Adam Jichao Sun's Work Sample 2019

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[ REORGANIZATION ] Adam Jichao Sun Work Sample 2012 - 2019


SUN JICHAO 孙 继 超 Occupation E-mail Mobile Web Site

Postgraduate Student +1 3476978011

EDUCATION 2018 2020


Harvard University Master of Architecture in Urban Design (o�fer of Mla I AP)

Certificate of participation and leadership. A public interactive sysrem to promote physical activity.

Core studio project nominated for Platform 12

2017 2018

2012 2017

Columbia University


Solar Energy Station for Mobile Device (IP2014-016)

Critic: Karla Rothstein, Andrés Jaque, Laurie Hawkinson Four projects included in Abstract(GSAPP).

Certificate of Participation. Directed by Dr. Wong Woon Kwong, professor of EPD. SUTD is in collaboration with MIT as well as ZJU. The iproject program provide both Chinese and Singapore students with the opportunities to work together.

Zhejiang University (ZJU) Bachelor of Architecture College of Civil Engineering and Architecture: Core studio, theory, construction and tectonic, parametric design.


Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Design



Singapore University of Technology and Design


Exchange Student


AECOM, Beijing o�fice.


Intern Urban Designer, Beijing Masterplan of Nansha and Nansha Rail Station


S3-LAB, Shanghai o�fice.


Intern Assistant Architect, Shanghai


Theme: Architecture in Transformation Topic: Concept and Notation


Participating in apprenticeship program of a paper cra�tsman in Hangzhou and designing two paper products.


Stop elimination round, team leader, Best Debater.



Second place, team leader.

Redesign of the Gate of Zijingang Campus, ZJU Assisted Professor Fu Dongli to do research about the gate of campus. Integral analysis and redesign as Group leader.

Iowa Youth Leadership International, IYLI Chinese Association of Iowa Certificate of graduation, deliver a speech at ceremony.


CCEA Cup Debate Competition, 2012 Students Union of Debate Club of CCEA, ZJU Champion, team leader. Certificate of Best Debater.

Digital Design Studio, ZJU

Student Research Training Program(SRTP), ZJU

Qizhen Cup Debate Competition, 2013 Students Union of College of Civil Engineering and Architecture Debate Club of CCEA, ZJU

ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE Learn to use digital tools and try to apply parametric methods into core studio design.

Qiushi Cup Debate Competition, 2013 Students Union, ZJU

Product Design for Allocacoc

Directed by Pr.Chen Lin, ZJU

Social Practice of Cultural Composition Research, analysis and redesign Paper Cra�ts.


Collaborating with Allocacoc(DesignNEST program) to productize the graduate design.

UIA-HYP CUP 2016 Competition in Architecture Design

i. Assisted with SD and design research for Mr.Ma’s Home. Design the interior furniture using concrete. ii. Created digital model and technical drawings, including sections, details, plans and elevations. iii. Participate in the contruction process of Mr.Ma’s Home

Product Designer, Materialized Coding Toy for Children of School Age

Lanzarote Biennale Exhibition of REDOING LANZAROTE

Architecture & Sustainable Design(ASD), term6 Design Core Studio & BIM courses.


IProject, SUTD-ZJU Student Exchange Program

Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Design

Studio of Design and Innovation(SDI). Based on engineering, social science and design.


Business Innovation & Design, SDI Summer Courses established by TU/e, Philips & IDI


Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Revit, Vray, 3DsMax, Rhinoceros, Grasshopper, SketchUp, Ecotect, AutoCAD, Microso�t O�fice Suite, Python, ArcGIS, Laser Cutting, 3D print

Language: Mandarin: Native English: Proficient

Contents A Mixed Use Development in South Boston

I. Urban Cores in Transition


GSD, 18 Fall, instructed by Linda Pollak / Collaboration with Mingxuan Qin

Corporate Headquarters as Catalyst of City Life

II. Urban Amazon


GSD, 18 Fall, instructed by Linda Pollak / Collaboration with Mingxuan Qin

Movement to Manriquian Style Life

III. Redoing Lanzarote


GSAPP, Advanced Studio 2017 Fall, instructed by AndrĂŠs Jaque / Collaboration with Hector Song

