Effects of Exercise on Cardiovascular System
The benefits of regular exercise include more than just having a well-toned body. Besides serving as a mood intensifier, physical activity has both long term and short term effects on the cardiovascular system. Good blood circulation throughout your body may provide long standing positive effects to your health. Giving your body a temperate workout for 30 minutes at least 5 days a week may help mitigate the chance of developing many heart-related diseases.
Before the person starts exercising, the body go through an anticipative response. During this response the body will release adrenaline consistently before the person sweat. The Adrenaline facilitates cardio-respiratory activity, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, etc.
Increases stroke volume: Stroke volume is the amount of blood pumped out of the heart during each contraction. Stroke volume is measured in milliliters per beat. * With the onset of exercise, the stroke volume increases anywhere from 60 to 110 milliliters depending on the intensity.
Lowers resting heart rate: A healthy heart rate of an adult at rest is about 60-80 beats per minute. With regular exercise, a lower resting heart rate can be developed. Resting heart rate decreases because the heart develops to hold more amount of blood with exercise. * Being stronger and more efficient, the heart doesn't need to work hard to pump blood to the lower parts of your body such as the legs and arms. * Since more blood is pumped with every contraction, the heart beats fewer times per minute, thus improving circulation within the body. * Hence, a lower resting heart rate indicate a better cardiovascular fitness and more efficient heart function.
Lowers blood pressure: Blood pressure repose with two measurements. * The systolic number refers to the amount of pressure that helps to drive blood throughout the system. * The diastolic number is the pressure that is left when the heart relaxes between two successive beats. * Blood circulation or flow improves with regular exercise and lowers the blood pressure readings.
Improves blood flow: An additional short term effect of the circulatory system during exercise is how the blood is delivered throughout the body. * When a person is at rest only 15 percent of the blood flowing through the body is drifted towards the skeletal muscles. * Nevertheless, during any physical activity, the circulatory system directs majority of the blood from the major organs to the skeletal muscles as well as to the skin.
Fewer varicose veins: Regular exercise not only boost leg strength, but also improves vein strength. * Stronger veins will lower the risk of getting varicose veins. * Varicose veins are enlarged, twisted near the surface of the skin. They are usually caused by weakened veins and valves in the legs. * Weight management adds up in minimizing or preventing varicose veins.
Other long term effects of regular exercise * Increases the number of red-blood cells and capillaries. * Diminishes stress-related hormones from circulating in the blood. * Enhances the blood vessel lining which in turn helps to lower the risk of plaque buildup that may lead to coronary disease.
Probably the first part of your body to benefit from regular exercise is your heart. To get the blood circulated to different parts of your body requires a healthy heart that is able enough to function efficiently. Regular exercise makes your heart stronger so that it won’t have to work as hard as the heart of the one who doesn't exercise.
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