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National President’s Message
Iam happy to advise members as we move into Spring, that the member application and renewal processes are now well embedded through the new platform, IHEA Connect, and the IHEA website. I would like to apologise for the long drawn-out process of renewals that were badly impacted by the migration process. In our last journal and at the national conference in Perth in May, a lot had been said about bringing together IHEA Connect and our membership renewal process, through which a number of benefits to members would be delivered including monthly direct debits for member subscriptions.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing, and what was not as clear as it might have been, was the level of complexity in linking our banking system with the online payment interface and establishing communication with the accounting system and the membership portal. Despite our best efforts in robustly testing a ‘sandbox version’, once the production system went live, some settings were not correct causing the renewal process to hit some speed-bumps that required a pause in taking payments. Some members were inconvenienced by these issues, for which I apologise unreservedly. The membership services team have been working hard to resolve all issues this transition created, however if you are still experiencing difficulties please reach out to the team.
I am happy to advise that all processing issues have been resolved and IHEA Connect in both the website version and the mobile application are functioning as intended for membership renewals and new applications. With these delays, the use of IHEA Connect for member notification has been paused, however the recording of learning and development activities is now better than ever. The CPD points have been reset with the 2022 membership renewal cycle, as the two year cycle from initial launch has now passed. Previous learning activities have been archived and will be available once matched to IHEA Connect.
Members are encouraged to capture their IHEA Branch activities, and other professional development activities within IHEA Connect. You can log into the membership system and update your contact details and review your learning progress by clicking on ‘Member Login’ at www.ihea.org.au or on the Android or iOS application available from your devices app store. Remember if you previously installed the old IHEA LDP app, you must delete this and download and install the new IHEA app. If you require any assistance with login credentials or other membership enquiries please email Member Support at ihea.members@ihea.org.au or call on 1300 929 508. There has been a lot of individual communication in resolving the above issues, so please be patient with the team responding to emails and calls.
The 2023 IHEA National Conference details are about to be released – but the short version is that the Conference will be held in Adelaide in late May…keep an eye out for details soon to be shared. We look forward to continuing to support member activities, especially learning and development opportunities and connection with sponsors and organisations that provide services to the healthcare engineering professionals that IHEA represents.
Importantly, members should have received an e-Bulletin advising of a series of webinars and lunch-time meetings being coordinated by the Vic-Tas branch and there is considerable interest from a number of suppliers to promote technology and solutions, compliance and sustainability opportunities through this series of online webinars.