Love Hotel in West Lake International Music Festival

IV. Re-Programming


Competition Project, 2016 Spring / Individual Work

A New Zhaoqing Temple in Hangzhou

V. Memory Retrieval


Core studio Work, 2015 Summer / Collaboration with Yu Yanchen

Residential Complex in Singapore:

VI. Relocation _Poetic Dwelling Exchange Studio in Singapore, 2014 Fall / Individual Work


A Gangster’s Block in Chinatown

VII. Dystopian Resistance


Research Project, 2016 Summer / Collaboration with Yu Yanchen

X Information Modeling

VIII. Form Evaluation


GSAPP, 17 Fall, instructed by Lucien Wilson / Collaboration with Peiyu Ding, Xiaofei Huang

Proposal for Willets Point in NYC

IX. Fourth Nature GSAPP, 18 Spring, instructed by Laurie Hawkinson / Collaboration with Peiyu Ding


I [ Urban Cores in Transition ] A Mixed Use Development in South Boston GSD, Urban Design Core Studio Elements of Urban Design, 2018 Fall Instructor: Linda Pollak Collaborator: Mingxuan Qin My work: Research, Strategy and Concept, Master plan and Architectural Design, all drawings in this work sample

The South Boston context foregrounds several issues for consideration. First, the area’s legacy as a significant industrial hub raises questions regarding different possible approaches to a historical context, that is both relatively recent and industrial in character. For instance, what are the tangible and intangible elements of the historical legacy worth preserving, and in what manner should preservation be facilitated? Second, as South Boston is built almost entirely on reclaimed land, and is located outside the Charles River Dam, development in the area will inevitably involve a degree of risk analysis and mitigation, particularly concerning climate change and rising sea levels, but also issues of pollution, congestion, and housing affordability. Third, as the site sits at the intersection of different urban conditions, most notably between the modern office district emerging in Seaport and fine-grained historical neighborhoods - development in the area will need to consider issues of disparate adjacencies and their resolution. In particular, these considerations extend to remnants of industrial buildings, large-scale transportation infrastructure, and the fine-grained historical neighborhoods towards the south. Fourth and more generally, as is the case in most rapidly transitioning urban cores, the design should respond to the first three considerations by exploring issues of density and block configuration, as well as how the area might accommodate to shifting forces and changes over time.

Utilizing Urban Grids to Create Matrix System a mixed use development consisting of housing and additional complimentary functions.


Master Plan This project creates a systematic transition from the adjacent South Boston residential neighborhood to the Massport industrial shipping site via a series of open space buffer zones that creates a matrix system generating urban form through weaving.


Ground Floor Plan This drawing exhibit the elevation of the love hotel from the entrance view. When night coming, small or formal music festival will be hold, couples can choose the way which they want to spend their time. Sitting on grass and watching the stars, staying in their rooms or dancing in the music hall are all brilliant ways to enjoy their collective happy time.


Typology Study In this project, the transition of urban grids and land uses exists in nine blocks from private residential neighborhood to industrialized harbor zone. These blocks would be identified by different FAR, Open Space Ratio, Programs and Building types.


II [ Urban Amazon ] Corporate Headquarters as Catalyst of City Life GSD, Urban Design Core Studio Elements of Urban Design, 2018 Fall Instructor: Linda Pollak Collaborator: Mingxuan Qin My work: Research, Strategy and Concept, Master plan and Architectural Design, all drawings in this work sample

Nominated for GSD Platform 12

This project proposes a new Amazon Headquarter in East Boston/Revere, which not only meets the requirement for Amazon but also paybacks to local neighborhoods. We envision an Urban Amazon, a corporate Headquarter as a catalyst of city life. A series of comparison study has been conducted including headquarters of Apple, Google and Facebook, which have similar space arrangements, condenses at the center of site, surrounding by oceanic parking lots. They are isolated islands with no contact with local context. A porous and active Headquarter is necessary to benefit the surrounding neighborhoods. In this new headquarter proposal, thickened edges with different active programming will substitute the parking lots as edges. The concentrated buildings in most headquarters will be redistributed into moderate block scale. We want to create some smaller public spaces as the residue of Amazon courtyards. Together with the in-between space connecting to the public corridor, structured a public space system, which further enhanced this interactive space in serving the surrounding neighborhoods. During weekends and nights, these walkable linear parks would lead people to these public spaces, spreading rich city life across the site. With all the benefits to public life and local commerce, this corporate headquarter would be a generator of local urbanization and a catalyst of city life.

