Adaptive Evolves

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Adaptive and Personal Evolution

Marek Wierzbicki DACH Recruitment Director T.: +49 30 34 06 89 39 M.: +49 174 657 6205 Skype: marek.adaptivede

Currently a Director Level II, Marek has grown in parallel with Adaptive Digital, specifically in the Berlin office. Acting as essentially the heart and soul of the Berlin office, he has seen it through moves, staffing changes, the introduction of new divisions, and so much more. Both personally and professionally, he is in almost an entirely different place than he was when he first started. In his role he has faced shifts in number of individuals he manages, figures he must achieve, office size, and stepping into something of an administrative office position. Personally, he has added two children to his life and started out by entirely relocating to Berlin to even start the job in the first place. When we spoke about the space and industry, the way in which that has changed he discussed technology, saturation and so many other challenges such as managing time, keeping up motivation and using all your resources effectively. All of this was interesting, but definitely not my main takeaway. During our conversation, we spent a lot of time speaking about what was different, what had changed and how Adaptive had evolved, which was originally the topic of concern, but what stuck with me after I spoke with Marek was everything he told me that was still the same. When I first reached out to him about this topic, his initial response was “David is still David and Ben is still Ben.” I chuckled at that, but really, in essence, he was telling me that at its very core Adaptive is just as it always has been. Although it has evolved and grown with time, the vision and values of the company have held strong, guiding these very advances. “I remember when I joined the company, and we were sitting in two offices. It was pretty much a start-up, just London and Berlin, in a completely different spot than it is now. In my first conversation with David, I remember passion, big plans, vision, this guy who was telling me about being the best on the planet and growing this. That has never changed.” It was moving to hear firsthand that the only

aspect of that foundational mission that has changed is just that we as a company are closer to achieving it. He went on to say “the company is becoming everything he wanted it to be, everything people like myself believe in too, a business based on people and people’s passion.” Seeing the figures grow and come to life over the past years has been Marek’s most rewarding experience. Specifically, achieving those for himself so he can hear the Polish national anthem play as his placement song each time. The joy in these little things, and love for the never-ending challenge Adaptive provides, is what has made Marek such a crucial part of the progress over the years .In 2020 his goal is $1M in revenue for his team, but for everyone in the company, it is to understand that weekly KPIs are not the sole or only cornerstone of success. They are a helpful tool to keep you on track, but the big picture is far more important. “Don’t treat it as a month to month gig, treat it as a business you are growing. A lot of times it’s easier to think about the next CV than the next six months, but make yourself do so.” Impatience is easy, but a true visionary is not generated like this. Whether it’s insight on Adaptive history, the digital space or the Berlin real estate market, Marek is full of tons of valuable information! Shoot him a message, it’s guaranteed to generate a genuine response to any question you may have! Reach out – thanks for sharing Marek!

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