Merry Christmas from Adarga

Page 1

Current State

0 0 18 3 20 19 5 12 2 15 25 8 13 22 9 17 11 23 6 4 21 1 16 14 7 10 26 24

Current Character (in quote) T h n e -

e w


s a h

• I

n C •


n y h -



g m 0

a •




New Character

New State

H a r

0 1 19 4 21 20 6 13 3 16 26 9 14 23 10 18 12 24 7 5 22 2 17 15 8 11


s •



f e


n LI

m d h r a w a t V

C I 0

e HALT s


You are trying to decode a Christmas message from Adarga hidden within the Alan Turing quote →. You will use the decoding tool on the left to turn each 'current character' from the quote into a 'new character'. You wil I need a pen to fil I in the blanks to your right. 1. Establish your 'current state' in the table on the left. In this case you will start with 0. 2. Establish your 'current character' from the quote . In this case it is 'T', where you will begin. 3. Identify the row in the table that contains your 'current state' and 'current character'. In this case it is row 1 where you have 'O' and 'T'. 4. This row will provide you with your 'new character'. Note this down to your right. In this case it is 'H'. 5. Using the same row, identify your 'new state'. In this case it is 0. Row 1 is now complete. 6. Y our 'new state' then becomes your 'current state' which you search for in the table and line up with the next 'current character' from the quote. In this case you line up 'O' with 'h'. Therefore row 2 will provide you with your 'new character' and consequent 'new state'. 7. Repeat until the code says HALT and you have uncovered Adarga's Christmas message. Note: Work from left to right, looking at one character at a time. You must always start with your current state. Make sure your 'current state' is lined up with your 'current character' as there will be multiple current state options.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Warmest wishes from everyone at Adarga

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