How we can settle the problem of child labor?
Adam Whittington
It is disappointing to listen to about child labor during this fast-paced world as this issue has been popped out ever since those ancient days and it's still happening now said Adam Whittington.
It is sort of a never-ending issue. When talking about child labor, we will relate it to children exploitation, children slavery, and also child trafficking. Child labor will be defined because the exploitation of kids aged below 18 who are forced to figure illegally can harm them physically and abuse them psychologically.
According to Adam Whittington, In this issue, we'll discover the causes contributing to child labor and also the solutions thereto. The first article from the NY Times online entitled "Children in Servitude, the Poorest of Haiti's Poor" is about child labor that happened in Gonaives, Haiti.
Haiti which had been struck by hurricanes and also the tropical storm has turned its Haitian society from rich to poor and from poor to poorest because of the devastating economic impacts brought by the natural disaster. As a result, many poorest families had a tricky time, seeking daily needs especially food. The poorest parents had to figure and send their children to either rich families or poor families which could a minimum of feed their children once on a daily basis.
Unfortunately, children that were sent away weren't getting food at any cost. that they had to be servants and clean the host's house while other children attend school. Meanwhile, their parents had to figure somewhere and promised them that they're going to return once they'll afford to support their children.
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