Utilizing Boulevards and Anchor Points to Create an soft HQ To envision an Urban Amazon, a corporate Headquarter as a catalyst of city life

Typical Amazon Clusters Even through applying thickened edge and pedestrian corridor, amazon headquarters still concentrates at center as a hard core. So at block scale, several typical amazon clusters are created, each has all the necessary programs with a parking garage, with a private courtyard at center. A private courtyard connects these spaces. And the “bridges� between buildings serve as both interior connector and defender of the private space.


Section Study_ Cutting Thickened Edges The first implementation is to create thickened edges with different programs on each side based on their context. For example, the existing residential blocks are expanded into the site on northeast edge; the existing horse track and its spectator building on the east are transformed into recreation fields with sports facilities. As a result, the thickened edges function as in-between spaces of Amazon and surrounding neighborhoods.


Ground Floor Plan for Amazon Cluster Even through applying thickened edge and pedestrian corridor, amazon headquarters still concentrates at center as a hard core. So, at block scale, several typical amazon clusters are created, each has all the necessary programs with a parking garage, with a private courtyard at center. A private courtyard connects these spaces. And the “bridges� between buildings serve as both interior connector and defender of the private space.


Perspective view of Amazon Corridor There are also some smaller public spaces as the residue of Amazon courtyards. Together with the in-between space connecting to the public corridor, structured a public space system, which further enhanced this interactive space in serving the surrounding neighborhoods. During weekends and nights, these walkable linear parks would lead people to these public spaces, spreading rich city life across the site.


III [ Redoing Lanzarote _Cesar Manriquian] Movement to Manriquian Style Life GSAPP, Architecture Option Studio Redoing Lanzarote, 2017 Fall Instructor: Andrés Jaque Collaborator: Hector Song My work: Research, Book Editing, Strategy and Concept, Urban Plan and Architectural Design, all drawings in this work sample

Published in GSAPP Abstract Exhibited at the Lanzarote Biennale

It seems like Manriquian Movement had already been spreading on the island like a religion. Whenever we mentioned his name to people, they told us are crazily in love with him. César Manrique ’s was considered by Lanzarote people as an Icon, as the father of Lanzarote. But yet in people’s mind, Cesar Manrique was merely a name, a portrait image, a guy who made all the buildings white and green. It is time to remind them about Manriquian ’s ultimate goals: - Develop High Quality Tourism - Protect Lanzarote Natural Beauty To live a Manriquian Style Life is necessary for us, in order to achieve such goals. Manriquian Life Style’s four core values are: - Be Inventive to Make All Natural contexts easier to Inhabit - Live within Nature, being Creative, enjoy Nature, enjoy Being Alive - Sustainable living, using Local Products, Natural Resources and Found Materials - Love Nature, Experience nature from Visual to all Senses

STEP 1_Platform Construction Based on Cesar Manrique ’s Architectural Design Cultural and Natural intervention, Nature Resources and Found Materials, Combination of Art and Nature.

I. MONUMENTO AL CAMPESINO Unification Green+White & Lanza Casa It is a project in which Manrique was trying to concluded the traditional building style into a “Lanza Casa” court yard. The elements or modules are separable. These elements allow us to reprogram the existing ground environment and make it Inhabitable.

II. VALLE MALPASO Abandoned and Geography Viewing Deck & Landsacape Originally it was a shop/viewing deck, but it is now abandoned. From its window you can get a beautiful view looking over the town of Haria, and the mountain ridge. Here you are also closer to the sky and the stars at night.

