________________________

Hairdressers, Skin Care Specialist or Massage Therapist to join a salon team that

Northwest Ohio Dance

Club - Toledo’s Premier Dance Community. Singles and Couples welcome. For info visit: __________________________

For Sale __________________________ Organ Baldwin Cabaret Fun Machine. Easy to play. Works

Attention Home Schoolers, Teachers and Moms!

Check out for FREE GREEN print outs and programs! __________________________ Getting Married? Your wedding service performed by me, personalized by you. Licensed. 419-691-0524 _________________________

Education __________________________ HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA

FROM HOME. 6 - 8 weeks. ACCREDITED. Get a Diploma. Get a Job! No Computer Needed. Free Brochure 1-800264-8330 Benjamin Franklin High School __________________________

FOR Rent __________________________ The Avenue: - 1 bedroom $415/ mo. 2 bedroom $450/mo. 419.259.0619. GOBEAL.COM __________________________

Fine. $100. Call 419-475-8765 New white insulated glass tilt-in __________________________ China Cabinet $75 Exercise Bike $30 Table No Chairs $30 Call 419-841-7567 __________________________ 4 Cemetery lots at Ottawa Hills Memorial Park. Prime

Location. Accepting best offer. Please call Mark at 419-882-8341 __________________________ replacement window

20.5’w x 30’h Perfect for mobile homes! $75 Call Bob 419-344-8458 __________________________ For Sale Keys professional elliptical trainer. Excellent condition/ sturdy and heavy. Purchased at exercise equipment store for $825. Asking $425. 419-461-1203 __________________________

The place to find all your pet needs Call 419-244-9859 to advertise your pets and services for as little as $25 per issue

__________________________ Lunch server needed Fridays from 11 to 2. Downtown restaurant. Please e-mail interest and contact information to __________________________ BARTENDER and BEVERAGE CART DRIVER Part-time at Tamaron

Golf Course. Apply in the office: MON-FRI 12pm-4pm 2162 W. Alexis Rd. Toledo __________________________ RANGER/ STARTER Free Golf / Volunteer Part-time at Tamaron Golf Course Apply in Pro Shop: MON-FRI 9am-6pm 2162 W .Alexis Rd. Toledo __________________________ Roosters Men’s Grooming Center is in

search of 1 FT Barber, 1 PT Barber and a PT Cosmetologist. Experience Necessary. Please apply online at 419-843-4030

is motivated & involved with the community. Start up incentives & assistance. Call Merinda @ 419-509-9624. __________________________ Kidz Watch Ltd. - Now hiring a full time Preschool Teacher. Also have part time - days, evenings, and weekend positions available. Send resume to info@ or visit DropInChildCare. com for info __________________________ good servers & dish washer needed at popular restaurant! - Apply in person with

resume to Kyota Ka, 6801 W. Central Ave, Toledo, OH. (419) 841-2070

YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! CALL Rachellyn at 419.244.9859

Ladies 14k white gold ring. Spiral cut .5 carat diamond

cluster. 419-699-3398 __________________________

wanted __________________________


Customers Wanted


Vocalist looking for working band or to start a band. Has P.A. or other equipment available. Call Felix 567-395-4793

Kent Keplinger

Looking for Acappella groups to

New/Used Sales & Leasing 419-893-5581

donate time for WBS Booth at Lucas County Fair July 8th-July 13th. 567315-3247

New band seeks mature lead guitarist/singer.

Versatile. Creedence to Keith Urban to Nickelback. For interview call 419-388-0175 Judge Knot 3pc. band looking to play for special events, restaurants or lounges. 419-779-4532

dependable dealer, dependable salesman

1505 Reynolds Road Maumee, OH 43537



rhythm guitarists and drummers. No big hot shot egos. Call A.S.A.P. 419-297-2928 or 419-283-9235.

Ads For Local Artists are Free!

help wanted __________________________

Ads run for 2 issues and must be renewed after the two issues. You must be: advertising for band members or selling instruments under $200 or just looking to jam. Business related ads run for $20. Limit 20 words per ad; 40 cents per additional word.

Reliable and dependable

Grass cutter needed with small lawnmower needed once a week. 419841-1404

Drummer who also plays keyboards looking for a Rock or Country band. 419-691-2820. Please leave # and name if unavailable. DRUMMER looking to join 50s & 60s band or classic country group. Years of experience from night clubs, recordings & live shows. Call 419-698-1097 for more info.

