ADAM S T EWARTF ORCOMMUNI CAT I ONSOF F I CER A vot ef ormei savot ef ori mpr ovedcommuni cat i on,i mpr ovedcohes i venes sandani mpr oveduni on
whatI wi l l do. . .
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Makes ur et hewebs i t ei sus edasmuchasi t canbebyal l par t i esi ncl udi ngs t udent sasus er sands oci et i esas pr oducer s . Wehav eagr eats t r uct ur et her ebut peopl edon’ t s eem t ous ei t . I want t omakes ur eyouhav er eas ont o wi t hev enmor er egul arupdat esandmaki ngs ur eev ent sf orex ampl ehav et hemos tupt odat ei nf oandgr aphi cs . Whycr eat eapos t erandnot pl acei t ont hewebs i t e?
Rememberl as t yearwhenwehadt heDi s neyBi gSqueez e?Wel l t hat wasdeci dedbyapol lvot eont he webs i t e, not onl ydi dt hat meanwehadav oi ceands ayov erourev ent si t meant wev i s i t edt hewebs i t e andus edi t . I want t odot hi smor e, f i ndout whatyouwantf r om youruni on, youhav eav oi ceandIwi l l l i s t en S eeAL Lof ourMedi aGr oupsgr owmor e. Spaghet t iJunct i onandT i gerT Vhav er eal l yt ookof f t hi syearwi t hgr eat ent hus i as ms ur r oundi ngi t , I want t okeept hi sgoi ngandf ori t t os pi l l i nt oScr at chRadi owhi chI f eel t hi shasbeen s omewhat negl ect ed. I t i sagr eat gr oupt obei nv ol v edi nandI want t oens ur es t udent sknowt hi s , byagai n communi cat i ngcor r ect l ywi t hyoual l . I es peci al l ywant s oci et i est obemor ei nvol vedi nourmedi agr oupsand us et hem f orgr eat cont ent . Al l t hr eemedi agr oupscanbepr oduct sof hi ghaccl ai m nat i onal l y, whi chI want t obe t hecas easI ’ ms ur eyoudot oo.L et ‘ smaket hi sf r es her s ’ f ai rs i gnupsbi ggert hanev erbef or e!
Communi cat e–F ormet hi si st hemos t i mpor t ant andes s ent i al wi t hi nmyr ol e. T heuni onhass ome gr eat communi cat i onwi t hi t ’ ss t udent sbut i t i s n’ t enough, s t udent ’ ss t i l l s eem t onot knowwhen ev ent sar eonorev enwhenorwhat t heSt udentCounci li sabout . T hi sneedst oi mpr ov e. An ex ampl ei st hat t heuni onhav eat wi t t eraccount t hat hasnotbeenupdat ed, at al l , s i nce5t h S ept ember2009! ?T hat ’ snot communi cat i on?I want t omakes ur eever yonei si nt hel oopabout ev er yt hi ngt hat goeson, yourdes er v et oknow
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I want t omakeBar42s omewher eyou, t hes t udent s , want t ogot o. I bel i ev et hat t oget hert hr oughyour i nput wecanmakei t amor emoder nandvi br antpl acet obei n. I t of f er sgr eat compet i t i v epr i ces whi chI want t ocont i nue. T her ebr andBonker si sgr eat but I wi l l ens ur ei t i snot j us t anot herT oons . . .
“ I wi l l al waysof f eraneart oopi ni onsnomat t er whoyouar e, communi cat i oni sAL WAYSkey. ”
v ot e adam
-Ihavebeenas t udentont heMedi aandCommuni cat i oncour s e -Equi ppedbot hi nt her equi r eds ki l l sandpr of es s i onalpr act i ce -Bui l tpr of es s i onal i s m atpl acement satt heT i mesOnl i nei nL ondonand Bi r chf i el dHar r i er sAt hl et i cscl ubi nPer r yBar -S peci al i s i ngi nWebandNew Medi a=gr eatonl i neknowl edgeoft hepowerof medi abot honl i neandi npr i nt ,aswel lasus i ngs oci alnet wor ki ngef f ect i vel y -Beenanact i vepar toft heUni onf ort hewhol eofmyt hr eeyear sont he commi t t eef orourL GBTs oci et yasMar ket i ngandPubl i ci t yOf f i cer -Ides i gnedandcr eat edt hebr andandvi s ual sf ort heL GBTaswel lasi t ’ sonl i ne pr es encewhi chl edt omecr eat i ngt empl at esf ort heUni onwebs i t ef ors oci et i es -Iam apr oudBCUs t udentwhohasr epr es ent edouruni ver s i t yatNUSL GBT conf er enceandi snotas hamedofwhowear eandwher ewewi l lgo. -Iwon’ ts t opbel i evi ngi nouruni onandi t ss t udent s ,communi cat i oni sAL WAYS key
S ear chf or“ VOT EADAM S T E WART ”on
f ormor e