III. TARO DE TAHICHE Manrique Foundation Manrique's Art and Lava Bubble He found his site randomly while riding with his friend Pepin Ramirez. A fig tree top sticking out of a lava bubble caught his eyes, and there were four other bubbles adjacent to it. The land owner was a family friend, he let Cesar build his house free.

IV. RESTAURANTE EL DIABLO Geology Application Geo-thermal Driven Kitchen In Timafaya, Manrique designed the restaurant. This restaurant was built on active volcanic area that the ground was too hot to dig for a foundation. They had to lay 9 layers of basalt rock on the ground instead. Its kitchen uses volcanic heat to cook food.


V. JARDIN DE CACTUS Renovation Quarry + Cactus Species Manrique introduced a tranquil interspecies relationship in JARDIN DE CACTUS,as another demonstration of Manriquian’s idea of sustainable living.

VI. CASTILLO DE SAN JOSE Cultural Iteration History Military Castle MIAC, originally CASTILLO DE SAN JOSE, a lookout castle during pirate attacks. Renovated by Manrique into a Contemporary Art Museum, housing a great number of permanent collections, now it needs a temporary exhibition space.

VII. MIRADOR DEL RIO Materiality and Geography Viewing Deck on the mountain Built on a cliff, Look over to the El Río, MIRADOR DEL RIO once was a military lookout. The materialization of this project was fascinating, material differences often indicating a tendency of separation between elements.

VIII. JAMEOS DEL AGUA Geology Lava Tunnel and Nature resource His modification to Watery sites are also fantastic. JAMEOS DEL AGUA is part of a lava tube formed by volcanic eruption got refilled by the sea water.


STEP 2_Scenarios of MANRIQUIAN ’s Intervention I. 3D Printing Factory - Monumento Al Campesino We use 3D printing assembly lines, prefabricating all Manrique building elements. The idea is to print Manriquian Manuals that help New Manriquians to be able make homes easier on the ground context of the island, by the same time extremely normalizing the island. Providing unified architectural elements for our other interventions.

II. Cable Car network - Valle Malpaso We see an opportunity to make the sky also Inhabitable for Manriquians, by introducing multiple cable car lines, providing mobilized view access to the beautiful landscape and the sky, making connections between mountains simultaneously.


III. Manriquian ‘s Headquater - Taro de Tahiche

& VI. Exhibition - Castillo de San Jose

A port and a shipping container yard nearby give us New Naturally found materials. We multiply the shipping container ticket booth in front of the museum to make a space for temporary events.

IV. Collective Kitchen and Air Transportation - Restaurante El Diablo One of Lanzarote Tradition that we Manriquians take it as one of our values, is to Sustainably use our own local, found material and found natural resources. Timanfaya’s stores a great amount of earth energy such as Heat Energy and Helium. Instead of the current condition - only use the volcanic earth energy in the kitchen and the heat demonstration tourist shows. We want to use the earth resource to provide energy for the collective lava bubble housing unit.


IV [ Re-Programming] Love Hotel in West Lake International Music Festival ZJU, Architecture Option Studio Competition Group, Digital Lab, 2016 Spring Instructor: Lin Chen Individual work

Love Hotel is a place to collectively express love freely. But in China, the love hotel industry is in an awkward position, as lovers in China normally are not used to going to love hotel. Therefore I reprogrammed the love hotel with music festival. During the music festival, the young generation are allowed to freely express feelings and affections, and to sense the thrill brought by the surrounding music, while immersed in the stunning scenery of the West Lake. Motel or some kind of hotels have the potential to become generator of new relationships between man and women. Music festival is the place surrounded with passion and freedom. People shows their truest faces there. The logic of the master plan is to put hotel rooms on top of public spaces. And there are three types of room, which developed from the phase of “Love”. The research of type “acquaintance” is conducted in the aspect of the width and shape of narrow space. The research of type “strengthen” is conducted to find the method how to divide sleeping space. The research of type “refresh” is conducted in the aspect of the openness and brightness of space.