Call 419-244-9859 to post your ad!

April 23 • May 06


ARIES (March 21st-April 19th) After the 23rd you need to curb your spending. Work on your budget (not your favorite job). On the 2nd all is well financially, Celebrate Cinco de Mayo after a Derby party on the 3rd. Then a Cinco de Mayo party on the 5th. TAURUS (April 20th-May 20th) Make a

LIBRA (September 23rd-October 22nd)

Sign a contract on the 24th. Go to a new place the 26th, 27th or both! The new moon the 29th shines where money is coming to you. Others cooperate with you in May. You may be a winner at the Derby party on the 3rd.

SCORPIO (October 23rd-November 21st)

list of goals to achieve on the 29th. That is your New Year’s Eve. You are enjoying birthday parties as well as Cinco de Mayo parties on the 3rd and 5th. You hear from old friends about graduations and weddings in May.

Your partner (business or personal) takes the reins so you can relax after the 23rd. The new moon the 29th brings happy times. You love the unusual so you celebrate Beltane. You are the life of the Cinco de Mayo party.

GEMINI (May 21st-June 20th) You try resting up after the Easter activities. Your appetite remains huge as you enjoy leftover food and candy. Spend the 3rd and 4th pampering yourself. Watch the horse race the 3rd and enjoy a Cinco de Mayo party the 5th.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22nd-December 20th) You love technology and playing

CANCER (June 21st-July 22nd) On the 24th and 25th your creative ability shines and you make summer vacation plans. Crabs are happiest on the beach. The merry, merry month of May is great and you pick the best events to attend. You win at the Derby party.

CAPRICORN (December 21st-January 19th) Catch up on obligations the 23rd and

LEO (July 23rd-August 22nd) If you are

AQUARIUS (January 20th-February 18th) You try to be all things to all people the

rested from Easter activities you celebrate Beltane. Then you may go to Louisville to see the Derby in person. Back home for a Cinco de Mayo party and to balance your checkbook. When you dance, you have to pay the piper!

VIRGO (August 23rd-September 22nd)

The 28th and 29th education and personal accomplishments are highlighted. Make a list of jobs and social events you don’t want to miss. Stay close to home the 3rd and 4th to party. Stop for a Cinco de Mayo party on the 5th.

with electronic toys. After the 29th pay more attention to your physical condition. The love bug bites you the 2nd. Your smile is contagious and your weekend is memorable.

24th. You have very good luck the 29th. Take a chance on love. Your energy level is low but you stay on schedule when the parties begin on the 1st. Career is highlighted the week of the 5th.

24th and 25th. That is tiring! The new moon and eclipse the 29th shines where you live so make some changes there. Pick the winner at the Derby party on the 3rd.

PISCES (February 19th-March 20st)

Consider a new computer, Ipad, camera, and professional assistance to bring yourself up to date. End the month of April a more efficient Pisces. You are the “pick sign” for the month of May. All is certainly well for you.

Sue Lovett is available for personal astrology readings and private parties. Visit her on the Web at or call her at 419-474-6399.


The symbol for Taurus is a bull. It could be a raging bull or Ferdinand, sweetly sniffing the flowers. They are often blessed with musical talent. They are usually fair. Examples are Barbra Streisand, Len Goodman, Dancing with the Stars judge, and Willie Nelson. Locally Judge Dave Lewandowski and Mary Beth Zolik of 101.5 The River celebrate.

need answers? get 'em @

If you don’t have fun, it is your own fault. There is a new moon and solar eclipse, Mercury and Venus change signs, and celebrations for Beltane, the Kentucky Derby and Cinco de Mayo. — BY SUE LOVETT

Odds and Evens Across 1. Philosopher with a razor 6. Rock tool? 9. Tapioca relative 13. Via ___ (important Roman road) 14. Key and Peele, e.g. 15. Shocking response at the altar 17. *Teddy bear’s quality or, alternately, cooks vases in oil? 19. Slacker’s sin 20. This evening, in ads 22. ___ effort 23. Purrer on a lap 27. *Greek poetry muse or, alternately, trim off some soothing leaves? 29. *Family get-together or, alternately, destroy the career of the coproducer of “Achtung Baby”? 31. Site of English relief 32. Sworn rival 33. Chicago/L.A. rock band famous for viral videos 34. Arrest 36. Arrests 38. Friend of Dorothy 42. Confused 45. Si across the Pyrenees 46. Get old 50. Parking space 51. Fluid deliverers, in the hosp. 54. *Small European warbler or, alternately, a wreath for the rear? 56. *Wart-covered and hungry for flies or, alternately, have a meeting about one of Jon’s pets? 59. Speedy Gonzales exclamation 60. Wiesel who came to the United States in 1955 61. NCAA basketball coach Rick with two national championships 63. Option for those who are anti-Russian and anti-French? 65. *Kid’s trains or, alternately, chocolate snack peddled by Ms. Chanel? 70. Word before power or punk

