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1. TOPIC “REJUVENATING HERITAGE PRECINCTS, BY HARMONIOUSLY UNITING IT WITH BUILT SPACES” 2. INTRODUCTION In India history and tradition both have their roots in the past, “but history for its inability to adapt to the changed time, is rendered obsolete as fossiled remains of a bygone era”. Common man is not aware of the existence of such historical precinct, nor is he aware of such historical importance of these sites. They are first looked up as piece of art or remnant of a bygone era. The level of achievement of a city can be viewed from its architectural coordination between the built environment and open spaces. Adaptive reuse Adaptive reuse refers to the process of reusing an old site or building for a purpose other than which it was built or designed. Building adaptive reuse is a viable alternative to demolition and replacement. As it entails less energy and waste, and can offer social benefits by revitalizing familiar landmarks and giving them a new lease of life. It is defined as “a significant change to an existing building function when the former function has become obsolete”. Adaptive reuse is relevant to the current climate change adaptation agenda due to its ability to recycle resources in place. It has been said that the greenest buildings are the ones that we already have.

3. AIM: To retain and sympathetically reuse significant existing historic fabric and harmoniously unite it with the new built and open spaces.

4. Objectives of Thesis -To preserve and reuse the existing building and propose revitalisation of the heritage precincts. -To study about the gradual change from past to present in the construction

techniques and


-To use the surrounding area more effectively this will benefit the local people by

providing employment, recreational space, and heritage centre or art gallery.


5. METHODOLOGY 5.1 LITERATURE REVIEW 5.11 Keywords HERITAGE: any property, especially land, that devolves by right of inheritance. HERITAGE PRECINCTS: A Heritage Precinct is an area that has been found to have heritage significance for aesthetic, architectural, historic, scientific, social and/or spiritual reasons. REJUVENATION: To restore to an original or new condition. CONSERVATION: The preservation of a physical quantity during transformations or reasons. HARMONIOUS: Having components pleasingly or appropriately combined.

5.12 Historical aspects of the topic Historical aspect mainly deals with the study of evolution of preservation of heritage

precincts. 5.13 Contemporary stands on topic Contemporary stands on the topic deals with the study of architectural interventions and rejuvenation of heritage precincts in the present.

5.14 Opinions of expert on the field Opinions of the experts like architects, socialists, conservists, thinkers regarding historical aspects and contemporary stands.

5.2 CASE STUDIES 5.21 Live case studies -Jadhav Gadh, Pune

This case study is been taken to understand the internal changes that are been made inside the fort and how they have brought back the Maratha Culture inside a hotel.

-Aga Khan Museum, Pune or Gandhi Smarak, Ahmedabad. This case study is been taken to understand the relation between existing

built spaces and new built spaces. -Freedom park, Bangalore This case study is been chosen to understand how old central jail was been converted into a publicly opened park. This premise consists of Asoka Pillar, Amphitheatre, Jail Museum, Sculpture court, Barracks, Watch Tower, Children playing area, People Courtyard, Water Fountain, Book Museum, Cafeteria which was not operational during visit, Art and Craft Bazaar, Toilets, and Parking space.

5.22 Literature study

-KOLUMBO MUSEUM, Germany This museum was basically a church which was been converted or adaptively reused as a museum. -LOURVE PALACE MUSEUM, PARIS In this example, the heritage precincts is been used as a museum which is now famous all through out the world.

5.3 SITE STUDY 5.4 Program formulation The programs are formulated to fulfil the aims of the project. It can be a museum,

art gallery, a memorial, all together it will be a heritage hub. Tentative site: Panhala or Vaccine depot. 5.5 Library study -Time Saver’s Standards -Architectural standard-Ernst and Peter Neufert - Architect’s Data 5.6 Concept and design

6. CONCLUSION Rejuvenation of heritage precincts will preserve heritage, create awareness of history and historical importance, and strengthen the traditional values for future generation.


Architecture Reborn: Converting Old Buildings for New Uses Author: Kennet adaptive reuse architecture thesis - Google Search louvre inverted pyramid mary magdalene - Google Search adaptive reuse of monument in india architectural - Google Search

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