Strategy of Reprogramming The residential types were conducted related to the narrowness, division and exposure. Eight different activity containers are constructed under three types of love hotels

1. Open-air Cinema

2. Coffee & Restaurant

3. CD Retail & Bike Rent

4. Shared Open Floor

5. Reception Center

6. Storage & Logistics

7. Vertical Transportation

8. Musician's Stage



TYPE “Acquaintance”

Interior View 1: Youngsters meet in the narrow space


TYPE “Strengthen”

Interior View 2: Fresh couple attract each other.


The first interior view is related to type “acquaintance”, which are designed for the single youth who come to west lake music festival. These single adolescence are passionate and want to find their mate, thereby the narrow corridor and stairs enabling them to confront and communicate with people they don’t know before. And the conversation may well begin like “sorry to bother you”.

The second interior view are designed for the fresh couple who just become couple but don’t want to sleep on one bed. These fresh couples come to west lake music festival to enjoy music and “strengthen” their relationship. Therefore this project provides them with the opportunities to live in one room but on two beds. They may will be motivated by the music and “strengthen” their relationship.

TYPE “Refresh”

Interior View 3: Couple make love under risks of exposure

The type “refresh” are programmed for the couples who may be lost their romance or passion. They come to the music festival because of collective interest. Consequently, this residential type construct two kinds of space for their daily life and private life. The out part are enclosed by glass so it is open and can be seen by passerby, so they may well want to come to the inner room which is enclosed by concrete wall to do their things.



Exterior View of Love Hotel This drawing exhibit the elevation of the love hotel from the entrance view. When night coming, small or formal music festival will be hold, couples can choose the way which they want to spend their time. Sitting on grass and watching the stars, staying in their rooms or dancing in the music hall are all brilliant ways to enjoy their collective happy time.



View inside Love Hotel The final interior view outlines an imagining picture that an young women standing close to the window and watching the fireworks where is hold an music festival. The clothes on the floor and ties on the bed imply she may well have made love with her boyfriend. The love hotel could led young people to experience heartfelt of the music and love.


V [ Memory Retrieval ] A New Zhaoqing Temple in Hangzhou ZJU, Architecture Core Studio Urban Complex Studio, 2015 Fall Instructor: Zhi Qiu Collaborator: Yanchen Yu My work: Research, Site Analysis, Strategy and Concept, Architectural Design, all drawings in this work sample

At the former site of this architecture, there was a large Buddhist temple called Zhaoqing Temple. Reconstruction of Zhaoqing Temple Architecture is a container to stimulate event in case the local religion dies as the old temple is gone. Also it will bring vigorous development to the city as the traditional religious place and public space for activities are regenerated. It used to be the origin of missionary activities for the ancient Chinese and a traditional market where common people came to buy articles of daily use or enjoy the traditional Chinese opera. However this Zhaoqing Temple was destroyed as time passed by. We intend to rebuild this place to make the famous religious site and popular life area appear again. With these old pictures of the traditional and conventional temple and monks, we can have a knowledge of the space where they live and the responsiblities which they take. We consequently can rebuilt the temple in the modern context while in conventional living pattern. A long narrow bridge is designed along the former road of that traditional market and the main temple is reconstructed at the path where monks used to go up into the mountain. The new temple is designed next to the original site because the site is built with other architectures now. New context require the transformation of the site and the sequence of the Temple.

Sequence in Temporarily and Space Rebuilding Zhaoqing Temple in Modern Context

Period 1: 500

Period 2: 1000

Period 3: 1500

Period 4: 1800

Period 5: 1950

Period 6: 2015

It used to be the origin of missionary activities for the ancient Chinese and a traditional market where common people came to buy articles of daily use or enjoy the traditional Chinese opera. However this Zhaoqing Temple was destroyed as time passed by.


Typology of Frame the View in the Temple Framing view is the basic strategies to manage the scenes and this temple. There are six typical space typologies listed as below.














Ground Floor Sequence of view Typology of Plan, Frame the View in theprovide Temple There are heritage rain trees in the site, which residents with open shaded space. Meanwhile, the Singapore Botanic Gardens, is not too far down the Holland Road. A long narrow bridge is designed along the former road of that traditional market and the main temple is reconstructed at the path where monks used to go up into the mountain.