©2011 Ben Tausig

April 23 - May 6

71. ì___ Rand is one of those things that a lot of us, when we were 17 or 18 and feeling misunderstood, weíd pick up”: Barack Obama 72. Surprising way to be taken 73. Ice cream known as Dreyer’s on the West Coast 74. Txted word of polite request 75. “Dear me!” Down 1. One tripping over his own feet 2. Computer part often metaphorized as a brain: Abbr. 3. Course taken before receiving one’s whistle 4. Inspired stuff? 5. Tiki bar beverage 6. Yemeni seaport 7. Genesis creation? 8. Delivery-related, in a way 9. Bro’s counterpart 10. Two-time loser to Dwight 11. *Act the fool or, alternately, act the fool? 12. Straddling 16. Low poker pair 18. Zip, nada, zilch 21. “Xanadu” band 23. Old hand 24. “STEP ON THAT THING!!!!”

25. Jerk 26. Start of a major scale with no sharps or flats 28. “Livin’ La Vida ___” (Ricky Martin song in which he really sells his passion for the ladies) 30. Longtime jazz writer Hentoff 35. Short version of a life story? 37. On the market, in a way 39. Part of a shout-out to Satan 40. Core 41. Oval Pepperidge Farm cookie 42. Tweaks to fit 43. “I already made plans” 44. *Besmirched or, alternately, dressy item for the beach? 47. DTW guess 48. Feel like garbage 49. Way to go: Abbr. 52. Baller’s lounge letters 53. Mountain top? 55. Defunct oil company with a “76” logo 57. Emulate a compost pile 58. Antiknock fluid 62. Some atoms 64. Pinafore letters 66. “Game of Thrones” network 67. Propeller in a sound, say 68. Anal, casually 69. Kite’s milieu

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April 23 • May 06


photos by Christine Senack

Get down tonight

Toledo's LGBTQ community came out in droves to celebrate the opening of Legends Showclub in downtown Toledo.

Ali Moubarek, Peter Cottingham and Scott Gaynor

Sylvia Margaret of the Midgley family, 4

years (28 in human years) Reluctant Model

To see the full @ te in rview, visit us . om r.c pe pa ty toledoci

Sylvia’s a bit of a diva, but none of it is her fault. It’s those humans in her life that helped her cultivate her pampered lifestyle. She didn’t ask to be dressed up in costumes or given spa days. It just happened...and now she can’t live without it. She doesn’t mind all of the attention, however usually leads to scrumptious food and lots of snuggles.

Anthony Reasti and Peter Cottingham

Toledo pride

The third annual 419 celebration brought people together to check out the Maker’s Mart and party throughout Lucas County.

While pugs are a widely popular breed, some take issue with their smushed little faces and sad expression. How do you maintain a positive image in the face of pug discrimination?

Society’s ideals of beauty don’t define me. I’m a full figured pug, with wrinkles and rolls, and proud of it!

You are known, among family and friends, to get dolled up once in a while. Is this an activity you enjoy ?

I don’t really enjoy it; it’s actually kind of torturous. I just do it for the paparazzi… and the treats.

We hear you are an avid collector and have decorated your bedroom (read: crate) with found objects. How do you find these? What makes an item worthy of being part of your collection?

Michelle and Steve Atkinson Dhawi and Dave Pienta

Interview by Jordan Killam

My family accuses me of stealing, but if

April 23 • May 06

they leave the garbage unguarded and their closet doors open… well, hey! Chewing is one of my stress busters, so anything with a crunch is what I’m after.

It has come to our attention that Sunday is “spa day”. Tell us about your typical beauty routine. After my professional mani/pedi, I have a bubble bath, shampoo, and conditioning. Sometimes my human will put the tub jets on, which is somewhat confusing, but I do enjoy it. When I get out, if I’m feeling chilled, I’ll lounge around on a heat pad.


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