2 minute read

What was the most significant thing that happened to you this past week?

The Importance of Making a Determined Effort

Facilitator Instructions: The words in italic are possible answers you are looking for as you lead the discussion. Give a number of people time to answer the questions before you try to answer the question. Also, always have group members look up the Scriptures in their Bibles while one group member reads.


As you lead the discussion, be open to the Holy Spirit and what He is doing during the meeting. You may never get beyond one or two questions if they are provoking a great discussion. It may also be that someone in the group needs important ministry because of what the discussion opened in their heart. Take the time to allow the Holy Spirit to minister the person through your group members.

Ice Breaker: What is something in your life that you have had to make a determined effort in order to see some positive results?

Bible Study Discussion: The importance of Making a Determined Effort.

How does determination relate to your walk with the Lord and being successful at it?

Facilitator: Let group members answer the question then share the answer below as well.

You can have plenty of vision, insight and purpose, but without determination you will not get the job done. When your vision and purpose fail, your determination must kick in to keep you going in the midst of doubt and uncertainty.

Facilitator: Have one of your group members read the Scripture below and then ask the following questions.

Proverbs 4:23-27 Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life. Put away from you a deceitful mouth, and put perverse lips far from you. Let your eyes look straight ahead, and your eyelids look right before you. Ponder the path of your feet, and let

all your ways be established. Do not turn to the right or the left; remove your foot from


What does the above Scripture have to do with determination?

What does it mean to ponder the path of your feet?

Give a definition of what you think determination is?

Determination is the inner fortitude and strength of character – being disciplined to remain consistent, strong and diligent regardless of the odds or the demands.

Determination is the act of deciding definitely and firmly, or coming to a resolve. Determination is acting in faith when we temporarily lose sight of where we are going.

 Are there things in your lives that you have had to come to a firm resolve about? Facilitator: Share the following before the next question.

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