3 2

4 6 5






1. Viewing Deck 2. Meditation Room 3. Stairs to the Mountain 4. Depositarry of Buddhist Texts 5. Buddhist School 6. Rice Field 7. Meditation Room 8. Hall for Worshipping the Buddha 9. Residence for Monks 10. Tearoom


Inner Yard & Buddhist Depositary The intersection of two linear space creates several courtyards, connecting different parts of the temple. The architecture could be understood as either a linear system intersect the mountain or sparse geometry distributing on it.

Front Yard and Temple Hall The double layers system create a double spatial experience - the linear peaceful interior Versus the integrating open exterior.


Section Study for Space Series The combination of space form, space size, the light and shadow enable the long linear architecture generates various and intriguing results. We conduct a section study to illustrate that series.

Section 1 - Store

Section 2 - Entrance

Section 3 - Residence

Section 4 - Bridge

Section 5 - Wind Bells

Section 6 - Tea Room

Section 7 - Corridor

Section 8 - Temple

Section 9 - Viewing

Section 10 - Ritual

Section 11 - Deck

Section 12 - Meditation

The section of the series could be also read as the space between the three lines - the skyline, the bottom line, and the topography outline.


Physical Model - Elevation The elevation of the physical model illustrate the building’s connection to the ground in a continuous view. And also, we can learn about several tactic about its corresponding to the outside view. For example, the monks' residence are built overhead the mountain. From inside, people could overlook the German Oaks below.

Physical Model - Bird-view The linear shape brings a strong sense of sequence for space experiencing and we investigated into various forms of such space in response to different physical environment a, creating a sequence from both inside and outside of the architecture. Such sequence creates an spontaneous order for the visitors when wandering inside.


VI [ Relocation _Poetic Dwelling] Residential Complex in Singapore SUTD, Exchange Semester ASD (Architecture and Sustainable Design) Core studio 3, 2014 Fall Instructor: Pauline Ang Individual work

Model Exhibited at the SUTD

Singapore are developed from a poverty-stricken colony which have low greening rate. Since the foundation of the country, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew lead Singaporean protect environment and plants trees, thereby enabling Singapore to become a Garden City. Apartment is the home to most urban residents. In the past few decades, many cities and areas all devote to provide citizens with just basic residential place. However, apartments nowadays should be a sustainable and comfortable habitat for residents. Singapore HDB which was established to develop public housing now make many areas in Singapore the same and cannot provide residents with enough public space. To develop City in A Garden, Singapore need to exploit new styles of residence. There are heritage rain trees in the site, which provide residents with open shaded space. Meanwhile, the Singapore Botanic Gardens, is not too far down the Holland Road. Therefore, I want to make the new apartment the continuity of nature. In particular, the residential space would be relocated to the upper branches of tree buildings which will also create shaded public space like what natural trees do.

Block Cluster-type and Development in Singapore Residential Complex amid the Tree Canopy




The site lacks green plants before and is a Gradually Singaporean plants numerous The HDB flats are constructed to provide small and obscure village. trees in their living community. Singaporean with cheap apartment.




The government are planning to build a resi- The new apartment need to built avoiding Tree apartments recreate outdoor shaded dential complex here, cutting trees. cutting too many trees. space, connect HDB to Holland Village.

A 1













Ground Floor Plan - Planning with context There are heritage rain trees in the site, which provide residents with open shaded space. This masterplan create new apartment avoiding cutting these old rain trees.


Navigation for the Residential Strategy There are twenty basic programmings in this residential complex which are marked in the diagrams 1. And the residential complex are composed with Tree Cluster A and Tree Cluster B which illustrate with the navigation diagrams.





Outdoor View of Tree apartment This picture illustrate the scene what residents here could see when they are go back to their home. The space and road near the building are shaded by both tree apartment and trees.

Interior View of Tree Apartment With the view in a normal type, we can appreciate the intriguing and beautiful outdoor space, know more about the Facade strategies in this program and recognize the tactics of planting.


VI [ Dystopian Resistance ] A Gangster’s Block in Chinatown Research Project 2016 Summer Instructor: Zhi Qiu Collaborator: Yanchen Yu My work: Research, Site Analysis, Strategy and Concept, Architectural Design, all drawings in this work sample

The establishment of gangsters’ community is to compete with gentrification in Boston. This new block is organized with three streamlines of different people. Various streamlines get integrated by gangs process & ritual process called Shao Wangchuan. Gangsters in their community, culture lost and issues concerning gentrification are all the urgent problems to be tackled with. In confront with the negative effect of gentrification [capitalists moving back to the city, causing an increase in housing prices, expelling the residents out of their original dwellings], gangsters will maintain a complete ordered community while being extremely violent outside. The complex system is combined of two processes - gangs process and ritual process. The programming of these two processes is aimed at classifying different behaviors and grouping the similar ones. With the strategy analyzed above, it is the overlap region of rite programming and gangster’s programming that construct and maintain this anti-utopia community. Consequently, we careful conduct a research about their common space. Typology of these overlap regions prohibits core activities in the community and represents the main compositions of the architecture. The rest parts of the building are added as accessories around these core volumes. With the combination of the gangsters’ need and the religious requirements, my partner and I want to reorganized their programmings, including safe house, secrete tunnel, illegal factory and industry, niche for King, hall for ceremony. Consequently, we conduct a study about the space prototype which have functions in gangsters’ activity, illegal industry, ordinary people’s life and religion. There are eight red core prototype in all.

Gentrification Versus Gangster’s Block in Chinatown An Overlapping Region of Ritual & Gangsters’ Programming

The establishment of gangsters’ community is to compete with gentrification in Boston. This new block is organized with three streamlines of different people. Various streamlines get integrated by gangs process & ritual process called Shao Wangchuan.


Section Study of Rite Hall The section, noting the structure and special transportation space with red, prohibits the complex core volumes. Such volumes are organized through the whole system vertically and horizontally. This network is used as a second transportation system combining the streamlines related three kinds of people. Also it is used as main structure to support the architecture and isolate the gangs’ spaces from others.


VII [ Form Evaluation ] GSAPP, Elective Course, 17 Fall, instructed by Lucien Wilson / Collaboration with Peiyu Ding, Xiaofei Huang Location: Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China Architect: Undergraduate Final Thesis of Jichao Sun Building Type: Residential+Commercial Complex FAR: 2.1, GFA: 48500 sqm Programming: Residential, Commercial, Office, Cultural Recreation, Public Plaza Parking: 20+100(Underground)

Variation Several Variations allow us to control the basic shape of the project with simple inputting data. Also we can get the evaluations of different shapes on the list.

Tower Location

XY Dimension

Z Dimension



Evaluation View Condition of Two Towers

Sunlight Hours of Existing Residential Building

View Condition of Roof Corridor (Panorama)

Shading Hours of Plaza


VIII [ Fourth Nature ] Proposal for Willets Point in NYC GSAPP, Architecture Option Studio Wasteland: Re-Engineering Willets Point, 2018 Spring Instructor: Laurie Hawkinson, Galen Pardee Collaborator: Peiyu Ding My work: Research, Mapping, Strategy and Concept, Architectural Design and Rendering Published in GSAPP Abstract


The project is to design a promising planning for Willets Point, also known as Iron Triangle. The site was occupied by the auto industries, which thrive the site, while poison it simultaneously. According to the toxic research of site, the first step will focus on the soil and water remediation process, turning iron triangle to clean park to super clean park. For final purpose, this isolated site will be relinked to its surrounding ecosystem and social system, offering a new prototype of fourth nature, a new nature combined with high tech, a park for the future. The first nature is pure nature, the second nature is agriculture, the third nature is artificial garden, while our design is the new prototype of fourth nature. Natures are monitored and controlled, ecologies are amplified or manufactured, with the intent of augmenting performance and responsiveness, controlling the flow of resources, monitoring data or redressing environmental imbalances.


( 2012-2019 )

ARCHITECTURE PROJECT & URBAN DESIGN [ REORGANIZATION ] PORTFOLIO OF SUN JICHAO [Address] 295 Harvard St, Apt704, Cambridge, MA 02139 [Email] [Telephone] +1 3476978011

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